Heat and cough in the baby

The child has a high fever cough / How to knock down the temperature with folk remedies

It's time to fall and winter - add to all the hassle, "give" the temperature. cough, runny nose... Catch a virus at this time of year is not difficult - rather the opposite. So we get help from pharmacies, then buy antipyretic drugs, then from cough, then from the cold. Although the temperature is a natural reaction of the body to the virus - producing interferon, the body develops immunity against this virus. And is it worth while getting involved in medicine, chemistry? Maybe it's better to find out: how to knock down the temperature by folk remedies, if the child has a high fever cough. So to knock down the temperature is not at all difficult, but most importantly it is safe and cheap.

What if the child has cough and fever?

Immediately it is worthwhile to call the doctor on the house so that he will examine the baby and prescribe the necessary preparations. Self-medication in this case may be unsafe.

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The appearance of a cough to some extent seems to be a slight increase in temperature, since both are considered a manifestation of the protective function of the body. Therefore, if your child has only a little fever, then it should not be knocked down in any case. It's the same with a cough: sometimes there are situations when it is caused by the protective mechanism of the body and, therefore, it is not necessary to treat it.

If the child has a fever, then most likely it is caused by an airway disease. Before you start treatment, you should definitely take your baby to a therapist and find out the true cause of the illness.

Most often, cough and temperature are caused by 2 reasons:

1. colds (ARI);

2. acute bronchitis.

How to knock down the temperature with folk remedies and cure cough?

Treatment of cough and temperature in a child. What should I do first? The entire treatment process can be divided into several stages:

1. Stage. After you have found out its reason, it is possible to begin treatment. The most important moment in the treatment of a child is coziness and peace. First of all, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the recovery of the baby. Eliminate such irritants as noise, sharp and strong light, as they can themselves provoke an ailment.

2. Stage. What to do in the second turn? The next point in the treatment is the provision of proper and rational nutrition. This can include both different dishes, and special drinks, that is, drink. Food should be high in calories and useful. The liquid should enter the body in large quantities and warm, as it prevents dehydration of the body against the background of high temperature, speeds up the release of mucus from the bronchi. The most useful is a drink containing mineral waters that restore the body's water balance, dilute and excrete phlegm, accelerate recovery.

First aid for a child with high fever and cough

1. When the body temperature rises, do not try to give the child immediately to drink antipyretic tablets, experts recommend that the temperature be brought down, if it did not reach 3 degrees. In these conditions, the body struggles with the infection, and if the temperature rises further, then it is necessary take medication, but if it keeps to this level, it means that the body is strong enough and is itself confronted disease.

2. A baby with a high body temperature can be wiped with a raster of vinegar, this will knock it down a bit.

3. Cough is best treated with syrups, however, before starting to take any medicine it is better to consult with a specialist. If the child has an allergy to some components, then carefully read the composition. The dosage prescribed in the instructions must be strictly observed. Even a small overdose can cause severe side effects.

4. It is best to cure a child with folk remedies. For example, black radish with honey, or rather its juice is very good and quickly cured from a strong productive cough, the effect of such a drug is aimed at increased formation and dilution of sputum, and improves its output out.

5. Radish well wash from the ground and dirt. Then cut the top and bottom, cut a little. In the middle, make a cone-shaped neckline, the depth of which will be 2/3 of the root, but do not make a hole through. In this hollow place honey, top cover with a cut top, and put in a large deep dish or glass. Take an awl and pierce through the roots, this will speed up the formation of a medicinal liquid. After 6 hours, a gram of liquid 35 is already formed, which must be given. Give this folk remedy three times a day for six teaspoons before meals, the cough will disappear in three days.

6. From a strong cough in a child burnt sugar, dissolved in water, helps well. If you drink this liquid several times a day, it will improve the sputum discharge.

7. If the child has a high fever cough, the main thing is to coordinate all your actions with the doctor so that the treatment does not cause harm.

Folk remedies for coughing and for knocking down the temperature

1. So, firstly, to bring down the temperature, you need to look at the thermometer in the room and adjust the temperature to a mark of a maximum of 22 degrees Celsius.

2. Secondly, the air in the room is moistened, and check the barometer reading: from 40 to 60. More - not scary, less - close the battery, put water in the room.

3. How to knock down the temperature by popular means? Thirdly, clothes on the sick person should be made from natural fabrics, and the patient should not be hot. If you want to bring down the temperature, let the body produce heat exchange. Warm, "not breathing" clothing prevents this.

4. Fourthly, when asked how to knock down the temperature by folk remedies, every second person will say that it is necessary to rub the patient's body with a solution of water and vodka.

Take note. Vodka is needed in order to accelerate evaporation (the principle of sweating: sweat stood out - the body gets cool). But, for grinding to knock down the temperature, the product of not the best quality is often taken, which means that harmful substances can get to the sick person through the skin. And, if it is a child, then remember: this folk remedy can cause a burn on the skin. Therefore, it is better to use simply water - it also evaporates, but for a couple of minutes longer than with alcohol.

5. Fifth, we accept food if you really want to eat, but in small quantities and not fat. Digesting food, starts the process of metabolism, and it raises the temperature.

6. How to knock down the temperature by popular means? Sixthly, we drink and drink and drink again. Try to drink 200 ml of warm liquid every 20 minutes. Drink water, tea (with lemon, raspberries, etc.). Until the evening you will not really like to drink, but the temperature is effectively reduced.

7. If there is a possibility for coughing and temperature in a child, do not miss a walk in the street, at least passive, ventilate the room.

Caution! Any of the methods for knocking down the temperature and treating a cough is good, if you are confident that you are dealing with a virus, otherwise, to knock down the temperature better under the supervision of a doctor.

Be healthy! Let the mark on your thermometer does not rise above 36 and 8.


The child has a cough and fever

Barking cough and fever are quite common in a child. These symptoms can be a manifestation of both cold and infectious disease, and in some cases - the manifestation of an allergic reaction. That is why it is very important to establish exactly the reason for their appearance. What diseases can cause dry cough in children?

When a child has a cough, and still a fever, the first thought that occurs in the mother is a cold. In most cases, infection is the cause of these phenomena.

With laryngitis or pharyngitis, when there is inflammation of the mucous larynx and pharynx, the child has a cough and high fever. In such cases, the cause of barking cough is inflammation and swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa. In the future, there is a large amount of mucous, which is separated in the region of the vocal cords. It is she, overlapping the laryngeal lumen, often leads to the development of attacks of suffocation.

The main role in the emergence of this pathology belongs to parainfluenza, adenoviruses, as well as respiratory syncytial viruses. Due to the fact that in children under 5 years of age the larynx is much narrower than in adults, viruses, easily causing swelling, cover its lumen. It is because of this that inhaled air can not enter the lungs, and the child suffers an attack of suffocation. Often the voice of the baby changes: coarsening, becomes hoarse, and sometimes - completely disappears. In such situations, you need to urgently go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

The presence of a damp cough in a child with fever may indicate the development of bronchitis. In this case, first cough is dry and only after taking medications, sputum is separated from the bronchi.

What if the baby has a cough and a fever?If the child has a prolonged time a severe dry cough and the temperature rises, the mother should urgently consult a doctor and not in any case not engage in self-medication. In order to alleviate the suffering of the baby, with a dry cough, you can give him more warm drink: tea, compote. If the temperature is above 38 degrees, give paracetamol and call the doctor at home. There is nothing more to be done, because not knowing exactly the cause of these symptoms, you can only harm the health of the baby. The main task of the mother, in such situations, is the full observance of medical instructions and recommendations.


Barking cough and temperature in the child, how to treat?

Barking cough with high temperature is dangerous to health, because it does not protect the body, it does not help to remove mucus from organism, it can lead to serious complications, especially in the child, because they have a weakened respiratory musculature. Barking cough in a child is often dry, may result in nausea, vomiting, it is dangerous when due to it the child may suffocate because breathing stops, this happens in children who are sick whooping cough.

When coughing the airways can swell, because of this the lumen narrows. The child begins to suffocate, his breathing becomes heavier, the voice coarsens. The barking coughing attack is most often sudden, in this situation it is urgent to hospitalize the child.

The causes of barking cough and temperature in a child

1. Because of a cold, a viral infection.

2. Allergic reaction.

3. Laryngitis.

4. Pharyngitis.

5. Acute laryngotracheitis stenosing type, because of the virus swollen larynx, vocal cords, the disease is most often provoked by adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, allergies.

6. Due to diphtheria, whooping cough, which are rare diseases, but proceed quite heavily. It is important to start treatment on time so that the child does not suffocate

Especially dangerous is coughing in children of the first year of life, it causes a severe inflammatory process, after swelling of the mucosa in the trachea. At some children, the larynx first swells, then there is a barking cough.

Note that a child who is not yet 5 years old has a narrow larynx, because of this, when it gets into it virus, it can swell, the larynx is blocked, the lungs are not filled with enough air, the baby can suffocating.

Symptoms accompanying barking cough

In addition to the fact that cough is coarse and dry, the body temperature can rise, the child loses voice. This cough produces an unpleasant whistle. Often there may be shortness of breath, in which the child pales face.

At night cough, there may be suffocation, so the child can often wake up, in this situation you need to consult a doctor if it becomes worse for the child, call an ambulance help.

It is dangerous to independently cough a child with an allergic. Watch the child's temperature. The doctor is obliged to listen to the bronchi, lungs, carefully look at the throat, often the heat is provoked by the inflammatory process in the throat.

The child will need to take laboratory tests of blood, undergo an x-ray. Barking cough can not be treated until the exact diagnosis is made, so it can only aggravate the disease.

Treatment of barking cough with child temperature

1. Ensure the child peace of mind, pay attention when the child begins to worry, coughing is only further aggravated, because the larynx starts to contract, the child suffocates. Do not allow the child to run, as severe dyspnea may appear.

2. Inhalation effectively helps, most suitable for barking cough steam. Use for them potatoes, chamomile, sage, you can have different sunflower oil, good for soda. After the mixture boils, you need to screw the fire, bring the child to the stove, he should breathe in pairs. Young children are advised to bring in a bath, which must be preheated with boiling water. When the air is warm and moist, the cough can soften, it becomes much easier to breathe.

3. To soften the cough it is possible with the help of expectorants of Herbion, Proppan, etc.

4. It is important when barking cough to give a child antihistamines - Loratidine, Suprastin, Tavegil, Tsetrin. To small children in syrup, and adults in tablets.

5. Undress the baby, so the temperature will fall faster and the baby will feel better breathing, clothes restrict his respiratory system.

6. The child should drink warm drinks, natural juice, milk, tea. Decoction of chamomile, linden, rose hips. With the help of warm drinking, you can withdraw excess sputum, warn your child against dehydration.

7. Ventilate the room, do not have dry air in it, moisten it. So barking cough will quickly pass.

8. In cases of high temperature, up to 3, do not shoot down, but you need to knock down above. To do this, use antipyretic drugs, carefully with them, they strongly affect the liver.

9. Barking cough can be cured by warming up procedures, they can be used then, if not temperatures, for this use mustard plasters, special ointments, cream. You can soak your feet in a warm bath with the addition of soda, mustard, if there is no allergy. So the blood will begin to flow to the legs, and the laryngeal edema will decrease.

In no case can you rub your back, the baby's chest, ointments contain essential oil, which can cause severe allergies, obstructive processes.

When a child begins to suffocate, one should not self-medicate, use asthma sprays. With the help of them you can remove symptoms, but they include different effective components - hormones that can be dangerous to the health of the child.

In a situation where you hear a child breathing noisily, you need to call an ambulance. The doctor may ascribe inhalation with Benacort, Pulimicort. Also, medicinal syrups, so that the sputum leaves faster - Lazolvan, Gedelix. Medicinal products of vegetable origin - Alteyka, Mukaltin.

When barking cough occurs due to laryngotracheitis, it is necessary to make it so that it becomes wet, so it will be possible to remove bacteria from the body faster. It is recommended to massage the baby's thorax, with back rubbing, breast.

Thus, a barking cough with a child's temperature is a dangerous symptom that needs to be treated immediately so that it does not worsen and the child does not suffocate. To do this, first find out the cause, then select a special course of therapy.


Dry cough and fever

Dry cough is a common symptom of many diseases. He disturbs normal sleep and makes breathing difficult for the child. It is not easy to cure such a cough and everyone needs to know the basic principles of treatment.

Dry cough - a consequence of irritation of the receptors in the airways. O can be caused by both infection and allergy or other causes. Attacks of unproductive cough can last a very long time - up to several months.

Causes of dry cough and temperature in a child

If dry cough manifested in a newborn, it is necessary to immediately react. The fact is that babies have no reflex, allowing to cough up the mucus that has accumulated in the bronchi. This can lead to the child's risk of drowning. Usually in this case, the baby begins vomiting, in which the mucus partially leaves. Drugs that dilute the exudate, in this case will not help and need treatment, which suppresses barking cough. It is important to carry out treatment under the supervision of a pediatrician to exclude the likelihood of such diagnoses as whooping cough, measles and acute allergies.

In infants who have emerged from infants, the most frequent cause of dry cough with an increase in body temperature are infectious diseases. If the temperature and cough is accompanied by sore throat and lethargy - it is necessary to check the symptoms for compliance with angina, laryngitis, bronchitis or SARS and influenza.

If on the eve of the child was in contact with a patient with pertussis infection or measles, most likely he contracted.

If the dry cough started abruptly and without signs of illness, during meals or games, it is possible that something has got into the respiratory tract of the child and it is necessary to immediately remove the foreign object.

Another reason for a dry, unproductive cough in a child is an allergy to smoke and sharp odors.

Symptoms in a child: dry cough, fever

The task of coughing is the elimination of a defect that interferes with normal breathing. But in the case of a dry cough, it does not help, but only irritates the airways, without excreting the exudate.

There are several symptoms that determine the dangerous development of dry cough:

  • Barking off the onset character of cough;
  • Severe bouts of coughing, which give the impression that something is stuck in the throat;
  • Cough does not stop at night and does not allow to sleep;
  • Cough provokes vomiting;
  • Coughing attacks are accompanied by fever and general weakness.

Such symptoms indicate the development of the disease. If entry of a foreign object or allergy is excluded, then, most likely, it is an infection of the respiratory tract.

Dry barking cough and temperature at the child

Barking cough and fever are dangerous symptoms. Children have weak respiratory muscles, it does not allow them to fully cough up mucus. Because of the irritating effect, the larynx can swell and the airway narrow. This leads to the fact that the child starts to choke, his breathing becomes loud, whistling sounds appear, the baby's skin covers turn pale. These signs are an indication for urgent hospitalization.

Especially dangerous barking cough in infants, it leads to a sharp swelling of the larynx.

The child's temperature, runny nose and dry cough

If dry cough manifests gradually, with fever and the appearance of the common cold, it is an infection.

In most cases, we are talking about ARVI caused by the ingestion of the virus. The body responds adequately to the effects of infection. In the course of the inflammatory process, immunity to the disease is developed.

Immunity should be treated, otherwise the symptoms of a non-productive cough and temperature can be aggravated by complications, including sinusitis or pneumonia.

Dry cough and temperature in a child, than to treat?

Treatment of cough and high fever for colds is the reception of mucolytics and antipyretic agents. After the cough acquires a productive character, the temperature decreases itself. If the disease is long-lasting, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Independently prescribe drugs is dangerous - treatment may not correspond to the type of infection and not only not lead to a positive effect, but also aggravate the situation.


In the case of a dry cough, you will need to use drugs that will have an effect on the cough center in the area of ​​the medulla oblongata. Such drugs can be used not for any cough. They are shown only in cases when the cough is unproductive, paroxysmal and accompanied by an emetic reflex. Children, unlike adults, can not be prescribed antitussive drugs with codeine. Therefore, in childhood, a plant-based drug (Herbion) and mucolytics with a diluting action (Pertussin, Ambroben) are shown.

Folk remedies

In the fight against dry cough, children will receive significant help from medicinal herbs. Here are some of their types:

  • Mother-and-stepmother - liquefies thick mucus and removes her bronchi, additionally having an anti-inflammatory effect. For children, a warm broth of this plant can sweeten honey
  • Licorice root - has an expectorant effect and significantly relieves the condition with a dry, prolonged cough. Licorice has an immunomodulatory effect and helps restore strength.

Especially effective is the collection of several herbs: oregano, licorice, mint, calendula and violets.


From the age of three, the child can be given physiotherapy, warming up and inhalation. For inhalation, usually used soda, herbal tea and essential oils (lavender and eucalyptus). For inhalation apply pork or chamomile broth. Use essential oils carefully so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Useful for coughing rubbing warming ointment and mustard. It should be noted that all heating procedures can be carried out without fail after the temperature drops. When you cough, rub your chest, the back of the child, and, necessarily, the feet.

Before putting mustard plaster, the baby's delicate skin should be lubricated with baby cream to prevent a burn.

For a warming compress, you can take one spoonful of mustard powder, honey, flour and vegetable oil. When mixed, a mass similar to a soft dough will be obtained. A cake from this mass is put on the chest, covered with polyethylene, and the baby wraps up the heat. Compress gives a long warming effect.

If a dry cough does not pass

A prolonged course of coughing can form a habit in the child's brain. The cause that caused the cough will pass, but the attacks will continue. It is important to create a house favorable for normal breathing: more ventilate, do wet cleaning or purchase a humidifier.


The child has a fever cough temperature: causes, treatment

The child is weakened, he has snot, cough, fever, these symptoms speak not only of the common cold, but of a viral infection. These signs can be caused by such diseases: sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, bronchial asthma, pharyngitis. It is very important only there was a cough or a little fever, snot appeared, immediately begin treatment, until the disease worsened.

Cause of cough, snot, temperature

Often, such symptoms suggest that the child's body is protected from a serious illness. Cough and snot can result from hypothermia. When he is a long time on the street, his immunity weakens, the bacteria that live in the child's body begin to multiply actively. In this case, the mucous membrane in the respiratory organs is highly inflamed.

The child is disturbed at first by a dry cough, then, when mucus leaves, a large amount of sputum is released and the baby becomes lighter. You can not treat a wet cough, sputum should go out itself, you need therapy only if it does not go away for a long time and a bacterial infection joins it. Due to the fact that pathogens penetrate the nose, the throat of the child, the body temperature rises.

Causes of a physiological cold and cough

If the runny nose and cough are of a physiological nature, it can be said that the child inhaled dust, harmful substance, inhaled dirty air.

Symptoms occur when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, also if food has entered the trachea, this is often the case with infants. At small children cough can speak that teeth are erupted, thus he disturbs till three days, no more.

In the event that the runny nose and cough last long, you should always consult a doctor physician, especially if the temperature rises above 37 degrees, it indicates an inflammatory process.

With a cold, the temperature should not be, if it rises to 40 degrees, pay attention to the throat, the heat is often provoked by the red throat.

Physiological cough and runny nose is characterized by such signs:

1. Repeats periodically.

2. Not long.

3. Symptoms are poorly expressed.

In cases when the headache is a pain in the head, it can speak to physical exertion on the body or emotional stress, it is necessary to put the child to sleep, the temperature should begin to fall.

Coryza and cough pathological character

1. First, the throat is very sore.

2. The temperature rises above 37 degrees.

3. A runny nose appears.

These symptoms characterize an acute respiratory viral infection in a child or the flu. In cases where the temperature is up to 40 without a cold, it can talk about stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, as well as other infections in the child. A lot of diseases in which the throat hurts, the body temperature rises, there is a cough.

We can distinguish such stages of the disease:

1. The acute lasts up to two weeks. Associated with the ingress of a foreign body into the respiratory system, it speaks of acute respiratory infections, influenza, infection, rubella.

2. Prolonged lasts up to one month arises due to sinusitis, adenoids, whooping cough, if sour enters from the gastrointestinal tract. Infection does not play a big role.

3. Repeated to last at least two weeks, cough, runny nose with fever say that the child has a serious throat and nasopharyngeal.

4. Chronic disease is manifested by a persistent runny nose, cough, and the temperature with it is rare.

What should I do first if the child has fever, snot, cough?

1. Leave the child at home, do not let him into kindergarten, school. So you can infect and surrounding children and the disease will worsen even more.

2. Do not self-cure in cases of fever and cough, immediately contact your doctor.

3. The first symptoms can be tried with people's safe methods.

Treatment of sophe, cough and temperature

1. Snot need to be treated with the constant washing of the nose, you can use sea salt, it is also recommended to prepare the solution with salt, soda. Flush should be up to 6 times a day. Then immediately drip into the nose drops "Pinosol".

2. If there is no temperature, inhalations can be carried out, they will help to cough up both the cough and the cold. With the help of them you can remove the inflammation, calm the irritated mucous membrane of the nose, throat. Use sage oil, fir, the procedure should be performed no less than 15 minutes. It is also advised to breathe a steamed boiled potato over the steam, the baby needs to bend over the pan, cover the head with a towel. The procedure should last at least 15 minutes.

3. Cough can help get rid of black radish with the addition of honey, you need to prepare juice from it, with the help of such a tool you can withdraw and dilute sputum, it will quickly start to go out.

4. When the temperature at the child is absent, advise to soar feet, is better to add a dry mustard, it is possible soda, sea salt.

It is very important in case of a disease to control the temperature of the child's body, if it is not above 38 degrees, antipyretic should not be drunk, if higher, it is necessary to knock down. In cases of chills, remove warm clothes from the baby, put on cotton. As much as possible give a drink - warm milk, broth of wild rose, mors with cranberries, warm tea with lemon, so quickly toxic substances are released, and the person quickly overcomes the virus.

Mineral purified water is not recommended to consume, it can remove from the body all the salt that is needed to fight the disease.

Constantly rinsing your nose, the more you do it, the sooner the child will recover.

The child should sleep on a high pillow, so the mucus will come out faster. In cases of high temperature, it is necessary to give an antipyretic agent and not to let the child run to jump, he must stay sick so that there are no complications.

When the runny nose, coughing is prolonged, while the temperature keeps, you must definitely take the medications the doctor will prescribe, you may already need antibiotics.

Thus, snot, cough and temperature can be symptoms of various diseases, it is very important to identify it and begin timely treatment.


Temperature, cough, runny nose in a child

Each mother meets several times a year with various manifestations of colds in her child. Most often, the temperature, cough and runny nose affect the baby at a time when significant climatic changes occur in nature, that is, in early spring and late autumn. However, often such symptoms are caused by the ingestion of a virus or infection, which should be treated immediately.

In this article, we will tell you what factors can cause temperature, cough and runny nose in a child, and how to treat this condition.

Why does the child have a temperature of 37, a runny nose and a cough?

With a slight increase in temperature, cough is most often a symptom of respiratory diseases. Coryza in this situation usually occurs, as a manifestation of a mild allergic reaction. In most cases such a malaise causes such causes as bronchial asthma, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinitis.

Causes of a cough, runny nose and fever 38-39 in a child

A significant increase in body temperature, accompanied by a cough and runny nose, in most cases indicates an acute respiratory infection. Viruses and bacteria, getting into the baby's respiratory tract, irritate their mucous membrane. As a consequence, an inflammatory process occurs in the child's body.

The baby swells around the mucous membrane of the nose, lays its ears, it can not breathe. When the cells of the immune system begin to fight the disease, the body temperature rises sharply. Cough usually joins a little later - on the second-third day after infection.

How to treat these symptoms?

Any ARI accompanied by high fever, especially in infants, should be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician. With the wrong tactics, it can provoke serious complications, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis or sinusitis. If the body temperature of the baby only slightly exceeds the norm, you can try to cope with the disease yourself.

Approximately 5-6 times a day it is necessary to wash the nose with saline solution, after which oily drops, eg Pinosol, should be dripped into each nostril. In addition, with the help of a nebulizer it is useful to do inhalations with saline, fir oil or sage infusion.

From a strong debilitating cough, a popular folk remedy is a good help - a juice of black radish with honey. Also the child can be given such antitussive syrups as Lazolvan, Prospan or Herbion.

In any case, do not take too much into self-medication. If the general condition of the child does not improve within a few days, consult a doctor immediately.


The child has a fever and cough. What to do?


Tyaf, tyf! Oops: psss ...

Boil cranberry mors (it takes off the temperature), to reduce the temperature, the folds of the body (under the knees, on the bend of the logs, brushes) can be oiled with vinegar (50 water, 50 vinegar). It is very good to start giving "Arbidol" a dosage of 50 mg, 1 tablet 4 times a day (but if the child is more than 5 years old), and for a younger age it raises the immunity "Anaferon". Of course, you need to give as much liquid as possible, in no case to wrap it up (this will raise the temperature even more). All the rest is what the doctor will appoint.


call a doctor / an ambulance
you do not need to experiment with it


I'm going to give my own paracetamol, if it does not help, I'll call an ambulance


doctor should be called, if the temperature is above 38, then you need to knock down, well, at least some Ferveks to drink for a start


from cough - bromhexine, broncholitin, licorice.
plus arbidol in the tab, drainage cap in the nose.
abundant warm drink, half-way regime.


yeah, do not knock yourself down, you need to pass tests, suddenly what kind of inflammation, now the flu is toxic in a city with a high temperature... Call an ambulance and go for tests.


You need to call an ambulance, but what do you think?


Now a very strong influenza virus! Do not joke, see a doctor!

Svetlana Tomilova

Call a doctor. Self-treatment will lubricate the picture.

Anna Viktorovna Moseeva

you need to rub the body with vodka, and lie down under the blanket, only without clothes, and drink paracetamol.

I'm evil! :)

call a doctor. but still looking at how old the child is, if the adult then shoot down the "high 3 if to 38 then rub it with vodka or diluted alcohol and undress the temperature. cough drops syrup, mucaltin tablets, but it's all depending on how old the child is

Personal Cabinet Removed

buy a children's gull in the pharmacy. and if tposle38 pound the child with 50-50 vodka. especially where the joints. I do to my child repeatedly after half an hour, the temperature will be removed by hand.

Tatiana Uralskaya

It depends on how old the child is! If a very small-undress, break with alcohol or vodka solution, especially the boats and feet to knock down the temperature, if it suffers - candles Analginovye, and vra cha, of course it is necessary, although to call an ambulance and consult, they now advice on the phone like giving, so as not to go once again

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