What can you do for a cold during pregnancy

How can pregnant women be treated for a cold?


Charismatic Charm

Recipes of traditional medicine
They concern the impact on different organs, but generally contribute to improvement and recovery.

A sore throat
Rinsing with salt water (1 h. spoon of salt on a glass of water). Water should be warm, but not hot.
Rinsing with baking soda solution (1 h. spoon on a glass of warm water, you can add 2-3 drops of iodine solution) - this solution has a harmful effect on viruses, helps fight inflammation.
You can gargle with herbal decoctions: sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus.
These herbs have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. They can be used separately, and can be combined. For example, you can brew chamomile and leaves of mother-and-stepmother - this tool also has an expectorant effect when coughing. The only contraindication of these herbs is hypersensitivity, individual intolerance.

Gargle should be at least 3-4 times a day.

From safe for future mothers medicines can be called HEKSORAL (aerosol, which Has antiseptic effect, suitable for fighting inflammatory diseases of the cavity pharynx. Basic dosage: apply 2 times a day, a single dose is administered within 1-2 s. Contraindications - individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug).

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Also an aerosol of INGALIPT (contains glycerol, peppermint oil, sulfanilamide, eucalyptus oil and other constituents) is quite effective. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Contraindication - Hypersensitivity to essential oils.

Steam inhalation: Cook potatoes in a uniform (5-6 small potatoes per 1 liter pot of water), add a pinch eucalyptus leaves, hold on for another 2-3 minutes, then put the pan on the table, cover with a towel and sit 5-7 minutes). Directly before the procedure, you can add 1 drop of fir oil.

As an antitussive and expectorant:

tea from leaves of mother-and-stepmother, leaves of plantain and black currant;
Onion syrup: Wash medium sized bulb (in husk), pour the water level with the onion and add 50 g of sugar. Cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes, allow to cool, then strain and drink for 1 hour. spoon 4-5 times a day, preferably 20-30 minutes before meals).
Increased temperature


tea from linden flowers;
tea made from dried raspberries;
decoction of dry apples (to 1 liter of boiling water add half a glass of dried apples);
rubbed with honey cranberries (take 2 tablespoons of cranberries, mash, wipe through a strainer, add one teaspoon of honey and pour 2-3 tablespoons of very hot water (60-70 ° C). Stir, cool slightly and drink in small sips);
juice of beets or carrots (one quarter of the juice of white cabbage can be added to it).
Runny nose
Washing of the nose with solutions and tinctures:

Iodine-salt solution (pour half a cup of warm water, add a few drops of iodine and salt on the tip of a teaspoon. Bury in a nose on 2-3 drops, serially in each nostril. This washing is good 3-4 times a day).
Herbal collection (take the rose hips - 1 part, a sheet of peppermint - 3 parts, grass turns - 2 parts. 2 tbsp. Spoon the collection with boiling water (1 cup), insist in the thermos for 2-3 hours, filter through gauze, add 1-2 drops of fir oil before washing. Rinse the nose 2-3 times a day).
For instillation in the nose:

aloe juice diluted with water in the ratio:.
Medicines safe for pregnant women:

AQUAMARIS (sea water) - a sterile solution of sea water - moisturizes the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation.
PINOSOL - contains mint oils, pines, eucalyptus oil, vitamin E, other components, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect.
NAZIVIN - due to spasm of the vessels of the nasal mucosa reduces inflammation.


not necessary! folk remedies be treated!


You can take medicines!
only on the instructions of a doctor,
t. she knows what is safe for your child


To be treated for a cold of a pregnant woman should be very circumspect, so as not to harm the child!

Ideally, the future mother would not be sick at all, but to avoid colds and flu in the cold season rarely succeed. Even if you minimize contact with the outside world, viruses can bring a family member to the house who has become part of the family.

Furthermore! Sometimes they attack us from the inside without any external infection, as they doze in the genetic apparatus of cells, waiting for a favorable moment to express themselves. Pregnancy is just a number of such conditions.

The protective system of the female body, for physiological reasons, is in a state of forced oppression - immunosuppression. This is a guarantee that the mechanism of protecting the internal environment from all alien will not work against the life that has arisen. Complete tissue compatibility is possible only between two clones or identical twins, but not between the future mommy and her baby!

However, the same immunosuppression, which inhibits rejection reactions and promotes the preservation of pregnancy, makes a woman extremely susceptible to seasonal infections. If you picked up one of them, act wisely, so as not to harm the child!
Pregnancy: treatment of colds

No chemistry during pregnancy can not be taken (and the vast majority of drugs from pharmacies are powerless against viruses), but also it is necessary to approach phytotherapy with caution: weeds are sometimes more powerful medicines!

Under the ban, drugs containing alcohol (even in small amounts, it is harmful to the fetus! ), especially tinctures of immunostimulants - licorice, echinacea, magnolia vinegar, zamanichi, levzei, ginseng, rhodiola rose... They increase blood pressure and increase the pulse, increasing the stress on the intently working heart of the future mother and the vascular system the kid.

His tiny heart is beating in a furious rhythm, making more than 200 beats per minute. To accelerate this rate means to wear out the forming cardiac muscle and lay the foundation of cardiac diseases.

Tip: use an immunostimulant that does not give unwanted effects. This is a horse-radish, which has been used for a long time from a cold during pregnancy with folk medicine. Rub its root on a fine grater, mix with the same amount of sugar, leave in a warm place for 12 hours, strain and take 1 tbsp. l. every hour in the acute period of the common cold.
Pregnancy and runny nose

Vasoconstrictive drops during pregnancy

Preparations such as galazolin and naphthyzin apply only at the peak of the common cold, strictly observing the dosage (1-2 drops, and not a quarter of the bottle at a time! ) and periodicity, which depends on the variety of the active substance. Some drugs are used 1-2 times a day, others - 4-5 times: carefully read the instructions!

The less you use such drops, the better. Why?

1.Sossudosuzhivayuschee action can spread to the arteries of the placenta, violating the blood supply to the fetus, if you drip the medicine too often, long or a lot. Some part of it is absorbed through the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and the other flows into the esophagus and enters the blood from the digestive system.

2. Such drops have the unpleasant property of causing spasm not only of the leading but also of the draining vessels, strengthening the swelling of the nasal mucosa. The action begins to manifest from the 3-5th day of the disease, forming a dependence on the drug. Bottled - and it became easier to breathe, and an hour later the nose was laid

Nadezhda Dombrovskaya

it's only through the doctor! just do not drink it, even if you are advised!

Valeria Genze

yes exactly or children's priporatami

Kristina Stepanova

In general, you should appoint a doctor, because only the doctor knows the results of your tests. Just some healthcare can do harm, and some help you on the contrary. I, for example, prescribed syrup and tablets, and my girlfriend only injections. Talk to the doctor. What he will say and do.


Only do not drink aspirin - inhibits labor.

Kovalchuk Tatiana

be careful not to take self-medication, but also check the medicines prescribed by the doctor, carefully read the instructions, be healthy and do not get sick!

N @ [email protected] LYA

Can. From cold, ocilococcinum (very effective and quickly helps). From the common aquamaris. You can also use biopox (spatter), and in the throat and nose. Itself was treated!


Medication is not advisable.
It is possible Otsilokoktsinum, high temperature to knock down half of Paracetamol from a heartburn and a nausea it is possible Smektu and Renni, children's Otrivin from a rhinitis and more liquid to drink (better kompotik)

Olga Skorischenko

yes you can Aflubin, from the throat Sinuprat or Lisobakt, from the heat of paracetamol or children's Nurofen, from the rhinitis Nasoferon. Otrivin or Salin))

What medicine to drink for a cold to pregnant women

Because of the weakened immunity during pregnancy, women are often exposed to colds, ARI and other viral diseases. But most of the drugs at this time is strictly prohibited, so it is very useful for future mothers to know with what safe for the baby the drugs can withstand the diseases.


  1. At a high temperature, women in the position are contraindicated in such drugs as & gt> and other complex preparations, for example, & gt & gt;>. They contain flavors and preservatives that can cause an allergy in a child. In addition, such drugs often have aspirin, caffeine and phenyramine maleate. In general, at a temperature below 38 degrees, do not take antipyretic drugs, t. heat is a protective reaction of the body from various viruses and infections.
  2. If the body temperature is above 38, then it can be assumed & gt & gt & gt; they have antipyretic and analgesic effect. Their reception is allowed at any term of pregnancy in small courses up to 3 days. Subject to observance of the admissible norm of taking the medicine, no harmful effect on the child was detected. At one time, a maximum of two tablets can be taken, there should not be more than three tablets per day.
  3. Rhinitis is an unpleasant companion of colds, but it's also not worth it to relieve your condition with vasoconstrictive nasal drops. These include & gt & gt & gt> and others. All due to the fact that during pregnancy they are much more quickly addictive, which often leads to an overdose. At high doses, these drops adversely affect the child's heart, which can cause disturbances in the baby's heart activity in the future. The best effect in treating a runny nose is to rinse the nose with salt water, in the proportion of a half teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of warm water. Procedures should be conducted at least 4 times a day. If the nose is heavily clogged and washing is not possible, a good result will be the use of sprays with a strong salt solution such as & g; whether>.
  4. When you have a cough, it's better to see a doctor right away. it can be caused by a variety of reasons. First of all, for prevention and at the first signs of the appearance of a cough, one must adhere to the regime: try not to breathe a cold air, do not eat cold foods and drinks, do not walk barefoot, do not strain your vocal cords and drink more warm liquid. In most cases this is enough to ease your condition, in the absence of temperature you can use mustard plasters or pepper patches for the night. Steam inhalations with tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil are also effective.
  5. If you can not do without medicines, then you can apply syrup & gt> and> (>). The first of them does not contain dyes and harmful impurities, it is allowed for treatment during pregnancy and lactation, but long-term use is not recommended. > It can be used after the 12th week of pregnancy. > promotes liquefaction of sputum, its use is permissible at any time, during intake it is recommended to consume as much fluid as possible.
  6. Sore throat can cause both a viral infection and bacteria. It can be a pharyngitis, a tonsillitis, a tonsillitis, in any case for the exact diagnosis it is necessary to address to the doctor. Many drugs are prohibited for women in the situation. These include all sprays, which include alcohol - this, for example,> or>. Tincture of marigold or propolis can also not be used for gargling.
  7. > - this safe drug, not sucked into the blood, well renders with pharyngitis and sore throat. It is used as a rinse solution without dilution. > is a clear rinse solution, is not absorbed into the blood and does not penetrate the placenta. It is used for pharyngitis and angina. Also does not need breeding. With severe angina, you can lubricate the tonsils with a solution & gt; in its composition iodine, potassium iodide and glycerin, which are not forbidden to use during pregnancy.
  8. Lozenges from a pain in a throat are forbidden to pregnant women. The only exceptions are just two drugs based on the enzyme lysozyme, such as> and> gt capable of curing even severe angina. They can be used 2 times a maximum of 4 times a day.


Medications for pregnant women for colds: a list of drugs, reviews, recommendations

Medications for pregnant women for colds are allocated in a separate subgroup. After all, only these medicines are checked and reliably safe. It is worth noting that some of them are allowed only on certain dates. This article will tell you about what medicines can be pregnant with a cold. You will learn about the peculiarities of using these or other means. Also worth mentioning about the recalls of expectant mothers in the correction of this condition.

Colds in Pregnant Women

In the period of expectation of the child, every woman tries to protect herself from all sorts of diseases. After all, some pathologies can adversely affect the development of future crumbs. However, it is not always possible to avoid a cold.

When fertilization occurs, depression of the immune defense of the woman's organism begins. This is necessary for the correct and normal course of pregnancy. Otherwise the fetal egg can be perceived as an alien body. It is because of the decrease in immunity that infection occurs with some colds. Is it worthwhile to intervene in this process?

Colds in pregnant women should necessarily be cured. What drugs can be taken while doing this - you will learn further. Many future mothers also resort to the use of folk medicine recipes. In most cases, this disease is accompanied by fever, chills, runny nose, cough and sore throat. Consider what preparations you can get pregnant with a cold.

Increase immunity and fight viruses

Medications for pregnant women for colds can have an antiviral effect. But at the same time they increase their own immunity. The drugs that provoke the production of interferon are very popular. It should be noted that this substance is produced independently by the organism of a sick person. That is why it is not capable of harming the future mother and her future child.

Drugs of this type include "Interferon leukocyte "Anaferon "Ergoferon" and so on. Separately it is necessary to allocate a medicine "Viferon". Pregnant for colds, it is injected rectally. This method of use allows you to avoid getting the active substance into the blood. It is worth noting that not all antiviral and immunomodulating compounds that produce interferon are allowed to use at different terms of pregnancy. Such drugs as "Lycopid" and "Isoprinosin can be used only in the third and second trimesters.

Antibacterial drugs

In some situations, it may be necessary to take medications for pregnant women against colds that are capable of eliminating bacterial contamination. Before they are used, doctors recommend to perform bacteriological culture. This analysis allows to locate microbes and to reveal their sensitivity to these or other preparations.

Among the antibiotics that are allowed during the waiting period of the child, you can note "Amoxiclav "Flemoxin "Augmentin "EcoBall" and so on. The active substance of all the listed drugs is amoxicillin. He is allowed to use in the second and third periods of pregnancy. In the first third of the term, the drug is contraindicated, since it can harm the developing organism. In especially difficult situations, doctors can recommend other antibacterial compounds.

Eliminate sore throat

If a pregnant woman becomes ill with a cold, then the main comorbid symptom becomes pain and a sore throat. Eliminate this problem will help resolve the medication during this period. These include the drug Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Tantum Verde. These medications are available as a spray. You just need to spray the medicine into the larynx. The described agents have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The drug "Tantum Verde" is also recognized as an anesthetic. It reduces the severity of pain and eliminates itching.

Another licensed medicine is Lizobakt. This drug needs to dissolve slowly in the mouth. It acts locally and has a bacteriostatic, analgesic and soothing effect.

Fighting the cold

What other medicines are available for pregnant women from colds? If the pathology is accompanied by a plentiful separation of mucus from the nose, then it is worth using drops. They are subdivided according to their effect on vasoconstrictive, antiviral, antibacterial. Before applying the drug, it is recommended to wash the nasal passages. This can be done with the help of such compounds as "Aquamaris "Dolphin "Akvalor" and so on. If necessary, you can use regular saline solution. A few minutes after the manipulation is allowed to use drugs.

To combat viral diseases, use the medication "Gripferon "Derinat" or "Nasoferon". If it is a bacterial lesion, then it is permissible to use preparations of Polidex or Isofra. With nasal congestion, doctors sometimes allow the use of "Nazivin" or "Vibrocil" drops. However, the dosage of the vasoconstrictor should be infant formula. In some cases, with prolonged runny nose, physicians prescribe warming up.

What should I do if the temperature rises?

What to drink to a pregnant woman with a cold if she has a fever? Many doctors do not advise to bring down the temperature to a mark on the thermometer at 3, degrees. It is in this state that the body can most effectively cope with the infection itself. However, this statement does not apply to pregnant women. Future mothers should closely monitor their temperature. When the scale on the thermometer crawled to a value of 3, you need to think about antipyretic drugs.

The safest remedy that can remove a fever is paracetamol. With this active substance are produced preparations "Cefekon "Panadol" and many others. It is necessary to pay attention to additional components. The less you discover them, the safer the medicine. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the use of the drug "Ibuprofen" is allowed. The described drugs not only reduce body temperature, but also contribute to the elimination of pain syndrome. As a result, the future mother feels much better. Doctors do not recommend abusing described medicines.

Cough during pregnancy is a dangerous enemy

What other medicines can be pregnant with a cold? If the future mother is faced with a cough, it can be very bad for her condition. During contractions of the bronchi, there is an involuntary tone of the uterus. This can lead to a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. That's why you need to start fighting this symptom as soon as possible. To begin with it is necessary to determine the nature of the cough. It can be wet or dry, productive or paroxysmal.

The best cough remedy is inhalation. You can carry out the procedure with some medicinal compounds or ordinary mineral water. What else can I do? What medicines can be pregnant with a cold, which is accompanied by a strong cough? Effective drugs include "Ambrobene "Lazolvan "ATSTS" and others. Sometimes doctors appoint a medication called Coldrex Broncho.

Folk recipes

What to drink pregnant with a cold? Many future mothers adhere to traditional medicine. They are sure that natural compounds can not harm the future child. However, special care must be taken in this treatment. Here are some effective folk remedies for fighting colds:

  • Warm milk. This remedy perfectly eliminates cough. The effect will increase if you add a piece of butter to the white liquid. After using the composition, instantaneous softening of the tonsils and larynx occurs.
  • Tea with raspberries. This recipe belongs to the category of antipyretic. It is used both in warm and hot form. It is worth noting, the danger of this remedy is that raspberry helps to increase the uterine tone. Large doses can lead to the threat of premature birth.
  • Lemon and parsley. In the treatment of colds can not do without vitamin C. This substance helps to increase the immune defense. Also vitamin C can slightly reduce the temperature. Lemon and parsley contain a large amount of the described substance.
  • Onion and garlic. These funds are recognized as natural antibiotics. Very effectively they can fight with the common cold. To make drops, squeeze the onion and garlic juice, and add a teaspoon of olive oil.

Reviews on the treatment of colds during pregnancy

Many future mothers are ill with colds. Reviews of pregnant women report that if you start treatment in time, then you can cope with the pathology with a minimal amount of medication. Sometimes enough traditional folk recipes. When the condition is already started, the ailment can cause complications.

Many future mothers report that treatment for a cold should be accompanied by compliance with bed rest. Also, use a large amount of water and any warm liquid. Patients say that self-medication in this situation should not be dealt with. This can lead to an aggravation of the condition or the development of side effects. In some situations, there is an irreversible negative effect on the fetus.

Instead of concluding

Now you know what to take for pregnant women with a cold. Remember that even the safest means for treatment should be agreed with the doctor. In the period of expectation of the baby you bear the big responsibility not only for the state of health, but also for a condition of the future crumbs. Be healthy and do not be ill!


The appearance of colds in the third trimester of pregnancy

The health of a newborn child depends to a large extent on the state of health of his mother, her way of life before and during pregnancy, as well as diseases that occurred in her body during the period of gestation child. The most common and common disease that many people experience every year is the common cold. Cold during pregnancy, the trimester is not as dangerous as in the first 6 months, because it was at that time that the formation of all organs and systems of the human body. Having found out at least one of the symptoms of a cold, it should be completely cured, after which it is still good to strengthen immunity, after all, a very important event awaits woman ahead, which will take a lot of forces.

The cold in late pregnancy, despite the fact that it causes a lot of unpleasant sensations in the future mother, nevertheless, with proper treatment does not pose a serious danger to the baby. However, the risk can not be ruled out completely, because the common cold itself has an adverse effect on the body even in the absence of pregnancy.

Possible complications of colds

All future mothers, eagerly awaiting the birth of their baby, are interested in what exactly is a cold at late pregnancy. Specialists are among the most dangerous processes, the development of which can be triggered by a cold:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • premature birth.

Very often in the case when the common cold occurs before birth, the child is usually born sluggish, weak with pale skin, which is the result of intrauterine hypoxia. This process usually occurs after a common cold with abundant secretions, which causes the intake of a woman with insufficient oxygen.

Exactly so affects the baby and prolonged stuffiness of the nose in the pregnant woman with a cold at 9 months of pregnancy. Such children in the majority of cases need treatment in a hospital immediately after childbirth.

There is a danger for the future mother, especially if she plans to adhere to breast-feeding her baby. As you know, a month before the expected delivery in the body, women are beginning to actively develop hormones responsible for the lactation process. This is why it is very undesirable to develop a cold at the 35th week of pregnancy, disease can cause a lack of breast milk or the production of it in newborn.Placental hormones are responsible for lactation, and, as is known, in case of penetration of a viral infection into the female body, the placenta has a big load, because it performs a protective function.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy can cause premature aging of the placenta

The development of a cold at the 37th week of pregnancy for the mother is practically not a danger, it can only cause deterioration of the state of health of a pregnant woman, which is caused by nasal congestion or runny nose, the appearance of a cough, fever and pain in the throat. However, for the child this period is more dangerous than for his mother, since, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, the cold can weaken the already weak placenta, which loses its former protective properties, which is caused by its aging. Because of this, all the viruses present in the pregnant body, the placenta can pass to the baby, but do not panic, because it does not mean that the child will fall ill. But in this period, when possible, the use of drugs of synthetic origin should be ruled out.All drugs, toxins produced by pathogenic microorganisms, have the property of penetrating through a weakened placenta, which can have very serious irreversible consequences.

Water contamination

Embryo in the amniotic fluid

In addition to these complications, which often result from the transferred cold, infection of the amniotic fluid can occur. Unfortunately, pathogenic microorganisms have the ability to enter amniotic fluid, which the child can drink. To avoid complications caused by the penetration of bacteria into amniotic fluid, obstetrician-gynecologists strongly recommend that women who have a cold on the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, take clinical tests blood and urine. Having studied the results of these tests, a specialist can learn about the condition of the child and mother, as well as the placenta. It is also recommended after the cold, which occurred at the end of pregnancy, to conduct ultrasound, which is considered the most accurate method of diagnosis.

It is important to treat a cold in the late months of pregnancy and because even if the disease does not have an adverse impact on the baby, immediately after birth, it is isolated from the mother, because she can infect him with a viral infection. This is very bad for a child, since during this period he badly needs the warmth and care of his mother, whose heartbeat he has felt all 9 months. Also, weaning a baby from a woman can cause loss of breast milk, after which it is almost impossible to restore lactation.

Preventive actions

Avoid the occurrence of colds in the 3 trimester of pregnancy can be, adhering to simple rules that provide a pregnant woman with a preventive effect. Experts recommend the following preventive measures:
  1. Every time before going out into the street during the epidemic of colds carefully lubricate the nasal mucosa with oksolinovoy ointment. It is important to return home thoroughly to wash the nasopharynx from the remnants of the ointment, since it has the property of accumulating viruses and bacteria.
  2. In a room where most of her time is spent by a woman in the autumn-winter period, you can put a saucer with finely chopped garlic and onions, filling them with a small amount of water. These products contain phytoncides that have an antiviral effect on the body, and they also disinfect the air in the room.
  3. Regularly ventilate the apartment, regardless of the time of year.
  4. Humidify the air in the room where the pregnant woman is, not allowing it to dry out.
  5. Try to walk as much as possible in the open air, it is important to dress in the weather, avoiding overcooling or overheating.

A careful attitude of a pregnant woman to her health can save her from a cold, without exposing her body to heavy loads and serious dangers.

How to properly treat?

Colds in late pregnancy are mandatory to be treated only for the appointment of an obstetrician-gynecologist and therapist.

During this period, it is prohibited to use antiviral drugs that are actively used before pregnancy, it is advisable to confine oneself to the treatment of proven and safe folk remedies and homeopathic medicines.

If the cold is accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, you can compress on the forehead of a 9% solution of vinegar, or take paracetamol. Compress can not be left for long, you can keep no more than 10 minutes, rubbing vinegar skin is also prohibited, since it has the property of penetrating into the blood.

With sore throats, which are often accompanied by a cold, it should be rinsed with a solution of salt and baking soda, and for a softer effect on the mucous, you can add a few drops iodine. For this purpose, when treating a sore throat with a cold in the third trimester of pregnancy, you can use a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula. Do not forget about this method of treatment as the conduct of inhalations, it is used not only for the sore throat, but also for coughing and runny nose. They can be carried out using herbal decoctions and infusions or essential oils.

When coughing, which delivers a painful pregnancy, you can use syrups of exclusively vegetable origin:

  • Gedelix;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Plantain syrup.

With a runny nose, you must wash your nose with saline solution, herbal decoctions, and also do inhalations. Good effect on the nasal mucosa Pinosol - drops on the basis of coniferous oils, which are prescribed in the treatment of children and pregnant women. They can not only drip your nose, but also smear your skin in the area of ​​the location of the paranasal sinuses. That the cold quickly passed and did not cause serious complications, except symptomatic treatment, it is important that a woman drinks a lot of warm liquid - tea made from linden, rose hips, raspberries, adding to it some honey.


Treatment of colds during pregnancy

In pregnancy, the woman's immunity is in an oppressed state, and the viruses and pathogens microorganisms do not grow any less, and therefore pregnant women are very frequent patients of ENT doctors and therapists.

Preventive maintenance of cold at pregnant women

But before treating a cold in pregnant women, it is worth remembering about its prevention. It is not necessary for a woman with weakened immunity to visit places of congestion of the people, where the risk of infection is much higher. Frequent airing of the room and wet cleaning also reduce the number of pathogens in the air. Full nutrition with enough vitamins significantly strengthens the body.

Do not abuse soda, especially cold: it is clear that with toxicosis pregnant often sick, and carbonated mineral water slightly facilitates the state. But carbon dioxide in the mineral water in large doses can cause superficial burns of the mucosa, which contributes to penetration into damaged areas of microorganisms, causing acute inflammation and exacerbation of chronic diseases ENT-organs. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to drink water without gas. Very often, allergic rhinitis (rhinitis) of pregnant women can be confused with a cold, and therefore for any colds appoint a consultation of a therapist or an ENT specialist.

Treatment of colds in pregnant women

Treatment of a common cold in pregnancy has its own difficulties. Pregnant women are contraindicated in antibiotics, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. They can not hormone drugs, many anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. And the threat to the future child and the course of pregnancy with colds is quite real, especially in case of severe disease and without proper treatment.

You can always pick up simple means in a home pharmacy and in the kitchen, than you can treat a cold during pregnancy. Measures to combat colds should be directed to:

  1. Removal of intoxication (abundant warm drink, preferably with alkaline reaction, freshly squeezed juices, raspberry tea - it has an action similar to aspirin and lowers body temperature.
  2. Removal of the virus or microorganism from the body of the patient. This treatment of the gate infection with antiseptic solutions (for example, with pharyngitis, tonsillitis - rinsing with antiseptics, not swallowing. You can use a simple home antiseptic: 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 100 ml of warm water (a weak solution of acid kills microorganisms). You can use for rinsing and sea salt, and folk remedies for colds during pregnancy: decoctions of herbs with antiseptic effect - calendula, chamomile. To rinse with a solution of soda it is impossible - it causes deep damages mucous and can become the reason of complications though too has bactericidal properties. Even rinsing your throat or nose with clean, boiled water mechanically removes microbes and helps treat colds during pregnancy.
  3. The use of funds that locally kill viruses and microorganisms. In addition to these antiseptics, local antibacterial action is UV-irradiation, so pregnant women are often prescribed this course of physiotherapy. This is one of the few methods of physical therapy permitted for pregnant women, one of the ways how to cure a common cold is completely.For the treatment of local ENT infections, soluble antiseptics are also prescribed in tablets that have a local bactericidal action and relieve the symptoms of inflammation, and getting into the stomach, decompose under the influence of gastric juice and not absorbed in the body mother.
  4. Relieving the symptoms of the common cold. For example, to remove cough use inhalation decoctions of medicinal herbs with the addition of vegetable oils. With a cold, topically, aloe vera is injected (in the absence of allergic reactions), but vasoconstrictor drops are not recommended.

It is worth remembering, treatment for colds during pregnancy with moderate and severe forms of infection is carried out permanently, under the supervision of a doctor.


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