Is it possible to cure rheumatoid arthritis forever?


  • 1How to cure rheumatoid arthritis?
    • 1.1Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 1.2Cure option
    • 1.3Treatment
    • 1.4NSAIDs
    • 1.5Selective NSAIDs
    • 1.6Basic therapy
    • 1.7Quinoline preparations
    • 1.8Salazo preparations
    • 1.9D-Penicillamine
    • 1.10Gold Salts
    • 1.11Cytotoxic agents
    • 1.12Steroid hormones
    • 1.13Biological Therapy
  • 2Is it possible to cure arthritis?
    • 2.1What is rheumatoid arthritis?
    • 2.2Consequences of rheumatoid arthritis
    • 2.3Prognosis of the disease with treatment
    • 2.4Basic therapy
    • 2.5Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with immunosuppressants
    • 2.6Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with sulfonamides
    • 2.7Change in lifestyle
    • 2.8Folk methods
  • 3Rheumatoid arthritis is curable! From personal experience
  • 4When joints hurt: can you cure arthritis
    • 4.1Arthritis: its properties and manifestations
    • 4.2Knowing the reasons as the key to success
    • 4.3Stress as a factor in the onset and development of arthritis
    • 4.4Arthritis and prognosis of its development

How to cure rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA is a serious disease affecting the joints. Without treatment, a person quickly becomes disabled, but even with therapy, the disease does not always stop. Is it possible to cure this pathology completely?

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IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for Arthritis, which really heals, but does not relieve symptoms, is moreover recommended by doctors! Read more…

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is not just the inflammation of the joints, associated with trauma or infection.

This is a serious systemic disease, which is based on a breakdown of the immune system.

In RA, some of its links start to function incorrectly, and this leads to auto-aggression of the body, destruction of its own antibodies.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by increased production of special substances - tumor necrosis factor, various interleukins. They destroy connective tissue - joints and bones. This leads to inflammation of the articulations, their fragility and deformation.

Over time, in addition to the musculoskeletal system, other organs are involved. Heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract can suffer.

A significant blow to the health of the body is caused by the very treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.


Drugs that are used by rheumatologists have serious side effects and this affects the well-being and condition of patients.


Is there a need for such unsafe therapy? And is it possible to cure rheumatoid arthritis in principle?

Cure option

How to cure rheumatoid arthritis? With this issue, rheumatologists face in their practice very often. He is asked on the Internet and in real life. Many patients have been searching for him for many years.

But, unfortunately, it is impossible to reassure patients with rheumatoid arthritis today. Despite the advances in modern medicine, doctors have not yet learned to fully cope with autoimmune diseases - pathological processes in which the body destroys itself.

Interference in immunity - the procedure is very serious, requiring tremendous knowledge and experience. And, although there are numerous clinical studies around the world regarding autoimmune diseases, it is not possible to achieve a definitive victory in this matter for rheumatologists.

But this does not mean that you do not need to treat rheumatoid arthritis. On the contrary, the features of the disease are such that without adequate therapy, disability occurs very quickly. A person can not move normally and serve himself, in addition, he experiences painful pains.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease with a steadily progressing course. Along with the destruction of the joints, this pathology affects the entire body. How to cope with an autoimmune disease? Are there effective methods of treating RA?


Attempts to develop effective methods for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis have been undertaken for many years. Rheumatologists used traditional medicine, medicines, physiotherapy, combined methods.

To date, according to approved standards for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, 3 groups of drugs are used:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, or NSAIDs.
  • Basic preparations.
  • Steroid hormones are glucocorticoids.

Of course, other medicines are also used to treat this disease. They affect the pathogenesis - the mechanism of development of the RA - and play an essential role in complex therapy. These drugs include:

  • Drugs that improve microcirculation.
  • Means that influence the rheological properties of blood.
  • Metabolites.
  • Antioxidants, etc.

Each of these groups has its side effects, and this should be taken into account when selecting therapy.

Often the negative effects of drugs are summarized.

But this is not a reason to refuse treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, as the complications of the disease itself are much more serious than the side effects of the drugs.


For the treatment of RA, drugs that inhibit the work of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) are used. They are general and selective actions - non-selective and selective.

Non-selective inhibitors of COX are long and well known to all known anti-inflammatory drugs - for example, diclofenac. It is an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, successfully fights with pain syndrome, inhibits the activity of the inflammatory process.

However, the indiscriminate nature of its action leads to the defeat of other organs.


Thus, diclofenac has a significant effect on the coagulating system of blood, dilutes it.


This is why bleeding with prolonged use of diclofenac is not uncommon. This is particularly true for patients at risk:

  • suffering from hemorrhoids;
  • prone to bleeding;
  • abusing alcoholic beverages.

Also, elderly people are at risk. The older the patient, the higher his risk of side effects and unnoticeable manifestations of complications. In people of advanced age, bleeding is often erased, which leads to late seeking medical help and serious outcomes.

The second, no less dangerous side effect of nonselective NSAIDs, is the ulcerogenic effect - the ability to cause the formation of ulcers in the stomach and intestines.

In different people this complication can proceed in different ways - from single erosion to numerous ulcers throughout the intestine. In combination with increased bleeding, this condition poses a serious threat to the life and health of the patient.

Therefore, treatment with diclofenac and similar drugs is carried out under medical supervision with regular monitoring of the blood test.

Selective NSAIDs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of selective action are modern drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. They are deprived of the main side effects of nonselective COX inhibitors, more precisely, these effects are less pronounced.

But in practice, selective NSAIDs can not be attributed to the gold standard of rheumatology. They have both advantages and disadvantages.

What medications are included in this group? This is nimesulide and oxicam. They are well tolerated, exhibit anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity, less often lead to serious complications or worsen patients' well-being.

What can be attributed to the shortcomings of modern selective NSAIDs:

  1. Thrombogenic effect. They are not recommended for the treatment of patients with a heart attack or stroke, as well as cardiovascular diseases.
  2. The risk of bronchospasm. This complication is called prostaglandin asthma.
  3. Lower anti-inflammatory activity. By changing metabolism and triggering metabolism along a different pathway, these drugs lead to increased production of anti-inflammatory agents that can partially level their effectiveness.

Selection of anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy in autoimmune pathology is performed by a rheumatologist. It is he who decides on the expediency of prescribing one or the other group of NSAIDs, taking into account the state of the patient's health and the stage of the disease.

Basic therapy

From the title it is clear that these are medicines that are the basis of the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. They do not cure the disease completely, but they allow to slow down this process, make the forecast more favorable. Basic therapy involves the constant taking of tablets, throughout life.

What drugs are most often used as the main treatment? There are the following groups:

  1. Quinoline preparations.
  2. Salazo preparations.
  3. D-penicillamine.
  4. Salt of gold.
  5. Cytotoxic drugs.

All these medicines are used in rheumatology for the treatment of RA - to some extent. It is believed that their action significantly reduces the destruction of bones and joints.

However, some doctors dispute this opinion.

Nevertheless, the positive effect of therapy with basic drugs is undoubted, although their side effects sometimes significantly limit the possibilities of application.

Quinoline preparations

Quinoline preparations include chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. They are used for a long time, more often with a mild course of rheumatoid arthritis.

As a rule, the first year of therapy implies daily taking of tablets, and in the future, reception is possible in a day, but only when a significant effect is achieved.

Also, in the remission phase, breaks from one to three months per year are allowed.

Salazo preparations

Salazo drugs are sulfasalazine and salazopyridazine. Like quinoline drugs, this group of tablets has been used in rheumatology for a long time. Begin treatment with the starting dose, and gradually bring to the optimum.

One of the side effects that limit the use of these drugs is an increased formation of stones in the urinary tract and kidneys. Currently, salazo drugs are less commonly used in basic therapy of rheumatoid arthritis than drugs of other groups.


D-penicillamine was recently a widely used treatment for autoimmune diseases. However, to date its popularity has been shaken, and it is used much less often in RA therapy. What is the reason for this?

The use of D-penicillamine as a basic agent is associated with an increased risk of such complications:

  • Oppression of hematopoiesis - various cytopenias.
  • Defeat of the skin - dermatitis.
  • Negative effects on the kidneys with the development of jade.
  • The defeat of the lungs is the alveolitis.

Also, the clinical efficacy of D-penicillamine in some cases is questionable. All this has led to the fact that the medicine has become much less used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Gold Salts

Preparations based on gold were first used to treat rheumatoid arthritis back in 1929. Rheumatologists associated with them high hopes.

Gold salts were considered a remedy that is able to permanently cure of rheumatoid arthritis.

Despite the fact that it was not possible to achieve a complete cure, for many years these medications were related to first-line therapy and were the drugs of choice for RA. To date, their effectiveness is controversial.

The mechanism of action of gold salts is to inhibit the immune response. However, this is the cause of another effect - the emergence of reactions of increased sensitivity to gold itself. Side effects in the treatment of this drug occur in a quarter of patients.

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In addition to allergic reactions, aurotherapy is characterized by such complications:

  • nephritis;
  • dermatitis;
  • cytopenia.

Cytotoxic agents

Cytostatic agents are methotrexate, cyclosporine and azathioprine.

To date, the gold standard of basic therapy of RA is rightly considered methotrexate. It effectively suppresses immune inflammation and exhibits fewer side effects than medications of other groups.

Modern standards of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis require the use of higher doses of methotrexate than was previously accepted.

During treatment, it is necessary to check the liver function and blood condition.

In severe forms of RA, a large number of complications, rheumatologists prescribe azathioprine or cyclosporine. However, these drugs can lead to the development of hypertension, kidney damage and oppression of hematopoiesis, which limits their use in rheumatology.

Steroid hormones

This is the third main group of drugs for RA treatment. Steroid therapy is used in many autoimmune and endocrine diseases. It is unsafe and can cause the following complications:

  1. Formation of erosions and ulcers.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Osteoporosis.
  5. Increase in blood pressure.
  6. Violation of the adrenal glands.

However, it is glucocorticoids that have a pronounced and long-lasting anti-inflammatory effect, effectively combat pain and joint destruction.

Steroid therapy can be low-dose and permanent or short-term using high dosages. In the second case, it is called pulse therapy and is used when it is necessary to quickly eliminate the marked inflammation.

Biological Therapy

By this term, as a rule, means that are capable of influencing immune inflammation at the molecular level are meant. These include receptor antagonists and monoclonal antibodies.

Until recently, most of these drugs were experimental. However, some have proved themselves so well that they began to be widely used in rheumatological practice.

One of the most promising drugs in this area is infliximab - Remicade. Often it is prescribed in combination with methotrexate.

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Is it possible to cure arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a poorly understood disease. Even from the point of view of modern medicine. Is it possible to cure arthritis forever - a question that plagues millions of patients around the world.

According to statistics, arthritis affects one in every hundred inhabitants of the Earth in one form or another. The overwhelming majority of cases are elderly people, but the disease is getting younger every year.

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

In the medical literature, this diagnosis is a systemic disease of connective tissue. It is manifested in most cases by inflammation of the joints. This inflammation is chronic. Under a special threat of defeat joints:

  • Ankles;
  • The knees;
  • Ankle.

In the elderly, arthritis can manifest itself as a lesion of the hands. To the extent that every movement hurts. Medicine is still unable to answer the question of whether arthritis is treated. It is believed that it is necessary to avoid various risk factors that can trigger the onset of the disease:

  • Subcooling;
  • Injuries to the joints;
  • Infections.

Caring for your own body will not be superfluous and, probably, will reduce the risk of arthritis, but no more. Medicine is powerless to reveal at least one proven cause.

The range of cases is so diverse that there is still no specific answer. It is clear that a single hypothermia in 99 percent of cases will not lead to the development of arthritis.

The overwhelming majority have no global health problems at all.

One can say for certain - arthritis - a disease that affects mostly elderly people. Dynamics changes every year. Young people get sick more, but the percentage of age patients remains high and makes up two-thirds of all those with rheumatoid arthritis.

Consequences of rheumatoid arthritis

A common opinion is that it is impossible to completely cure rheumatoid arthritis. In part this is the correct statement.

While doctors have not learned how to start a mechanism for the regeneration of joints in humans. That is, to return your joints to an ideal condition will not work. However, this is not necessary.

The main task is to improve the quality of life.

It is not necessary to ask whether cure for rheumatoid arthritis or not. Modern medicine is not capable of completely defeating the disease, but it can significantly improve the patient's condition and prolong life. The rejection of therapy entails irreversible consequences:

  • Increased risk of sudden death from cardiovascular disease;
  • Over time, the cartilage and the entire joint are completely destroyed;
  • Without treatment, almost nine patients out of ten become disabled for life.

If you follow the doctor's instructions, you can stop the progress of the disease and partially cure rheumatoid arthritis. At the very least, the patient can live a normal life without limiting himself in many things.

Some patients with arthritis live to a very old age, leading an active lifestyle. From the statistical point of view, without treatment, the life expectancy of such patients is reduced by 10-15 years.

Plus, they spend the last few years in a wheelchair.

Prognosis of the disease with treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis is not a disease that significantly reduces life expectancy. Scientists in the United States have proven that, on average, patients with rheumatoid arthritis live 5-7 years less than healthy people. This is due to the fact that the risk of heart disease increases, atherosclerosis develops.

It is possible to significantly reduce risks if the disease is recognized at an early stage. It is important to find a competent doctor. The prognosis for the treatment of the disease will be favorable if the ailment can be diagnosed in the first six months.

Unfortunately, this is very difficult, since the signs of the disease are not pronounced. In addition, patients prefer to consult a doctor when there are already pronounced symptoms. In this case, it is too late to seek local progress.

We need to think only about how to stop the development of the disease.


The only way out to identify the disease at an early stage is annual health checks. A planned medical examination can reveal even minor changes in the joints.


In the US, a program is gaining momentum, according to which patients have the opportunity to undergo a medical examination in connection with suspected early arthritis. In Russia, for the time being, it is necessary to write down independently for planned clinical examination.

Basic therapy

In Russia, there is a standard system for the treatment of arthritis. It is time-tested and proven effective.

It is usually used only in the early stages of the disease. The effect manifests itself within three months.

It is accepted to subdivide basic therapy for drugs that affect the body:

  • Treatment with gold;
  • Immunosuppressive drugs;
  • Sulfonamides.

Treatment with gold is sometimes replaced by a synonym for aurotherapy. The essence in this case is one. Preparations with gold content were first used in medicine in the early 19th century. Until recently, such drugs were placed on the first place, speaking of the fight against rheumatoid arthritis.

The situation changed after the appearance on the market of a special drug methotrexate. Now he is very popular. Preparations based on gold are still used in therapy, but only if the patient does not perceive a more effective drug.

In other respects, gold-based medications have proven themselves in the treatment of arthritis at the initial stage of the disease.

In the progressing stage and with advanced disease, their effectiveness decreases several times.

Doctors offer to refuse therapy with gold, advising more serious methods of treatment.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with immunosuppressants

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition of the body when it is attacked by its own immune system. This diagnosis somewhat shocking even adults and educated people. It is difficult for many to reconcile with what changes occur in the body during illness.

For positive treatment it is necessary to take special drugs - immunosuppressants. The purpose of their action is as follows: they reduce the activity of immunity.

In a person suffering from arthritis symptoms, immunity ceases to be an ally. On the contrary, his increased work provokes an attack on his own organism.

The list of the most popular immunosuppressants prescribed for the disease includes:

  • Azathioprine;
  • Leflunomide;
  • Cyclosporine.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with sulfonamides

Sulfanilamide preparations, which include sulfasalizilin and salazopiraquine, are used as adjuvant therapy. They have a huge number of pluses.

Very well absorbed by the body, do not have a high risk of complications and benefit from other drugs. According to usage statistics, only a few percent of patients experience a number of side effects.

This is several times less than when receiving funds containing gold.

Minus one, but very significant. Drugs act slowly, without having a rapid effect on the body.

Any result is shown only after a year.


No modern doctor will prescribe treatment with sulfanilamide preparations as the main ones because of their long terms of impact on the body.


Cure rheumatoid arthritis and make progress in treatment is possible only with a comprehensive approach to therapy. Diet is one of the fundamental factors. The diet will turn out to be quite stiff.

Without it, it is impossible to achieve an improvement in sustainable progress only through the use of medicines. It will also be true that the opposite is true that only a diet will not solve problems.

The standard advice of a doctor for patients with arthritis suggests a complete refusal of eating the following foods:

  • Flour;
  • Fat meat;
  • Citrus;
  • Milk;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Tomatoes.

All these products have a bad effect on the joints. Their use at the peak of the disease will only contribute to the deterioration of the patient's condition. It is very important to further reduce the load on the liver. Refuse all bad habits and do not eat hot and sweet.

The diet will be tough enough, but in time it will be possible to add some foods to your diet. For many people, favorite dishes are one of the main motivations why they want to make progress in the treatment of the disease.

Is it possible to cure arthritis - the most popular question on the admission of a specialized doctor. Modern doctors sometimes do not know what to say.

On the one hand, the lack of treatment will bring death closer, on the other hand, answer that it is possible to cure - in fact, to lie. Reasonable patients are much more likely to at least partially recover.

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Acceptance of reality helps them to make progress in the treatment of the disease.

In the United States, a study was conducted, according to which 75 percent of those who performed medical instructions achieved stable remission.

In particular, the question of diet becomes decisive, since the body needs to get vitamins of various groups.

Stand alone are the vitamins of group D, so it is recommended to eat the following foods:

  • Olive oil;
  • Nuts;
  • A fish.

The storage of vitamin D is fish oil. It can be used in tablets, since it is not always possible to get the necessary amount of vitamins and useful micronutrients from food.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be cured at an early stage if you consume a large number of dairy products rich in calcium.

This is necessary for the strength of the joints. Without calcium, treatment is virtually impossible.

In case the products cause allergies, you can drink special medications in tablets replenishing the norm of calcium.

Change in lifestyle

Two hidden keys to victory over the disease - the psychological attitude and physical load.

"I cured rheumatoid arthritis" - such slogans can often be found in advertising expensive drugs, but they have no connection with reality.

It is much easier to accept the reality and understand that only in the hands of the patient own health.

Having learned about the unpleasant diagnosis, a person is obliged to completely give up smoking and alcohol. It also destroys a healthy body, not to mention the state when all resources go to battle with a serious disease.


It is necessary to completely revise the daily routine. Do not disturb sleep and rest. Add to this an adequate physical load. The following procedures will help reduce the manifestation of brightly expressed symptoms:


Patients suffering from arthritis are advised to visit the sanatorium at least once a year.

Walking in the open air, in conjunction with adequate physical activity and useful procedures help to make serious progress in the treatment of the disease. Affects rest and morale.

If you do not have the opportunity to go to a sanatorium, then you should not self-medicate. Someone is contraindicated in swimming, someone can not visit the bath. About all subtleties it is better to learn about your doctor.

Folk methods

In the 21st century, the means and methods used to treat our ancestors are being used less and less. Then there was no understanding of arthritis, but some effective procedures for alleviating the symptoms of the disease already produced results. Some have survived to this day.

The simplest and most well known method is the treatment of arthritis with the help of mustard. Special mustard plasters are applied to the sore spot, warming up the joints.

It is also common belief that a bath of fir branches can help a patient. The bottom line is that the fresh spruce branches are flooded with water. In such an infusion, a man drops his arms and legs.

Cases have been described when such procedures removed pronounced symptoms after a course of 8-10 baths.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that is virtually untreatable in the traditional sense. However, this is not an excuse to reduce the quality of one's own life.

Many patients live a full life, performing not the most difficult advice of doctors. If the disease can be diagnosed at an early stage, then even complete healing is possible.

In any case, the main thing is not to give up with such a diagnosis. Lack of treatment, in the end, leads to disability and shortens life expectancy by several years.

Georgy Shakov

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Reactive arthritis: diagnosis of the disease, causes, symptoms, treatment methods and prognosis of disability development.
The signs of rheumatoid arthritis in the ICD are numbers and letters next to the diagnosis.
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies.

Do not be lazy! Plyusani in sotsialki!

A source:

Rheumatoid arthritis is curable! From personal experience

What is this disease?
Rheumatoid arthritis (or polyarthritis)- a chronic disease that can overtake absolutely any person, regardless of his age, lifestyle and state of health.

It is established that most oftenpolyarthritissick middle-aged women (36-45 years old).

At a younger age, the disease level decreases.

How is it manifested?

In the 70-80s of the last century, rheumatoid arthritis was considered a disease, mostly of young people (from 20 to 40 years). Today, this is no longer possible. A person can get sick in 50, and in 70 years, and even in 80 years.

Suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and small children (mainly from one year to 3 years). True, much less than adults. Articular pain is not the first symptom of rheumatoid arthritis. It all begins with a seemingly commonplace cold.

First there is a general malaise, fatigue, weight loss. Gradually, these symptoms are accompanied by aching pain in the muscles, sweating, fever. And after that, there are pains in the joints. And the disease can affect any joint.

In addition to joint symptoms, withpolyarthritisother manifestations are possible.

For example, thinning or brittle nails, weakening the muscles of the skeleton, the development of pleurisy, lesions of lung tissue.


Many of these manifestations are accompanied by the formation of rheumatoid nodules - small lumps, consisting of connective tissue.


They can appear in the area of ​​the affected joints and be probed under the skin in the form of dense balls.

The main symptompolyarthritis- defeat of the joints of the fingers.

Based only on this symptom, it is already possible to diagnose. But if the knee joint is ill, you do not need to be rushed to the diagnosis, so this can be a signal of other diseases.

The second characteristic sign of the disease is a symptom of morning stiffness, when a person, waking up in the morning, can not squeeze the brush. He has to work out his hand for a long time, and sometimes it lasts until the evening.

Why is it?

Unfortunately, truecauses of polyarthritisnot installed. It is only known that as a result of some external influence (viral infection, environmental factors), a malfunction occurs in the work of immunity. Some note the relationship of the disease with seasonal exacerbations and periods of physiological restructuring of the body (adolescence, period after childbirth in women, menopause). Normally, immune system cells always respond to a viral infection (attacking it) without harming their own tissues organism. So the inflammation of the joints begins. Concerning hereditary factor physicians argue to this day. On the one hand, it is believed that if a person has a certain gene, then sooner or later the disease will certainly come. On the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis is affected by people who do not have these genes. Therefore, it is very difficult to say something concrete.

How to treat?

For treatmentpolyarthritismodern medicine uses basic therapy (Treatment, in which the activity of producing antibodies by cells decreases immune system). The specificity of this therapy is that it is carried out from the very first day of treatment and throughout life. The patient is prescribed drugs, which he must take constantly. Only under such conditions, the disease fades away with time, and the quality of a person's life begins to change into a better stanza. It is important to note that treatment directly depends on the activity and duration of the disease. For each patient an individual treatment program is selected. But today there are also universal preparations, among which the most common are methotrexate and sulfasalazine. They are used in small dosages and do not cause side effects. The drugs are used only once a week and at the same time control the course of the disease. However, all drugs that are part of the basic treatment are very slow. The maximum effect appears only 6-8 months after the start of treatment. Therefore, in conjunction with basic therapy often used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of rapid action. These can be warming gels, ointments that penetrate quite deeply and exert an effect on the joint itself, but to have the effect, ointment should be used 3 times a day. Nonsteroid drugs are not able to terminate the course of the disease, but it may well reduce inflammation, pain. Widespread and sanatorium treatment. Mineral water, medicinal baths, mud - all this has a beneficial effect on human health. Therefore it is desirable to do so: first to be treated in a hospital, then to undergo physiotherapeutic treatment (1 time in 6 months), daily to perform special gymnastics and once a year to go to a sanatorium, in which they treat diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

From personal experience.

This is the opinion of official medicine.

In fact, almost all who were struck by this ailment know that neither hospital treatment, nor physical therapy, nor sanatorium-resort treatment of any significant relief is not given, and the systematic use of drugs only adds new problems.

I had to get acquainted with all the "delights" of this disease in an incomplete 17 years.

The diagnosis of doctors was disappointing: cure itrheumatoid arthritisIt is impossible, supporting therapy will have to be carried out throughout life.

And it began: every spring and autumn - bicillin, courses of injections and taking pills practically without interruptions, inpatient and sanatorium treatment, physiotherapy, etc.

, and the result is zero: swollen joints, sleepless nights, and a red-black fog in the eyes of pain.

This went on for almost 10 years, until one day I read in the annotation to another medicine that it changes the picture of blood, and therefore it is necessary to periodically take a blood test in time to notice changes.

Then I reasonably asked myself: "So what? Besidesrheumatoid arthritisI will still have to cure blood?! " These are the medicines the body has already refused to accept!

Having studied all the available at my time medical literature, handbooks on traditional medicine, as well as the experience of healing many people, including AA. Mikulina, I made up my own system for fighting arthritis, and the first thing I did was throw it all away medicines.

Take them there was no point, because they could not cure the disease, but only slagged the body. Thinking about how and what I will be doing, I moved from the gassed city with children for a year to a dacha in a pine forest.


As a basis of treatment, the cleaning procedures were taken, added to them steam, starvation, physical exercises and lots and lots of fresh air.


At first everything was difficult, and there were doubts whether it was not in vain that I started it all, but I did not want to go back to the hospital and stuff myself with medications! The improvement was somehow imperceptible: first there was a nausea caused by an overabundance of medicines, then the joints took their the original normal form, the house began to fly, like an electric elektroenik :)) And closer to the new year drew attention to the fact that I do not have something enough. Having listened to my feelings, I understood: I have not had anything to do with it for a long time! Gone are exhausting pains in the joints, and with them, and nights without sleep, and as you quickly get used to the good, I did not notice that it was good to get enough sleep and easily work around the house and on the site. At the dacha, I lived until the next fall, I returned to the city with apprehension, because I was afraid of relapse, but God was merciful. Since then, many years have passed, I still regularly go fast and cleanse the body. Since then, I have never been to a doctor at a hospital, I only occasionally take tests to be aware of the changes taking place in the body. I cope with all the problems myself, with God's help.

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Yes indeed,rheumatoid arthritisIt is not treated if it is a question of treatment with medicines. Many of those with whom I was in hospital in my youth received a disability, and someone went to another world.

But my own experience proves that you can get rid of rheumatoid arthritis if you are responsible for your own health to take control, the more so that the question: "What is the cause of this disease?" - Doctors do not have answer. It turns out: "We go there - we do not know where, and we treat that - we do not know what that is, "the method of scientific poking."

I believe that medicinal plants and ointments can and should be used to alleviate the condition, but they will not be able to cure the disease. Only cleansing the body, fresh air and, without fail, physical exercises (remember: "movement is life") will be able to cope with this scourge and help to find a new quality of life.

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A source:

When joints hurt: can you cure arthritis

Is it possible to cure arthritis? This disease does not fall into the category of fatal, but it is considered difficult to cure.

In order to get rid of it, you need to be treated long and hard. And this treatment should be comprehensive.

The earlier you start to fight this disease, the more chances to get rid of it for good.

Arthritis: its properties and manifestations

Arthritis is a collective name for diseases that affect joints. And arthritis can be an independent disease, and can be a part or a consequence of some other disease.

This disease affects a person's ability to move and perform work. With a strong transformation of joints, a person loses efficiency and becomes disabled.

All types of arthritis are accompanied by pain (noisy, acute, constant, periodic). At a certain stage of development of this disease appear:

  • redness of the skin in the joint region;
  • change in the shape of the joint and limb, especially in the area of ​​the hand;
  • crunching in the joint when moving;
  • sensations of physical weakness;
  • difficulties in the mobility of the joints in the morning, that is, after a prolonged immobility.

This disease is revealed by anamnesis, complex analysis, radiography and tomography. Doctor's advice on video:

Knowing the reasons as the key to success

The reasons for arthritis are many. Moreover, it is not only their diversity that is surprising, but also the many forms and consequences of this disease. Joints are the nodes of the skeleton, which ensure its mobility. It is not surprising that it is on them that a big load of a physical nature occurs.

Arthritis can have the following reasons.

  1. Genetic predisposition. This is one of the most mysterious reasons. It arose more as a hypothesis based on facts. For some reason, some people, having visited the most unfavorable conditions, having had the most serious illnesses, up to tuberculosis and rheumatism, live all their lives with good, healthy joints. And at the same time, a strong person, once in cold water, will suffer from polyarthritis for many years. The hereditary factor can also be viewed from the position of the vulnerability of the organism under certain infectious influences. This factor is especially evident when the occurrence and stable existence of rheumatoid arthritis. Usually the risk of the appearance of such a disease is extremely high in those people who from an early age are constantly ill with tonsillitis and other colds. This means that weakened children do not have sufficient immunity to counteract the causative agents of rheumatism.
  2. Problems with lymph nodes. It is here that the protective function of the body is formed, which consists in the fact that macrophages concentrating here kill any biological objects that encroach on the integrity of our body. In connection with the weakening of this protective function, special problems arise with rheumatoid arthritis, which is considered one of the most difficult to treat arthritis. The fact is that an impaired immune system is capable of registering the very fact of the appearance of a threat and a problem. However, cells in the process of combating threats can confuse the enemy with the object of protection, hitting not bacteria or viruses, but healthy joint cells.
  3. Complications after illness. The trigger mechanism for the appearance of many forms of arthritis (and especially rheumatoid arthritis) is influenza and accompanying bacterial diseases. 40% of patients with arthritis have had angina, bronchitis and other infectious diseases in the recent past. This is due to the weakening of the body and the spread of bacteria that can affect joints.
  4. Long and strong load on the same joints. In this case it is a question of common wear of the joint. In the risk zone are athletes who spent most of their lives lifting the bar, javelin throwing and other sports with maximum strain on the same muscles. Women, torturing themselves with uncomfortable shoes, often pay arthritis of the foot and knees. The same problems arise in people who are forced to work in a static position all day long.
  5. Injuries. This reason is so many options that it makes no sense to give examples. It is only necessary to mention the fact that arthritis occurs not only because of the injury of the joint itself. It can be damage to the tendons, blood supply disorders, etc.

These are direct and obvious causes leading to arthritis. However, there is another category of reasons that can be called mediated.

Stress as a factor in the onset and development of arthritis

The stresses themselves do not have a direct effect on the joints, but create a favorable environment for the development of arthritis. Especially dangerous are long and severe stresses.

Stress alone, even if strong, contribute to the fact that a lot of energy is pouring out of the body, all are mobilized protective forces of the body, hormones and enzymes are released in quantities that are unnecessary, but so necessary for a person in difficult moments overcoming. After stress, excess hormones will be removed from the body, the energy reserve will be filled, the human body will again become healthy.

This prolonged presence in a state of excess of substances and lack of energy will necessarily give rise to some kind of disruption in the system called the organism.

Joints are experiencing too strong a stream of substances or energy. Somewhere these streams weaken. Most often arthritis occurs where physiological stagnation is formed.

Usually in this case the small joints of the extremities are affected.

Often arthritis begins to develop during that period of life, when after the transferred stress the person finds rest, passing to well-being and a measured rhythm of life. For this reason people who retired after long and hard work sometimes get sick.

Arthritis and prognosis of its development

The most common problems with rheumatoid arthritis. This disease develops for a variety of reasons, far from always associated with infections. It is especially difficult to treat in elderly people and in women who have entered the age of menopause with the corresponding hormonal changes.

Providing a prognosis for rheumatoid arthritis is always difficult.

The problem is that this disease occurs often as a stage of development of rheumatism - a serious disease with multiple lesions.

With rheumatic joint damage, a person usually suffers from other diseases, which complicates treatment and affects the accuracy of the prognosis for the development of the disease.


So is it possible to cure rheumatoid arthritis in principle? This question should be answered in the affirmative. However, everything depends on how the person will treat himself.


In this case, it is not about self-medication, although traditional methods of healing here are quite appropriate, but about how seriously and consistently he will use all the recommended methods of treatment arthritis.

After all, doctors appoint, healers recommend, and only the person is treated. Medicine is powerless if a person does not want to be treated properly.

You can cure arthritis, but the duration and complexity of this process depends on the severity of the disease. The easiest way to cope with the disease at 1 and 2 degrees of development.

At this time a person begins to feel pain and stiffness in the movements in the morning. If we take action at this stage, the prognosis for life in a healthy state will be guaranteed.

If it came to the 3rd and 4th degree of the disease, then the speech in this case can go not so much about a complete cure as about the quality of later life.

The life expectancy of a person affected by grade 4 arthritis depends heavily on the quality of medication and the condition of the whole organism.

However, even in this situation, a person can live long and fairly safely, provided that he will always be treated and lead an adequate lifestyle.

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