Eye cancer: the first symptoms

Oncological diseases are considered one of the most serious pathologies known to modern medicine. Most malignant tumors in the maximum stage of development, treatment can not be cured. The most radical methods of fighting cancer are intensive chemo- and radiotherapy, sometimes together with surgical intervention, but these methods do not always lead to positive results. The etiology of cancer is extremely complex, so the causes that cause these pathologies are not fully understood.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Definition of disease

There is no such specific disease as eye cancer in nature.This term means a whole group of malignant lesions that can affect the internal elements of the eye, both centuries, as well as the orbit of the eye. Cancer in relation to cancer, affecting other organs, is rare. It is believed that its share is from 2 to 4 percent. Most often, a malignant tumor affects the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye. Much less often, neoplasms appear on the inner elements of the eye and even more rarely occur lesions of the eye orbit.

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The list of malignant tumors includes the following:

  • melanoma;
  • sarcoma;
  • carcinoma;
  • retinoblastoma.

Here you can find frequently encountered types of tumors. In fact, neoplasms are much larger.

Melanoma is a malignant and rapidly progressing tumor that develops from pigment cells.Diagnosis of melanoma is very difficult, because in the early stages of the human body does not react to its occurrence. This neoplasm can develop on the eyelids, conjunctiva, or choroid of the eye.

Melanova - as a kind of eye disease

Sarcoma is an aggressive and very dangerous malignant tumor.There are several types of sarcoma, which differ in the origin and type of dividing cells.

One of the species of Sarcoma

Among oncological diseases of the eyecarcinoma occurs most often.This neoplasm affects the near-eye region of the eye and can capture the lower eyelid. The tumor is actively progressing, gradually hitting the entire eyeball and nasal divisions.More women are more than 50 years old in carcinoma.

Manifestation of carcinoma on the eye

Retinoblastoma has an hereditary form and is detected in preschool children 2-4 years old, at the first visit of an ophthalmologist. Retinoblastoma affects vessels, nerve fibers and in the process of development gives metastases to other organs.

Progression of retinoblastoma

It should be as soon as possible to show the child to the ophthalmologist. This will allow to diagnose the tumor at an early stage and take the necessary measures.


Oncological diseases, despite modern methods of diagnosis and research, are the most difficult in determining the cause of neoplasm. Sometimes a person who leads a healthy lifestyle without bad habits, in a very short time, "burns" from a cancerous tumor. Meanwhile, it is not unusual for people who smoke and drink alcohol to live to a very old age.

Among the causes of oncological diseases of the eye are the following:

  • hereditary factor;

  • bad ecological conditions;
  • metastases from a cancer of other organs;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • the presence of age spots.

If the nearest relatives on the ascending line (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather) had oncological diseases, then the offspring risk of developing cancer significantly increases.

Statistics show that the population of large industrial centers with an unfavorable ecological situation is much more likely to suffer from cancerous tumors than residents of relatively prosperous regions.

Practically any cancerous tumor in the course of its development is capable of producing metastases that affect other organs.Eye cancer can occur if the patient is diagnosed with lung cancer, a larynx or a brain tumor.

It is believed that prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays can provoke cancer, but there is no precise statistics on these data.

In the risk group are people with a lot of pigment spots and moles.In addition, this group includes HIV-infected persons and persons working with certain substances that belong to carcinogens.

Everyone living in disadvantaged regions should visit an ophthalmologist on a regular basis.


Symptoms of oncological diseases of the eye depend on the type of malignant formation. With cancer of the conjunctiva, a whitish film appears on the mucous membrane of the eye and rapidly grows whitish film, on which blood vessels are clearly visible. In some cases, nodules or papillomas are formed instead of the film.

Cancer of the century is characterized by the formation of a tumor, which rapidly increases in size, capturing the entire eyelid and adjacent tissues.Simultaneously there is inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes.

Adenocarcinoma of the sebaceous glands, in the early stages, looks like a small thickening, which grows very fast. Conjunctiva is covered with pink spots with pronounced vascular pattern. At the late stage of development there is a complete ulceration and destruction of the eyelid.

Fibrosarcoma most often occurs in childhood.In the initial stage, a bundle of bluish color appears on the upper eyelid. Progressing, the tumor causes a strong lowering of the upper eyelid and a change in the position of the eye.

Cancer of the lacrimal gland causes edema of the eyelids, spontaneous lacrimation and sensation of sand on the mucous membrane of the eye. In the future, the eye shifts noticeably and loses mobility.

Melanoma, characterized by reduced vision, which is rapidly progressing.In the course of the development of the disease, the shape of the pupil changes, and dark patches on the iris may appear.

Retinoblastoma which rapidly increases. In this case, the patient feels severe pain in the eye.

Some oncological diseases of the eye, at an early stage, do not have pronounced symptoms, therefore it is possible to detect malignant formation only by modern diagnostic tools.

Possible complications

A common complication of oncological lesions of the eye is complete blindness.But the most negative property of cancer tumors is the formation of metastases, which gradually affect healthy organs. In the later stages of cancer, when no type of treatment and surgery can not help the patient, the disease ends in a lethal outcome.

The organs closest to the eye are the brain, larynx and lymph glands, therefore, they are primarily affected by metastases of ocular tumors.


All cancer diseases are treated with complicated and expensive methods, but even they can not guarantee full recovery.For the treatment of malignant tumors of the eye, the following procedures are used:

  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

Chemotherapyis the ingestion or injection of certain drugs. This method has many contraindications, because the drugs have a lot of side effects. With chemotherapy, the patient feels strong weakness, apathy and constant urge to vomit.At long reception at the patient hair completely drop out.

Conducting chemotherapy

When radiation therapy on the affected area is affected by radioactive radiation.This procedure can be external or internal. With external radiation therapy, the tumor is exposed to a high-energy particle beam that focuses strictly at the desired point. Internal radiation therapy implies the introduction of a miniature capsule with a radioactive isotope into the tumor.Methods and methods of radiation therapy are constantly being improved.

Carrying out radiation therapy

Surgery is considered the most proven and radical way to remove a cancerous tumor.If the eye area is too large, it is completely removed and replaced with an artificial prosthesis. Surgical operations are usually supplemented with the admission of special drugs and radiotherapy, in order to reduce the possibility of metastasis.

The result of treatment of a malignant tumor is directly dependent on the stage at which it was diagnosed



Oncological neoplasm of the eye is not considered a sentence and is successfully cured. According to statistics, at least 80% of patients who applied for medical care at an early stage of the disease, completely got rid of this ailment. If the patient turned to later terms, the percentage of full recovery is reduced to 40%.

Also read about such rare hereditary diseases as heterochromia and endocrine ophthalmopathy.