Neurodermatitis - photos, symptoms and treatment on hands

Neurodermatitis treatmentNeurodermatitis disease is a chronic inflammatory process in the skin, which is of a neuro-allergic nature. The prevalence of this disease is 40% of the total number of all skin diseases.

They are often sick with children, and the disease, as a rule, disappears during puberty. For the first time, the symptoms of neurodermatitis a have been described in 891 and have been seen as an ailment of the skin that occurs after scratching the itchy areas.

Itching areas of the skin are quite healthy, because the problem is not in the skin, but in the itching. In the process of permanent scratching, the skin becomes more rough and covered with scales. If you stop combing your skin, it will return to normal after a while - it depends on the severity of the neurodermite. Damage to the skin can lead to inflammation and bacterial infections of its upper layers.

Today we will talk about neurodermatitis, the symptoms and treatment of this disease will be considered in this article.

Causes of neurodermatitis

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Despite many years of studying the problem of neurodermatitis, there are still a lot of "white spots" in its etiology and pathogenesis.

Maybe it's like an allergy to pillow material or household chemicals, as well as animal hair and pollen of plants and the like. In adults, the disease can provoke poor working conditions or a very strong stressful situation.

The causes of neurodermatitis can be:

  • predisposition to allergic reactions weighed down by heredity;
  • any violations in the functional work of the central nervous system;
  • stresses, depressive states;
  • mental and physical overstrain;
  • malnutrition;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • foci of various chronic infections.

An impetus to the beginning and progression of the neurodermatitis can serve as psychogenic factors, intoxications, endogenous and exogenous irritants, endocrine disorders, pregnancy, lactation, etc. The most common neurodermatitis occurs on the hands, which is treated according to the doctor's prescription.


There are 7 main types of neurodermatitis, the symptoms of each form are somewhat individual.

  1. Limited- occurs in small areas of the skin. In this skin manifestations have the appearance of plaques consisting of small papules. The skin itself becomes dry, coarse, and as if sprinkled with flour.
  2. Diffuse- characterized by rashes in large numbers and the ability to occur at any age. For inflammation is characterized by symmetrical areas of the skin, located on the neck, face, knee and elbow folds, the inner thighs, chest. Affected areas are endowed with a grayish shade, combing leads to the appearance of crusts and the formation of dense nodular formations.
  3. Hypertrophic- characterized by the manifestation of tumors in the inguinal zone.
  4. Linear- marked by itching strips on the folds of the limbs.
  5. Psoriasis- stands out seated on the head and neck, dense reddened foci, covered with crushed scales.
  6. Follicular- characterized by pointed papules on the scalp.
  7. Decalting- manifested in the hair of the body with subsequent baldness.

Symptoms of neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis symptomsIn the case of neurodermatitis, the first symptom is the appearance of a rash and severe itching in the neck. Then it spreads to the forehead, cheeks, eye lids and mouth area. The next places of localization of the rash and pruritus are the area of ​​genital organs and buttocks, elbows and knee folds.

The skin on the affected areas gets a red shade and gradually begins to peel off. In neglected cases of the disease on the skin appear tiny bubbles, leaving behind a thin, dried crust of skin.

Sometimes the itching from the neurodermite is so strong that a person can not control himself and combs all the inflamed skin, which, as a rule, begins to get wet, but quickly dry out. Neurodermatitis on the hands causes a lot of trouble due to moisture, as well as mechanical effects, which leads to aggravation of the disease.

Symptoms of neurodermatitis are more pronounced in winter, as well as in the evening, and by the summer symptomatology is relieved.

This ailment has a negative effect on the adrenal function of the patient, so his skin may be slightly darkened. The constant companions of neurodermatitis are fatigue, apathy to the surrounding world, weakness, lowering of blood pressure and lowering of blood glucose level. Neurodermatitis can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes and a number of other diseases.


Prevention of neurodermatitis is reduced to adherence to a rational diet, which involves the rejection of acute, smoked, alcoholic beverages and the like. An important role is played by timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases that can cause neurodermatitis (nerve diseases, diseases of the digestive tract, endocrine system).

Treatment of neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis in the armsMedicamentous treatment of the neurodermatitis is carried out with anti-allergic (claritin, suprastin, zirtek, etc.) and sedatives (tincture of motherwort, valerian, novopassit).

To facilitate itching, the doctor will advise using ointments containing hormones, for example, hydrocortisone ointment. Such ointments can be used for a long time.

If you want to achieve success, and really cure neurodermatitis on the hands or other parts of the body, a single medication may not be enough. It is important to observe the following rules:

  1. Observe the daily routine: limit physical and mental loads, sleep well and eat right.
  2. A good rest. A good holiday in the seaside resort.
  3. Tempering and taking a complex of vitamins and minerals, matched by a doctor. These measures will help to strengthen immunity, as well as reduce the symptoms of neurodermatitis.
  4. Avoid stressful conditions.
  5. Treat life with optimism.

If all the previous methods do not help and your condition only worsens, the doctor with neurodermatitis may prescribe hormonal therapy for oral administration and physiotherapy. Do not forget that it is possible to treat neurodermatitis with folk remedies, use: decoction of herbs for soothing itching (chamomile, St. John's wort), ointments and creams. Before using such medications, always consult your doctor.

Neurodermatitis is not a dangerous disease, but can cause the development of skin infections, the spread of which contributes to constant combing.

How to treat neurodermatitis with folk remedies

Traditional medicine has a long, centuries-long experience in the treatment of neurodermatitis. With the permission of the attending physician, you can use self-prepared, natural ointments that rub in the damaged skin, and use other methods:

  1. With a large lesion of the skin take a bath with the addition of tinctures of chamomile, string and oak bark.
  2. To moisturize dry skin, it is lubricated with oils or fats.
  3. Prepare special compresses that are applied to the affected areas of the skin. As ingredients use chamomile, calendula, cornflower, nettle, mint. Such compresses should be used until complete cure, otherwise the disease may return.
  4. In addition, with neurodermatitis use ointments with propolis, burdock, plantain.
  5. Often, medicinal tinctures of chamomile, mint, mother-and-stepmother, marigolds are used as teas, preferably on an empty stomach, in order not only to eliminate inflammation, but also to strengthen the body.

In addition, in order to effectively treat the neurodermatitis at home, a diet with restriction of sharp and smoked foods, salt, spirits is necessary.

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