How to quickly remove the pain in the throat

How quickly to remove a sore throat?


Crown of Cronina

Well, it's almost impossible, you're not a car-changed part and drove off. Soda plus sea food salt - rinsing, several times. Lemon tea is a lot, compote is warm from cranberries, also drink a lot. Furacilin dissolved in water and also rinse. Chlorhexidine - very good for angina, do not be afraid of it. It is cheap, but it helps quickly.
And by the way, if the angina is not quickly gone, you need serious medications. So it's better to know the nature of the pain in the throat. Tomorrow eat the mint candies before the event to make the throat smugchat.

Evgeny Titov

I was somehow advised vodka and pepper) tin still that. but I had it all over the night)))


angina treated with iodinol - lubricated glands several times a day. The next day there was practically no pain, although she had suffered with it for a week.


pertsovki small bottle!!! At the friend a chronic angina pills to him do not help or assist, and vodka speaks helped or assisted!

instagram viewer

Vitaliy Dubov

Lugol's solution, rinse with salt + 2 drops of iodine on a glass of water

Olga Kryukova

If the sore throat (white abscesses on the throat), then the fastest and most dangerous (!) Remedy is to remove these abscesses, I do this with a cotton swab. From the sprays helps Geksoral, inside any antigrippin / teraflu... No salty and sweet food and in any case do not rinse with salt - on the contrary it aggravates, only a weak solution of soda.
About the last 2 councils learned abroad, our doctors have not even heard of it.

Alla Borisova

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Evgeny Kryuchkov

you will help rinse with kerazene twice a day will destroy the entire infection that in the neck it's exactly listen while you do that others advise angina will score turns it will be more difficult with her fights. Doing one thing or another will not understand what helped. my advice only kerasene has taught even children, it is not dangerous at all and there is no efficiency of a side-chapel. you good luck. unforgettable angina is terrible complications.

How to relieve the pain in the throat with angina, it is impossible to swallow to eat and drink


Said Shams

Rinse your throat with a solution of yoksa, you can not sweet. Abundant drink, drink warm broths hot can not and from the pain you can take a spray of lidocaine with a nozzle sold in a pharmacy and sprinkle, it will be a little quieter and still need to suck on tablets. gramidine and falimint gramidin is an antibiotic and falimint has a weak anesthetic property only apply all this if you do not have allergies to either of these drugs

Maria Dyakonova

the pain is removed when the inflammation subsides. rinse with something. I always pissed off a solution of yoksa. drink milk with honey. Well, if it works out


From angina you need to be treated with antibiotics.
It shows an abundant warm drink (juices, fruit drinks, tea), gargle with a solution of furacilin, decoctions of lek. herbs (calendula, chamomile)


Try rinse with salt, you can sea without additives, and you can and usual!

Sergey Borovikov

bioparox fucking helps! even the strongest sore throat after 2 days as a hand removed. besides this is not a nasty spray, but such a "cigarette smoke" is tasteless


Dissolve pinicin.. That's right, but do not shred.. the best remedy for sore throats.. passes very quickly. .

Irina Lazareva

Go to LOR - let him look at the abscess. Ochchchen unpleasant thing! Yes, and prescribe drugs better than the therapist. Get right!

Natashen ^ ka

Better psyllium, medicine for angina probably no! But the plantain should not be dried, but FRESHED LEAF. (In winter with this problem, unfortunately). But I will write the recipe anyway, just in case, Plantain rubbed through a grater, for example, and in a small amount of water to cook (about a glass of water). Strain from the excess, the infusion is thick, like nectar. And this broth to drink, it is to drink, and not to rinse. On day 3 times: morning, lunch and evening. One day of such procedures heals the strongest sore throat! Once I had such an ailment as a sore throat. I was tormented for 2 weeks, no longer what I could not breathe. But this cure cured me for 1 day. Good luck, get well!

Xenia Smetanka

to collect tablets ...

Alfiya Rakhimova

Rinse the throat with a solution of salt + a little iodine. Pain removes. But tasteless ...

Marina Kravchenko

Tonzilotrene always makes me feel better. Already on the second day the pain during swallowing passes, you can normally eat. Good tablets.

Sore throat. It hurts to swallow, to speak. What will help quickly get rid of the pain?


D. C.


Unconventional and folk methods of treatment for sore throat are usually aimed at removing symptoms. If the cause of pain in the throat was ARVI, after a while the pain will pass by itself. If after 3-4 days the pain does not go away or worsen, and also accompanied by an increase in body temperature, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor. Ordinary sore throat can be a symptom of such serious diseases as angina, mononucleosis.

Herbal medicine

At the first signs of soreness in the throat, eat 3 slices of raw garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. If the smell of garlic is unpleasant, you can add honey to it. Or take 4 capsules of garlic oil.
Teas made from Canadian yellow or Echinacea can also be useful.
One of the best herbal medicines is ginger, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Boil 2 hours. spoon of freshly chopped fresh ginger root in water for 20 minutes. Breathe steam over tea for 5 minutes, repeating the procedure 2-3 times a day.


To increase blood circulation and improve drainage of fluid in painful areas, massage the throat and chest with a mixture of two drops of eucalyptus globular and cypress oil mixed with 2 hours. spoons of oil carrier, for example, sunflower.

Diet with sore throat

Daily intake of vitamin C will help the body fight the cold or the viruses that cause it.

Home remedies for sore throat

The first rule for helping the body fight infection is peace.
Drink more warm water, you can add lemon and honey to water, mineral water without gas is useful in case of sore throat.
A warming compress on your throat will help relieve pain.
Lozenges containing zinc, or zinc gluconate tablets can ease pain when it is associated with cold, the pill should not be swallowed, but dissolved in the mouth, the dose should be consulted with a doctor.
Steam inhalation over tea from chamomile, sage, mint leaves (brew for 15-20 minutes). When inhaling, put a towel on your head and breathe the steam, deep through the mouth and nose for 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times a day.

In order to wash off the mucus and speed up the recovery, rinse your throat:

♦ salt water, 1/2 h. spoons of salt on a glass of warm water, it is better to use iodized salt or natural sea salt,

♦ juice beets, beets grate on a fine grater, squeeze juice,

♦ juice Kalanchoe, mixed in half with water,

♦ with sage, pour in 1-2 hours. spoons of dry leaves with a cup of boiling water, insist 10 minutes, strain, rinse with warm,

♦ rinse with propolis solution, mix alcohol with warm water, 10 ml propolis solution per 100 ml of water,

♦ horseradish, mix 1 tbsp. spoon of pure horseradish, 1 h. a spoonful of honey and 1 hour. a spoonful of ground cloves in a glass of warm water.

Gargle should be 5-6 times a day.


& # 9830 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to mix. And as long as possible, this eleksirchik rassasyvat mouth, like a candy.
Repeat 5-6 times a day after meals and before bedtime.

I always help rinse:
1. for a glass of warm water 2 drops of iodine, 0.5 teaspoons of soda, 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Rinse every 30 minutes. Muck, but it helps.
2. Tincture of propolis - a teaspoon to a glass of warm water.
3. Eucalyptus oil or fir oil - but a few drops on a glass of water.
Only water should be warm, not hot, in any case. You can not drink hot or rinse. The more you rinse, the faster everything will pass.

Dasha Redkina

Strapps, who spray.. and good old gargles (anything: soda, salt, grass)

@ [email protected]

Hills or Strepsils. But it's better to use the Hall Super Strong! I use it all the time. Even for prevention.


pills from the throat.. if it does not help, then do inhalations, breathe over potatoes, etc. It is better to see a doctor, he will say exactly what to do)

Ekaterina Lukanina

Excellent syrup for rinse STOPPAGIN. It always helps me.


Grammidine. he treats and pains at the same time.


half a glass of water and a few drops of eucalyptus extract. and rinse often. the effect is stunning. cured so much angina.

Katya XXX

Better than warm boiled milk, I did not find anything. My chronic throat only helps.


take a dry grape wine (this, and not these fakes in stores of 100 rubles.), it is better to white, warm in a water bath to a temperature of 40-60 degrees. Drink in small sips (carefully, do not burn) Well, if you can rinse your throat. And it is obligatory to sleep! Otherwise, he will. I hope that will help, we are so in our youth and in the army were treated.

Lyudmila Vdovina

try rinsing a glass of salt + soda water on the tip of a teaspoon, the more often rinse the better. if there is a touch on the tonsils, then you must start drinking an antibiotic which you ask the doctor.


If you rinse, then buy Malawit. You will not regret.
Also, Geksoral spray works well.


rinse with clean kerosene taste of course still one, but it works



Aalbert Sakov

Doopi or Hecoral or strepsils plus with Lidocaine! Then take a steel spatula in the drugstore and move the bow of the tonsils. The tonsils are in the recesses between the anterior and posterior palatines, if there are Traffic white and, stinky, it's tonsillitis. To the doctor nor che for a long time does not help.. I know all about it.

Plugina Lyudmila

To me from pains in a goal it is good Tonsilotren helps. It helps not only to reduce the pain, but also to remove inflammation. A few days later the redness passes. And do not forget to rinse your throat with at least a decoction of chamomile.

Alexander Mechen


gulnara tsabieva


Fox in a box

Address to the therapist. Sign up by phone or through the electronic registry. If you have ANGINA, there may be complications.
Perhaps this is a viral infection. If today is the first day of the disease, then it is possible to take simultaneously 6 tablets of Rimantadine (an antiviral agent that acts against the influenza virus). Then continue taking according to the instructions. If it is a viral infection, the improvement will come quickly enough, the temperature will drop.
Good help with sore throat tablets for resorption with antibiotic and antiseptic - they kill microbes in the throat, if it is a bacterial infection. You can buy candies Grammidine, Stopangin, Geksoral, Spray Biparoks.
You can gargle with Thuracilin solution (yellow tablets, crushed with a spoon and mix with water).
If the temperature keeps within day and becomes above 38 it is possible or probable, that at you a tonsillitis. Angina can not be cured by candies and sprays, it is necessary to prick or drink antibiotics - Ceftriaxone 2 times a day or Amoxiclav. But they should not be sold to you without a doctor's prescription.

Skull [email protected]

Cotton swab on a stick moistened with alcoholic r-rum iodine. You can blanch, but you have to work - lubricate the tonsils. Effect - immediately! And prick the gentamicin sulfate 5 days after 12 hours.

Olga Vladimirova

Yes, with whom there is no, for me, I pay too much attention to this problem, my throat hurts, we live in the 21st century, ay! Yeah, now I would drink gooseberries against everything, I'd better buy a medicine, for example, a gramidin and everything, I'll immediately take it from me and forget about it. All is simple, as soon as the throat hurts to start and everything, within a week I recover)

How quickly to get rid of a strong pain in the throat?


Friend of human

Sore throat is not always a sign of angina. Angina is manifested, as a rule, intoxication, high fever, pain when swallowing, as a rule, one-sided. Tonsils from one or both sides enlarged, loose, may not contain (catarrhal), or contain small (follicular) or large (lacunar) foci of pus. In the vast majority of cases, angina (also called acute tonsillitis) is caused by hemolytic streptococci, sensitive to penicillin, erythromycin, and most other available antibiotics. So the treatment, in principle, the same - antibiotics for 7-10 days. The remaining funds are auxiliary (antipyretic, antihistaminic, local - for rinsing). Angina, especially untreated, often gives complications to the joints, kidneys and heart, can cause rheumatic heart disease, etc. Therefore, the patient with acute tonsillitis should twice pass the general analysis of blood and urine (immediately and 3-4 weeks after recovery), and also make an ECG in a month.
If the throat pains the pain on the background of ARI (along with a cough, runny nose, etc.), it is rather a viral pharyngitis - inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Antibiotics in the first 3-4 days of illness will not help, rather, even harm. I recommend aerosols of the type "Kameton" or "Geksoral sulphanilamides of local action, essential oils and anti-inflammatory components. Still I can recommend tablets Lizobakt for rassasyvanija in a mouth (it is possible and pregnant). Someone helps lubricating the pharynx with Lugol's solution in glycerin or the oil solution of Chlorophyllipt. With severe intoxication of influenza and ARI, especially weakened and elderly, it is necessary to take arbidol. With 12 years and adults - 200 mg 4 times a day for treatment and 200 mg once a day for prevention in contact with the patient. Children from 2 years - 100 mg with the same frequency of admission.

Personal Cabinet Removed


Mamedov Hamid

drink poison, I'm joking

Ekaterina Kolesnikova

RINSE with sage every 15 minutes, and tantum verde.

Personal Cabinet Removed

Before you advise, you need to know the causes of pain, do you have swelling, inflammation, pus? Angina is different, I know at least 4 species, all are treated differently.


Apple cider vinegar 2ch. lies. a glass of warm water and rinse every hour. The most purulent angina with a high fever goes for a day. * (Verified)


Drink glycerine + lemon juice and mix. Small sips through every 30 minutes. It helps!


To drink two tablets of cytromone ...

How to quickly anesthetize the throat?


Anastasia Riri

You will not believe it but it's the cognac, although it's better for medicines, but at worst hot milk + butter + honey + mix + drink also nothing


lemon you sing, honey is not bad and washing down with warm.

Yakubovich Viktor

streptsils menthol
or any lentils with menthol

Dmitry Shestayev

With a cold or coughing spasms well removes the candy "Hals" black. Only careful - mint very strong taste (such as thermonuclear)) Good effect gives the use of ointment "Gekkamen is sold in a pharmacy without prescription (possible allergic reaction for particularly sensitive) side effects do not give (composition: menthol, camphor and clove oil, petroleum jelly).
Apply ointment: apply a small amount on the neck and rub it well. First comes the effect of cold, then warm.

♥ iRiShA LoVe ♡

Listen, it's really helpful! 3-4 glasses in a row will quickly anesthetize the throat! The butter dissolved in hot milk, you can add honey (a teaspoonful) and drink almost in one gulp, but it's hot to drink!

Demchenko Yuri

There are a lot of drugs for today. Another question: Do you need to anesthetize, thereby delaying the infectious process, or cure pharyngitis as soon as possible, without the risk of transition to a chronic form? You can take Grammedin neo with an anesthetic (a green wrap with a red scarf), which quickly removes inflammation and removes pain. 1 t. Every 2 hours, but no more than 6 per day, also well-established Strupils intensive, Anti-angina. In the event that you have an acute process with pronounced symptoms, it is best to take Lysobact (tablets for absorption) at 2 x 3p. a day, then treat r-ri Miramistina (universal antiseptic).


Physical manifestations
The throat is the anterior part of the neck, which contains the beginning of the esophagus and the respiratory tract. The throat connects the nasal cavity with the larynx and the mouth - with the esophagus. It plays an important role in the processes of breathing, speech and swallowing.
Emotional causes
As you already understood, the throat is a very important organ in the life of a person. Throat diseases have three basic monadosomatic meanings. If the sore throat is accompanied by difficulty breathing, it says that there are few aspirations in a person's life. Cm. also an article LIGHT (PROBLEMS).
If the pain in the throat prevents you from talking, article LARYNGIT.
If it is a question of feeling SHINING, if a person feels that they took him by the throat, then someone forces him to do something or say, He feels that he is being pressured.
If a person feels a sore throat when swallowing, he should ask himself the following question: "What situation is the moment difficult to swallow at the moment? What piece does not climb into my throat? "Perhaps this is some kind of strong emotion or unwillingness to accept a person or a new idea. This difficulty causes anger and aggressiveness in the person facing him or against another person. Often, when a piece does not get into the throat, a person feels like a victim and takes the position of "poor me, unfortunate."
Mental causes
It is in the throat is the center responsible for creativity; so if you have a sore throat, you should give yourself the right to create and do whatever you want, without stepping on your throat, not blaming yourself and not being afraid to disturb others. Instead of being angry with yourself for an incorrect decision or an ill-considered act, learn to accept with love what you create. Only beats can reveal your personality.
It is interesting to note that the throat connects the heart and the head, or, at the monadosomatic level, love of self and I am. Creating your life in accordance with your true needs, you realize your individuality, your I am, you open up abundance. Therefore, if you allow yourself to build your life at your own discretion, this will help you develop your creative abilities. Do what you think is necessary, even if you know that some of the people around you may not like it.
If you feel that you were taken by the throat, know that this is just your perception of the situation. No one can take you by the throat unless you yourself allow it. Do not worry that some people can become for you pieces that do not climb into your throat, that you can not control them. Those who seek to control others do not have the energy or the time to build their own lives.
Spiritual causes and elimination
In order to understand the spiritual causes that interfere with the satisfaction of the important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions contained in the material monadotherapy. Answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

URGENTLY! How quickly to remove the perspiration in the throat and restore the voice?


Alla Zakharova

Warm drinking and UFO 3 times (tubusquartz)

The Man from Nowhere

You can eat lemon with hot tea.


We get rid of the pain in the throat, once and for all.
Pain in the pharynx, larynx appear during inflammatory processes (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis). To get rid of these phenomena it is required to stimulate immunity, ie rub the palm base with a hand and forearm, the outer the region, up to the elbow inclusive, and the legs - the rise of the foot and the shin, from all sides, up to the knee inclusive, three to eight times a day. Legs can rub your foot on the leg. Local effect: tear the skin over the larynx and rub the crease between the toes especially painful places. Find on the surface of the cartilage of the larynx painful points and press them with the fingernail of the index finger. Also, the nail of the index finger to press and hold for 3-5 seconds the soreness and on the front surface of the cervical spine. Especially effective is the pressure on those places, when exposed to which arrows of pain (painful irradiation), the point of which just reaches your glands or inflamed mucous. That is, it reaches exactly the pain that bothers you. Try to press on this pain, to cause the arrow and to hold this arrow of pain within 3-5 seconds, change the place of touch and again press and hold. That's how to handle all parts of the neck and especially painful places. With the right massage, you can get rid of the pain in the throat for two to three hours, in some cases even for 10-20 minutes. The sore throat either does not develop or ends within three hours. Success to all.
The indicator of weakened antimicrobial immunity, in mild cases, is the presence of a sensation of burning and soreness on the skin of the limbs that are revealed when we begin to rub our legs or hands with the base of the palm of our hands or this burning sensation, the soreness is felt by itself, even without touching. Such level of weakened antimicrobial immunity will be accompanied by inflammatory processes in the larynx, throat, in the lungs, kidneys and. and so forth. The presence of aches, aching pain in the bones and joints of the legs and hands, this is already a signal about the strong suppression of antimicrobial immunity (rheumatism, polyarthritis, arthritis). To strengthen or restore antimicrobial immunity, it is necessary to rub the base of your palm with the back of the hand and the outer area of ​​the forearm up to the elbow inclusive, rub your legs: leg on the leg, start with the lifting of the foot, the shin, from all parties. We rub the knee joints, knead them between their palms. The rubbing is carried out every day until the burning sensation and soreness on the limbs disappear completely, and in the case of a greatly weakened immunity, to the complete disposal of aches and pains in the bones and joints as the hands And this requires another local effect of the massage on area of ​​joints. At elevated temperature, grinding should be done 8-10 times a day, spending on the entire massage of the limbs, at a time, about 5 minutes of time. What effect can you expect from such exposure at elevated temperature? First of all, it is a drop in temperature from high figures to 3, ºС and below. The effect appears in just 20-30 minutes. Pain and aches can go away, also, in some cases, even after the first exposure, but that she more you have never appeared, in light cases you will need to exercise with yourself about two or three weeks. Daily rubbing of the legs and hands on the effect of antibacterial action significantly exceeds the best, most expensive imported, of course, an antibiotic of the widest spectrum of action and in this you can very quickly be convinced. Good luck to you.


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