Iridocyclitis is a complex and dangerous eye disease

Iridocyclitis is a disease that has been encountered in recent years by an increasing number of patients with ophthalmologists.This disease is usually observed in people with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and other not treated infections, as well as endocrine disorders.In this case, iridocyclitis can lead to various severe consequences, including glaucoma and complete loss of vision.In order to avoid the negative consequences of this disease and timely start its treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes and symptoms of the disease.This material will help you to do this.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Iridocyclitis is an inflammatory process of the anterior part of the eyeball. In most cases, this ailment is observed in patients 20-40 years old.

The disease can have both acute and chronic form.Most often, the wave-like nature of the course with long-term remission and low-frequency relapses.

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Manifestation of iridocyclitis

In most cases, the disease has severe symptoms for 3-6 weeks, after which it passes to the chronic stage without treatment.The exacerbations usually fall on the cold season and can be associated with overwork, stress, a decrease in immunity.With proper and timely treatment, it is usually quite easy to eliminate without serious consequences for the body.However, for this it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis when the first suspicion of iridocyclitis appears and to identify the causative agent of the disease, and their number is now very large.


Carrying out the diagnosis of this disease, special attention should be paid to the reasons for which the ailment arose, because they largely determine the method of its treatment.Most often, iridocyclitis appears against the background of other infectious diseases. To the appearance of this disease lead:

  • fungal diseases;
  • bacterial infections - leptospirosis, as well as tuberculosis;
  • viruses - herpes, influenza or measles;
  • systemic disorders of the musculoskeletal system: gout, arthritis, rheumatism;
  • chronic infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract - rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis;
  • not treated caries.

In rare cases, this disease develops as a result of mechanical damage to the eye or after surgery.

Specialists and factors that contribute to the rapid development of iridocyclitis are noted. These include low immunity, endocrine disorders of the body, stressful situations, excessive physical exertion, increased fatigue.In the presence of these factors, the disease itself often turns into a chronic form, and the risk of development along with it complicates greatly.


Regardless of the causes that led to the appearance of iridocyclitis, the disease in the vast majority of cases gives the same symptomatic picture. It can be distinguished by such characteristic features:

  • painful sensations of varying degrees of intensity, especially when pressing on the eyeball(the main symptom of the disease);
  • blurred vision(shroud effect before the eyes);
  • swelling of the iris, leading to a narrowing of the pupil;
  • photophobia;
  • vasodilation of the eye, redness of the protein;
  • change in color of the iris(it can acquire red, reddish or tint for this disease), smoothing out the figure itself.

Also, along with specific symptoms of iridocyclitis, common signs such as dizziness, fatigue, fatigue are often observed.In addition, the symptoms of concomitant diseases can be pronounced.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the symptoms of uveitis of the eyes.


At the first appearance of the symptoms of iridocyclitis, it is necessary to urgently contact the ophthalmologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.Such diagnostics should include:

  • General analysis of blood and urine;
  • Palpation of the eye, general examination;
  • Tests on visual acuity;
  • Ultrasound of the eye;
  • Check of intraocular pressure.

To more accurately determine the cause of the disease, it is often necessary not only to undergo a ophthalmologist, but also to visit other doctors: an allergist dermatovenerologist, rheumatologist, dentist and others.

Having a complete conclusion on the hands of various doctors, a specialist ophthalmologist will be able to deliver the most accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.


Depending on the patient's condition, the dynamics of the disease, as well as the causes of the onset, the patient may be prescribed conservative, planned or surgical intervention:

  • Conservative treatment is most often prescribed at the first symptoms of the disease, as well as for the prevention.It includes the administration of mydriatic and antihistamines. If the disease can not be prevented, the doctor will prescribe scheduled therapy.
  • A planned treatment option is carried out in a hospital and can be based on antibacterial or antiviral therapy(depending on the cause of the disease). The patient is most often prescribed eye drops, injections, taking fortified preparations. Detoxification of the body can be prescribed, as well as various physiotherapeutic procedures, including laser therapy, electrophoresis.
  • Surgical intervention is assigned to the patient in cases where adhesions are observed, as well as secondary glaucoma of the eye.In the event that the disease occurs in an acute form, accompanied by suppuration and deep lesions of the membranes, the doctor can prescribe the removal of the eyeball.

Remember that iridocyclitis is a specific serious and quite dangerous disease for the organs of vision.

That is why when it occurs, it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication, even if earlier You had similar symptoms, and you were already taking medications that in your case were are effective.For a successful outcome of the disease, you need to consult a specialist again in case of new symptoms.

With strict implementation of the recommendations of the attending physician, complications can be avoided and iridocyclitis cured in a short time.


The lack of systematic treatment of iridocyclitis very often leads to serious complications.One of the most dangerous in this case can be a complete pupil infestation, hence - loss of vision.The chronic form of the disease can lead to such sad consequences:

  • atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • secondary glaucoma;
  • progressive reduction of visual acuity;
  • complication of cataract.

These complications are usually observed with prolonged chronic course of the disease, as well as in cases when iridocyclitis is associated with other diseases, including fungal and microbial diseases.They have worse prognosis than iridocyclitis itself, then it is so important not only to follow the recommendations of the treating doctor to eliminate the inflammation of the anterior part of the eye, but also closely monitor the dynamics of the development of the disease and, if any deterioration occurs, immediately turn to specialists, while the new problem can still be fairly quickly liquidate.


Iridocyclitis is a disease that is much easier to prevent than treat. Effective prevention of this ailment involves the following measures:

  • strengthening of immunity;
  • Prophylactic examinations at the doctor of the ophthalmologistevery six months for chronic diseases and general examination of the state of the organs of vision;
  • timely treatment of acute infections, including influenza, herpes, as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Remember that iridocyclitis is a disease that can go on in a chronic form. That is why after the termination of its treatment (if it took place) it is necessary to take all preventive measures, so that in the future the disease again did not make itself felt.


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As you can see, iridocyclitis is a rather complicated ophthalmologic disease that requires systemic serious treatment.It is on par with such serious diseases as cataracts, where its treatment is problematic enough and in most cases surgical intervention is used.However, with timely access to a doctor, predictions for the cure of iridocyclitis are very good.That is why it is worth very carefully monitor the health of your own eyes and at the first symptoms of this disease without deposits, contact specialists.In any case, if you notice a blurred vision, feel pain when you blink, a constant headache, you should consult a doctor.Perhaps these are the symptoms of glaucoma.

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