Destruction of the vitreous humor of the eye: symptoms and treatment
The processes that cause appearance in the field of view of objects that vary in shape and size, smoothly moving with the movement of the eyes, are called destruction of the vitreous body of the eye (DST). You can find various notations for this state: "floating opacities "flies before the eyes and so on.
The vitreous humor is a transparent gelatinous substance, devoid of blood vessels. It fills the area between the lens and the retina, giving the eye a spherical shape. The special structure and composition of the substance from which the vitreous body is composed determines its complete transparency.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.3People's means
Definition of disease
Under the influence of a number of factors in the vitreous body, changes occur.The homogeneous structure of matter is destroyed: it is divided into a thicker and more liquid fraction. The network of the vitreous body changes, as well as the volume and qualitative composition of the constituent substance. Some fibers become thicker and lose their transparency. From this they stick together, forming interlacings of various shapes. T
As in the vitreous body there are opaque fragments: insoluble particles of protein, cholesterol, phosphorus salts, magnesium or calcium, cellular elements.
All these inclusions - fibers, particles - move in the vitreous body during the movement of the eyes, "showing up" on the retina, casting on it "floating" shadows of various shapes and degrees of density. In a number of cases a person simply "sees" more or less transparent objects.
But sometimes the destruction of the vitreous can lead to mechanical irritation of the retina photoreceptors.In this case, the person perceives the process as a lightning or a spark.It is important to know that the causes of the appearance of "floating opacities" are not always explained by the DST process. In the vitreous can in some cases get blood, drugs and other substances. This causes visual impressions similar to those perceived by a person in the destruction of the vitreous.
Symptoms of DST do not include temporal optical effects: "sparks in the eyes" that occur upon impact on head or lifting a heavy object, the "negative" that remains in the eyes when looking at the source of the bright Sveta. Visual effects similar to DST can also be caused by increased blood pressure.
The causes of changes in the structure and composition of the vitreous are quite numerous:
Age-related changes in the eyes;
Vascular and circulatory system disorders;
Significant endocrine and metabolic changes and diseases;
Common head injuries, eye and nose injuries, including as a result of surgical intervention;
Dystrophy, general physical exhaustion;
Excessive eye strain;
Strong degree of myopia;
Long-term psychoemotional and physical stress;
Infectious diseases transferred in the past;
Diseases caused by parasites (toxoplasmosis);
Radiation and toxic effects of high level;
Chronic inflammatory processes in the eye;
Cervical arteriosclerosis, leading to compression of arterial vessels;
Hormonal changes occurring in a certain period (for example, pubertal period, pregnancy, menopause) or during the course of hormonal therapy;
A number of internal diseases affecting the composition and balance of vitreous colloids(liver, endocrine glands, kidneys);
The lack of vitamins and essential elements in the body.
The destruction of the vitreous humor is often a natural consequence of the physiological aging process. However, the exact age limit, after which this process can begin, can not be called. For each person, he is individual.
The changes occurring in the vitreous body have a different degree of severity. The causes of DST also affect the nature of the manifestation of these changes.The main sign of the development of destruction of the vitreous body is the "swimming" of various not too dense objects in front of the eyes.The form and degree of transparency of these objects can be different. A person sees "spots "fibers flies, opacities. In the scientific world, this phenomenon is called photopsy.
Silver or gold "rain" is visible in the case of the presence in the vitreous eye of crystalline inclusions of cholesterol, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus salts.These "rains" or "snowflakes as described by patients, have a different size and shape. The color of the observed "rain" can also be different: golden, snow-white and even brown.
"Floating opacities" are best seen against the background of a bright and light surface or when squinting. In other cases, the effects of DST may not be felt.
Possible complications
Specialists-ophthalmologists believe that DST in many cases does not become a cause of health-threatening complications.However, the development of opaque opacities can worsen the quality of human life. Objects, constantly "floating" in the field of view, interfere with normal visual perception. To perform work or household duties, constant eye strain becomes necessary. A person tries to clear the field of view from the "flies which can result in overloading not only the eyes, but also the cervical spine.In connection with severe visual discomfort, psychoemotional disorders are sometimes manifested: stressful and depressive states, anxiety, sociopathy.
Multiple opacities in the vitreous can cause fatigue, reduce reading speed, contrast sensitivity. The more noticeable floating objects are, and the more dense and bulky the objects, the stronger the degree of destruction.
If opacities acquire a clear filamentous structure, this can be a sign of atherosclerosis or a severe form of hypertension."Flashes" or "lightning" is a symptom of detachment of the vitreous body or other dangerous complications. In the process of destruction in the vitreous body, films of varying degrees of density sometimes appear. It is possible to attach these films in the eye-fund area. This causes a number of pathological changes.
The most severe form of destruction is the "wrinkling" of a part of the entire vitreous body.Its volume decreases, and the shape changes. This process leads to tension of vitreoretinal compounds, which are broken in case of a serious degree of pathology. This is the cause of vitreous detachment, photopsy, hemorrhage, rupture of the retina.In especially severe cases, there is a high probability of developing blindness.
Despite the fact that many patients seek to get rid of "flies" through surgical intervention, ophthalmologists are very cautious.This is due to the fact that the consequences of existing treatments - cataracts, retinal detachment, hypotension - can be much more dangerous than manifestations of DST. The use of surgical methods is often not a solution. Especially it concerns the destruction in the elderly.
Treatment of DST with drugs often does not bring the desired results.Doctors offer patients treatment methods that can help eliminate the causes that call for destruction and contribute to reducing the burden on the organs of vision.
Symptomatic drug therapy is also used.
With the development of a patient's destruction of the vitreous body are appointed:
Dissolving preparations;
Antioxidant preparations, normalizing microcirculation in the eye tissues.Dissolving preparations
Also, means that improve the patency of blood vessels are used. They contribute to the normalization of blood circulation in the brain.
Currently, there are two methods of surgical intervention. But similar methods of treatment are recommended for patients with the present danger of developing blindness. Surgical methods of treatment of DST:
Vitreolysis- cleavage of opacities visible in the vitreous body with the help of a laser;
Vitrectomy- partial or complete replacement of the substance of the vitreous body on an artificial medium, which is then replaced by an ophthalmic fluid.Carrying out a vitrectomy
But even after a successful intervention due to age-related changes, the problems of the organs of vision continue to worsen.
People's means
Recommendations are known for treating the destruction of the vitreous with the help of folk methods:
Massage of eyeballsto improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the eye tissues;
Burying in the eyehoney, honey-aloe drops or aqueous propolis solution.Massage of eyeballs
Self-medication with eye diseases is unacceptable. The use of methods of traditional medicine should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
To prevent the development of destruction of the vitreous body, it is necessary to develop a habit of healthy way of life: get rid of bad habits, normalize the diet, avoiding the use of harmful products. This will protect the vessels from the progression of atherosclerosis.
It is advisable to avoid prolonged visual loads. Prevents the development of DST timely treatment of eye diseases, as well as diseases affecting internal organs. It is necessary to correct vision in time in case of development of myopia or hyperopia.
The number of people who feel the presence of "floating flies" in front of the eyes is huge.And although experts say that in most cases this condition is harmless, patients feel considerable discomfort. The question of treating various types of vitreous opacities, not caused by other diseases of the eye, does not cause doubts.A visit to the doctor is necessary in order to exclude the presence of concomitant diseases, both ophthalmic and internal organs connected with the work.But such a state often does not pose a threat.
Questions about how to treat the destruction of the vitreous humor of the eye and whether it is necessary to do it are solved in each case individually. The need for this or that type of treatment depends on the features of optical effects, the presence or absence of visual impairment, the degree of vitreous damage. The influence of the DST on the psycho-emotional state of a person and his work capacity is also taken into account.But it is important to remember that the medical treatment of this pathology is under development, and surgical methods are fraught with the development of dangerous complications.