Is it possible to take tests for colds

Can I take blood tests for hormones and HIV for colds?

Hormones are a substance, which in a certain amount is produced by the glands of internal secretion.

With a normal hormonal background, all internal systems of the body function correctly, including endocrine and reproductive.

The analysis on hormones is usually prescribed in case of infertility, suspicion of a violation of the thyroid gland.

Many patients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to take a blood test for TSH and thyroid hormones for colds. As doctors assure, the catarrhal disease as a whole does not influence the results of laboratory research.

The main thing when visiting a doctor immediately warn about the presence of any changes in the body, whether it's a common cold, flu, sore throat, or any other disease. The doctor will examine the patient's condition and tell you whether it is worth donating blood to hormones in this or that way.

For the indicators to be reliable, it is necessary to donate blood to TSH and thyroid hormones, subject to the following rules:

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  1. You can not actively train and physically restart the body a few days before visiting the laboratory.
  2. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic drinks for two days before going to pass tests for hormones.
  3. When donating blood to hormones, you can not smoke for two hours before attending a doctor's office.
  4. The analysis on TTG and thyroid hormones do usually in the morning on an empty stomach.
  5. It is important that the patient who passes the analysis for hormones, was completely calm, emotionally not overexerted, otherwise the indicators will be greatly distorted.

The results of the study on hormones can not always be quickly obtained. In some cases, processing takes up to two weeks.

Drug administration

As it turned out, in general for a cold, you can take blood tests for TSH and thyroid hormones. However, if the patient took antibiotics during treatment, it is advisable to postpone the procedure.

In this case it is required to wait at least ten days after the medication has been completed, so that the results obtained are reliable.

Usually blood for analysis is given not earlier than two weeks after taking any medications. To make the results more accurate, doctors prefer to conduct a study 14-21 days after the last intake of medicines. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the doctor about what medicines or dietary supplements the patient has taken.

The fact is that not all indicators remain reliable after taking certain types of medicines. In particular, the level of TSH may be lowered if the patient for any reasons took Dopamine. The concentration of thyroid hormones varies with the use of drugs such as Danazol, Furosemide, Amiodarone. Some antiulcer drugs increase the levels of prolactin in men.

Taking aspirin and other drugs containing this substance should be stopped at least seven days before the laboratory test.

In any case, it is best to be treated with medicines after the TSH and thyroid hormone analysis has been submitted.

Colds and HIV tests

Conducting an HIV test allows you to identify the exact level of cells in the immune system that are responsible for recognizing pathogens. If a person is infected with HIV, these cells are rapidly dying. A sharp decline in their level is the first signal that serious treatment is necessary.

In general, the change in the indices of these cells in HIV can be affected by frequent stresses, the menstrual cycle in women, weather conditions and, as a consequence, the presence of a cold. Therefore, if the patient is sick, it is advisable to postpone the HIV test for a while.

If the infected HIV feels completely healthy, tests for immune status are taken every three to six months. If the patient is sick and taking antiviral drugs, the study is conducted much more often to get a reliable diagnosis.

Analyzes can also change the analysis of the viral load for HIV. This study reveals the level of viral particles in the blood.

An increase in indicators can occur if a person has just transferred the disease or was given a preventive vaccination against the flu.

What blood tests can I take with a disease?

Thus, it can be concluded that for colds or flu tests for TSH or HIV are only in an emergency. If this is a routine prophylactic examination, a visit to the laboratory should be postponed until complete recovery, when the treatment with medications is completed. In general, the reader will be useful to know whether it is possible to give blood for a cold?

In case of a common cold, the blood is usually given for one single purpose - to carry out a general analysis and to find out the origin of the pathogen.

If the cause of the disease is the virus, the composition of the blood does not change.

  • The level of white blood cells remains normal or slightly increased;
  • Monocyte and lymphocyte counts are increasing;
  • ESR remains normal or slightly increased.

In the case of bacterial activity, the composition of the blood will show the following results:

  • The leukocyte count increases;
  • The level of stab and segmented neutrophils increases;
  • The indicators of ESR significantly increase.

In the result

those after obtaining laboratory data the doctor can accurately diagnose the disease, find out the patient's condition and detect additional diseases, if any. Including according to the results obtained, a medical treatment is chosen. So, in case of a viral illness, antiviral drugs are prescribed. Bacterial same disease is treated by using antibiotics.

If you start antibiotic therapy with viruses, this will not lead to the desired curative effect, as in the case of antiviral drugs. It is for this purpose that a common blood test is usually administered, in order not to admit a medical error when choosing a method of treatment.

As for donation, this procedure during the cold should also be discarded. This can negatively affect the quality of blood, weaken the condition of the donor himself. Also, the disease can pass to others through the rhinitis, coughing and sneezing.

The passage of the procedure for donating blood during a cold is also dangerous because the blood test does not detect respiratory viruses, usually laboratory technicians primarily test blood for such serious infections as HIV, hepatitis B and C and other infectious disease. Therefore, the fact that the viruses of the respiratory disease will enter the donor blood, remains on the conscience of the donor himself.

More about hormones and blood analysis in the video in this article.

Can I donate blood from a vein with fever and cold? Does it affect blood?



The leukocytes and others will simply be raised. indicators, from which it will be clear that the body is in the process of inflammation (sometimes they give it up for this purpose). If you donate to cholesterol or sugar, it's not so important, but in general - it's easier to ask a doctor specifically for your situation - why you take it, and so on.

alexander nikolaevich

looking, for what.


none of the NORMAL doctors will not allow the surrender of blood in case of illness.
It is for this, in normal blood donation points, in order to pass, you need to go through the doctors, and only then you can take

Munir Safin

You can take it. influences, there will be small changes, but the laboratory assistant bearing in mind that at you the temperature will put out the right result.


If you are a donor, then no. If the doctor prescribed blood for analysis, you can

* Alyonchik *

Looking for what, if it is an analysis to identify the cause of the disease, it is even necessary, if for donation it is not vkoem case!


It is impossible, and nobody will allow you

Sergey Briginsky

It depends on what you rent. On HIV, ALT, AST, Cholesterol, HBsAg, - will not change. As a rule, the inflammatory process changes the general formula, and this is a general blood test that is surrendered from the finger.


on infection type sexual certainly it is possible. but a general blood test can not be taken. more correctly to hand over that it is possible-but raised or increased leukocytes will be so that you should retake all the same. and by the way your doctor must ask you if you were sick at this time.


If you are on a sick leave, you will need to donate blood in any case. The doctor will definitely appoint. And if it is necessary to donate blood for any specific studies (for example, oncomarkers may go beyond the norm in inflammatory processes in the body), then you must still wait recovery. Especially if you do in a paid laboratory, then you will be recommended to repeat the study. because the result may not be correct.

Can an analysis on hepatitis be in doubt for a cold?


Denis Igorevich

with our doctors can !!!

Volodya Sabokar

symptoms of hepatic - 1 complete lack of strength. 2 temperature, chills, golovakruzhenie. 3 complete loss of strength, mild nausea, drowsiness. 4 severe nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, liquid light stool, urine pink, frequent drowsiness. 5 coma and death. All stages take place within 7-10 days. Further treatment is useless to conduct. Heppatitis is similar to influenza.


The cold can not possibly affect the tests for viral hepatitis.
A single-valued response to hepatitis C gives only an analysis of the presence in the blood of RNA of hepatitis C virus, performed by PCR.
Rent it in a decent laboratory. Specify when you pass that you need only a qualitative analysis (in contrast to the quantitative one, which is only needed to control the treatment and which costs an order of magnitude more). Also ask, in case of detection RNA of a virus - to make at once genotyping of a virus. This is very useful information for the future.
Description of analysis:
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Can I donate blood for hormones for a cold? the temperature was a maximum of 37.4. the last 2 days the temperature is 36.8



on hormones it is possible.

Elena Filatova

On WHAT Hormones! ?
For some studies, blood should be taken at a specific time of day. So, the blood for some hormones (TTG and parathyroid hormone), as well as for iron, is given only up to 10 am. It should be remembered that the results of the research are influenced by physical stress (running, climbing the stairs), emotional arousal. Therefore, before the procedure should rest 10 - 15 minutes.
Blood for analysis is taken before the start of taking medications or not earlier than 10 to 14 days after their withdrawal. Exceptions are cases where it is required to investigate the concentration of drugs in the blood.
Why fasting
Proper preparation for the procedure is a guarantee of obtaining an accurate diagnosis. "An empty stomach" means that between the last meal and blood donation must pass at least 8, and preferably 12 hours. Juice, tea, coffee, especially with sugar, too, food, so you have to suffer. You can drink water.
To prepare for the procedure for donating blood for a general analysis, the requirements are less stringent: the last meal should be no later than 1 hour before taking blood. But 12 hours before the test, you can not eat fatty, fried and alcohol. If the feast was held the day before, the laboratory study should be postponed for a couple of days.
Hormonal blood test is performed on an empty stomach (preferably in the morning hours, if this is not possible - 4-5 hours after the last meal in the afternoon and evening hours). On the eve of the delivery of tests from the diet should exclude foods high in fat, the last meal is not to do abundant. The results of hormonal studies in women of reproductive age are affected by physiological factors associated with the stage of the menstrual cycle, so when preparation for the sex hormone examination should indicate the phase of the cycle and adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician on the day of the menstrual cycle, which is necessary donate blood.
Hormones of the reproductive system are surrendered strictly on the days of the cycle: LH, FSH - 3-5 days; Estradiol - 5-7 or 21-23 day of the cycle; progesterone 21-23 day of the cycle, prolactin, 17-OH-progesterone, DHA-sulfate, testosterone-7-9 days. If this is not changed by the recommendations of the attending physician.

Before giving blood to stress hormones (ACTH, cortisol) you need to calm down, when giving blood to distract and relax, as any stress causes unmotivated release of these hormones into the bloodstream, which will entail an increase in this indicator.

Blood should not be taken immediately after X-ray, ultrasound, massage, reflexology or physiotherapy.

Blood for analysis is taken before the start of medication or not earlier than 10-14 days after their withdrawal. To assess the control of the effectiveness of treatment with any drugs, it is advisable to examine the blood 14-21 days after the last administration of the drug. If you take medication, be sure to notify your doctor.

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