Effective methods of deleting miliums

Milium on the face - this is an unpleasant neoplasm that can affect not only adults but also children.Often the cutaneous formations take quite large dimensions, that a person experiences certain inconveniences. Miliums are formed most often on the eyelids and under the eyes.Removing neoplasms is a long and complex process.It is best to seek medical help to prevent the development of complications.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Methods of removal
    • 2.1Using an electrocoagulator
    • 2.2Laser removal
    • 2.3Curettage
    • 2.4Cryotherapy
    • 2.5Folk remedies
      • 2.5.1Fresh cucumber
      • 2.5.2Paraffin mask
      • 2.5.3Kalinovy ​​juice
      • 2.5.4Compresses with chamomile
      • 2.5.5Soda peeling
      • 2.5.6Salt peeling
      • 2.5.7Yeast Mask
  • 3Prevention
  • 4Video
  • 5conclusions

What it is

Milium is a cystic formation, in which the wall is lined with epithelial cells.The contents of the neoplasm consists of a cluster of keratin, which is formed from keratinized cells of the dermis. And only occasionally there is a small amount of sebum.

The same goes for papillomas on the eyelids.

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Having the viral nature of origin, the essence of the formations is the growth of the epithelial layer of the skin and the formation of growths. Along with the milium, these abnormal formations can cause discomfort and spoil the appearance.

Milium has an autoimmune character, i.e. their appearance indicates the disruption of the operation of internal systems. Therefore, before removal, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of this rash.

Methods of removal

The process of removing milium can only occur in the office of a dermatologist or a cosmetologist.It is not necessary to use the extrusion method for this at home. This is fraught with traumatizing the skin and infecting the wound.

In the case of skin infection, a large number of eyelid diseases can develop.Damage to the epithelium leads to the development of blepharitis, affects the growth of eyelashes, reduces the local immune function. As a result, scleral tissues (episcleritis), and the cornea, and the inner parts of the eye can be affected.

Currently, there are several options for removing the miliary rash. The choice of a specific method is carried out taking into account the number of neoplasms, their location and size.

Using an electrocoagulator

The essence of this method is that a high frequency current is applied.It has a drying effect, and thin crusts form on the site of the rash. They leave on their own in a couple of days. The merits of the method include:

  • quickness;
  • absence of rehabilitation period;
  • absence of damage to surrounding tissues;
  • absence of scars, pigment spots and other defects on the skin.

Laser removal

This option is more modern.By type of influence, it is similar to electrocoagulation.It differs only in that the moxibustion takes place with the aid of a carbon dioxide laser. Apply the method in the case when miliums form multiple clusters. The merits of the method include:

  • quickness;
  • absence of soreness;
  • quick result;
  • The laser beam has a bactericidal effect, as a result of which there is no risk of suppuration;
  • no side effects.
    Operation to remove the milium laser


This is a mechanical way to remove the rash.Initially, the cosmetologist treats the skin with an antiseptic, and then with a special needle performs a puncture neoplasm. It introduces a special tool, whose name is curette. It is to them that he extracts the contents of the milium along with the capsule.

Curettage of milium

This technique is rarely used, since after it may form scarring.


If the milium are concentrated on the centuries, then before their removal it is worthwhile to freeze them.This is necessary, since the skin on the eyelids is thin and sensitive.Even not too rough exposure can lead to hyperemia and swelling.

Melyum Cryotherapy

Folk remedies

To eliminate the miliary rash, you can use non-traditional methods of struggle.

Do not think that folk methods will get an instant effect, like when using cosmetic manipulation.

Fresh cucumber

Take a fresh vegetable, remove seeds and peel, grind on a grater.Add 150 ml of milk, wait 4 hours, cover the container with a lid. As soon as the specified time passes, the broth is filtered out. Use for lotions. Carry out the manipulation 2 times a day.

Paraffin mask

Take 50-70 g of paraffin, melt it in a water bath.While it will melt, it is worth treating the skin with an alcohol-containing tonic. Using a brush, apply paraffin to the skin.

Applying the mask is not only on the area of ​​the rash, but also on the whole face, since paraffin perfectly cleanses the skin. But only it should not penetrate the lips, eyelids and eyebrows.

Once the first layer has dried, you can apply a second one. Keep the mask on your face until it freezes. It is very easy to remove paraffin, because after drying it separates from the face without problems.

Kalinovy ​​juice

Rip off the brush with the ripened berries of Kalina. Stretch them to form juice. Dip in it a cotton pad and attach to the area of ​​the lesion. Still it is possible to make a mask from berries of a guelder-rose. For this, put a little oatmeal to the juice. You should get a creamy mass. Apply to the skin and keep for 30-40 minutes.

Compresses with chamomile

Take 20 g of dry raw material, add a glass of boiling water.Infuse 1 hour. Filter the broth and apply for compresses. You can also use calendula for this.

Before the compress, the skin should be cleaned and steamed.

Soda peeling

It can be used in that category of people who do not have thin and not sensitive skin.Take a little soda and mix with a shower gel.Apply to the skin with massaging movements.

After the first such peeling, redness of the skin is possible.

Salt peeling

Salt has a more gentle effect on the skin than soda.It is necessary to combine salt and sour cream in equal proportions. Apply rubbing movements on the skin. If they are dry, then instead of sour cream you can use sunflower oil.

Yeast Mask

It should be used as a prophylaxis after a hardware rash remover.Take ¼ pack of wet yeast, 20 ml of lemon juice, honey and 3% hydrogen peroxide. As soon as the tremors swell, you can apply the mask to the skin. Wash it off after 30 minutes.

Apply these methods are effective only if you use them on a regular basis. And to achieve the maximum effect it is possible under the condition of complex influence on the rash.


To prevent the development of miliums, it is necessary to use these recommendations:

  1. Daily, 2 times a day to look after the skin.It must be cleaned of dirt and apply a moisturizer.
  2. Regularly apply exfoliating scrubs. Thus, it is possible to remove the keratinized cells from the skin and prevent the development of hyperkeratosis.
  3. Protect skin from UV rays. To do this, you need to wear sunglasses or a hat. On the face to apply a special cream that does not contain fats and essential oils.
  4. Apply facial lotion with retinol.It is he who perfectly moisturizes the face and prevents the development of hyperkeratosis.
  5. In the diet in the minimum amount should be fatty and smoked products.



Milium is an unpleasant defect on the skin that can strike absolutely everyone. Today, there are many ways to get rid of the problem, so there should not be problems with choice. Choosing the appropriate therapy option, it is necessary to start from the localization area, sizes and types of rash.

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