Barley on the eye: causes and methods of treatment

Barley is manifested by the reddening and swelling of the eyelids, then a purulent pustule forms on the surface of one century. The development of the disease is associated with infection of the ciliary follicles and lesions of the sebaceous glands. To identify the barley, you need to make a diagnosis: the doctor examines the eyelid, asks about the symptoms. In most cases, the diagnosis is made without instrumental methods.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Classification
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medication
    • 7.2Surgically
    • 7.3People's means
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

There is the concept of "Gordeloom" - this is barley.Pathology is equally common among adults and children. Statistics show that every second person at least once encountered barley. Pathology leads to purulent inflammation of the eyelids, it occurs against the background of a bacterial infection. This can easily enter the body: it is enough not to wash your hands and rub their eyes.

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The causative agent of barley is Staphylococcus aureus. It acts on the ciliary follicles, also on the sebaceous glands located nearby.


Barley is not as harmless as we used to think.

If you illiterately treat this disease, it will lead to purulent sepsis or develop into a chronic form (halyazion).

In the course of diagnostics it is important to differentiate this pathology from chalazion, cysts, tumors of the century.The defeat of the sebaceous glands is associated with the progression of bacterial infection. In most cases, it is caused by staphylococcus, but it happens that barley appears when exposed to the demodex mite. Rarely diagnosed barley of fungal origin. There are many factors predisposing to this ailment:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Clay invasion.
  3. Furunculosis.
  4. Increased skin fatness and non-compliance with face hygiene.
  5. Avitaminosis.
  6. People with reduced immunity and HIV infection are more prone to barley.
  7. There are cases when the illness arises from overexertion of the eyes.
  8. The cases when barley appears against the background of conjunctivitis, blepharitis are diagnosed.
  9. Зcontaminated ecology- Another predisposing factor.


There are external and internal barley:

  1. Outerlooks like an abscess located on the edge of the eyelid.
  2. Interiorbarley is called meibomite. In this case, infection affects the thickness of the century. The causes of meibomite are infection of the meibomian glands and inflammation of the cartilaginous plate. Chronic meibomite can lead to halyazion.
    There are internal and external barley

Barley is classified by the number of ulcers. There are single and multiple educations. In most cases, there is a single abscess. If the infection spreads to a large number of follicles, the barley becomes plural, and it tends to recur.

Multiple abscess is formed in patients whose body is weakened.


Barley develops in a day or two.In the beginning the eyelid turns red, then it begins to itch. After a few hours, swelling appears, the eyelid becomes swollen. Pain sensations are observed in a calm state and with pressure. If the inflammatory process is pronounced, it is difficult for a person to open his eyes.

Multiple barley leaks heavily.The patient has a fever, a headache, and lymph nodes swell. After 3 days, a purulent ball is formed. Painful sensations can subside. The breakthrough of the abscess leads to relief. However, it is worth noting that an autopsy is dangerous: you can enter into the blood vessels and blood infection (uveitis, iridotsiklity).

The abscess should not be suppressed categorically. The internal barley is localized inside the eyelid near the cartilage, the doctor reveals it when the eyelid turns out. Edema of the conjunctiva is observed. A couple of days, yellowish pus formed near the mucous eye.

Possible complications

If you yourself squeeze out the abscess, the risk of complications will increase. There are cases when the vessels of the face and orbit are infected. Complications of barley:

  • multiple abscess of the eyelid;
  • phlegmon of the orbit;
  • thrombophlebitis.

The most severe consequences are purulent meningitis and sepsis, which leads to death.

The internal barley is more inclined to recur. It can lead to chaziazionu, and this disease requires surgical treatment.


When identifying the signs of barley, you need to turn to an ophthalmologist.The doctor will examine his eyes. The diagnosis is based on the clinical picture.

If barley often recurs, it is necessary to consult other specialists. The ophthalmologist can direct to the endocrinologist, the dermatologist, the gastroenterologist.

At frequent relapses it is required to hand over blood and urine tests, to investigate eyelashes.Bacteriological examination of the smear from the conjunctiva is not always prescribed. Differential diagnostics makes it possible to distinguish barley from chalazion, cysts and tumors of the eyelids.


If redness is detected and the puffiness of the eyelid needs to be treated with alcohol.Instead, you can use zelenok or iodine. A solution of copper sulfate is installed in the conjunctival sac. Eye ointments prevent the development of the disease. At the stage of maturation of the abscess, dry heat is shown. Wet compresses are prohibited.Maturing barley is treated with physiotherapy methods: assigned UHF. When the abscess spontaneously breaks out, it is necessary to apply drops with sulfacetamide (Haladzion treatment is similarly treated).

Sulfacil sodium is used in the breakthrough of barley ulcer

Effective antibacterial eye drops: they, as well as others, are used with the permission of the doctor. If the ailment is accompanied by fever and malaise, antibiotics are prescribed.


  • Tetracycline ointment.It has a pronounced antibacterial effect. The drug is recommended for purulent ophthalmic diseases. Tetracycline ointment is excellent for treating barley. Its active ingredient is tetracycline. Additional ingredients are lanolin and petroleum jelly. Tetracycline ointment is applied to the affected skin with a thick layer. Periodicity of application 4 times a day.
Tetracycline has a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Eye drops Floxal.The main component ofloxacin produces a powerful antibacterial effect. It is used for the treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis.
Floxal gives a powerful antibacterial effect
  • Vishnevsky ointment.It is effective and versatile. The product has a natural composition. The active ingredient xeroform is an antiseptic. Birch tar improves blood circulation, saturates the tissues of the century with oxygen. Castor oil enhances the effect of other substances. Vishnevsky ointment is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases, it is applied in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. If the patient is hypersensitive to one of the components of the drug, it is worth replacing it with another.
Ointment Vishnevsky is an antiseptic.
  • Ointment Hydrocortisone -a broad-spectrum corticosteroid. Active substance "Hydrocortisone" has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, anti-allergic effect. Dosage depends on the severity of the symptoms, as well as on the localization of the abscess. Before you designate this tool, you need to identify the characteristics of the organism, take into account side effects. Hydrocortisone is applied 3 times a day. The drug is effective in fungal and viral diseases. Hydrocortisone can be prescribed in small open markets. In this case, you must observe extreme caution when applying.
Ointment Hydrocortisone has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, anti-allergic effects.
  • Ointment Levomekol.The active components of amphenicol help in the fight against infection. The frequency of application depends on the nature of the disease and the location of the inflammatory process. Levomekol is prescribed for pregnancy and lactation, but in this case the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the organism.
Levomekol is a bacterial antibacterial drug
  • Ichthyol ointment- a powerful antiseptic. It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. The active substance of ichthyol helps to pull pus, it is often used to eliminate pain in the joints. Ichthyol ointment is not applied too thickly (be careful not to get into the eyes). The product is not rubbed. The optimum application frequency is 2 times a day. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, children's age.
Ichthyol ointment has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Oksolinovaya ointmenthas antiviral effect. It is used to treat barley and prevent colds. The active ingredient of oxolinum helps to suppress the virus, prevent re-emergence.
    Oxolin ointment has an antiviral effect.


Multiple or too large abscess is opened by a surgical method.Further processing of the century is made. If the barley becomes chronic, it is necessary to carry out epilation of the eyelashes.

Surgical removal of barley

Remember that the treatment should be professional: surgical procedures are performed by a doctor.

People's means

Home remedies are used in parallel with drug therapy, which the doctor appointed. Before using folk remedies, one should consult a doctor to prevent the risk of allergies.

The following funds effectively fight the disease:

  1. The sequence.It is necessary to take a tablespoon of grass and pour boiling water in an amount of 1 liter. The product boils for 10 minutes, then it is necessary to wait 2 hours. A strained broth is used to wash the eyes. Apply every 2 hours and remember, the remedy should not be hot! The sequence helps with the first signs of the disease.
  2. Duckweed.It will be necessary to rinse and dry the plant, then - grind into powder. Two parts of the powder combines with a part of honey: a homogeneous mass should be obtained. Break it into circles, 5 mm in size, place on a clean board and wait 1 day. Take the first circle inside, the frequency - 1 time per day.
  3. Aloe.You will need one freshly cut sheet. It should be washed, chopped on a fine grater, pour boiled water. Proportions:. The mixture is infused for 3 hours, filtered, used for washing the eyes. Can be applied to wadded disks and hold for half an hour. Take care that the medicine does not get on the mucous membranes.
  4. Kalanchoe.It will be necessary to rinse and grind 3 sheets, pour them with boiled water in an amount of 70 ml. Make a gruel, squeeze the juice. The agent is administered daily for 2 drops.
  5. Enchantment.Take the crushed grass in an amount of 1 tbsp, pour a glass of boiling water. It takes an hour to insist. The encrustation is used for compresses: stand for 20 minutes.
  6. Garlic.Take 2 cleaned denticles, chop, pour water in the amount of 20 ml. Strain after an hour and wring out the oil. It is applied to the eyelids with a cotton swab.

Duckweed is also effective in the treatment of chronic barley, meibomite. And you need to be careful with the use of garlic, tk. this product has a number of components that can cause irritation of the conjunctiva, get into the inner parts of the eye.


Girls need to use quality cosmetics. Brushes, brushes for eyelashes need to be cleaned regularly.

General recommendations:

  1. Observe the hygiene of vision.
  2. Adhere to a quality diet.
  3. Prompt vaccination against influenza in case of low immunity.
  4. Physical exercise, visual gymnastics, rest and sleep are necessary for those who are prone to frequent colds.
  5. Timely treatment of systemic diseases and diseases of the organs of vision.

If the ailment often recurs, it is worth to give up decorative cosmetics, use chemist's skin care products with antiseptic and antidiabetic effect.



Barley requires competent treatment. In case the situation of the disease is neglected and the doctor recommends an operation, one must listen to it. Multiple abscesses are much more dangerous than individual ones, and in order to prevent their occurrence, elementary preventive measures should be taken.

It is worth remembering that barley in the first place is a signal about the violation of the protective functions of the whole organism, which in the future can lead to the formation of papillomas and cysts on eyelids and sclera of the eyes.

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