Whether it is possible to cure a genyantritis without a puncture

Whether it is possible to cure as though a genyantritis without punctures and that without hospital?


Anastasiya Gold

To do this, you should regularly wash your nose, do applications to pull out the liquid contents of the maxillary sinuses and take the medicine prescribed by your doctor.
At home, for these purposes, lubricate the areas of the nasal sinuses with honey and wash the nose with a solution of sea salt, a decoction of St. John's wort, sophora, propolis. Use for this purpose rubber cans with a soft tip.
To reduce swelling of the mucous instill vasoconstrictor drops. The more often these procedures are done, the sooner the disease is cured.
But they can not replace the antibacterial drugs prescribed by the doctor. Therefore, home treatment of sinusitis should be complex.
Warm up with the help of thermal procedures
Warming the nose and sinus areas at home gives a good effect. To do this, use proven means: boiled hot egg, pouches with heated rice or salt, as well as a blue lamp.
But during the acute development of sinusitis these procedures are contraindicated.

instagram viewer

How quickly to cope with the disease
To the symptoms of sinusitis quickly passed, you can prepare honey cakes and superimpose them in the projection of the sinuses. Honey has not only a local warming effect, but also helps to resolve and reduce inflammation.
If the pain is severe, you can compress with dimexide and hydrocortisone, take an analgesic medicine.
To liquid in the nose faster liquefied and departed, you must take broths from expectorant herbs, such as alteyka, licorice root or use mucolytics - medicines.

Masha Bunina

long describes the... At me hroniches a genyantritis, but already in comparison with the last years very seldom in a year happens
if you want to talk about it, how to cure it then write in ps

stas1985 avr

Intensive course of antibiotics + nasal steroids and vasoconstrictive drops or spray in the nose -which should prescribe ENT in the vast majority of cases maxillary sinusitis is treated without any punctures and hospitals


Rinse the sinuses with the cuckoo-manganese method alternating with the miramist, that's all. Further for the prevention of dripping colloidal silver in the nose.

Whether it is possible to cure a genyantritis without a puncture?



all already shuddered! all your troubles from the unprofessional actions of the dentist! and it is necessary before the genyantritis to treat to take a picture of the place where the tooth was, there is just a vulnerable topic, a good doctor recommends that you be as careful with the upper teeth as it is because of the maxillary sinuses! so you need a consultation of the general two doctors on the development of treatment tactics, pus can go from the bone where the tooth was. A garlic turundy all my childhood was accompanied)))) takes a piece of garlic from the floor of the finger nail, and crushed by fingers, wrapped in a double-folded piece of bandage, and inserted into the nostril at 15-20 minutes! but with your condition most likely will not work!
yes, punctures are the cause of chronic sinusitis, but without the cuckoo procedure, special washing, nothing terrible, and you will be pierced by antibiotics, as pus. In general, you only have this decision, but find out if the genyantritis caused osteomyelitis after tooth extraction!


no, let the doctor do it and not turunts with garlic gaymarit such a good thing

Vadim Gafurov

no, let the doctor do it.

cobzaru mihail

Do not risk! Pus or whatever you have is not a joke, And if the doctor said that it is necessary to the hospital, So it's not just about otkchivanie pus ...


Turundas with garlic all the nasal mucous to the devil burned. Puncture once, then put a plastic catheter and rinse through it, and do not stab every time. And yes, go to the doctor.

Altay Altman

The hospital is not scary
The consequences are terrible
The cause of sinusitis seek!
Nasal septum 95%
Find Laura good! can do without punctures! now this can be treated for $ of course

Anna Smirnova

can be washed with a syringe and salt

Tanya Chuprina

and I heard from my grandmother, you can cure early sinusitis not started by ordinary home-made oil

Anna Sparrow

In the punctures, there is nothing terrible! Do not be scared!! And do not fucking bullshit!! Then if it goes to the frontal sinuses, puddle will already be a skull, but it's already scary!

lil l

strong antibiotics

Pugachev's granddaughter

I was treated with antibiotics, but it happens to be returned

Tverdislav Volodimirov

no, let the doctor do it.

A little tale with a laugh!

Only on the recommendations of doctors!

Lost in the Internet

can. antibiotics + washing.

Mikhail Volkov

Sinusitis without a puncture... a fairy tale what that... I know the person at which a genyantritis after failure and at it or him constantly extort... Well there is in view between an eye above a nose a pus to be collected such a genyantritis

Casey Jones

I treated, honestly, offered a puncture or medicine. Tablets are expensive. The name I do not remember. I did not make a puncture, the sinusitis disappeared.

Asynchronous motor 3 kW

Only with a puncture. And then with innocuous untreated genyantritis there is a deadly Meningit!

White-Red Cat

I had a genyantritis in 2 class. They also wanted to put the piercing in the hospital. But I was small and did not want me to get through it. The doctor offered to go for treatment, this is called prlmyvanie nose, according to the people's * cuckoo *. Well, this treatment helped me. True, I then did not have the gay motothrites, was without any pus. But I do not know if you will * cuckoo *

Anastasia Guskova

Sign in the pool, my dad is so cured of sinusitis. Everything is bizarre. Well, better or to the doctor, do not pull the cat by the tail, or the skull is drilled without anesthesia.

The global force of the universe.

can. Drops from the juice of beets with the addition of sunflower oil: in each nostril 3-4 times a day. After cleaning with snot and tears, we instill carrot juice to restore the mucous membrane. So it is possible to recover for 1 - 2 days.

Alexey Valiev

I personally made punctures in the army. He also caught a cold, snot too, temperature, pus, etc. I was pierced at the hospital with 7 (they do not ask in the army, if you do not want to, they pierced you, put them on their feet and be healthy), then on civilian periodically there were exacerbations and, really, the genyantritis passed into a chronic stage and had a couple of more times puncture. I will not say that for me these procedures were painful. They are done under local anesthesia and are transferred quite easily. Unpleasant, of course, but tolerable enough. And I tried folk remedies, especially yoga, I tried the procedure of surya neti (very carefully!) And helped, in addition, I found out. that it is possible to treat and special antibiotics, one good doctor treated me with gelomirtol and another fenkarolom to remove allergy after antibiotic. And really helped

How to treat sinus without puncture: alternative methods

This unpleasant ailment is known to many, sinusitis is a serious disease, the treatment of which can not be postponed, and "catch" the infection at any age. The more important it is to properly treat and do not start sinusitis.

There are many methods of treating this ailment, starting with drug therapy and ending with surgical intervention, when a special puncture is made and the accumulated pus is sucked off out. This procedure does not always justify itself, its effectiveness is not too high, most of all it is suitable for emergency measures, not for permanent treatment. The main disadvantage is quite unpleasant pain and the possibility of exacerbation of the disease. You can not allow extreme measures by choosing the right course of treatment, including several unconventional methods.

Home methods

Acute antritis is not immediately apparent and often disguises as a common runny nose. Caution patient can change the color of nasal secretions, fever, heaviness and aching pain in the nasal sinuses and head. These symptoms are typical for sinusitis, but there are cases where the disease can be determined only after an X-ray examination.

How to cure sinusitis at home? Treatment of acute sinusitis should be agreed with the doctor, often not severe manifestations of the disease do not require hospitalization and it is quite possible to cure at home. For this purpose, complex therapy will be prescribed, sometimes including a course of antibiotics (the link can find information on which antibiotics to take with sinusitis), including children. A good help in the treatment will be special procedures, highly recommended for sinusitis.

Rinsing of the nose

This procedure is extremely simple and in many countries it is considered normal hygiene on a par with cleaning your teeth. Regular washing of the nasal sinuses will help to strengthen immunity, and for various diseases, such as sinusitis, is simply mandatory.

It is very important to choose the right solution for washing. It can be advised by a doctor or a pharmacist, or you can choose yourself.

Examples of such solutions are:

  • Salt solution of a weak consistency, for greater efficiency, you can use sea salt without fragrances.
  • Iodine solution, which will be approximately two drops of iodine per glass of salt water, you can replace iodine with a weak solution of manganese.
  • Herbal medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, oak bark, string or St. John's wort.
  • Pharmacological and pharmaceutical means.

With sinusitis, nose wash should be done as often as possible, only then purulent clusters will gradually wash out and an improvement will occur.

Washing can be done by a doctor - an otolaryngologist on special equipment, popularly called "cuckoo". The procedure is not very pleasant, but is carried over much easier than surgical intervention, so this forced washing is quite effective and in demand.For complete recovery it is necessary to conduct at least 5-7 sessions of the "cuckoo".

Burying in the nose

Traditional medicine offers many simple and effective ways to get rid of sinusitis with the help of instillations. The treatment plan is best discussed with the attending physician, but usually no one acts against such methods.

Than it is possible to drip a nose at a genyantritis:

  • Essential oils of menthol, tea tree and coniferous flavors (in the absence of allergies) 2-3 drops three times a day.
  • Raw juice of beet as often as possible several drops in each nostril.
  • Breast milk is good for digging in babies.
  • A solution of honey (1 teaspoon of honey for 2 tablespoons of warm boiled water), up to five times a day.
  • Aloe juice has proven itself in the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis.

Pharmacies also offer a large number of drops of the nose. With genyantritis, Rinofluimucil is often prescribed. You can also pick a good nose spray from sinusitis. One should not think that it is possible to cure sinusitis only by home procedures. With varying degrees of localization, this disease can be both viral and bacterial.If the problem is in a bacterial infection, only an antibiotic can help.Proper treatment should be coordinated exclusively with the attending physician.

Other methods

For additional activities, you can include a special massage using the aforementioned essential oils. Cotton swabs inserted into the nasal passages help a lot. Preliminary it is necessary to impregnate tampons with propolis diluted in sunflower oil (proportions: 1 part propolis to three parts of refined oil). This will help disinfect the nasal cavity and remove the swelling of the mucosa.

If the outflow of festering secretions passes unchecked, warming up with warm salt or sand works well. To do this, it is necessary to heat up a little of the active ingredient in a skillet and pour it into a small pouch (usually a dense woolen sock plays its role).

After the received "heating pad" alternately apply to the nasal sinuses.Sand or salt perfectly keep the temperature, so the duration of this procedure you can adjust yourself.

The video tells how to treat sinus without puncture:

When clogging the nasal passage, any thermal effects can give the opposite effect and complicate the course of the disease. Without a doctor's prior consultation, you can not warm your nose in any case. An alternative to thermal heating will be laser irradiation in the physiological compartment.

Inhalations over boiled potatoes or decoctions of medicinal herbs are good at the initial stages of the disease, helping to dissolve pus and its unhindered exit, removing the edema of the mucosa. You can use a slightly cooled decoction for washing your nose or rinsing your throat.

Here it is possible to read, whether it is possible, what medicine to do inhalations at a genyantritis nebulizer. Do not forget about the warming procedures, an abundant drink and a temperature regime will help to overcome the disease more quickly. The old "grandmother's" remedy - the warming up of the blue lamp is just as effective as the lubrication of the areas near the maxillary sinuses with the well-known "asterisk".

The methods of treatment of chronic disease

On the link you will find signs of chronic sinusitis. Drugs used in the treatment of chronic sinusitis should be prescribed only by a doctor - otolaryngologist, self-medication in this case will lead to serious complications and further progress disease.

In chronic sinusitis, the doctor may also suggest a puncture procedure. Do it or not - everyone decides for himself, but now more and more qualified specialists are inclined to the opinion that it is easier and more effective to treat the disease without a painful puncture. How to treat chronic sinusitis at home?

Folk remedies also offer many ways to treat chronic sinusitis, but in neglected cases, one should not blindly trust these methods.

Warming up and instillation into the nose will help well in the initial stages of the disease, and in the remaining cases of their action can trigger the flow of pus into the superficial part and lead to life-threatening effects. To engage in self-treatment is extremely harmful, if the infection has already reached this scale, home procedures will no longer help, it is necessary to destroy the causative agent of the disease, and after coping with its manifestations.


The pit procedure for sinusitis involves the use of a special catheter, by means of which pus from the maxillary sinuses is punctured without puncture. What happens in this case? The catheter itself, called "Yamik" is made in the form of a rigid tube with two latex pears. Under local anesthesia (to exclude pain), the mouth of the catheter is inserted into the nasal passage of the patient.Cylinders from latex are pumped to create the necessary pressure.After that, the contents of the nasal sinuses are removed and collected with the help of a tube. After evacuation of pus, injection of medicinal preparations takes place. One procedure is better not to be limited, but after the first session, improvements are noticeable.

Balloon sinusoplasty

Innovative method of treatment of complex sinusitis and sinusitis of various degrees and localization. Balloon sinusoplasty is in many respects similar to the method of YAMIK catheterization, it also uses the introduction of a catheter into the nasal sinuses. The procedure is extremely effective and replaces a whole course of long-term treatment. The disadvantages lie in the difficulty of getting qualified help, since many specialists are still unfamiliar with it or do not have the appropriate training and appropriate equipment. A good alternative to puncture.

Sinusitis is an extremely complex and insidious disease, which no expert can predict. In particularly severe cases, the patient may need to be hospitalized. The puncture procedure for removing pus is now usually not practiced, because there are many other, no less effective methods of treatment. The whole treatment plan should be agreed with the attending physician, and home advice will help to cope faster with the disease, alleviating its symptoms and relieving soreness. Here you can read about the prevention of sinusitis in children. Here you can read about the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children.


How can I treat a sinusitis without a puncture?


k z

if you really have genyantritis then only antibiotics, for example
along the lavage with salt water and warming the sinuses of the nose (boil the egg and until you have cooled it down) and bury the vasoconstrictive drops in your nose so that pus from the sinuses would come off and it would be easier to breathe will be


Bury the beet juice in your nose.


..Polidex or Sinuphorte / it's all a drop /


Conventional food products (animals and plants), energy-necessary for you personally. More on request ...


bury in the nose in addition to vasoconstrictor drops antimicrobial sp-va type of dioxidine 1%, etc. antibiotics, to warm in any case it is not necessary. take immunomodulating drugs

Alexey Yaropolov

Try Aster products. It is a Chinese company specializing in Chinese traditional medicine. After a two-week reception of the drug Cordyceps and Lingzhi, his wife began to cleanse the nasal sinuses. Punctures, she did, to no avail. More information about this company can be found:
Website address: http://mcaster.at.ua/. Or I will answer all your questions.
I wish you a happy New Year and Merry Christmas.
Best regards: Alexei Yaropolov.


Do not let me make a puncture in any way, I was treated for life, lying in the hospital, but it was Twenty years ago, and I was doing galvanic caustic (ask the ENT doctor, this method may be outdated, but he told me helped)


The basis of treatment of sinusitis is well-selected antibiotics.

Only if you choose an effective antibacterial treatment, you can cure sinusitis. Punctures - by and large - barbarism, but if there is no effect from other methods, then you have to resort to it.

But now the treatment of sinusitis with the help of a sinus catheter such as "Yamik" is quite widespread. In many clinics, both public and private, already in full use of sinus catheters, which allow you to effectively treat the sinusitis without a puncture.
It is worth talking to otorhinolaryngologists about the possibility of such treatment. In addition, in almost all more-mnee large cities, there are many private clinics, where most likely, you can undergo such treatment.

Puncture (puncture) of the paranasal sinuses with a needle is used in severe sinusitis, when it is not possible to restore the patency of the anastomosis connecting the sinus with the nasal cavity. In neglected cases, when pus in the bosom has become dense, the sinus puncture is a chance to do without an operation.
Therefore, sometimes, a puncture is still really needed (in severe cases).

But the basis of treatment of sinusitis - antibacterial treatment, systemic and often local, is also very often needed washing of the nose, with better nasal shower and ready solutions for the nasal shower (for example - nasal shower Dolphin).

Yes, and need mucolytics, also often as a local, and inside.

T. e. a lot of things you can and need prigaymorei, so it's worth to walk around the LOR, and it's better to go to several if you pick up effective antibacterial therapies, it is possible to cure sinusitis, it may be possible to treat with a sinus catheter and without a puncture.
But in severe cases, when other methods are not effective - only a puncture remains, it is better, of course, up to it does not carry and try other methods, but if nothing helps, then the puncture is still is necessary.

Homeopathy is generally nonsense, it's absolutely useless, so do not waste time and money on such stupidity as homeopathy.

Mira Sagittarius

I was relieved after Cinnabsin. Rhinitis was the strongest. Pills lor wrote. They helped me a lot. The drug quickly restores nasal breathing. And in addition increases immunity.

Whether it is possible to cure a genyantritis without punctures? Symptom: Idle pus in the left sinus.


EN0Tik CisAdmin (Eburg)

Treated without puncturing for 5 years.
Zadolbalo. I made a puncture. I live happily.
All perfectly.

Daniel the Captain

I was treated without punctures for 3 months prtsucur, I forgot about him !!!

Alina Halmetova

impose black bread with honey on the nose


vozmi luk i chesnok, kmi i poluchay sok, i po kajdomu dirku nosa, kapay 3 kapli

Kisel *

I was helped by the root of the cyclomin flower, trash it, squeezing the juice and dripping, then I put something warm on my nose (I cooked eggs, wrapped them in a rag and laid them down) and I had to lie down so. then vysmarkivaeshsya pus modern will be released and can dissolve there. I went out. Only this juice burns strongly, it is necessary to suffer


Can. There is some kind of medicine good. Only now I forgot how called. All pus stretches.
I'll get to know.

Shin Sh

it is possible, it is enough to turn to a good specialist


I myself and my husband did. There were no recurrences.
On the forehead (interstitial prostranostvo) and on the wings of the nose with a maxillary sinus patch pepper. In the nose balm "Golden Star" (Vietnamese "star"). The plaster should be changed once a day. From the "star" snot and stuff Mr. flowing in streams. Relief of minutes through 15-20. And after 2-3 days sinusitis passes.

Irina Lapshina

I suffered for many years, so I went through several exits. I warmed the buckwheat in a frying pan and put it in the linen bag on my sinuses. Of course, improvements came, but it was treated with half a year. She rinsed a warm solution of sea salt Dolphin, then bought a SPA massager and used it in the bathroom and for the nose after warming up. What is sinusitis? This is the accumulation and stagnation of dirt, food waste and drugs in precisely the places where the STANDS began. T. e.: the blood vessels are clogged, blood, oxygen and food do not flow to these places, and parasitic forms begin to live in these places. Tip: clean the vessels, lead an active lifestyle, revise the culture of drinking and nutrition, thoughts. Love not only your appearance, but also watch the purity of your inner world! Good luck!

Broken phone

YES! Everything is possible)
My mom is an example! They prescribed a puncture in the hospital and told me to go to bed. Oh no)
She washed her nose with saline every 30 minutes. (the saline solution is recruited into the syringe and under pressure, without needles, of course) is washed in the nose), dripped onions with honey, turuns of honey on a cotton wool.
Certainly medicine. Bioparox helped. Pts is a good remedy. But proconsult. with a doctor.
In 3 days she came to the doctor) And what do you think?! The puncture was canceled!

But I, a sloth, pierced my nose. And I'm still suffering - every cold turns into rhinosinusitis for 3 days.

Olga Kornysheva

Liquid fetid pus is usually of dental origin, and in the teeth is a very evil infection. Consult the dentist if there are rotten roots, cysts or fistulas on the teeth on the top left side. Punctures are needed, otherwise it can develop into chronic sinusitis up to surgical treatment. There is such a spray in Sinuport's nose, very good sanitizes sinuses, relieves swelling. It will flow from all the cracks. He is based on the cyclomene. It is not cheap. But still I advise not to abandon the puncture of the sinuses. The best guarantee of healing has not been invented yet!

Whether it is possible to cure a genyantritis without punctures? Can anyone come across, tired of already stabbing.


Vitalina Ostrovskaya

I was cured for 2 months: 3 times a week I slept with a blindfold for my eyes from the hu-shen. Very happy now. But I did not pierce even once. I do not know, how after punctures. I heard that if you pierce, you'll have to do it all the time. But try it. I wish you health!


You can and without punctures... .
They pull off the upper lip, make a cut in the mucosa, chisel the hole in the Gaimar's sinus, remove the polyp of the parietal and insert an elastic band or gauze turunda with the medicine for 2-3 days. .

And maybe you're lucky doctor-moron caught and did not notice that you have a sick tooth, which supports inflammation in the Gaimar's sinus ...

Larisa Kuzhina

my husband was pierced a couple of times and the last time we bought a catheter and he was injected without a puncture.


Sinupret tablets really help


Try the leeches! The effect is stunning!
They themselves treated insomnia, strengthened immunity, now with an allergy I go with a nose-rhinitis tortured tormented, leech!


Can. The sinusitis, sinusitis, and frontitis are perfectly treated without punctures, antibiotics, WITHOUT pain with modern hardware methods - and without side effects.
At us it "Medicine of the Future" - esteem their site biorezonance.ru - can near to you there is the same center
In Moscow, it could be polyclinic number 100, for example, Dr. Fenyutin (in Lefortovo, near MPEI) or other addresses and phone numbers look at the website of the manufacturer of equipment "IMEDIS" Although it is clear that the availability of the same equipment does not guarantee the same effectiveness
First, you can ask the doctor on the phone what the results were for such cases.
Just do not get caught on the "diagnostics" hook in the headphones - they also call themselves bioresonance - there's a complete tuff, is invented for testing and vtyuhivaniya different dietary supplements, all these Oberon, Biolazy, Dety, Denasy - pumping money.
In general, always, before giving money for medical services, I advise you to find out who the particular doctor or medical center helped, and, most importantly, how, what side effects of the proposed treatment.

How can you cure sinusitis without puncture



For the treatment of sinusitis, folk medicine offers a variety of ways. The most common of these is warming up in the form of inhalations and warm compresses. For example, inhalation from hot potato broth, a solution of dry menthol or a solution of propolis tincture. It should be remembered that inhalations are contraindicated in people with sensitive vessels of the skin.
Warm compresses are also among folk remedies for sinusitis. For them, use heated flax seeds, hard boiled eggs, sheep wool and lotions from boiled urine. The last folk way to treat sinusitis is not pleasant, but the effect is promised strong.
Ointments from onions and garlic are called to facilitate breathing and lead to an early cure for maxillary sinusitis. In folk medicine, there are funds from wiped horseradish and radish. Horseradish is recommended to eat regularly, one teaspoon per day, and onion ointment and garlic oil - bury in the nostrils. Be careful when applying "burning" folk remedies against sinusitis! Juices of garlic, onions, horseradish and radishes can lead to severe burns of mucous membranes.
To unusual folk methods of treatment of sinusitis refers to facial massage with ebonite disc. A thoroughly polished disc is applied to the face and the skin is massaged for several minutes. How effective is this folk remedy for sinusitis - little known. The same can be said about tapping with your thumb on the bridge of the nose, which is recommended to do every hour to relieve sinusitis.
Burying and drawing into the nose of various solutions is also common in folk medicine for sinusitis. So, for this purpose use vegetable oil with an extract of a ledum, solutions of iodine and manganese, juice of an aloe and celandine.
Traditional methods of treating sinusitis lose traditional by several criteria. First, by making a choice in favor of traditional medicine, you run the risk of wasting time and running the disease. Secondly, many folk remedies for sinusitis can cause side effects - burns of the mucous membrane, lifting of blood pressure, expansion of the vessels of the face. And, thirdly, the use of znakharian methods is not always pleasant.
Should I use folk remedies for sinusitis? Modern medications and complex techniques allow curing the disease quickly and painlessly.

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