Means for coughing children at home

Cough treatment at home. Cough: treatment with folk remedies

When the cold comes, many adults and children face such an unpleasant phenomenon as coughing. He interferes with normal sleep, breathing, talking and causing severe discomfort. Very often cough is a danger to others, because with the saliva in the air is thrown out a lot of germs.

In this situation, you need to apply quality medication. But we should not forget about folk methods, because they are basically simple and accessible. What should be the effective and proper treatment for cough in the home? In what cases is it better to seek medical help from a doctor?

How to ease the course of the disease

Cough is a reaction of the body, which is aimed at expelling from the field of light foreign objects or accumulated mucus. The surface of the trachea, bronchi, and larynx is covered with a sensitive tissue, which reacts sharply to stimuli. They can be dust, bacteria, cold air or a rich, pungent smell.

Strong cough should not be suppressed or blocked, but facilitated by expectorant drugs and healing infusions.

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Treatment of cough in the home should be done only with the permission of the doctor. It is very important for the patient not to forget about the abundant drink that soothes the irritated throat.

To facilitate the course of the disease, it is necessary:

  • to give up smoking;
  • At night, put a high pillow to slightly ease coughing attacks;
  • several times a day to conduct a wet cleaning;
  • Avoid inhalation of sharp odors, smoke, dust;
  • Do not give up medicinal ointments, sugar candies, grindings, compresses.

Wet cough: symptoms, treatment

The disease is characterized by a strong expectorant reflex, in which a sufficient amount of accumulated mucus is released from the respiratory tract. The faster the body clears, the sooner the disease goes. Cough with phlegm is treated easier than dry, and delivers the body much less discomfort.

The paramount task in the treatment of this type of disease is the reception of funds that effectively remove mucus from the respiratory system. The patient is recommended to drink a lot, especially the use of herbal infusions is welcomed. Teas from raspberry, linden, currant and dog rose are perfect.

If a wet cough is observed, preparations containing codeine are contraindicated for its treatment. It has an overwhelming effect on reflex expectorants and can aggravate the course of the disease.

Dry cough

This ailment gives the patient considerable discomfort. Constant coughing attacks disturb sleep, do not allow to eat normally, talk. The patient becomes irritable and tired, because the ailment is very exhausting, delivering not only physical, but also psychological difficulties.

Dry cough should be treated with agents that suppress its appearance. Particular attention is paid to inhalations, physiotherapy, massage. However, before treating a dry cough, it is important to establish its causes, since it can signal the occurrence of other, more serious pathologies in the body.

In the event of a characteristic "barking" cough, treatment is done to soften and moisten it. Often, the cause of this type of disease becomes acute respiratory disease. With the right approach, after a few days, a cough with phlegm appears. And over time, attacks stop.

Methods of getting rid of the disease

Quickly and effectively cure a wet cough with steam inhalations. During these procedures it is important to inhale as much as possible warm air saturated with components of medicinal plants or essential oils. When wet cough will help decoctions of nettle, lime, eucalyptus or sage, with dry - inhalation with the addition of soda.

Perfect means for eliminating the problems of the respiratory tract are broths of mother-and-stepmother, plantain and elecampane. Cooked infusions from these medicinal plants also help with dry cough. They promote softening of mucus and its rapid expectoration.

Good help in getting rid of dry cough warm milk with soda. It should be added only a few grams (at the tip of the knife). This drink reduces the obsessive reflex desire to cough and leads to a rapid cleansing of the respiratory tract from mucus.

Infusions of radish with honey in the treatment of cough

These natural products have antifungal properties and have an invaluable effect on strengthening the body's immune system. Radish with honey as an effective remedy for getting rid of a cough began to be applied in the last century. The recipe for the preparation of the medicine is very simple, and the curative effect of its components allows you to quickly get rid of the ailment.

Option number 1

It is necessary to prepare a medium-sized radish. Cut about 1/4 of its upper part, in the center of the pulp should make a small groove. In the formed hollow, you need to add a spoonful of honey, cover the radish and put it in a secluded place for a while. As a result, you will receive a valuable and tasty medicine. Radish with honey is taken before meals in the amount of two teaspoons. One root is used 3 days, and then replaced with fresh.

Option number 2

If you use this recipe, get a lot of medicinal cough medicine. For its preparation, you must clean 2-3 roots of radish and finely chop it. Insisting occurs in a clay pot. Radish cubes are filled with 100-200 g of liquid honey and left for 12 hours. This tasty and healthy juice is taken for 10 days.

If honey is contraindicated

Everyone knows that this product is a strong allergen. If there are contraindications, and the patient can not take honey, it is replaced with ordinary sugar. In this case, it is better to roast the radish in the oven.

To obtain the medicine, the cut root vegetables are sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven for 2 hours at an average temperature (about 120 degrees). From the chilled radish squeeze the juice and take it as a regular syrup (before eating).

Radish from cough is used very often. This natural product quickly removes the body from all the symptoms of the disease, destroys the bacteria and significantly strengthens the immune system.

Recipes based on onions

  1. To obtain a special cough medicine, take 1/2 kg of chopped onion without skin, mix it with 150 g of honey. Then slowly introduce 500 g of sugar and 1 liter of purified water. The resulting mixture is cooked for 2-3 hours, after which it is filtered and kept in the refrigerator for not more than 10 days. With a strong cough take 2 teaspoons to 6 times a day.
  2. A large onion or two small ones must be carefully grinded. Enter 2 tablespoons of goose fat and mix until smooth. This compress should be applied overnight to the chest area, tied up with a warm kerchief. Such cough treatment at home is carried out within a week.
  3. 1 head of garlic and 15 medium bulbs are cut as small as possible. Then the resulting mixture is filled with milk and boiled until soft. At the end, honey is introduced, then an infusion of buds, ivy (this is medicinal herb), and all components are mixed. The medicine is taken every hour on a spoon during the day. This recipe for cough is a simple but very effective remedy for softening and expectoration of accumulated mucus.

Recipes based on honey

  1. To prepare a healing syrup, it is necessary to boil the lemon for about 15 minutes, squeeze out. Add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and glycerin. Shake thoroughly. If you take this syrup on a teaspoon 5 times a day, the symptoms of the ailment will quickly wane. When the cough becomes rare, the medication can be reduced, and then stopped altogether.
  2. Prepare the tea from the red clover, insist for an hour. Mix 150 g of honey and 50 g of horseradish rhizome juice. With a strong cough take a teaspoon during the day, drinking tea from the clover.
  3. Well helps with nonsense hazelnuts. This recipe for cough contains few ingredients, but very well eliminates perspiration in the throat. To prepare the medicinal mixture, it is necessary to grind 100 g of nuts into small grains, add 100 g of honey. To quickly get rid of cough and mitigate the symptoms of the disease, the resulting syrup should be consumed during the day in small portions, each time washed down with warm milk.

Herbal infusions with cough

Healing plants have long been known for their useful properties. Treatment of cough folk remedies is not without the reception of herbal dues, which are most often recommended and prescribed to the patient.

The most effective herbs from cough are:

  • nettle;
  • sage;
  • althea root;
  • thyme;
  • nettle, dioecious;
  • Linden;
  • anise.

Infusions of these herbs effectively relieve cough, soften its manifestations and reduce seizures. To prepare decoctions of the plant, it is better to pour boiling water and insist in a thermos for 4-6 hours. Such healing tea will not lose its useful properties, which are easily destroyed by prolonged heat treatment.

However, it is worth remembering that some herbs are contraindicated if there is an allergic cough in an adult. Treatment in this case is carried out with the help of antihistamines and respiratory gymnastics.

Cough in children

When a child has the first symptoms of a disease, parents do not always have the opportunity to consult a doctor. Therefore, when coughing in children, folk medicine is used very often. They are more easily tolerated by babies and do not contain chemical additives that are harmful to the still fragile body.

Certainly, to conduct independent treatment is not necessary, but it is better to contact the pediatrician. He will prescribe effective drugs that will help the child cope with the disease. But along with the use of medicamentous agents, it is advisable to carry out folk cough treatment in children.

Most often the child is recommended compresses from natural products, teas, wraps and steam trays. Along with these procedures, a doctor should be prescribed funds for cough for children - syrups, candies, medical aerosols.

Well-established potato compress. To make it, you need a few medium-cooked root crops. Warm potatoes warm up along with the skin, gradually introduced alcohol, turpentine and any vegetable oil (on a tablespoon).

Formed 2 flat cakes of medium size. One is applied to the baby's breast, the other to the back. On top, the compresses are covered with a towel and left for an hour.

Treatment of cough folk remedies can be carried out with the help of mustard. Babies can make steam baths for feet, older children - put mustard plasters. For the treatment of cough in newborns, the wrapping works well. For this procedure you need to soak the diaper with mustard solution and wrap the baby around it for 3-5 minutes.

Very often, parents use a radish from cough, especially in a baked version. The resulting juice turns out so delicious that children with pleasure take this useful, healing and tasty medicine.

Carrying out inhalations

This procedure has a good effect, because healing couples penetrate into the deepest parts of the respiratory tract. If cough treatment at home with the help of compresses or wraps has not brought results, you can try to hold the child inhalation.

For the procedure it is better to buy a modern device - a nebulizer. For inhalation, such herbs as chamomile, thyme, mother-and-stepmother are perfectly suitable. With a damp cough in hot water, you can add a few drops of essential oils - mint, eucalyptus.

If there is no nebulizer at hand, an old but effective method - the inhalation of potato steam will help.

However, it is worth remembering that any inhalation should be limited to a period of 10 minutes, and at high temperatures this procedure is contraindicated.

Medication "Gedelix" (cough syrup): instructions for use

The drug is indicated for various diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a difficult expectoration of accumulated mucus.

Syrup "Gedelix" contains a thick extract obtained from ivy leaves.

The drug is taken at any time of the day, it is not necessary to plant it. Newborns and children of younger age group should add syrup to juice or tea. Basically, the medicine is well tolerated.

The period of application is set by the doctor, but even with a mild form of cough the treatment is carried out for 7 days. After the disappearance of signs of the disease, taking the drug does not stop. In order to consolidate the effect, it should be consumed another 2-3 days.

The dosage table is presented here.

Syrup "Gedelix dosage
Age Number of receptions per day Dosage, ml Maximum number per day
1 to 4 years 3 times , 150 mg of the active ingredient
4 to 10 years 4 times , 200 mg of active ingredient
Children from 10 years and adults 3 times 5 300 mg of the active ingredient

Application features

Diabetics should take the syrup with caution, since in 5 ml of the drug contains about 4 g of fructose. The sorbitol, which is part of the medicine, can have a laxative effect on the body.

The drug "Gedelix" is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. In some patients, there was an increased sensitivity to syrup, which manifested itself in the form of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

If the patient has hereditary diseases associated with intolerance to fructose, the drug is contraindicated.

The medicine "Gedelix" can not be taken to children under the age of 1 year.

We take care

Parents should be especially careful if the coughing episodes in the child do not stop at night. To ease his condition, use an air humidifier or turn on hot water in the bathroom to form a thick steam.

If improvement is not observed, you should ventilate the room well or go out with the child on the street - in the fresh air the attack will pass faster.

Carefully study the instruction of the cough remedy. For children in the drug box must be a measuring cup, a spoon or a syringe dispenser.

Call your doctor immediately if:

  • a strong cough lasts more than 15 days;
  • with expectoration along with the mucus, you have found blood;
  • there was a pain in the chest;
  • breathing became difficult and hoarse;
  • there were other dangerous symptoms, such as fever or fever;
  • began to show signs of an allergic reaction to the prescribed drug.

Especially dangerous is a severe cough, the attacks of which lead to vomiting. This form of the disease most often speaks of the pathologies that are present in the airways. In general, vomiting from coughing occurs in children and is a sign of bronchitis or colds.

If such features accompany an adult cough, an immediate medical examination is required. Independent treatment in this case is unacceptable, since vomiting can indicate the development of serious diseases in the body.

Tip 1: Than to treat a cough at home

Cough is a protective reflex, during it there is an impetuous muscle contraction, after which there is a sharp release of air from the lungs. From the inside, this organ is covered with special sensitive receptors, their irritation and triggers a cough reflex, a mechanism that aims to remove foreign bodies, sputum and bacteria.

Cough can be called a useful phenomenon, with it you should not fight, on the contrary, you need to help the lungs by taking various expectorants. If this phenomenon is started, then it will go to a chronic stage. Especially it is necessary to show attention if the cough does not pass for a long time, since in this case the standard treatment does not help.

Treatment for wet cough

At home, curing a wet cough is quite simple. The main task of his treatment is to accelerate the excretion of phlegm accumulated in the lumen of the respiratory organs. To do this, try to take more fluid. For this purpose, tea from currant, hips, raspberries and lime trees is perfect. A mixture of honey and hazelnuts can help get rid of cough. It is prepared very simply, you need to grind 20 grams of nuts and mix them with 100 grams of honey. The resulting mixture is recommended to be consumed during the day in small portions, washed down with warm milk.

Also, when coughing, you can use the healing properties of onions. Vegetables need to be cut, covered with sugar and wait a little. Take onion juice should be small portions throughout the day. The patient will be much less coughing the next day. With a moist cough, inhalations with eucalyptus oil help. Thanks to this procedure it will be possible to quickly recover.

Treatment of dry cough

Dry cough is not very useful for the body, so treatment is not to stimulate it, but rather to suppress or transfer it to a wet form. A good result is chest and inhalation. Also in this case, the use of medicines is required.

But we should not forget about popular methods. So, to soften dry cough it is possible due to goose fat. It will be necessary to prepare a mixture consisting of it and the chopped onion. After that, it must be rubbed before going to sleep in the neck and chest area. However, this method is not suitable for those who need to go to work tomorrow, because the onion smell is very persistent and it will not be easy to get rid of it. Dry cough can be cured with a decoction of nettle. It should be drunk several times a day.

And to make the cough go into a wet form, you also need to make a decoction of elecampane or coltsfoot. It is recommended to use it after a lapse of 30 minutes after drinking a decoction of the nettle. This treatment will require a person to be disciplined, but the next day the cough will bother much less often, and later go away altogether.

How to treat cough at home

Cough itself is not a disease, but a symptom of a whole group of ailments. This involuntary spasm arising in the respiratory tract is due to various inflammatory and pathological processes that irritate the mucous membranes. The general prevalence of diseases that cause a symptom is high enough, but many methods and techniques allow successfully cure at home. For the most effective use of such methods, certain rules must be observed.

Recommendations for the treatment of cough in the home

Treatment of unpleasant reflex jerks of the diaphragm at home does not mean self-diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of methods to combat it. Only a doctor can correctly identify the cause of the symptom, determine how to cure a cough at home.

It is necessary to fight not so much with the attacks themselves, as with the pathology that causes them. Treatment should be diverse, aimed both at alleviating the manifestation of the symptom, and at getting rid of the underlying cause of spasms.

All recommendations, doctor's appointments must be strictly observed. You can not selectively use this or that tool, but ignore something altogether. This can lead to the development of various pathological processes, deterioration of the condition. Cough will last for months, it will go to chronic. Only an integrated approach, strict adherence to the prescribed scheme, will successfully cure cough at home.

It should not be forgotten that the fight against the symptom in an adult and a child has differences. Before starting cough treatment at home, you should carefully study the dosage, exposure time, and the particular application of one or another method.

Methods for treating cough in the home

An important moment for the successful cure of respiratory tract spasms is the understanding that sharp reflex exhalations It is necessary not to suppress or block, but to stimulate, to facilitate by various methods, facilitating liquefaction of sputum and expectoration. To do this, there are many ways in which cough treatment at home is quite successful and effective. The doctor will help you choose the optimal ones, taking into account the reason that caused the symptom, and the patient's condition.

Cough rinses

Disinfection and softening of the throat with various means is an important procedure for any kind of sharp reflex exhalations that helps to get rid of them. Its application has a number of positive effects:

  • A large number of harmful microbes, toxins are washed out.
  • Significantly reduced pershenie.
  • Painful sensations in the throat, nasopharynx decrease.

There are certain rules for rinsing, making it the most effective:

  • The procedure should be at least 5 times a day.
  • Use strictly the formulations prescribed by the doctor.

Most often when rinsing from a cough used:

  • Soda.
  • Salt.
  • Furacil.
  • Medicinal herbs.

Warming at home

With reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, doctors recommend that at home use:

  • To put mustards.
  • To put banks.
  • Rinse the patient with warming ointments.
  • Draw iodine nets on the skin.
  • Soar your feet.

These remedies help to get rid of cough at home very effectively. Warming up is completely safe, does not reduce the body's defense reactions, does not cause side effects.

Contraindications are that you can not:

  • Warm up the heart area.
  • Do procedures at elevated body temperature.

Compresses for coughing at home

Very effective in cases of involuntary spasms of the respiratory tract, various compresses. In addition to reducing the intensity, weakening of convulsive reflex exhalations, they:

  • Facilitate the general condition of the patient.
  • Accelerate the withdrawal of toxic products from the body.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Improve blood circulation.

Compresses are made on the basis of:

  • Vodka.
  • Potatoes.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Vinegar.
  • Oils.
  • Dimexide.
  • Honey and other affordable, inexpensive components.

Before you put the compress you need to familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications.

Inhalation in the home

In the treatment of cough, the inhalation of therapeutic vapors very well, it helps to soften the throat, sputum. If there is no inhaler at home, an ordinary teapot or a saucepan will do.

Hot solutions are made from chamomile, sage, calendula, linden, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, other herbs, and potatoes.

Cold inhalation is carried out with the help of onions, garlic, radishes.

Contraindicated such procedures in the following cases:

  • At high temperature.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Hypertension.
  • Lack of heart and lungs.

Abundant drink with cough

With dry reflex exhalations, physicians insist on mandatory high fluid intake. This has a very positive effect on their transition to moist (productive) coughing with the help of which the process of expectoration of mucus occurs with all harmful microorganisms contained in it. This is very helpful in treating the disease. At home, you can drink:

  • Ordinary, herbal teas.
  • Compotes.
  • Morse.
  • Kissels.
  • Decoctions.
  • Milk.
  • Alkaline mineral still water.
  • Juices.

The more liquid is used, the better. To drink it is necessary in a warm kind.

Cough Feeding

Patients suffering from involuntary airway spasms, it is very useful to include in the diet the following dishes and foods:

  • Puree from potatoes.
  • Milk porridge.
  • Radish with sour cream.
  • Grapes.
  • Honey.
  • Lemon.

Substances contained in such food, help to strengthen the process of expectoration, regeneration of organs, tissues, strengthen immunity.

It is not recommended to use:

  • Candies.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks.
  • Spicy dishes.

Respiratory exercises for coughing

A very good action for normalizing the condition of internal organs, mitigating seizures, speeding up the recovery process are exercises for the respiratory system. They perfectly strengthen immunity.

Respiratory gymnastics is perfect simple, accessible to all patients. Even for recumbent patients, there are a number of elements that help get rid of cough at home.

With regular exercise for prevention, you can successfully avoid the occurrence of colds and bronchitis.

Use of traditional medicine recipes for coughing

The assortment of folk remedies used to treat various types of convulsive reflex exhalations is very wide. Their main advantages are:

  • Efficiency.
  • Availability.
  • Ease of use.
  • Low price of ingredients.

There are many different recipes aimed at getting rid of cough, accompanying symptoms and diseases that caused the development of a strong reflex action. In popular recipes, such components as:

  • Bow.
  • Honey.
  • Milk.
  • Garlic.
  • Various herbs.
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruit.
  • Berries.
  • Oils and other ingredients.

On their basis are prepared:

  • Tinctures, decoctions for oral administration.
  • Mixtures for external use.

Many recipes are passed from parents to children, have a centuries-old history.

Alternative therapies for coughing

Not the last place in the treatment of coughing is occupied by various homeopathic remedies. Many doctors refer to this method of fighting the disease rather cautiously, but do not reject it as an additional.

The preparations offered by a homeopathy, are made on the basis of vegetative components. However, consider them completely harmless and use in uncontrolled quantities is strictly prohibited. They are medicines, must be taken strictly in accordance with the prescriptions and only after the diagnosis is made.

The system of Indian medicine of Ayurveda offers its own methods of cough cure. The following components are widely used in recipes, among which there are many exotic:

  • Carnation.
  • Turmeric.
  • Ginger.
  • Bibhitakis.
  • Draxa
  • Pippali and others.

Ayurveda treats cough as an imbalance of three Dosh, which occurs in the respiratory system. Depending on whether Kapha, Pitta or Vata predominate, the character of the cough and the way it is treated depends.

The use of any method of getting rid of dry cough at home should be correct and systematic, with all recommendations and contraindications. It is impossible to cure ailment for 1 day. Even if the symptom is immediately weakened or gone, it is necessary to fix the result and repeat the selected procedure a few more times.

What can cough cure at home?

Folk remedies for cough are used for a long time. Depending on what form the disease has and what type of cough the patient suffers, doctors offer different treatment options: from medications to traditional medicine methods.

There are many recipes to cure cough at home, but only the most qualified doctor can help choose the most effective one. For effective use of traditional methods of cough treatment, doctors recommend consulting with phytotherapists or consultants of homeopathic pharmacies.

How to help children?

As soon as the doctor determines the nature of the cough, its causes, the patient is offered to undergo a course of treatment with medicines that are divided into:

  • mucolytics - drugs that can dilute mucus;
  • expectorant - stimulating cough ejection;
  • soothing - reducing the activity of cough.

Treatment of cough in the home at the child is conducted after consultation with the attending physician, who, on the basis of the clinical characteristics of the disease, prescribes a treatment course. Therapy for children should begin with the first hours of manifestation of cold symptoms. Proper cure treatment consists of eliminating the causes and enhancing immunity.

At home, in addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to create conditions for the child's recovery:

  • the patient should have a gentle regimen that does not restrict his movements, the activity of the baby helps in cleansing the bronchi and promotes faster recovery;
  • when refusing to eat, the baby should not be forced to eat;
  • The obligatory condition should be the humidification of the room where the child is;
  • give the child the amount of drinking necessary for the age - juices, decoctions - to improve the patient's condition and cleanse the body of harmful toxins.
The basis for the treatment of children from cough at home includes expectorants of vegetable and pharmacological origin: decoctions of medicinal herbs, the use of folk remedies. For example, a rosemary from a cough to children should be taken very carefully and only on the recommended dosage.

Children under one year are recommended to give beet juice.Beetroot has a bactericidal effect, and a large amount of alkali in its composition helps to strengthen expectoration.A good remedy are phytopreparations Prozpan and Gedelix, which contain thinner mucus plant substances. They help to strengthen the reduction of bronchial tubes and thereby improve the sputum discharge. Parents should ensure that the reception of such funds is gradual and only in accordance with established dosage, as in case of dose disorders they can cause vomiting and upset intestines. In addition, some natural remedies can increase the sputum production, which is difficult for the baby to expectorate.

Severe divergence of the mucosal secretion is treated with the help of drugs ACTS, Mukobene, Fluimutsil. These drugs well dilute sputum and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective mucolytics recognized Ambrobene, Ambroghexal and Lazolvan. Bromgexin, a fine evacuator of sputum, proved to be a good candidate.

Effective agents that help restore the microflora of the bronchial mucosa are Bronkatar, Mukodin, Mukopron. But their excessive use can cause constipation. Strong cough is helped by antitussive drugs, which have a sparing composition and can be used to treat children. This group includes selective drugs - Libexin, Sinekod. They help with a strong dry cough, accompanied by pain in the sternum, worsening the general condition of the patient.

Helps to remove the cough symptoms effective combination drugs Loraine, Stoptussin. With the start of inflammation accompanied by cough, antibiotics are prescribed. If there is a narrowing of the bronchi, the doctor prescribes preparations against inflammatory processes in the bronchi that are used for inhalations, - Ventolin, Salbutamol. Inhalations are the most affordable method, how to cure cough at home. For this purpose, use alkaline water or home remedies based on herbal infusions, decoctions, essential oils. A sufficiently high result in the treatment and give essential oils.

To help cough cure without medication helps breast massage, which is done to children to improve sputum discharge. Massage is done using herbal balms Dr. MOM, Bronhicum.

Ways to treat adults

By its nature, cough can be dry without spitting, wet and allergic. Cough without sputum is accompanied by inflammatory processes of bronchodilator. Quickly cure a dry cough can not. In order to begin the departure of sputum, you must take decoctions and infusions, as well as expectorants for several days. For this purpose, warm alkaline inhalations, ledum bean infusions, licorice, althea, which must be taken several times a day, are effective. Bronchitis can be treated with Libexin, adding to the therapy an abundant warm drink.

Wet cough is treated using folk methods. With this kind of cough helps instill in the nasal canals of a solution of sea salt in warm water - 1 glass of 1 tbsp. salt. Buried in the nose 4 times a day. The complex uses anti-inflammatory drugs.

Coryza and cough can also trigger an allergy. Insufficiently effective treatment of such cough can provoke its transition to bronchial asthma. This kind of cough helps to cure folk medicine - breast pills, herbal preparations. Good antihistamines, anti-allergic drugs. Purifying medicines for self-coughing Haliksol, Mukaltin, Bromhexine is used as an attendant.

The best phytotoxic drugs for coughing

Treating cough with folk remedies means using only herbal medicines. Collection of herbs is the best means of coughing a folk remedy, which includes a set of medicinal species that help to facilitate the withdrawal of phlegm. Herbs have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. This collection can be purchased at the pharmacy, and you can prepare yourself as a home remedy for cough from different herbs. They can be collected by yourself, but only in an ecologically clean area.

To prepare yourself at home, such a remedy, you must take in equal quantities herbs: thyme, lime blossom, licorice, oregano, mint, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, pine buds, calendula, Medinitsu. Chest broth is prepared in this way: all herbs are mixed, 2 tablespoons. collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist. After percolation, drink half the glass 4 times a day in a warm form. Decoction takes the entire medical period.

Honey is one of the most popular ingredients in the treatment of cough and colds. It is widely used and as a cure for influenza and bronchitis. For the preparation of a medicinal product, a small onion must be ground in any way, and honey should be added in equal amounts to the resulting composition. This medicated mixture is taken after eating 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. Such a medicine is used not only in the period of illness, but also with the onset of the first colds as a preventive remedy. This is the best emollient and anti-inflammatory agent for treating cough in babies. 1 teaspoon of warm milk is added to 1 cup of warm milk. honey, 1 tablet Mukaltina, soda at the tip of the knife. All are well disturbed and given to the child before bedtime with a protracted cough without sputum discharge.

As a strong antitussive drug use goat fat with milk.

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This remedy helps with congestive bronchitis. Add 1 tablespoon to 300 ml of milk. Goat's fat and 1 tbsp. honey. Give the patient a warm bath before going to bed. Healing elixir from a cough is drunk 4 times a day in short sips. Good help as a healing remedy for cold goat's milk, which is mixed with honey (for 1 glass of milk 2 teaspoons of honey).

Natural tea from cough is prepared from the color of linden, berries of wild rose, hips. Components are taken in equal amounts. Pour a glass of boiling water 2 tsp. collection. Insist half an hour, filter and drink with 1 tsp. honey 2 times a day. It is better to warm the mixture. Kalina must be collected when the first frosts strike, because this enhances the healing properties of the berries.

Helps to relieve inflammatory conditions in the throat causing cough, and raspberry. For treatment use all its components - leaves, berries and even stems. 2 tablespoons berries pour a glass of steep boiling water. Drink like tea 3-4 times a day. Its diaphoretic properties help to remove pathogenic toxins from the body and alleviate the condition of the patient.

Lime honey and vodka help to remove cold symptoms of any nature. In a saucepan mix 50 grams of vodka and honey. Add a slice of lemon, a little ginger and 1 teaspoon. cumin. The infusion is heated in a water bath until the honey dissolves and is drunk shortly before going to bed. With the initial symptoms of a cold, this is the most effective method of treatment.

A very effective medicine is warm milk, in which a pod of red pepper is dropped. Take the pepper immediately and drink.

Aloe in the fight against coughing

For a long time, people know how to cure coughs with domestic plants. One of them is aloe. To prepare any medicine, which includes this flower, you must use only the leaves of the plant, which is older than three years. To prepare a medicinal product, take 1 glass of twisted aloe, 250 g of butter, 200 g of lard, a glass of honey, 1 tbsp. cocoa. Oil, fat is melted in a water bath. Add honey, cocoa. All mix well. This oil is stored in a cool room and used for severe attacks of cough for 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals, until the cough fails completely.

A great way to cough is vodka mixed with aloe. 300 g of aloe, twisted in a meat grinder, 3 tbsp. vodka, 4 tbsp. honey is mixed. Use the drug for 1 tablespoon. 3 times a day before meals. Take at least 5 days. Folk recipes with vodka should be consumed very carefully by patients with heart problems. In no case can you increase the dosage of this component, otherwise it will be an alcoholic beverage.

Recipes for children

There are folk remedies for cough for children, which are both a medicine and a treat for young patients. To prepare it is necessary to take 100 g of butter, 100 g of chocolate, 4 tbsp. pork fat, 3 tbsp. cocoa powder. All melt in a water bath and mix. To children such a medicine is smeared on bread. There is this therapeutic chocolate oil needed 4 times a day. Drink it with milk or tea with chamomile and lime color.

Help to calm the incessant cough of folk remedies from the garden. To such kinds it is possible to carry carrots, cabbage and potato juices. To prepare carrot cough medicine, squeeze the carrot juice and mix it with honey in equal proportion. This mixture is drunk 5 times a day before eating. Small patients receive such a drug for 1 tsp. 3 times a day, but only if they do not have allergies to this component.

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Children with severe cough rub their feet with garlic. During this procedure, the active points are affected by the burning property of garlic. A few hours later, relief may come. In no case can you lubricate feet with very small children. Garlic can cause burns or allergies.

When buying homeopathic medicines in pharmacies and other outlets, you should prefer certified products.

How to cure a cough at home? Effective cough remedies. Folk recipes

How to cure a cough at home? Undoubtedly, at least once in a lifetime every person asked this question. In principle, home cough treatment is quite possible and even approved by many health workers. However, before you start to treat the disease, you need to find out what it is and what causes precede its appearance.

What is cough and why does it appear

Cough is a protective reflex reaction of the body, which makes it possible to remove from the respiratory tract foreign body, sputum or infections. It is manifested by a sharp, uncontrollable trembling exhalation, which allows to prevent the overlap of the airways. Causes can be infectious and non-infectious. The first group includes microbial, viral or fungal diseases. To the second - allergies, heart and lung diseases, digestive disorders, irritation of the respiratory tract. In order to determine the exact cause of cough, it is recommended to take into account all the features of its manifestation. These include:

  • duration, power and productivity of cough;
  • at what time of day the strongest attacks are noticeable;
  • sputum character;
  • combination of cough with other symptoms.

Treatment of cough

Usually, if a cough is caused by an infectious disease, it will go away on its own as the main ailment is treated. Use of coughing folk remedies is entirely acceptable, but if the symptom does not decrease and does not pass during several days, the patient needs to visit a medical facility and appear to specialists, in order to avoid serious diseases.

The main goal of therapy for acute coughing is to reduce the severity of seizures as soon as possible, to transfer dry cough to wet. Curing a wet cough is much easier. To do this, use ultrasonic or steam inhalation, means for expectoration and dilution of sputum. Curing wet cough with drugs of the central type of action is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to complications and stagnation of the infection. With a minor cough, it is recommended to use decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs as a healing potion. Among other things, it is very important to remember that any cough medicine (folk remedies including) should be used, only having consulted with the doctor, as wrong treatment can turn a simple malaise into a serious disease.

Healing Herbs for Coughs

How to cure cough at home with medicinal herbs? This question is often asked by adherents of traditional medicine. In principle, effective cough remedies can be purchased at any pharmacy, the benefit of pharmaceuticals in The present time is quite developed and there is a huge number of drugs available for sale for every taste and purse. However, phytotherapists in these cases usually recommend combining medicinal plants, creating chest coughs, which will have a complex effect on the organs of the upper respiratory ways. Most often such compounds include: Ledum, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, cumin, elderberry, raspberry, licorice root, juniper, thyme and other herbs having the same effect.

For example, from coughing adults will benefit from the collection of anise fruit (1 hour), altea root (2 hours), poppy flowers (2 hours) leaves of mother-and-stepmother (1h.), licorice root (5h), mullein flowers (1h), herbs of thyme (2h) and flowers of the marshmallow (2 h.). All dry components are ground and mixed in one container. Further, 1 tbsp. l. The collected collection is poured with water at room temperature and insisted for a couple of hours, after which they put on a small fire and boil for about 5 minutes. After cooling, decoction is filtered. Take a potion four times a day for a quarter cup in a warm form.

In addition to this recipe for coughing adults can use many others. For example, mixed in equal proportions, elderberry flowers, plantain leaf, sundew grass and violet tri-color. 4 hours l. dry mixture pour an incomplete glass (220 ml) of warm water and boil for 6-7 minutes. The resulting liquid is cooled and drunk in equal small doses throughout the day. There should be 5-6 receptions in total.

Some healers, in response to a question about how to cure a cough at home, are advised to take a collection from the equal amount of grass spores, dill seeds, licorice root, thyme, pine buds and fruits anise. 25 g of collection poured 350 ml of slightly warm water and set aside for a couple of hours. Then, the container with the mixture is put on the stove and boiled for 2-3 minutes. It is set aside and allowed to cool, then filtered.

Cough for colds is very well treated with the root of elecampane. First it is cleaned, washed and crushed. A teaspoon of the root is poured overnight with 250 ml of cooled boiled water. In the morning, the potion is brought to a boil (not boiled), filtered, divided into four equal portions and drunk during the day half an hour before the main meals.

For the treatment of dry cough, it is best to perform steam inhalations. A tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves is mixed with the same number of flowers of calendula and licorice root. Next, 20 g of the collection is brewed with 250 ml of boiling water and it is insisted 10 minutes for the herbs to give all the healing power. After that, bend over hot infusion and exhale outgoing medical couples. For greater efficiency, cover the head with a towel.

Viburnum from a cough

Very effective cough remedies are obtained from flowers or berries of Kalina. Moreover, these funds can be used to treat people of all ages. Contraindication to the use of drugs with kalina is: hypotension, a tendency to thrombosis, increased blood coagulability, pregnancy. The rest of the patients they will only be useful and quickly put on their feet.

An excellent tool is tea from the berries of this unusual plant. Prepare it according to the following recipe: the fruits of the viburnum are ground into a gruel, which is brewed with boiling water and heated for 20 minutes in a water bath. After, the broth is diluted with boiling water and drunk like tea three times a day.

In addition, the viburnum berries are very useful in combination with natural honey bees. To prepare such a preparation, the fruits are first scalded with boiling water, and after they are grinded through a colander. The resulting pulp-like mass is mixed with honey in equal amounts. The most useful for colds is May or lime honey. Therefore, it is more expedient to use them. Prepare the product in advance, since it needs to settle in a cold place for at least 7 days. Use honey grated honey for 1 hour. l. three times a day or add to tea.

If a cough has appeared due to a cold, it is useful to use guelderbrain, which is infused with red wine, most often for this take "Cahors." To prepare a healing remedy, in a clay pot or in glassware from glass refractory, 100 grams of natural bee honey, guelder-rose juice and red wine are mixed. To the mixture add 3 cm pod of bitter red pepper. Next, the container is covered with a lid and put in preheated to 170 C oven for 3 hours. When the medicine is ready, it is placed in a glass container, cooled, tightly closed and cleaned in the cold. Use the medicinal mixture 30 minutes before eating 4 times a day. Treatment should be done only by adults.

Decoction of flowers of the viburnum will help not only cure cough, but also relieve fever. A tablespoon of dry mass is brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, the hour is insisted, divided into 3 parts and consumed throughout the day. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little cinnamon, honey or sugar.

Cough onions

Onions are often used in traditional medicine recipes. He will cope with a cough. To do this, take a half a kilogram of pre-peeled onions, mix with two glasses of sugar, pour a liter of water and boil for 3 hours. After that, cool and add 50 g of liquid natural honey. The mixture is poured into a glass container and closed tightly. Use for any kind of cough for 5-6 dessert spoons after eating.

Cough onions can also be used as a syrup. For its preparation in the evening, the bulb, peeled of the husks, finely chopped and poured 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. In the morning, the allocated juice is poured into a jar and drunk for 1-2 hours. l. 5-6 times a day. If there is no allergy to beekeeping products, then the sugar in this recipe can be replaced with natural honey. Adults can use not only syrup, but also eat sweet onion gruel, which remained after insisting. Benefits from it as much as from syrup.

No less useful is a therapeutic mixture of goose fat and onions. To make it, the onion head is peeled and grated, mixed in equal parts with goose fat. The resulting mixture rubs the chest and back of the patient, after which they dress warmly and go to bed. In the morning, the same mixture is recommended to take 1 dessert spoon inside.

Cough milk

Long since milk is considered the best way to relieve the symptoms of respiratory diseases. Apply it and to relieve stress, to combat insomnia or treat sore throats. Healers recommend adding other useful foods to the milk from a cough.

For example, mix it in equal proportions with carrot juice. Drink this remedy should be enough often - one glass 5-6 times a day. In spring (if possible), carrot juice is replaced with natural maple or birch juice. They drink the medicine according to the same scheme.

Milk and honey from cough have been used for more than one century. A mixture of these products gives an excellent result and will quickly cure cough and other manifestations of colds. Prepare a tool is simple enough. To do this, 1 tbsp. l. honey is dissolved in a glass of warm boiled milk, add 20 g of goose fat or butter and drink before bed.

Milk and honey from cough can be used and in combination with other products. For example, a glass of oats about an hour is boiled in 200 ml of milk, add a spoon of honey and a piece of butter. Drink the potion warmly three times a day after meals. The last reception is recommended before bedtime.

Plantain and aloe from coughing

Aloe and plantain are wonderful plants for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. They will become excellent assistants in the fight against coughing. The easiest way to prepare a mixture of aloe and honey. To do this, it is enough to mix 5 parts of aloe juice and 1 part buckwheat or lime honey. The mixture is consumed 3-6 times a day. After taking this medication, it is advisable to eat and drink for half an hour.

For the next product, 15 g of aloe juice is mixed with 20 g of goose fat, 3-4 tbsp. l. honey, 100 g of butter and 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath until completely dissolved, it is not recommended to boil the mixture. Apply the received medicine as a curative additive in tea of ​​any sort (green, black, white). Drink it should be 5-6 times a day. Be sure to take the remedy before bedtime.

Plantain from a cough can also be taken as a healing tea. To do this, 50 g of raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water and insist for a couple of hours, having previously wrapped the container with a drink with warm cloth. Use tea 50 ml 4 times a day in a warm form.

From the fresh leaves of the plant you can also prepare a magnificent remedy. To do this, they are thoroughly washed, ground to a gruel-like condition and poured into 200 ml of water. Next, put on the fire and bring to a boil, after which add another 3 tbsp. l. any natural honey, mix and set aside. If there is no allergy to beekeeping products, then such a medicine can be used for 1 tbsp. l. each hour.

Plantain of cough is used and in the form of syrup. For this purpose, the leaves of the plant collected in ecologically clean places are washed and passed through a meat grinder or cut very finely. Further, a small layer of sugar is poured on the bottom of a 3-liter jar, and on top is a layer (2-3 fingers) of plantain mash and again sugar. The process is repeated until the bank is full. The last layer is sugar. Next, the can is tightly closed and placed in a cool place until the syrup is formed. From time to time, the resulting liquid is poured into another clean container. The process of preparing a potion can take many weeks, but the reward will be a great natural remedy. You can use it for any type of cough for 2 hours. l. before each main meal.

Application of essential oils against coughing

Essential oil from cough is most often used as one of the components for inhalation. For example, with a dry cough, it is advisable to use a composition consisting of 2 drops of lemon oil and the same amount of eucalyptus oil. To perform the procedure in the pan, it is necessary to boil a liter of water and add the necessary amount of oils. Next, the patient sits down comfortably, hides himself with a towel, tilts his head over the steam and inhales it through his mouth. The duration of the procedure is completed as the water cools, but not longer than 15 minutes.

With a wet cough, the composition of the drug mixture will be different. To do this, one liter of water will need eucalyptus oils (2 drops), mint (1 drop), anise (1 drop) and lavender (3 drops). The procedure is the same as in the previous recipe. To this kind of treatment gave a good result, inhalation should be done 2 times a day. Required procedure shortly before sleep. This is explained by the fact that a sleeping person does not eat or drink liquids, which allows the medicinal substances that are part of the oils to open up to the fullest. In addition, it is not recommended after the procedures to go out or drink cool drinks. Otherwise, the effect of treatment can be directly opposite.

Treatment of cough in children

Parents of young children also do not always want to treat cold symptoms with medicines. Therefore, the question of how to cure a cough at home, for them is no less relevant.

The following recipe has an excellent effect: in a liter of water, medium size potatoes, onions and one green apple are cooked. All components are pre-washed, onions and potatoes are cleaned and cut into cubes. Cook the mixture until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. After that, the broth is allowed to cool and filter. The thicket is thrown away, and the broth in a warm form is given to the child for 1 hour. l. three times a day.

An excellent expectorant for children is the juice of cabbage with sugar or honey (:). Not bad and acts decoction of leaves of cabbage (2 large leaves per liter of water), mixed in the same proportions with natural lime honey.

For the next means 1 tbsp. l. Pine buds are poured with boiling water and boiled for 1 minute. Then wrap and insist half an hour. Next, filter and give the children 1-2 dessert spoons 3-4 times a day.

Cough in small children can be cured with honey and olive oil, mixed in equal amounts. Children are given 5 grams three times a day. This same agent can be used to treat whooping cough.

At home, you can prepare a magnificent balm that will perfectly help cope with children's cough. For its preparation, mix 250 g of honey, 450 g of walnuts (grind), and 70 g of juice of agave or aloe. All components are intensively mixed (can be blender) and freshly squeezed juice of 4 lemons is added. Once again, mix and transfer to storage in a glass container. Give children for any type of cough or bronchitis 5 grams three times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

Black radish is the perfect cough medicine. It is washed, crushed and laid out in a clay pot or other heat-resistant dishes. Next, sprinkle with sugar and put in the oven for a couple of hours. The resulting juice will be the miracle cure that will help to cough. Children from 4 to 14 years are recommended to give 10 ml of juice three times a day.

A good effect is the decoction of young spruce branches. For its preparation, pour a liter of milk into a saucepan and add 35 g of crushed spruce shoots. Cook the mixture for 10 minutes, then cover and allow to stand for a couple of hours. A strained broth is given to the child three times a day on a dessert spoon.

Curd Compress

To treat cough in children, home-made compresses are very often used. For example, take the cottage cheese and heat it to separate the whey. It is poured, and the curd mass is spread on gauze and applied to the child's breast for at least half an hour, the older children can be made at night. This procedure is allowed to do at elevated temperature. Such a compress, in addition to healing, helps to determine whether a child has pneumonia. If after the procedure the cottage cheese changes color and turns yellowish-green, the baby should be shown to the doctor, as this factor is an indicator of pneumonia.

How to quickly cure a child's cough with safe means

Cough can be treated after the cause of its appearance has been determined.Cough is a protective reaction of the body that occurs as a result of getting into the respiratory tract of bacterial, allergic or chemical irritants.Therefore, to quickly cure a cough in a child and adults, it is important to establish the cause of its occurrence.

Why does a cough arise?

The occurrence of coughing attacks does not always indicate the development of the disease, sometimes such a process can be caused by an allergic reaction of the body. It is customary to identify such factors, in the presence of which children often observe this symptom:
  • respiratory viral infections;
  • proliferation of adenoids;
  • inflammation of ENT organs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • the reaction of the body to dry air.

Depending on what caused the cough in children, it is common to divide it into several types. It can be dry, "barking wet, paroxysmal, suffocating.

How is the treatment?

Asking friends how the child quickly cure cough, it should be remembered that the treatment should be carried out only after the child is examined by a pediatrician.

Medical preparations can not be assigned to a child independently, as such actions can lead to serious and irreversible consequences.

In the process of cough treatment a child can be assigned funds belonging to several drug groups. Such cures will help cough:

  1. Mucolytics- drugs aimed at diluting sputum and removing it to the surface of the respiratory tract. Among them are medicines such as Ambrobene, Halixol, Lazolvan.
  2. Antitussive- funds that suppress the activity of the cough center. Among the drugs of this action belong Mukaltin, Pertussin, Licorice Root.
  3. Expectorants- drugs that accelerate the process of sputum expectoration. Gedelix is ​​usually appointed.

Vegetable preparations

If coughing occurs in children, it is better to give preference to herbal remedies. The main advantage of such drugs is their versatility, they help to cope with dry or wet cough. In addition, they are low-toxic, do not cause side effects, so they are usually prescribed to children.

Licorice root is an effective and safe natural remedy, it is widely used in the manufacture of medicines. It can be syrups, potions, tablets - licorice syrup, tablets with propolis, thoracic elixir. The maximum effect in the treatment of cough will be the use of tea from the root of licorice, which includes other antitussive and anti-inflammatory herbs.

The root of the althaea reduces the intensity of cough and promotes sputum discharge. Children are prescribed such drugs based on the root of the althaea:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Breast gathering number 1;
  • Bronchostop syrup;
  • Alteika.

When coughing caused by bronchitis, often used plantain, because the leaves and seeds of this plant are endowed with anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. The plantain extract became a part of such remedies as Plantain syrup, Stoptussin Fito, Evkabal, Tusavit, Pektoral.

As an antitussive agent for acute and chronic form of bronchitis, homeopathic preparations based on ivy extract are used. This plant is used in the process of producing medicines Pectolvan Ivy, Gedelix, Prospan.

Primrose is a plant that has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial and antipyretic effects. The extract of this medicinal plant was included in the Syrup of the Primrose Herbion, Sinupret, Bronchipret.

Classical components of medicines against cough in folk and traditional medicine are such herbs as thyme and thyme. Thyme is endowed with a powerful antimicrobial property, is a part of Stoptussin Fito syrup, drops and syrup Bronchipret, Eucambal syrup.

Some Indian medicines made on the basis of ancient Indian recipes are also popular in pediatrics. These include the following homeopathic medicines:

  • syrup Kofol;
  • Cook syrup;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Travisil.

In spite of the fact that herbal medicines are considered relatively safe, they can be taken only by the pediatrician, following the indicated dosage and treatment regimen.

Folk treatment

Being interested in how quickly to cure a child, you can find many effective recipes of folk medicine. With the development of respiratory-viral diseases accompanied by cough, such folk methods will help:
  1. Within 10 minutes, cook a small lemon, cool, cut in half, squeeze the juice. Mix with a few spoons of glycerin and honey, take it spoon 4 times a day.
  2. The process of recovery will speed up the reception of black radish. It should be rubbed, mixed with honey and eaten spoonful in the morning and evening. Also known is this way of using this medicinal root: take a medium-sized radish, cut out the flesh in it, put a few spoons of honey, leave for a while. When the radish leaves the juice, it should be taken several times a day.
  3. It is useful to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice, mixed in equal parts with milk.
  4. Cut two onions, boil in a glass of milk, drain, get a liquid to drink every two hours for 2 tablespoons.
  5. 3 tablespoons of birch buds mixed with 100 g of butter, melt, burn for an hour. Add 200 g of honey, stir and take on a spoon before eating.
  6. Warm milk is good for coughing. It is mixed with alkaline mineral water: adding a spoonful of honey. You can also stir a spoonful of jam from the figs in the milk.
  7. For various types of cough, figs, cooked in milk, have long been used. In a glass of milk you need to boil until soft 3 fetuses of figs, you need to drink the medicine before going to bed.
  8. Lemon torsion in a meat grinder, add a spoonful of honey, insist an hour, take on a spoon 3 times a day.
  9. Ginger - an effective tool in the treatment of such symptoms of colds, as a cold and cough. It can be used in the preparation of tea, adding other antitussive products - honey or lemon.
When coughing it is useful to conduct thermal procedures - steam and foot baths, warming up the chest and back. To reduce the cough, you can do salt heating. To do this, you need to heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in tissue, put it on the chest and back of the baby. Do not use too hot salt, as severe skin burns can occur.

Parents need to know what the child quickly cured cough, thus preventing the development of complications of the common cold. However, one can independently carry out treatment only with mild forms of cough, when it is possible to do without medications.

Effective popular cough recipes for children and adults

Find today a person who has never experienced in his life what a cough is, probably impossible. Moreover, many people have to spend a huge amount of time and effort to get rid of this disease, not to mention the money. But before you run to the pharmacy for medicines, it's worth trying to apply folk recipes from coughs for children and adults.

Types of cough

The beginning of treatment should be preceded by a clarification of the cause. After all, not always it is a question of a cough obtained as a result of a cold or any infection, and accordingly, not in all cases it can be eliminated at home. The use of folk remedies can eliminate coughing of the following types:

- Wet. It is characterized by cyclicity and stops after the removal of phlegm, which is why there is relief. This cough with sputum accumulation resumes. To treat it should be mokrotorazhizhayuschimi means for the preparation of which you can use the national recipes from coughing to children.

- It's dry. In the people it is called "barking" cough. It appears at the beginning of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to cause sputum expectoration.

Folk recipes for a strong cough should not be used with such types of it as spastic, pertussis, night, prolonged, appearing with physical exertion, and also psychogenic.

Moist cough. Folk recipes of medicines

The main task in the fight against wet cough is to relieve sputum. The most difficult to achieve this with a child's cough, because sputum in children is more viscous than in adults. It is important that the mucus from the baby's bronchi is removed as soon as possible, since it is the center of bacterial development.

There are the following folk recipes for cough for children:

- 1 tbsp. a spoon of chopped figs is poured over 300 ml of boiling water, the mixture is simmered on low heat for about 10-12 minutes, then it should be filtered, cooled and given to the child 100 ml after eating;

- mix the juice of black radish and chilled boiled milk in a ratio of one to two, add 1 hour. a spoonful of honey and use 1 tbsp. spoon after eating;

- Cut a medium-sized onion into a saucepan, add 500 ml of milk, boil and insist on for four hours, take the remedy every four hours; likewise you can make a beverage made from garlic (5 denticles).

Each recipe for a strong cough, given above, can be used to treat not only children, but also adults.

Dry cough - the better to treat?

When fighting dry cough, there are special features. However, folk medicine is not powerless here either. Very good in this case helps a hot decoction of dates. For its preparation you need to take about 10 dates, pour, l of water and cook for 30 minutes. In many cases, after such treatment, dry cough stops.

Folk recipes also imply the treatment with chocolate butter, which can be prepared as follows: place in a pan 3 tbsp. spoon of pork fat, 100 g of butter and melt them, then add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa and 100 g of chocolate. The mixture is cooled and, spreading it on bread, eat 4-5 times a day. To drink this kind of delicacy for a child is best with warm milk with a pinch of soda. Such treatment is especially pleasing to children, because, unlike numerous medicines, broths and infusions, this oil is very tasty.

Considering folk recipes from a dry cough, it is also worth mentioning one more remedy. To make it, you need to pour a medium-sized lemon over the water and boil it over a small fire for 10-12 minutes. Then the lemon should be taken out and, cut in half, squeezed out the juice, add 2 tbsp. spoonful of glycerin and honey to a full glass. Take should be 2 hours. spoons three times a day.

Treatment of cough with the help of mother-and-stepmother

The mother-and-stepmother is also very popular in the treatment of cough. This plant, thanks to the substances contained in its leaves (acids, glycosides, polysaccharides, carotenoids, mucus, tannins), has an excellent expectorant effect. In addition, it reduces pain when coughing, disinfects and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Traditional medicine recipes for cough with maintenance of mother-and-stepmother offers the following:

  • 1 tbsp. Spoon the leaves of the plant with water (200 ml) and, stirring, heat for 15 minutes on a pair. Then cool, strain and dilute with boiling water to 200 ml. Take 100 ml. The daily dose should be 300-400 ml.
  • Fresh flowers should be poured with alcohol in a ratio of one to one and insist for a week in a dark place. Take 30-35 drops inside before meals. It should be noted that this tool can be used only in the treatment of cough in adults.

Folk recipes for the treatment of cough in young children

Great attention is required treatment of cough in the home in children under 3 years old. Not every recipe for folk cough remedies can be used to treat a small child. The most popular among the people are freshly squeezed juices of vegetables such as carrots and cabbage. Carrot juice for infants should be given by first mixing it with sugar syrup in the ratio:. A cabbage juice should be diluted with sugar syrup in the ratio:.

A good effect in eliminating children's cough can be achieved with the help of infusions of pine buds, for the preparation of which it is necessary to put 1 tbsp. spoon the pine buds into a saucepan and, filling them with 500 ml of milk, bring to a boil and insist. Give the child 50 ml of infusion once every 1-2 hours.

Some folk recipes for coughing for children provide for the use of funds that need not be taken inside, but rubbed by them the chest and back of the baby. It's about badger fat. After grinding the child should be warmly wrapped, so that it sweats, then necessarily change into dry linen.

Recipes for cough with onion

Excellent and helps the onion from coughing. Folk recipes could not do without this root, because it is indispensable in the treatment of cough and cold, as well as the prevention of the latter. For treatment, it is necessary to mix the juice of two medium bulbs with 100 g of sugar and cook the mixture for 10 minutes, cool it, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, take 1 h. spoon several times a day.

There is an easier way of preparing an anti-cough remedy. It is necessary to cut the onion and, having folded into a jar, sprinkle it with sugar. Allow to stand for several hours, after which to give the juice of the child with a discharge in a dosage of 1 h. spoon three times a day.

The decoction of onions prepared as follows is also effective: put 1 liter of water in a saucepan, 2 onions in a peel, 200 g of sugar, stir and boil for an hour over low heat. Take warm for 100 grams, for children, enough 50 grams. These popular cough recipes for children will surely please, because such medicines are sweet, despite the slightly poignant taste of the onion itself.

Folk recipes using black radish

A number of useful properties and has a black radish. From a cough recipe to find it is not difficult at all, and it is possible to apply such means at treatment both adults, and children.

So, there are the following recipes:
  • Radish thoroughly rinse and use a sharp knife to make a deepening in it, removing part of the pulp. The resulting notch should be filled with honey and let stand for 24 hours. Take 1 hour. spoon in the morning, lunch and evening.
  • Radish clean and cut into small cubes, then put it in a bowler and sprinkle with sugar. Place in the oven and bake for two hours, then strain and give the patient for 2 hours. spoon before eating.
  • Wash and clean 6-7 pieces of radish. Slice the vegetables in thin slices and sprinkle with sugar. After 10-12 hours, juice will separate. After that, the black radish itself is no longer needed. From the cough, the recipe recommends taking only the allocated juice 8-10 times a day.

Folk recipes for the treatment of cough in adults

Adults can use both folk recipes shown in the treatment of cough for children, and many others. For example:

  • Tincture prepared on the basis of wormwood. To do this, pour 20 grams of Artemisia 500 ml of vodka or alcohol and let it brew. The best means is that which has been insisted for as long as possible, but 24 hours, as a rule, is sufficient for this. Take should be three times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Hot mix of pepper and white wine roots. It is prepared by boiling these two ingredients in the following proportion - 250 ml of wine and 60 g of pepper roots. Drink 4 times a day.

Drinks that contribute to an effective fight against coughing

When treating both dry and wet cough, children and adults need to drink as much as possible. It can be any drinks, the main thing is that they are warm. Effective in the fight against cough is a drink made from ordinary hot milk and alkaline mineral water in the ratio:. It is better for young children to drink milk and figs. Anti-inflammatory effect is provided by warm tea with jam from the viburnum or raspberry.

It is good to drink various herbal infusions and decoctions. For example, a decoction of birch leaves, Ledum grass, oregano, nettle and birch buds, a decoction of ordinary Kalina, which, by the way, is also an excellent expectorant. A positive effect is provided by the decoction of the fruits of the viburnum, cooked with 200 g of berries and 1 l of water.

Inhalation in the home

Folk recipes for treating cough also include inhalation at home. This method does not require special knowledge or preparations, you just need to add to boiling water chamomile, thyme, sage, baking soda and eucalyptus oil and, covered with a towel, breathe evolved steam. The advantage of inhalation is that the beneficial substances, once ingested into the body in the form of vapors, immediately begin to have a beneficial effect on the inflamed areas.

Folk recipes for coughs for children and adults are presented quite widely, but what helps one man, powerless in the fight against the disease of another, and it is worth bearing in mind, rather than despair after the first failures. In any case, most folk remedies can not harm the human body, in contrast to numerous drugstores.

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