Crunch joints all over the body: what to do with pain and crunching?


  • 1What if the joints crunch all over the body?
    • 1.1What are the reasons for the problem?
    • 1.2Pathological changes leading to a crunch
    • 1.3Methods of treatment
    • 1.4Other methods of treatment and preventive measures
  • 2Crunch in the joints: causes and treatment
    • 2.1What are the causes of crunch in the joints?
    • 2.2Why do the joints pop all over the body?
    • 2.3Why crunches in the hip joint?
    • 2.4What are the causes of crunch in the knee?
    • 2.5Why do you click your fingers on your hands?
    • 2.6What should I do if I crunch in my joints?
    • 2.7Recommendations of doctors
    • 2.8Physiotherapy and massage
  • 3What to do when the joints crunch all over the body: causes, treatment
    • 3.1Causes of crunching of joints
    • 3.2Risk factors
    • 3.3Symptomatology
    • 3.4Why do crunches of joints in adults?
    • 3.5Why there is a crunch in the joints of the child?
    • 3.6What should I do if there is a crunch in my joints?
    • 3.7Therapeutic process
    • 3.8Medication
    • 3.9Physiotherapy
  • 4Crunch joints all over the body: causes, treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2What are the symptoms of pathology?
    • 4.3Features of diagnosis of the disease
    • 4.4What kind of diseases shows the crunch?
    • 4.5How to treat the disease with traditional methods?
    • 4.6Is surgery necessary?
    • 4.7Physiotherapy to the rescue
    • 4.8Physiotherapy exercises for the treatment of crunch
    • 4.9Features of nutrition
    • 4.10Prevention of pathology

What if the joints crunch all over the body?

When joints begin to crackle all over the body, the causes of this can be a variety of processes in the body. Most often, this phenomenon is caused by natural physiological processes that do not threaten life and health.

No external intervention is required in this case. But sometimes the appearance of a crunch is a signal that problems have appeared in the work of the musculoskeletal system.

However, before starting treatment, you need to understand why the joints crunch.

What are the reasons for the problem?

The movement of healthy joints is noiseless, without the occurrence of any extraneous sounds. But sometimes, especially after a long stay in one position, you can feel a crunch all over your body. As a rule, no one pays attention to this. Especially if this crunch in the joints without pain.

However, over time, such manifestations become more frequent and loud, joints appear in the joint area, and even swelling may develop. The situation can not be ignored, you need to immediately understand its causes.

The most harmless reason is the natural processes inside the joint.

Long stay in one position leads to the fact that the liquid intended for cartilage lubrication, ceases to move and accumulates in the periarticular bag.

It collects gas bubbles, which burst with movement and cause the appearance of extraneous sounds.

The reason for the accumulation of gases in the cavity of the periarticular bag is not only a lack of movement. Not the least role in this process is food.

If a person prefers protein foods, his body accumulates excess protein, which is distributed to all organs and systems. The protein also enters the joint fluid.

For this reason, it thickens and can not ensure normal gliding of bones during movement. In addition, it increases the number of gas bubbles.

When moving, they fall under the joint and burst with a noise. In some cases, this situation may be a consequence of the development of inflammation.

The appearance of a crunch can be caused by active physical exertion. More often than not, professional athletes face this.

Constant active activities lead to a rapid flow of the periarticular fluid. And to form a new portion, you need a certain period of time.

And while the recovery process is going on, a crunch can be heard inside the joint.

Outside sounds can occur as a result of trauma to the joint itself, and fractures and cracks in the bones.

During the recovery period, seals can form in the damaged tissues and vessels, which interfere with the normal movement of the joints.

At this time a person can feel how his bones crackle as he moves.

Another common reason why joints in the whole body can begin to crackle is the deposition of salts.

More often than not, people who use water with a high content of mineral salts face this problem. Their excess is threatened by the fact that the cartilage and the muscle tissue that adjoins it become firm.

This makes it impossible for the joint to move normally, it causes pain and causes the appearance of external sounds.

Pathological changes leading to a crunch

Occurrence of extraneous sounds the body can signal the onset of such diseases as osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.

The development of these pathologies is accompanied by the gradual destruction of cartilage, the loss of the periarticular fluid, the bare surface of the bone.

These changes provoke the appearance of other symptoms, in the first place - pain.

Various changes in the joints most often affect people after 50 years. But sometimes young people can face this pathology. The reason should be sought in the wrong way of life.Early manifestation and progression of pathological changes occurs due to:

  • malnutrition;
  • lack of movement and exercise;
  • the formation of excess kilograms;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • suffered injuries;
  • disorders in the endocrine system and metabolic processes.

Any inflammation in the joints or arthritis, regardless of what triggered their development, may be accompanied by a crash. But this is a minor symptom of the disease.In the first place in these cases are:

  1. painful sensations;
  2. feeling of constraint;
  3. deformation of bones;
  4. the appearance of puffiness;
  5. redness;
  6. obstructed movement.

Treatment of arthritis is a long and complex process, as this pathology has many varieties.

Therefore, if the first signs occur, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe adequate therapy.

If this is not done, arthritis will develop into a chronic form, which is fraught with a complete loss of efficiency and even disability.

Methods of treatment

When a person encounters a crunch of joints all over the body, what to do is the first question that he asks himself. Before taking any steps, it is necessary to analyze what could have caused this problem.

When there is a crunch in the joints with the causes and treatment should be determined only by the attending physician. He will carry out the necessary studies and on their basis decide which joint treatment will be most effective when crackling.

But even before a doctor visits a person can ease his condition. First of all, you need to reduce the load on the sore spot. If the affected area is swollen, this may indicate the onset of the inflammatory process.

In such a situation, anti-inflammatory ointments help well. In addition, you can use drugs that help restore the structure of the cartilage.

This is a kind of building material for injured cartilage, which helps to recreate the lost volume and return the joint elasticity. These drugs are for internal use.

Before using them, you should consult a doctor, as they have contraindications and side effects.

There are several general recommendations on how to get rid of crunch in joints at home.

First you need to remove the load and ensure peace of the damaged area. To do this, you can use special fixatives or elastic bandages.

After a while, fatigue will leave, and then the pain will subside.

Do not need to be in one position for a long time, you should change it more often. If possible, every 2 hours, you need to do a little exercise. This is especially important for those who have sedentary work.

Good results are given by special gymnastics.

The entire complex of exercises developed by physicians is designed in such a way that the burden on the patient areas is distributed in doses.

A good therapeutic effect is provided by swimming and water aerobics. Water as much as possible reduces the load, facilitating the patient's condition.

Other methods of treatment and preventive measures

In addition to conventional therapy, there are other methods for treating joints. First of all, it's physiotherapy. Relieve the condition of the patient and relieve the load help various auxiliary devices.It can be:

  • canes;
  • crutches;
  • bandages;
  • knee pads.

In particularly severe cases, when drug treatment does not give the desired result, surgical intervention can be prescribed. The patient is put artificial implants, which helps him quickly return to the usual way of life.

In order not to face the problem and not look for the answer to the question, if the joints have crunched - what to do, you need to monitor your diet and lifestyle.People suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system should eat more:

  1. vegetable oils;
  2. sunflower seeds;
  3. products, which include a lot of water, for example, cucumbers.

It is necessary to control your weight, correctly distribute the load, active physical exercises alternate with rest. During the working day, you need to move more and not stay for a long time in one pose.

If even minor signs of the disease appear, you should consult your doctor. In many cases, the appearance of a crunch is the first sign of the development of osteoarthritis.

The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that in the initial stages it does not manifest itself in any way and progresses rather slowly.

However, over time, it can lead to complete destruction of the cartilaginous tissue, deformation of bones, increased friction during movement.

The effectiveness of therapy depends on the stage of development of the disease. The stronger the process of destruction, the longer and more difficult the process of rehabilitation. Remember that in the early stages of a great chance of full recovery.

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Crunch in the joints: causes and treatment

Most people believe that the crunch in the joints does not lead to anything serious. But in vain. Such a symptom is a signal that indicates the development of a pathological process in the body.

About why crunches of joints, to what doctor to address and what to do in this situation, we will talk further.

What are the causes of crunch in the joints?

Before answering the question of what joints can crackle, you need to understand a little about human physiology. So, all the joints in our body are similar in structure.

Each of them is formed from articular surfaces, which are covered with hyaline cartilage and cavity, which is filled with a small amount of synovial fluid. In other words, it is a lubricant that resists the wear and friction of articular surfaces.

In addition, the synovial fluid provides nutrition to the articular cartilage and serves as a shock absorber.

In some cases creaking and joint crunches do not always mean the development of a pathological process.

The fact is that inside the cavity with synovial fluid carbon dioxide can accumulate.

With a high degree of concentration, cotton (without pain) occurs, which many people take for a crash.

In a healthy body, this process is observed at least once in 20-25 minutes.Over this period of time, the gas is again concentrated in the cavity with the synovial fluid.

If clicking joints occurs more often than this interval, then it's time to go to the doctor's office and find out the reasons for the alarm symptom.

Why do the joints pop all over the body?

Here is a list of possible causes leading to joint crunching.

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Wear bones and joints;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Development of inflammatory processes in muscles;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Large body weight;
  • Increased mobility of joints. Most often observed in women at a young age. The process is associated with the formation of the protein of connective tissue - collagen;
  • Violation of material exchange;
  • Unbalanced nutrition. Those who have only meat, sharp, spicy and sweet foods in the menu can feel clicks all over the body;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Injuries;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder.

It is worth noting that the crunch of joints throughout the body is often accompanied by painful sensations, the inability to fully move. In addition, the symptom is almost always complemented by the irritable and depressed state of a person.

Why crunches in the hip joint?

Here are the main reasons:

  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Wear of joints, associated with age;
  • Large loads on the pelvic region;
  • Strengthening the process of deposition of salts and the subsequent formation of their foci;
  • Mechanical injury;
  • Gout and osteochondrosis;
  • Inflammation in muscles and ligaments;
  • Wear of the surface of the articulation of bones entering the hip structure.

What are the causes of crunch in the knee?

  • Gradual weakening of articular ligaments;
  • Eating harmful food, improper nutrition;
  • Excess weight;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Bursitis;
  • Arthritis, tendonitis;
  • Injuries of the legs;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Excessive physical stress on the knee joints (and legs in general).

If the joint is clicked in the knee and in addition there is swelling, redness, tissue tightening around the knee, the skin becomes hot, the pain becomes worse when walking, this is a 100% guarantee of development of inflammatory process.

In order not to crunch knee joints, manual therapists recommend performing such an exercise.

You need to sit on the surface so that your legs hang down. The body needs to be completely relaxed. Now you need to swing your legs forward and backwards at the same time. Movements should be smooth, without any tension.

Why do you click your fingers on your hands?

Fingers on hands can crackle because of injuries, arthritis and arthrosis. However, doctors say that the crunch in the fingers is not always dangerous.

It is necessary to take care when the process is accompanied by pain, redness of the skin and an increase in body temperature.

The same applies to the crunch in the wrist and jaw. If the symptom is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, then the probability of developing arthrosis in this case is quite large.

It should be said that some people also came across a crunch in the spine. The cause of this symptom may be osteochondrosis, protrusions, intervertebral hernia, trauma, curvature of the spine.

What should I do if I crunch in my joints?

The first thing to do is go to the doctor's office -arthrologist, rheumatologist or orthopedist(the same applies to the question of what to do if the joints do not crunch, but are badly hurt).

The doctor will examine the disturbing area, learn the amplitude of the motion, ask about the accompanying sensations and diagnose.

Check for the presence of a pathological process in the patient with additional diagnostic tests:

  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Ultrasound;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • arthroscopy.

If the joints have an inflammatory process, the doctor will prescribe the use of anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs and ointments.

In severe cases, intra-articular administration of glucocorticoids will be required.

Necessarily in the event that the joints are clickedhondoprotectors. These drugs restore cartilage tissue by providing them with adequate nutrition.

They include sulfatechondroitin and glucosamine. Tablets are appointed by the course. Preparations of this group should be taken for a long time - about six months or more.

It is worth noting that the most effectivechondroprotectorsat the initial stage of the disease, when the inflammatory process did not begin, or just started to develop.


Separately, we can distinguish drugs that are based on the cartilaginous tissue of fish and animals (Rumalon). They are also often prescribed to restore cartilaginous tissue and prevent its destruction.

In addition, the patient is prescribed drugs that can replace the synovial fluid -Sinocorm, Fermatron, Synvix. These drugs are injected directly into the joint itself. Treatment will give a positive effect after 1-5 injections.

Recommendations of doctors

If the inflammatory process is absent, then when crackling in the joints, doctors recommend the following:

Drink more fluids

With increasing water intake, the viscosity of the blood will decrease, which will facilitate rapid delivery of nutrients to the joint;

Moderate and correct physical activity

Due to the measured physical activity it is possible to increase the supply of articular tissues. It will be useful to walk, swimming in the pool.

Running in this case is better to exclude. In addition, it is recommended to perform light gymnastics without burdening. Do the exercises 4-5 times a day.

Gymnastics are carried out in a sitting, lying or water position;

Do not stand on both feet for a long time

An excellent option will be the re-limbing. Do not in any case, with a strong crunch of joints, jump, squat and squat.
This will avoid the destruction of cartilaginous tissues and resist the development of arthritis;


On the question of how to treat joints, doctors respond simply: "Properly eat."
It is necessary to help frequent, but moderate consumption of rich fish broth (salmon, sardine) or chilli on the basis of chicken, turkey, veal.

If the cause of a strong crunch is the accumulation of salts in the tissues, then the food should be excluded from the diet, in which contain purines (fatty fish, smoked meat, canned food, beans, meat, mushroom strong broths).

If the joints creak because of excess weight, then losing weight will reduce the consumption of high-calorie food.

Physiotherapy and massage

Physiotherapeutic procedures are very important in the treatment of joint diseases.

These manipulations are especially necessary for severe pain, poor blood circulation, spasmodic muscles, and insufficient supply of articular tissues.

So,most often these physiotherapy procedures are prescribed:

  • UFO(short-wave ultraviolet radiation) - activates metabolism in the joints, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • Ozokerite- restores mobility of joints, removes pain, improves blood circulation, provides nutrition to tissues;
  • Electrophoresison the joint area with the use of novocaine or analgin (with severe pain);
  • Phonophoresis of hydrocortisone- The procedure is similar to the intra-articular injection of the drug, relieves inflammation;
  • Diadynamic- removes muscle spasm, improves blood circulation, provides nutrition to tissues, eliminates pain, inflammation.

Mud therapy and paraffin therapy are also recommended.

Often when joints are crunched, massage is prescribed. This procedure is aimed at relieving tension from the muscles surrounding the joint, increasing their elasticity, as well as improving blood circulation.

To remove the crunch of joints, you need, first and foremost, to see a doctor.

Self-diagnosis is dangerous to health.

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What to do when the joints crunch all over the body: causes, treatment

This article describes the causes, symptoms and treatment for joint crunches throughout the human body.

Practically every personon the planet faced with such a phenomenon as a crunch in the joints.

This phenomenon can be observed in different age categories, usually a joint crunch does not pose a threat to the health of the body.

However, there are exceptions, when a crunch in the joints signals the presence of certain serious diseases.

Causes of crunching of joints

In most cases, the movement of the joints occurs, without any noise. However, there are exceptions when the joints produce a characteristic crunch sound.

The main causes of the crunching of bones are considered:

In medicine, there are two main reasons for the appearance of crunch in the joints are physiological and pathological causes.

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Physiological causes of crunching joints:

  • Vacuum cotton.It is determined in the case of a sharp separation of the joints from each other. This phenomenon occurs, mainly with any physiological exercises, stretching of hands, exercises with fingers, physical exercises of the gymnastic direction. Specialists note that such a crunch of bones does not cause any harm to the human body;
  • Too close the ligamentsrelative to the joints during the process of movement. In the case of this process, a dull sound occurs. It is caused by flexion or extension of the joints. This phenomenon can occur in such an age category as: adolescents, babies, young children.
  1. As a result of the injury;
  2. The onset of arthritis;
  3. Inflammatory process in the joint bag;
  4. The appearance of arthrosis;
  5. Established malformations of joints and bones.

The appearance of a crunch for pathological reasons is due to:

  • Changes in the properties of fluids within the joints;
  • Significant decrease in the amount of fluid inside the joints;
  • Detection of joint deformation;
  • Inflammatory process in the field of cartilage;
  • Inflammatory process in the ligament;
  • Inflammatory process in the area of ​​the synovium.

Risk factors

  1. Possessing excess weight;
  2. Wrong shoes;
  3. Age category;
  4. Use of medicines of a certain group;
  5. Flat-footed;
  6. Excessive physical activity;
  7. Not the right way of eating.


The physiological crunch is characterized by the appearance:

  • In the lumbar region;
  • In the hip part of the joint activity;
  • In the knee joint;
  • In the shoulder joint.

The physiological crunch is characterized by a periodic appearance, not accompanied by painful sensations

Pathological crunch characterized by the following features:

  1. The appearance of a crunch is quite frequent;
  2. Possibility of redness;
  3. Possibility of manifestations of pain;
  4. Possibility of swelling in the joint;
  5. It is not eliminated by repeated movements of the joint.

It is important to know that a crunch that occurs throughout the body is worth a thorough examination by a specialist in the field.

If suspected of a pathological crunch, the following diagnostic measures are prescribed:

  • Tomography is prescribed;
  • An ultrasound of the joints is prescribed;
  • A biochemical blood test is prescribed;

Why do crunches of joints in adults?

If a joint crunch occurs in an adult, it is worthwhile to consult a specialist, since this phenomenon can signal the process of the appearance of a dangerous disease.

This phenomenon in adults is due to the following main reasons:

  1. Failure in the metabolic system;
  2. Complication after the injury.

For an effective and effective treatment process, it is worth studying certain pathogenic factors.

Pathogenic factors revealed on the background of a decrease in the physical activity of the patient, the presence of pain sensations in the process of appearance of the crunch are considered.

Pathogenic factors leading to this syndrome:

  • Detection of wear of articulations of bones;
  • Features of anatomical cartilage;
  • Decreased physical activity;
  • Appearance of salt deposits, due to improper nutrition;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • The process of inflammation in the muscle tissues;
  • The emergence of hypermobility of the joints.

Why there is a crunch in the joints of the child?

The formation of bone composition in the child is not perfect and continues its activity after birth. Therefore, a small child often crunches bones, due to the process of forming and strengthening the bones of the child.

In the absence of any pathology of the joints, the crunch disappears, as a rule, at 3-4 months of the child's life. With the duration of the crunch at an early age of the child, the orthopedist should be consulted for the examination.

To date, there are the following pathogenic factors preceding the crunch in the joints:

  1. Dysplasia predominantlyin the region of the hip joint. This factor is due to the fact that in most cases, girls have water sports;
  2. Reduction of secretion in the periarticular bag.This factor is caused by the friction of the bone structures causing a characteristic crunch;
  3. Inflammatory processesin the field of cartilage, can occur due to the occurrence of childhood arthritis. With an effective treatment process in the period of early inflammation, it is possible to fully work the joints.

What should I do if there is a crunch in my joints?

In the case of a crunch in the joints without pain and short-term character, worried, it's not worth it. Demands to determine the cause of the crunch and try to eliminate it. This kind of crunch in the joints does not pose a threat to human health.

However, if there are cruncheswith painful sensations, with frequent frequency, it is necessary to seek medical help from a specialist in this field. The doctor will determine the cause of joint crunches and appoint a suitable course of treatment.

Therapeutic process

Treatment of this phenomenon can be carried out through the use of medical drugs and medical treatment course, as well as folk remedies.

Treatment is considered through the use of folk remedies. With strong crunches in the joints throughout the body, it is required to replenish the body with natural elements that are lacking in the body.

To restore the musculoskeletal process, eating is recommended:

  • Eat meals with gelatin.Gelatin contains a sufficient amount of protein and collagen. These elements help to strengthen the tissue cover of the joint parts, while eliminating the crack in the joints;
  • It is also recommended to use certain decoctions,such as: decoction from the root of the sunflower, which helps to eliminate salt accumulation in the joints;
  • Application of compresses from honey,paraffin, horseradish, black radish, clay. This kind of compresses have a warming effect, which removes pain.

Folk remedies are not recognized as medicine, but they have a great potential and are often used with the helplessness of modern medicine. Traditional medicine has been tested for centuries and brings relief and cure in many serious diseases


Modern medicine considers the treatment of this phenomenon as the use of pharmaceuticals aimed at treating joint crunches. As a rule, ointments and gels of warming and anti-inflammatory nature, as well as non-steroidal medicines are prescribed.

In case of ineffectiveness of datapharmaceuticals use intra-articular injections of glucocorticoids. For effective results, the process of removing inflammation from the cartilage is important.

For such measures, medicinal products are used, in which the following components are present:

  1. Use of drugs with chondroitin;
  2. Use of drugs with glucosamines;
  3. Use of drugs with mucopolysaccharides;
  4. Combined preparations.

In exceptional cases, anti-malarial drugs are used in medicine that serve as an anti-inflammatory agent in stopping the development of inflammation in the affected joint


Physiotherapy is one of the mandatory aspects in the curative course. Predominantly appointed after a course of taking medications to relieve the inflammation of the joints.

Physiotherapy promotes the resumption of normalization of the musculoskeletal system.

Usually at the beginning of a course of physiotherapy the following medical activities are appointed:

  • Application of mud therapy;
  • Application of ozocerite;
  • Application of injections of analgin into the joint region.

These measures are aimed at a significant improvement in nutritional value of the joint, as well as normalization of blood circulation. It is worth noting that physiotherapy is not used for acute tolerability of this phenomenon.

When there is a crunch of joints all over the bodytherapeutic gymnastics is prescribed. These activities are appointed in the presence of pain. The goal of therapeutic gymnastics is to strengthen the muscular department, without additional loads on the joint.

Based on the characteristics of the pain syndrome during joint body crunching, special physiological measures are appointed, such as:

  1. Exercises in the pool;
  2. Exercises while sitting;
  3. Exercises in a prone state.

This type of treatmentsignificantly improves the patient's condition, while not exposing the body to additional stress from drugs and excessive physical exertion. To improve the condition when the joints are crunched throughout the body, massage is also used.

A massage specially developed by specialists has the following properties:

  • Normalization of venous circulation;
  • Normalization of excitability of nerve processes;
  • Strengthen the property of elasticity in the area of ​​the muscles of the joints.

Massage actions are specially designed and effective in the treatment of this phenomenon. Massage is a mandatory appointment when crunching the joints of the body.

In case of complications after trauma, or the appearance of diseases due to joint crunches, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Surgical intervention is the application of activities such as:

  1. Application of endoprosthetics;
  2. Application of arthroplasty;
  3. Application of osteotomy.

These measures are used exclusively in cases of severe injuries and serious diseases. A specially developed diet is also used.

To mitigate the crunch, you need to eat the following foods:

  • Jelly;
  • A broth of a rich character predominantly from fish;
  • Bulking broth mainly from low-fat meat;

For the normalization of nutrients in the joints is assigned:

  1. Fresh vegetables;
  2. A variety of nuts;
  3. Legumes;
  4. You also need fruit.

If the salts are redundant in the joint, the foods containing the salt should be excluded from the diet, as well as those having increased caloric value

Prevention of this phenomenonis determined by constant monitoring of the joints, by examinations. Similarly, preventive measures include permanent physical exercises aimed at strengthening the bone marrow.

Crunch in the joints of the whole bodyguards the person and forces to ask for medical help. This reaction is completely justified and correct.

In most cases, these characteristics are not harmful to health, but there are cases when the crunch became a signal of an evolving disease or a complication after an injury.

You should refer to specialists and clarify the diagnosis when a crunch occurs, since in case of neglect of complications, irreversible consequences can occur.

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Crunch joints all over the body: causes, treatment

Problems with joints to date, almost every second person experiences. However, these people do not always attach great importance to this state. But in vain.

If you hear a crunch in the joints, then there are certain problems in the body. Naturally, it is necessary to find out why he appears and how to deal with it.

Causes of the disease

There are many reasons that contribute to the development of this problem. The crunch in the joints can be caused by such factors:

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- Wear of articulation of bones.

- The deposition of a large number of salts in the joints. This is facilitated by bad habits, low mobility and unproductive food.

- Injuries.

- Hypermobility or wrong joint structure.

- Inflammatory process in muscles, which provide movement of this or that joint.

- Heredity.

If joints crunch all over the body, then there are problems in the body that need to be addressed. For this purpose it is necessary to be surveyed at doctors.

What are the symptoms of pathology?

Among the signs of the disease can be identified as follows:

1. Actually crunching and clicking in the joint during its flexion or extension.

2. Fast fatiguability.

3. Painful sensations in the place of defeat.

4. Difficulties in movement.

Damage to the joint can also be characterized by swelling or swelling.

Features of diagnosis of the disease

Even if the clicking in the knee or elbow does not bother you or you do not feel pain, you should still contact the doctor. The longer you tighten, the more the disease will develop, which contributes to the destruction of bones.

The specialist will not only listen to your complaints, but also conduct a thorough examination. He must find out the nature of the crunch, its duration.

In addition, the doctor will prescribe an X-ray study that will show how badly the joint is damaged, and also help to establish the cause of the problem.

You may have to pass blood and urine tests to determine the amount of salt in the body. In principle, the definition of this pathology does not require a lot of time or the involvement of expensive equipment. You need to contact an orthopedist, a rheumatologist and a surgeon.

What kind of diseases shows the crunch?

If joints crunch all over your body, then you have a certain disease of the musculoskeletal system. Naturally, the localization of the defeat is of great importance. If you have a knee joint pain, then this can indicate such pathologies:

1. Disturbances of blood circulation. This is facilitated by bad habits, wearing uncomfortable shoes.

2. Gonarthrosis. This disease is characterized by the deposition of a large number of salts in the articulation. It is able to progress, especially in those people who have a large body weight.

3. Arthritis. This pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process inside the joint. Symptoms such as redness at the site of the lesion, the appearance of a tumor, and changes in body temperature can be noted.

4. Meniscopathy. In this case, we are talking about the damage to sickle-shaped cartilage, which is located inside the articulation of bones.

In any case, if you do not tackle the problem immediately, you can expect serious complications.

How to treat the disease with traditional methods?

If you have joints crunching all over your body, then the disease that caused the problem is progressing, and you need to see a doctor urgently.

Naturally, he will prescribe some medications that will help to eliminate the inflammatory process and pain, for example: Fastum-gel, Chondroxide, Diclofenac.

In addition, you will have to use those medicines that will help restore the structure of cartilage (the main active substance of such medicines is glucosamine sulfate).

Naturally, it is necessary to reduce the physical load on the affected joint of the bones. Otherwise, the joint will continue to wear out.

Please note, if joints crunch all over the body, then the disease can already be heavily launched. In this case, the doctor can prescribe a serious hormonal medication.

Of course, they have side effects.

In order to limit the mobility of patients with joints, the patient is assigned to wear special bandages or fixative bandages. To accelerate the effect of therapy, doctors practice injections inside the articulation.

Is surgery necessary?

If traditional therapy does not have a positive effect, then operative treatment can be applied.

If joints ache due to osteoarthritis, then part of the articulation or all of it is completely replaced by artificial material.

In this case, the patient can continue to lead a normal life.

If joints crunch badly and you feel pain, but you believe that you do not need to see a doctor, you know: you are very wrong.

If the disease progresses, then the stiffness of the movements can go to the complete absence of the opportunity to move. To correct this state of things will help only the operation.

For implantation, organic materials or plastic are used, which is fully compatible with the tissues of the human body.

Physiotherapy to the rescue

The causes of joint diseases can be different. For example, trauma or pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The problem can be solved not only with the help of traditional and radical methods. Physiotherapy will not be superfluous.

First of all, electrophoresis, physiotherapy exercises and manual therapy will be useful.

All these procedures are combined with the use of various orthopedic devices that are able to fix the affected joint, as well as reduce the load on it.

Warm baths help relax the muscles. Next, you need to lubricate the affected joints with a fat cream. Compresses from citrus juice and vegetable oil will be useful.

To prepare the mixture, use 5 large spoons of any oil and 1 spoon of juice. Next, moisten the bandage with a tool and attach it to the affected area. It is necessary to remove the compress after 60 minutes.

Next, massage your joint and tie it with a warm kerchief.

As for the massage, you can do it yourself. The procedure takes only 15 minutes. All receptions should be repeated a maximum of 6 times.

However, if after the procedure you feel more pain than before, then the massage should be stopped. During such therapy, several methods are used: rubbing, circular movements.

Naturally, you can use special technical devices. However, they can cause severe pain. The choice is yours.

Physiotherapy exercises for the treatment of crunch

Gymnastics - this is the main way to relieve too much strain on the affected joints. Naturally, even if you hear a crunch, you should not think that you need to sit down and eat pills. It is necessary to move. Of course, gymnastics should be sparing, and movements - smooth.

You can do exercises at any time. For example, in the morning, without getting out of bed, make a "bike" or "scissors". Also, you can pull up to your chest knees bent at the knees. This will help you wake up, activate and prepare joints for movement.

If you have a sedentary job, then you can do the gymnastics right on the chair.

For example, turning the head, tilting the sides, active movements of the hands with the use of the shoulder girdle will help you to activate your musculoskeletal system.

In addition, you can even in a sitting position to stretch your legs forward and make a "bicycle".

If after performing the exercises the joints begin to ache, then stop and rest. Do not rush or overexert the affected joints.

Features of nutrition

Of course, the treatment of crunch in the joints must be complex. That is, you have to give up bad habits and unhealthy food. For example, exclude from the menu fatty, fried and smoked dishes. Try to give preference to those products that contain fiber

Sweets are also desirable to limit. There is nothing useful in them. Your diet should be enriched with vitamins and minerals, which are used to build bones and cartilage. Limit salt intake, as it has the property of depositing in joints and making it difficult to move.

Be sure to take a multivitamin with calcium content.

Prevention of pathology

Now we'll figure out what to do to prevent the problem from appearing. First of all, it is necessary to take care of one's own health from childhood. Help you to protect yourself from crunching in the joints will help such advice:

1. Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices.

2. Try to eat right.

3. Eat more vegetable oils, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

3. Be sure to lose weight. Naturally, it affects the joints negatively, since it helps to deform them because of too much strain.

4. Do not wear heavy bags or objects. Also, do not move too fast. Otherwise, the cartilage will quickly erase.

5. For joint health, active movement is necessary. Naturally, you should not exercise until the seventh sweat.

However, you can not sit still.

If the hip joint crunches, then go for a walk, ride a bike, run, breathe fresh air and go hiking.

6. If you like to crack joints, then give up this habit. The fact is that it traumatizes the cartilage and promotes their deformation.

If you still hear the crunch, then visit the doctors as soon as possible. Perhaps there is no pathology, but it must be prevented.

That's all the features of the development and treatment of crunch in the joints. Take care of your health and enjoy free movement without pain and stiffness.

A source: http://.ru/article/165303/hrustyat-sustavyi-po-vsemu-telu-prichinyi-lechenie

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