Eye drops: varieties, lists, recommendations for use

Eye drops are medicinal solutions that are intended for administration to the eye. Drugs in the form of eye drops are many, but they are not analogous, but belong to one or another group. Any drops are sterile, stable and do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye. Depending on the active substance, eye drops are used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and treat various eye diseases. Furtherconsider the most common of eye drops and the features of their use.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
    • 3.1For the treatment of infectious diseases
      • 3.1.1Antibacterial
      • 3.1.2Antiviral drugs
      • 3.1.3Antifungal
      • 3.1.4Combined
      • 3.1.5Antiseptic
    • 3.2Anti-inflammatory
    • 3.3Anti-allergic
    • 3.4Vasoconstrictive
    • 3.5For the treatment of glaucoma
    • 3.6With neuroprotectors
    • 3.7For the treatment and prevention of cataracts
    • 3.8Anesthetics
    • 3.9For diagnosis
    • 3.10Moisturizing
    • 3.11Restorative
    • 3.12Vitamin
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Eye drops are designed for the prevention and treatment of eye diseases.

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Most often, ophthalmologists prescribe drops in diseases of the anterior parts of the eye, outer membranes and eyelids.The composition of solutions includes one or several components that have a curative effect on the eyes. Eye drops can be used for such purposes as:

  • Fighting infections and viruses. In this case, they contain antibiotics and antiviral components.
  • Protection against allergies.
  • Elimination of the inflammatory process.
  • Treatment of glaucoma and lowering of intraocular pressure.
  • Feeding of eye tissues to improve metabolic processes;
  • Deceleration of cataract formation;
  • Decreased presbyopia;
  • Slowing of myopia progression;
  • The fight against retinopathy in metabolic disorders;
  • Carrying out of diagnostic procedures;
  • Moisturizing of the eyes;
  • Narrowing of blood vessels;
  • Elimination of fatigue, redness and irritation;
  • Removal of edema.

Features of preparations

All types of eye drops combine a number of common properties. An important feature of such tools is the ability to quickly penetrate the conjunctiva, the outer shell of the eye, into the departments of the eyeball located deeper.

This effect is achieved through special technologies used in the production process.

Each drug has its own peculiarities: it contains its active substance, is used for a certain purpose and enters into this or that group of eye drops.

  • Antimicrobial eye drops are used to combat all sorts of infections.This is the most numerous pharmacological group, which, in turn, is divided into several subgroups. Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal eye drops are allocated, and by the nature of the active substance - antibiotics, chemotherapeutic drugs and antiseptics.
  • Anti-inflammatory eye drops are intended for the treatment of inflammatory lesions of the organ of vision and its appendages of non-infectious nature.This group, in turn, is divided into steroidal anti-inflammatory drops (hormonal anti-inflammatory drops) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops. Both these and others can consist of several components that expand their spectrum of action.
  • Drugs designed to reduce intraocular pressure, are divided into 2 large groups: drugs that improve the outflow of intraocular fluid, and medications that reduce its production.
  • Antiallergic eye drops are designed to treat and prevent allergic reactions. The principle of action of these drugs is to suppress the start of the inflammation reaction at the cellular level or in the blockade of the receptors for histamine.
  • Vasotherapy drugs of local action relieve the symptoms of allergic inflammation, such as edema and hyperemia, and significantly reduce soreness.
  • Eye drops used for cataracts slow it down.
  • Moisturizing eye drops, or "artificial tears are designed to prevent the "dry" eye syndrome.
  • Diagnostic eye drops are used during surgical interventions.


Next we will consider the most famous and effective drugs available in the modern pharmaceutical market, which are classified according to the type of action and scope of application.

For the treatment of infectious diseases

This group is divided into several subgroups


Designed for the treatment of eye infections caused by bacteria, mycoplasmas and chlamydia.Currently, the following eye drops with antibiotics are known:

  • Levomycetin;
  • Vigamox;
  • Tobrex;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Cipromed;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • eye drops Oftakwix;
  • Normax;
  • Floxal;
  • Colistimite;
  • Maxitrol;
  • Fucitalmic;
  • Eye drops Ciprofloxacin.

We recommend that you read the instructions for using Maxitrol and the instruction for the use of eye drops Normax.

Antiviral drugs

Are intended for the treatment of viral infections. The list of these preparations:

  • Actipol;
  • Poludan;
  • Trifluridine;
  • Berofor;
  • Ottan-IMU.


Are intended for the treatment of fungal infections.Such eyes are only available in Europe and the United States on the basis of a substance such as natamycin.Also, if necessary, the eyes are instilled with solutions of amphotericin B, fluconazole, ketoconazole, flucitazine, miconazole, and nystatin.


These drugs contain in their composition sulfonamide drugs, so they are used to treat both bacterial and viral infections.The most famous drug on the basis of sulfacyl sodium is Albucid.


Are intended for the treatment of infections caused by any microorganisms: viruses, fungi, bacteria. Drops with antiseptics:

  • Ophthalmo- septex;
  • Miramistin;
  • Avitar.


Preparations of this group are divided into 3 subgroups:

  1. Drops containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents as active substances(eye drops Indocollir, Voltaren ofta, Naklof). Drops for the eyes from inflammation are often used to arrest the source under various functional conditions (fatigue, irritation, etc.) and eye diseases (infection, glaucoma, etc.).
  2. Drops containing glucocorticoid hormones. They include drops for the eyes Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Betamethasone, Prenatsid. These drugs are used to eliminate a strong inflammatory process with various eye diseases. It is not recommended to use eye drops with glucocorticoids in viral, mycobacterial and fungal infections of the eyes.
  3. Combined drops containing NSAIDs, glucocorticoids, antibiotics or antiviral agents.The most popular combined preparations are Sopraxide, drops Ophthalmoferon, Tebridex Drops.


Preparations of this group are prescribed for patients suffering from allergic reactions.Drug solutions can contain as active substances membrane stabilizers (Cromogexal, Lecrolin, Lodoxamide, Alomide) or antihistamines (Antazolin, Azilastin, Allergodil, Levocabastine, Pheniramine, Histimet and Opatonol).

We recommend that you read the instructions for the use of eye drops Lecrolin.

Antiallergic drops must be applied in courses.


They include:

  • Tetrisolin;
  • Naphazoline;
  • Oxymetazoline;
  • Phenylephrine;
  • Vizin;
  • The spersallerg.

These drugs are used only as needed to eliminate the pronounced redness of the eyes, the removal of edema and the suppression of lacrimation.

Use of vasoconstrictive drops is allowed no more than 7 - 10 days in a row.

For the treatment of glaucoma

Such drugs reduce intraocular pressure.Among them, there are drops that improve the outflow of intraocular fluid (Pilocarpine, Carbachol, Latanoprost, Xalatan, Xalacom, Travoprost, Travatan), and drops that reduce formation of intraocular fluid (Clonidine-Clopheline, Proxopheline, Betaxolol, Timolol, Proxodolol, Dorzolamide, Brinzolamide, Trusopt, Azopt, Betoptik, Arutimol, Kosopt, Xalacom.

With neuroprotectors

Preparations of this group support the functioning of the optic nerve and prevent its edema. To them carry: Эризод, Эмоксипин eye drops 2% a solution of histochrome.

For the treatment and prevention of cataracts

The purpose of these drops is to slow the development of cataracts. List of drugs:

  • Alpha-adrenomimetic - Mezaton 1%;
  • Irifrin, and 10%;
  • Taurine;
  • Oftan-katakrom;
  • Azazentacene;
  • Taufon;
  • Quinaks.

We recommend that you read the instructions for the use of eye drops Irifrin.


They are used to relieve pain in the eyes for severe diseases or for diagnostic and surgical interventions.These include the following drugs:

  • Tetracaine;
  • Dicaine;
  • Oxibuprocaine;
  • Lidocaine;
  • Inokain.

For diagnosis

Used for various diagnostic manipulations: dilate the pupil, allow to see the fundus, differentiate lesions of various tissues of the eye, etc.). Preparations of this group:

  • Eye drops Atropine;
  • Eye drops Midratsil;
  • Fluorescein.


Such funds are called "an artificial tear" in another way.

Applied with dry eyes on the background of any condition or disease. The preparations for "artificial tears" include:

  • Vidisik;
  • Ottagel;
  • Hilo chest of drawers;
  • Oxyal;
  • Systein;
  • "A natural tear."


These drugs stimulate the restoration of the normal structure of the cornea of ​​the eye, improve the nutrition of the eye tissues and activate metabolic processes in them.These include: Etaden, Erisod, Emoxipine, Taufon, Solcoseryl, Balarpan.These drops are also used to accelerate the recovery after eye burns by welding, trauma, against the background of dystrophic processes in the cornea (keratinopathy).


Contain vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other nutrients that improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye, thereby reducing the rate of progression of cataracts, myopia, hyperopia, retinopathies. The list of drugs in this group:

  • Quinax;
  • Ophthalmic catacry;
  • Catalin;
  • Vitayodourol;
  • Taurine;
  • Taufon eye drops.

Each drug has its own characteristics. To apply drops of a medical orientation it is supposed only on purpose of the ophthalmologist.

Recommendations for use

What do I need to know about the correct use of drops for the eyes?

  • Eye drops should appoint a doctor. The specialist chooses the drug to treat the disease and prescribes its dosage, which must be strictly observed.
  • If the oculist has appointed several ophthalmic preparations, you need to take breaks in 15-20 minutes between instillation.If the doctor says that drops should be applied in a certain order, do not neglect it.
  • In the pharmacy may not be prescribed by the doctor eye drops.In this case, do not follow it yourself or, on the recommendation of the pharmacist, replace them with drops of similar composition. Even if the same active substance is indicated on the bottles from different manufacturers, the eye tissues may react unpredictably to another drug. Only an expert can choose a suitable analog.
  • Strictly observe the mode of storage of eye drops, specified in the instructions to the drug.
  • Remember about the shelf life: eye drops can be used within a month from the time the vial is opened and only if the appearance, color and consistency of the solution have not changed.
  • Wash your hands when using drops to avoid infecting the eyes and try not to touch the tip of the bottle with anything.
  • Preheat the drops by lowering the closed vial into a cup of hot water or substituting it under a jet of hot water. Cold drops are absorbed badly and can irritate the eyes.
  • If you wear contact lenses, before using eye drops, remove the lenses from the eyes. You can wear them 15-20 minutes after using the drug.
  • Do not use someone else's drops or give your drug to anyone. Eye drops are like a toothbrush: they are applied strictly individually.

Causes and treatment of hemophthalmia

The causes of outbreaks in the eyes are described in this article.

All about eye drops Vitabakt http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/instrukciya-po-primeneniyu-glaznyx-kapel-vitabakt.html




Eye drops are effective means of topical use. Their area of ​​application is rather wide. Select a particular tool will help you a qualified specialist after a thorough examination of the organs of vision. For the drugs listed in the article above to have the desired effect, it is necessary to follow the rules of their application and the ophthalmologist's recommendations.

Read also about what drops to use for allergies and for barley on the eye.

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