How to pump up your back at home?


  • 1How to pump back muscles at home without exercisers
    • 1.1Is it possible to achieve such results at home?
    • 1.2Home Training: Basic Principles
    • 1.3Training program
    • 1.4Training program №1
    • 1.5Training program №2
    • 1.6How quickly to achieve the result?
  • 2How to pump up your back at home - Board ON
    • 2.1Muscles of the back - anatomy
    • 2.2Recommendations for implementation
    • 2.3Exercises for the back at home
    • 2.4Pulling on the bar
    • 2.5Hyperextension
    • 2.6Thrust dumbbell in slope
    • 2.7Push ups
    • 2.8Push ups on the hill
    • 2.9Tilt push-ups
    • 2.10Exercises for the back at home - video
  • 3How to pump up your back at home? How to pump up the backs of pushups - reviews, photos:
    • 3.1What muscles need to be loaded
    • 3.2The most popular occupation
    • 3.3It is worth thinking about buying dumbbells
    • 3.4We are training the lumbar section
    • 3.5Pulling the bar to the stomach
    • 3.6We carry out slopes with a barbell
    • 3.7We raise the shoulder blades
    • 3.8After training you need stretching
    • 3.9Classical and popular occupation
    • 3.10Training should be regular
    • 3.11Conclusion
  • instagram viewer
  • 4We shake our back at home without exercisers
    • 4.1Is it possible to exercise effectively at home?
    • 4.2Basic principles of home training
    • 4.3Training program for home
    • 4.4Training number 1
    • 4.5Training number 2
  • 5How to pump your back at home. Program for muscle growth
    • 5.1Why and how to train your back
    • 5.2How to protect yourself from back injuries
    • 5.3Exercises without iron and shells
    • 5.4Hyperextension
    • 5.5Push-ups from the floor with widely spaced arms
    • 5.6Bridge
    • 5.7Exercises with iron
    • 5.8Thrust to the belt
    • 5.9Dumbbell cultivation in the sides in slope
    • 5.10Deadlift
    • 5.11Tilting forward with a barbell on the shoulders
    • 5.12Shrugging shoulders with dumbbells in the hands
    • 5.13Exercises on the horizontal bar
    • 5.14Pull-ups
    • 5.15Exit by force
    • 5.16Training program
    • 5.17How many repetitions do I have?

How to pump back muscles at home without exercisers

There is an opinion that it is impossible to achieve good results by training at home or on a regular sports ground.

This has been repeatedly mentioned in the materials of sports magazines, but there are also many examples of the effectiveness of such exercises.

The desire to succeed in pumping back muscles and lacking the opportunity to train in a sports club for one reason or another is a powerful incentive to achieve this goal at home.

In principle, such classes do not need special motivation, as the result speaks for itself:

  • strong back excludes any problems with the spineAnd if he is healthy, then all the systems of the human body work like a clock;
  • during the training of this large group of musclessubcutaneous fat is burnedand the amount of energy expenditure of the organism increases;
  • V-shapeis formed by the development of the widest dorsal muscles, and men and women dream of this silhouette.

Is it possible to achieve such results at home?

Training at home is uniquely effective, which is proved by many examples. Of course, you can not argue that there is no difference between intensive home classes and training in the gym. However, to achieve a visible result, training at home - is quite an achievable goal.

Why study in the hall give more significant results?The fact is that progression and growth are caused by increasing the load on the muscle group, and this requires a regular increase in working weight.

At home, it is almost impossible to provide free weights of various kinds that can be used for exercise. It should be noted that only experienced athletes who have been engaged for at least two years can train with great weights.

But at the start, to pump up your back and achieve a beautiful silhouette, there is enough training at home.

Home Training: Basic Principles

Adhering to the following basic rules, you can achieve significant results by training at home:

  1. Regularity of training- not more than twice a week. This is the best option, because a smaller amount of training will not achieve a tangible effect, and more is meaningless, as the muscular group needs time to recover.
  2. At the initial stage and until the ability to feel every tense and involved site appears, the exercises are performed in3 approaches, each of which includes12 to 15 repetitions. Subsequently, with the acquisition of the above skill, you can proceed to training until "refusal the approaches are performed as much as the forces and another one or two repetitions from above, which is called"from the last strength".
  3. You can not start immediately with strength training, as this may result in injury. Without a preliminary preparatory stage - no warm-up and joint warm-up should be done by any training.
  4. Due to the fact that the muscles have the ability to get used to the plane and the nature of the impact of the load, it is advisablealternate training programs.
  5. Every lesson begins with basic exercises(one or two - enough), during the implementation of which two or more joints are involved. At the end of training - one or two isolation exercises (one muscle, one joint).

Training program

Training program №1

To build the widest muscles use several basic exercises, one of the most effective is the tractiondumbbells in slope. In the process of its execution, both halves of the back are worked, while the weak half works without "help" stronger.

Starting position:legs, slightly bent at the knees, a bent waist, the body falls 90 degrees, in the hands of a dumbbell, elbows pointing upwards along the body. The dumbbells are raised to the maximum connection of the blades, then slowly, stretching the muscles, fall down to the original position.

Another effective exercise -traditional pull-ups. Vis on the crossbar: the grip is straight, palms are located somewhat wider than the shoulder joints.

Pull up so that the position of the chin is parallel to the crossbar, then fall down, while the elbow joints should be fully straightened.

It is important that the bar does not wrap around the thumbs, otherwise a partial redistribution of the load on the bicep will occur.

As an isolation exercise, the final training is recommendedpulling dumbbell with one hand in the support.

Starting position: one leg straight (supporting), the second one should rest on the plane with a bent knee.

Take the dumbbell in the hand that is on the side of the straight leg, the emphasis on the second hand, with the palm should be located under the shoulder joint.


  1. The back with the lowered waist is held parallel to the floor, the dumbbell rises in the same plane with the body until the peak muscle contraction.
  2. Return to the starting position.

Training program №2

If we compare the basic exercises in terms of their effectiveness for the development of the back, then one of the best is the deadlift.

During its execution, the hamstrings and buttocks are also studied. This exercise is supplemented with work with dumbbells - an excellent option for women and beginners.

Training begins, as always, with warm-up and warm-up.

Take the starting position:back with a lowered lower back, legs slightly bent at the knees and located on the width of the shoulders, take dumbbells and lower hands in front of him.


  1. Tilting is performed slowly until the body assumes a position parallel to the floor. In this case the dumbbells are in close proximity to the body.
  2. Take the starting position, the body must be fully straightened.

In order to deeply work the lower part of the latissimus muscles are usedtightening with a narrow grip, which have slight differences from the classical version. The difference lies in the location of the palms on the crossbar - the position should be so close that the thumbs touched each other with their tips.

At the end of the training, isolation exercises are performed. For home training is suitablehyperextension, with a special simulator easily replaced with a hard sofa or other hard surface, which can provide a convenient location of the pelvis and legs.


The main task is the possibility of free movement of the body up / down and good fixing of the legs.


When this issue is resolved the palm should be taken behind the back of the head, and lower the body with the lowered lower back to the lower limit, then smoothly rise up to the maximum level with an even back.

How quickly to achieve the result?

Given the following nuances, and strictly adhering to the above rules can significantly increase the effectiveness of home training and quickly achieve the desired results.

  • At the end of each training, do not forget aboutstretching exercises. We should not forget about this point, since it is important for the development of muscles. Also, stretching allows to minimize the discomfort arising from heavy loads.
  • The increase in loads should be carried out by increasing the working weight, and not by increasing the number of repetitions in the approach.
  • The question is of fundamental importancesupply. The diet of a training person should consist of 50% of complex carbohydrates, 30% protein, and the rest - red fish, vegetable oils, nuts. In the construction of muscles, quality nutrition is given the most important role.

Efficiency of home trainingdepends on the purposefulness and self-organization of a person, the correct approach to employment, the obligatory regularity and patience.

A source:

How to pump up your back at home - Board ON

Trained back muscles -pledge not only a beautiful body, but also the health of the spine, as well as the whole organism as a whole.

Today we will talk about how to pump up the back at home and a man and a girl, we will offer you a set of exercises for back, which you can easily perform at home, as well as give recommendations that will help make your workouts more effective.

First, let's look at the anatomy to clearly understand what kind of muscles we have to work on.

Muscles of the back - anatomy

The back is a vast surface and consists of many muscles. But the main groups for working out are the following groups:

  • The widest muscle of the back. It is responsible for the movement of the shoulder to the axis of the spine. The development of this muscle is paid a lot of attention during training, as it forms the V-shaped silhouette.
  • Trapezium. The most visible part of it is between the neck and shoulder. This muscle is responsible for raising hands up, head inclinations and blade movement.
  • Rhomboid muscle. It is located immediately below the trapezoid and is responsible for the reduction of the blades and their movement upwards.
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Many beginners naively believe that it is enough to pump some muscles to look better.

Men concentrate their attention often on the biceps, and the girls - on the hips and buttocks. This attitude to training will not bring results.

Back is the foundation of the basics, and paying attention to it during training is necessary for a number of reasons.

  • Strong back - this is a good posture. And it, in turn, contributes to a sufficient oxygen saturation of tissues, cells and most importantly - the brain. Because of this, you experience less fatigue during the day.
  • Worked back muscles -the basis of all basic exerciseson other muscle groups.
  • Back trainingminimizes the risk of diseasethe spine.
  • Finally,visible aesthetic effect. For men - V-shaped silhouette of the body, for women - the opportunity to wear a dress with an open back and look great.

Now you know which muscles are involved, when we are going to swing our backs and what, in fact, we need to train for. It's time to go directly to the complex of exercises.

But first you need to read some of the recommendations that will help you conduct training with maximum efficiency and without injury.

Recommendations for implementation

  • Start any workout with a warm-up.This will help warm up the muscles and develop joints.
  • Each exercise of the complex must be performedin 3-4 sets of 15-20 times each.
  • When choosing weight weights, choose the weight with which you can technically correctly perform the required number of approaches and repetitions. With time, when this load seems to be inadequate, increase the weight of the burden.
  • Ideally for this set of exercisesit is worthwhilein the week program of their training.
  • To perform the exercises you will need a bar, dumbbells or any other equipment that can replace them.
  • Do not forget that the key to muscle growth isproper nutrition. The basis of your diet should be protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Having received all the necessary information, it's time to move on to practice and disassemble the technique of performing exercises for the back.

Exercises for the back at home

Pulling on the bar

The most common and most effectiveExercise for the development of the muscles of the back.

Approach the crossbar and grab hold of it with your hands with a straight grip at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders. Legs bend at the knees and cross between themselves in the ankle.

Stay on the crossbar, keep the whole body in static tension. Do not relax your muscles to avoid injury.

Take a deep breath and on exhalation, taking off the scapula, lift the body. At the top point, touch the crossbar on top of the chest. On inspiration, go back to the starting position, and without delay continue to perform the exercise.

This exercise does not belong to the category of lungs. For beginners, it may be difficult to execute it right the right number of times. In this case, do as many repetitions as you can, and gradually increase their number from training to training.

Errors in execution

  • Raising the elbows when lifting. Elbows try to keep near the body.
  • Delay at the top point. After reaching the required level, drop down without delay.
  • Sharp move down. Exercise should be performed at a moderate pace and concentrate on the work of the target muscles.


Instead of a simulator you can use a hard sofa at home. The main thing is that you can put and fix your legs and hips.

Lie down with your face so that the hips are on the support, and the upper part of the body can be freely lowered down. Keep your hands in the lock at the back of your head. On exhalation slowly raise the body as high as possible. At the inspiration at the same pace, go down. For burdening you can take a dumbbell in your hands.

Errors in execution

  • Sharp jerk up. This error can lead to injury.
  • Too much weight burdens. Use a comfortable weight to avoid overloading your back.

Thrust dumbbell in slope

This exercise is performed both with two standing dumbbells, and with one on the free hand, and allows you to pump the latissimus and rhomboid muscles of the back at home. Let's consider the technique of execution of the first variant.

Place your feet shoulder width apart and slightly bend at the knees. Lower the body to a parallel with respect to the floor, and create a deflection in the lower back, pulling the pelvis slightly back. Put your hands down with dumbbells. The elbows should be slightly bent.

Take a deep breath and, on exhalation, lift the dumbbells to the body, taking the shoulder blades together. Elbows at the same time should strive for the ceiling, and hands pass along the body. On exhalation, lower your hands to the starting position. Without delay, repeat the exercise.

Errors in execution

  • Cultivation of elbows to the sides when lifting.
  • Sharply dumping hands. This increases the chance to stretch the ligaments, especially when using a large working weight.

Push ups

Push-ups will be very affordable for home workouts.
The starting position is lying with an emphasis on the hands and on the socks.

Hands put a little wider than the width of the shoulders. The whole body is one line. On inspiration, lower the body as low as possible.

On exhalation, rise upward, straightening your arms at the elbows.

Errors in execution

  • Cultivation of elbows in the sides. For the purpose of working the muscles of the back of the hand, keep as close to the body as possible.
  • Lowering the pelvis downward / lifting the pelvis upward. Focus on this point to avoid overloading the lower back.

Push-ups in the classical version can be complicated, performing them as follows:

Push ups on the hill

Here, put a small stack of books or another elevation under your hands. This position will increase the amplitude of movement during the exercise.

Tilt push-ups

On the hill, raise your legs to increase the load on the muscles of your back. When doing push-ups, stay at the bottom for a few seconds.

Exercises for the development of the back there is a considerable amount. We have offered you the most common and effective. To diversify your workouts, we suggest you view the video.

Exercises for the back at home - video

From this video you will learn how to pump up your back at home and what exercises without using special equipment will help you in this.

To summarize, it is worth noting once again that only a complex training of the whole body will help you achieve the result of forming an athletic build. A regular and technically correct work on the muscles of the back will ensure safety and effectiveness in performing other exercises.

A source:

How to pump up your back at home? How to pump up the backs of pushups - reviews, photos:

Most likely, the question of how to pump up the back in the home, there was almost every beginning athlete.

This is due to the fact that a beautiful figure is capable of causing admiration and pride.

It must also be taken into account that it takes a huge amount of effort and time to support the forms achieved. At the same time, attention should be paid absolutely to all muscles.

Back is not the last place in the list of those parts of the body that need to be trained. Answering the question about how to pump up the back in the home, we should note that we must deal with at least three times a week.

At the same time, the whole training complex must be completed. After a few weeks of regular training, you will notice that the muscle fibers have grown stronger, and the posture has become more direct. Pursuing, you should pay special attention to your feelings.

In the situation when there is pain, it will be necessary to reduce the load.

What muscles need to be loaded

Asking about how to pump back at home, it should be understood that the musculature of this part of the body helps in almost all movements of the trunk. Muscles are divided into the following main parts:

  1. Upper. It includes a trapezoidal and rhomboid muscle. In addition, there are muscles with which to lift the scapula.
  2. Average. It is the most extensive and includes the widest, largest and small round, awned, posterior upper and lower jagged muscles. Also in this group is the upper part of the longest muscle.
  3. The lower part includes the longest muscles of the abdomen and iliac-rib.

Do you want to understand how to pump your back at home? You need to remember the following exercises, which you can help in this.

The most popular occupation

Pull on the crossbar. This type of training has its advantages, as it loads almost all groups of muscles of the back. Perform the exercise smoothly, without jerking.

We inhale and pull ourselves up until the moment the neck touches the crossbar. Exhalation - we accept the starting position.

This type of exercise can help to find a solution to the problem of "how to pump the latissimus muscles of the back."

It is worth thinking about buying dumbbells

For pumping back, you should buy sports equipment - dumbbells. In a situation where there is no such possibility, you can use plastic bottles with water instead.

It will be required to sit on a chair, legs apart on the width of shoulders. Then we lean on the back with one hand. The second should be fixed dumbbell.

On inhalation, you should begin to smoothly lift the hand, lowered with the weighting arm, to the chest. At this time, the elbow should be raised. Exhaling slowly returns to its original position.

After several repetitions, the same thing should be done with the other hand. This exercise will help to solve the question "how to pump up your back at home without a bar."

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We are training the lumbar section

It is worth remembering another fairly effective exercise - the deflection backwards. To perform it, lie on the floor, with your stomach down. Previously, you will need to place a pillow under it.

Hands should be in an elongated state along the trunk. Straining the muscles of the back, we try to tear off the head from the floor surface.

In the maximum possible position it will be necessary to fix and after a few seconds return to the original position.

If you want to answer the question of how to pump the latissimus muscles of the back, then you should think about buying a bar. With such sports equipment you can do several different types of exercises. We list them.

Pulling the bar to the stomach

One of the most preferred exercises by athletes is the rod pull in the slope. We need to grasp the bar as wide as possible.

After this, we remove the hip joint back, tilt the body forward until the bar reaches the level of the shin. This is the original position.


Once it is accepted, it will be necessary to begin pulling the bar to yourself until it touches the abdomen. After that, we return to the starting position. Perform this type of exercise is required smoothly, without jerking.


This occupation is the best answer to the question of how to pump the latissimus muscles of the back. It is worth knowing that during the training the legs should be slightly bent at the knees.

We carry out slopes with a barbell

Slopes forward. The main advantage of this exercise is the fact that with the help of it you can not only give a beautiful shape to the buttocks. It also allows you to answer the question of how to pump the back muscles to a girl and a man. The bar must be fixed on the shoulders.

Weight should be selected, guided by their physical parameters and sensations. At first, girls can use only the neck for this exercise. The meaning of the lesson will be to lift the hull from an inclined state.

In this case, a small part of the load will lie on the biceps, hips and buttocks. Do not make the lifts just by loosening the waist. Work should be the whole back, all muscle groups. Perform such a training complex should be smoothly, without unnecessary jerks.

Weight increase is required gradually at a time when there is a sense of such a need.

We raise the shoulder blades

Want to figure out how to pump up the wide back of the house? To do this, it is necessary to resort to another type of exercise - lifting the blades. In this situation, you will need to seek help.

You will need someone to serve the bar from behind. Inventory in this case it will be necessary to arrange on one level with the bottom of the buttocks. Hands should be in a straightened state. Hvat should be on top.


Keep your back straight. You need to inhale, hold your breath and simultaneously raise your shoulders to the maximum possible height. At the top point you need to strain the trapezius muscles.


In this state, it will take a few seconds. Exhaling, we lower the shoulders to their original position.

After training you need stretching

In the event that you want to find the answer to the question of how to pump up the back of the house without harming your health, then after the training complex should be stretched. With the help of it you can restore loaded muscles, get rid of the feeling of stiffness.

There is another fairly effective exercise. You should sit down and put your hands up. Exhaling, reach for your legs. The back should be straight. Hold the lower point for a few seconds, on exhalation, lift the body back and extend upwards.

Standing on your knees, rest on the floor with your hands. Having inhaled, bend backwards. Exhaling, arch your back towards the ceiling. This movement will need to be repeated several times.

Carrying out all the above exercises, you should carefully monitor the load that the musculature receives. In the event that the muscle fibers are overloaded, it will take for a while and completely forget about training.

Classical and popular occupation

In modern conditions, as reviewed by professional athletes, one of the most frequently used exercises are push-ups. With the help of them you can solve the problem of "how to pump your back."

Push ups also train other muscles. This should be taken into account. In order for most of the burden to fall on the muscles of the back, you need to perform the exercise, placing your hands as wide as possible.

If you take into account the feedback of athletes, then the greatest effect can be obtained only if the training will be done slowly and without jerks.

The whole body must be in such a position that it forms one straight line.

Training should be regular

In order to choose a training complex, with which you can answer the question of how to pump the latissimus muscles of the back and not only, it is necessary to understand which movements on which muscle group exert the greatest load.

Only in this case you will be able to develop all the required parts of the body most well. Approach your training complex thoroughly, start doing exercises regularly, form a proper diet.

Only in such a situation it will be possible to achieve the greatest heights in your studies at home.


In this review, we talked about the main types of exercises, through the continuous implementation of which you can achieve maximum effect.

However, in order to fulfill them in a home environment, a very strong motivation is needed.

Wish you good luck in your attempts to form your own body and success in all your endeavors!

A source:

We shake our back at home without exercisers

A lot of Internet resources and thematic publications convince the layman that training at home or on the nearest sports ground can not be sufficiently effective.

However, there are actually a lot of examples of achieving significant results of trainings outside the hall, because there are no objective reasons for anyone canceled: financial difficulties, uncomfortable location of the fitness club, a tight schedule of employment - all this can be completely deprived motivation. For example, consider how to pump up the back muscles at home.

The reasons for intensively training the back are much greater than it might seem at first glance:

  • A strong back is always a healthy spine, and hence all the body systems.
  • Training this very large muscle group will burn a significant amount of subcutaneous fat and increase the total amount of energy consumption of the body.
  • The developed latissimus muscles of the back form the very classical V-shaped silhouette of the figure, which is considered a reference for both men and women.

Is it possible to exercise effectively at home?

The answer is unequivocal: of course, yes! Exercises for the back of the house repeatedly proved to be effective.

Undoubtedly, draw a parallel between even the most intensive home training and training in the hall will be incorrect, However, if we talk about the achievement of the effect and the visible result, then the exercises for the back at home are exactly will give.

For what reason does the training outside the hall not yield the same tangible results? It's all about the scales: the constant increase in the working weight, the load of which rests on the muscle group, is the key to progression and growth.

In a domestic environment, it is almost impossible to ensure the availability of a variety of free weights suitable for use in training.

But it's worth emphasizing once again - very large weights are necessary for those who practice with the experience of regular classes from 2 years or more, so to pump up the back of the house at the start of the path to a beautiful and powerful back, more than really.

Basic principles of home training

  • Classes should be held regularly 2 times a week. More often - it's pointless: the muscle group will not have time to recover. Less often, too, is not worth it - you will not be able to feel the results.
  • Exercises for training the muscles of the back should be performed in 3 sets - 12-15 reps each. Over time, when the ability to feel every involved and tense part of the body comes, one must move on to principle of work to "failure" - that is, to implement the approach until the last 1-2 repetitions are made through "I can not".
  • Warm-up and joint warm-up are integral elements of training. To proceed to power exercises, bypassing this stage, is traumatic and impractical.
  • Complexes of exercises for the back should be alternated from training to training, in order to avoid the habituation of muscles to the nature and the plane of the impact of the load.
  • Each training should begin with 1-2 basic exercises (when they are performed they are involved from 2 or more joints) and end with 1-2 isolating exercises (the muscle on which the accent is made, "solo" works, 1 joint).

Training program for home

Training number 1

Thrust dumbbell in the slope is one of the most effective basic exercises for building the widest muscles. Works through every half of the back, while the stronger half does not "help" the weak.

Legs slightly bend at the knees, the body with a lowered lower back down 90 degrees, pick up dumbbells. Pointing your elbows up, strictly along the plane of the body, raise the dumbbells to the peak connection of the blades, and then slowly return to the starting position, stretching the muscles.

Classic pull-ups are the basic exercise for all time.

Hang on the crossbar with a straight grip so that the palms are slightly wider than the shoulder joints. To reach the crossbar upwards, until the chin is equal to it, then fall down, completely straightening the elbow joints.


Important nuance: thumbs should not wrap around the crossbar, otherwise the load will be partially redistributed to the biceps.


Thrust dumbbell with one hand in the support - an excellent insulating exercise to "finish off" the muscles at the end of training.

Starting position:

  • One foot supporting, the second - with the bent knee rests against a plane.
  • The dumbbell is in that hand, from which a straight leg, the second hand - in the palm rest, the palm under the shoulder joint.
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Technique of execution:

  1. Holding the back with the lumbar waist parallel to the floor, pull the dumbbell up strictly in the same plane with the trunk until the maximum muscle contraction.
  2. Return to the starting position.

Training number 2

Static traction is considered to be the best basic exercise for the development of the back, as well as the buttocks and biceps of the thigh. The option of deadlift with dumbbells is great for beginners and for girls. Before performing this exercise, a good preliminary warm-up and warming up of the muscles is mandatory.

Initial position:

  • Standing, the back is bent in the lower back.
  • The legs are shoulder width apart, slightly bent at the knees.
  • Hands with dumbbells are lowered in front of you.

Technique of execution:

  1. Slowly tilt the housing until it is parallel to the floor. The dumbbells should be close enough to the body.
  2. Return to the starting position, fully straightened.

Tightening with a narrow grip is the base for deep working the bottom of the latitudinal. Performed in a manner similar to classical pulling, with the only difference that the palms are located on the crossbar are much closer to each other - the tips of the thumbs should touch.

Hyperextension at home will serve as an excellent insulating element for the end of training. This exercise can be done without a special simulator.

To do this, a soft sofa or other dense surface will fit, on which it will be comfortable to arrange legs and a basin. The task: to enable the body to move up and down without hindrance, and fix the legs.

From this position, with the palms wrapped on the back of the head, with the back bent back to the lower point, and then without a jerk, raise the flat back as much as possible.

  • Do not neglect the stretch at the end of training - this will not only contribute to the development of muscles, but also minimizes discomfort after a load.
  • Feeling that the usual load seems too easy, it should not be increased due to the number of repetitions in one approach, but due to the available increase in working weight.
  • The quality of nutrition plays one of the primary roles in the process of building muscles. The diet should be saturated with protein (30% of total calories), complex carbohydrates (50%) and "correct" fats from red fish, nuts and vegetable oils (20%).

Now you know how to rock your back at home. Competent approach to training, unconditional regularity and very little patience - and you will not notice how the muscles of the back will become sturdy and pumped up.

and comments

A source:

How to pump your back at home. Program for muscle growth

Why is a person doing sports and taking care of their health should train their backs? Is it possible to pumpbeautiful and powerful musclesback at home, and if so, how? What do you need, what are the best exercises to do, and how to deal with minimizing the risk of injury?

Why and how to train your back

Novice athletes often believe that pumping up impressive biceps triceps and strong cubes on the abdomen is really important, and paying attention to other muscles, including back, is not necessary.

There are several serious reasons for this:

  • The form and general condition of the spine depend on the condition of the back muscles - training prevents many problems with the health of the bone system;
  • Pumping the press and the shoulder girdle can be harmful with a weak back;
  • If you want to lose weight, exercise your back is just as important as the stomach, because excess fat accumulates not only from the front;
  • Without training, the muscles of the back become not only weak, but also constrained, too rigid, and this promises various severe diseases;
  • Pumped back decorates a man no less than large biceps, and maybe more.

We really hope that we managed to convince you. Before talking about the exercises, a few words about the necessary prevention: how to pump up your back at home and, exercising, do not hurt yourself - do not get injured.

How to protect yourself from back injuries

Before starting the workout, you should perform light exercises to warm up the muscles, joints and tendons. = Ym30Pn3J4kw

Then it is necessary to do stretching of the spine:

  • Lie on your stomach, putting your hands on the chest level, and in this position, bend back. Repeat up to 10 times.
  • Standing half a step from the wall facing her, stretch out your hands as high as possible, then look up at the palms. Then stretch out his arms on the wall and touch her with his chin and chest. Ifsensations of stretching the spineno, go a little further and repeat. At the end of the exercise, fix the pose and, turning his head, alternately touch the back of each cheek.
  • Sit on a chair or stool, head down. Clasp your hands in the castle below, and stretch your shoulder blades up.
  • Hang for about two minutes on the horizontal bar, if there is no horizontal bar - on the interior door, tearing off the legs from the floor.

Warmed up? Excellent. It remains to firmly and firmly assimilate the simple rule of safety: during the exercise of the loin should always be kept evenly or slightly arched back.

Exercises without iron and shells


  1. The body below the belt lies on a bench or sofa, legs are fixed, torso parallel to the floor.
  2. Lower the torso down and slowly return to its previous position.
  3. You can rise above the level of your legs, arching your back.

This is an excellent training of a long back muscle.

Push-ups from the floor with widely spaced arms

The way to develop the widest muscles, called "wings."


One of the most effective exercises for strengthening the back muscles and training the spine, which, unfortunately, very few people perform not only at home, but also in the hall.

Exercises with iron

Thrust to the belt

  1. With a barbell, weights or dumbbells in your hands, bend forward (do not forget to hold your small of the back exactly!), Slightly bending your knees.
  2. Lift the weight to the waist, bending your arms in the elbows.
  3. Try to perform the exercise with the muscles of the back, turning off the hands as much as possible.

Dumbbell cultivation in the sides in slope

  1. Take dumbbells, tilt the body forward, arms slightly bend at the elbows.
  2. In this position, raise your hands up and to the sides.

The greatest load is on the reardeltoid muscle, but "gets" and "wings".


Ordinary slopes forward with burdening, only not "improvised means but with a barbell, weights or heavy dumbbells.

Tilting forward with a barbell on the shoulders

The legs here can also be slightly bent at the knees. The Loin, again,do not round- To prevent this, you should not bend down too low.

Shrugging shoulders with dumbbells in the hands

Excellent develops "trapezium" (top of the back).

Exercising with iron, if your main task is not how to achieve a general recovery of the body, but how to pump up back at home, you need to increase over time not the number of approaches and repetitions, and weight weights.

Only after this indicator reaches a maximum - a barbell or collapsible dumbbells will be used with all pancakes - will only add repetitions and approaches according to the principle specified in the description of exercises without gland.

Exercises on the horizontal bar


  1. Hang on the crossbar, without grasping it with your thumb - this allows you to increase the load on your back, removing it from your biceps.
  2. Rise up slowly - perform the exercise at an average pace, and even better slow.
  3. Jerks can be done more repetitions, but the effect for inflation will not be the same.
  4. Pulling up a narrow grip increases the load on the upper back, more precisely on the "trapezium and a broad grip - on the "wings."

Exit by force

Another excellent exercise on the bar is available to those who have high ceilings at home.

  1. The starting position is on the crossbar, the middle grip is now using the thumb.
  2. Slightly tighten and with the help of a light swing kick forward create inertia, helping to make an exit - touch the crossbar with the waist.
  3. In time, learn to perform the exercise more slowly and only with the forces of the hands and back - "without legs."

Exit by force is very useful for the entire back - from the top to the bottom.

Training should be finished in the same way as starting - with light movements, only now not for warm-up, but to relax the strained muscles. If the house is fitball, it is good to lie on it with your back and gently roll back and forth.

Training program

The training program depends on the presence or absence of iron and / or a horizontal bar.

  • If you do not have neither one nor the other, follow all the above exercises without shells and iron, starting with two approaches and adding one approach every 2-3 months.
  • If there is a horizontal bar, immediately add a tight grip to the trapeze program in the program, also 2 approaches. Begin training with pull-ups, then perform the remaining exercises.
  • If there is iron with a bar or without and a large set of exercises is available: choose from a wide variety of 6 exercises - 2 for the upper, middle and lower back. Start from those that you like best, and do everything in 2 sets, and then increase the number.

How many repetitions do I have?

Without iron - the choice is small: the one that is able to.

With iron repeats will be more, the less weight, and vice versa.

If the total weight of dumbbells and / or bar allows, it is better to pick up a sufficiently large burden, so that the repetitions are 6-10: this is the number that is ideal for pumping. More - rather develops power endurance, less - absolute strength (as in weightlifters).

It remains to recall that the back, like other parts of the body, should be shaken three times a week, or every other day.

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