Do they join the army with osteochondrosis?


  • 1Do they join the army with osteochondrosis? Commitment to service
    • 1.1Assessment of the degree of lesion in osteochondrosis
    • 1.2Osteochondrosis and category "B"
    • 1.3Intervertebral osteochondrosis
    • 1.4Osteochondrosis of the cervical department: are they taken into the army?
    • 1.5Lumbar osteochondrosis and the army
    • 1.6Methods of diagnosing osteochondrosis
    • 1.7The procedure for obtaining the expiration category "B"
  • 2Do they join the army with osteochondrosis? Categories of fitness for service in the army
    • 2.1Description of the disease
    • 2.2initial stage
    • 2.3Serious problems
    • 2.4Postponement
    • 2.5Reality and Promises
    • 2.6Cervical osteochondrosis
    • 2.7Definition of the expiration category
    • 2.8Category "A"
    • 2.9Category "B"
    • 2.10Category "B"
    • 2.11Category "G"
    • 2.12Category "D"
  • 3Do they serve with osteochondrosis in the army?
    • 3.1Osteochondrosis: features of the disease
  • 4Will they join the army with osteochondrosis
    • 4.1Fitness categories
    • 4.2Degrees of disease and shelf life
    • 4.3When can they join the army with osteochondrosis
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Obligatory conditions of unfitness
    • 4.5Army and osteochondrosis of cervical department
    • 4.6Intervertebral osteochondrosis
    • 4.7Why the army and vertebral pathologies are incompatible
  • 5Are they taking the army with osteochondrosis
    • 5.1Fitness categories
    • 5.2In what case can they join the army with osteochondrosis?
    • 5.3Degrees of osteochondrosis and categories
    • 5.4Degrees of osteochondrosis
    • 5.5Cervical osteochondrosis
    • 5.6Breast department
    • 5.7The lumbar division
    • 5.8What documents and surveys are needed?
    • 5.9How do army loads affect the disease?

Do they join the army with osteochondrosis? Commitment to service

Obtaining a military ticket for osteochondrosis is rare, more often conscripts with this diagnosis are expected to be sent to the army and a year of military service.

But in exceptional cases, the military registration and enlistment office can release a young man from conscription, if a young man can prove that the disease will interfere with the performance of military duty.

In itself, osteochondrosis is not a reason for assigning categories of validity "B" or "D". Even with scoliosis and osteochondrosis, military service may be the future of a conscript for the coming year.

However, if it is a question of the late stages of the development of the disease, the military registration and enlistment office can not only give the conscript a respite, but also completely free him from draft.

Table 1. Degrees of osteochondrosis and degree of fitness for the army

Power Description Main symptoms Shelf category
1 Cracks and tears at the base of the disc - crunching in the joints headaches discomfort when in one position no back pain "B"
2 Lack of stability in affected segments - Sharp back pain Reduction of the volume of movement on the X-ray visualizes the salt deposits "B"
3 Rebirth and proliferation of bone tissue, the formation of osteophytes - severe back pain spreading pain in the leg or arm gravity when moving numbness of fingers pressure increase "G" or "B" (by the decision of doctors)
4 Complete defeat of bone tissue, entrapped by vessels and nerve endings - change of posture muscle weakness and spasms frequent vasospasms of internal organs and systems dysfunction "D"

Assessment of the degree of lesion in osteochondrosis

The Schedule of Diseases outlines the main parameters that must be measured to determine the degree of spinal cord injury and the negative impact of the disease:

  • how quickly pain and frustration begin to manifest in a fixed vertical position;
  • the percentage of the amplitude of the spine in all three sections (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) is limited by what percentage;
  • impaired motor function;
  • decrease or loss of sensitivity.

If the pain is moderate, occur over a long period of time, and decreased mobility spine does not exceed 20%, then we can talk about the eligibility of the draftee for service (category "B").

An example from our legal practice The invader with osteochondrosis appealed the decision of the conscription commission and received a military ticket with the category of validity "B". What to do if you are summoned to the army for osteochondrosis, read in the section "Our practice".

Osteochondrosis and category "B"

The "B" category means that the conscript has significant health problems that prevent him from serving in peacetime. To receive it, the draftee must have serious deviations:

  1. presence of intervertebral hernia;
  2. attacks of pain during physical exertion;
  3. well visualized on the X-ray of the deformation of the spine.

Intervertebral osteochondrosis

The stage of osteochondrosis, at which serious changes in fibrous tissue occur, is called the intervertebral.

This is quite a serious violation, which can cause a category "B" (exemption from service, write-off to stock).

Diagnosis of this disease is carried out exclusively with the help of radiography. The pictures describe:

  • degree of deformation of the spine, a decrease in the intervertebral space;
  • presence and localization of salt deposits;
  • violation of the position of the vertebrae relative to each other with a clear visualization of their shape;
  • degree of decreased mobility of the spine in the affected segment.

The disease is considered serious if such abnormalities are detected:

  1. destruction occurs immediately in 3 or more disks;
  2. severe, severe pain during exercise;
  3. a noticeable deformation of the spine.

If, with other manifestations, there is no pain, the commission can consider the issue of assigning a B4 category to a recruit.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical department: are they taken into the army?

A sedentary lifestyle, the deposition of salts, trauma and other diseases lead to the defeat of the cervical spine. The intervertebral disc loses its elasticity, the fibrous ring first cracks, and in the absence of proper treatment it breaks.

Pathology has severe symptoms:

  • pain, crunch and a feeling of fatigue in the neck;
  • headache;
  • numbness of limbs;
  • noise in ears;
  • decreased visual acuity;

The reasons why the cervical osteochondrosis does not take the army with the disease, is the specificity of its complications. At the initial stages, the anomaly brings insignificant discomfort.

If refusal of treatment results in intervertebral hernia, radiculopathy and spinal artery syndrome. The formation of bone outgrowths promotes partial or complete loss of mobility.

In the case of squeezing the spinal cord, the patient is threatened with paresis, paralysis or death.

The answer to the question "do they take into the army with cervical osteochondrosis" depends on the stage of development of the disease. In the Schedule of illnesses the following conditions are given, under which the osteochondrosis of the cervical region and the army are mutually exclusive.

In the presence of instability, the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine of the army is absolutely incompatible.

The military registration and enlistment office recognizes young people as unfit for an appeal and completely exempts from military service.

Contraindicated in the diagnosis of "cervical osteochondrosis" army and in the event that the disease accompanied by a persistent pain syndrome, and in the field of intervertebral articulations appeared multiple proliferation.

You can also get a military health ticket if you have three or more affected intervertebral disks, if heavy physical exertion is present pain syndrome, and pathology has pronounced anatomical signs deformation.

In the latter case, with the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis whether the army will take, depends on whether the recruit can confirm the presence of pain syndrome. If there are no records of a neurologist in the outpatient's card that confirm complaints of pain, call-ups can not be avoided.

In other cases with the diagnosis "cervical osteochondrosis" is taken into the army, since the symptomatology of the disease at the initial stages does not prevent the passage of the service.

Lumbar osteochondrosis and the army

Lumbar osteochondrosis affects the cartilaginous tissue of the spine and intervertebral discs in the lumbosacral section. It is also characterized by the drying of the discs, protrusion and complete or partial disruption of the integrity of the fibrous ring.

Whether they take the army with lumbar osteochondrosis, depends on the violation of the functions of the spine and the clinical picture of the disease.

Among the main symptoms: a feeling of fatigue, tension in the back, stiffness of movements.

As the distance between the discs decreases, the nerve roots become trapped. Begin severe pain in the lower back.

If you refuse treatment, the disease develops. Appears protrusions - protrusion of intervertebral discs beyond the spine.

Then the pathology passes into the vertebral hernia. In severe cases, leads to sciatica and the "Ponytail" syndrome.

With complications, there may be a violation of urination, impotence, paralysis of the lower limbs.

With the development of complications, the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine and the army are incompatible.

The disease is accompanied by deep para- and tetraparesis with impaired sphincter function, in the presence of a syndrome of lateral atrophy sclerosis, severe pain syndrome, statodynamic disorders after prolonged treatment in the hospital, corresponds to the category "D".

Category "B" is exposed under conditions similar to the release of osteochondrosis of the cervical region:

  • lesions of at least 3 vertebrae;
  • pain syndrome;
  • anatomical signs of deformation.

In the absence of at least one of the above conditions, the answer to the question: osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, whether taken to the army, will be positive.

Methods of diagnosing osteochondrosis

To prove the medical commission the presence of osteochondrosis and the degree of its development, there should be x-rays. On them, the neuropathologist will assess:

  1. the degree of displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other;
  2. The presence of salts in the structure of the disk;
  3. the dynamics of the spacing between the vertebrae and the size of the discs;
  4. change of spine functions in dynamics and statics.

The attending physician will assess the changes, give his conclusion about the extent of the lesion, the possibilities to receive physical loads, their appearance. It is very important that the doctor describe the diagnosis as indicated in the Schedule of Diseases.

The procedure for obtaining the expiration category "B"

The medical commission, which the inductee passes, must, according to available data and documents, assess the degree of his readiness for service. There are no new diagnoses here.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for an examination in a military registration and enlistment office in advance. To do this, you need to contact your doctor to prepare all the necessary documents, perhaps, appointed "fresh" examinations and stuff.

To the military registration and enlistment office it is necessary to provide such certificates and extracts:

  • all cases of treatment with pain syndrome recorded in the outpatient card (the more such complaints there are, the less questions the doctors of the commission have about the severity of the condition);
  • described X-ray images, MRI or CT results showing spinal deformities, changes in vertebral spacing, and other characteristic abnormalities;
  • epicrisis with the treatment described and its results.
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Only the military medical commission will be able to unequivocally answer the question of which category of fitness will put and what will be the decision on the call for the diagnosis of osteochondrosis: whether taken into the army or exempted from service.

A source:

Do they join the army with osteochondrosis? Categories of fitness for service in the army

Osteochondrosis - a disease that occurs in citizens is not so rare. Now it is found even in young people.

Do they join the army with osteochondrosis? Or you do not have to worry about fulfilling your military duties? Every recruit should understand this. The so-called categories of validity exist in Russia. They indicate the state of health of a citizen.

What can be said about fitness for service, and also about how much osteochondrosis interferes with the performance of military duty?

Description of the disease

To begin with it is necessary to understand, about what disease there is a speech. Understanding how serious the disease is will help to judge the suitability of a citizen for service. In Russia, only healthy citizens are drafted into the army. Serving can be citizens with minor injuries and illnesses.

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, which most often occurs in people under 30 years old. A peculiar displacement of the spinal discs.

Over time, there is swelling of the limb and pain. Disease in the initial stages does not carry any significant danger.

Therefore, citizens are interested in whether they are taking to the army with osteochondrosis.

initial stage

The first thing you should pay attention to is the stage of the disease. This is an important point. After all, osteochondrosis, as already mentioned, is not dangerous at the initial stage. Many do not even know that they have a similar disease.

Do they join the army with osteochondrosis? When it comes to the initial stage of the disease, in which there are no serious displacements of the intervertebral discs, they will be taken to the service.

True, they will assign a special category of validity. Or rather, the one that many want to see in a military ticket. It's about category "B". More on it a little later.

Accordingly, the initial stage of the disease is not a contraindication for service in the armed forces of the country. And citizens with such a disease will be in the army on general terms with those who have no diseases, and with other citizens with the category of validity "B".

Serious problems

It is worth paying attention to the fact that with more "neglected" stages of osteochondrosis, the issue of comissioning or assigning a category of unfitness to a citizen is decided on an individual basis. The ailment, which occurs without significant symptoms, is not an indicator for release from service. But everything is not as simple as it seems.

Do they join the army with osteochondrosis? In serious stages of the disease - no. But for this, 3 departments of the vertebrae should be displaced. Or strongly deformed spine. And thus in the field of a back strong regular pains should appear.

If a citizen was drafted into the army and such complications arose there, the youth will be commissar. And the military ticket is issued in accordance with the established form.

In fact, it will be considered that the citizen has served his time. In this case, the military ticket will indicate that the person is just comic.

And the reason for sending home is also prescribed.


Osteochondrosis and the army are compatible. But not always. Sometimes, in the presence of moderate disease, you can get a small delay from the service. Usually it is provided for a year.

Then you have to go through the commission again. If the diagnosis is confirmed, there is no improvement, the citizen again receives time for the treatment of the disease. After all, osteochondrosis can be cured.

It is problematic, but it is possible to do so.

In some situations, you can generally wait for the end of the draft age with the help of certain postponements. And then, as a rule, a citizen will be issued a military ticket with a note that the former draftee had osteochondrosis.

Everything is official and honest. Accordingly, the question of whether the army is taken with osteochondrosis is decided individually. But, as practice shows, most often this disease is not a hindrance to conscription.

Reality and Promises

And what do conscripts themselves say about the disease being studied? Can I not serve in the presence of osteochondrosis? Serious forms of ailment are not so common. Usually they take place closer to 30 years. Therefore, at 18, it is unlikely that a citizen will suffer from severe back pain. Accordingly, the appeal will not be canceled.

Many recruits indicate that in reality with osteochondrosis "slough" from the army does not work.

Military commissars quite often do not consider this disease as a serious illness. Just like gastritis. Accordingly, people will be called upon.

But in case of serious complications, as has already been said, comission will be put.

Cervical osteochondrosis

But this is only what is connected with the back. There is still such a thing as cervical osteochondrosis. Not so common disease, but it still occurs in practice.

As a rule, with this ailment, the displacement of the cervical divisions does not bring discomfort. There is a fracture of the arch of the vertebra, which then can not properly grow together.

But again, no such signs show such signs.

Are they taking in the army with osteochondrosis of the cervical department? Yes. But, as in the case of vertebrates, when observing serious pains or displacements, one can hope for a respite from the army, comissioning or complete exemption from service. At the appeal the category of validity "B" is assigned.

Definition of the expiration category

But now you can think about such a point as the category of validity. This is an extremely important nuance that every draftee must know. What is generally called the expiration category?

Each draftee has his own peculiarities of health and disease. There are practically no perfectly healthy young men now.

The category of validity is a way of determining the possible activity of a person in the service in the army.

Each conscript gets a certain category after passing a medical commission. It is indicated in the military ticket.

Categories of fitness for service in the army can be different. Some citizens can only serve in wartime because of their health characteristics.

Someone is officially released from the army because of certain diseases.

To take all this into account, a certain system of assessing the health status of recruits was invented. What can we say about it?

Category "A"

"A" is the first category of conscripts. It is rare. As practice shows, to it carry only citizens with ideal health. Such people are fully fit for service in the armed forces. They can be summoned to any troops.

In some cases, the category is assigned to citizens with suffered fractures, concussions or those with minor visual impairments. Most often, citizens with similar health are considered to be sent to serve in the Presidential Regiment.

Category "B"

The next variant of development of events is a suitability to service with insignificant restrictions. Such citizens are assigned category "B".

As a rule, in this situation it can be said that a citizen is fit for the army service in part.

He has medical opinions about certain diseases, which do not impede the performance of military duties.

What can be attributed here? For example, problems with eyesight. If a person has vision no more than "minus" 6 diopters, he will be drafted into the army, but with some limitations. You can not send such conscripts to certain troops of the armed forces.

Category "B"

Category "B" in the military ticket, which means? This option is encountered in practice more and more often.

This is the category of the citizen's age of military age, which is appropriated in the presence of certain diseases that do not interfere with the performance of military duty.

But at the same time in peacetime such a person will not serve. That is, you can get rid of the army.

Category "B" in the military ticket, which means? This is a kind of liberation. During military operations in the country, a citizen will be called up for service. But in peacetime he will not be called to perform military duties. In fact, this release is legal.

The conscript is issued a military ticket with the appropriate note. We can say that this category sounds like "only fit in wartime". Indications for its appropriation - the presence of certain diseases.

Their list can be clarified by doctors, as well as by the law "On Military Duty."

Category "G"

What does category "G" give? This is a temporary exemption from military service. For example, due to mental abnormalities or diseases that need to be adjusted. A peculiar indicator of the delay.

In this case, the category is assigned on average 6-12 months. It can be prolonged if the disease does not pass through the specified period of time. Or it is changed to a different category of fitness.

Category "D"

"D" - absolute worthlessness to the service. This is the category people want to get. Although many prefer to stay at "B". There is a list of diseases, which are the reasons for assigning the category "D".

In addition to a military ticket, a citizen in the passport is given a corresponding mark. It is necessary in order to impose some restrictions on activities.

For example, people with category "D" can not serve in the armed forces under contract or work in government structures. The list of diseases that contribute to the assignment to this group is diverse.

Usually, these are serious chronic diseases. Even poor eyesight can cause a category "D".

A source: http://.ru/article/274916/berut-li-v-armiyu-s-osteohondrozom-kategorii-prigodnosti-k-slujbe-v-armii

Do they serve with osteochondrosis in the army?

  • Osteochondrosis: features of the disease
  • In what cases can they be commissarized for osteochondrosis?
  • VVK (Military Medical Commission)

Many young people and their parents are worried about the question: can the army bypass the draftee with a side when diagnosing an osteochondrosis? We will try to find out whether the army and osteochondrosis are compatible. But first we need to consider the characteristics of the disease itself.

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Osteochondrosis: features of the disease

Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the spine, in which structural and dystrophic disorders occur in cartilage joints. Such a deformity can be affected by any joint, but most often it is affected by intervertebral discs.

The disease can be localized at any point of the spine. Therefore, osteochondrosis is divided into 3 types: lumbar, cervical, thoracic.

In most people, the disease is observed in the region of the spine, since it is the main load that is responsible for it. There are 33-34 vertebrae in the vertebral column of the person.

The main function of the intervertebral discs is the connecting one, the damping and providing the mobility of the function are not less important.

With poor blood circulation, a sufficient number of nutrients do not enter the vertebral discs, because of what they lose the necessary moisture, shrink in size and become less elastic and elastic.

With a heavy load, the disease can develop and lead to an intervertebral hernia.

The hernia is formed as a result of the displacement of the gelatinous nucleus (the center of the intervertebral disc) and the rupture of the fibrous ring, which leads to very severe pain attacks.

Further, the intervertebral hernia provokes displacement of vertebrae, deformation of the spine and pinching of blood vessels and nerve endings. With age, the patient has an osteochondrosis, the spine deforms even more, and bone growths form on the damaged vertebrae.

Today, due to computerization and a sedentary lifestyle, osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases. They suffer about 80% of the population.

In the early stages, this disease is not dangerous, so in this case it can not be the reason for release from military service.

But in many young people osteochondrosis begins to progress already by 18-20 years, which is quite grounds for concern of many parents and raises the question: are they taking osteochondrosis? After all, in the army, employees have to experience great physical exertion, which sometimes is beyond the strength of a healthy person. And this can lead to serious complications of the disease, which as a result will affect the other organs and functions of the body.

So, a conscript suffering from osteochondrosis is unsuitable for military service if he has the following symptoms:

  1. At least 3 intervertebral discs are affected.
  2. Maintenance of physical exertion with painful attacks.
  3. Repeated treatment in a medical institution with complaints of pain in the area of ​​localization of the disease. Appeals must be documented in the patient's medical record.
  4. Signs of anatomical deformations, confirmed by an X-ray.

The final decision on the suitability of the conscript to the army is given by an independent military medical commission, which conducts a thorough examination of the young man.

For this, she sends the draftee to many highly specialized doctors. In case of suspicion of osteochondrosis, a referral to the radiologist, neurosurgeon, neurologist and traumatologist is given.

After that, the state of health of the draftee is assessed according to the degree of suitability:

  • A - completely suitable;
  • B - partially suitable;
  • B - can only serve in wartime;
  • D - is temporarily not subject to conscription;
  • D - absolutely not suitable.

In itself, osteochondrosis is not a reason for being released from military service. Contraindications are diseases that caused the development of osteochondrosis.


The nature of these deformations is revealed with the help of an x-ray photograph by a radiologist.

Also, with osteochondrosis, there may be disorders of the nervous system, which manifest themselves as complete and partial paralysis of the limbs.

Diagnosis of these pathologies is performed by a neurosurgeon and a neuropathologist with the help of special studies.

A source:

Will they join the army with osteochondrosis

page »Diseases of the spine» Osteochondrosis

Service in the army implies significant physical exertion and nervous experiences, and only a tempered organism can withstand all this.

Since many young people are now facing pathology of the musculoskeletal system, the question of whether or not they are being taken into the army with osteochondrosis is increasingly being asked. We will tell whether this affliction is compatible with the army.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, thoracic and lumbar is now recognized almost common pathology of the motor apparatus and complicates the lives of people of all ages, including number of young men.

Fitness categories

Is the conscript, who has certain illnesses, suitable for military service, is determined only by the military medical commission.

Before making a final decision, the young man is sent for various consultations and examinations.

He will definitely need to go to an appointment with narrowly specialized doctors: a neurosurgeon, a radiologist, a neurologist.

At present, fitness for the army is determined by the following categories:

  1. "A" is wholly healthy and fully suitable for the army;
  2. "B" - only partially suitable;
  3. "B" - good only during the war;
  4. "G" - the draftee is temporarily not subject to service;
  5. "D" - is completely not subject to an appeal.

Degrees of disease and shelf life

Since the youth appeal is held twice a year, it is important to know at what stages of development of the disease young people are being taken into the army.

In most cases, the postponement is given by the military commissariat when the ailment is at late stages of development and affects negatively even on the quality of everyday life.

  • Stage I. At her in the basis of the disc begin to appear cracks and tears, the patient will suffer from periodic headaches and discomfort when in the same position for a long time time. Since at 1 degree of osteochondrosis painful sensations in the back are usually absent, the young person will most likely be assigned the category "B".
  • II stage. Affected areas will be in an unstable position, the young man will experience severe sharp pains, mobility will also be partially limited. When diagnosed on the x-ray, salt deposits will be visible. At 2 degrees of osteochondrosis, category "B" is also most often assigned.
  • III stage. Bone tissues gradually begin to expand, back pain intensifies and begins to give in the limbs. During the movement, patients can feel a feeling of heaviness and numbness, many also have hypertension. At 3 degrees of osteochondrosis, young people are usually assigned the category "G" (in some cases, "B").
  • IV stage. The vertebrae and discs are almost completely affected, in the posture there are significant changes. The patient develops dysfunction of some internal organs, severe muscle weakness and problems with blood vessels. At this stage of the disease the young man is considered unfit for service in the army.

Unfortunately, in practice, there are often cases when doctors make the wrong diagnosis, especially often if a young person develops a polysegmentary osteochondrosis, which in the early stages is masked for various diseases of the internal bodies.

The danger of this ailment lies in the fact that, due to the difficulties of diagnosing, it often leads to disability.

When can they join the army with osteochondrosis

Service in the army is completely contra-indicated only in the event that the commission has sufficient reasons for adopting this decision. Conscripts can only be commissarized if the following abnormalities are detected during the diagnosis:

  1. Limited spondylosis, the main feature of which is the deformation of the vertebrae and elements of the spinal column. Exemption from service is given only if the disease affects at least 3 vertebrae.
  2. Intervertebral osteochondrosis. If the ailment affects more than 3 disks, the young man can also hope for a delay.
  3. Deformation of the spine, accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome. Painful sensations in this case should occur even with minimal physical exertion.

If the subject suffers from any of the aforementioned complications, the commission finds it unsuitable and will be able to "slice" off the army.

To understand how much pronounced spinal dysfunction, physicians will consider the following points:

  • If the draftee will just stand or sit, the illness will make itself felt even in this case. Her symptoms will begin to appear after a few hours.
  • How much the amplitude of movement of the spine is severely limited. With strong deviations, stiffness may be manifested in all departments.
  • The presence of motor dysfunction, decreased sensitivity and decreased tendon reflexes.

If thoracic or lumbar osteochondrosis provokes tolerable pain that occurs with a certain periodicity, and mobility is broken by no more than 20%, the doctor most likely recognizes a young person suitable for the army.

Obligatory conditions of unfitness

In order for juvenile osteochondrosis to be confirmed, the young man's card must necessarily be multiple visits of physicians with complaints of back pain during sports activities or physical exertion. In addition, the X-ray must confirm the following facts:

  1. The presence of mobility disorders.
  2. The presence of pathological changes that adversely affect the structure of the spinal column.
  3. Displacement of the vertebrae, which resulted in a decrease in the distance between the discs.

It is necessary to understand that in most cases, the 1st stage of the disease does not practically give its owner discomfort. The illness begins to make itself felt only in 2 stages. But if, at grade 2, the illness is not accompanied by a certain symptomatology, the army will not be able to escape.

Army and osteochondrosis of cervical department

Getting various injuries in adolescence, a sedentary lifestyle, the presence of chronic diseases - all this significantly increases the risk of damage to the cervical spine. Due to such changes, the intervertebral discs lose their elasticity, and cracks appear in the fibrous rings.

If there is no timely treatment, the ailment can not only move to more serious stages, but also cause complications. The following symptoms are a true sign of the presence of cervical osteochondrosis:

  1. constant feeling of fatigue in the neck, painful sensations and crunch;
  2. periodic headaches accompanied by noise in the ears;
  3. numbness of limbs;
  4. deterioration of vision.

Despite the fact that cervical osteochondrosis is the most innocuous form of this disease, he is often not taken into the army, because the disease is almost always accompanied by complications and can even lead to the formation of intervertebral hernia.

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If bony growths begin to form on the spine, this will not only limit the mobility of the patient, but can also lead to paralysis or lead to death.

Is a young man with cervical osteochondrosis good for service? It all depends on the stage at which the pathology is located and whether it is combined with other diseases.

Intervertebral osteochondrosis

The disease that causes lesion of fibrous tissue in medicine is called intervertebral osteochondrosis.

This pathology is very serious and often serves as a reason for obtaining category "B".

Just like cervical, lumbar and thoracic osteochondrosis, this ailment is diagnosed with the help of an X-ray.

For the statement of the competent diagnosis on the photographs, you should see:

  • the degree of deformation of the column;
  • how much the space between the vertebrae and discs is reduced;
  • presence of accumulation of salts;
  • wrong location and displacement of vertebrae;
  • deterioration of mobility of the affected area.

If during the examination the doctor reveals that the patient has damaged more than 3 disks, and the deformation is clearly visible in the pictures, the young person may be considered unfit.

Why the army and vertebral pathologies are incompatible

Experts argue that with any form of osteochondrosis, active physical activity is categorically contraindicated.

Since military service almost always involves considerable physical exertion, the disease under such conditions will gradually begin to progress and can move into more severe stages.

To say exactly, whether a young man will be taken into the army with an osteochondrosis is impossible. Assessment of his condition should be carried out only by a special military commission.

If a young man is found unfit, except for obtaining a military ticket, he will be given a special mark in his passport, which indicates restrictions on certain types of activities.

A source:

Are they taking the army with osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disease thatis directly related to physical activity.

The sick spine will experience obvious inconveniences from 5-тикимиметровых runs, a drill step (especially - a painful lower back), constant performance of exercises and other military-army "Delights".

In connection with this there is a pressing question: are they taking to the army with osteochondrosis?Let's try to understand.

Fitness categories

For starters - a small educational program on the categories of fitness for military service:

  1. Category "A": no restrictions, health in excellent or very good condition.
  2. Category "B" The conscript can serve, but not everywhere. Such a category can be put, for example, a guy with 190 cm of height, because he can not serve in tank troops, where you need to be low.
  3. Category "B": the conscript is not fit for military service in peacetime. Happy (or not, depending on the plans for life), the young man is handed a military ticket and credited to the reserve. In the event of war, he will still be called.
  4. Category "G": not good at the moment. This category is appropriated for severe illnesses, which can be cured with a certain chance. The conscript is given a respite for 6 or 12 months (at the discretion of the commission), after which he must retake the examination.
  5. Category "D": is not good either in peace or in time of war. This category indicates severe, persistent, non-treatable diseases. If such pathologies are identified, the draftee must immediately commissurate. The army will not disturb the youth any more under any circumstances.

Now you can go on to describe the relationship between osteochondrosis and the army.

In what case can they join the army with osteochondrosis?

Thisthe question is rather complicated, because under the concept of osteochondrosis many of its manifestations are concealed, such as: protrusion, hernia, neuralgia, postural deformity, osteophytes and others.

If you try to derive some general rule, it will sound like this: during the army service the soldier should not experience painful sensations due to pathology.

In addition, osteochondrosis should not deteriorate due to service.

If these conditions are met, the draftee will be drafted into the army.

Degrees of osteochondrosis and categories

Degrees of osteochondrosis

Here are presented: the list of degrees of osteochondrosis, their key manifestations, the category of validity.

  • 1st degree. Description: in the intervertebral disk there are cracks. Manifestations: the vertebrae are more mobile than usual, crunch when moving; back at a load a little sore in the location of the lesion, with prolonged (more than 30 minutes) being in one position, the back begins to ache stronger. Shelf life: "B".
  • 2nd degree. Description: Strong protrusion (protrusion) or a small hernia, the vertebrae are unstable. Manifestations: weak or average aching pain in the back, "lumbago mobility is limited, changes are visible on the X-ray. Shelf life: "B".
  • 3rd degree. Description: Large or medium-sized hernia with infringement of nerves or vessels, the beginning of osteophyte formation. Manifestations: severe back pain, paresthesia, apparent stiffness of movements, pain spread to the limbs or organs, difficulty in normal movement, pressure jumps. Category: "Г" or "В at the discretion of the commission.
  • 4th degree. Description: vertebrae are destroyed, osteophytes proliferate. Manifestations: very severe pain in the spine, movements are extremely difficult, muscles and blood vessels are subjected to frequent and severe spasms, posture is severely impaired, the work of internal organs pathologically changed. Category: "D".

Separately it is worth mentioning such a diagnosis as osteochondropathy of the knee joint.

With this rare defeat of the knee, a recruit with a very high probability can get the category "B".

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosishas its own characteristics. Conscripts with cervical osteochondrosis should pay special attention to the following manifestations of it:

  1. Pain and backache. Since the neck is very compact, the nerves are very close to the vertebrae. Hernia of small size, which in the thoracic section does not manifest itself in any way, can cause a lot of inconveniences in the cervical section.
  2. Dizziness, hearing and vision impairment, sensation of stuffiness, sudden mood changes or hallucinations. These signs indicate that a large artery running near the cervical vertebrae is clamped, and the brain lacks nutrition. This is a very serious sign, which must be paid attention to the doctors.

Breast department

In chest osteochondrosisfeatures the following:

  • Intercostal neuralgia. Because of the skewing of the spine, nerves between the ribs can clamp, causing pain in them. Intercostal neuralgia can be a big problem when serving in the army.
  • Change in the work of internal organs. Spontaneous heartburn or jaundice can be caused by the fact that the organs receive the wrong signals from the pinched nerves. This should pay attention to doctors.
  • Pseudostenocardiac pain. These are pains behind the breastbone, which are very similar to heart pains, but they come from the spine. Such pain, if they occur frequently and have a persistent character, may be the reason for assigning a "B" category.

The lumbar division

For lumbar vertebrae problems, an additionalpay attention to the following:

  1. Problems with the sciatic nerve. Since this nerve is the largest in the body, it can easily be damaged. If there is constant pain or numbness, going down to the gastrocnemius muscle - you need to tell the doctors about this and get an additional examination.
  2. Limitation of mobility. Because of the pain or bony growths, the lower back can lose flexibility, which will make the service in the army a torture.

In general, since osteochondrosis is a disease with a large number of concomitant manifestations, when it is available, it is necessary to achieve as much as possible more complete examination, so that when deciding the question: "Will they take or not take?" doctors could operate with the maximum amount data.

What documents and surveys are needed?

If it's easy, thenall possible documents are needed, involved in the disease:

  • The conclusion of a neurologist or a surgeon about a diagnosis that has been once diagnosed.
  • Extracts from the patient's outpatient card about appeals to doctors about the pain. The more they are, the less the admission committee will have questions about the severity of the disease.
  • X-ray images, CT, MRI, tests - in short, everything that confirms the presence of the disease.
  • Extracts about the appointment of treatment, its conduct and result.

Assessment of the degree of lesion of the spine, as well as the final category, in the case of osteochondrosiscarried strictly individually.

In one patient, the back does not hurt at all, but with a minimal physical strain, the head is spinning, the other can not run because of severe back pain.

It is because of this difference in manifestations that the committee should be provided with all the documented problems in general.

How do army loads affect the disease?

The answer to this questiondepends on the severity of osteochondrosis:

  • With a weak osteochondrosis, marked protrusion or slightly shaky vertebrae, the army load can even help. With careful treatment and adequate approach, physical exertion will lead to the development of a muscle corset, which will stop the further development of the disease. Naturally, if you tear your back and do more than you can, then the pathology will eventually develop.
  • With an average osteochondrosis, the benefits of army loads are already highly questionable. In this state, you need to protect yourself, and the army does not particularly promote careful treatment. At best, the disease will not get worse.
  • With a severe form of osteochondrosis, there can be no question of any benefit, any unnecessary stress can lead to disability.

Osteochondrosis is a "multifaceted" disease, so an unambiguous answer to the question: "Is it possible to serve with osteochondrosis?" - no.

Everything depends on the degree of the disease, its localization and manifestations both at rest and in the load.

All that the draftee (and his parents) can do is collect as much evidence as possible presence of the disease, so that the admissions committee can accurately assess the patient's condition and take the right decision.

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