What cough medicines can I take with pregnant women?

What can pregnant women from cough: treatment of dry and wet cough

  • Medications
  • At home
  • Physiotherapy

Answering the question that it is possible for pregnant women to cough, it is necessary not only to eliminate a dangerous symptom, but also to ensure the safety of the baby's future. The choice of method of treatment depends on the duration of pregnancy and the type of cough.

To ease the condition with a dry cough and reduce the depth and frequency of seizures, you need to take care of the constant maximum moistening of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

For this purpose, rinses of the throat with vegetable decoctions and inhalation with saline or soda solution are well suited. Significantly reduces irritation and perspiration of the larynx and pharynx honey that can dissolve or its mixture with the onion juice.

A glass of milk with a tablespoon of honey makes it easy to cough, relaxes smooth muscles and gives a calming effect. Contraindicated in medical treatment is the woman's hypersensitivity to beekeeping products. The greatest care when choosing what can be pregnant from a cough, a woman must observe in the first three months of pregnancy. Since in this period immunity is low, then at the slightest indisposition, and even more so the occurrence of a dry cough, it is required to take measures to eliminate the focus of inflammation.

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Dry cough in the third trimester can be caused by a viral disease, smoking, can occur in response to a stressful situation, with digestive disorders, and also as a kind of allergic reaction.If the cause of dry cough in the cold, it is often accompanied by a runny nose and sore throat. Obviously, the pregnant woman should quit smoking and try to stop contact with allergens, during this period it is advisable not to use medicines.

If necessary, pharmacotherapy should be prescribed by a doctor to prevent the use of a prohibited medication, this applies, among other things, to popular cough drops. Since the means for resorption, containing eucalyptus, mint, relieve the symptom for a short period, they have to use in large quantities, flavors, dyes, sweeteners can cause significant harm the fetus.

Medicines are used if the health benefits of women exceed the possible harm to the child. The drugs of choice are Alteika, Mukaltin, Gedelix, Herbion. Care should be taken to find a national recipe for a cough, found on the medical forum, because a seemingly safe plant can cause a threat of miscarriage. Any antitussive herbal medicine in a pregnant woman, especially in the first months of pregnancy should be agreed with a specialist.

In the second and third trimester (starting at week 12), a dry cough caused by a viral infection no longer presents such a danger as at the beginning of pregnancy.The fetus is under reliable protection of the placenta, which passes nutrients and oxygen, preventing the harmful components of the environment from entering the developing organism.

For this reason, the restrictions in taking medications in this period are not so strict, but consultation with a doctor about the appropriateness of using one or another medication is mandatory. When prescribing therapy, preference is given to the herbal medicine (Mukaltin, Eucabal, Gedelix, Herbion with plantain), if necessary, Bromhexine is allowed.

Treatment of wet cough is to facilitate the process of expectoration and dilution of sputum.For this purpose, it is recommended to take the drainage position (to bend down from the bed) or to do a special massage of the chest. In the first trimester, it is necessary to limit the intake of medicines to the maximum, replacing them with soda inhalations or slightly alkaline drinking.

If necessary, according to the doctor's prescription can be used plant medicine (Bronchipret or Linkas) or homeopathy (Stolet). Medicamentous medical appointments in the second and third trimester can be supplemented if necessary with synthetic agents (Ambroxol).

Significantly facilitate the condition of a pregnant woman helps the appropriate diet and regimen. It is advisable not to suffer a cold on your feet, but to take a sick leave and be treated at home. In the early days, bed rest is shown, as well as abundant use of a slightly alkaline drink, fruit juice, juice.

Medications for cough during pregnancy: basic medicines and contraindications

Medicines for cough during pregnancy should be taken only after medical appointment.

The main criterion in the choice of the drug is that it is safe for the fetus, this primarily depends on the gestation period.

Therapy depends on the type of cough and condition of the woman, preference is given to syrups and tablets of plant origin, which has antitussive, expectorant or mucolytic effects. The type, dosage of the medicine, the frequency of administration, and the duration of treatment the doctor chooses individually, taking into account possible contraindications.

There are absolute contra-indications among medicines and procedures from coughing to women during pregnancy:

  1. It is forbidden to use warming and irritating procedures, such as mustard, hot foot baths, etc. Especially dangerous are the listed methods in the early term of pregnancy, as they stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic region and can provoke bleeding or poor health in a future mother.
  2. Do not inhale boiled potato steam, because the effectiveness of the procedure is questionable, but it can lead to hypertension.
  3. Contraindicated use of drugs with codeine, ephedrine and other opioids (Kodterpin, Bronholitin, Tussin), drugs that have toxic effects on the liver (ACTS), affecting the level of female sex hormones and smooth muscles of the uterus (Duszica, Thermopsis, Licorice) and some other medicines.

Strong cough during pregnancy and its treatment at home

Even a severe cough during pregnancy caused by a cold can be treated with folk methods. One of the most effective ways to facilitate the withdrawal of sputum are inhalations over the steam of herbal infusions of thyme, chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, marigold or their collections. If earlier for the procedures of this type used teapot, now the inhalations are carried out with the help of a nebulizer.

It is important to observe the following rules:

  • Inhalation is prohibited at elevated body temperature;
  • inhale the healing steam should not be longer than 10 minutes from 3 to 6 times a day;
  • The temperature of the broth should be about 40 degrees, the procedure should not cause discomfort;
  • You can not eat and talk for 30 minutes after being manipulated.

In addition to infusions of herbs for inhalation, you can use mineral water, soda, honey or physiological saline, as well as some medicines (Ambroxol). Essential oils are prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy, they should also be used with caution after testing for allergies.

To ease the condition with a strong dry cough during pregnancy at night, you can put a compress on the chest of cabbage with honey or warm mashed potatoes. In this case, the use of dry mustard or ointments based on eucalyptus and camphor are unacceptable, because of the possibility of increasing pressure or tone of the uterine muscles, which can lead to premature birth.

If cough is provoked by a bacterial or viral infection of the throat and larynx, then reducing the attack will help rinse with a soda solution (half a teaspoon of soda to a glass of water) or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula). Disinfect the diseased organ after eating up to 8 times a day. A sign that the procedure brings the feeling that the throat is sufficiently moist and there is no cough reflex.

What you can drink to pregnant women from cough: decoctions, syrups and physiotherapy

From the correct definition that it is possible to drink pregnant women from cough, not only does the effectiveness of symptom elimination depend, but also the health, and sometimes the life of the unborn child.

With caution, you need to treat the advice - completely abandon the cough treatment during pregnancy, since the symptom represents a certain danger not only for women, but also for for the fetus.

If you do not ensure the timely removal of sputum from the respiratory tract, you can provoke the development of bronchitis or pneumonia, diseases requiring antibiotic therapy and capable of leading to intrauterine infection of the fetus, the formation of various malformations and even miscarriage. Expressed cough reflex can increase the uterine tone, lead to fetal hypoxia, the emergence of congenital malformations, the threat of termination of pregnancy.

With deviations in the location of the placenta (including the presentation), cough sometimes causes uterine bleeding. A coughing attack can intensify the gag reflex, causing nausea or vomiting, which is especially sensitive in case of toxicosis. In most cases, cough can be cured at home using methods of alternative medicine: inhalations, rinses, compresses.

The doctor can determine the list of what can be drunk to pregnant women from coughing, and allow you to take teas, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs that are not contraindicated to pregnant women.A good result is a warm milk with honey and butter, honey with black radish juice, and also a decoction of figs on milk. If this does not help, apply, prescribed by the doctor, syrups and tablets of vegetable origin, including those prepared on the basis of Althea and Ivy. LFK and massage are recommended to accelerate recovery.

To prevent cough and more serious unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to use preventive measures to prevent colds: walk in the fresh air, properly and fully eat, exercise, drink vitamin and mineral complexes, avoid stressful situations and places of large concentrations of people, especially during epidemics.



Treatment of cough in pregnant women using syrup

Cough during pregnancy occurs often enough, especially if the period of bearing a child falls on the autumn-winter time. Considering the fact that this symptom of a viral or catarrhal disease is not only cause of a woman's poor health, but also a threat to the embryo, it is necessary to conduct a correct treatment.

Cough is dangerous because it causes a contraction of the uterus, which is accompanied by severe pain and causes a deterioration in the blood supply of the fetus. It is in such cases that intrauterine hypoxia often develops.

Most often in the treatment of cough syrup for pregnant women, but it is important that such a drug was safe and effective.

How to choose a medicine?

When the first cough attacks occur, the pregnant woman should immediately consult a specialist, which will make it possible to avoid many dangerous complications. It is forbidden to choose a medicinal product on its own, it concerns syrups, which can contain dangerous substances, especially for the embryo.The most dangerous are all syrups, the active substance of which is such a substance as codeine.This is a potent remedy to eliminate all signs of the disease, but after such treatment, the following side effects often occur:
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a strong sense of fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • difficulty breathing.

In addition, that the state of health of a woman worsens, there may be disturbances in the mental and physical development of the child, and after birth the baby shows signs of intoxication with opioid alkaloids.

Dry cough remedies

As a rule, pregnant women are given cough syrups during pregnancy based on medicinal plants that do not have harmful effects on the embryo. The most popular medicines produced in this dosage form are such syrups:
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Gedelix;
  • Eucabal;
  • Syrup of Althea.

Dr Mom Mom is prescribed to pregnant women and small children with dry cough caused by bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract with hard-to-remove viscous sputum. The composition of the drug includes only medicinal plants that do not have harmful effects on the embryo, so you should not doubt its safety and effectiveness. Dr. Mom has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator and mucolytic properties. Achieved high therapeutic effect due to such plants as:

  • elecampane;
  • ginger;
  • turmeric;
  • licorice;
  • basil;
  • aloe.

Penetrating the respiratory tract, they contribute to the production and separation of sputum, improving the state of health of a pregnant woman.

It is not contraindicated in pregnancy to use and extract of ivy, on the basis of which syrup Gedelix is ​​made. The drug has expectorant, spasmolytic and mucolytic effect.Using the medicine, sputum is slowly diluted and begins to clear, thus reducing chest pain, which often occurs with a dry cough. It also significantly improves breathing, which is very important for the health of the child, in addition, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is moistened.

Do not forget about this drug from cough in the form of syrup as Eucabal, which is often prescribed by pediatricians to children. It is made on the basis of extracts of plantain and thyme, however, it also includes ethanol, so treatment should be carried out with particular caution. Use the medicine only on the prescription of the doctor, not exceeding the duration of the course and the dosage of the drug.

Medicines for wet cough

In the treatment of wet cough should be prescribed other drugs, the effect of which is to make the phlegm more viscous and withdraw it from the respiratory tract. Often used is a syrup from a wet cough like Stodal. However, it should be used especially carefully, since it contains alcohol. This remedy for cough for pregnant women promotes the expansion of the bronchi, improves the separation of sputum and speeds up the recovery process.

Stodal - an effective homeopathic remedy for coughing

This drug can be prescribed for any form of cough - wet or dry. Proceeding from the fact that this is a homeopathic remedy, it practically never causes side effects. Experts say that only occasionally there may be allergic reactions in the form of itching of the skin, irritation of the nasal mucosa and throat.

Most women who took Stodal, said that the improvements were visible already on day 3 after treatment. Usually the syrup is taken on a tablespoon 3-5 times a day, the dosage depends on the severity of the disease, the gestation period, the individual characteristics of the organism of the pregnant woman.

When wet coughing can help to eliminate its symptoms Syrup of althea, which is an effective expectorant, anti-inflammatory and emollient. Usually, he is prescribed for such diseases, manifested by a wet cough:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tracheobronchitis.

Take the drug should be prescribed by the doctor, since in each case there may be a different dosage, but the duration of treatment, as a rule, is 15 days.A syrup is almost never prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy, because the effect of the drug on the embryo is not fully understood.Despite the safety of cough syrups intended for the treatment of pregnant women, the initial stage of the disease can be tried rinse the throat with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. Also, an abundant warm drink that allows curing a cough without a medicine is considered useful.


Treatment of colds in pregnant women with medicines

Most pregnant women in every way try to avoid the occurrence of colds, observing preventive measures. But, unfortunately, it is possible to protect your body from the penetration of a viral infection not always.Treatment of the disease should be carried out immediately after the discovery of the first symptoms of a cold.In this case, you need to visit a therapist who will prescribe safe medications for colds during pregnancy. If a cold has overcome a woman at the beginning of pregnancy, you need to take extra care, because during this period the child's body is just beginning to form and the wrongly chosen remedy can lead to irreversible consequences.

What preparations to choose?

According to experts, the safest, but at the same time no less effective means for a cold for pregnant women are those that were made on the basis of natural components. You can choose a drug only for the prescription of your doctor, giving up self-treatment. To treat each of the symptoms of colds - a cold, cough, sore throat, temperature, special medications should be used.

When treating a cold during pregnancy, you can not soar your legs, as this can threaten the interruption of pregnancy.

Antipyretic drugs

In the treatment of colds in pregnancy to reduce temperature, analgin, aspirin, and also complex preparations such as Coldrex, Verfeks, Antigrippin are contraindicated. In such medicines, in addition to dyes and harmful food additives, there are aspirin, caffeine and phenyramine maleate, which, if ingested, can cause serious complications.

With a cold, a woman can confidently take paracetamol in the form of such drugs as Panadol or Efferalgan, this active substance exerts an antipyretic and analgesic effect on the body. Paracetamol has the ability to penetrate the placenta into the baby's body, but it does not have a harmful effect on it.

Cures for the cold

Very often, women do not know what exactly to treat a pregnant woman with a cold, when a strong cold or nasal congestion, which causes a bad condition, is disturbed. A woman who is troubled by a runny nose, complains of a difficult nasal breathing, restless sleep, general weakness, headaches. In addition, that the runny nose causes a poor state of health for the expectant mother, it is a great danger for child, because with bad nasal breathing or breathing through the mouth, the intake of insufficient oxygen through placenta. The duration of such a process can cause such a serious consequence as oxygen starvation, which in time can lead to intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. That is why it is important to take timely measures to release the nose from accumulated mucus, as well as aimed at eliminating the very symptom of the common cold.

A woman expecting the birth of a child should understand that it is strictly forbidden to tolerate the rhinitis, it is better to choose an effective drug, the use of which is permitted during pregnancy. However, it is forbidden to drip into the nose vasoconstrictive drops.Among the banned drugs are:

  • Naphthysine;
  • Nazivin;
  • Tysine;
  • Nasol;
  • Oxymetazanol.

Each time before you drip your nose, you need to wash it with saline or decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, to eliminate excess mucus that failed to blow out. In addition, such actions allow the removal of pathogenic microorganisms, which are the cause of the formation of the inflammatory process. You can safely apply drops with nasal congestion, made on the basis of sea water or extracts of medicinal plants. To the number of authorized drops and sprays in the nose, experts include such drugs against colds for pregnant women:

  • Aqualor;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Merimer;
  • SALIN.

All of them are not medicinal preparations, but only allow to moisten the mucous membrane and release the nasopharynx from mucus and microbes.Effective is a drug such as Pinosol, which includes antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory essential oils. However, it can be used as a medicine for a cold during pregnancy only after appointment by a specialist or approval from him. Usually, when using such oil droplets, there is no deterioration of the mucosa, on the contrary, it begins to recover quickly. It is recommended to treat the common cold with the help of safe homeopathic medicines Euforbium compositum or EDAS-131.

Do not underestimate some traditional medicine that has a powerful curative effect. To this end, a pregnant woman can prepare drops herself, using aloe and calanchoe juice together or separately. The juice should only be used fresh, diluting it with water 1: 1.

Preparations for cough

Choose a remedy for colds during pregnancy, when the disease is accompanied by a cough, is not so difficult, because there are many effective drugs safe even for the child.First of all, treatment should start with the use of steam inhalations, for which you can use essential oils of tea tree and eucalyptus.

Despite the fact that during pregnancy, both oils are considered useful, during breastfeeding from the inhalation of essential oils of tea tree and eucalyptus it is better to refuse.

For the procedure, you need to pour 150 ml of warm water into the medicine tank and drop 2-3 drops of oil there. Breathe through the mouth for no more than 7 minutes, otherwise the procedure will not benefit the future mother, but harm.

From a cough you can take such syrups and pills against colds during pregnancy:

  1. Coldrex is a syrup that contains guaifenesin, safe for the baby and the mother. It does not contain dyes and other harmful additives. However, if the cough does not go away when it is used, you need to see a doctor for another medication. Also it is necessary to exclude its independent application.
  2. Lazolvan - tablets, syrup, solution, are allowed to use, starting from the 12th week of pregnancy.
  3. ATSTS - a preparation that dilutes sputum, the active ingredient of which is fluimitsil. He is appointed at all terms of pregnancy, but treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. During the intake of the drug, you need to drink more liquid, which contributes to the dilution of phlegm.
  4. Mukaltin - tablets against colds for pregnant women, are made on the basis of the extract of the altea root. Belong to expectorants, they are prescribed for the treatment of dry cough.
  5. Ambroxol - a drug based on medicinal plants, is allowed to use only the second and third trimester of pregnancy under the supervision of a specialist.

Antibiotics in the treatment of colds are ineffective, as they are aimed at the destruction of microbes, while viruses continue to rapidly multiply. Moreover, these are very dangerous preparations for the child's organism. The only thing when one can not do without an antibiotic is the development of angina or pneumonia, but the drug itself and the course of treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist.

What to use for sore throat?

In pregnancy, only a small amount of drugs for sore throat are allowed to use. It is strictly forbidden to use medicines based on alcohol - sprays and tinctures. Absolutely safe are such sprays, tablets and solutions for rinsing the sore throat in a pregnant woman:

  1. Chlorhexidine - a solution of 0, 1%, has a slightly bitter taste, does not have the property of being absorbed into the blood, so the drug does not enter the baby's body. The drug is effective in pharyngitis and angina, it is used as a solution for rinsing the throat in undiluted form. The agent has one important drawback - after it for a while on the teeth remains a dark raid.
  2. Miramistin - a solution for rinsing the throat, is sold as a spray. It is prescribed for pregnant women in the treatment of pharyngitis and sore throat, it is not absorbed into the blood, so it does not reach the baby. Use the product in undiluted form.
  3. Lugol's solution - a drug that includes iodine, glycerol and potassium iodine, is prescribed to lubricate the inflamed tonsils with severe angina.

Lollipops, which are so often used in the treatment of colds when the throat is affected, are practically not prescribed to pregnant women, since they are either ineffective or contraindicated in pregnancy. The only exception concerns two preparations made on the basis of the natural component of lysozyme. To this group belong lollipops for the throat of Lizobakt and Laripront. These drugs against colds for pregnant women will help cure not only pharyngitis, but also neglected sore throat. A cold for a pregnant woman and her child with proper treatment does not pose a serious danger, the main thing is to choose the right medicine and adhere to all the recommendations of the treating doctor.


What medications can I take with pregnant women?

Many pregnant women are worried about the question: em> "What medications can I take with pregnant women, and what effect do drugs have on pregnancy?"

According to statistics, approximately 80% of pregnant women took medicines at least once. But it should be remembered that during pregnancy, the woman's body is reconstructed for another job, and the intake of even previously tested medicines can primarily affect the main body filters - the liver and kidneys, which during this period become very sensitive to medicines. As a result of taking medication during pregnancy, you may experience allergies.

Pregnancy and medications

Medications during pregnancy are recommended to take extremely rarely, only in cases when it is really necessary. The effect on pregnancy drugs vary greatly, depending on the substances included in the preparation.

Nevertheless, there are cases when taking medications is inevitable, for example, women who have chronic diseases. Women with diabetes can not refuse to take medication during pregnancy, because this disease requires constant intake of drugs containing insulin, and at different stages of pregnancy, a certain dose is needed preparation.

In such cases, one can not do without the advice of an experienced doctor, who may advise the use of another drug during pregnancy.

Always remember that there are no harmless medicines, even medicines that are permitted during pregnancy have contraindications and side effects. But if you really can not do without taking medicine, then it is necessary that the expected benefits from the drug exceed the potential risk.

Taking medication during pregnancy

Medications in the early stages of pregnancy are especially dangerous. This is due to the fact that from 6-8 weeks of pregnancy there is the formation of organs and systems of the embryo, and the intake of many medications can cause malformations of its development.

The safest period of pregnancy for taking medication is the second trimester. Approximately to the 16th week of pregnancy, the placenta is finally formed, and begins to function protective barrier, thereby reducing the ability of certain drugs to adversely affect the body the kid.

Prohibited drugs during pregnancy

Prohibited drugs during pregnancy are most antibiotics that have a negative effect on any period of pregnancy. To such antibiotics include tetracycline and its derivatives, levomycetin, streptomycin.

Admission tetracycline in the early stages of pregnancy causes malformations of the baby, in later terms affects the formation of teeth rudiments, which leads to the emergence of severe caries in the child.

The intake of levomycetin negatively affects the organs of hematopoiesis, and streptomycin in large doses causes deafness.

What kind of medication can I take pregnant?

  1. Usemedicines for colds and headaches during pregnancynegatively affect the heart and kidneys of the baby. If you have a cold or have a headache, it is better to take paracetamol from all anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not use acetylsalicylic acid, so taking this medication is not recommended for pregnant women. It is also not recommended to take analgin, which has a very bad effect on the blood of a person, especially a small one.
  2. Prolongedtaking prescription medications for pregnancycan cause depression in a newborn baby. For example, a drug called disintegrating, which reduces high blood pressure, leads to increased drowsiness. But these side effects usually go away a few weeks after birth.
  3. Ascough medicines for pregnancywill suit the infusion of mother-and-stepmother, thermopsis. Of the drugs you can take pregnant women can take bromhexine and mukaltin.
  4. Ofmedicines for allergies in pregnancyDiazoline is recommended. During the application of this drug, no obvious adverse effects on the fetus were observed. The drug Tavegil in this respect is slightly inferior, but in any case, both drugs are better taken as prescribed by the doctor.
  5. Medications for hemorrhoids in pregnancyusually prescribed in the form of ointments and suppositories, which reduce edema and reduce pain.Usually prescribed the following drugs: anesthesol, procto-gliwenol, anuzole. During the exacerbation of the disease, butadione ointment is used.
  6. At any period of pregnancy a woman may have cystitis - an inflammation of the bladder. This may be due to a variety of factors, including hormonal changes in the body, but mostly hemodynamic or mechanical factors. At the first symptoms of this disease, it is necessary to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, or to a urologist, since only a specialist can appoint specialcures for pregnancy.


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