How to treat an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis?

Chronic cholecystitis is a disease of the gallbladder, which has a slow and gradual character. Inflammation occurs as a result of infection, virus or bacteria. The disease can cause an attack. Therefore, when there is an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, symptoms and treatment should be known in detail.

  • The causes of chronic cholecystitis
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • First aid for exacerbation of cholecystitis
  • Medication for exacerbation
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Sage
  • St. John's Wort
  • Purity, chicory, walnut
  • Mint, lemon balm, celandine
  • Beet
  • Grapefruit
  • Diet with exacerbation
Related articles:
  • Chronic cholecystitis about symptoms and treatment
  • How is cholecystitis manifested in women?
  • Which doctor treats cholecystitis?
  • How to treat cholecystitis in adults, symptoms of disease
  • We treat chronic cholecystitis at home

The causes of chronic cholecystitis

The most common cause of the disease is cholelithiasis. Also, triggering an aggravation of cholecystitis can be such factors:

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  • eating fatty, smoked, pickled and canned foods;
  • regular overeating;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • food allergic reactions;
  • abnormal development of the gallbladder and exit lines;
  • chronic diseases of other internal organs.

Important!On the types, symptoms and treatment of acute cholecystitis, read in our article.

If chronic cholecystitis is caused by the presence of stones in the gallbladder, then the aggravation can be caused by such actions:

  • excessive physical overwork;
  • shaking while traveling;
  • sudden changes in the location of the hull.

It is important to know!Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis can occur up to 4 times a year! If the seizures happen more often, the doctor should prescribe cardinal methods of treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

What triggers an exacerbation of cholecystitis? The main signs of exacerbation of the disease are manifested in such ways:

  1. Pain in the peritoneum. Localization of pain, its nature depends on the complications caused by inflammation of the gallbladder, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Bitterness in the mouth, especially in the morning.
  3. Nausea, leading to vomiting of bile.
  4. Bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.
  5. Allergic skin rashes, which are accompanied by severe itching. Occur due to the stagnation of bile in the pathways, after which it enters the blood. Itching can be localized in any part of the body.
  6. General malaise of the body, rapid fatigue, irritation, unreasonable mood changes.
  7. Increased body temperature. Can reach 39 ° C.

Important!About the symptoms of cholecystitis in women, you can find out here.

It can also feel an ache in the body, aching joint pain, palpitations.

Important to remember!At the first signs, you should contact a specialist for timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease!

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to determine the presence of cholecystitis during an exacerbation, it is necessary to undergo such studies:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood. Helps to detect the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.
  2. Biochemical study. Defines deviations from the norm, which are characteristic of the disease.
  3. Radiography of the gallbladder. It allows to determine the degree of patency of the ducts and the functioning of the organ.
  4. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Identifies abnormalities in the functioning of the gallbladder and other organs of the digestive system.

Based on the results of the studies, the doctor establishes the diagnosis and prescribes the most effective treatment.

Important!It is interesting to know: which doctor treats cholecystitis? Read in our article.

Important to remember!Do not make a diagnosis yourself! Only a specialist can correctly decipher the results of tests.

First aid for exacerbation of cholecystitis

Before the arrival of an ambulance at the time of an attack of the disease, it is necessary to take such actions:

  • do not eat any food, especially if there is nausea;
  • in small quantities, drink only purified water;
  • take a reclining position, better on the right side;

It is important to know!Do not take hot baths to relieve pain, but also use cholagogue preparations!

Medication for exacerbation

This treatment should be carried out in a hospital. What should I take with an exacerbation of cholecystitis? To combat the disease requires a comprehensive intake of such drugs:

  1. Means that relieve pain. These drugs with exacerbation help to reduce the tone of the gallbladder and the outflow tract. Examples of such medicines: Papaverin, No-shpa, Kobispazm, Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Bellalgin and medicines with a similar composition.
  2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Are directed on removal of the raised temperature, and also remove inflammatory processes. Such drugs can be: Analginum, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and their analogues.
  3. Stimulants of excretion of bile. Promote normal operation of the intestine and gallbladder. Applied with constipation, bloating, nausea and vomiting. You can take such drugs: Domperidone, Allochol, Nikodin, Tsikvalon, Oxafenamide and so on.

Important!To learn more about the treatment of cholecystitis in adults, visit our website.

Important to remember!Proper dosage of drugs will help get rid of the disease much faster!

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes to start treatment at home. The recipes use only natural ingredients. Therefore, the main advantage of such treatment is the absence of side effects. How to treat the disease at home?


For the preparation, shredded sage leaves in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. Pour 2 cups of boiling water and press for 1 hour. After the time has passed, drain. Take 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours during an exacerbation of the disease.

St. John's Wort

1 tbsp. l. chopped St. John's wort, pour 1 glass of hot water, put on a slow fire for about 15 minutes, the resulting broth strain. Take medicine 50 ml 3 times a day. This recipe helps to increase the excretion of bile.

Purity, chicory, walnut

Take these ingredients in equal proportions, mix thoroughly. 1 tbsp. l. should be filled with 1 glass of water, boil for about 30 minutes, then cool and strain. Eat 200 ml 3 times a day.

Important!To learn more about the treatment of chronic cholecystitis at home, you can visit our website.

Mint, lemon balm, celandine

All components are needed in the same amount. Mix well and take 1 tbsp. l. Add 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse until completely cooled. Strain and consume 2 cups 1 time per day.


It is good to wash the beets. Do not peel it, grate it. Add 100 ml of water. Put the fire on a slow fire until the mixture becomes the consistency of the syrup. This will take a long time. Prepared syrup take 50 ml 3 times a day.


It will take 50 ml of grapefruit juice and as much olive or refined vegetable oil. Mix these fluids, take it overnight. 2 hours before the use of this medication, you should clean the stomach by putting an enema.

Important to remember!Before choosing this method of treatment, you should consult a specialist!

Diet with exacerbation

A very important factor of treatment is a diet with cholecystitis during an exacerbation. It is quite strict, it includes such principles:

  • To eat should be small doses, but often - at least 5 times a day;
  • the total calorie content of consumed products per day should not be more than 200 kcal;
  • food should only be fresh, yesterday's dishes can not be consumed;
  • do not eat too hot or cold food;
  • it is necessary to observe the balance of fats, proteins and trace elements.

What can you eat with chronic cholecystitis? Moderate use of such products will not be reflected negatively on the course of the disease:

  • steamed poultry, rabbit, veal;
  • boiled sausage or sausages;
  • various porridges, especially useful will be rice, semolina, oatmeal;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • pasta;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, salads from them;
  • low-fat dairy and sour-milk products;
  • green tea;
  • compotes of fresh berries;
  • breadcrumbs or bread with bran.

Strictly forbidden products in case of exacerbation of the disease:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • sharp spices;
  • radish, onion, garlic;
  • products cooked by frying;
  • smoked, canned, marinated dishes;
  • pork and lamb;
  • fat;
  • red fish;
  • fatty dairy products, cream;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • coffee, carbonated drinks.

Despite the many prohibited products, you can choose a diet with deliciously cooked allowed ingredients. People suffering from chronic cholecystitis must observe proper nutrition not only during the period of exacerbation. Diet should be part of a lifestyle. Then the appearance of seizures can be avoided. The main thing is not to overeat, but also the feeling of hunger is strictly forbidden.