Magnetotherapy: contraindications and indications


  • 1Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications
    • 1.1Magnetotherapy for back treatment
    • 1.2Indications
    • 1.3Contraindications
    • 1.4Pros and cons
    • 1.5pros
    • 1.6Minuses
    • 1.7Conclusion
  • 2Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications
    • 2.1Magnetotherapy: advantages and features of the procedure
    • 2.2How Magnetic Therapy Works
    • 2.3Indications for magnetotherapy
    • 2.4In what cases is magnetotherapy contraindicated?
    • 2.5Apparatus for magnetic therapy
  • 3Magnetotherapy - indications and contraindications, treatment with a magnet
    • 3.1On the effect of a magnet on the body
    • 3.2Magnetotherapy - what is it, the useful properties of the magnetic field
    • 3.3Magnetotherapy - benefit and harm to the body
    • 3.4Therapeutic effect of magnetotherapy - indications
    • 3.5How is the physiotherapy procedure for magnetotherapy?
    • 3.6Instruments for magnetotherapy
    • 3.7Contraindications for magnetotherapy - harm
  • 4Magnetotherapy - to whom it is shown, and to whom it is forbidden?
    • 4.1Magnetotherapy - what is it and what is it for?
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2The effect of magnetotherapy on the human body
    • 4.3What is the benefit of the procedure for health?
    • 4.4Benefits for joints
    • 4.5With osteochondrosis of the spine
    • 4.6Magnetotherapy on the lower abdomen in gynecology
    • 4.7With fractures
    • 4.8With prostatitis
    • 4.9With varicose veins
    • 4.10What is the treatment procedure: indications for use
    • 4.11Harm and side effects of the procedure
    • 4.12Contraindications to treatment with magnetotherapy
    • 4.13How to choose a device for home use
    • 4.14on the benefits of conducting a procedure at home
    • 4.15Reviews

Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications

Magnetotherapy refers to the method of alternative medicine.

During this procedure, the static effect of the magnetic field on the patient's body occurs.

Do not confuse magnetotherapy with a kind of traditional medical treatment - transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Unequivocal opinion on whether it is worth considering magnet therapy as an effective method of treatment, among professional medics there.

In a number of countries, this procedure is considered physiotherapeutic; in all others, final conclusions are not yet reached: the efficacy of magnetotherapy treatment is in doubt.

Magnetotherapy for back treatment

The magnetic field lowers the tone of the paravertebral muscles, treats neurovascular disorders.

After treatment, blood circulation is restored, degeneration of intervertebral discs slows down.

Anesthesia occurs due to a decrease in the sensitivity of the peripheral nerves, the receptor apparatus. After the course of the procedure, patients note an improvement in general condition.

During the procedure, magnetic fields are applied to the spine, soimproves microcirculation, acells get extra nutrition.

The method of magnetic therapy has found application in the treatment of a number of problems with the musculoskeletal system, in view of the small number of contraindications and high efficiency.

In most cases,Magnetotherapy complements the main complex of therapeutic conservative treatment, but sometimes it is also used as an independent method of treatment.

After the procedure, soreness is reduced.

This is because the tissues surrounding the inflamed parts of the spine become less edematic, and the mobility of the vertebrae is restored.


Also, the low-frequency action of the magnetic field contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, the reduction of blood viscosity, the improvement of oxygen metabolism in tissues.


Magnetotherapy can be used both in acute periods of diseases of the back, and during remission.


In what cases is magnetotherapy indicated:

  • diseases of the autonomic nervous system:
  • neurosurgical diseases;
  • phantom pain;
  • neuritis;
  • 1 st and 2 nd stages of hypertension;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • chronic arterial insufficiency;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute pneumonia;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • fractures;
  • inflammation of the pelvis;
  • dental diseases: catarrhal gingivitis, periodontitis, mucosal damage, inflammation of the maxillofacial region; fracture of facial bones, postoperative trauma.

It is worth saying a few words about magnetic correctors of posture. Their effect on the body is absolutely safe, in contrast to other treatments that have a number of side effects effect, therefore in modern medicine, these products are successfully used in such branches of medicine as orthopedics and cosmetology.

It is also recommended to get acquainted with the features of semi-rigid lumbosacral corsets.


In what cases is magnetotherapy contraindicated:

  • disorders of clotting of blood;
  • problems with hematopoiesis;
  • acute stage of thrombosis;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases: myocardial infarction, heart failure, angina pectoris, heart aneurysm, vessels; arrhythmia;
  • use of a pacemaker for patients;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • increased excitability;
  • mental disorders;
  • malignant tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • heat;
  • weakened immunity after the transferred diseases;
  • low blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to one and a half years.

Pros and cons


Magnetotherapy promotes changes in the spatial orientation of cellular charged molecules (lipids, proteins, ions and others), which enhances their biochemical activity and leads to:

  • changes in the properties of cell membranes (action and rest potentials);
  • the opening of transmembrane channels;
  • activating the transport of oxygen and nutrients through cell membranes;
  • stimulation of activity of antioxidant systems;
  • increased activity of enzyme systems and protein synthesis;
  • acceleration of the output of end-products of vital activity and toxins.

All of the above reflects the merits of magnetotherapy, its results of action at the molecular level. And due to the influence on pathological and physiological processes, the biochemical system is activated.

Thanks to this, magnetotherapy also contributes to:

  • cupping of inflammatory processes;
  • removal of pain;
  • general strengthening of immunity;
  • acceleration of musculoskeletal conduction;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • expansion of the walls of blood vessels;
  • improvement of rheological properties of blood;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • reduction of edema;
  • acceleration of regenerating processes;
  • optimization of tissue oxygenation.

This list is far from complete: magnetotherapy, used both at home and in medical institutions, is quite effective in treating a variety of diseases.


Despite the impressive list of advantages, the attitude to magnetotherapy is very ambiguous:

  • in the CIS countries this method is referred to as a kind of physiotherapeutic procedures, is used in medical practice and considers it to be quite effective;
  • in Western Europe, the attitude to magnetotherapy is cautious;
  • In the United States, magnetotherapy is prohibited and recognized as a pseudoscientific method of treatment.

Every year, research is conducted on the method of magnetotherapy: statistical data are analyzed, and the mechanism of its action is studied more deeply.

As a result, scientists in most countries are gradually leading to the conclusion that there is insufficient evidence of the usefulness of magnetotherapy.

And because the magnetotherapy method is used relatively recently, long-term consequences are unknown. Thus, the final verdict is not yet passed.

This is the main disadvantage of magnetotherapy: insufficiently complete characterization of its action and possible consequences.

Therefore, treat this method of treatment very carefully and do not apply it without the advice of a doctor.


In view of the insufficiently studied method of magnetotherapy, it is impossible to talk about its 100% usefulness in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system diseases and others.

Therefore, it is worth using this method only in the absence of alternative methods of traditional medicine.

Also, it is not necessary to select magnetotherapy as the only possible therapeutic therapy: it can only supplement the main set of procedures prescribed by the doctor.

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Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications

Today, there are many physiotherapeutic procedures that help cope with serious diseases.

A universal procedure is magnetic therapy, which is the effect of a magnetic field on the affected area.

Magnetotherapy, indications and contraindications to which are described in the article, is a medical procedure and has a confirmed medical effect.

Despite the fact that this procedure has a beneficial effect on the internal organs of man, but it is necessary to resort to it only on the advice of a doctor.

Magnetotherapy: advantages and features of the procedure

Magnetotherapy has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antihypertensive, reparative and analgesic effect.Almost every person knows about the healing properties of a magnet.

People used magnets in the treatment in the distant past. But his miraculous influence was proved quite recently.

Today, magnetotherapy, the benefit and harm described in this article, is used in almost all countries, including China, Japan, Europe.

More than 90% of patients feel better after magnetotherapy. This is due to the naturalness and naturalness of the method. Every person has his own electromagnetic field.

When the effect of the field decreases, a person can feel the deterioration of the general state. Otherwise, serious illness may occur. When a person does magnetic therapy, his magnetic field is corrected.

Due to this the patient gets recharging and feels much better.

Magnetotherapy for joints helps to reduce pain

Magnetotherapy for joints helps to reduce pain. The patient can safely use the affected limb. With each disease, magnetotherapy produces its own, individual effect. Magnetic therapy as a physiotherapy procedure has a number of advantages, including:

  • painlessness;
  • universal use;
  • improvement of general condition;
  • the possibility of influencing certain zones;
  • a large list of indications;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of complex and expensive equipment.

Magnetotherapy is well tolerated, it does not cause unpleasant sensations and is absolutely safe. Very often this procedure is prescribed for young children and newborns.

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This is due to the fact that this procedure is the most mild.

Magnetotherapy, which can be shown to people with poor health, and people in old age, does not cause any complications.

Magnetic rays penetrate through any kind of surface. Therefore, if a long tongue is applied to a person, an ointment dressing, then the action of the magnet will be the same as without them.

Magnetotherapy has a general and local effect.

So, a person can be prescribed a procedure to improve the general condition or to treat a certain organ, part of the body.

A constant magnetic field with the softest effect allows you to calm and expand the veins, and the variable - eliminates edema, anesthetizes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The pulsed field stimulates the effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Magnetic rays penetrate through any kind of surface

How Magnetic Therapy Works

The most popular procedures that are prescribed for people with neurotic disorders are electrophoresis, magnetotherapy. This is due to the fact that the nervous system begins to respond to the magnet.

In this case, a person feels relaxed and calming. Further, there is an improvement in the working capacity of the thyroid gland, musculature, heart, vessels, lungs, gastrointestinal tract.


Magnetotherapy affects all the systems of the body, giving each of them a beneficial effect.


Magnetic therapy has a beneficial effect on the entire body. And thanks to this:

  • the work of the bile ducts is normalized;
  • improves the work of the pancreas;
  • the functioning of external respiration is restored;
  • stagnant processes during breathing are eliminated;
  • the general condition improves;
  • the patient feels easy;
  • passes a depressive state.

Magnetotherapy for a person is an immunocorrector

Magnetotherapy for a person is an immunocorrector. It acts in each case individually, increases the reduced activity of immunity and vice versa.

The procedures of magnetic therapy have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

After it, the patient has a decrease in the tone of the vessels and normalizes the processes of blood coagulability.

The principle of the therapy is based on the interaction of both cellular and non-cellular substances of blood, increasing the level of autoimmune antibodies, changing the rheological properties of the blood, improving circulation blood. Magnetotherapy has a number of advantages, including a universal effect. The procedure has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, reparative, analgesic effect.

Indications for magnetotherapy

Magnetic therapy is prescribed very often. It has not only proven effectiveness, but it is absolutely safe for humans. Very often it is prescribed even to newborn children.

The list of indications for the procedure is quite impressive.

At the same time, magnetotherapy at home has several advantages, including saving time, money for the journey, simplicity and speed of the procedure. The number of indications includes:

  • heart diseases;
  • neurological disorders;
  • injuries of the spinal column;
  • circulatory disturbance;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • trauma of the musculoskeletal system;
  • genito-urinary, infectious diseases and much more.

The procedure of magnetotherapy is carried out with the help of a special apparatus, which consists of inducers

It should be known that the body of each person responds to magnetic waves in different ways.


The effect of magnetic therapy has a significant contribution to the healing of man.


The body becomes more resistant to various diseases, including acute respiratory infections, colds.

The procedure of magnetotherapy is carried out with the help of a special apparatus, which consists of inductors. They are placed on the affected areas or on the areas of the body that are as close as possible to the diseased organ.

The device of magnetotherapy can be of any shape and size, but the principle of operation for all devices is the same.

Based on the diagnosis, the specialist applies different methods, including one-inductor or two-inductor action.

Single-inductor technique is used mainly in those cases where the lesion focus is only one or it has a small area. If the device has 2 inductors, then they are placed in the same plane.

Due to this arrangement, the area covered by the magnetic field increases. There are often situations when the inductors are placed transversely: first on one side, and then on the other.

This arrangement increases the depth of influence of magnetic pulses.

Magnetotherapy for osteochondrosis helps to remove unpleasant sensations and pain in the neck. After the course of procedures a person can feel the improvement. The neck turns to the side easily, and the chondrozus cone decreases markedly.

In this case, magnetotherapy effectively replaces massage. The most active and effective is the rotating magnetic field. If it is necessary to act on the body with a rotating field, then the patient is placed in a special mechanism.

The field is constantly changing its direction.


Magnetotherapy with osteochondrosis helps to eliminate discomfort and pain in the neck


The time of the procedure and the dosage of the action of the magnet are selected in each case individually.

All parameters and factors depend on the type of disease and severity of the patient. In medical practice, apparatuses are used that produce weak magnetic fields.

In other areas, magnetic fields are strong, weak and superweak.

The doctor appoints the patient to undergo a course of magnetic therapy, which lasts 10-15 sessions. Procedures should be done every day or every other day. The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes. The frequency of repetition of magnetic therapy is 2 months later.

This is done in order to consolidate the therapeutic effect. Six months after the last course you need to go one more.

In combination with medical treatment, magnetotherapy, the contraindications of which must be strictly and rigorously carried out, contributes to recovery of the patient and improvement of his general condition.

In what cases is magnetotherapy contraindicated?

Despite the fact that magnetotherapy has a number of undeniable, proven advantages, it, like any other physiotherapy procedure, has a number of limitations, contraindications. If the patient has hypertension, then magnetic therapy can not be carried out.

It helps to lower blood pressure. It is not recommended to do the procedure for people whose heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute.

Do not apply magnetic therapy to patients with a pacemaker, as this is dangerous for their health.

For magnetotherapy, a categorical contraindication is the presence of:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms, which tend to progress;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • constant increase in body temperature above 38oC;
  • pregnancy.

increase in body temperature above 38 C - a contraindication to the procedure

Pregnant women are prescribed magnetotherapy only if the possible curative effect exceeds the risk of death, inadequate development of the child.

Therefore, the course of magnetic therapy for pregnant women can only be done after consultation with a gynecologist. As a rule, low-frequency magnetotherapy is prescribed for pregnant women.

This procedure has less effect on the human body.

If you want to start a course of magnetic therapy, then ask your doctor if you can do magnetotherapy at home.


Devices differ not only in the degree of impact, but also in their intended use.


In the treatment you need to take into account all the nuances that can lead to a side effect, an unforeseen deterioration.

Apparatus for magnetic therapy

In hospitals and polyclinics, private clinics special devices are installed that have a beneficial effect on a person, restore his magnetic field.

Today, everyone can buy a mini-device for home use. In pharmacies there is a wide choice of devices from different manufacturers. The cost of devices varies from 2 to 15 thousand rubles.

But there are devices with a higher price. Their effectiveness is much higher.

But to buy any device without consulting a doctor or a district therapist is undesirable.

The doctor will help you choose the device that will be most effective in treating a particular disease. The Mag-30 apparatus is especially popular at the moment.

The magnetotherapy device can be purchased at the pharmacy or at the factory that produces it.

Mag 30

Mag-30 - a magnet therapy device, which can be used at home independently, reviews about it can be found on the official website of the manufacturer.

Use of any device should be agreed with a specialist.

It is necessary to follow the instructions and observe the permitted dosage and frequency of procedures.

On sale there are all kinds of magnetic bracelets, various adaptations.


Their effectiveness in medicine is not proven, therefore, if you want to undergo a course of magnetotherapy, it is better to buy a special medical device that meets all the requirements of safety and quality.


The choice of apparatus is really diverse. You can purchase the device "Almag "Magnetor Mag-30, "Polychrome Mag" and many others. All devices have the same principle of operation.

The magnet has a positive effect on the internal organs of man. The procedure of magnetotherapy is not associated with pain or discomfort.

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Magnetotherapy - indications and contraindications, treatment with a magnet

Magnetotherapy - what is it, indications and contraindications, application of this section of physiotherapy in medicine, about how passes this procedure, which is the apparatus for the treatment of magnets - that's what we'll talk about today on the site

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Currently, medicine offers a huge number of physiotherapeutic procedures that help cope with the diseases.

butmagnetotherapyis a time-tested method of alternative medicine.

Despite the fact that the procedure has a positive effect on the body, it is prescribed only for the strict purpose of the attending physician. About the indications and contraindications of magnetotherapy, we also learn from the article.

On the effect of a magnet on the body

The magnetic iron was first found in the city of Magnesia, which is located in Asia. At first, it was used for making compasses.

In historical reports from the records of Hippocrates it was mentioned thatmagnetIt was used for the treatment of inflammation, constipation and had a hemostatic effect.

In China, healers used a magnet to restore the energy balance, applying them to certain points. Now a similar method is used as a physiotherapeutic procedure for the treatment of certain diseases.

Just iron ore used to treat epileptic seizures.

A professor from Austria Mesmer researchedthe effect of magnetic field on the human body. It was found that magnets can heal diseases of different directions. Therefore, the magnets began to be worn as pendants and bracelets, and also inserted into the belts.

Cleopatra used a magical object to preserve beauty and youth. And the monks in Tibet activated the iron-ore brain processes. In Russia, the US has been using a magnet in official medicine so far.

Magnetotherapy - what is it, the useful properties of the magnetic field

What is useful for magnetotherapy?

Magnetic therapy involves the effect of a magnetic field on the body with the goal of treating many pathologies.

The most commonly prescribed magnetotherapy for joints, after fractures, with osteochondrosis of the spine, in gynecology for relief of pain syndrome, resolving effect and anti-inflammatory action in endometrium, uterine myoma, endometriosis, prostatitis.

There are two types of magnetic fields:

In this case, the therapy is divided into: local and general. When treated with a local method, the magnetic field affects certain areas of the body. For example, the knee joint or the spine.


And general therapy has an effect on the whole body for preventive treatment. On each magnet there are positive and negative poles. Influence on the body depends on the pole. - pole


+ pole

  • raises the general tone of the body;
  • improves the acid-base composition of the body;
  • increases the development of beneficial bacteria in the body;
  • improves intellectual activity;
  • improves working capacity;
  • heals inflammatory processes.
  • has analgesic effect;
  • effectively removes inflammation;
  • reduces the rate of development of bacteria;
  • helps alkalize the body;
  • lowers the level of acidity of gastric juice;
  • has a sedative effect on the nervous system;
  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • has a haemostatic effect.

Magnetotherapy - benefit and harm to the body

Therapeutic effect of magnetotherapy - indications

When applying this physiotherapeutic method of treatment, patients observe the following positive effects:

  • Improves metabolism, which helps regulate excess weight and reduce body fat;
  • hemoglobin begins to enrich tissues more efficiently with oxygen;
  • correct reduction of blood vessels to purify the body of toxins;
  • improves the water-salt balance, swelling goes away;
  • improves the quality of blood vessels and nerve fibers.

Magnetotherapy is prescribed in the presence of the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • with burns, fractures, injuries, cuts;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • after operations;
  • in diseases of the central nervous system;
  • hypertensive disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • dental pathologies;
  • asthma.

How is the physiotherapy procedure for magnetotherapy?

The essence of the work of magnetotherapy is the directionality of special equipment that directs the magnetic field to the desired point. The procedure is fairly simple and painless.

If treatment with magnets is prescribed in the hospital ward, the nurse will arrange and connect the device herself. Usually the patient is offered to lie down on the couch and sit comfortably. The paramedic herself prescribes the necessary parameters recommended by the attending physician.

The first session lasts about 5 minutes. In subsequent sessions, the time increases, up to 20 minutes.

The magnetic field penetrates through any cloth of clothing and even through gypsum. Modern devices are widely functional and combine 2 procedures simultaneously:magnetotherapy and electrophoresis.

If the patient undergoes magnetotherapy at home, the device will be easier to use so that people without medical education can use it.

The basic rules for the procedure of magnetotherapy:

  • It is not recommended to visit therapy if you feel unwell;
  • Therapy should be followed by a course of 5-10 sessions at the same time each day;
  • an hour before the session, it is recommended to have a snack;
  • It is forbidden to take alcohol and smoke during the course of the course.

Instruments for magnetotherapy

For the treatment of magnets, the following medical equipment is used:

  • stationary apparatus of general magnetic therapy;
  • portable device;
  • various accessories with built-in magnets.

Each unit has its own functional features. Modern instruments are equipped with various functional refinements. Accessories should be worn according to the doctor's prescription based on their disease.

Contraindications for magnetotherapy - harm

Despite the fact that treatment with a magnetic field is popular and has been used for many years in medicine, there are a number of contraindications to the procedure. It is forbidden to attend physiotherapy in the presence of the following diseases:

  • developed hypotension;
  • tendency to bleeding;
  • severe heart disease;
  • if there is a pacemaker in the heart;
  • in benign and malignant tumors;
  • disorders of the central nervous system, schizophrenia;
  • pregnancy, breast-feeding;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke;
  • arrhythmias;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • weak immunity;
  • children before, year;
  • heart failure 2-3 degrees;
  • thromboses;
  • fever, fever.

Magnetotherapy is prescribed to women during the gestational period only if there are risks of fetal death and the procedure is necessary. It is not recommended to undergo a procedure if there is a clotting disorder, problems with hematopoiesis, thrombophlebitis.

Magnetotherapy promotes changes at the cellular level, enhances biochemical activity, activates the flow of oxygen into the organs. The procedure has a large list of grateful healthy patients.

Magnet treatmenthas an effect on the removal of pain, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the nervous system. The main advantage is the possibility to use magnetotherapy at home.

Despite this, the effectiveness of this method of treatment in Europe is now questioned, considering it not effective enough. But how the preventive procedure is recommended to be used together with the main treatment process.

If there are no alternative methods of treatment, then you can use magnetotherapy. However, do not choose this method as the only way to cure the existing disease. It can be used as an addition to the basic procedures.

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Magnetotherapy - to whom it is shown, and to whom it is forbidden?

Methods of physiotherapy involve the impact on the human body of physical factors, both natural and artificial origin. It can be heat, electricity, pressure, massage, etc.

One frequently used approach is magnetic therapy, which has a multifactorial positive effect on a person's condition.

We offer a more detailed introduction to this technique and consider indications and limitations in its use.

Magnetotherapy - what is it and what is it for?

Magnetotherapy as a method of physiotherapy refers to the type of exposure through a permanent or alternating (high- or low-frequency) magnetic field in intermittent or continuous mode. The technique belongs to the category of non-traditional medicine and is used both for treatment and for the prevention of various diseases.

To date, there are two types of procedure:

  • local - when the impact is only on certain parts or parts of the body;
  • general - allows you to achieve a general strengthening effect under the condition of affecting the whole body at once.

Such a method is known to mankind for a long time, but with the active development of the pharmacological market, it was partially forgotten. Today, new research has proved its positive effect, so magnetotherapy is used as a method of working with the mental and physical state of patients.

The effect of magnetotherapy on the human body

Depending on which pole affects the patient (negative or positive), different results are obtained. Consider the therapeutic effects of the negative magnetic pole of the magnet:

  • increased efficiency and vigor;
  • activation of mental activity;
  • increased acidity;
  • acceleration of the development of the bacterial environment (for this reason this type of influence is not produced when infectious processes occur).

Among the positive results from the action of the south pole are:

  • a decrease in the intensity of painful sensations of any localization;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • decrease in bacterial growth rate;
  • decrease in acidity in the body;
  • calming effects on the nervous system;
  • destructive effect on fat deposits
  • increased elasticity of blood vessels;
  • normalization of the coagulation capacity of the circulatory system.

What is the benefit of the procedure for health?

The general effect on the body becomes particularly important in the presence of certain problems. So, let's find out what magnetotherapy can help with specific ailments and conditions.

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Benefits for joints

The effectiveness of the effect is noted in inflammatory processes that have affected the joint elements. So, with arthrosis, the technique is used as an auxiliary to relieve soreness, minimize inflammation, and also to achieve and maintain a long-term remission.

With the help of a magnet, in particular with arthrosis of the knee joint, it is possible to warm up the joint itself and the muscles that surround it, a couple of degrees to a depth of up to 10 centimeters.

As a result, the circulatory activity is increased, the outflow of fluid (edema is improved) and the processes of restorative nature are started.

It should be noted that magnetotherapy is possible only with the first and second stage of arthrosis, provided there is no synovial bag and contraindications in the active phase of inflammation. At more advanced stages the method does not give the desired result.

With osteochondrosis of the spine

This therapy has found its greatest spread precisely in the therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

So, in the case of osteochondrosis, it can be used in combination with other methods, and as an independent procedure.

The benefits of exposure to this diagnosis are as follows:

  • relief of pain in tissues;
  • removal of swelling and inflammation, thereby restoring mobility;
  • vasodilation, improved tissue nutrition and gas exchange in them, which positively affects the damaged areas;
  • there is compensation for neurovascular disorders;
  • slow processes of degeneration of the intervertebral discs.

The method can be used both during the exacerbation period for symptomatic relief and during remission as maintenance therapy.

Magnetotherapy on the lower abdomen in gynecology

The session with gynecological problems involves exposure to the affected organs through the abdominal wall.

If more extensive measures are required, then the cavitary method, implying the introduction of a special apparatus into the vagina, can be used.

They resort to this type of physiotherapy with the following ailments:

  • inflammatory processes, localized in the ovaries, in varying degrees of complexity;
  • adhesive processes;
  • endocervicitis;
  • painful menstruation;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

In addition to being able to fight even with chronic inflammatory processes, magnetotherapy also helps to cope with pain and regulate the menstrual cycle.
The technique is used in pregnancy.

So, in the case of violations (gestosis, anemia, delayed development of the fetus), special devices are used that through low-frequency waves improve blood circulation, increase the level of baby oxygen and nutrient components.

With fractures

Quite often, patients with bone fractures are prescribed magnetotherapy sessions. This is useful because the procedure allows you to reduce the intensity of painful sensations, which with a similar kind of injury are quite pronounced.

Especially increases the appropriateness of sessions with complications - wrong fusion, the occurrence of a false joint.

In addition to anesthetic action, the procedure positively affects the condition of tissues, improves nutrition processes, and, accordingly, accelerates regeneration processes.

With prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the male prostate gland, which causes many unpleasant symptoms and complications. Within the framework of a complex impact on the problem, a magnetotherapy course can be assigned.

Passage of procedures allows to reduce the level of soreness, to remove the inflammatory process, due to which it is normal to urinate and work in the sexual sphere.


Under the influence of magnetic fields, the character of the substance produced by the prostate changes, and also the type leukocyte cells - they become more active and large, due to which they actively struggle with the available problem.


Achieving a positive result requires responsible treatment and the whole course, both magnetic and drug therapy.

With varicose veins

The positive general effect of magnetic fields on the human body affects many of the processes occurring in it, including the problem of varicose veins. So, the main benefit of sessions is in such effects:

  • prevention of blood clots;
  • stimulation of circulatory processes in the limbs;
  • Oxygen saturation of tissues;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • creation of favorable conditions for productive resorption with hematomas;
  • removal of the inflammatory process.

It should be taken into account that with this disease, magnet therapy is just a method of auxiliary action, but not the basic treatment.

What is the treatment procedure: indications for use

Given what important types of influence are capable of producing a magnet on the human body, there are many indications for using such a therapy. These include:

  • due to the impact on the blood and vessels, one of the main indications are heart disease and vascular elements. So, the benefit will be achieved with vegetative-vascular dystonia, angina, hypertension (first and second degree), arrhythmias, venous and arterial insufficiency, atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the respiratory system (the method is used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia in chronic form of perforation);
  • ENT diseases in chronic forms of the flow, in particular tracheitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, frontalitis, etc .;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis, arthritis, sciatica, as well as injuries of joints and bones);
  • problems in the work of the digestive tract (peptic ulcer, inflammation of the gastric mucosa and intestines, hepatitis);
  • dermatological diseases (burns, trophic ulcers, poorly healing damage to the integrity of the skin, frostbite, psoriasis, dermatosis, pressure ulcers, etc .;
  • problems of the genitourinary sphere in men and women (prostatitis, urethritis, inflammation in the uterus and ovaries, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis);
  • disorders of the nervous system, in particular, problems with sleep, chronic fatigue and stress, neuralgia, the consequences of stroke and concussion of the brain;
  • Magnetotherapy is also used for the eyes in the treatment of conjunctivitis, glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy and keratitis;
  • In addition, this therapy takes place in the rehabilitation of patients after surgical interventions.

Harm and side effects of the procedure

Like any other method of physiotherapy, exposure to a magnet does not directly harm the body and is considered safe.

Negative effects may occur if contraindications were ignored, had place a deliberate increase in the time and number of procedures, and use without necessity.

Increased volumes of magnetic field influence lead to the fact that permeability of cell membranes can change, and accordingly there is a risk of development of dystrophic processes. In addition, there is a risk of developing hypoxia.

Before the procedure of magnetic therapy for a patient is required to pass a test for sensitivity to this type of exposure - this will determine the extent and effect of treatment.

Contraindications to treatment with magnetotherapy

Before appointing a procedure of this type, the doctor details the patient's condition in detail, and necessarily takes into account his age, the presence of chronic and acute diseases, the dynamics of their course, the psychological state and the results of surveys. The impossibility of implementing magnetotherapy creates the following problems:

  • reduced blood clotting activity;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • active phase of tuberculosis;
  • presence of malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency in acute form;
  • presence of purulent processes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • infectious diseases at the stage of exacerbation;
  • individual intolerance to magnetic fields;
  • menstruation.

Use for children is possible, the age to two years is recognized as a relative contraindication, as well as well as the period of pregnancy (at this time the use of magnetotherapy is possible with the available necessity).

How to choose a device for home use

In a hospital, stationary devices for magnetic therapy are used, but there are also numerous portable devices that make it possible to produce therapeutic effects in the home conditions.

Choose a similar device for the house for various parameters, in particular: the dimensions, the type of attachment, the time of continuous operation, the choice of the frequency of the pulses of the magnetic field.

It is worth paying attention to the following most popular and often purchased models:

  • Magophone-01 - used for respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous system diseases, locomotor system diseases. It is easy to use, has the best anti-edematous and analgesic effect in trauma;
  • Alimp-1 is suitable for patients with joint and vertebral column diseases, cardiovascular problems, diseases of the genital area, as well as with disorders in the nervous system. A compact apparatus emits a pulsed magnetic field;
  • Almag-01 can be applied only to the zone of the waist, the spine, and also to the joints.
    Before buying the best solution is to consult with the doctor who appointed the procedure.

on the benefits of conducting a procedure at home

How useful is magnetotherapy and in what diseases is it advisable to implement it at home? This video is devoted to these issues.


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