
Troxerutin gel is a venotonizing external agent that strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

The drug is used in the complex treatment of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. And in proctological practice, it is used to eliminate painful hemorrhoids. The gel is characterized by pronounced anti-inflammatory and angioprotective activity.

The drug is prescribed to patients with the aim of stopping edema, normalizing blood circulation, easing pain. It is affordable, inexpensive and very convenient for home therapy. But with prolonged and frequent use, the risk of side effects increases. Phlebologist after the examination will determine the safe dosing regimen and the optimal duration of treatment.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Venotonizing drug for external use.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buywithout a doctor's prescription.


How much is the gel Troxerutin in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of65 rubles.

Composition and form of release

Troxerutin is available in the form of a gel for external application and capsules for oral administration. The combination of these two therapeutic forms of the drug mutually reinforces the positive therapeutic effects of each other.

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The active substance of the gel is troxerutin, which is a flavonoid of plant matter routine. The composition of 1 gram of the drug includes 20 mg of the active ingredient.

Pharmacological effect

The composition of the gel and capsules (tablets) includes troxerutin, which possesses phlebitoprotective activity. Pharmacological action of the drug is identical to the routine of the group of vitamin P. The active ingredient takes part in oxidation-reduction reactions taking place in the human body. It inhibits the enzyme hyaluronidase blocking the biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid. By reducing the fragility and permeability of capillaries increases the density of blood vessels.

For the gel, Troxerutin also has the following therapeutic properties:

  • Reduction of exudation of plasma fluid;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes occurring in the walls of veins;
  • limiting the adsorption of platelets to the walls of blood vessels, reducing their lumen;
  • prevention of the passage of blood elements through the walls of capillaries and small veins.

Troxerutin prevents the formation of free radicals. It is these compounds that are responsible for cell damage and further destruction of tissues. At the initial stage of pathology, doctors prescribe the drug as a monotherapy. This helps to reduce the pharmacological load on the human body. Improvement of lymphodrainage function makes it possible to apply the drug also at the severe stage of the disease. In this case, it is combined with capsules of Troxerutin or drugs with diosmin.

Indications for use

The listed pharmacological effects of the drug allow the use of gel during the therapy of venous insufficiency, trophic ulcers, as well as in the course of complex treatment of diseases that cause an increase in vascular permeability. The gel allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate bruises, bruises, bruises, stretch marks. Indications for use of the drug troxerutin are as follows:

  1. Capillarotoxicosis, which occurs with influenza, scarlet fever, measles.
  2. Hemorrhagic diathesis, which is accompanied by a violation of the permeability of capillaries; diabetic retinopathy.
  3. The drug is also used in the treatment of trophic ulcers and dermatitis, provoked by varicose veins.
  4. Elimination of manifestations of chronic form of venous insufficiency: pain syndrome, edema, feeling of heaviness and fatigue, development of seizures, formation of vascular pattern.
  5. Complex treatment of varicose veins (including during the period of gestation), superficial thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis, post-inflammatory syndrome.
  6. Treatment of bruises of soft tissues, which are accompanied by the formation of hematomas and edema.

The drug in the form of a gel is used during the recovery period after the operation (sclerotherapy) as an auxiliary element of therapy for the purpose of providing preventive effects.


  • Children and adolescence under 18;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Additionally for capsules:

  • I trimester of pregnancy and lactation;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum, stomach, chronic gastritis in the stage of exacerbation.

An additional contraindication for troxerutin in the form of a gel is a violation of the integrity of the skin.

In chronic renal failure, use the drug with extreme caution (with prolonged use).

Intended use for pregnancy and lactation

The drug can be given to patients only in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. The doctor correlates the risk for intrauterine development of the fetus and the benefit to the mother. During pregnancy, the gel Troxerutin is used to apply to the skin in minimal dosages. It is strictly prohibited for use during breastfeeding.

Dosage and route of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, Troxerutin gel is applied evenly in a thin layer in the morning and evening on the skin above the painful patch and gently massaged until completely absorbed. The dose of the drug depends on the area of ​​the damaged surface, but should not exceed 3-4 cm of gel (1.5-2 g).

The gel can be applied under the occlusive dressing.

Adverse Reactions

The use of the gel can provoke such side effects as allergic reactions in the form of feelings of itching, redness, burning. Since the drug does not penetrate into the general bloodstream, it does not adversely affect other organs.

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by all categories of patients, and the resulting adverse reactions are temporary, transient.


To date, there have been no reports of cases of an overdose of Troxerutin.

In case of accidental ingestion of the drug in the form of a gel or capsules in a dose significantly higher than the therapeutic one, a procedure for washing the stomach should be performed and the enterosorbent taken.

There is no specific antidote.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:

  1. The gel should only be applied to the undamaged surface.
  2. In the treatment of deep vein thrombosis or superficial thrombophlebitis, the use of capsules of Troxerutin does not exclude the administration of antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. For the treatment of edema caused by concomitant diseases of the kidneys, liver and heart, capsules are ineffective.
  4. In case of unintentional ingestion of the drug, nausea, vomiting, burning sensation in the oral cavity, salivation are permissible. In such a case, it is recommended to wash the stomach and oral cavity, if necessary - symptomatic treatment.
  5. When the gel enters the eyes, mucous membranes and open wounds, local irritation is noted-burning, lacrimation, pain, and hyperemia. In this case, it is necessary to wash off the product with a large volume of isotonic sodium chloride solution or distilled water to a significant decrease in severity or complete disappearance of these reactions.
  6. Do not exceed the recommended dose and the maximum duration of treatment for self-administration of the drug.
  7. If during the use of the drug the severity of the symptoms of the disease does not decrease or the symptoms are aggravated, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist.
  8. It is necessary to avoid getting the gel in the eyes, on the mucous membranes and open wounds.
  9. The gel is used in combination with ascorbic acid to enhance its effect in conditions characterized by increased vascular permeability (including influenza, scarlet fever, measles and allergic reactions).

Interaction with other drugs

There is no evidence of unfavorable interaction of troxerutin in the form of a gel with other drugs.


We offer to read reviews of people who used Troxerutin:

  1. Natalia. Gel "Troxerutin" is my salvation. Especially now, in bad weather, when you twist your legs at night, especially in bad weather. After surgeries about varicose veins, I stopped on this drug. Efficiency - on a par with "Troxevasin" and "Lyoton." And the price is much lower. Yes, it still works very well for swelling of the legs and arms of various types. The main thing to remember - do not rub, but apply, lightly spreading, until absorbed. And your hands-feet will be grateful to you. I recommend to all! The only thing is, the tube is usually incomplete... although the packaging is factory-made.
  2. Sasha. My mom bought capsules and troxerutin gel, because she had varicose veins. I force her to undergo a course of treatment to maintain a less normal condition of the veins and not start a sore. Her legs do not hurt, but all are strewn with a small mesh of vessels. I do not want to have strong thrombosis afterwards and nothing helped at all. So periodically she drank capsules and smears feet with gel troxerutin
  3. Vera. I have been using troxerutin for two years - before and after pregnancy. Varicose veins after delivery. To be honest, I do not have a special result from the gel. Just before pregnancy used, as a cheap option of prevention, and after a budgetary habit. The veins do not ache and do not increase, maybe he somehow acts internally, but the appearance of the legs has not changed. I'm waiting for the end of lactation, I'll try to combine with the internal use of "Troxerutin" tablets. I know that complex treatment is much more productive. Troxerutin gel is not good at an expensive price, the tube lasts for two weeks.


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxsevenol;
  • Troxerutin VetProm;
  • Troxerutin Vramed;
  • Troxerutin Zentiva;
  • Troxerutin Lechiva;
  • Troxerutin MIC.

Before buying an analogue, consult your doctor.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in a dry and dark place, inaccessible to children. Storage temperature should not exceed the mark of 25 degrees Celsius.

The period during which the drug is suitable is 5 years from the date of manufacture. It is forbidden to use the drug after the expiration of the period indicated on the packaging.

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