Cones on the knee from the side: what is it?


  • 1Knuckle on knee
    • 1.1Factors of the disease development
    • 1.21. Knee joint injury
    • 1.3Baker's cyst (popliteal)
    • 1.4Bursit
    • 1.52. Lesion of bone structures
    • 1.6With arthrosis of the knee joint
    • 1.7With neoplasm
    • 1.83. Nervous-vascular lesions in popliteal fossa
    • 1.9Varicose disease
    • 1.10Aneurysm of the knee artery
    • 1.11Inflammation of the tibial nerve
    • 1.124. Other soft tissue injuries
    • 1.13Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 1.14Gout
    • 1.15General diagnostics
    • 1.16Healing measures
  • 2The appearance of cones on the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis of the disease and treatment methods
    • 2.1The causes of the appearance of soft cones
    • 2.2Symptomatology of the disease
    • 2.3Bursitis
    • 2.4Baker's cyst
    • 2.5Contusions
    • 2.6Tumor development
    • 2.7Schlatter's disease
    • 2.8Vascular pathology
    • 2.9Diagnosis of the disease
    • 2.10Complex methods of treatment
  • 3Cones on the knee
    • 3.1Reasons: why can there be a lump?
    • 3.2Knee injury
    • 3.3Malignant and benign tumors
    • 3.4Baker's cyst
    • 3.5Osteoarthritis
    • 3.6Gout: a consequence of the formation of cones on the knee
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.7Schlatter's disease
    • 3.8Vascular Disorder
    • 3.9Inflammatory bursitis
    • 3.10Diagnostic Methods
    • 3.11Than to treat?
  • 4Causes and treatment of knee deformities
    • 4.1Symptoms
    • 4.2Is treatment possible?
    • 4.3Valgus deformity of knee joints
    • 4.4Osgood-Schlatter disease
    • 4.5Treatment of Schlatter's Disease
  • 5Cones on the knee: what can it be and how to restore health to the knee joint?

Knuckle on knee

The knee joint is one of the most important components of the musculoskeletal system, since it accounts for the bulk of the load during the movement of the patient.

That is why, this part of the body is the most vulnerable, since not only periarticular tissue suffers, but also the joint itself.

Therefore, when there are any changes in the joint condition, including the knee on the knee, it is necessary responsibly treat this pathology and refer to a highly qualified specialist for detailed consultations.

Factors of the disease development

The appearance of a cone on the kneecaps requires clarification of the cause of the development of this condition. As a rule, there are a lot of them, and noticing that even a small cone has formed on the knee, it is necessary to approach this problem quite seriously.

The most frequently provoking factors of this condition are:

1. Knee joint injury

With pathological manifestations in the knee joint, the formation of the cone may be due to:

Baker's cyst (popliteal)

Such a disease develops with hernial protrusion of the knee joint in the popliteal fossa region, along the posterior surface of the knee (right and left). The size of the protrusion is about 4 cm on average.

When palpation is determined elastic soft tissue with normal temperature. The reasons for the development of Baker's cyst are quite diverse, ranging from hereditary predisposition to knee joint injuries.

It is most often diagnosed in patients aged 45 years and children under 7 years old. It is characteristic that complaints from the patient, with the exception of unpleasant sensations and cones, are absent.


To reduce the interstitial friction around the knee joint, small capsules (bursa) are located, inside of which is a lubricating fluid.

In the inflammatory process in these capsules develops a disease such as bursitis.

In some cases, it can occur, with permanent trauma, as well as infections and long-term mechanical effects.

Symptomatic development of purulent bursitis

With bursitis, the cone formed is soft, but with a slight pressure it responds with soreness.

With purulent development of bursitis, the cone may be hard, and its temperature is several degrees higher than normal, the surrounding tissue formation is red.

The patient may be disturbed by the restriction of motor activity and pain at increased physical exertion, weakness and deterioration of the general condition.

2. Lesion of bone structures

This category is reminiscent of knee joint damage, but it has some differences:

With arthrosis of the knee joint

In this case, additional formation of bone outgrowths, which are most often localized on the lateral surface of the joint, is possible. In addition, bone growths can appear above the patella (along the periphery and in front).

In the acute period of arthrosis, it is necessary to provide the joint with complete rest, since any movement is accompanied by severe pain

Appearing as a result of this disease, the cone at palpation is dense and painful with slight effleurage.

With neoplasm

Both on joints and on bones the formation of malignant and benign tumors is possible.

Benign tumors progress extremely slowly and are first detected in childhood, unlike malignant tumors that grow rapidly.

When identifying such signs, you must compulsorily seek medical help. From the timely diagnosis and treatment depends the success of the result.

3. Nervous-vascular lesions in popliteal fossa

In this group of diseases with the characteristic formation of cones in the region of the knee are:

Varicose disease

In the inflammatory process in the lower extremities, there is a varicose disease, in which the formation of cones is possible.

The cause of varicose veins are increased loads on the knees, which leads to increased venous blood flow and veins.

The risk group includes patients whose activities are associated with long standing (sellers, hairdressers, cooks, surgeons, etc.). In addition, often varicose veins occur in the elderly.

With this disease it is possible to form several cones, which have a bluish tint, soft and elastic to the touch. At the early stage of the disease, it is entirely possible that there is no pain at all

Aneurysm of the knee artery

With the defeat of the walls of the knee artery, which supplies blood to the lower limbs, there is a kind of stretching and swelling of the vessel, which is manifested by the formation of a cone. It is quite elastic and soft to the touch. In some cases it has a characteristic scarlet color, and when visual examination and palpation pulsates.

Pathological protrusion of the knee aorta (aneurysm) is subject to mandatory treatment, otherwise it is possible to break and hemorrhage into the joint cavity

Inflammation of the tibial nerve

In the popliteal fossa passes the tibial (tibial) nerve, which innervates the ankle.

In the inflammatory process there is swelling of surrounding soft tissues, which, in turn, leads to the formation of a soft cone in this area.

It has good elasticity and pain with slight pressure on this area. In addition to the formation of cones, the inflammatory process can be accompanied by a sharp pain in the leg region (below the knee).

4. Other soft tissue injuries

In addition, the formation of cones is possible with systemic lesions of the body, accompanied by specific signs, such as:

Rheumatoid arthritis

With such a disease, nodules (up to 3 cm in diameter) that are painless and soft to the touch can appear in the knee joint area. If such a pathology has appeared, a compulsory consultation of a rheumatologist is required.

Rheumatoid cones can occur not only in the knee, but also in the elbow joints


This disease is characterized by the formation of tofus (small yellowish nodules), which are caused by the deposition of crystals of uric acid. They are small (less than 2 cm), heterogeneous, painful and firm to the touch.

The bump on the bottom of the knee or under it, refers to extremely nonspecific signs. Cones on the knee joints can occur for various reasons. They suffer patients of all ages, especially professional athletes.

To understand the reasons for the appearance of such a pathology without a diagnostic examination is extremely difficult, therefore understanding of the need for timely application for professional medical help. Because, how much time has passed before the beginning of treatment, the onset of recovery depends.

General diagnostics

Any neoplasm in the knee joint area, including the cone, has specific features, which further confirms the diagnosis.

Such pathological neoplasms have the following visual characteristics:

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  • the size of the cone may be from a small pea to a large walnut;
  • it can have different localization (back or side of the knee joint);
  • the consistency is dense (up to stony) and soft (elastic);
  • the lump is relatively mobile (does not connect to the surrounding tissue) or, conversely, is significantly limited. It hurts or is absolutely painless;
  • blurred or sharp edges are seen, the skin color is changed, sometimes enlarged lymph nodes and seals after bruises are determined.

In addition to external examination, a number of instrumental and laboratory methods of investigation are assigned to confirm the diagnosis, including:

  1. radiography;
  2. sonography (ultrasound);
  3. MRI (external and internal side);
  4. computed tomography;
  5. blood sampling for biochemical analysis.

The CT technique allows you to find out the exact diagnosis of the disease and monitor the therapy

If cones do not pass for a long time, it is important to consult a doctor to get and implement the necessary medical recommendations that will ensure the success of therapy.

Healing measures

The complex of necessary measures depends on the results of the diagnostic study carried out and the cause of the disease.

With the development of bursitis, anti-inflammatory therapy is used with the help of external and oral medications, massage, physiotherapy. In the event that an accidental home injury occurred, they need a mobilization dressing.

In the case where if conservative treatment is ineffective in osteophytes, they are recommended to be removed with the help of surgical intervention

If the cyst appeared as a cyst, it can be reduced by puncture or surgical intervention, similar to tumor-like tumors. Joint diseases include anti-inflammatory therapy with limited mobility of the affected area at the time of treatment.

Varicosity involves the use of sclerotherapy, as well as laser coagulation followed by the wearing of special compression linen to restore blood supply in the lower limbs. The aneurysm is treated exclusively by the surgical method, and Schläter's disease sufficiently succumbs to conservative therapy and treatment by domestic methods.

With inflammation of the tibial nerve, conservative therapy is prescribed, and in severe cases, surgical intervention is possible. The same treatment approach is used if the cause of cones is a tumor.

Particular attention should be paid to the feet of people who spend a long time standing upright. It is useful to take evening relaxing baths for feet with the addition of sea salt or herbs. To avoid damage to the feet, you must wear comfortable shoes that exclude the presence of high heels.

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It should be remembered that from knees formed on the knee can be disposed of in various ways. In some cases, this problem is well handled by medical therapy, and sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.

However, in all cases, if the cone jumped in the knee area, it is necessary to contact a highly qualified specialist to determine further actions, because the success of treatment depends on the interaction and understanding between the doctor and patient.

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The appearance of cones on the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis of the disease and treatment methods

At a time when incomprehensible neoplasms develop on the human body, this causes a special fear and concern for one's health. So-called cones often become a real cause for serious concern.

They can be found in completely different places, including the area of ​​the knee joint. If we take into account the rapid process of the spread of cancer, then from the very beginning there are thoughts of such problems.

There is a large number of other factors, due to which the bumps on the joints develop, which burns and hurts when pressed.

The causes of the appearance of soft cones

The knee joint is considered an important component in the entire locomotor system. He is the greatest burden in the daily activities of man.

Both the articulation and the tissues of the periarticular type are susceptible to various deformations: inflammatory, tumor, traumatic, and also degenerative-dystrophic.

If you saw such a checker on your knee from the outside, then do not immediately get very frightened.

It is necessary to address to the attending specialist, since it is he who can say what is the reason for this development of the neoplasm.

Such a problem is multifactorial in nature, and its development can be caused by such signs as:

  1. Contusions.
  2. Beer cyst.
  3. Tumors.
  4. Pathology in the vessels.
  5. Osteoarthritis.
  6. Schlatter disease.
  7. Gout.

From such formations on the knee, both young and old people, who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and even athletes, can suffer greatly.

The area of ​​development of such a disease is quite wide, therefore it will be rather difficult to understand this problem independently.

The determining value in most cases is considered to be the patient's understanding of the problem and the timely access to the treating specialist, since it is from this that the result will depend after the treatment.

A cone in the region of the knee joint can form due to various diseases of a local or general type, each of which will have its own characteristics and individual character.

Symptomatology of the disease

Even such an education as a lump in the knee joint region, has its own symptomatology and specificity.

Their detection will help the patient to carry out the correct treatment, which will soon be backed up by the technique of additional examination.

Most often, such a pathological neoplasm includes the following features:

  1. Size: from a small pea to a large nut (there are also bigger cones).
  2. Place of spread: in front, behind or on the side of the knee joint.
  3. Cone contents: soft and elastic or dense (before the entire area is petrified).
  4. Various mobility: it can be completely free (the lump is not attached to the surrounding tissues by the knee) or its movement is severely limited.
  5. Edges: can be both blurred and clear.
  6. Ambient tissues: changes in the color of the skin, the development of seals, an increase in lymph nodes and other features.
  7. The cone is quite painful or does not cause any discomfort and pain.

In most cases, the overall picture will consist of a complex of symptoms, the identification of which will provide an opportunity to create a full understanding of the development of the disease.


Close to the knee joint is a large number of developed muscles that are attached to the very thigh and lower leg with the help of tendons.

In those places where there is a strong friction, there are special svinovalnye bags (bursa).

The process of their inflammation can occur together with the development of the cone.

Bursitis in the region of the tendons of the quadriceps femoris is more characteristic: above the patella or below it. Most often the lump develops below the knee. With all this, below the knee cap local signs of inflammation develop:

  • Redness on the skin.
  • Special soreness.
  • Some swelling.
  • A sharp increase in body temperature.

At first the cone has very small dimensions, but it increases significantly when the exudate accumulates in the bursa.

It is quite soft to the touch, it has rather distinct outlines, and also is not combined with surrounding tissues. With this movement in the knees can bring a strong pain.

If there is inflammation of the purulent form, the patient will feel a sharp deterioration in his condition: weakness, fever, and general malaise.

Bursitis is a common variantdevelopment of the cone in the area of ​​the knee, from which in the majority of cases amateurs of active sports suffer.

Baker's cyst

If the swelling starts to develop in the popliteal pit from the inside, then it's probably Baker's cyst.

It looks like a special extension of the back pocket in the joint capsule, similar to a hernial protrusion.Filled with a synovial fluidA watery ball has a common symptom.

Patients with developed Baker's cyst are able to complain to the doctor about such manifestations of the disease as:

  1. Discomfort in the joints.
  2. Concha in popliteal fossa.
  3. Restrictions on the movement of the knee (especially this refers to its bending).
  4. From time to time, blockades occur (jamming).

Such a bump can quickly disappear if it is strongly pressed, since the liquid will return back to the joint cavity, and with a bent knee, it is not noticeable at all.

If protrusion occurs in a large size, it can significantly squeeze nearby tissue, especially nerve endings and vessels. This is the reason for the development of pain, muscle weakness, numbness of the shin.

In addition, those who have a Baker cyst may significantly increase the risk of developing thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.


It also often happens that the lump is formed as a result of a knee injury. In this case, there is a significant damage in soft tissues with concomitant symptoms.

Such an injury is considered to be a fairly easy type, but in some cases occurs in conjunction with fractures of the knee cup and other bones.

Contusions can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Bruising, abrasions and large bruises.
  • Puffiness in the periarticular tissues.
  • The pain begins to acquire an acute degree immediately after the injury.

During uncomplicated contusions, the articulation function is not impaired.There are such cases, when there is a development of hemarthrosis - the accumulation of blood in the joint cavity. At this time, the knee begins to increase significantly in size, movements in it are very limited.

A cone due to a knee injury - this phenomenon is considered quite innocuous, at first glance.

Tumor development

What most fears most patients when they find a lump on their knees is a malignant tumor.

This fear is considered justified, since such a region of distribution is considered to be favored in osteogenic sarcoma.

At this time, the following symptoms begin to develop:

  1. Contracture of joints.
  2. Severe pain symptoms on the knees.
  3. Swelling in the anterior region of the tibia.

The tumor begins to spread rapidly at all adjacent tissues and gives special metastases in the brain, lungs.

Along with this, the treating specialist has to fightwith benign formations: lipomas, atheromas, and also by angiomas.

They do not start to solder with the nearest joints, are mobile, and also have a soft elastic consistency. The patient does not feel any particular soreness at this time.

Schlatter's disease

Some adolescents who are actively involved in sports can complain about the development of pain in the knee area, especially when flexing and sharpening it extensively.

They usually develop during a particular load and persist for several months, and then completely decrease and go away.

At the same time, in the place of the upper sectionthe shin shows a special swelling without any signs of inflammation, which becomes very dense over time.

Such changes begin to be associated with the general load on the tendon of the quadriceps muscle in conditions of poor maturity of the site of its gluing - tuberosity of the tibia. This condition is called Schlätter's disease, which should be referred to as osteochondropathy.

A cone in the place of the knee during the illness of Schlätter is considered insensitive by itself and can not bring any soreness.

Vascular pathology

A cone in the knees can become a sign of the development of vascular disease. In most cases, we are mainly talking about varicose disease, when there is a significant expansion of the upper subcutaneous veins of the shin.

At this time you can see a soft bundle of blue hue, which decreases significantly during the pressing process. If this causes pain, then we can assume the presence of thrombophlebitis.

Also, there are special signs of disturbance in the flow of blood:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Blue color of the skin.
  • Flows on the feet of the lower leg.
  • Trophic signs (spots, dryness, and also significant hair loss).

There are cases when an aneurysm of the knee artery develops. At this time, the cone begins to pulsate, it is rather soft and does not have a particular soreness.

As many know, any trauma to blood vessels entails the risk of developing bleeding, so it is these patients who should be especially careful in sports.

Diagnosis of the disease

Identify the presence of cones on the knee will be able to additional diagnostic measures.

They will help confirm the primary assumptions of the treating specialist and orient his attitude in medical correction.

At the same time it is worth using tooland laboratory methods, which include the following activities:

  1. Monograph (ultrasound).
  2. CT scan.
  3. Radiography.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  5. Biochemical blood test (indicators of inflammation, oncomarkers, uric acid, coagulable and other).

If the lump appeared in the region of the knee joint, then there is no need to lose time - it is necessary to undergo an examination of the treating specialist immediately.

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Only a full survey can refute the patient's fears and confirm the doctor's assumptions.

A timely call to a doctor will guarantee a successful treatment of the disease.

Complex methods of treatment

From the testimony of the diagnosis and the causes of the development of the disease, complex treatment measures will depend on the patient.

During the development of bursitisuse anti-inflammatory therapy with external and oral means, physiotherapy, and massage. If there is an accidental home injury, it is worthwhile to create a special mobilization bandage.

If the cyst has become the cause of bursitis development, then it can be reduced with the help of punctures or surgical intervention, similarly occurs with a tumor-like tumor. Soreness of the joints includes anti-inflammatory therapy with limited mobility of the affected area for treatment.

Varicosity includes the use of sclerotherapy, as well as laser coagulation followed by wearing special compression underwear, which will help restore blood supply in the lower extremities. Aneurysm can be treated only by surgical intervention, and Schläter's disease is successfully treated with conservative therapy, as well as treatment with domestic methods.

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Cones on the knee

If a person under the skin formed a solid painless knob on his knee, it is better to visit a doctor and find out its etiology, as often subcutaneous malignant neoplasms for a long time do not give about themselves know. But often the compaction is benign, but this does not mean that it does not need to be treated. Factors affecting the development of pathology, the most diverse, with characteristic symptoms, self-medication is contraindicated.

Reasons: why can there be a lump?

Knee injury

A soft cone on the leg, which hurts and brings a lot of discomfort, can occur due to a strong blow, in which soft tissues are damaged.

Often this type of injury is not dangerous, but if a person has managed to break a bone, the situation will require urgent medical intervention.

In this case, the victim will be disturbed:

  • severe soreness;
  • swelling of the injured area;
  • bruises, bruises, bruises.

If the knee is severely bruised, hemarthrosis may occur, when fluid and blood accumulate in the joint cavity.

Such a bump on the knee brings a person discomfort, if its size is impressive, the mobility of the foot becomes limited.

In this case, treatment is important to begin immediately, especially if the education is constantly growing.

Malignant and benign tumors

To establish the cause of cones on the leg will only be able to specialist.

A bump on the knee joint can arise due to the development of osteogenic sarcoma, which is often localized precisely on the bend or under the knee.

A small tumor swiftly increases in size, then the patient:

  1. the knee is very sore;
  2. limited mobility in the joint;
  3. a swelling is formed near the neoplasm.

The danger of this type of oncology is that it rapidly metastasizes, even penetrating into the brain tissue.

But not always the reason that there was a lump under the patella, is a cancer.

It can be a benign tumor, which is often not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

Baker's cyst

This cone is localized on the inner side, just below the knee, is a capsule filled with synovial fluid. The neoplasm bulges over the skin and causes:

  1. uncomfortable sensations in the joints;
  2. limited knee movements;
  3. wedging of the leg.

Such a build-up can increase in size and exert pressure on the nerve endings, causing soreness.

Also, the blood vessels are squeezed, because of which the muscles of the lower leg do not receive the necessary substances for normal functioning, which causes numbness and weakness.

If you do not start treatment, the risk of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis increases.


Osteoarthritis is one of the causes of pain in the knee.

With this pathology, the lump is formed on the side of the knee.

The disease is characterized by degenerative-dystrophic disorders, when the cartilage tissues of the joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and the underlying bone are subject to change.

For a long time the patient does not even suspect about his diagnosis, but the problem is steadily progressing, and getting rid of it is not easy. Characteristic symptoms:

  • soreness during movements and physical exertion;
  • fast fatigue and immobility in the knee;
  • crunch and crepitation of the joint;
  • deformation changes.

Gout: a consequence of the formation of cones on the knee

The growth on the knee joint is often a sign of the development of gout, in which the purine metabolism processes are violated and the uric acid crystals accumulate under the skin.

Exacerbation of the pathology is characterized by arthritic lesion of the big toe, but then the disorder spreads to other areas, causing pain and discomfort.

It is important to start the therapy in a timely manner, because kidneys suffer from the concentration of uric acid in the body.

Schlatter's disease

The disease is referred to as osteochondropathy, often worried about adolescents engaged in active sports.

Because of severe impacts and loads on the lower extremities, a pathological complication develops, in which necrosis of a limited portion of the bone develops over time.

If the intensity of the loads is reduced and the rest is provided to the damaged area, the disease will pass without special treatment. At an aggravation of the person disturbs:

  1. swelling of the knee;
  2. pain, increasing during movements.

Vascular Disorder

Varicose veins are often accompanied by swelling of the knee.

With this pathology, often it is a question of varicose veins, with the formation formed inside the skin, below or above the knee.

The cone is not hard, has a cyanotic hue, it disappears when pressed. It is worthwhile to be alerted if this place ache a bit, as the probability of thrombophlebitis is high. Another concern:

  • weakness and severity of limbs;
  • blueing of the affected area;
  • swelling in place of bulge.

Inflammatory bursitis

The disease occurs due to inflammation of the bursa, which is an articular bag.

In case of complication, a specific articular fluid begins to be highlighted, which forms a tumorous cone of impressive size.

Pathology is localized in front, on the outside of the knee joint. As the inflammation progresses, the tumor increases in size and becomes firm.


  1. edema formation;
  2. pain and limited movements;
  3. redness and increase in temperature near the skin.

Diagnostic Methods

If a suspicious process develops inside or outside the knee, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination and find out its nature. The patient is prescribed:

  • to pass the general clinical and biochemical analysis of blood and OAM;
  • to undergo roentgenologic diagnosis;
  • to make a sonography, CT or MRI.

After the lump on the knee cap is identified, treatment is prescribed, according to the diagnosis.

Some patients ignore the symptoms and try to remove the sprouts independently at home.

But to do this is contraindicated, because even if the tumor does not disturb, it does not mean that it is safe.

Than to treat?

With an inflammatory complication, a course of complex therapy is prescribed, which includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and local anesthetics. Cysts often remove or reduce due to punctures.

With varicose enlargement, sclerotherapy or laser coagulation is performed. In addition to these methods, the patient must regularly use special compression underwear, with the help of which the blood supply of the lower extremities is adjusted.

In addition to surgical and conservative treatment, it is important for the patient to reduce the burden on the sick legs, during the period of exacerbation and therapy, to maintain bed rest.

To enhance immunity, it is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes, undergo physiotherapeutic procedures.

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Causes and treatment of knee deformities

Deformation of the knee joint rarely arises in a healthy joint - serious violations of the structure of the bone and cartilage are needed.

With such a disease as rickets, their defeat occurs due to insufficient intake of vitamin D in the body.

In children this leads to disturbances in the formation of the skeleton in the form of various osteochondropathies.

By this term in orthopedics we mean a group of diseases, which are based on a violation of the normal development of bone and cartilaginous tissues.

They can affect any joint, but more often this spine is involved in the spine, knee and hip joints.

The knee is characterized by the development of valgus or varus deformity, as well as Osgood-Schlatter disease.

The reason for the development of this disease is rickets - one of the types of avitaminosis. Vitamin D is necessary for the accumulation of calcium in bones.

With its lack in them - the skeleton becomes too "soft" and supple. While children do not go, there are no special changes in bones.

Therefore, the disease initially affects the muscles and ligaments, making them weaker.

With the first steps of children, the axial load on the skeleton increases sharply. Weakened lower limbs are unable to withstand the weight of the body, and even more so any strain.


Varusnoe change of the knee joint is characterized by a violation of the normal position of the legs. Symptoms are:

  1. The lower extremities acquire an O-shaped form, that is, they become "club-footed".
  2. If you ask the child to reduce his legs, then only the feet will be located together.
  3. At one level, only the ankle and hip joints will be located.
  4. Knees will be visible from the side and outside this imaginary line.

If we take into account the norm, in children from the moment of birth and up to the year the knees have a varous structure. From the moment of the beginning of standing and walking such a form of joint begins to be eliminated, completely passing into a normal structure by 2 years.

Is treatment possible?

Methods of conservative treatment are applied only up to five years, if the shape of the joint is not severely impaired. Methods of therapy:

  • A special orthosis is applied, which applies pressure to the knee from the side (from the outside). It allows, by artificial force, in exchange for weakened muscles and ligaments, to restore the normal arrangement of bones.
  • A full-fledged diet containing many dairy products is prescribed.
  • In addition, they take fish oil preparations and vitamin D.
  • After eliminating the deformity, physiotherapy starts in the form of therapeutic physical training, massage and ultraviolet irradiation (UVD). Massage and exercises must be carried out until adulthood. Will be useful swimming.

Valgus deformity of knee joints

The cause of this disease is also rickets. Insufficiency of vitamin D and calcium leads to weakness and underdevelopment of the osteo-ligament apparatus of the knee joint. In this case, internal lateral and anterior cruciate ligaments are involved in the process.

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When such children begin to walk, then there is an excessive pressure of body weight on these ligaments from the side.

The femur, located at the top in the joint, begins to move inwards.

This movement is aggravated by an attempt by the body to restore the support in the knee - its inner half becomes much more external.


Characteristic for this disease is the symmetry of knee injury and a combination with changes in the shape of the foot. The lower extremity acquires an X-shaped position - that is, the knees are brought together, and the shins part outward.

  • With a slight degree of deformation, the shin and thigh are still on the same line. When walking, these changes will be invisible, but when running and jumping, there is a deviation of the shin to the outside.
  • With a severe degree of ligament significantly stretched, which leads to a change in the dimensions of both halves of the joint. A characteristic lump on the knee is formed laterally (from the inside). The normal gait is broken and flat feet appear.

Treatment before deformation begins

Before the development of severe deformities and flat feet in children, conservative treatment is used. Orthopedic methods are always combined with rickets therapy.

  • To eliminate the vitamin deficiency is prescribed a calcium-rich diet (dairy products) and vitamin D preparations.
  • It is shown wearing orthopedic footwear or insoles for a long time. This measure is aimed at eliminating the incorrect position of the foot and preventing flat feet.
  • Long-term therapeutic exercise (exercises with the ball) and foot massage are prescribed. It is useful to walk barefoot on warm sand or special carpets.

Osgood-Schlatter disease

The cause of the development of this disease is the excessive load of the hip muscles on the still immature bones of the shin and knee cap.

Therefore, teenagers involved in sports are most susceptible to the development of Schlatter's disease.

They have not yet completed the process of ossification, and the ligamentous apparatus is fixed on the bones insufficiently firmly.

Athletes muscle growth processes occur much faster than in the skeleton. Consequently, a significant muscle strength leads to a sharp contraction to small detachments of the tendon from the bones of the shins. Repeated injuries and prolonged inflammation lead to the growth of bone tissue in these areas.

Clinically, Schlätter's disease is manifested since the appearance of bone spines, which injure surrounding tissues. Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  1. There is pain under the kneecap, increasing with exercise (running, jumping, squatting).
  2. Under the joint in front there is a protrusion - "lump on the knee" and swelling of the skin.

Treatment of Schlatter's Disease

The methods of therapy for Schlätter's disease are always conservative, and their effectiveness depends on the duration of the disease. Apply the following methods of treatment:

  • Initially, the unloading of the affected leg is performed. The physical load is limited, orthoses and soft knee pads are used.
  • Electrophoresis with novocaine is used to eliminate pain.
  • Inside take anti-inflammatory drugs - diclofenac, ketoprofen.
  • On the skin of the knee, warming and anesthetizing ointments are applied - voltaren, orthophene, capsicum.

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Cones on the knee: what can it be and how to restore health to the knee joint?

Only with healthy joints can a person fully enjoy life: to do what they love, to share productive leisure with their friends and relatives. The most "used" joints in the body are the knees, which every minute are subjected to a colossal load.

Sometimes on a background of hypodynamia or increased activity, a suspicious knee appears on the knee. What could it be? In some cases this symptom does not cause discomfort, but it also happens that it is a signal of a serious illness.

The first sign of any pathology of this joint is the appearance of a cone. It can be located even on the side of the patella.

Having seen any education on the knee, which was not there before, you should immediately consult a doctor. This problem is multifactorial in nature.

The cause of the appearance of a defect on the knee joint can be the following conditions:

  • Baker's cyst and hygroma;
  • bursitis;
  • Hoff's disease;
  • a meniscus tumor;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • inflammation of the tibial nerve;
  • infringement of vertebrae in a lumbar department of a backbone.

Hygroma and Baker's cyst are similar to each other in terms of symptoms and methods of treatment. The difference is that the hygroma can be found even in a newborn baby, and the Baker cyst is diagnosed, as a rule, in elderly patients over forty-five years old.

Sex also belongs to the disease: hygroma often affects the boys, and Baker's cyst - women.

Determine the causes of the appearance of cysts of this type can not be reliably confirmed. Experts believe that they are traumatic in nature. With Baker's cyst, a lump appears in the popliteal fossa, that is, behind the knee.

A common variant of cones in the region of the knee is bursitis, which is often affected by lovers of active sports. Around the knee joint are special bags (bursa), which contain a lubricating fluid.

Their inflammation causes a disease called bursitis. It can occur due to prolonged mechanical effects, trauma or infection.

Since there are several bursae around the joint, the cone may appear in several places: in front of the patella, under the patella or in the popliteal fossa.

In the list of diseases, the symptom of which is the cone on the leg behind, Goff's disease is included. It is an inflammation of the adipose tissue that surrounds the knee.

The causes of this ailment are trauma and hemorrhage into soft tissues.

The disease is diagnosed in patients of all ages, since stretches and bruises occur equally in an adult and a child.

Very often the lump under the patella is a symptom of a tumor on the knee meniscus. In this case, the patient complains of pain when walking. The cone protrudes from the front or back of the joint. Often the inflammatory process affects the surrounding tissues - tendons, ligaments and subcutaneous fatty tissue.

If the lump appears on the side of the knee, most likely, the doctor diagnoses osteoarthritis. This disease affects the cartilaginous tissue of the knee, the underlying bone, tendons, ligaments and even muscles. As a result of osteoarthritis, the patient's physical activity decreases.

Behind the knee is a tibial nerve, the inflammation of which leads to swelling of surrounding tissues and the appearance of cones. In this disease, the patient complains of severe pain in the leg below the knee.

The cause of the cone from the side or back of the knee may be infringement of the vertebrae in the lumbar spine. In this case, the source of pain is located in another area, and the patient complains of pain in the knee joint.

To eliminate swelling and swelling of the knee joint, a doctor can prescribe such medications:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen.

Ointment Diclofenac is a proven time tool for the treatment of bursitis. The drug is applied externally to the area of ​​the inflamed knee joint twice a day.

For adults and children from twelve years, a single dose is two grams. Children from six to twelve years are enough for one gram of funds for one procedure. If after a week of using the drug inflammation symptoms do not disappear, you should see a doctor.

Diclofenac has the following contraindications for use:

  1. hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug;
  2. children up to six years;
  3. damage to the skin;
  4. third trimester of pregnancy.

Reduction of pain after application of ointment Diclofenac is observed after one hour.

A popular remedy for bruising is the ibuprofen ointment. This drug, which refers to non-steroidal agents, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Ointment causes local anesthesia and disinfection of the affected area. Ibuprofen quickly penetrates into inflamed tissues, relieving pain, swelling and stiffness during movements.

Ibuprofen rubs in a circular motion in the knee joint three times a day.

The drug can not be used in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment;
  • eczema;
  • dermatosis;
  • infected abrasions and wounds;
  • third trimester of pregnancy.

When on-site application of an ointment of an itch or rash, treatment with ibuprofen should be discontinued.

Treatment of diseases of the knee joint provides for recourse to ancient folk recipes, which have long gained popularity.

The most effective are the following:

  1. horseradish-based compress;
  2. Compress from cabbage juice.

To prepare a horseradish compress, grate the fresh root of this vegetable on a small grater and steam it over low heat. Take care that the water does not boil.

After a while, apply the composition on gauze, folded in two layers, and apply to a sore spot. Top cover the lotion with polyethylene and use elastic bandage to fix the bandage.

In winter, you can use a dried horseradish root to prepare a compress.

An excellent tool for the treatment of osteoarthritis is a compress made from the juice of cabbage. Take the middle head of cabbage and cut it into pieces.

Then place the leaves in an enamel bowl and mash. To obtain juice, use a juicer.

Moistened cabbage juice gauze to the knee, cover with polyethylene and secure the compress with bandage.

To avoid the appearance of cones in front, side or back of the knee joint, observe such simple rules:

  • Do not overload the knees with excessive physical activity or excess weight;
  • perform every day a set of physical exercises to improve blood flow in the legs;
  • take precautions when traveling on inclined and slippery surfaces;
  • Do not jump from a high altitude;
  • timely treat injuries of the knees;
  • wear comfortable shoes.

If you find a knee on your knee, you need to see a doctor to find out the cause of her appearance and determine the tactics of treatment. It can be a vascular surgeon or orthopedist. For the diagnosis of tumors, radiography and computed tomography are used.

These types of studies can exclude possible fractures of bones in the event of injury. Take care of your legs and be healthy!

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