Runny headache no temperature

Why does a cold get a headache without temperature?

At an allergic rhinitis the head from a rhinitis can strongly hurt or be ill; be sick. In order to understand this, it is worthwhile to understand what diseases may be a runny nose, headache or a feeling of head compression and what actually causes a change in body temperature in diseases. It is important to note immediately that in children, unlike an adult, the symptomatology of any diseases is different. Almost every person in his life has experienced such a phenomenon as a debilitating cold, a headache without temperature. And many confuse the presence of such obvious symptoms of a cold without a natural reaction of immunity - heat.

The reasons for this lack of temperature for colds can be either direct or indirect.For direct reasons, we can include those diseases and reactions of the body that, in the arsenal of symptoms, along with all the typical manifestations of the common cold, do not have such a sign as high temperature.And to indirect - individual reaction of the body, in particular immunity, to a particular virus. Modern medical practice shows that the world knows a huge number of diseases, accompanied by a different combination of symptoms, so this question is unambiguous answer is difficult to find.

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As evidenced by the symptoms

The absence or presence of changes in body temperature can be due to even a simple difference in the types of the same virus. But do not forget that often the symptoms of colds can appear as a result of the usual reaction of the human body to some allergen. As you know, with any allergy, there are almost never problems with temperature, only swelling of the mucous nasopharynx, due to which there is nasal congestion, runny nose, redness, inflammation and pain in the eyes, a feeling of a tightness of the head, severe headache and other.

So, in this regard, the lack of heat in the presence of cold symptoms can say:

  • on the reaction of the body to a particular allergen;
  • on the individual response of the body to a virus or infection;
  • about infection with any virus from rhinoviruses that cause inflammation in the upper respiratory tract and other cold symptoms;
  • on the presence of the herpes simplex virus in the body, at the time of its activation it causes swelling of the gums, acute pain in the throat, swelling of the glands, migraine, but rarely changes in temperature;
  • about severe fatigue in combination with a decrease in immunity can cause false sensations of colds, which is why it is possible to get sick eventually.

It is also possible to hear such an opinion that the absence of temperature is the result of weakened immunity, as well as its strength.

Both can take place, because today the human body has not been fully studied in the field of the immune system. You can build only guesses and refer to the individual qualities of immunity in each individual. But if in the usual cold the absence of temperature makes you nervous, and the illness lasts longer than usual, or the temperature has always been, and suddenly it does not, then it's better to seek help from a specialist.

Why do I need to see a doctor?

Ideally, if you have a cold, you should always consult a doctor. Many people are accustomed to carry all the light diseases without bed rest, exhausting your body at work or school. It is clear that not every worker and even a child can afford to stay on a sick leave and provide themselves with full treatment, especially when there is no temperature. But you can visit a doctor for examination and consultation, check your throat, listen to breathing. Perhaps, it will help to avoid serious complications in health or in time to reveal a more serious disease.

In addition, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment and a general blood test, which will unequivocally accurately describe the state of the organism and eliminate any experiences. In Western practice, most doctors are guided not only by the patient's complaints, but also by the general condition of blood and urine. Moreover, the methods of modern diagnostics and the qualification of physicians make it possible to conduct any research in the shortest possible time and without excessive difficulties.

Do not neglect your health, even if from a light cold headache is insignificant and nothing else bothers. After all, such a circumstance as the absence of temperature for colds, there must be a reason, especially if this has not been observed before.

The headaches from the cold: what should I do?

A headache from the cold - what to do? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. With such a disease as a runny nose, and accompanying it with a heightened headache, almost every second inhabitant of the planet was likely to meet.

Yes, headache and runny nose can be attributed to the natural symptoms of an ordinary cold. Numerous harmful bacteria inhabit the nasal mucosa. This, in turn, is the cause of the onset of a cold, and with time and pain in the head. Man manifestations of these symptoms make life difficult, because it becomes very difficult to breathe. This adds discomfort and inconvenience. What is the main reason for the appearance of a headache with a cold? And how to deal with this unpleasant and life-threatening quality?

Some features

Everyone knows that a runny nose and a headache are the initial signs of a cold. And these symptoms can be considered quite natural and ordinary, not causing a person no fears, fears and fear for their health and life. Together with these signs, there is often a temperature increase. One feels an unpleasant chill, and some feel dizzy

Such basic signs as a headache and a runny nose are a kind of messenger that tells you that something is wrong with the human body and it has been affected by an ailment. It is clear that with the manifestations of the common cold, there is also a headache, because the nose itself is located in the head region and is closely connected with the main human organ - the brain. And the fact that the body has an infection, the first, of course, it is the brain that reacts. Accordingly, access to the required amount of oxygen in the blood is impaired. This phenomenon directly affects the brain and blood vessels. Severe manifestations of pain can be localized in the forehead or temples. And sometimes the pain affects both the forehead and the temples at the same time.

It is clear that at the first signs of a cold a person starts actively blowing his nose and sneezing. Very often manifested and cough. This is what can cause a headache, which mainly focuses on the eyes and forehead.

Of course, not everyone is aware of the fact that a headache with a cold can be a sign of more serious diseases. And these "dangerous" diseases can be sinusitis, otitis media, genyantritis, frontalitis and many others.

In any case, the main reason, why a headache is a severe headache, can only be determined by an appropriate qualified physician.

Correct behavior - a speedy recovery

So what actions should a person take if he has a runny nose and a headache? There are countless ways and methods of treatment and getting rid of a headache and a cold. But first of all, let's look at the basic simple measures that everyone is recommended to know in order to take them at the first manifestations of the disease and at least to alleviate the severe pain in their head.

  1. Rest has not prevented anyone. If the first signs of the disease come in the form of a headache and a runny nose, you should definitely take the opportunity to just lie down and lie down.You should limit yourself from watching TV, reading books and sitting at the computer.
  2. Minimum physical exertion. If the head hurts, it is necessary to limit oneself from excessive overstrain, laborious work. Also in this case, mental work is not recommended.
  3. Clean air and personal hygiene - the guarantee of excellent health. At the first manifestations of the common cold and headache, it is necessary to ensure constant access of fresh air to the room. It is known that many people, because of fear of supercooling their bodies, refuse to take a shower. This should not be done in any case. After all, all toxins and pathogenic bacteria emerging from the body come out with sweat and settle on the skin. If there is not a very high temperature, you can even take a bath that will ensure a reduction in pressure in the vessels of the head.

Traditional medicine for headaches

There are many folk remedies, which are used by everyone who wants to at least relieve the associated head cold headache:

  • You can use menthol oil, apply on the forehead, in the temples, as well as the ears;
  • a lemon is very effective, therefore it is possible to prepare a gruel from the peel of lemon and spread the forehead and whiskey with this gruel;
  • a very good tool can be a mixture of mustard powder and honey, for this you need to prepare 1 teaspoon of mustard and 1 tablespoon of honey, mix all these ingredients, take the received folk remedy at least 3 times a day for day;
  • You can help yourself by taking advantage of aromatherapy. Basil, lavender or menthol oil are excellent agents that help in a short time to relieve a severe headache with a cold.

An important role is played by the adoption of various herbal infusions and teas.

Their main task is to alleviate the sufferings of the patient and to remove seizures in the shortest possible time.

Buzina is considered a very effective remedy for headaches. To do this, you need to boil half a teaspoon of elderberry with boiling water. Insist the mixture should be about 15 minutes. After insisting it must necessarily strain. Take half a cup daily.

Mint is also not inferior in its analgesic and soothing properties. To prepare the product you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of mint, pour it with boiling water and keep the resulting mixture in a water bath for only 15 minutes. Then it can be wrapped and held for as long as 1 hour. Use tincture is recommended for half a cup and three times a day.

Just like mint, you can prepare clover flowers. Only insist on herbal infusion can be a little less. 40 minutes will be enough.

Tincture of St. John's wort very helps to cope with the pain in the head.

Other methods to combat headaches with colds

Lightning fast helps relieve severe headache and compresses. Only they must be necessarily cold. To do this, you need to prepare a bowl filled with cold water. There are a few drops of lavender or mint. Then, having moistened with the received liquid a small towel or a napkin, it is necessary to put them to a forehead. And sit with this compress for about half an hour in absolute silence.

The next great method of fighting headaches is alcohol. No, in this case it is not necessary to drink alcoholic beverages, but only to hold a small amount of cognac in your mouth, after which it must be spat out, but never swallow. Thus, the vessels of the brain will expand, thereby ensuring full access to oxygen, and this will help relieve pain in the head.

Since the headache occurs as a result of a cold, you can try to get rid of the root cause of pain - from the common cold. Therefore, with the help of ordinary salt water, one can wash the nasal sinuses, thereby freeing the nose of the microbes and mucus accumulated there. And then you can drip your nose with specially designed drops.

It is very not recommended in the presence of a cold and headache smoking, drinking. Harmful substances, such as nicotine and alcohol, lead to vasospasm and will not improve the condition of the patient. If your head hurts, do not use a large amount of pain medication. If one taken pill did not help, then the subsequent acceptance of medications will not bring relief.

So if the head hurts, the rhinitis torments, then recovering from this is not so difficult. But before resorting to an independent solution to the problem, it is necessary to consult a doctor, especially if the pain does not pass and does not even subside. Only a specialist is able to make an accurate diagnosis.


Corresponding behavior of the patient, his correct approach to treatment and timely measures taken will help very soon to tell the headache and the common cold "good-bye."

Headache, runny nose, sore throat, and cough



drink aspirin, hot tea with lemon, nose is xylene, and in the throat is inhalipt and everything will pass))))


it's time to see a doctor

Maxim Karelkin

This ORZ should be treated, and then in the Flu will pass. Now a lot of different medicines against colds.


Now many people are sick. Usually Terafly, koldreks and td are saved, droplets drip into the nose (ximelin, their sanorin is full in the pharmacy), for the throat of the siptolelet for example.
P.S Teraflu better at night and bed rest.
If it does not help immediately to the doctor, and if all these symptoms have long (headache, runny nose, sore throat, and cough), it is better to go straight to the doctor!

Tasha Shishkina

If I put inoculation against the flu - there will be no temperature, and the flu symptoms will be. Go to the doctor, get well.

vadim Dorensky

in the hospital!


1. First of all, we strengthen the antimicrobial immunity of everyday grinding of the feet (foot, shin) to the knee, hands (rear of the hand, forearm) up to the elbow 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes of exposure to all limbs from day to day, until the pain and burning sensation disappears completely. extremities.
2. Mass the painful areas in the area of ​​the malar bone (cheeks) 3-5 times a day and more every day with increasing effort until the soreness disappears completely.
3. Mass the painful fate of the periosteum of the bones of the nose day after day until complete relief from soreness.
4. To get rid of rhinitis, sinusitis, frontalitis, etmoiditis, it is also necessary to strengthen the antiviral immunity: a) Tapping the head with fists or, l. plastic bottle with water without air bubbles 2-3 times a day for 2-3 minutes a day, until the soreness in the head disappears completely when tapping. Tapping also helps to get rid of the headache if it bothers you.
b) Stimulation of sneeze. The number of sneezes can be increased from 10 to 20 times a day. Direct the air flow by sneezing preferably through the nose. To irritate the nasal mucosa is convenient for sneezing, with ear sticks or bury in the nose 4-5 drops of fresh aloe juice or calanchoe 3-4 times a day; the juices of these plants irritate the nasal mucosa and cause multiple sneezing. Some may experience irritation of the nasal mucosa with pepper or snuff.
c) Stimulate antiviral immunity can, it turns out, and the reception of certain products with a strong immunostimulating effect, it is mustard and horseradish. When using these spices, we must ensure that the molecules of essential oil of these spices fall into the nasal cavity and into the paranasal sinuses, into the bronchi and lungs and would cause a specific effect the brain missed). When these recommendations are implemented, recovery begins within two to three days. Good luck to all.

We get rid of the pain in the throat, once and for all.
Pain in the pharynx, larynx appear during inflammatory processes (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis). To get rid of these phenomena, it is required to stimulate immunity, that is, rub the palm base with a hand and a forearm, external area, up to the elbow inclusive, and the legs - the lift of the foot and the shin, from all sides, up to the knee inclusive from three to eight once a day. Legs can rub your foot on the leg. Local effect: tear the skin over the larynx and rub the crease between the toes especially painful places. Find on the surface of the cartilage of the larynx painful points and press them with the fingernail of the index finger. Also, the nail of the index finger to press and hold for 3-5 seconds the soreness and on the front surface of the cervical spine. Especially effective is the pressure on those places, when exposed to which arrows of pain (painful irradiation), the point of which just reaches your glands or inflamed mucous. That is, it reaches exactly the pain that bothers you. Try to press on this pain, to cause the arrow and to hold this arrow of pain within 3-5 seconds, change the place of touch and again press and hold. That's how to handle all parts of the neck and especially painful places. With the right massage, you can get rid of the pain in the throat for two to three hours, in some cases even for 10-20 minutes. The sore throat either does not develop or ends within three hours. Success to all.
EXECUTING MY RECOMMENDATIONS YOU INSTANTLY IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH The result can already be felt in the first 20-30 minutes, but this is provided, if you correctly follow my recommendations. If this does not exist, then you have not done something, read it and re-massaged it, and you will certainly improve your condition already in the first hours on the first day. My recommendations are an ambulance for your body.

Lomit bones, headache and runny nose but no temperature. What happened with me?


Andrew (c..a person)

Symptoms of influenza

* Temperature 40 ºС and above.
* Keep the heat for longer than 5 days.
* Severe headache, which does not go away when taking painkillers, especially when localizing in the nape of the neck.
* Shortness of breath, frequent or abnormal breathing.
* Impaired consciousness - delirium or hallucinations, forgetfulness.
* Cramps.
* The appearance of hemorrhagic rash on the skin.


possibly sinusitis or the very beginning of the flu


flu. temperature soon becomes.

Irina Alyokhina

still the temperature rises.


The temperature will appear. Go to the hospital. It's a cold.


temperature is a protective reaction of the body to viruses. if it is not, the immunity is weak and does not resist. are treated for ARVI

bulat jumataev

Chronic cholangitis!

Olga Krestina

It looks like the beginning of the flu!


There will be still a temperature!

Headache with coughing and runny nose

The reasons for the simultaneous cough and headache are poorly understood by modern medicine, but the relationship between these two symptoms has certainly been proven by many scientists. The combination of both signs is not typical. Cough (often with a runny nose) is observed in less than 1% of people suffering from headaches and migraines. However, the problem for this part of the population does not become less relevant.

Why does my head ache during coughing?

The causes of unpleasant symptoms that occur simultaneously (very often in combination with a common cold) can be:

  • Primary.
  • Secondary.

The first group includes diseases that directly cause headaches, reflex respiratory tract cramps and runny nose:

  • Cold.
  • Flu.
  • ARVI.
  • Bronchitis.

To secondary can be attributed quite serious ailments that cause a cough pain in the head and runny nose, for example, brain disease. Also here are the pathological processes taking place in other organs, except those related to the respiratory system.

How does the runny nose, headache, cough?

Unpleasant symptoms can be of varying degrees of intensity. Headache when coughing, accompanied by a runny nose, is characterized by the following typical characteristics:

  • Instant appearance.
  • Instant fading.

Most often its duration lasts from 1 minute to half an hour.

Severe headaches with a cough accompanied by a runny nose can be:

  • Single-sided or bilateral.
  • Knocking.
  • More or less intense.
  • Sticking.
  • Sharp.

Symptoms (cough, headache) manifest simultaneously, often along with a common cold. Thus reflex spasms of respiratory ways can be various on the character:

  • Dry.
  • With separation of phlegm.

They can be accompanied by feverish conditions, nausea.

It is important to remember that if your head hurts, and cough, temperature, runny nose are constantly observed and only grow, then you should immediately consult a doctor. After an increase in the intensity of symptoms may indicate the presence of various health hazards.

Coryza, cough, headache: Causes

Factors that can trigger the simultaneous occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, there are many. Unpleasant symptoms can be caused by:

  • Catarrhal diseases. Coryza, cough, headache in this case are considered typical symptoms. Also, there may be lumps, drowsiness, weakness, apathy, sinusitis, unpleasant sensations in the throat and ears. There are often feverish conditions, chills, pain in the muscles.
  • Tumors and pathologies that occur in the brain. With malignant neoplasms, coughing, headache, and weakness are very common. The appearance of these symptoms indicates the transition of the disease in later stages of development. Also can observe the following symptoms: dizziness, loss of attention, vomiting, memory problems, lethargy, indifference, aggressiveness, visual hallucinations, pain in the extremities.
  • Anomalies in the respiratory system. With such pathologies, the head often hurts with a strong cough. Also at the same time, shortness of breath (even suffocation), blood spitting can be observed.
  • Smoking. Infinite inhalation of tobacco smoke for many years can lead to quite disastrous consequences. Often from heavy smokers you can hear the words: "When I cough - my head hurts but who said this a person immediately reaches for a cigarette, without giving a report on the relationship of bad habits and unpleasant symptoms. Also, tobacco smokers are often accompanied: shortness of breath, attacks of rapid heartbeat.
  • Allergic reactions. Coryza, headache, cough - such complaints can often be heard from people suffering from various intolerances. It can be an allergic reaction to food, animals, plants, dust, household chemicals and many other irritants. In addition, patients often experience itching in the nose, wheezing in the lungs, choking, sneezing.
  • Changes in atmospheric pressure. Pain in the temples or cuff during a cough is characteristic of people who are hypersensitive to weather changes. Human vessels do not have time to react to changes in environmental conditions and as a result, unpleasant and sometimes very uncomfortable sensations arise. They can be accompanied in parallel with nausea, hearing and visual impairments.
  • Attacks of asthma. Sneezing, a runny nose, a headache and a severe cough are permanent companions of asthmatics. In addition, patients have attacks of suffocation, accompanied by wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness. If symptoms build up and do not go away within 24 hours, you should seek emergency medical help, otherwise the attack can result in pneumothorax, acute respiratory failure, or emphysematous violation lungs.
  • Inflammation of the nasopharynx. Symptoms - headache, runny nose, cough - are typical for such abnormal processes. Often they are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, difficulty swallowing, swollen lymph nodes, changes in voice.
  • Vibrations of intracranial pressure. The main symptom is a headache after a cough, before and during it. Also, people often observed: double vision, vomiting, nausea, fatigue.

What should I do if my head hurts, cough, runny nose?

At simultaneous occurrence of unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to receive consultation as soon as possible from the doctor and begin necessary treatment. If a person coughs into the head (and also has a runny nose), then the specialist will necessarily appoint the necessary examinations. It can be:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • X-rays of light.
  • Laboratory blood test.

It should be remembered that with such symptoms it is necessary to refuse self-treatment or waiting - when the unpleasant sensations will pass by themselves. Only an immediate request to a doctor and following all of his recommendations will help to remove unpleasant symptoms, cure the underlying ailment, restore health in the shortest possible time.

The head hurts is ill every time I am afraid to die a cough runny nose temperature is not present what is it I am afraid to die?? fear that I will die?



Do not die. Show yourself to the therapist for a start. and do not put yourself deadly diagnoses.

6 Massi

Do not die, just got cold.


It is necessary to call the doctor on the house. Or go to the hospital yourself. It looks like a flu.

In ..

Here he is a representative of the weaker sex-man.. with fear of dying from ARI ..

Wait and see...

Someday we all die! But it's much worse to be born. Try and compare!


fear of dying with schitovidki disease, check with the endocrinologist; even with a weak cardiac activity and with arterial pressure (not important high or low) that's why to the cardiologist, even at disturbance of a cerebral krovoobrabrashchenija (this age, te After 45 years) with it or this to the neurologist, well and with temperature and tussis I think will cope with the help pharmacies, get better!

Nina Elohina

From a headache it is possible and it is necessary to recover! Tablets help only for a while. Look for your way!
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