Heel spur: treatment with dimexide


  • 1Dimexide for treatment of heel spur
    • 1.1Dimexide and its action
    • 1.2Method of application for calcaneal spur
    • 1.3Helpful Tips
    • 1.4Contraindications and side effects
    • 1.5Reviews
  • 2Treatment of the calcaneal spur with the help of a compress with Dimexid: a recipe for preparation + feedback
    • 2.1Therapeutic properties of Dimexide
    • 2.2Instructions for use
    • 2.3Preparation of a solution of a given concentration - table
    • 2.4Recipes against the heel spurs
    • 2.5Medicines for the treatment of pathology - gallery
    • 2.6Contraindications and possible side effects
    • 2.7Interaction with medicines
  • 3Treatment with dimexide spurs on the heel
    • 3.1Spur on the heel
    • 3.2About the preparation "Dimexide"
    • 3.3Interaction of dimexide with other drugs
    • 3.4Methods of application for a calcaneal spur
    • 3.5Methods of using dimexide with other excipients
    • 3.6Precautionary measures
    • 3.7Test for allergy
    • 3.8Adverse effects of the application
  • 4How to treat a heel spinal Dimexide
    • 4.1How Dimexid works on the heel spur
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Composition of compresses
    • 4.3How to do a compress
    • 4.4Compresses with non-steroidal gels and ointments
    • 4.5Compress of gel "Dimexid"
    • 4.6Side effects
    • 4.7How to avoid side effects
    • 4.8Contraindications
  • 5Heel spur: treatment with dimexide
    • 5.1Treatment with dimexide calcaneal spurs
    • 5.2Compress of dimexide with heel spur
    • 5.3Therapeutic effect of Dimexide
    • 5.4Side Effects of Dimexide
    • 5.5Who should not apply Dimexide
    • 5.6Complex treatment of calcaneal spur
    • 5.7Side effects stated in the drug instructions

Dimexide for treatment of heel spur

Such a disease, as calcaneal spur (plantar fasciitis), is not uncommon. From the pain caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, thousands of people are suffering every day.

In attempts to suppress a strong pain syndrome, they resort to a wide variety of traditional and alternative treatment methods, which, unfortunately, are not always accompanied by success. But we must not forget about such a tool as Dimexide.

This solution is able to quickly rid the person of pain, reduce inflammation and improve the quality of life.

Dimexide and its action

Dimexide is a solution for external use only. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, antibacterial action.

Another advantage of using this medicine is the ability to change the sensitivity of resistant pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics and the possibility of deep penetration of medicines into soft tissues through intact skin, which enhances the therapeutic effect of using external agents (ointments, gels, compresses, lotions and so forth).

Dimexid penetrates deeply into the tissue, eliminates inflammation and pain

Dimexide is used mainly for the treatment of inflammatory lesions of soft tissues and components musculoskeletal system, as well as as an antiseptic for purulent wounds and skin infections integuments.

Indication according to the instructions for use:

  • pain syndrome with inflammatory diseases of the joint apparatus (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Bechterew's disease, other arthropathies);
  • bruises of soft tissues, ligaments, joints;
  • plantar fasciitis;
  • purulent wounds, abscesses;
  • nodal erythema;
  • streptoderma and other bacterial skin infections.

The advantages of treating the calcaneal spur with Dimexide:

  1. quickly eliminates pain;
  2. has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. enhances the effect and improves permeability in the soft tissues of other medicinal products;
  4. perfectly penetrates deep into the tissues to the very center of inflammation;
  5. the drug is inexpensive, which makes such treatment available for everyone.

Disadvantages of the facility:

  • has a very pronounced allergic effect on the body;
  • has an unpleasant odor;
  • the possibility of side effects when the product is misused;
  • Before use, always consult with a specialist, since Dimexide has many contraindications to use.

Method of application for calcaneal spur

So, the basic rule of application of Dimexide at a heel spur is its dilution with water. For this, you can use cold boiled or distilled water.

For compresses with a calcaneal spur 50% solution is used, for which in equal proportions you need to take a medicine and water (for example, 50 ml of Dimexide and 50 ml of water).

The preparation of a compress with Dimexidum for the treatment of plantar fasciitis does not differ from the generally accepted rules. It is necessary to take a bandage or gauze, combine them in 6-8 layers, then abundantly moisten with 50% aqueous solution of the drug.

The compress is applied to the heel so that its edges are 2 cm beyond the boundaries of the lesion. Top polyethylene is applied and wrapped all with a warm cloth (an excellent choice in this case is a woolen sock). Hold the compress for 30 minutes and no more.

You can do compresses 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

To fix the compress on the heel, you can use an adhesive plaster, or you can use the usual toe

Sometimes, in order to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of such a compress and strengthen its analgesic effect, you can add such medications in the compress like diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, nimesulide and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs preparations. They are used in the form of ointments or gels, but you can add to the compress and a few drops of solution for injecting these drugs.

With severe pains, local anesthetics (novocaine, lidocaine) can be added to the compress with Dimexide.

As you know, these drugs do not penetrate intact skin, but Dimexide is an excellent conductor and promotes the penetration of anesthetics to the site of inflammation with plantar fasciitis.

Recipe number 1 complex compress with Dimexide with calcaneal spur:

  1. 30 milliliters of Dimexide;
  2. 50 milliliters of a 2% solution of lidocaine;
  3. 50 milliliters of 70% ethanol;
  4. 50 milliliters of furacilin (solution on water).

Recipe # 2:

  • 10 milliliters of the drug;
  • 10 milliliters of 2% lidocaine;
  • 30 milliliters of water.

For those who do not like to bother with the preparation of special solutions, compresses with Dimexide gel can be used.

Gel Dimexid - an excellent alternative to the classic compress with a solution

Helpful Tips

When choosing treatment with Dimexide, you need to know the following:

  1. Cooking solution should be in rubber gloves to avoid chemical burns of hands.
  2. In no case can you rub the medicine into your skin with massage movements even in a dilute form. It is used only as compresses lasting no more than 30 minutes.
  3. For compresses with Dimexide use only a medical clean bandage or gauze, you can not use colored fabrics. Given that Dimexide promotes the penetration of various substances into the skin, this can cause a serious allergic reaction due to the penetration of dyes from the tissue.
  4. Dimexide is produced not only in the form of a solution, which must be diluted. On the pharmaceutical market, you can find already prepared ointment (30% and 70%) or gel (25% and 50%) of Dimexide.
  5. In some cases, a specialist can prescribe compresses not with 50% Dimexide, but with a different concentration of the solution. How to prepare such solutions is given in the table below.
Solution,% Dimexide, parts Water, parts
10 one nine
20 one four
25 one three
30 three seven
40 two three
50 one one
90 nine one

Before applying Dimexide, you need to test for sensitivity in order to avoid an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of a 25-30% solution to a small area of ​​the skin (inner surface of the forearm) with a swab.

Observe for 15 minutes. If during this time there is no redness, a rash or itching, then a person does not have an increased sensitivity to the drug and can be safely used for treatment.

If any reaction is observed, then the treatment is contraindicated.

Before use, Dimexide must be diluted with water

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is contraindicated in people who:

  • suffer from cardiovascular diseases (angina, hypertension, ischemic heart disease);
  • have a severe degree of liver and kidney failure;
  • suffer from glaucoma, cataract;
  • suffered a stroke of the brain;
  • mothers who are breastfeeding, and pregnant women;
  • children under 12 years of age and people in old age;
  • those who have an individual Dimexide intolerance.

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated, but sometimes the following side effects may occur:

  1. local allergic skin reactions;
  2. dizziness, sleep disturbance, headache;
  3. general tiredness;
  4. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  5. reaction of bronchospasm.

Dimexide enhances the action of alcohol and insulin. Therefore, from the use of alcoholic beverages during treatment, it is better to abstain, and the dose of insulin should be slightly reduced in order to avoid hypoglycemia.

Also, the drug enhances the effect of aspirin, cardiac glycosides, nitroglycerin, some antibiotics, drugs for anesthesia.


Valentina, 46: "I was diagnosed with a heel spur 1 year ago. Has tried many conservative ways of treatment, among which blockade with Дипроспаном. The effect of them was good, but temporary.

At the next exacerbation of the pain syndrome, I did not want to go back to the polyclinic and tried the method that my friend advised me. I underwent a course of treatment with the use of compresses with Dimexid on the aching heel.

After a week of such treatment, the pain stopped, and I again began to walk normally. "

Andrei, 56: "I have been walking a lot on my duty, which is the reason for the development of my plantar fasciitis.

Unfortunately, I do not have time to visit a specialist, so I was looking for an effective way to get rid of pain at home. I came across a prescription of a compress with Dimexidum.

The pain decreased after the 5th day of treatment, and by the 10th I had already returned to my usual activity. "

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/medikamenty/dimeksid-lecheniya-pyatochnoy-shpory

Treatment of the calcaneal spur with the help of a compress with Dimexid: a recipe for preparation + feedback

Painful education on the heel, which is popularly called a spur, was previously treated only through surgery. Today, doctors agree that the build-up on the bone tissue does not need to be removed, because in itself it is not the cause of the pain.

Unpleasant sensations appear as a result of inflammation of ligaments and soft tissues: as soon as it passes, the pain disappears.

Therefore, the treatment of the calcaneal spur is reduced to anti-inflammatory therapy, and one of the most effective in this regard is Dimexide.

Therapeutic properties of Dimexide

Dimexide, or dimethylsulfoxide, is an analgesic, antiseptic preparation of yellow color with a specific odor. It is available as a solution for external use.

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Deeply penetrating the tissues through the skin and mucous membranes, it quickly removes inflammation, while delivering to a problem place any medicines: analgesics, hormones, antibiotics, vitamins and other active substance.

With proper application, Dimexide has the following effects on the body:

  • removes inflammation;
  • improves blood circulation and metabolism;
  • anesthetizes;
  • accelerates the resorption of blood clots;
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • removes edema;
  • has antipyretic effect;
  • promotes healing of wounds and restoration of damaged tissues;
  • improves skin and tissue permeability;
  • protects against radiation;
  • increases the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics.

Dimexide is available as a solution and needs to be diluted with water

Dimexide is applied topically, in the form of compresses.Just 5 minutes after getting on the skin, the product penetrates into the bloodstream, reaching a maximum concentration after several hours.

Dimexide treatment is often prescribed in cases when the patient has intolerance of alcohol-containing drugs.

In medical practice, Dimexide is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • fasciitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • nodal erythema;
  • streptoderma and other bacterial skin infections;
  • any damage to the skin, tissues and ligaments: burns, wounds, suppuration, bruises, sprains, etc.

A special place in this list is occupied by such a disease as plantar fasciitis, or calcaneal spur.

It occurs as a result of injuries, rheumatism, problems with the vessels, heavy loads on the heel or due to age-related changes. On the bone in the region of the heel a growth of 3-12 mm is formed.

When walking, he squeezes the tissues of the foot, resulting in inflammation and severe pain.

The heel spur is a built-up on the bone, which when walking injures the soft tissues of the heel

Initially, unpleasant sensations are observed only in the mornings, but as the disease progresses, the pain begins to torment the person throughout the day. The final diagnosis can be made only on the basis of an x-ray photograph.

The heel spur can easily be seen on an X-ray

To help a person who suffers from a calcaneal spur, only powerful anti-inflammatory drugs can. One of them is Dimexide.

Instructions for use

In the treatment of calcaneal spine Dimexide is used exclusively externally, in the form of compresses, lotions, rinses and applications. Before use, it is diluted with distilled or boiled water in the following proportions:. Such a solution will have a concentration of 50%.

If the drug is intended for adolescents and people with sensitive skin, Dimexide is best diluted with water in the proportion or:.Doing compresses with this drug for children under 12 years old, pregnant women and nursing mothers is strictly not recommended!

Sometimes doctors prescribe Dimexide in another concentration, from 10 to 90%. When preparing such solutions, it is necessary to keep the proportions correctly.

Preparation of a solution of a given concentration - table

Compress with Dimexide is prepared as follows:

  1. Conjugated in 7-10 layers, the bandage is impregnated with a 50% solution of the drug and applied to the heel so that its edges extend beyond the affected area.
  2. On top of the bandage lay a layer of waterproof material (for example, a plastic bag or wax paper).
  3. Then the leg is wrapped in a warm kerchief or put on a woolen sock.

This compress should be done 1 to 3 times a day for 10-14 days.

When making a compress, use only natural non-colored bandages and patches

When treating Dimexide, several rules must be observed:

  1. Dilute the product with water better in rubber gloves, because the concentrated solution when it gets on the skin causes burns.
  2. Contact with water gives a violent chemical reaction with the release of heat. The drug becomes hot, so before using, you need to let it cool.
  3. Diluted solution can not be rubbed into the skin.
  4. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes.
  5. Do not use colored fabrics for compresses: Dimexide is able to carry through the skin not only medicinal substances, but also dyes, often unsafe for health.

Before starting treatment with Dimexide, you need to test for sensitivity.

Using a tampon, apply a 30% solution to the inner surface of the forearm and wait 15 minutes.

If during this time the skin does not appear redness, rash and irritation, then you can safely prepare and apply a compress with Dimexidum.

Recipes against the heel spurs

To enhance the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, Dimexide is often used in conjunction with other drugs.

With a simple application to the skin, they have no therapeutic effect, but these medicines penetrate directly into the affected tissue, without irritating, unlike tablets and syrups, the digestive tract. Most often for these purposes use:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Novocaine;
  • Lidocaine;
  • Analgin;
  • Droperidol;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Nimesulide.

If the medicine is released in the form of a gel or ointment, it can be applied to a compressed solution. Another option - rubbing the product into the skin for 10-15 minutes before applying a compress with Dimexidum.

Liquid injections are added directly to Dimexide diluted with water. Proportions are usually determined by a doctor, but there are typical prescriptions that are used to treat the calcaneal spur.

  1. With lidocaine:
    • 10 ml of Dimexide;
    • 30 ml of water;
    • 10 ml of 2% lidocaine.
  2. With furatsilinom:
    • 30 ml of Dimexide;
    • 50 ml of 70% ethanol;
    • 50 ml of 2% lidocaine;
    • 50 ml of an aqueous solution of furacilin.
  3. With Novocaine and Hydrocortisone:
    • 50 ml of Dimexide;
    • 30 ml of water;
    • 30 ml of 2% Novocain;
    • 1 ampoule of Hydrocortisone.
  4. With Diclofenac:
    • 30 ml of Dimexide;
    • 50 ml of water;
    • 10 ml of 2% Novocain;
    • 1 ampoule of diclofenac sodium.

If the treatment was conducted correctly, without omissions and in accordance with the prescribed dosages, then relief comes by the end of the first week, and after 10-14 days the pain finally goes away.Of course, the bone growth does not disappear anywhere, however, in the absence of a pain syndrome, one can not pay attention to it: walking does not interfere with it and the quality of life does not decrease.

Medicines for the treatment of pathology - gallery

Diclofenac Novocaine Lidocaine

Contraindications and possible side effects

With all its merits Dimexide - the drug is far from harmless. Its use can lead to undesirable side effects, such as:

  • allergic reactions: itching, redness, swelling, burning, dryness, skin rashes;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • erythematous skin diseases;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • bronchospasm;
  • burns (with improper use of the product).

Allergic reactions are quite common in Dimexide treatment

In addition to a number of adverse reactions, Dimexide has a whole list of contraindications. So, its use is forbidden when:

  1. cardiovascular diseases;
  2. stroke;
  3. violations of kidney and liver;
  4. glaucoma;
  5. cataract;
  6. atherosclerosis in the last stages;
  7. coma;
  8. pregnancy;
  9. breastfeeding;
  10. under 12 years of age.

Interaction with medicines

If you take other medicines besides Dimexide, be sure to consult a doctor about their joint use. This drug has the ability to enhance the effect of certain drugs:

  • insulin;
  • aspirin;
  • nitroglycerin;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • antibiotic, etc.

Dimexide strengthens the action of insulin, so patients suffering from diabetes, you need to reduce the usual dose during treatment of the calcaneal spur

In addition, Dimexide enhances the effect of alcohol, so during treatment it is better to give up alcohol.

It quickly relieves pain and inflammation, but before using the drug, be sure to consult with your doctor, specify the possibility of combining it with the medicines that you are already taking, and choose the right concentration solution.

In addition, it is worth knowing in advance a list of contraindications and side effects. If no restrictions are found and you are not confused by the sharp smell of the drug - feel free to begin treatment.

A source: http://med-atlas.ru/boli-v-konechnostyax/dimeksid-protiv-pyatochnoy-shporyi-lyogkost.html

Treatment with dimexide spurs on the heel

Painful formation on the heel - calcaneal spur - brings a lot of inconvenience. If before it was deleted only in an operative way, now it is recommended to use more sparing methods.

Unpleasant sensations when walking cause not the bone formation itself, but the inflamed tissues around it. Treatment of calcaneal spur with dimexidum is recommended by many doctors and confirms its effectiveness.

Spur on the heel

The heel spur (plantar fasciitis) is a disease, the main symptom of which is acute pain in the heel. It appears due to changes in the plantar fascia, which appeared due to injuries, joint diseases, hormonal failures.

The diagnosis is made by a qualified doctor after X-ray examination, he also prescribes treatment. Recently, home methods of getting rid of an illness are more often used, operations are appointed only in case the patient can not walk because of illness.

Doctors pay attention that the drug dimexide with a calcaneal spur accelerates recovery.

About the preparation "Dimexide"

Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a topical drug with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

The uniqueness of the drug is that it is able to penetrate into the deep layers of tissues and additionally transfer components used together with it.

Why treatment with dimexide calcaneal spurs is so often recommended by specialists:

  • The agent improves blood circulation and metabolism in the area with the applied agent;
  • It has antimicrobial and antifungal action;
  • Has analgesic effect on the affected area;
  • The drug improves the permeability of tissues.

Dimexide is able to penetrate deeply into tissues, to the place of formation of pathology

Contraindications to the use of dimexide are:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation;
  2. Ocular pathologies (cataract and glaucoma);
  3. Disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  4. Cardiovascular diseases;
  5. Stroke;
  6. Late stages of atherosclerosis;
  7. Individual intolerance.

Also it is not recommended to be treated with dimexidum for children under 12 years of age and for people of advanced age. Take care that the product does not get on the mucous membranes, in the eyes or inside. If this happens, flush with plenty of water.

Interaction of dimexide with other drugs

Be sure to consult with a specialist on how to treat dymexide with plantar fasciitis in parallel with other medications.

Also, the drug affects the susceptibility to alcohol, so it is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol during the course of treatment.

Methods of application for a calcaneal spur

Doctors have long recommended the use of dimexide for the treatment of the calcaneal spur. There are several forms of issuance of funds:

  • Concentrate. It must be diluted with water in the proportions: or otherwise serious chemical burns can be obtained. How to dilute dimexide at the heel spur should recommend a doctor;
  • Ointment. The main component varies from 30 to 75%. Can be applied in a pure form several times a day. Do not rub the medicine into the skin;
  • Gel. In the composition of 25% or 50% of the active substance. Used only for lotions, do not rub, it is permissible to apply several times a day to relieve symptoms.
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Forms of the Dimexide preparation

Doctors often recommend using a concentrated agent to dilute it independently in the proper proportion with water. How to prepare a dimexide solution is given in the table below:

To prepare a compress with dimexidum with calcaneal spur (20-25%), it is necessary to mix 1 tablespoon of medicament with 3 to 4 tablespoons of pure water. Diligently moisten a napkin, previously made from clean gauze or bandage, in a solution.

Attach to the hearth of defeat and wrap it with cellophane. It is advisable to put on a warm toe or wind a terry towel. After 30 minutes, remove the applique, wash your foot.

Use such lotions can be 1 - 3 times a day, the treatment rate is 10-14 days.

The drug does not get rid of the spike, but it helps to cure the symptoms of the disease. Despite the low cost of the drug, numerous positive reviews about the treatment with dimexide spurs on the heel confirm the effectiveness of compresses for the removal of inflammation and pain syndrome.

Methods of using dimexide with other excipients

To enhance the effectiveness of compresses, it is allowed to use auxiliary substances.

Anti-inflammatory drugs of non-steroidal nature (diclofenac, nimesulide, ibuprofen,

) help to speed up the removal of inflammation, they can be used in the form of ointments (apply 15 minutes before the application) or add a solution for injection into the mixture with Dimexide.

Novocain, lidocaine, hydrocortisone, or analgin remove acute pain syndrome when used in conjunction with dimethylsulfoxide. The drug transports anesthetics deep into tissues to remove the signs of the disease as soon as possible.

You can try a prescription for treatment with dimexid heel spur with bile and vodka. Such a compress removes the symptoms of plantar fasciitis after the first application: anesthetize, relieve inflammation and swelling. The composition of the mixture includes:

  • Dimexide solution with water, in the proportion
  • 40 ml of pharmacy bile;
  • 20 ml of vodka.

Stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth. The application can be done 1 to 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Compress recipe with the addition of medical bile and vodka

Precautionary measures

In order not to harm yourself, it is necessary to observe precautionary measures with dimexide therapy. Brief instructions for the use of dimexide, which must be followed:

  1. Contact and dilute the drug can only be in rubber gloves. In its pure form, if it gets on the skin, the product causes burns.
  2. The drug, when mixed with water, generates a lot of heat, so that the mixture becomes hot. Before use, cool the solution a little;
  3. Ready mix is ​​forbidden to rub into the skin with massage movements, apply only as a compress;
  4. The procedure should last no more than half an hour;
  5. Use only pure bandage or gauze for compresses. Dimexide enhances the permeability of skin membranes for substances used with it, and colored dyes are not safe for human health.

Use rubber gloves to avoid burns

Test for allergy

If you have a heel spur, dimexide treatment can only be used after an allergy test.

On the inside of the forearm, apply a diluted solution of the drug with water. After 15 minutes, analyze the skin condition.

If there is no rash, itching, redness and irritation, then you can start treating the calcaneal spur with dimexide.

It is acceptable to have a slight burning or tingling sensation. If it causes discomfort, it should be washed off with plenty of water.

Adverse effects of the application

Incorrect use, overdose, non-observance of storage conditions with dimexide can lead to side effects.

  • Allergic reaction, itching and inflammation;
  • Dizziness, headaches;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Dry skin, the appearance of burns;
  • Deterioration of general physical condition, fatigue and lethargy;
  • Insomnia.

In order not to get burned with dimexide, it is important to maintain the correct concentration of the substance. Be sure to consult with your doctor, which recipe of the compress is better to withstand and in what percentage ratio to dilute the drug with water.

Treatment of heel spur with dimexide is used because of the pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic action of the drug, the drug is able to transport other auxiliary substances into the tissues. The simple preparation of compresses and the affordable price of the remedy are also an advantage of using the drug.

A source: https://NogivNorme.ru/bolezni/pyatochnaya-shpora/lechenie-dimeksidom-shpory-na-pyatke.html

How to treat a heel spinal Dimexide

> Treating the calcaneal spur

In the therapy of plantar fasciitis, several methods of conservative treatment are used, and one of them is the use of medications.

Orthopedists recommend the modern drug "Dimexide" for the treatment of the heel spur.

This drug is effective, but has several important uses.

Therefore, let's discuss in detail how to treat the heel spine Dimexidum, what are the special properties of the drug. We will find out what can be combined, how to properly dilute Dimexide in the treatment of a calcaneal spur, how effective is the use of this medication.

How Dimexid works on the heel spur

"Dimexide" is an extraordinary drug with special properties.

It was created in 1867, but it was used in medicine 100 years later as a means of transporting drugs directly into the inflammatory zone.

And to this day it is used to improve the absorption or "carrying" of drugs through the skin. But the distinctive and important feature of Dimexide in its ability not only to deliver, but also to enhance the effect of the transferred drugs.

The principle of the drug is based on the inactivation of hydroxyl radicals and the enhancement of local metabolism in the area of ​​inflammation in osteochondrosis, radiculitis, thrombophlebitis.

"Dimexide" with a calcaneal spur has multiple effects in the focus of inflammation.

  1. Anesthetic action on site.
  2. Fibrinolytic property - dissolves all thrombi in the source of application. This factor improves the rheological properties of blood, which is important for the blood supply to the plantar fascia.
  3. Improves microcirculation, thereby reducing inflammation in the tissues.
  4. "Dimexid" penetrates the membrane of bacterial cells, due to which it has an antimicrobial effect and enhances sensitivity to antibiotics.
  5. Improves the permeability of gels and ointments to the inflammation zone, which enhances their therapeutic effect.
  6. Has anti-edema action.

"Dimexide" has allergenic properties. When topical application is absorbed after 8-15 minutes into the blood and has a general effect on the body.

Composition of compresses

Several types of Dimexide-based compresses are used to treat the calcaneal spur. To do this, it is mixed with other medications in ampoules from the group of anesthetics, corticosteroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

As an anesthetic, Novokain or Lidocaine is used. The hormone "Hydrocortisone" is used in ampoules. These medicines do not penetrate to the site of inflammation through the skin, but "Dimexide" is their conduit.

To treat the calcaneal spur with Dimexide, several complex formulations are used for compression on its basis.

First line-up:

  • Dimexide solution - 50 ml;
  • "Novocaine" 2% - 30 ml;
  • "Hydrocortisone" for injection - 1 ml;
  • cooled boiled water - 30 ml.

Second composition:

  1. Dimexide solution - 10 ml;
  2. "Lidocaine" 2% - 10 ml;
  3. cooled boiled water - 30 ml.

The third composition:

  • Dimexide solution - 15 ml;
  • "Lidocaine" 2% - 25 ml;
  • medical alcohol 70% - 25 ml;
  • aqueous solution of furacilin - 25 ml.

The fourth composition:

  1. Dimexide solution - 30 ml;
  2. "Novocaine" 2% - 10 ml;
  3. solution for injection in ampoules "Diclofenac" - 3 ml;
  4. distilled water - 50 ml.

Procedures are done daily or every other day, 10-15 procedures are required for treatment. On the recommendation of orthopedic doctors, compresses are done once a day.

After the treatment, patients feel less pain, increased mobility in the foot and better health.

The therapeutic effect is due to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

How to do a compress

Before the procedure, steam the feet to improve the absorption of drugs. Then prepare a solution of Dimexide in the ratio:. To do this, 1 tbsp. l. concentrate is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. cooled boiled water.

to steam up one's legs before a compress

It is recommended that the following rules be observed.

  1. Ingredients are mixed in a separate container, previously wearing rubber gloves - a concentrated solution of Dimexide, getting on the skin, causes a burn.
  2. To prepare the composition use cooled boiled or distilled water.
  3. The solution for the compress is prepared immediately before use, and not beforehand - the components react and the composition is limited.

Compress is done as follows:

  • sterile pharmacy gauze in 6-8 layers moistened with the solution obtained and applied to the lower part of the heel;
  • top covered with compress paper or polyethylene, fixed with a bandage or cloth;
  • put on a woolen sock and leave for 30 minutes, after which they remove.

Compresses with non-steroidal gels and ointments

Dimexide has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. But with a strong pain syndrome, to achieve a more pronounced effect, non-steroidal gels or ointments are used along with it.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. 15 minutes before the compress on the skin, apply a thin layer of gel or ointment "Voltaren "Diclofenac "Fastum gel
  2. at the end of this time, a sterile chemise cloth moistened with Dimexide solution is applied to the lubricated surface of the heel
  3. cover the napkin with polyethylene and fix it with a bandage;
  4. To accelerate the absorption of drugs, put on a woolen sock and leave for 30 minutes.

It is recommended to do 10-15 procedures for treatment. Before the compress to enhance the absorption of medicinal substances, it is recommended to steam up the leg.

Compress of gel "Dimexid"

Some patients with a calcaneal spur do not tolerate liquid concentrate or its odor. An alternative dosage form is Dimexid gel, which is also effective in treating the heel spur. It is important only to know how to apply it correctly.

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Compress of gel is performed as follows:

  • with a wooden spatula, apply the gel to a sterile chemist's napkin;
  • superimposed on the lower surface of the heel;
  • top covered with polyethylene or compress paper;
  • warm the bandage with cotton and fasten with a bandage;
  • leave the compress for 30 minutes, then remove.

It will have a curative effect and a simple rubbing of the Dimexid gel:

  1. steam and dry;
  2. Put the gel or ointment on the palm and rub into the skin of the heel until sensation of heat and dry palm.

The procedure is done 2 times a day for 10-15 days. Although the drug does not cumulate, a second course of rubbing is recommended not earlier than 10 days later. Before using the gel, the foot should be steamed in hot water to improve absorption.

Side effects

With all its merits, "Dimexide" has drawbacks in the form of side effects:

  • bronchospasm as a manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • enhancement of skin pigmentation at the site of application;
  • skin manifestations at the site of exposure - itching, burning, edema and hyperemia;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • headache;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • garlic smell of emitted air.

Burn from improper application of Dimexide

In case of improper application or overexposure of the medication, a chemical burn occurs at the site of exposure.

But even with proper use, Dimexide gives allergic reactions, and this property should be taken into account by sensitive people.

Therefore, before use, it is recommended to make a test for individual tolerability. To do this, apply Dimexide gel on the inner surface of the shoulder and wait 15 minutes.

If there is no rash, itching and redness, then the remedy can be used. In case of rash or shortness of breath, rinse immediately with cold running water without the help of a hand or washcloth.

How to avoid side effects

To avoid side effects, rheumatologist P. AT. Evdokimenko is the author of several books and many articles in medical journals, gives the following recommendations in the treatment of calcaneal spurs with Dimexide at home.

  1. The agent is applied externally for compresses only after dilution. In its pure form the preparation causes a skin burn.
  2. For a compress, use a non-colorful cloth, and a sterile medical napkin. "Dimexid" reacts with dyes of tissues and drags them into the body, which can cause allergy of unpredictable severity. Biological or bacterial contamination from the old cloth will also flow into the blood along with the medicine.
  3. The drug is not recommended for use in rubbing - this is fraught with overdose and drug intoxication.
  4. "Dimexide" enhances the action of insulin, antibiotics, cardiac glycosides and nitroglycerin. During the treatment period, reduce the dose of insulin administered, nitroglycerin and monitor blood sugar level.
  5. When preparing the solution, prepare the dose for only one compress! This means when dissolved, reacts with water and has a therapeutic effect on time and place of exposure. After an hour or more, the solution is unsuitable for use.

For successful treatment it is important to know how much to keep a compress with Dimexidum. Unlike other drugs, it is left for 25-30 minutes. A longer exposure may cause a burn instead of the help actually provided by Dimexide in a reasonable application.


"Dimexide" has contraindications in case of external application. Not all patients can use this remedy. It can not be used in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • patients with cataract and glaucoma;
  • condition after a stroke;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • children under 12 years of age or persons in old age;
  • patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases;
  • patients with chronic liver and kidney diseases.

So, the "Dimexide" remedy justifies itself in the treatment of the heel spur. Concentrate of the drug is used in diluted form for compresses. In severe pain syndrome, "Dimexide" is mixed with anesthetics and antiseptics.

To enhance the therapeutic effect before the compress used non-steroidal ointments and gels. The drug has allergenic properties, and after absorption increases the concentration of nitroglycerin, insulin and a number of other drugs.

Before applying Dimexide, it is recommended that the sample be tested for sensitivity.

A source: http://shporynet.ru/lechenie/pyatochnaya-shpora-lechenie-dimeksidom.html

Heel spur: treatment with dimexide

If you received a consultation from an orthopedic doctor or surgeon and you were told that you have a calcaneal spur, then the next thing to do is to carry out a qualified treatment.

A few years ago, the treatment of the calcaneal spur implied only an operative intervention, that is, an operation to remove the spur.

Today, the operation is resorted only to very serious cases of disease, when a person because of the presence of his heel spurs can not really walk.

The main external symptom and it is a symptom that worries a person with a heel spur is an unbearable pain in the heel area.

That is, a person does not have the bone growth on the heel, but the tendons, muscles and tissues that are located near the heel spur. The cause of this pain is a serious inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues of the foot.

And the treatment should be carried out not on the bony ledge, but primarily on the removal of the inflammatory process from the tissues. To do this, apply a standard conservative treatment, which, as a rule, can be local and general.

Local therapy includes anti-inflammatory procedures and anesthesia. To date, one can meet the most common method of treatment - the use of dimexide.

Treatment with dimexide calcaneal spurs

Dimexide or its second name dimethylsulfoxide is a drug that is used for the treatment of the inflammatory process that appears after the onset of the disease and the formation of the heel spurs. Dimexide has a wide spectrum of action:

  • Improvement of metabolism directly in the focus of inflammation;
  • Removal of hydroxyl radicals;
  • Antimicrobial therapy;
  • Anesthetic action;
  • Analgesic therapy;
  • Fibrinolytic activity;
  • Strengthen the permeability of cellular biological membranes, which enhance the penetration of drugs.

It has been proven that dimexide, when exposed to the heel spur, can alleviate the condition of the patients and, accordingly, affect the overall well-being. Use dimexid need in limited quantities and in a small dosage and only dissolving in water.

The medicinal solution of dimexide is used as compresses overnight and the same solution is washed with feet, greatly relieving the pain.

Compress of dimexide with heel spur

Compress of dimexide for the treatment of the calcaneal spur is easy to prepare. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of dimexide and dilute them in 250 ml of warm boiled water.

Dampen the napkin in this solution and attach it to the sore spot. From above, cover the foot with food film and wrap your feet with a warm cloth or wear warm woolen socks on top.

Compress should be left for one or two hours.

This therapeutic compress has a beneficial effect on the heel spur, if you first rub in the foot ointment that removes the inflammatory process. It can be diclofenac or ketoprofen.

After you use a small amount of ointment in the area of ​​five, you need to apply a solution of dimexide.

If you suffer from severe pain, then in dimexide you can add one or two tablets of analgin or similar painkillers like novocaine, droperidol, and hydrocortisone.

It is in this combination that dimexide will effectively affect inflamed tissues and after 15-20 minutes pain on the heel will significantly subside. Keep the compress longer than 45 minutes is not worth it, as this can lead to skin irritation, redness.

Dimexide in solution has a rather unpleasant smell, which many compare to the smell of garlic.

Therefore, it is desirable to conduct a small sample for sensitivity before applying this agent.

Take a dimexide solution and spread a small area of ​​skin on them, if you do not have an allergic reaction, you can use a dimexide solution to treat the calcaneal spur.

Therapeutic effect of Dimexide

Dimexide significantly reduces the sensation of pain and its strength. The medicinal preparation removes inflammation and activates the metabolism.

In addition, dimexide can significantly enhance the effect of those drugs that you use for basic local treatment.

Dimexide also has a bactericidal action and is able to penetrate directly to the focus of inflammation.

Side Effects of Dimexide

It is possible that the dimexide solution may exhibit some side effects. For example, it could be:

  1. Strong allergic reaction to the active substance solution;
  2. Rashes;
  3. Dermatitis;
  4. Extreme dryness and flaking of the skin;
  5. Itching and burning in the place where you applied the compress.

Who should not apply Dimexide

Dimexide is not allowed to be taken to people who have a disease:

  • Visual impairment, namely glaucoma and cataract;
  • Cardiovascular disorders in the form of myocardial infarction and angina pectoris;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Stroke of the brain;
  • Coma;
  • Atherosclerosis.

Before using the dimexide solution for treatment, it is still necessary to get medical advice.

If you overdo it with dimexid, it can cause skin burns.

Therefore, before applying, be sure to ask the recipe for a compress, which will help you get rid of the heel spurs.

Complex treatment of calcaneal spur

In a complex treatment of the calcaneal spur can be carried out in the following combination. Dimexide + Diclofenac, Ibuprofen or Indomethacin. These drugs can be used as a compress, and in the form of anti-inflammatory ointments, which anesthetize and warm.

Side effects stated in the drug instructions

In most cases, Dimexide is tolerated well enough, but in some people this drug can cause a reaction like (from the drug's instructions):

  1. Itching of the focus of inflammation;
  2. Sleep disturbance;
  3. Dermatitis;
  4. Diarrhea;
  5. Nausea;
  6. Vomiting;
  7. Bronchospasm.

If one of these symptoms occurs, the drug should be discontinued.

A source: https://medportal.su/pyatochnaya-shpora-lechenie-dimeksidom/