Chestnut in the nose from the genyantritis

The use of chestnut in the treatment of genyantritis

In the treatment of sinusitis very often, otolaryngologists recommend that their patients undergo such a procedure as a puncture of the maxillary sinuses. Many are frightened by this method of treatment, and they resort to more sparing, but at the same time very effective means of traditional medicine. It helps to overcome the ailment of chestnut against sinusitis, which is used for the preparation of many medicines.In the treatment of this inflammatory process that occurs in the paranasal sinuses, it is the horse chestnut that exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucosa.

Features of treatment

Be careful! Horse chestnut oil can cause irritation of the nasal mucosa

Treatment of sinusitis with chestnut is characterized by its peculiarities, the therapy can use the fruits of the tree and chestnut oil, through which inhalations are carried out and therapeutic massage is performed. To chestnuts brought the maximum benefit to the inflamed paranasal sinuses, fruits must be harvested in late July - early August. At this time they are not yet ripe, and it was during this period in the fruit concentrated the largest number of medicinal substances. Such a young horse chestnut fruit contains iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, fiber, vitamins C and A.

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When a chestnut extract comes into the nasal cavity, some substances with which the chestnut is rich are harmful action on pathogenic microorganisms, and others - can cause sneezing, thus freeing the nasal sinuses from mucus.But patients should understand that it is necessary to know how to properly treat sinusitis with chestnut, since this fruit can irritate and so inflamed the mucous membrane of the nose. Therefore, in case of appearance of unpleasant sensations, severe burning or itching in the nose, you should not continue this treatment.

Chestnut recipes

Chestnut cleanses the nasal cavity causing sneezing

In the treatment of sinusitis it is advisable to use fresh chestnuts, but if they are not, the last year's ones will do, but they must first be lowered into boiling water to swell. Popular among folk medicine methods is the following recipe: chestnut peeled, cut into thin strips, not thicker than the nasal passages, then insert them into each nostril, leave for 5 minutes. Getting such blanks from the nose, the patient usually begins to sneeze, resulting in a lot of mucus coming out of the nose. Such a procedure should be repeated with each nostril in turn, the method should be applied every other day.


Well proven in the treatment of sinusitis and essential oil, prepared from the extract of horse chestnut seeds. This drug, in addition to having an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates all stagnant phenomena in the maxillary sinuses. Chestnut oil is used for inhalation - cold or hot. Choosing treatment of sinusitis with chestnut by means of hot inhalations, it is necessary to take a pan, fill it with half hot water and add a couple drops of chestnut oil to the container. Then take a towel and breathe for 10 minutes.

However, one should know that hot inhalation is contraindicated in purulent maxillary sinusitis. During the performance of the therapeutic procedure, the eyes must necessarily be closed, otherwise the eyelid and mucous membrane may burn.

With cold inhalation, horse chestnut oil should be inhaled directly from the bottle or, after dripping a few drops on a tissue napkin. The procedure usually lasts 5-10 minutes, physiotherapy is necessary every day until complete recovery.


As an additional procedure to the main treatment can be carried out chopped massage using chestnut oil. To do this, you must first prepare the mixture by mixing 8 drops of chestnut oil with 40 ml of base oil, in its quality you can use ordinary vegetable oil. Massage is performed by slow circular motions along the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses on the face. During the day it is recommended to hold up to 3 procedures, the total number of sessions is 10-12.

Possible consequences of improper treatment

Despite numerous positive reviews about the treatment of sinusitis with chestnut, if the main recommendations are not observed, this fruit can cause serious harm to the body. First of all, the danger lies in the fact that potent substances can severely damage and so inflamed mucous. Moreover, there can be such consequences:
  • with irritation of the mucosa, its puffiness increases, which inevitably leads to stagnation of the inflammatory process, as a result of which the disease acquires a chronic form;
  • when the mucous membrane is burned, a complete change occurs and the loss of its basic functional abilities;
  • the infection can spread to other sinuses, because the treatment does not have a positive effect, and the time is lost.

Thus, treatment of sinusitis with the help of chestnut will help to remove the inflammatory process only if all the conditions for the implementation of such therapy are met.

How to get rid of a cold with a chestnut?

Chestnut from the cold is successfully used in folk medicine. Chestnuts can often be seen along the roads. These are mighty and beautiful trees that blossom every spring. The fruits of this tree are similar in shape to nuts. It turns out that the chestnut contains a lot of useful substances. It consists of flavonoids, tannins, saponin, which have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. The chestnut tree is capable of purifying air from harmful impurities. This is one of the reasons why chestnuts are planted in most large cities.

In folk medicine horse chestnut is known for a long time. This large tree, which grows to 30 m in height, its branches form a dense crown. It can be absolutely confidently said that the chestnut not only effectively cleans the air in large cities. Its bark, leaves, flowers and nuts are used in the field of phytotherapy. Treatment of sinusitis with chestnut has long established itself as an effective tool.

The therapeutic properties of this plant were highly appreciated in Germany. There, chestnut was widely used to make a snuff from a cold. The fruit of this tree was crushed, lily of the valley flowers were added, and a very effective medicine was obtained. Chestnut has proven itself in the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, rheumatism and gout.

What are the benefits of chestnut fruit?

Fruits of chestnut - a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals useful for human health:

  1. In the chestnut fruits there are vitamins that belong to the groups B and K, many minerals, for example, calcium, magnesium, potassium.
  2. The fruits contain antioxidants and biologically active substances.
  3. Essential oils.
  4. Flavonoids.

When using chestnut fruit, the blood vessels work normally, the viscosity of the blood decreases. Chestnut treatment is an effective tool that helps to avoid the formation of blood clots.

Runny nose very often develops against the background of ARI and ARVI. However, it is not as secure as it may seem. If you do not start to treat rhinitis in time, then it goes very quickly into a chronic form, a sinusitis. Symptoms of this disease are similar to a common cold. But over time, the patient develops headaches, and pus begins to form pus. If you start the disease, it can cause very serious complications. Therefore, to treat sinusitis you have to resort to antibiotics, and sometimes - to surgery.

How is the treatment of sinusitis chestnut?

How to treat the nose with a chestnut? The fact that the chestnut tree is a very useful tree does not cause any doubt. When using its fruits to treat the nose, relief comes very quickly. It is enough to conduct several procedures. Do not forget that the traditional medicine means are medicines and they can also have contraindications. Therefore, before using the chestnut from the common cold, you should get advice from a doctor.

The fruits of chestnut have a bactericidal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.Of these, you can prepare a lot of medicines that are very effective in the treatment of neglected or chronic sinusitis. An excellent remedy for the treatment of the common cold is precisely the fruit of the chestnut. In order to use them in this capacity, you need to collect them in advance.

Do not collect chestnuts near the road - it's best to do it in a city park or forest. After collection, they are washed, dried, cleaned in a plastic bag, stored in a freezer. In this condition, chestnuts will retain their useful qualities until the very spring. If there is no refrigerator, then it can be done in the cellar, however in this case chestnuts will need to be soaked in water for at least two days.

How to prepare turuns from chestnut fruits? In order to treat sinus with chestnut fruits, they should be prepared. First you need to peel them. Before preparing turuns, chestnuts are soaked in water. After they swell, they are peeled. White flesh should be cut into rods, their size should be such that it can be inserted into the nasal passage. After that, the toothpick should be strung on the turuncum, put into the nose. It should be left in the nose for no more than 4-6 minutes, after which the same is done with the other nostril.

The effect of chestnut will be manifested in the fact that the pus will begin to flow out of the nose, this occurs during sneezing. The procedure is carried out every other day. Relief comes very quickly. After the first procedure there is a headache. Do not leave turuns in the nose longer than the specified time. Otherwise, very unpleasant consequences can occur.

How to prepare a medicine from chestnut?

As a medicine, fruits and flowers of chestnut are used.

Most of the useful substances are contained in them. Chestnuts grow in many parks and squares, so they can be easily assembled. Chestnut flowers blossom every spring (they resemble candles), and in the fall fruit is tied. In order to prepare a medicine, you need two nuts. They are soaked for several days in warm water, after they have softened, you need to peel their nuts from the peel. After this, the flesh should be cut into small candles. In order to cure a runny nose or sinusitis, it is enough to put one candle in each nostril. In the morning, there will be no trace of the traces of the disease.

If you use flowers as a medicine, then you need to take 100 g of flowers, after which they should squeeze out the juice. The resulting juice should be digested into each nostril (1 drop) 2-3 times a day. Continue to dig in the medicine should be until the moment the cold does not completely pass. An essential oil is prepared from the chestnut fruits. It promotes the removal of pus and mucus from the sinuses of the nose, which accumulate there in the inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. In order to do inhalation at home, you should take a pot with a capacity of at least 3 liters.

In the pan, add a few drops of chestnut essential oil. Then you need to cover your head with a towel and hold the inhalation for 4-12 minutes. In this case, you should close your eyes, in order to avoid a burn. It is equally useful for the treatment of sinusitis and chestnut oil. It can be used as a cold inhalation. It is enough 7-9 minutes. Oil in a small amount is applied to a small piece of tissue and applied to the nasal sinuses. The same way, the coryza is treated.

A good curative effect is achieved if you use chestnut essential oil for massage. In order to conduct a massage, you need to apply in the nasal sinus from 5 to 7 drops on each side. In order to consolidate the effect, massage should be done for 10 days.

Without a doctor's recommendation, you should not use any medicine. Despite the obvious benefit of chestnut in the common cold, there are a number of contraindications. Chestnut should not be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Need caution with gastric ulcer, liver disease, low blood pressure, blood diseases.

Prompt, than and as treat a genyantritis? doctors have one remedy-punctures. Genyantritis has just begun. (a week)


Nadia Denisova

a good remedy for sinusitis is chestnut. True, if you do not have a chestnut in advance - I do not know if you can find it now. The fruit of the chestnut is soaked in water right in the skin for a day, then the brown skin is cut, the chestnut is cut out like a "candle" and inserted into the sinus of the nose. There is an outflow of slime abundant, Czech. Keep 15-20 minutes a day. one by one in each nostril. 2-3 days and a genyantritis as did not happen. Personally, this only helps me. I always store chestnuts in the autumn. Another say a good remedy - the root of the cyclamen (bulb). Peel, grate, dilute slightly with distilled water (:) and bury in the nose. but she did not try this tool herself.


buy the Kalanchoe juice in the pharmacy... pipet in the nose and then pour... (I heated the salt in a frying pan and put hot on the wings of my nose... in a towel, salt was poured)... several times a day so do
buy antibiotics in the pharmacy from sinusitis and drink the course
Has forgotten the exact name of tablets (here recently drank... in the autumn... start on ampi... ampinaclycite like... packing just at home from tablets) I can look and tomorrow in my world you write the exact name

Olga Swan

need chestnuts wild clean if dry in the water to clean and in each nostril for 20 minutes gives an outflow

Olga-married Count)) -Look here, I used. We called back, explained everything.


Have a drink of Sinupret in drops. I quickly and well helped! Good luck to you!


Three times a day for 10-15 minutes I kept peeled potatoes in half cut at the sides of the nose, well, above the sinuses, so it was... I'll just sit with the potatoes and go straight to sleep, it's effective, only it's necessary if the genyantritis is really not yet in the criminal stage.. .
I'm not far to the puncture was), but it all happened with the help of potatoes)
Get well!

Somebody's joy

In addition to Sinupret, Isofra (with antibiotic) was still dribbling in the nose + some antibiotics-tablets. I had a catarrhal (not purulent) sinusitis. And then there is Simonovsky's ointment, insert tampons with ointment into the nose, this contributes to the outflow of the contents of the maxillary sinuses. Get well.

Andrei Bukin

Hmm, the punctures are made when genyantritis is started. I was treated without puncture. They did something like washing. More precisely I will not say, I just do not remember, it was in the year 82 ..

Natalia Demina

And my mom is washing it with DOLPHIN.

Zina Eremenko

For prevention, I sometimes wash my nose with warm salt water with a drop of lemon. I draw water first into one nostril while I close my finger with another nostril, and then in the other. I wish to recover !!!

Snezhana Guryanova

Sew two bags of cloth. Fill them with sand or salt. Warm up in a frying pan (only on a very weak fire, so that the fabric does not burn) First, heat the sack on one side, then on the other and both bags so that the salt (sand) inside becomes hot. They were removed from the frying pan, crouched on the sofa and the pouches alone across the bridge of the nose, so that the ends of the bag on the sinuses lay down, the second put on the area between the eyebrows. And so warm. If it is very hot to put a towel under the bags, straight to the face, then when the salt (sand) cools off, it starts to take off its heat until the bag has cooled. Do this every night before going to bed or 2 hours before bedtime. Itself thus a genyantritis has cured. And do not poke anything nedokhuzhe ..


Inoculate the nose with onion and honey juice for 1 hour. l. honey drops 5Luk. juice. But first rinse your nose with sea salt. Warm your nose with salt. from cotton fabrics sew a sack to pour salt in there. and heat the salt in a frying pan and apply on both sides of the nose and on top of the two sinuses above the eyebrows. From paraffin, too, do warming masks. Physio treatment. I 4 years stood on the account on a genyantritis. And I went to physio treatment 2 times a year in spring and autumn


My 5 year old son without punctures for, weeks have cured. To drink Sumamed (antibiotic of the last generation), the instructions say how much to drink to an adult. In the nose 1. Zakapyvayut vasoconstrictor drops, wait 10 minutes. 2. Rinse the nose with salt water (I after such torments my son bought Dolphin). 3.Zapyvayut drops of a medical nature, Polidex, Isofra. Necessarily it is necessary to have a drink in parallel Lineks, Bifiform (t. to. Immunity is destroyed by antibiotics). Folk sr-va, such as Kalanchoe, Aloe, etc. it is possible for prophylaxis, but after a course of antibiotics. When the purulent discharge stops IRS-19 in the nose, for immunity of the nasal sinuses. Vitamins, a good healthy diet is welcome. Get well!


Sinusitis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. It develops on the basis of frequently repeated, insufficiently effectively treated chronic rhinitis.
Treatment with folk methods.

Potatoes in a uniform. Boil potatoes in a uniform, drain the water. Wrap over the pot and breathe the potato steam.

Iodine and manganese is used to treat sinusitis. In the nose was done rinsing with warm water with the addition of a small amount of tincture of iodine or water slightly tinted with potassium permanganate. This water is drawn several times in the nose during the day.

6. With genyantritis it is recommended to knock on the nose (nose bridge) 2-3 minutes with a large phalanx of the thumb. 5-20 minutes, relax and repeat. Do at least 2 times per hour.

Propolis, tincture on alcohol. Boil water in a saucepan, pour in 1/2 teaspoons of propolis tincture. Wrap up and breathe on this pot.

Take a piece of thick linen cloth, cut in the form of a printed "T" to the size of the nose and eyebrow area. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, heat and apply to a cloth. Make a compress. On top of the cellophane film, a warm kerchief and lie under the blanket. Do 10 procedures.

Take the salt, heat it, wrap it in a gauze sack, apply it to the nose for 5-10 minutes, after 2-3 days it will all pass.
I wish you health!! !

Tamara Ogorodova (Turchina)

Effective spray sineforte

Treatment of sinusitis with chestnut and honey | Chestnut and honey from genyantritis

Sinusitis is a common disease. Since the number of patients who apply for qualified care for the treatment of sinusitis increases every year. In general, this disease occurs due to the ingress of infecting microorganisms into the nasal sinuses, thereby provoking inflammatory processes in the nasal mucosa. In addition, the development of sinusitis can contribute to weak immunity of the body, periodic colds and colds. The use of chestnut and honey is one of the proven methods of traditional medicine. However, you should know that at home with a diagnosis of sinusitis can not be cured. But in addition to medicines, you can use folk remedies.

Treatment of sinusitis with the help of chestnut and honey

A very frequent disease is considered to be sinusitis. People suffer from sinusitis often because of their oversight. After all, we usually run a cold and do not pay attention to the prolonged period of congestion nose, we do not treat illnesses on time, that's why we get such an unpleasant and rather serious illness as sinusitis. But whatever the symptoms of sinusitis do not threaten us, there are excellent folk remedies that help to quickly get rid of the disease.

Carry out treatment with chestnut and honey in a timely manner and do not delay to avoid unpleasant consequences for the body. It is advisable not to bring the course of the disease to the formation of purulent discharge in the nasal sinuses. Only in this case, surgical intervention and prolonged treatment can be avoided. At the initial stages, the treatment passes quickly and sometimes there is enough thorough washing of the nasal passages from mucus, all kinds of inhalations and a vasoconstrictor drop in the nose. It is advisable not to neglect the advice of a doctor and apply folk medication at home only as a supplement to the main treatment.

How to apply chestnut in the treatment of sinusitis?

Without comprehensive treatment, the disease will never disappear on its own. It can only go into an inactive stage until a certain time. It is advisable to use not only modern therapy in the treatment, but in addition you can use folk remedies. They were used in the old days by zemstvo doctors. So from a variety of ways of treating folk remedies, this method is the most common.

Chestnut treatment will not help cure the disease, but it will improve the breathing of the nasal passage with release from mucous formations and remove unpleasant symptoms. To do this you will need ripe chestnut fruit, which must first be washed and dried. If last year's fruits are used for this, they must be soaked for a while in order to increase in size. Then you need to peel and remove two billets from the core of the fetus and insert it into the nasal passage. After 6 minutes you can get it. The course of treatment is several procedures.

Alternative prescription for treatment of sinusitis with horse chestnut, which should be poured with boiled cold water for 3-4 days, until it falls to the bottom. Then take out and cut out the middle in the form of a triangle, which can fit in the nostril. Lubricate this triangle with sunflower oil and insert for 20 minutes in one nostril, then for 20 minutes in another. This method is very effective at the very sinusitis and with a tendency to this disease.

Treatment of sinusitis with honey bee

To some extent, the effect of honey is associated not only with the washing of the nasal passage, but also the influence of its beneficial properties on other functions of the body. Therefore, do not treat honey as a remedy only for treatment. Since in general, the therapeutic effect of honey will be very useful in the prevention of sinusitis.

One of the effective preventive methods is the use of pollen of plants, which are collected by bees. In addition, wax, which is closed on top of the honeycomb, has valuable and useful properties for preventive purposes. Also for prophylaxis, it is recommended to bury propolis oil in the nose. In chronic maxillary sinusitis it is recommended to chew the caps of honeycombs for several minutes, which will help to avoid relapse of the disease in the future.

Honey in the composition of recipes from sinusitis

1. Honey mixture from sinusitis. The most effective method of treatment is the execution of blanks from honey or honey solution, and inject them directly into the nasal passage. To make the appropriate solution, it is necessary to mix grams of anesthesin and 25 grams of honey. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed and placed in the nasal passage. It should be borne in mind that there may be pain in the nose due to the contact of honey with the mucous membrane. The course can be held several times a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening.

2. Also at home, you can prepare a solution based on honey, which can be used to wash the nasal passages to facilitate breathing. But pre-nasal mucous should be treated and cleaned with saline.

3. Inhalation with honey for sinusitis. In order to conduct the inhalation it is necessary to heat the water and put a few spoonfuls of honey covered with a blanket and alternately breathe through the nose for some time until the water cools. The course of treatment should be carried out by several procedures.

4. Tear off and rinse well three leaves of Kalanchoe and 3 leaves of Aloe. Squeeze the juice from them. In this juice, then add one teaspoon of natural honey and salt, quite a bit. Stir well until smooth. Next, strain several times, and apply this liquid in the form of digesting three drops into each nostril from the very morning before you go to bed. Procedure of treatment of sinusitis spend until you get rid of the disease.

5. Take any small bottle from under any medicine and fill half of it with natural honey. Add to honey 16 drops of eucalyptus tincture or 1 drop of eucalyptus oil. Fill the bottle with strong and fresh brew. Thoroughly shake the bottle to get a uniform mass. Now the mixture is ready. Bury it 2 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month. Then you can take a break for a month and then go through a course of treatment.

6. The local application of ointment, which is prepared from: 8 grams of natural honey, 8 grams of propolis, 10 grams of Vaseline, 25 grams of lanolin and 2 grams of anestesin, is very helpful in acute maxillary sinusitis. The whole mixture must be put on a water bath and, with constant stirring, brought to a homogeneous mass. This ointment should be pawned at a genyantritis in a nasal passage 2 times a day within 12 days.

7. & g; You can use the miraculous honey tampons that do this: you need to take a 30% solution honey, and in order to reduce its irritating effect, 4 grams of anestezine and 0.3 grams dimedrol.

8. A wonderful tool that helps to clean the sinuses of the nose with honeycombs. For treatment, you need to carefully experience several small pieces of natural honeycombs. Honey will improve blood circulation in the upper jaw region and introduce into the body a huge amount necessary for both local and general improvement of microelements, hormones, vitamins and enzymes.

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