How to treat varicocele without surgery: medicines, folk remedies

From this article you will learn about the efficacy of varicocele, treatment without surgery. What methods can be applied. Recipes of folk remedies.

Article content:

  • Medication
  • Folk remedies
  • Recommendations on the lifestyle

It is impossible to completely cure varicocele without surgery. Drug treatment does not reverse the pathological changes, but only slows the further development of the disease. Folk methods are even less effective.

The use of medicines and folk remedies is advisable in the following cases:

  • at the moment the operation is postponed due to the inability to perform it for any reason;
  • to prevent relapse after surgery.

Do not overstretch with the procedure, because varicocele at a later stage leads to infertility.

Before using any methods, consult with a urologist or andrologist.

Drug treatment

To prevent the progression of the disease or relapse, doctors recommend that their patients take:

  1. Microcirculation improving drugs: Arbiflex, Trental, Agapurin, Pentoxifylline.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Fleboprotectors( vein strengthening agents): Escuzan, Detralex.
  4. Vitamins, antioxidants, combined preparations: Ascorutin, vitamin E, Vitamax, Antiox, Triovit.

With the help of such treatment it is possible to improve blood circulation in the testicles and to prevent the development of complications. And also strengthen the veins, which will slow the progression varicocele.

If surgical treatment has already been done, medications, in combination with folk remedies and the right way of life, will help prevent a relapse of the disease. Varicocele is one of the most prone to repeated development of urological diseases. Relapses occur in 7-50% of cases( depending on the quality of the operation and the patient's further lifestyle).

Folk remedies

To prevent the recurrence of varicocele, traditional medicine advises natural remedies rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. This will help strengthen the venous walls and improve blood circulation.

The same tools will also help in the prevention of varicose veins of other parts of the body.

But do not try to avoid surgery by using folk remedies, as treating varicocele without surgery is useless.

Before taking folk remedies consult with your doctor, as they may have contraindications.

The course of treatment by any of the means listed below is 4-8 weeks. Then take a break of 2-4 weeks. After a break, it is desirable to change one remedy for another.

Recipes of fees:

Ingredients How to prepare How to take
Birch leaves

Wild strawberry( leaves)

Dandelion( roots)


Oats( straw)

Cuff leaves


Take the same amount of all herbs and mix.

Take 16 g of collection, pour 700 ml of boiling water. Put in a water bath and hold for 10 minutes. Remove from a water bath, put in a warm place and insist there for half an hour.

Drink three times a day for 100 ml 15 minutes after eating.

Before use, heat until warm, but not hot.


Cowberry( leaves)



Primrose leaves

Horse chestnut( flowers)

Black currant( leaves)

Three-colored violet

Take an equal amount of all the ingredients and mix.

Take 14 g of herbal mixture, pour into a thermos, pour 700 ml of boiling water, close the thermos bottle and wait 3 hours. Strain.

For 100 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes after eating.
The root of the elephant

The letter

The spore

The root of the aura

The willow bark

The viburnum( flowers)

The meadow clover( flowers)

Mix all the listed components equally.

Take 16 g of the resulting mixture, pour 700 ml of cold water. Insist 7 hours. Then put on fire, bring to a boil - and immediately remove from heat. Cool down. Strain.

Drink warm three times a day, 20 minutes after eating, at a dosage of 100 ml.
Brown auburn( flowers)

Field horsetail

Lingonberry( leaves)




Horse chestnut( flowers)

Take 1 g of all listed plants, place in a thermos and pour 350 ml of boiling water. Close the thermos bottle and allow the medicine to stand for 3 hours. Strain. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes after eating.

Oak bark

Horse chestnut flowers

Raspberry root

Ruta officinalis

Mix in equal proportions all the ingredients.

Take 2 tablespoons of medication. Pour a liter of boiling water and insist for 24 hours. Strain.

Take half a cup 2 times a day.

One-component products:

Plant Preparation Diagram of reception
Leaves of walnut Fill 10 g of vegetable raw material with 0.3 liters of boiling water. Hold 15-20 minutes in a water bath. Remove from a water bath, cool. Strain. Take 3 times a day before meals at a dosage of 1/3 cup.
Verbena Take 6 g of medicinal plants, pour half a cup of boiling water. Prepare a water bath and keep broth for 30 minutes. Then remove and insist 10 minutes. Strain. Drink a tablespoon 5-6 times a day before or after eating( 20 minutes before or 20 minutes after).
Clover clover Take 3 g of flowers and pour 150 ml of boiling water. Put in a warm place and leave for 2 hours. Take 50 g 15 minutes after meals three times a day.
Horse chestnut Take 1 teaspoon of plant bark, pour 2 glasses of water, insist 8 hours, strain. Drink 3-4 times a day for 30 ml before or after a meal.

In addition to veins, all of these remedies are useful for the genitourinary system, heart, liver.

Recommendations on the way of life

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, urologists are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not sit continuously for longer than 40 minutes. If you have a sedentary job, get up and walk for at least 10 minutes every 40 minutes.
  • Do not stand more than half an hour. Even if you need to stand for work( for example, you are a guard), do not stand still - go, move your legs, change the position of the body.
  • Run in the morning and hike at a distance of at least 2 km per day.
  • Actively relax, go in for sports. Useful swimming, skiing, skating, roller, athletics, fitness, football, basketball and other outdoor games. However, it is better to abandon cycling, riding and weight training with more weight.
  • Do not overweight. The upper limit of the norm can be calculated as follows: raise your height( in meters) into a square. Then divide your weight( in kilograms) by the number obtained. The result is from 18.5 to 25. Example calculation: height 175 cm( 1.75 m), weight - 76 kg. Growth in the square - 3.06.Divide the weight by the height in the square - the result - 24.8 - within the norm.
  • Well, the classic advice: get rid of bad habits and eat right.

Following these rules, you will not allow blood stagnation and thereby prevent varicose veins of the scrotum.

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