Sore throat and stuffy nose than cure

Sore throat, stuffy nose and no temperature: what to do and what to treat

Sore throat is the most common symptom. Quite often tenderness in the throat and congestion of the nose proceed without increasing the overall body temperature.

Unfortunately, not all people know how to help themselves in this situation, in order not to suffer from more serious symptoms in the future.

What could it be?

There is a whole range of diseases in which the throat hurts, lays the nose, but the body temperature does not increase. Usually this occurs with a cold, acute respiratory infection, when the body of the patient struggles with the microorganisms that have got into it.

Medicine identifies several reasons why it hurts in the throat:

  1. viral infections;
  2. irritation of the mucosa;
  3. injuries;
  4. overstrain of muscles.
If the virus has penetrated the body, treatment may be limited to the course of antiviral drugs, drops in the nose. The throat in this situation does not hurt very often, but it still prevents eating and swallowing saliva, the nose may be stuffy, but there is no temperature.
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Each person has a different pain threshold, and for this reason, for some, the pain does not seem very strong, and others can not do without pain medications.

There is another reason for uncomfortable sensations: irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. This is often the case with allergic reactions, leading to swelling of the mucosa. It can also be a laryngitis that interferes with talking. At the very beginning of the pathological process, the patient will note a sharp, cutting pain, and then his voice abruptly disappears.

When the muscles of the larynx are overloaded, the voice also breaks, which is due to the increased tone.

What you need to know

When the throat hurts and stuffy nose there is no evidence to call the ambulance team. However, there are exceptions:

  1. the pain is so strong that it can not swallow saliva and it flows out of the mouth;
  2. The throat has swelled so much that it is difficult to breathe, and at the same time there are sounds like whistles and squeals.

In all other cases, it is enough to simply go to a polyclinic. These are symptoms such as an increase in the cervical lymph nodes, pain during jaw movements, body temperature jumps, hoarseness without obvious causes, pus or purulent plugs in the tonsils.

As self-help, the following measures can be applied:

  • Control breathing and try to breathe through the nose;
  • to abandon candies (they have to swallow more often);
  • with laryngitis, it's better to talk normally than to whisper (whispers irritate the ligaments even more);
  • Do not scream, avoid irritating substances, smoking (active and passive);
  • gargle with salt solutions, not swallowing liquid;
  • humidify the air.

Ironically, doctors with sore throats advise eating ice cream and similar cold foods. This will reduce puffiness, inflammation and relieve soreness.

Bacterial infection

Less than half the time, the cause of sore throat is a bacterial infection. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to take a swab from the pharynx and make a seeding on the bacterial microflora, the degree of its sensitivity to antibiotics.

If the throat hurts, an inflammatory process develops in it. It can flow as in the pharyngeal tonsils (provoking tonsillitis), and on the mucous membranes (with pharyngitis).

When due to bacterial infection the nose is also embedded, the sick person will note the symptoms:

  1. rapid development of pain;
  2. deterioration of the general condition;
  3. increased body temperature;
  4. increased submandibular and cervical lymph nodes.

In such a situation, it is important to contact the therapist or the otolaryngologist as soon as possible to make a diagnosis and begin treatment with antibiotics. In addition, frequent rinsing of the throat with medicinal solutions is recommended. It has been scientifically proven that mechanical cleansing of the mucous membranes is the key to a quick recovery.

For treatment, practically any solution is suitable:

  • saline (a teaspoon of salt is taken for a glass of water);
  • herbal (teaspoon of chamomile or calendula, boiled 100 ml of boiling water);
  • preparations Octenisept, Lizobakt.

Sometimes doctors recommend tablets for resorption, for example, Hexalysis. Sprays with antiseptic action have proved to be excellent: Tantum Verde, Geksoral, Ingalipt. With strong severe pain, you can apply aerosol with an anesthetic Strepsils-plus.

If the body temperature rises and your throat hurts even more, you should take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug based on Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

Viral infection

With a viral infection, the nose can be embedded and the throat inflamed. For example, with adenovirus infection, there is also an increase in the cervical lymph nodes, a pronounced viral pharyngitis develops. And the nature of pain can be the same as in bacterial infections.

In adults, the throat hurts with mononucleosis. Discomfort is sometimes so severe that it is difficult for the patient to swallow, eat. Very often, with the disease, the temperature remains within normal limits, but dehydration develops.

No matter how strong the pain syndrome, it does not provide for the use of antibiotics. Viral diseases are treated only by antiviral agents.

Symptoms of a viral etiology with a stuffy nose are:

  1. deterioration of general well-being;
  2. gradual increase of soreness in the throat;
  3. weakness in the body, pain in the head;
  4. loss of strength, fatigue.

It will be necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment.

Irritation of the mucosa

The nose and throat can be disturbed by allergic reactions or by exposure to tobacco smoke, over-dried, polluted air.

Due to irritation of the mucous throat, the patient suffers from perspiration, sore throat, lachrymation, sneezing, abundant discharge from the nose. When allergies are often itchy skin and dry cough occurs.

To improve the patient's well-being, the doctor must determine the irritating factor, the allergen. Then the nose is washed with salt spray, the throat is rinsed with solutions (a teaspoon of sea or kitchen salt is taken for a glass of warm water).

In addition, it is very important to humidify the air in the room, to regularly ventilate. The optimum moisture index is up to 60 percent.


Another cause of health problems is laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx). When the disease is marked barking cough, wheezing in the chest, a pain in the goal. The causes of the disease are many, among the most probable should be identified:

  1. overstrain of ligaments;
  2. frequent viral infections.
Laryngitis is very dangerous. As a result of the high reactivity of the respiratory tract, repeated allergic reactions, an acute attack of asthma, sometimes called croup, may begin. The temperature does not increase with illness.

The main symptom is hoarseness, fast fatigue. It is not excluded purely psychological discomfort, because a person is very difficult to talk normally. Treat the disease begin with resting ligaments. Doctors insist that you need to talk only when there is an urgent need.

Negative on the ligaments and throat will affect cigarette smoke, so you should avoid even passive smoking. It is necessary to drink a lot of warm liquid, do steam inhalations. For the procedure, it is sufficient to lean over a pot with hot potato broth or plain water.

As an option, it is recommended to close in the bathroom, turn on hot water, sit near the tap and inhale the moist hot air. It should be extremely accurate, since the water temperature is very important, the steam should be moist, warm, but not burning.

Correct treatment

Unfortunately, for today there is still no remedy able to treat a sore throat, even if there is no temperature. The use of a strong local anesthetic will not help, since the patient can not drink after this, take food.

The optimal option is treatment with drugs based on substances:

  • phenol;
  • diclonin;
  • benzocaine.
These components cause a slight numbness in the throat, reducing pain sensitivity in it.

To ease the pain will help lollipops made of menthol. They help to cool the pharynx, soften the tissues, removing soreness. But it should be understood that the therapeutic effect of candies do not have and the cause of the problem will not be eliminated.

Doctor with throat pain will prescribe antibacterial, antiseptic aerosols. They have components that quickly stop the life of pathogenic microflora. It is best to use one-component medications, since there is a risk of an allergic reaction. If the throat is treated with compound preparations, the probability of complications of the disease increases.

Still, when the throat hurts, appoint or nominate tablets for rassasyvanija. They are divided into several groups:

  1. containing substances, depressing viruses, bacteria (Hexalysis, Lizobakt);
  2. containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components (Strepfen);
  3. containing lysates of pathogens, often provoking tonsillitis, pharyngitis (Imudon). Thanks to them, the body activates local immunity. Medicines of this group are shown at chronic and slow forms of illnesses;
  4. containing plant components. Natural substances improve the flow of blood, promote the formation of mucus, alleviating the symptoms of the disease.

It should be remembered that when the throat hurts and becomes difficult to swallow, very quickly dehydration may begin. If the patient's body temperature began to increase, the probability of losing water only increases. This fact must be taken into account and replenished balance of fluid in the body.

When the nose is stuffed, the doctor will recommend one of several drugs:

  • Nafazolin, Sanorin, Naphthysine;
  • Oxymetazoline, Nazole, Nazo-Spray, Nazivin;
  • Tetrisolin, Tysin;
  • Xylometazoline, Tizin Xylo, Galazolin, Ximelin, Otrivin, Vonos, Xylen, Snoop, Rhinonorm.

If the body temperature starts to rise, it is necessary to take the drug on the basis of Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Aspirin. What to do with sore throat will tell the video in this article.

Runny nose and sore throat than to heal?

Runny nose and sore throat indicate a respiratory viral infection. Most often people with reduced immunity, children. Also, the symptomatology is typical for colds, allergic reactions. If you have a bacterial form of a viral infection, there will not be a cold, but at the same time it causes severe pain in the throat. Due to the fact that foreign microorganisms multiply in large numbers in the area of ​​throat, throat, nose, high body temperature is observed.

Causes of a common cold and sore throat

Viral infection is associated with an epidemic of the disease, often appears in autumn, in winter. Infectious agents can be influenza viruses, enterovirus, rhinovirus. An allergy with a runny nose and sore throat only appears after a person has been in contact with the irritant for a long time, it can be a fragrance, pollen, animal, dust, some food.

Sore throat and runny nose due to ARVI

If the symptoms are provoked by a viral infection, it is accompanied by weakness, severe headaches, breaking in the muscles, the nose first lays, then there is an abundant amount of mucus. In the throat can severely perspire, it is painful to swallow, after a dry cough appears.

The person with the disease is very shivering, the body temperature is very high. In this case, mucus from the nose is secreted transparent, this distinguishes cold coryza from bacterial sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, in which the snot can be green, yellow or in severe situations brown.

Coryza strongly begins to irritate the mucous throat, flows down the pharyngeal wall, because of this the mucous membrane inflames. If a person's throat is red, this indicates a severe inflammation. Acute respiratory infection is contagious, a cold disease - no, it appears due to the fact that a person has become supercooled. With a cold, only a sore throat and a runny nose can be seen, while the body temperature is normal, the person feels normally.

Runny nose and sore throat due to allergies

The allergic reaction always begins abruptly, immediately after the person has contacted the stimulus. The patient starts to cough sharply, sneeze, hectic severe itching, pershit in the throat, bakes in the nose, tears increase, then a runny nose appears. It is dangerous when the pain in the throat is accompanied by swelling, because of this, a person can suffocate. In this situation, you can not waste time, immediately call an ambulance. It is important to distinguish ARVI from allergy in time.

Catarrh and sore throat

To cure ORVI it is impossible, only to facilitate a symptomatology. The body must itself overcome the virus, so do not recommend that the temperature be lowered below 3 degrees. From a cold in ARVI help vasoconstrictive drops. When it's hard to breathe through the nose, the snot grows thicker, you need to use moisturizing drops, special sprays, with which you can bring out mucus. It is recommended to wash the nose constantly with saline solution, for the night, drip in the nose preparations based on oils.

Headache, muscle aches are removed with Paracetamol, Nurofen. Also with the help of them you can bring down the heat. In cases where the throat is very sore, while it shows redness, irritation, puffiness, thickened mucus on the walls, you need to rinse different solutions, also effectively help inhalation, irrigation with the help of antiseptic, recommend to dissolve the lozenges, they have an anesthetic action.

If you have a runny nose and sore throat provoked by an allergic reaction, you first need to avoid allergen, symptomatic help to help antihistamines preparations - Alleron, Claritin, Tavegil, etc. Some people have to undergo a full course of treatment with these drugs, in a certain season the allergy begins aggravated.

Common ways to treat colds and sore throats

You need as much as possible to drink liquids - crimson tea, well-brewed linden with honey, leaves of raspberry branches, currants. Various inhalations are carried out with chamomile, eucalyptus broth, you can add calendula, sage, thyme.

Dry mustard helps to get rid of the common cold, sore throat mustard, it is used in the form of a powder, it can rub your feet, soar your feet, apply as a compress. It is recommended to inhale the onions, garlic, they must be fresh.

When a disease needs to eat vitamins, ascorbic acid. Drinking should also contain vitamins, so it is advised to use infusion with ashberry, dog rose. To make it, you need to take the berries in dry form, pour water, boil, insist the whole night. Drink suitable for a child of different ages. Good help from pain in the throat currant, raspberry and strawberry jams, they must be diluted with water. You can not drink beverages for allergic people.

The patient should consume cranberries, lemon, cranberries, these products are rich in acid, with the help of it you can thin the mucus, they have a bactericidal effect. Also recommend to drink herbal teas, you can add a little honey. You can brew leaves from parsley, it contains a large amount of vitamin C. You need to drink as often as possible, so the body will be cleaned.

From the pain in the throat helps rinse, for this use a decoction based on St. John's wort, sage, eucalyptus, soda, calendula, apple cider vinegar. With the help of rinses, you can wash bacteria and mucus from the throat.

With a cold you need to constantly wash your nose with sea salt, if it is laid, use gently vasoconstricting drops, you can drip strong tea, onion juice, diluted with water, chamomile, so you can cleanse the nasopharynx.

In order not to have sinusitis, you need to constantly massage points above and between the eyebrows, over the maxillary sinus, the wings of the nose. At night, you can warm your nose with sea salt, sand, eggs. From the cold help mustard plasters, they need to be applied to the heels, if there is no temperature.

So, the sore throat and runny nose should be treated depending on the cause, because of which they appeared.

Sore throat, stuffy nose, temperature 37.3 lethargy how to cure faster? Thank you!


Denis Chukhlantsev

Drink hot milk with honey for the night, sweat properly!

Вл @ д

before going to bed, warming up 150 g.vodk, zameshay in her crimson jam and drink a volley.

Personal Cabinet Removed

Drink hot broth and rinse your throat with warm water and soda (lodges 1 spoonful), and in the nose drip out the aloe! Get well!


do not get through quickly, you still have to be sick for 2 weeks, it's a FLUE !!
but you can of course drink hot tea with honey or milk warm, too, with honey, well removes toxins from the body

Someone like you

so pretty. you need to do this
!. to drink things 3 vitamins are necessary, since immunity is bad.
2. vodka + pepper + honey and necessarily warm
3. necessarily a lot of warm sour drink. preferably fruit drinks, or water with honey and lemon juice
4. if the aspirin and a liter of warm drink do not help and sweat and sleep under the blanket.
t necessarily a good mood, you it)) Come on, do not get ill and be healthy))

Natalie Novodvorskaia

Throat to treat that: a glass of warm boiled water, half a teaspoon of salt., (Very desirable, not necessary) 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Rinse as often as possible. After rinsing for 20 minutes, he does not eat or drink. Very good tool!
But: rozhrevay salt (in a bag or a note of heating on a saucepan or kettle).
Well, onetn, hot drink! Get well! And in general, this time of the year you need to drink vitamins!


drink a glass of vodka and seize a juicy tomato, checked on a friend, works!


I agree quickly will not work. I'm against vodka. You should immediately start drinking something expectorant - a decoction of herbal stepmothers or brew the root of licorice. You must necessarily drink abundantly, such as a rose hip broth. It is good to drink tea with dried leaves of black currant, raspberry with chamomile. You can boil freshly ground black currant or raspberries and drink in boiled water, 2 liters per day. In occasion of a throat and a nose there is such strong thing - Bioparoks.
I just got sick myself. Try it. Get well soon!


In the nose spray often (every 15 minutes), "IRS-19" (interferon!), In the mouth to splash "Givalex" as the resumption of discomfort, necessarily vodka compress on the throat for 30 minutes and two or three in a row (4 layers of bandage soaked vodka or alcohol in half with water, a soft bag of tee and warm scarf), at night 1 sachet "Fervexa and in the afternoon 3 times on 1 tea bag" Koldreks maxi "and take 1 t. 3 times a day amizon (antiviral drug or any other). Eat more lemons with sugar and a warm drink.
Of course it's good for homeopathic sinupret, etc., but it takes time.
Get well!

Sidor Sidorov

1. Do not drink vodka, and drink 40 grams in your mouth and hold for 8-10 minutes, then spit it out. The throat will pass. You can repeat it in two hours.
2. Warm up the light beer to 60 degrees 200 grams and drink.

Cold without temperature treatment. Runny nose, nasal congestion, choking in the throat. No temperature. than to be treated?



Folk remedies or medicines?
Folk: strew your legs, rinse your throat, hot tea with honey and raspberry jam.
Medications: pills for the throat, "rhinofluucim" for the nose, well rinses the nose.
From the tablets: "Kagocel" (excellent remedy), "Arbidol".
To me, "Rinza" works well, only drowsiness appears and the temperature knocks down (but not much, I think if there is no temperature will help - will remove the symptoms).

6 Massi

Powder Anvi Max is a good remedy


Cold Treatment In Home Conditions

If you decide to treat a cold at home, then soberly assess the situation: you must be sure that you are dealing with a cold, that the condition allows you to be treated independently and that the medications used are not are contraindicated. Do not engage in self-medication during pregnancy and lactation, with liver and kidney disease. If during self-treatment there were doubts in the correctness of the actions or the condition worsened, you need to see a doctor.

How to treat a cold? Immediately note the important conditions for the patient: the mandatory daily ventilation of the room and wet cleaning, bed rest, frequent washing of hands with soap of family members is desirable, the patient needs frequent warm drinking. What to drink for a cold? It is recommended to drink berry juice, compote of dried fruits, tea with lemon, herbal teas with linden, oregano, mint, dog rose, etc., with colds, carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol are harmful. It is better to use disposable handkerchiefs - this will reduce contact with the virus.

What medicines to take for a cold? To rationally approach this issue, evaluate your condition. The easiest and fastest treatment is a treatment started at the first sign of a cold, in a state of "pre-illness." Symptoms of a cold are known to almost everyone: nasal congestion or runny nose, general malaise, muscle pain and headache, fever. You can use a universal homeopathic remedy of the safest and most effective - Oscillococcinum. Oscillococcinum is used for treatment, and for the prevention of colds and flu, is intended for adults and children.

At the first symptoms, colds take 1 dose of granules 2-3 times a day, with an interval of 6 hours, then from the second day take two times a day, in the morning and in the evening, 1 dose of granules. The course of treatment varies from 1 to 3 days. The drug quickly eliminates symptoms in the initial stage of the disease, facilitates the condition, shortens the duration of the disease and promotes rapid recovery after recovery. For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza it is enough to take 1 dose of granules once a week for 6 weeks. Oscillococcinum acts quickly, has no side effects, is convenient in the application for the whole family and is economical.

If there is a high temperature and severe malaise, symptomatic means that will quickly relieve the general condition, remove the stuffiness of the nose, reduce temperature. Such funds include cold powders for the preparation of a hot beverage: TeraFlu, Caldrex, Fervex, Rinzasip, Antigrippin. They are taken from the first day of treatment 3-4 times a day, the course of taking 2-4 days. All these preparations are produced with different taste and differ in the content of paracetamol and the presence of other components.

In addition, funds are used to relieve cough and drops from the common cold. It is better to prefer drugs that dilute sputum and, at the same time, facilitate her withdrawal, so as not to guess what cough and when to change the drug (Ambrobe, Lazolvan, Stopptussin, etc.). With an acute cold, when the river "flows from the nose, you need vasoconstrictive drops or sprays (tizin, nazivin, sanorin, otrivin, etc.), which are used no more than 4-6 days. In the future, you need drops, spray or ointment in the nose of another action, with softening and anti-inflammatory components.

Nelya Kudryavtseva

Check, only simple and undeservedly forgotten, but very effective Wed-va! How to be born and forget about angina and ARD.! Do not interfere, but it helps! A COPY OF RECIPES FOR ALL LIFE.. Very simple and effective. You take an orange and clean it like a potato. Peel the peel on the lid of the pot with boiling water or a battery. You chew this peel like a chewing gum and do not eat. Only you suck. Orange oil KILLS Staphylococcus aureus. You can chew and a simple peel, but we always have dried in a jar. He locked himself up in the throat. Take the orange from the jar. Skins and chew And now for the common cold! Litvina's recipe L milk to bring to a boil and throw there a mush of bulb rubbed on a grater. Cool to hot, when you can already drink and strain and drink hot 1 glass. To bed and so several times a day. At night 1 st and in the morning, heat the remainder and drink. LYING! Will pass even the flu WITHOUT COMPLICATIONS. In my family all forgot about ANGINA. JUST HAPPY TO CLEAR THE THROAT WITH AN ORANGE OIL !!!

Juliana the Beautiful

I do not know

Yaroslav Sorokin

All these symptoms for the day will remove Amiksin. I always help, a good antiviral. The combination of price and quality is good, and operates sooo fast - for a day or two I'm back to normal

Yuriy Yurkevich

Well and how, Galina? Have cured?

a drop

zalozhennost tincture of chili pepper to wet cotton wool put on the bridge of the nose for the whole night. With a throat oil rinse with tincture of calendula and tincture of propolis 1 tablespoon for 05 st water each hour

Gennady Khvorov

To breathe over boiled potatoes! 0 minutes, if there is a runny nose. Inoculate the onion juice into the nose. Then, a plentiful drink with honey and lemon, (tea milk) ON the night to warm your feet in the goyache water (preferably with mustard)

Sore throat, voice disappears and stuffy nose


Nelya Kudryavtseva

! copies of the simplest recipes that need to be used on time.. 1) Sinusitis, etc. if you start to break and headache and torba hurt, then you can not get away: puncture... but if the condition is stable, then continue to treat, each with its own method. there is such: for the night in one nostril to stick a piece of butter, on a trace. night to another. During the night, everything is in the sinuses, it will dissolve and come out in the morning. And so on, until there is a way out. In the same pus green... try to get rid of it naturally! And one more is a rinse with sunflower oil, which creates the effect of stretching., a glass of oil to warm to hot and rinse your mouth until the oil becomes in the mouth with water, when the glass is emptied into bed. The effect may not be fast, but reliable! Nostrils wash the little finger soapy to crunch with water at room temperature. It helps to get rid of a cold without any medications. I'm afraid of fear: pus warm. so that there is no COMPLICATION!! Everyone: do not lead up to a storm with the flu! Do not drink milk with a bow anyway! Onions from a hundred ailment! WHY DO NOT MONUMENT LUKE? After all, it is he who helps immunity! "Black radish sodium on the grater, add honey, squeeze the table. spoon juice and drink on 2 tables. l the whole day. Add a medka. Sucks any cough and COPIES for the future! Treat the simplest! When you eat an orange. then do not throw away the skins, but sushi. He locked himself in his throat, then at once chew them in his mouth for a long time. There's orange oil. it simply erases staphylococcus a powder. which multiplies, emits a poison. they can not cure pills. They do not kill staphylococcus. You take an orange and clean it like a potato. Peel the peel on the lid of the pot with boiling water or a battery. You chew this peel like a chewing gum and do not eat. Just sucks.. You can chew and raw skin, while there is no dry, chewing exercises muscles, but we always have dried in the jar. He locked himself up in the throat. Take the orange from the jar. Skins and chew And now for the common cold! Litvina's recipe L milk to bring to a boil and throw there a mush of bulb rubbed on a grater. Cool to hot, when you can already drink and strain and drink hot 1 cup. To bed and so several times a day. At night 1 st and in the morning, heat the remainder and drink. LYING! Will pass even the flu WITHOUT COMPLICATIONS. In my family all forgot about ANGINA. JUST HAPPY TO CLEAR THE GORLO WITH ORANGE OIL!!! "My son has a cork in his pocket"

It hurts my throat, and my ears are laid like in a helmet.. what to do?


♍Galina Zhigunova♍

To treat the throat, then spread out the ears, these three organs of the ear-throat-nose are connected by a single channel with each other. I always always suffer with a cold.

In T

Therapist, ENT. At home, you can carry out inhalations with aromatic oil (eucalyptus, cedarwood, lavender, grapefruit, tea tree) or with complex preparations containing several oils, for example KARMOLIS. With severe pain in the throat, it is advisable to use drugs that combine not only antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, but also anesthetic (pain-relieving) components (for example, Tantum Verede, STRREPHEN).


Great Russian question "What to do? "There are two solutions that are treated and sick for 7 days, or not treated and sick for a week, decide for yourself ...

Gentle Crab

At the moment I have the same problem and throat and both ears. .ja descended or went to loru he skazd that this bilateral otitis arisen as complication after a throat and if not to treat that the inflammation will go and on other bodies. Drop polideks, antibiotics flemoksin throat rinse with chlorophyllite and inhalation of Ingadip, and a bunch of some tablets. Accepting the beginning yesterday, today is much better. Treatment days 7. In general, go to Laura and do not postpone, and then besides zalozhennosti feel hellish pain, as I felt it.

1 2

if the nose is clogged and not breathing, then the ears are laid from behind the nose as-be... nose to heal, go away and ears will put off and throat of course

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