How is the field of vision

Peripheral vision (it is also called lateral) allows a person to navigate normally in space. High sharpness of image transmission has only the central part of the retina - the macula. Its other zones of color and form of objects are not distinguishable, but are highly sensitive to movement. Peripheral vision allows you to notice the danger in time, as well as to navigate normally in the dark. On the ways of studying the fields and treating possible deviations - further.


  • 1Definition
  • 2Diagnostic Methods
  • 3Diseases
  • 4Treatment and recovery methods
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions


The field of view is a space whose objects are simultaneously visible with a fixed view.Field research is conducted to assess the condition of the retina, optic nerve, glaucoma diagnosis, other dangerous diseases, control of pathological processes and the course of their treatment.

The field of view is a space within which objects are seen with a fixed view simultaneously. Graphically it is usually represented as a three-dimensional image - a visual hill.

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In a healthy eye, there is only one scotoma - it corresponds to the exit point of the retina of the optic nerve.There are no cells that perceive light in this zone, therefore it is "blind". Falling out, narrowing of additional areas from the field of vision usually cause various diseases of the eyes, the brain, and also the optic nerve.

Diagnostic Methods

For the study, different techniques are used, with each eye being diagnosed separately.The doctor will ask you to look at one point, noting the appearance of the object in the nearby areas.

The field of vision for each eye is determined separately. That eye, which is not checked, is covered with a scute, palm or bandage.

Main diagnostic methods:

  1. Control- allows to make an approximate evaluation of the field of view, does not take much time and does not require the use of special equipment. The main control in this case is the normal field of vision of the specialist who conducts the diagnostics. You will need to close one eye with the palm of your hand, and the second to fix the open eye of the doctor sitting opposite. In the process of checking, the appearance of fingers, handles and other objects falling into the field of view is noted.
  2. Kinetic- for its carrying out the manual perimeter (the screen having the form of a hemisphere) is used. The chin is placed on the stand of the device, the corresponding label is fixed by the eye being examined. As soon as you see the luminous object (it can move from the periphery to the center or vice versa), tell the doctor that you see it. In this case, beyond the field of view, points are taken in which the object disappears or appears.
  3. Static- This type of perimetry is carried out using an automatic perimeter. The chin is placed on the pedestal, the eye being examined fixes the label. The computer in different parts of the screen starts to show the luminous object and increases its brightness until you notice it and press the corresponding button.
  4. With a doubled frequency- in this case, the researcher considers black and white vertical bands, which flicker with a high frequency (due to this there is the effect of doubling them). If vertical bands are not visible at certain frequencies, this indicates a pathology of the optic nerve or retina. The technique is highly effective in the early stages of glaucoma diagnosis.

The basic methods of perimetry are kinetic, static, control, with a doubled frequency.


Changes in the visual field indicate the following diseases:

  • pathology of the eyes(eg, glaucoma, cataracts, peripheral retinal dystrophy);
  • abnormalities in the optic nerve(neuritis, atrophy);
  • brain diseases(vascular, congenital diseases, tumors).

Where the pathological process is localized, the doctor determines the size, shape and location of the visual field defects.

Treatment and recovery methods

The method of treatment and restoration of the field of vision depends on the underlying cause that caused the development of pathology:

  1. With glaucomamonitoring of the dynamics of the process or the appropriate therapeutic measures are prescribed.
  2. With a maculathe nature of its damage is determined, if possible, the root cause is eliminated (eg, taking certain drugs).
  3. Surgicallytreatment of retinal detachment is carried out.

When lesions of the optic nerve, cortical centers, tract, a significant violation of nutrition of brain cells, after a stroke, ischemia, compression damage, restoration therapy is prescribed.


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The external border of the field of vision begins to narrow with insufficiency of the cerebral circulation, and the internal one with glaucoma. The main methods of perimetry are kinetic, static, control and with a doubled frequency. Treatment of any abnormalities is assigned taking into account the cause that caused them. The most frequent causes of distortion of the field of vision are lesions of the eyes, optic nerve and brain.

Also read about such diagnostic methods as visometry and keratotopography.

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