What is this insidious disease - glaucoma?

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In ophthalmic practice, doctors often face such pathologies, which are characterized by rapid progression, but the symptomatology does not appear immediately. One such disease is glaucoma. At the initial stage of development, the disease is difficult to determine, but the clinical picture becomes apparent only with a significant development of the pathological process. Let's see what this glaucoma disease is and how to treat it.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
    • 3.1Chronic open-angle form
    • 3.2Sharp, closed-angle shape
    • 3.3Secondary
    • 3.4Congenital
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgical
    • 5.3People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

In medical terminology, the term glaucoma includes a large number of eye diseases, which are characterized by increased intraocular pressure.The result of this pathology is the gradual withering and destruction of the nerve. Glaucoma is diagnosed mainly in people in old age, although cases of development of the disease in newborns are not ruled out.

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Before appointing treatment, the doctor must understand what led to the development of the disease. In this case, influence is exerted by such factors:

  • increased pressure inside the optic;
  • elderly age;
  • ethnicity(in the Negroid race, glaucoma is diagnosed very often);
  • chronic eye pathologies;
  • trauma to the visual organ;
  • systemic pathologies, which include atherosclerosis, diabetes, cataract;
  • stress;
  • prolonged use of medications - antidepressants, psychotropic medications, antihistamines;
  • hereditary factor.

Without a properly established cause of the pathology, it can not be successfully cured


In most patients the course of glaucoma is carried out without an apparent clinical picture before the development of severe consequences with vision. The first complaints a person experiences are loss of peripheral vision.But this symptom often remains without due attention, and the pathological process begins to progress.

Sometimes anxiety symptoms develop at an early stage of the disease, which is associated with increased intraocular pressure. The signs of glaucoma are determined taking into account the form and stage of the disease.

Chronic open-angle form

A visible clinical picture may be absent, as the pathological process is accompanied by a slow development.Patients may not even suspect that they have impaired visual function, because the lesions are first received by the sites responsible for peripheral vision.In addition to slow deterioration of vision, there is no other symptomatology.

Such disturbances are more visible in people in old age, so such patients should pay due attention to regular vision testing.

Also for open-angle glaucoma are the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of central and peripheral vision is not observed evenly;
  • the field of view at a late stage of glaucoma development is narrowed, resulting in a feeling in patients that they are ascending along a tunnel.

Sharp, closed-angle shape

Distinguish this pathological process is possible by the following clinical picture:

  • severe pain in the head, which are pressing;
  • pain syndrome in the organ of vision;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • blurred vision;
  • halo formation near the light sources.
  • redness of the eye.

The presented symptomatology is not permanent. It occurs during 1-2 hours a day, and then again ceases. As soon as the patient has experienced unpleasant symptoms, this indicates the development of the process of damage to the visual function. Such a process does not have the opposite effect, since treatment should be started as soon as possible.


Affect the development of this form of pathology can such diseases as inflammation of the central shell of the visual organ and surgical operations. Symptoms similar to the previous form of glaucoma, but sometimes it can be erased by signs of the underlying ailment.


This form of glaucoma is difficult to detect, since the patient does not attend any complaints. Although some clinical manifestations are still noticeable:

  • eye enlargement due to high blood pressure;
  • photophobia;
  • external symptoms in the form of fuzzy vision;
  • increased secretion of tear fluid;
  • twitching of the eye;
  • strabismus (not always allows to determine glaucoma, but it is a sure sign of increased intraocular pressure).

Possible complications

The prognosis of the disease is not that good. If you do not start adequate and effective therapy, then a person can forever lose sight.And even with proper treatment and prevention, there is not always an improvement. About 15% of patients for 20 years lose the ability to see, at least one eye.


Glaucoma therapy is not an easy task.It is important as soon as possible to proceed to it, and still have a complex impact at once. Use for this can be medication, surgery and folk methods.


The scheme of therapy will necessarily include diuretics. The most effective is:

  • Diakarb;
  • Furosemide;
  • Triampura;
  • Veroshpiron.

More doctors can prescribe vitamin B6.The daily dosage will be 50-75 mg. Due to the supplied vitamins, it is possible to adjust the intraocular pressure.Still need vitamin C. Its daily dosage will be 5 g.

If intraocular pressure jumps do not affect adversely on visual function, the treatment may include the following drops for the eyes:

  1. Asopt. This drug serves to reduce pressure inside the eye organ. Apply 1 drop. It is characterized by high efficiency, safety. The number of side effects is minimized.
  2. Travatan. Due to this medication, it is possible to activate the outflow of intraocular fluid. Positive effect can be traced 2 hours after use. There are side effects in the form of an iris darkening.
  3. Okumol. This medicine perfectly normalizes the production of intraocular fluid. Is a beta-blocker. You can use drops in a combined reception with miotics.


The operation can be assigned to the patient only if there is no positive dynamics from conservative treatment. There are several ways to perform the operation:

  1. Laser iridectomy.The essence of this method is that the specialist performs a small hole in the peripheral part of the iris. This will normalize the pressure. Even during this operation, the angle of the front camera is opened.
  2. Laser trabeculoplasty.The essence of the method is that burns are applied to the inner surface of the trabeculae. During the operation, it is possible to expand the trabecular gaps, to stretch the trabecular diaphragm.
  3. Sclerectomy of deep non-penetrating type.With this procedure, it is possible to normalize the balance of the aqueous humor.
  4. Cycloagulation. The essence of this method in reducing the production of intraocular fluid.

People's means

Before using folk remedies for the treatment of glaucoma, it is necessary to consult a doctor

You can use home remedies in combination with medications. Such recipes remain effective:

  1. Duckweed. It must be thoroughly rinsed, crushed with a blender. Add 200 liters of vodka. Cover the container and wait 4 days. Take home medication to 20 ml each, with 50 ml of water. Another duckweed helps very well in combination with honey. Take these products in equal quantities. Take the drug 5 g 2 times a day.
  2. Nettle. It is necessary to use young plants. They chop and 20 grams of raw materials account for 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the container and wait 1 hour. Take medicine by 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  3. Aloe. From fresh leaves get juice and connect it with water in the ratio: 0. The resulting agent is used to wash the eyes. Conduct similar events 4 times a day. The total duration of treatment will be 2 weeks.
  4. Dill. Take 5 grams of dill seeds, add a glass of hot water. Set on fire and simmer for 3 minutes. Wait until the infusion cools down, filter out. Take it ¼ cup 3 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course will be 3 weeks.
  5. Collection 1.You need to make lotions using 10 grams of ingredients such as dill, cumin, coriander and anise fruit to make home remedy. All pour 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, and in the meantime, you can prepare gauze. Fold it in several layers, and when the infusion is ready and filtered, then dip them into it. Apply to eyes and keep for 30 minutes. Also, the remedy can be taken orally. Do this 100 g 3 times a day.
  6. Collection 2.To prepare the next medicine, you need to take 5 grams of plantain, birch, lingonberries, turns, nettles, sporrows and horsetail. All this is a leafy part of plants. Add 10 g of St. John's wort and 15 g of wild rose and mountain ash. On 40 grams of raw material is 700 ml of boiling water. Pour everything in the thermos and wait for the night. Drink the remedy throughout the day.


If you do not start treating glaucoma in time, it can lead to disability. And to protect themselves from this disease, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.First of all, this is an examination from the oculist. It should be regular, especially for those people who have a hereditary predisposition to ailment.

Still have to protect their eyes from overwork and overload.An important point is the abandonment of bad habits and active sports. To watch TV and be behind the monitor of the computer it is possible only pi the condition of qualitative illumination.


Eye drops from allergies

Eye drops from glaucoma and eye pressure are described in this article.

What is the eye hyphema http://eyesdocs.ru/simptomy/krovoizliyanie/gifema-glaza-prichiny-simptomy-lechenie.html




Glaucoma is a serious disease that affects the organs of vision and can lead to complete blindness. But do not think that this is a verdict. It is quite possible to cure the disease, if the patient in time to consult a doctor, will undergo diagnostics and start effective treatment as soon as possible.

Also read about cataract and macular degeneration of the retina.