Colds of the head

What will happen if you catch a cold? What will happen to the brains?


Veronica Mulyarnyok

Colds of the head

In general, the common cold is a very famous disease, which everyone was sick with. After all, a simple thing is very simple. And the symptoms and causes are very different. Of course, there are standard symptoms, but also complicated ones. It is worth noting that the common cold can be in the most interesting places, like a cold head.


If you have a headache, then there are a lot of recipes that could help with this problem. But do not think that if you have a cold head, then only it will hurt, no. When the shuttle gets cold, the problems go around the body, so the problems here will be very, very big. In the first place, the cranial nerves begin to ache, if one does not know, then these nerves stretch from the nape to the very top of the head. Also, it starts to hurt near the ear-this and the trigeminal nerve. It can be divided into three parts that go to:


instagram viewer


The nose;

The chin.

What can be.

If you are interested in the end result, then it is such that inflammation of the frontal maxillary sinus can occur. Very many people do not attach much importance to the common cold and it does not matter in what place it is. After all, everyone has an association that the cold is easily treated and there will not be any problems with it. But if you run it, it will not just be a problem, but it will be very, very big. After all, you can get it in chronic form, but with this form of problem you will not become less exact. When the head cold, it is not only the nose that is sick, as many people think. After all, the nose is the main hotbed of the common cold. But so, eyes and ears are ill. Vision can even become much worse than it was before. And all because of what, because you started a simple cold. And of course. The head starts to hurt strongly. If you have a cold trigeminal nerve, then the problem will affect the teeth and eyes. It would Seem, the head hurts, and a teeth too whine. And that's why, try never to catch a cold, after all, there will be a lot of problems later. To protect yourself from such large amounts of problems you need to follow a very simple rule - if the weather is more than cool, then wear a hat. Typically, this applies to young children who do not obey their parents and most often begin to get sick.

If you still have a cold, then do not worry much, the main thing is to start treatment on time and then everything will be at the best level.



Vladimir Yakovlev

possibly a minigitis


the vessels will shrink and there will not be complete circulation to the brain - fainting or coma.

Winter cherry

Nothing will happen to the brain, but it can be with the vascular membrane of the brain - arachnoiditis is called... will be weak on your head ...


Believe, you will not like it!!! Even if you know about it.

Laura Lurie

Meningitis, for example.

alex medvedev

negsv cnfyti


Meningitis may form. This is when pus is formed in the pre-nasal region. This disease is not contagious, but snot with a purulent smell is assured!

How to treat a chilled head

Winter - the eternal enemy of all women of fashion and lovers of beautiful hairstyles and original earrings. How to wear all this, if you have to put a large, dimensionless cap on your head? If you regularly go to the frost without a hat and also believe that the cap spoils a person, a very fast cold is guaranteed to you. It's very easy to get a cold head, but not everyone knows how to cure it later. We learn to take action on time.

You will need

  1. Taz with water, chamomile, sage, rosemary, raw onion, warm woolen scarves and hats.


  1. Symptoms of a cold head are severe dizziness, headaches and tinnitus. There may also be changes in blood pressure, temperature, or chills. If you feel at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately begin treatment or seek medical attention. In any case, do not continue to walk with your head uncovered - this will only aggravate your condition. The most important thing for you now is to keep your head warm. Even at home or indoors, it will not be superfluous to sit in a warm woolen hat or wrap it up with a handkerchief.
  2. Make a herbal bath with chamomile, sage and rosemary. These herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and soothe. In addition, under the influence of fragrant herbal fumes you will very quickly feel relaxed and peaceful. If there is an inhaler at home, you can use it, but it's best to heat the water in the basin and breathe over it, covering yourself with a towel with your head. Put on your pillow a warm woolen scarf or a soft shawl, and cover it with a towel. Such a design is necessary for the head to be warm during sleep. From above for the night, you can also roll your head with a warming kerchief or put on a light cap.
  3. If you feel a shooting pain in your ear, you need to resort to medication. To prevent the common cold from going to a more severe stage, be sure to drop the drops that the doctor prescribes to you into the sore ear. And in order not to tolerate pain before visiting the ENT, try to ease your condition with the help of folk remedies. The fresh onion juice works very well. Cut the raw onion in half and place it upside down. The juice, which has acted on the surface of the cut after a while, is pipetted into the ear and dripped into the ear. After that, the ear canal should be covered with cotton, lying on its side, so that the medicine does not flow, and tie the sore side of the head with a warm bandage. After a while the pain will go away.

Can my head bore with a cold, but there is no temperature?



I understand, to be dizzy? Maybe, if the pressure is sharply changed for some reason. So measure it. There may also be a spasm (constriction) of blood vessels. But most importantly, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor. Temperatures are not present at cold, it means the immunity is weakened, if you it or her, certainly have not lowered what that a preparation. Good luck and health.


yes, if weakness


pressure needs to be measured

cloves perry

yes, by the way, this is a very bad kind of cold, if there is no temperature (((
call a doctor, this is a viral flu (it is not excluded), and it is fraught with complications, in particular, on the heart, kidneys and bone system.

L ...

She can be dizzy and without a cold! And for a cold - God himself told! Are treated.


Hello! A head can spin from anything. From fatigue, from cold or acute respiratory viral infection, from changes in blood pressure, and also from cervical osteochondrosis. If now you have a cold and you feel dizzy, your body gives you a bell, you need to do something. We must take measures so that you do not get caught up in your arms. You can first try a homeopathic drug Ocillococcinum or Insti. If it does not help, safely take kagocel, treatment for 4 days. I wish you a speedy recovery! :)

Why is a cold headache? Or can I just so


Open Company "Rigel"

If you consider what a common man calls a cold, any doctor calls a respiratory viral infection. T. as a result of cooling your immunity is reduced and the virus gets into the body. And any virus negatively affects not only the entrance gates of the body: nose, throat, but also has a toxic effect on the central nervous system as a whole. (one of the negative effects). And actually from here and a headache. Similarly, a headache can occur when the temperature rises.

cornflower nightingale

Most often with a cold headache is a consequence of the common cold =)


temperature, even if it has risen by a few tenths, the head can already hurt, and this is the most lousy because it is not worth to knock down such a temperature


then he and the virus

Malvina Malina

1. Intoxication of the body. Often accompanied by fever, general weakness, pain in the muscles, bones, lack of appetite.
2. Coryza.
3. Inflammation of the sinuses of the nose (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinitis). If the head is tilted forward, the pain intensifies downward, especially in the forehead, orbits - this is most likely it.


Headaches and temperature, is due to intoxication (poisoning) of the body due to the inflammatory process, if simply explained.

Tatiana Matveeva

my head is hot


At me too baschat hurts PPC.
but the bonus - get up at night, tea to boil and gargle rinse - cockroaches in the kitchen pieces of 10 per night killed))

Lida Burtseva

Kapets, 4 times a year fell ill; there is no immunity at all.. Again I got stuck. It is necessary to drink hot milk with propolis tincture or with honey (drink with small sips, or you can burn the throat for the night) Tea with honey and lemon.

Head bleed: symptoms and treatment

Probably, every person knows how unpleasant it is when he blew his head. Symptoms following negligence in relation to this important part of the body are very painful, intrusive and terribly interfere with work, rest or study. In addition, the consequences of such "blowing" can be very annoying and lead to dangerous diseases that can make a person disabled, and even lead to death. So, if your head blew, you should not ignore the symptoms. Be sure to determine the problem and immediately begin to be treated.

Can I blow my head? Symptoms caused by a cold

Many people mockingly refer to the popular definition "blew a head". Symptoms, they say, indicate the presence of a disease that has a completely scientific name. Moreover, there are several such names, and all health disorders are treated in their own way. This is true. But the people are wise, and in their characteristic of the event clearly indicates its cause. Most colds, especially in the summer heat, are caused by drafts. Risk factors are as follows:

  1. Air conditioning included in the maximum. Especially dangerous for those who are closest to him.
  2. Open door-windows in opposite ends of the room.
  3. Unshaven head in the street in a strong wind.
  4. Personal "airing arranged in public transport, that is, sticking out the head from the windows of the same bus, in order to cool down.
  5. Opening in your car all the windows. Here you will receive a full bouquet of all kinds of colds. If one does not know, it is medically wise to lower the glass only on one side, and not more than half.

And if you add very cold drinks in large quantities to such conditions, and even with ice, or kilograms, eat ice cream, be sure: soon you will be overtaken by health problems.

What we pay attention to

If you have blown your head, the symptoms are by no means limited to the pains in the indicated organ, although without them, naturally, you can not do. However, they are added:

  1. Blood pressure jumps. For hypertensive patients, this can be said, everyday, but they should also pay attention to the "unscheduled" recovery. People who do not suffer from hypertension should immediately be alerted.
  2. Dizziness, and even slight disruption of coordination.
  3. Chills, accompanied by a rise in temperature.
  4. A low rumble in my ears. It feels like you hear the blood in your head.
  5. Often the impression is made that the roots of the hair hurt (although they seem to be ill can not).

It is clear that the signs are very vague and can correspond to a large number of diseases that occur when the head has blown. Symptoms can be deciphered, as well as an accurate diagnosis, only by a doctor, so do not postpone "for later" a visit to it.

Where exactly it hurts

It is very important to determine in which place the person has blown his head. Symptoms in adults and children are approximately similar, but what to expect from a child, even if a solid uncle with a higher education can sometimes fail to pinpoint exactly where he is experiencing discomfort? But it's very important to make a diagnosis!

  1. Frontal pain. In most cases - above the eyebrow and right. This is a clear manifestation of the consequences of a draft.
  2. Lumbago in the temple. Too most often from the right side, and usually when touched. It certainly did not "blown his head" - the symptoms clearly indicate more serious problems.
  3. Aching pain in the temple, rising peaks and sharply declining. It is characteristic for osteochondrosis of the cervical region. The temperature is not accompanied.
  4. "Shoots" in the head. This is the so-called reflected pain. That is, you have something else that hurts, but only gives itself to the topic. A full and close examination may be required.
  5. Lumbago in the back of the head. Another sign that you blew a head. Or, if observed in the morning and in the absence of drafts, you rarely turned around during sleep, and your head was in a rather uncomfortable position.
  6. Growing and falling pain, increasing in lying position, can talk about a sick tooth.
  7. Shoots in the ear and the side of the head hurts from the same side - most likely, otitis. He, too, is called "blowing" and can give to the entire area of ​​the forehead and the back of the head.

If you can more accurately describe your feelings (at least for yourself), and they themselves will know what to do until they get to the clinic, and the doctor will more accurately and quickly diagnose.

Head bleed: symptoms and treatment

If it so happens that you did not get to the doctor (often signs appear in the evening or on the day off), and the symptoms point to the pathology we are considering, we must be able to help ourselves on our own until it opens up hospital. First, take aspirin and drink tea - strong and with honey. If there are pains in the throat, rinse it with broths of sage, oak or calendula (a spoonful of dry remedy for a glass of boiling water). Often accompanied by a cold head myositis (muscle pain in the neck) is facilitated by the lubrication of the affected area with an anti-inflammatory ointment followed by trituration. At night, it is necessary to warm the head - at least with a hat. You can light the aroma lamp.

With ear pains, a compress is done, but not on the shell itself, but around it. To do this, a hole is cut in the thick layer of gauze, the cloth is wetted with vodka and put on the aching organ. Above everything is covered with polyethylene, after - cotton wool, and then fixed with a bandage or a scarf. Two hours later the pain subsided. But the morning - run to the doctor: otitis can give the most serious complications, up to the loss of hearing and inflammation of the brain.

And is the head cold?

In any case, a visit to the doctor can not be avoided if your head blew. Symptoms may indicate not only a cold. Headaches, temperature, jumping pressure and darkening in the eyes are caused by very serious diseases:

  1. Infectious brain abscess. If the head persistently hurts more than half a day - this is a very alarming signal. And this problem is only removed surgically.
  2. Meningitis. Including caused by drafts, especially if you are in the wind walking with a wet head. But it can also be contagious. The disease is very dangerous, fraught with a fatal outcome.

We already spoke about osteochondrosis. Headaches cause migraines. However, both these diseases are chronic. That is, the people suffering from them know what to do in case of seizures.

Prevention - always!

In order not to become a regular visitor of medical institutions, it is enough to fulfill simple rules of personal safety: do not sit under the window, wear a hat on windy days, know what symptoms if blown head, and if they appear, contact a doctor, not a handful of drinks analgesic. Do not be ill!

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