Ointment for eyes VitA-POS: instructions for use

Negative exposure to external factors and activities associated with constant eye strain can trigger the appearance of dryness and burning. Any discomfort in the eyes does not have the best effect on the ability to work and the general condition, so it is very important to eliminate irritation symptoms as soon as possible and more effectively.

Ointment for eyes VitA-POS is the best for removing eye irritation. It has a good effect on the eye's mucosa and protects it from negative environmental factors. In this article, we will consider in detail the instructions for this drug, and also tell you about its indications and contraindications.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

VitA-PIC is an eye ointment based on vitamin A. Its action is aimed at eliminating dryness, burning, sensation of a foreign body in the eyes.

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These unpleasant sensations can be caused by various climatic factors (cold or hot air, wind, smoke, etc.), as well as prolonged visual load, which occurs, for example, when working at a computer, watching TV for a long time, driving a vehicle at night or wearing contact lenses.

VitA-PIC is a gel-like oily agent. It is packed in a metal tube, which contains five grams of medicine.This drug has no full analogues.

The manufacturer of the ointment is Ursafarm Artschneitmittel GmbH (Germany).

This drug is designed to be placed in a conjunctival sac from one to three times a day. It can be used at any time, but the best option is the evening. Duration of use is not limited.

To achieve the best effect, the following sequence should be observed:

  1. Tilt your head back.
  2. Push back the lower eyelid.
  3. Squeeze out a small amount of ointment (a strip no larger than a centimeter).
  4. After the introduction of the ointment, close your eyes.

VitA-POS contains vitamins A-palmitate (retinol), white petrolatum, liquid paraffin, light liquid paraffin, lanolin. Vitamin A is a natural component of the tear film. It gives the ointment a delicate, oily consistency that allows it to mix well with the tear fluid and thus causes a good tolerance of the drug. Vitamin A well affects the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, affecting the retinol-binding receptors.

VitA-PIC ointment is evenly distributed and retained for a long time on the cornea and conjunctiva, which improves the condition of the tear film and protects the cornea from drying out.When using this drug, the symptoms of discomfort (burning, dryness, sensation of foreign body) quickly disappear.

It should be noted that this ointment should not be used simultaneously with other medicines that need to be buried in the eye or buried under the eyelid.If the combination of the two means can not be avoided, the interval between their use should be at least thirty minutes.

VitA-POS can be used for three years from the date of issue, if the packaging has not been opened before. After opening, the ointment is stored for no more than three months. As for the storage temperature, it should not exceed twenty-five degrees.

VitA-PIC eye ointment is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. You can buy it for about one hundred and sixty rubles (the average cost in Russia).

Pharmacological action and group

VitA-PIC is an ointment based on vitamin A, which helps to quickly eliminate symptoms of discomfort in the eyes.

Vitamin A (retinol palmitate) is a natural component of the tear film. Its consistency, similar to oily, ensures a homogeneous mixing of the preparation with the natural environment of the eye.

Due to this, VitA-PIC is evenly distributed along the conjunctiva and the cornea, which improves the condition tear film and protect the cornea from dryness and irritation, eliminates the feeling of discomfort in eyes.

Indications and contraindications in use

Indications for the use of eye ointment VitA-POS:

  1. Improve the structure of the ocular film.
  2. Protection of the eye surface.
  3. Elimination of discomfort in the eyes.
  4. Elimination of dryness caused by prolonged visual load while working at the computer, driving at night, watching TV for a long time, wearing contact lenses for a long time.

VitA-PIC can also be used as a preventive agent.

Contraindications to the use of ointment for eyes VitA-POS:

  1. Individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug or allergic reactions.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation.

In pregnancy

Use of VitA-PIC eye ointment during pregnancy is prohibited. This is due to the fact that vitamin A (retinol) has proven teratogenic properties (capable of causing fetal mutations).

At the onset of pregnancy, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

This ointment is not used during breastfeeding, since vitamin A is able to penetrate into breast milk.If VitA-POS is used in the lactation period, then for a while you will have to interrupt it.

To small children

This drug is safe for children.

Ointment is also laid in the conjunctival sac, while the child needs to tilt the head back, and after applying the drug, slowly close and open the eyes.The dose of the drug is individual, usually children are prescribed the application of one centimeter of the eye gel from one to three times a day.


Visazergol: eye drops

Angiopathy of the retina - what it is and how to treat this article.

Amblyopia code for ICD-10 http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/ambliopiya/kod-po-mkb-10-prichiny-i-metody-lecheniya.html


Possible complications caused by the drug

VitA-PIC does not cause complications and side effects.

Very rarely, some people have increased sensitivity to the components that make up this drug.In such cases, allergic reactions may develop.

It is also possible to temporarily cloud the vision, which occurs immediately after the application of the VitA-PIC ointment. At this time, you should not drive or work with moving machinery.

Overdosing with ointment is not possible.



Ointment for eyes VitA-POS is an effective remedy, which in a short time eliminates discomfort and unpleasant sensations caused by conditioned and polluted air, wind, cigarette smoke, dust, as well as intense visual load when working at the computer, watching TV, working with the camera, prolonged wearing of contact lenses. Its main active ingredient is vitamin A. The drug has virtually no side effects on the part of the body.

But you need to remember that VitA-POS can not be used with contact lenses. Ointment should be used before bedtime, when the lenses are already removed. Do not touch the tip of the tube to the surface of the conjunctiva or eyeball, you can not break and fold the tube. After applying the funds, VitA-POS should be closed with a cap. It should be noted that VitA-PIC ointment does not have full-fledged analogs, therefore it is a unique remedy. Before using the product, it is necessary to consult with an ophthalmologist.

Also read about such drugs as Levomycetin Drops and Hydrocortisone Ointment.

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