Swollen joints on the fingers: what to do?


  • 1Swelling of the joint on the finger: what to do and who to seek treatment for
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Fractures and cracks
    • 1.3Disturbance integrity of the dermal cover
    • 1.4Osteoarthritis and arthritis
    • 1.5Violation of metabolic processes
    • 1.6Adverse effects
    • 1.7Diagnostics
    • 1.8Treatment
    • 1.9Medication Therapy
    • 1.10Physiotherapy
    • 1.11Massage and exercise therapy
    • 1.12Operation
  • 2Swollen joints on the fingers
    • 2.1Why the fingers are swollen
    • 2.2What to do if swollen joints in the hands
  • 3Puffy fingers on the hands: causes, diagnosis, treatment. What to do if the joints on the fingers are swollen
    • 3.1How to remove the tumor?
    • 3.2Fracture
    • 3.3Inflammatory process
    • 3.4Violation of the integrity of the joint
    • 3.5Open wounds
    • 3.6Other causes of swelling of fingers
  • 4Swelling of the joint on the finger: what to do and how to remove the swelling
    • 4.1Causes of puffiness in the fingers
    • 4.2What should I do if my fingers swell?
  • 5Why does my fingers swell and hurt?
    • 5.1Symptoms of swelling of the joints of the fingers
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2Causes of edema
    • 5.3Arthritis
    • 5.4Osteoarthritis
    • 5.5Gout
    • 5.6Injuries, cuts, wounds
    • 5.7Overstrain of muscles
    • 5.8Violation of the internal organs
    • 5.9Allergic reaction
    • 5.10Hormonal disorders in the body
    • 5.11Diagnosis of edema
    • 5.12Treatment of puffiness and joint pain
    • 5.13Traditional medicine in the fight against edema of the joints
  • 6Joints on the fingers are swollen: causes, methods of treatment
    • 6.1Reason 1. Traumatic factor
    • 6.2Reason 2. Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 6.3Reason 3. Septic arthritis
    • 6.4Reason 4. Gout
    • 6.5Reason 5. Psoriasis
    • 6.6Reason 6. Acute respiratory infections
    • 6.7Reason 7. Toxic effect
    • 6.8Conclusion

Swelling of the joint on the finger: what to do and who to seek treatment for

With the swelling of the joints of the fingers on the hands throughout life, most people face, since the limbs are the most moving parts of the human body. Due to the fact that the number of right-handed people is greater than left-handed people, pathological changes most often occur on the right hand.

You will learn

  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Diagnostics
  • 3 Treatment


The reasons for this pathology are completely different, and the quality of treatment depends on the correctness of their definition.

It is important to realize that such inflammation in itself is not a disease, but represents only a single manifestation, a symptom, which can be caused by various factors that are completely different and require radically opposite methods therapy. This can be a consequence of the old trauma, as well as a violation of metabolism, therefore, the elimination of symptoms will not be effective, and the disease will go into a chronic form with periodic exacerbations.

Pain can be of different intensity: periodic and constant, noisy, interfering with sleep at night or practically absent.

The most common cause of swollen phalangeal joints is trauma to soft or hard tissues. Less common are tumors arising due to swelling, allergic reactions, muscle damage or metabolic disorders.

Fractures and cracks

This pathology is most easily identified. Usually, the patient knows exactly when he was physically injured. Symptoms may not appear immediately, but after a certain period of time.

Manifestations can be:

  • sharp pains in the finger or spreading all over the wrist;
  • cyanosis of the skin due to the appearance of internal hemorrhage or disturbance of blood vessels;
  • local inflammation;
  • problems with the mobility of the finger;
  • redness and a feeling of heat or burning in the place of inflammation.

Disturbance integrity of the dermal cover

In this case, defects are noticeable visually: these can be punctures, scratches, splinters, cuts, and so on. Inflammation can occur not only in the place of injury, but also near it.

Especially severe swelling occurs when the wound is infected with a bacterial infection. In this case, the body temperature rises significantly.

Over time, there may be an abscess or abscess.

Osteoarthritis and arthritis

There are many varieties of arthroses that can lead to a pronounced swelling of the finger on the arm. Despite the fact that most of their symptoms are similar, they also have some differences, and also different possible health consequences.

Polyostoarthrosisoccurs most often at an older age and predominantly in women. It is a special group of deforming osteoarthritis. The main symptomatology:

  • monotonous or aching pain with gain after exercise;
  • increased pain in the evening;
  • specific deformation of phalanges - "nodal fingers
  • Special nodes on the lateral and dorsal surfaces of phalanges, which are most often located symmetrically.

In a number of cases, pain sensations do not accompany the course of polyostoarthrosis, in other cases, burning and pain are felt.

Rheumatoid arthritis- a dangerous autoimmune deviation that affects small joints, including finger joints, especially on the index and middle fingers. In most cases, arthritis appears symmetrically on the hands of both hands.

This is a systemic autoimmune disease with a predominant lesion of the small joints of the body, including - with swelling of the upper limbs. The nature of the course of rheumatoid arthritis is defined as chronic with systematic exacerbations.

Inflammations that occur on the second or third joint phalanx, accompanies the weakness of the muscles of the hand and stiffness in the hands. Painful sensations intensify from the middle of the night with peak intensity towards morning.

In this video we are talking about rheumatoid arthritis, the causes of its occurrence, the methods of diagnosis and treatment:

Rhizoarthritisoccurs on the thumb and is associated with physical overload of the phalanx, so it is often referred to as occupational diseases.


When moving in a swollen joint, a crunch is heard, joint articulation and a change in the shape of the finger are noticeable. Over time, the pain from temporary to overgrow into a permanent against the background of a decrease in the overall tone of the cartilaginous tissue.


ATgroup of infectious arthritisget pathologies in which the inside of the joint after injury are pathogenic microorganisms or are brought there with the blood flow, continuing there development within the articular cavity.

With such infection, all the symptoms begin to manifest sharply and sharply, with a rise in temperature, severe pain in the hand.

Violation of metabolic processes

Such pathological processes as gout and diabetes, can lead to swelling and thickening of the joints of the hands. These inflammations occur paroxysmally, can be affected as the fingers of one and both hands, mostly - large.

Attacks occur at night with pain of very strong intensity, which is difficult to bear. The skin in the zone of pathology turns red, reaching a scarlet color. Attacks last from 3 to 7 days, after which they disappear until the next exacerbation.

Adverse effects

To such factors, causing swelling of the articular joints of the hand, are strong vibrations arising when working with special instruments, high humidity, wearing tight rings that cut off the supply of nutrients to the joint, strong hypothermia, etc.

In such cases, it is sufficient to eliminate the causes that caused swelling or swelling. If the action of the factor is continuous, then the pathology can go on into a chronic form.


Having found out the swelling in the area of ​​the joints of the phalanges, it is necessary to consult a therapist who will take the initial reception and determine which doctor should be sent. It can be the following specialists:

  • angiosurgeon;
  • traumatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • rheumatologist.

The complex of diagnostic measures depends on the data obtained when the patient is interviewed, and depending on the clinical picture that the specialist evaluates. A palpation and testing of painful sensations is performed when the hand is bent into a fist and back extension.

The diagnosis, based on only the symptoms, can not be considered complete and definitive, so a more detailed instrumental examination is prescribed:

  • If an infectious agent is assumed, then a bacterial analysis for resistance to antibiotic groups is performed to select antibiotic therapy.
  • If the disease is caused by trauma, an X-ray of the brush is performed, on which it is possible to establish the presence of cracks, fractures and other degenerative phenomena of hard tissues.
  • Auxiliary tools for instrumental diagnosis are MRI, arthroscopy and ultrasound, which allow to establish all the details of the structure of bones, muscles, tendons and nerves.


Based on the data obtained in the diagnosis, differentiated therapy is prescribed. Symptomatic agents are prescribed almost always if the tumor is accompanied by pain.

To achieve optimal results, treatment is carried out in a complex manner using such therapy methods:

  1. medicamentous means;
  2. physiotherapy;
  3. massages and exercise therapy;
  4. surgical methods.

They can be applied all at once or selectively, which determines the attending physician.

Medication Therapy

This method allows to eliminate acute manifestations of swelling and stops the process, preventing its further development. Most often, experts prescribe such groups of drugs:

  • to reduce pain (Analgin, Ketolong, Ketonal);
  • myorelaxing (Midokalm);
  • for elimination of edema (L-lysine escinate);
  • absorbable (trypsin);
  • from inflammation (Meloxicam, Nimesulide, Diclofenac).

After the weakening of acute manifestations, oral or injectable preparations can be replaced with balsams, creams, gels or ointments. Such remedies are preferred in terms of side effects, since they act locally.

With abscesses or suppuration, the systemic and local properties are used.

In some cases, special therapy is required, which requires the use of specific drugs to suppress the development of the disease:

  1. hormones and cytotoxic drugs - in the case of rheumatoid arthritis;
  2. gipurikemiceskie means - with gout;
  3. antibiotics - for infectious causes and rheumatoid arthritis;
  4. Chondroprotective agents - for osteoarthritic phenomena.

Dosage and timing of admission are calculated by a specialist, based on the age, weight and health status of the patient.


Means of physiotherapy are suitable in cases when traumas, gout, osteoarthrosis and a number of other causes are identified, but their application in case of autoimmune diseases is not recommended.

Physiotherapeutic agents are used after elimination of acute process. Predominantly appointed such procedures:

  • phono and electrophoresis;
  • laser treatment;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • balneotherapy.

To select the optimal set of similar procedures, a physiotherapist should be consulted.

Massage and exercise therapy

To improve the condition of interphalangeal joints in the therapy of articular swelling it is necessary to do certain exercises. If such gymnastics is accompanied by strong discomfort, then before the beginning of gymnastics the affected area is treated with ointments with an anesthetic effect.

The course of massage reduces the manifestation of symptoms, relieves muscle spasms and improves the blood supply of the periarticular zone.


With certain types of articular swelling, the only way to get rid of pathology is the surgical method.

In severe injuries, localized on the wrist, with tearing of soft tissue or the accumulation of large amounts of blood in place hematomas use osteosynthesis, punctures with the washing of cavities with antiseptic agents followed by cross-linking tissues.

Correct methods of treatment of phalangeal articular pathologies of the hand, selected by a qualified doctor, will restore the motor activity and strength of the hands to the full, and also provide health for long years.

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A source: http://prosustav.ru/travmasustava/opuholioteki/opux-sustav-na-palce-ruki-chto-delat.html

Swollen joints on the fingers

For Women »Beauty and Health» Home Doctor »Symptoms

On how important it is to keep the accuracy of movements in the hands and the flexibility of the fingers today do not need to be explained to anyone.

But, unfortunately, most older people are faced with the fact that they begin to swell their fingers, which lose their mobility and can no longer perform the usual actions.

Sometimes the same problem arises in young people who play sports or who spend all their time at the computer.

Causes that can cause swelling of the fingers on the hands are not so many, but in most cases, treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the small joints of the hand can be completely deformed.

Why the fingers are swollen

Small joints of the fingers can become swollen due to trauma, arthritis or arthrosis, allergies or overstrain of muscles and ligaments. To distinguish one disease from another is quite difficult, therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Main reasons:

  • Arthritis- Acute or chronic arthritis most often causes swelling of the fingers. Chronic arthritis is typical for the elderly, especially for those who have been engaged in heavy manual labor for many years, often have supercooled or suffered from viral and infectious diseases. Chronic inflammation develops gradually, fingers gradually lose their flexibility, joints increase in volume, deform, hurt during the cold season or with changing weather. Most often, patients suffering from chronic arthritis, turn to the doctor during an exacerbation, which in its symptoms is very similar to acute arthritis. Acute arthritis occurs at any age, including in children. The cause of inflammation of the joints can be a viral or bacterial infection - angina, influenza, acute respiratory infections, enteritis or any other. Infectious agents cause inflammation of the small joints of the hand or foot, arthritis may occur 1-2 weeks after recovery or for no apparent reason. Patients with arthritis feel a strong pain in the fingers, which turn red, swell and lose mobility. The pain increases with the movement of the fingers, the joints "creak" and deform. Exacerbation of a chronic or acute inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, general malaise, headache and weakness.
  • Osteoarthritis- earlier it was believed that only people over 50 years old suffer from this disease, but in recent decades the number of young people suffering from arthrosis of the fingers has been growing. Hereditary predisposition, trauma and micro-injury, metabolic or endocrine disruption diseases lead to the fact that the elastic cartilage located between the bones finger. The cartilage plate is necessary to ensure the slipping and damping of bones, its destruction causes inflammation and swelling of the joints. Most often, the terminal phalanges of the fingers and the lower phalanx of the thumb begin to hurt the first. Gradually impaired mobility of the fingers, there is pain during movement, the joints look swollen and deformed. If the disease does not begin to heal at an early stage, finger stiffness or chronic arthritis may occur.
  • Injuries- fractures, dislocations and subluxations of the fingers are very common. In this case, the fingers very quickly, "swelling up" in the eyes, severe pain, especially when the injured hand moves, swelling and hemorrhage in the tissue.
  • Open wounds- if the tumor appeared on the finger with a cut, puncture, an animal bite or any other skin damage, the cause of the tumor is a purulent inflammation. Especially dangerous it can be at deep wounds, pollution by the ground, rust or an animal bite.
  • Syndrome of "restless fingers"- Often the fingers of programmers or people who are forced to perform monotonous movements with their fingers - sewing machines, typists and so on, often swell up their fingers. Constant tension causes inflammation of the tendons and ligaments, which can gradually spread to the joints.
  • Allergy- less often the joints on the fingers are swollen due to allergic reactions. In this case, not only the joints swell up, but also the whole fingers, there is itching, swollen eyelids, face, on the skin there may be rashes or redness.
  • Other reasons - sometimes the fingers swell after long walks, exercise or in the evening. Causes of edema is a violation in the work of the cardiovascular system or kidneys. With such diseases, the joints do not swell - the fluid accumulates in the subcutaneous fat, but because of this, the fingers are bent worse, which sometimes misleads the patients.

What to do if swollen joints in the hands

Treatment of inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases should be carried out only for the intended purpose physician, as far as not everyone can independently distinguish arthrosis from infectious arthritis, and treatment for these diseases Other. Before contacting a doctor, you can:

  • if the pain in the joints is caused by overexertion or trauma - apply a cold compress and provide hands full rest;
  • with inflammation of the joints - to lubricate the affected areas with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments: voltaren, nurofen, nimulide, fastum. It is also possible to take NSAIDs in the form of tablets: diclofenac, ibuprofen, piroxicam, indomethacin, ketorolac and so on;
  • at an allergic inflammation quickly to remove an edema and an itch it is possible by means of a tablet of a suprastinum, klaritina, loratodin, ketotifen and so on.

As home remedies for swelling of the fingers use:

  • baths with essential oils, eucalyptus oil, sandalwood, calendula and so on - into the bath with warm water and several drops of essential oil (5-10 drops per 1 liter) immerse the affected limb by 10-15 minutes;
  • to apply to the affected joints crushed onion or fresh, crumpled leaves of cabbage, a compress made of greens make every day for 30-40 minutes;
  • rub your fingers with fir oil;
  • rub the Kalanchoe tincture into the inflamed joint.

All of the above mentioned funds can only bring temporary relief, and to get rid of the disease without going to the doctor can not do.

A source: http://OnWomen.ru/opuhayut-sustavy-na-palcah-ruk.html

Puffy fingers on the hands: causes, diagnosis, treatment. What to do if the joints on the fingers are swollen

Quite often, with injuries, tissue damage and inflammation of the joints, a person has swollen fingers on his hands.

In order for the outcome of treatment to be positive, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon, since each individual case needs certain therapeutic measures.

When swollen joints on the fingers, there is a sharp pain that does not allow the phalanges to function normally. What to do in such situations? Let's try to consider the main causes that provoke swelling, and ways to eliminate them.

How to remove the tumor?

Puffy fingers on the hands are observed not only as a result of infection or injury, but also in repetitive movements, for example, when working with a computer mouse for a long time.

In such cases, a complete peace and cold compress with a tight bandage is necessary. Reduce pain, relieve inflammation and normalize blood circulation by lifting the affected toe up.

Using ice, it is necessary to remember that it should be imposed through a bandage, otherwise it is possible not only frostbite the skin, but also significantly reduce blood flow, which will cause tissue damage and complicate the subsequent rehabilitation.

It is very useful to make baths with warm salted water, in which it is recommended to lower the affected limb twice a day for 20 minutes.

If the situation remains the same and the condition does not improve, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to exclude injury or rupture of the tendon, as well as the development of the infectious process.


Enough often swollen fingers on the hands are diagnosed due to traumatic effects.

The first signs of a fracture is a strong swelling of soft tissues, a rapid increase in their temperature, redness, severe pain, subcutaneous hemorrhage and impaired motor activity.

Before going to the hospital, it is recommended to build a special tire: it can be a pencil or a ball pen, which should be attached to a sore thumb. Remember that such a device is superimposed so that it is possible to fix the underlying and overlying joints.

Inflammatory process

If the joints on the fingers are swollen for no apparent reason, and while you can not perform the usual movements, you need to see the doctor, which on the basis of blood and X-ray analyzes will make appropriate conclusions about the condition of the tissues and the inflammatory processes. Provoke edema can allergic reactions, arthritis, arthrosis and much more.

It should be noted that the thumb is structurally different from the other fingers, since it has only two phalanges.

With the help of a thumb, a person can lift weights and take uncomfortable objects, so when he is injured, it is impossible to perform elementary manipulations.

In such cases, a comprehensive treatment based on the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed, as well as the use of ointments, creams, wraps, compresses and lotions.

If the thumb on the hand is swollen, it is useful to apply honey cakes to it, but if there is an allergy to beekeeping products, it is better to refuse such procedure.

Violation of the integrity of the joint

If the phalanges of the fingers were swollen as a result of abrasion, cut, unsuccessfully treated cuticle, it is necessary to prevent purulent inflammation.

For this, disinfectants such as streptocidal ointment, hydrogen peroxide and a solution of furacilin are used.


If the affected tissue becomes wet, it is better to use powdered streptocide and to change gauze bandages more often.


To eliminate a deep inflammatory process that does not have obvious external manifestations, it is recommended to use Vishnevsky ointment. Local treatment is often combined with the use of antibacterial drugs, but such medications are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Open wounds

A small tumor is an ordinary sign of an open wound, but if such a phenomenon continues for a sufficiently long time, it is a signal that one should see the doctor.

Prevent infection by using soapy water or a disinfectant, as well as using antibacterial ointment and a sterile dressing.

Open damage to the skin that is caused by animal bites, rusty objects or deep punctures, need immediate medical attention, otherwise their consequences can seriously threaten not only health, but also life rights.

Other causes of swelling of fingers

Probably, many people noticed swollen fingers in their hands after a long walk. What does it say? Most often this phenomenon is not associated with a serious illness and, as a rule, passes after a while.

In most cases, the swelling of the hands is observed in inactive people who have been without movement for a long time. As a result of this lifestyle, the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is disrupted, which leads to the accumulation of blood in the upper limbs.

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Hence, there is a swelling of the fingers, which can be accompanied by a slight tingling sensation.

Another reason may be the difference between the temperature of the air and your body. During the movement, the body warms up and begins to get rid of heat through the release of sweat.

At this time, cool air acts on the open areas of the hands, blood begins to flow to them, which leads to swelling and swelling.

You can ease your condition in the following way: during a walk, make stops often, periodically squeeze and unclench your fists, and do not forget to raise your hands above your head. If on return from a walk the tumor does not come off, contact the hospital.

Often, women notice that they have swollen middle finger on the arm. The reason for this can be an ordinary ring, which squeezes the lower phalanx and leads to stagnation of blood.

In this case, it is better to abandon such ornaments, which, among other things, can cause allergies.

If you regularly swollen your fingers, do not delay the visit to the doctor, because such a symptom may indicate a serious disease, which is easier to eliminate at an early stage of development.

A source: http://.ru/article/134432/opuhshie-paltsyi-na-rukah-prichinyi-diagnostika-lechenie-chto-delat-esli-opuhayut-sustavyi-na-paltsah-ruk

Swelling of the joint on the finger: what to do and how to remove the swelling

Flexibility and accuracy of hand movements is an important component of the full life of each person. And at an early age, few people think about the fact that something can happen with his upper limb joints. However, older people often have a problem such as swelling of the fingers.

So, the joints lose their former mobility, so a person can not do the usual movements for him. But it happens that the fingers hurt and swell in people of a young age. In particular, those who are actively engaged in sports or are constantly sitting at the computer are affected by this phenomenon.

The reasons for indicating why the fingers are swollen are few. However, it is necessary to treat this pathology in due time, otherwise, small joints can completely deform.

Causes of puffiness in the fingers

So why are the joints swollen on the fingers? Small joints often swell and ache due to:

  • overstrain of ligaments and muscles of fingers;
  • damage;
  • allergies;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis.

Note! Swelling of the fingers can be confused with other diseases, so at the slightest symptoms of the disease should immediately seek medical attention.

So, the most common causes that cause swelling of the fingers are:

Arthritis - a chronic or acute form of this disease is one of the main factors that provoke swelling of the fingers. Chronic inflammation, as a rule, develops in the elderly, in particular, in those whose work was associated with manual actions.

Also this form of the disease appears due to frequent overcooling or transfer of infectious and viral diseases.

Chronic arthritis progresses slowly - fingers gradually lose flexibility, joints swell and hurt in winter or with a sharp change of weather. Often, people with chronic arthritis seek medical help during an exacerbation of the disease, the symptoms of which are similar to the acute form of arthritis.

Acute inflammation can catch a person by surprise at any age. Its causes lie in a bacterial or viral infection - ARVI, influenza, enteritis, tonsillitis and the like.


Infection provokes inflammation in the small joints of the hands, after which after 1-2 weeks, when the disease recedes, arthritis may develop.


The intensity of pain increases when the patient tries to move his fingers, the joint is deformed, and during the movement a characteristic creak is heard. For chronic or acute exacerbation of arthritis, symptoms such as:

  1. malaise;
  2. elevated temperature;
  3. migraine;
  4. general weakness.

Osteoarthritis is another reason that answers the question of why there is swelling in the fingers of the joints. Earlier it was believed that this disease affects people, age from 50 years. However, recently the age of the disease has significantly decreased and now it can even affect young people.

Genetic predisposition, dysfunction of the endocrine system, microtrauma and damage, metabolic failure processes cause the elastic cartilaginous tissue located between the dentinal heads, are being destroyed. The cartilage plate is needed to absorb and slip bones, and its destruction provokes swelling and inflammation of the small joints of the fingers.

In general, the primary signs of osteoarthritis are pain that permeates the fingertips and the lower phalanx of the thumb. When the disease progresses the mobility of the joints is disturbed, discomfort sensations appear during the movement, there is swelling and deformity of the fingers.

Important! If osteoarthritis does not begin to heal at an early stage, then chronic arthritis can develop, and the finger movements will be chained.

The "restless fingers" syndrome is another factor that provokes puffiness in the fingers of people working at the computer, which for hours make monotonous movements, motorists, typists and seamstresses.

Regular overexertion contributes to the inflammation in the ligaments and tendons, which also extends to the joints of the fingers.


In addition, the fingers are often subjected to various injuries (dislocations, fractures). In case of damage, the swelling of the fingers appears very quickly, and the whole process is accompanied by severe pain, and especially if the person tries to move a hand.


Open wounds - if a finger with a damaged skin (bite, puncture, cut) appeared swelling, then, most likely, its causes are covered in purulent inflammation. The greatest danger arises in the case of deep cuts, strong animal bites and contamination of open wounds.

Sometimes the puffiness of the fingers appears due to allergies. In this case, not only the joints swell, but all the fingers. Also, the skin on the hands itches and becomes covered with small red rashes.

Finger swelling can also occur for other reasons: after a long walk, in the evening hours or under heavy physical exertion. Factors affecting the development of this phenomenon may be impaired functioning of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.

What should I do if my fingers swell?

To treat inflammations and other degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases is necessary only for medical purposes. After all, diagnosing arthrosis or infectious arthritis at home is almost impossible. And these pathologists are treated in various ways.

But, if there is no possibility of visiting the doctor, you can use effective advice. So, if the pain in the fingers is due to injury or overexertion, then to relieve the pain to the joints, an ice compress should be applied, while the hands should provide peace.

And what if the joints become inflamed? In this case, the diseased areas should be lubricated with anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointments:

  • Fastum;
  • Voltaren;
  • Nimulid;
  • Nurofen.

In addition, you can take pills:

  1. Ketorolac;
  2. Diclofenac;
  3. Indomethacin;
  4. Piroxicam;
  5. Ibuprofen and so on.

And to relieve pain, itching and get rid of puffiness in case of allergic inflammation should be taken:

  • Ketotifen;
  • Suprastin;
  • Loratodin;
  • Claratin.

Moreover, with the flow of fingers on the hands of effective methods are recipes of traditional medicine. To relieve pain and remove puffiness joints can be lubricated with fir oil. It is also useful to make a bath with the addition of essential oil of calendula, sandalwood or eucalyptus.

In addition to the affected joint apply a little crushed cabbage leaves or chopped onions. This compress should be applied every day to your fingers for 30-40 minutes.

Also, to remove puffiness in the inflamed salting it is useful to rub the tincture from Kalanchoe.

A source: https://joints.propto.ru/article/opuh-sustav-na-palce-ruki-chto-delat-i-kak-snyat-opuhol

Why does my fingers swell and hurt?

The loss of flexibility of the joints brings a lot of discomfort, restraining movement, preventing you from doing the usual things. This article will help to understand why the joints on the hands hurt and swollen the joints of the cause of which disease and what treatment such diseases require.

If you do not look for a reason why the joints swell on your fingers and ignore the symptoms, the disease will become chronic, and the phalange deformation will become an irreversible process.

Symptoms of swelling of the joints of the fingers

Depending on the initial reasons why the fingers are swollen, the symptoms may be different, but the most common are:

  • Change in the color of the skin in the affected area (become red);
  • Swelling, increased finger size;
  • The joints of the fingers are aching, when moving or palpating;
  • Crunch;
  • Sensible seals;
  • Limited mobility;
  • Appearance of tophi or outgrowths;
  • Local increase in temperature, and in some cases, edema of the hands causes an increase in body temperature;
  • Many people suffering from such an ailment of pain appear mainly in the morning, before lunch. During the day, the level of pain decreases, the swelling passes, but by the night the symptoms resume.

Causes of edema

If the joints on the hands hurt and swell, what symptoms can it be?

The disease is determined on the basis of symptoms and related symptoms. The cause of edema and pain in the joints of the fingers lies in the diseases of a degenerative-destructive nature, accompanied by destruction of the cartilaginous tissue and deformation of the fingers.

Puffiness of the fingers on the hands is often found in the elderly, due to fluid retention in the tissues or due to serious age-related changes in the body.


Arthritis is characterized by the onset of inflammation and is a severe form of pathology. Ignoring the disease, the patient runs the risk of completely losing the ability of the fingers. Arthritis is caused by an inflammatory process in the synovial membrane of the joints, which is responsible for the production of the lubricant.

The emergence of arthritis is preceded by a number of reasons:

  • Infection in connective tissue;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Progressive sepsis;
  • Syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • Injuries;
  • Age changes

Arthritis changes the joint, there are violations of the motor functions of the fingers. Arthritis is characterized by the symmetry of the disease. Most often there is polyarthritis, rarely monoarthritis (swelling of one finger joint).


Osteoarthritis is often found in people following professions: musician, accountant, programmer, secretary. Arthrosis of the joint is a pathology affecting the small phalanges of the fingers, which leads to destructive consequences.

Lack of timely effective treatment leads to the appearance of seals and knots in bone tissue. They cause severe pain and inflammation when moving with your fingers.

Swelling of the joints of the fingers with arthrosis is accompanied by a crunch of fingers and a change in the skin in the area affected by the disease, the joints can "whine" like it, causing constant discomfort.


Gout is a disease affecting, often, only one joint. During the day, the pain decreases, but closer to the night, seizures increase, which are difficult to remove with standard anesthetics. Most often the first is affected by the joint of the thumb.

Gout is accompanied by swelling, a feeling of heat in the area of ​​the lesion. Sometimes with gout there is an increase in body temperature.

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Injuries, cuts, wounds

Injuries, wounds are a common phenomenon that occur when doing sports, working in the garden, etc.

When injuries phalanx can swell, movement is accompanied by discomfort and pain.

There is deformation, swelling of the tissues around the phalanx and a change in the color of the skin, often numbness and tingling is felt. Swelling signals a dislocation or fracture of the finger.

Overstrain of muscles

In people whose activities are associated with the work of vibro-mechanisms, you can often notice that your fingers are swollen.

Such an ailment can affect the joints of the fingers of those people who are constantly engaged in monotonous work.

This is due to the constant tension of the muscles and tendons, which gradually begin to inflame.

This disease is called "restless fingers syndrome which eventually leads to chronic pain.

Violation of the internal organs

Swelling of the joints can be a consequence of a violation of the liver of the kidneys, the heart. It is especially evident that the finger swelled in the early morning hours, immediately after awakening.

Tumescence of the hands can be a consequence of endocrine disorders, hormonal failures or low metabolism.

Allergic reaction

Edema is often found due to contact with the allergen. It can be a chemical or cosmetic remedy, an insect bite (mosquito, spider, etc.).

Also, swelling can be caused by taking medications.

In this situation, the patient feels itching, reddening of the skin, a rash in the affected area, but no pain.

Hormonal disorders in the body

During the period of restructuring the body, there may be a short swelling of the joints of the fingers:

  • During pregnancy;
  • With puberty;
  • In people of advanced age.

The cause of this condition is a violation of the hormonal background of the body. In this case, not only the joints can swell, but there is a creak during the movement of the fingers, minor pain, general weakness. Puffiness can affect the joints of the hands, the knee, the forearm, etc.

Diagnosis of edema

If the joint on the arm is swollen, you do not need to panic. Address to the therapist, and he in turn if necessary will direct you to the cardiologist, the endocrinologist, the allergist or the surgeon. For an accurate diagnosis of the causes of the disease, it is required to undergo the following examinations:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • General blood analysis;
  • X-ray;
  • Electrocardiogram;
  • Computed tomography;

Treatment of puffiness and joint pain

What to do to get rid of edema? You can use medicines that relieve the inflammatory process and eliminate painful sensations. In general, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, for ingestion, in the form of injections or ointments:

  • Diclofenac gel;
  • Nimesil;
  • Ibuprofen

Among the drugs that help in the regeneration of tissues (chondroprotective) recommend:

To remove allergic reaction, the following drugs are allocated:

  • Fenkarol;
  • Loratadine;
  • Suprastin.

Traditional medicine in the fight against edema of the joints

Often, in conjunction with drug treatment, folk medicine is used to relieve swelling.

  1. Compress from a leaf of cabbage.
  2. Apply a lot of ground raw potatoes.
  3. Use baths with sea salt.
  4. Compresses with alcohol tincture of swamp saber, comfrey root.
  5. Use ointments based on fir.
  6. To eliminate redness, apply the Kalanchoe juice.

Swelling and pain in the joints is a very unpleasant phenomenon. In order that it does not become your constant companion, be sure to see a doctor. He will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Take care of yourself and be well!

A source: https://otekimed.ru/ruk/opuhayut-sustavy.html

Joints on the fingers are swollen: causes, methods of treatment

Common causes of treatment for traumatologists and arthrologists - pain, swelling and swelling of the joints on the hands or feet. About this, why such unpleasant symptoms arise, and how to treat swelling and swelling of the joints of the hands, this publication will be discussed.

Reason 1. Traumatic factor

In some cases, the provoking factor is obvious: a mechanical effect on the elements of the locomotor system as a result of trauma or excessive physical exertion.

Edema occurs when the joints of the fingers dislocate, the contusion of the soft tissues of the hands, stretching and tearing of the ligamentous apparatus.

Articulations of the hands hurt and swell after an unsuccessful fall with the support of elongated upper limbs, accidental brush strokes on hard surfaces.

Pain syndrome can occur after unusual motor activity, for example: when a person I had to spend a lot of time building tools or after long games in badminton.

Guilty of the appearance of swelling in the articulations of the fingers can be regular miniature damage, obtained by performing professional duties or in the learning process: if necessary, type large texts on the keyboard or overwrite huge materials.

Reason 2. Rheumatoid arthritis

Probable reasons why painful sensations appear and visually noticeable changes in the shape of the joints - the development of inflammatory diseases, conditionally united by the term "arthritis".

One of the severe pathologies of articular elements, fraught with dangerous complications, is rheumatoid arthritis, which is fixed in 2% of the human population.

The disease can develop in people of different age categories, but most often the disease affects females after 30 years.


The disease already at the starting phase manifests itself as a specific symptom, which allows doctors at an early stage to diagnose an ailment and choose a strategy for how to treat arthritis.


The first heralds of rheumatoid arthritis are: edema and swelling of joints located at the base of the middle and index fingers. If you clench your fist, you visually determine a significant increase in the size of the metacarpophalangeal joint - the place of the protruding bones.

In parallel with this, an inflammatory process in the region of the wrist joint is often observed.

A characteristic feature of rheumatoid arthritis: symmetrical lesion of joints - deformation is fixed on both the right and left upper limbs.

Simultaneously with abnormal changes in the hand, the swelling of the small joints of the foot is determined.

Peculiarity of the pathology: the inflammatory process is of a persistent nature, pain can overcome a person several months in a row.

In addition to severe pain, it is characteristic of the ailment to feel stiffness, the need to develop a brush to restore the usual functionality. A peculiar feature of the disease: the affected joints are less hurt after active warm-up and physical activity.

In the majority of patients with this form of arthritis, dense subcutaneous nodules that resemble a large pea are formed in large quantities. Such formations appear and disappear, grow and decrease independently, and do not cause significant discomfort to a person.


Almost always visually observed manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis are accompanied by a feeling of muscle weakness, lethargy, decreased efficiency, sleep disturbances. The body temperature may slightly increase, accompanied by chills. At patients the appetite worsens, the weight of a body decreases.


To treat the disease is necessary in the early stages, as with the progression of the disease there is a rough deformation of the anatomy of the fingers, and the pathological process covers more and more elements of the bone system.

Reason 3. Septic arthritis

With the direct entry of infectious agents into articular tissues or the penetration of harmful microorganisms hematogenous or lymphogenous pathway from the focus of inflammation can develop in the joints of the fingers purulent septic arthritis. The articulation strongly swells and there is a significant swelling due to the accumulation of inflammatory effusion - exudate. The presence of pus in the tissues is accompanied by unbearable pain of a stabbing, piercing, shooting character.

Often a person is not able to brush the simplest movements: any change in the position of the hand increases the pain. At the same time painful impulses do not disappear in a state of rest, do not allow to fall asleep at night and exhaust during the day.

Such a condition must be treated with powerful antibacterial agents in a hospital setting.

Reason 4. Gout

Although 75% of cases of gout are observed in the joints of the thumbs of the lower limbs, chronic gouty arthritis eventually affects the joints of the hand. The main causes of the disease: a failure in the metabolic metabolism, the deposition of urate - crystals of uric acid in the joint tissue.

Joints are aching paroxysmal: exacerbation of the disease often occurs against the background of alcohol abuse or banal overeating of "harmful" foods.

For the crisis is characterized by unbearable tingling, rapid and sudden development of intense pain, severe redness skin at the junction of bones, articulation tumor, increased local temperature, accompanied by heat on a limited site.

If you do not do the necessary medication, episodic crises increase, seizures become more severe and protracted.

Reason 5. Psoriasis

Approximately 30% of people with chronic systemic recurrent skin disease - psoriasis note that during an exacerbation of the disease they have joint pain and swelling.

A distinctive feature of psoriatic arthritis is the appearance on the skin of scaly plaques - lichen.

When the disease recurs, the osseous joints are deformed, the skin over them acquires a crimson hue. Painful sensations increase in rest and decrease when performing movements.


In the mornings a person feels an unusual stiffness in the upper limbs and experiences difficulties in performing movements. With a prolonged course of the disease, a significant decrease in the length of the fingers is observed.


The ligamentous tendon apparatus undergoes colossal changes, which is why frequent repeated joint dislocations are fixed.

Treatment of psoriasis is a long and time-consuming process, requiring a competent and integrated therapeutic approach.

Reason 6. Acute respiratory infections

Often aching joints on the fingers without outwardly visible changes. Arthralgia is a frequent companion of acute respiratory viral infections, especially influenza strains. The main symptoms of damage to the osteoarticular apparatus in ARVI and the flu are:

  • general weakness, a sense of weakness;
  • aching, pulling pain in muscle tissue;
  • sensations of aches in the junction of bones;
  • discomfort when performing movements;
  • stiffness in the morning.

Secondary bacterial infections, often following viral diseases, can lead to an acute form of infectious arthritis, postgrippous bursitis, inflammatory lesions of the synovium, hyperplasia (proliferation) of the cartilaginous tissue.

Reason 7. Toxic effect

To become the cause of arthralgia and myalgia, to provoke swelling and edema in the joints of the bones, pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of the underlying pathology can.

The list of potential provocateurs is extensive, but most joints ache after taking antibiotics of the penicillin series, hypnotics based on Barbituric acid, tranquilizers, oral contraceptives, drugs used in the treatment of arterial hypertension and anti-tuberculosis medicines.


Differential diagnostics and precise identification of the culprit of abnormal changes in the musculoskeletal system can only be performed by a doctor after performing laboratory tests and applying visualization methods: radiography, ultrasound examination, computer tomography. Different arthritic diseases require a different therapeutic approach, so when joints ache, self-medication is fraught with complicating the pathology and worsening the general condition of the patient.

A source: https://sustaa.ru/o-sustavah/opuhayut-sustavy-na-palcah-ruk

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