What are eye drops for Taufon?

Most ophthalmic drugs have a directional effect on eye structures. However, many funds are used to normalize metabolic processes and for the prevention of ocular pathologies. One such drug is the eye drops Taufon.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications
    • 3.1Contraindications
    • 3.2In pregnancy
    • 3.3To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Produced in bottles with a built-in dropper volume of 5 and 10 ml. The main active ingredient is taurine, the concentration of which in the aqueous solution is 4%.The medicine looks like a colorless transparent liquid.

Under this name (taurine), the drug is known as an international nonproprietary drug.Its registered trade name is Taufon, it is under this name that the medicine can be bought at a pharmacy.The drug is dispensed without a prescription and is a remedy that has a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes occurring in the eyes.

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If the bottle is made of glass, the shelf life is 4 years, if only 3 of polyethylene. After opening, the use of the drug is possible within 2 weeks, after which the drug becomes unsuitable for treatment.Storage should be inaccessible to children, at t not higher than + 25 ° C and in a shaded place (without exposure to direct sunlight).

Pharmacological action and group

The main active ingredient is taurine, which is an active participant in many important processes in the body, such as:

  • Neuromodulation;
  • Osmoregulation;
  • Participation in the conjugation of bile acids;
  • Antioxidant action;
  • Stabilization of neuronal and synaptic membranes;
  • Effect on the distribution of calcium ion fluxes.

Synthesis of taurine in the human body is carried out on the basis of sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine ​​and methionine).However, in the event of eye pathologies or lipid metabolism disorders, as a result of imbalance in metabolic processes or eye trauma, a deficiency of this valuable substance may occur.

Violation can occur and as a result of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation (when working on a computer), because of what begins to slow the production of amino acids.

How to protect your eyesight while working at your computer with your glasses read here.

In addition to the antioxidant effect, the drug contributes to the improvement of energy processes and the restoration of tissues when regeneration is necessary.

Indications and contraindications

Since the preparation Taufon mainly has a restoring and regenerating effect, it is used to treat dystrophic changes in the retina and cornea. In addition, the drug showed high efficacy when used in the treatment of the following pathological changes:

  • Glaucoma and cataract(senile, traumatic, radiation). The drug is used in combination with other methods;
  • Traumatic damage to the cornea - eye burn and other trauma of mechanical and chemical effects;
  • Open angle primary glaucoma. Treatment is carried out in conjunction with adrenoblockers and is used to improve the outflow of moisture.

The drug is used for a long time (up to 3 months. ), with restorative processes taking place, and dystrophic changes (retinal dystrophy) slow down and even recover. With proper therapy, even cataract healing is possible.

Of particular importance can be the restoring effect of the drug for people who, due to their professional duties, spend more than 6 hours at the computer.After all, the drug can be used for preventive purposes.

However, even with the prevention of eye diseases, the use of any medication should be under the strict supervision of a physician. Long uncontrolled reception can cause a decrease in visual acuity.


Eye drops Taufon almost have no contraindications, however, like any drug is not used in case of intolerance of the main component of the drug - taurine.

The main prohibition when using the drug is age restriction, it can only be used from the age of 18, it is not recommended to use the drug for treatment of children.

If the patient wears contact lenses, then before instillation they should be removed within 15 minutes. before the procedure, and return to the site is possible only after half an hour.

The appearance of irritations of an allergic nature also serves as a signal to stop treatment. In this case, rinse thoroughly with boiled water and consult a specialist.

Read also the instructions for the use of eye drops Taurine.

In pregnancy

The period of pregnancy is a time of special vulnerability, both for the future mother and for the fetus. In the first trimester, the placenta is not yet formed, and any harmful substance that has got into the mother's body can easily penetrate the fetus and have a far from beneficial effect on the baby's future.

In the following months, the danger does not decrease, only now on the other hand - the mother should be completely healthy, otherwise it will affect the condition of the fetus.And its immunity during this period undergoes hormonal reorganization and is therefore not resistant.

Negative results with the use of the drug in this period are not available, but the use of it during pregnancy, as in lactation, is carried out only when absolutely necessary and under strict control doctor.Although the drug has a minimal absorption, however, to a certain extent, the systemic effect is also fixed.Therefore, if possible from treatment with Taufon during pregnancy, it is better to refuse.

To small children

The official instruction indicates a restriction on age - 18 years. However, the manufacturer does not specify that it is based on the lack of data on clinical trials - tests on children of this drug have not been conducted.

Therefore, in the absence of individual intolerance, doctors prescribe a drug to treat children of all ages. After all, the main active ingredient is taurine (amino acid), and its qualitative characteristics have long been studied.

Dosage is determined individually and depends on the condition of the child and the stage of the disease.The doctor determines the duration of the course of treatment. At the time of taking the drug, parents should carefully monitor the condition of the child.In case of adverse reactions, discontinue treatment and consult a doctor.

Possible complications caused by the drug

The only side effect that may occur with the use of the drug is the development of allergic reactions. Particular care should be given to people with a tendency to allergies.If even mild allergic symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop using the medication and pay a visit to the ophthalmologist.


Eye drops with broad-spectrum antibiotic

Eye drops from barley on the eye are described here.

Ophthalmic ointments from conjunctivitis http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/konyunktivit/kakimi-mazyami-segodnya-lechat-konyunktivit.html


Overdosing can occur in case of self-treatment, because for each type of pathology there is a scheme treatment, which can be made only by a doctor, taking into account the stage of the disease and possible chronic pathologies in patient.

When combined with adrenoblockers (in the treatment of glaucoma), the effect of the latter may be intensified, which must be taken into account when designing the treatment regimen.

After instilling eye drops of Taufon for a while, the clarity of perception of visual Therefore, special care should be taken by individuals whose activities require visual acuity and increased attention.



Eye drops Taufon can be used both for curative and preventive purposes. They are an effective tool for the normalization of metabolic processes and even regeneration in dystrophic eye pathologies.

However, their almost natural origin (taurine - an amino acid synthesized in the body) is not the basis for uncontrolled and unreasonable use. The treatment of any eye pathologies should only take place under the supervision of a specialist and with the observance of his recommendations.

Than useful moisturizing drops for eyes "Gilan" will tell this article. Also read about hydrocortisone ointment with instructions for use for the eyes.

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