Constipation in children in 5 years

  • Main causes of
  • Treatment methods
  • Child nutrition as prevention of constipation
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Problems with defecation may occur not only in an adult, in childhood, they are also quite possible. Constipation in children can have a diverse nature and develop under different circumstances, which will determine the main directions of therapy.

The main causes of

It is at preschool age, in the period of 4-5 years, constipation is diagnosed most often. A five-year-old child can already fully control the onset of defecation, postponing it to a later date, if circumstances are not yet suitable. There may also be some features of baby nutrition that lead to a slowing of intestinal peristalsis. In addition, constipation in a child of 5 years can be formed as a consequence and manifestation of certain diseases.

In general, the causes of constipation in preschool children are very diverse, but they can be divided into the following groups:

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  • associated with eating habits;
  • of organic( pathological) origin, that is, against a background of certain pathologies of the intestine or other diseases;
  • of psychological origin.

The correct balanced nutrition of the baby is very important for health, and all parents know about it. But in life there are often families where there is no clear order of the day and time of meals where the baby eats not exactly what he needs at the age of 5.Violation of diet is necessarily reflected in the performance of the stomach and intestines, food can be poorly digested due to functional deficiency of the liver or pancreas, bile ducts can be excessively relaxed or spasmodic, and the intestine may not be able to move food masses at the required rate.

Slowing of peristalsis is the most important mechanism of constipation in children. In addition to irregular meals, this mechanism can activate and some food products or their absence. For example, the lack of a diet of sour milk products or rough vegetable fiber, which is rich in virtually all vegetables, fruits and berries.

The predominance of sweets and baking not only leads to obesity at such a young age, but also has a very negative effect on the digestive organs, causing, among other things, constipation in a child of 5 years.

Unsuitable food often causes children's constipation

To the same result lead to excessively greasy dishes, especially with animal fats, the emphasis on nutrition on meat products, as well as the favorite by many kids food "dry", with the prevalence of various rusks, chips, sandwiches, bars. The lack of vitamins, amino acids, micro- and macro elements, which is characteristic of unilateral and monotonous nutrition, is also an important predisposing factor to the occurrence of problems with regular emptying of the intestine.

You should also know that fluid deficiency often leads to constipation, due to the natural compaction of stool. A child aged 5 or 4 years old is already clearly aware of his thirst, he should regularly drink clean water, but not canned juices or soda.

The following group of causes of constipation is very extensive, which are associated with various diseases. Unfortunately, children of five years can have many pathologies, in which the intestinal peristalsis slows down considerably. Of these, the following diseases should be noted:

  • congenital malformations of the small or large intestine;usually are diagnosed at an earlier age;
  • acquired diseases of the digestive tract( dysbacteriosis, pathologies of the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, pancreas);
  • diseases of other internal organs, indirectly affecting the functionality of the colon - rickets, anemia, vitamin deficiency, food allergy, neurological and endocrine pathologies, parasitic infestations( the presence of worms);
  • prolonged use of certain medications that directly or indirectly impair intestinal motility( sorbents, antibiotics, probiotics).

Especially it is necessary to note constipations in children-preschool children of psychological origin, which often acquire a permanent and chronic character. This problem always requires a careful and cautious approach to identify the main psychological factor provoking the emergence of difficulties with defecation. The child can experience severe stresses and shocks( quarrels of parents, troubles in the kindergarten, excessively strict penalties for antics, lack of affection and love), which often leads to constipation of a functional nature.

Sometimes, for the treatment of problems with the intestines, the assistance of the therapist

is required. He can deliberately restrain defecation( which is very unhealthy) if he is in an unsuitable place or experiences soreness or discomfort during the emptying of the intestine. Perhaps the baby was ever scolded for something associated with defecation, and he now tries to make this process as rare as possible. In any case, constipation of a psychological nature requires an early clarification and often qualified help of a child psychologist, otherwise they can develop into a very large chronic problem.

Methods of treatment

Of course, that the nature of the children's constipation will depend on the therapeutic scheme. First of all, it is necessary to find out what lies at the heart of the difficulties: malnutrition, diseases or psychological causes. For this you need to be attentive to your child, hear his complaints and in time to suspect problems with the intestines. The observation by parents of the fact of constipation, especially occurring constantly or regularly, should be the reason for an urgent call to a doctor. What not to do is try to deal with the problem yourself and treat constipation yourself.

If a child is diagnosed with any disease, which is constituted by constipation, treatment of the pathology will necessarily restore the functionality of the intestine. So, with dysbiosis it is important to restore a balanced ratio of microorganisms, so the child will need such drugs with bacteria as Dinex or Hilak Forte. In helminthic invasions appropriate antiparasitic agents are prescribed.

Constipation in children aged 4-5 years is often accompanied by abdominal pains of a coelike character, which are associated with an abnormal neural regulation of the process of peristalsis and a prolonged contraction of the muscles of the intestinal wall. In such cases, antispasmodic medications( No-shpa, Papaverin) can be helped in the appropriate dosage.

Dufalac is safe for children and is often used for the treatment of constipation

But more often there are situations when the baby suffices to give some kind of gentle laxative. Very effective drugs with lactulose, which soften the stool, stimulate the peristalsis of the sigmoid and rectum, relax the anus. These include Dufalac, which has a liquid texture pleasant to the child, taste and smell, and acts very quickly. It is used in the age-related dosage.

Products from constipation for children

Very cautious should be applied to the compulsory emptying of the intestines in the form of cleansing enemas or loosening candles. Of course, in neglected cases, when the child has not emptied the intestines for several days, one has to resort to this remedy, but with the permission of a child's doctor or gastroenterologist. For example, you can use the children's version of the enema Microlax, which in 10-15 minutes cause the expected effect. Due to a certain chemical composition, which, by the way, is safe for the child, this means leads to liquefaction of stool and a sharp increase in their volume. As a result, the pressure on the anus increases, the sphincter is unclenched, and an act of defecation occurs.

But even such a sparing view of cleansing enemas can not be used very often. Otherwise, the intestine will not "want to" work independently and will "wait" for outside interference. If the baby has permanent constipation, it is necessary to urgently seek their cause, rather than engage in a symptomatic approach in the form of single enemas. Perhaps a child is sick with some serious illness, has a neurological pathology or needs psychological help. But in each case, there is necessarily a correction of the baby's nutrition, which is the base moment in the treatment of constipation of any origin.

Nutrition of the child as prevention of constipation

A five-year-old child already has his own taste preferences, taking into account that, it is necessary to carry out a correction of nutrition, if he already has difficulties with defecation. The characteristics of such a diet will be explained to the parents by the attending physician, especially if the cause of constipation is any disease.

Fruits and vegetables the child should eat every day

In general, the recommendations for nutrition are the following( they are also measures to prevent constipation for each child):

  • must strictly observe the strict regime of the day and nutrition, which will lead to regular emptying of the intestine;
  • to exclude from the menu fatty foods, baked pastries, sweets, chocolate, factory juices, lemonades, carbonated water;
  • to limit excessive consumption of meat and poultry, as well as sausages;
  • every day give the baby sour-milk products, boiled vegetables, fresh fruit and berries;
  • cooking porridge from "gray" cereals( oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, wheat, barley).

It is also important to ensure that the child moves more, for which it would be great to work with him in any sport. These simple measures, as well as medications under indications, will help the baby to cope with such a problem as constipation.

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