Exercises for scoliosis for children and adults: gymnastics complexes


  • 1Gymnastics for scoliosis in adults and children
    • 1.1Types of scoliosis
    • 1.2Causes
    • 1.3Diagnosis and treatment
  • 2Therapeutic gymnastics in scoliosis
    • 2.1Stages of scoliosis
    • 2.2What will help therapeutic gymnastics
    • 2.3Rules of curative gymnastics
    • 2.4Exercises
    • 2.5What exercises are contraindicated
    • 2.6Conclusion
  • 3How to choose a set of exercises for scoliosis?
    • 3.1Principles of back exercises in scoliosis
    • 3.2Features of exercises from scoliosis of various types
    • 3.3Factor: degree of curvature of the spine
    • 3.4Factor: form of curvature of the spine
    • 3.5Factor: localization of curvature of the spine
    • 3.6Factor: concomitant diseases, kyphoscoliosis
    • 3.7Alternative load for the treatment and prevention of scoliosis
  • 4LFK in scoliosis: what exercises to perform
    • 4.1The rules of physiotherapy in scoliosis
    • 4.2Complexes of physiotherapy in scoliosis
    • 4.3Warm-up for adults
    • 4.4Warm up for children and adults
    • 4.5Complex with thoracolumbar scoliosis
    • 4.6Gymnastics with left-sided scoliosis in the lower back
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Gymnastics for scoliosis in adults and children

Scoliosis is the most common disease of the spine in children and adults. The disease is most susceptible to young children and adolescents, it is also called the curvature of the spine.

Cure scoliosis is possible at an initial stage will help gymnastics from scoliosis, the most effective way to combat pathology. All about therapeutic gymnastics for scoliosis for adults and children (with exercise complexes) will be discussed in this article.

With the help of individually selected exercises, their constant application and expert advice, your spine will return to normal.

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine in an arc, in the lateral plane at which it is possible displacement of some vertebrae under a certain degree, on the body of change visible in the humeral and femoral belt. In the spine, nerve endings are pinched, their work is disrupted, due to the movement of the vertebrae, the muscle corset is displaced, which leads to pressure on the internal organs.

Types of scoliosis

Scoliosis is divided into acquired and congenital. Congenital is already seen in utero, on ultrasound.

The precondition for the appearance of scoliosis before birth is a chromosomal abnormality, a congenital disorder of the connective the wrong way of life of a pregnant woman (poor nutrition, bad habits, lack of physical activity).

Symptoms and discomfort of congenital scoliosis begin to appear only in adolescence.

Acquired scoliosis in adults, occurs with the assistance of extraneous factors, they include experienced injuries, improper planting, lack of movement and physical activity.The specialists divide the acquired scoliosis into the following according to the stages of development:

  • Changes are not visible to the naked eye. There is a small stoop and asymmetry in the shoulder girdle;
  • The manifestation of asymmetry in the scapular region, painful sensations in the back;
  • Changes in posture are visible to others, the shape of the back is changing, there is a hard-to-transfer pain in the back;
  • The most severe stage is characterized by the appearance of a hump on the ribs, their hollowness or protrusion;
  • By degree of complexity, the disease is classified into simple, complex and total;
  • Es-shaped, or simple, is a bend of the spine to the right or left;
  • S-shaped, or complex. By name, it is characterized by a S-shaped bend;
  • E-shaped, or total, the heaviest of the forms, changes occur in all areas of the spine, having a different configuration.

Scoliosis is of several types according to the nature and place of the disease:

  1. Cervico-thoracic. Changes in the 4th, 5th vertebrae and asymmetry of the shoulder girdle;
  2. Thoracic. Changes in the 7th, 9th vertebrae. Disturbance of breathing and deformity of the breast;
  3. Lumbar-thoracic. Changes in the 10th, 12th vertebrae. Respiratory and circulatory disorders;
  4. Lumbar. Changes in the 1st, 2nd vertebrae of the waist. Appearing pain in the lower back;
  5. Combined, it's S-shaped. Changes in the 1st, 2nd vertebrae of the lower back and the 8th, 9th thoracic.


There is no definite cause of pathology. But there are a variety of reasons leading to its appearance:

  • Weakness and lethargy of the muscular corset due to an inactive way of life;
  • Permanent wrong landing, violation of posture;
  • Various injuries;
  • Tuberculosis or syphilis;
  • Osteochondrosis, sciatica;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and digestive tract;
  • Heredity;
  • Herniated intervertebral;
  • Occupational disease, due to the use of one side of the body (tennis, badminton);
  • Lack of vitamin D, metabolic disorders, calcium deficiency;
  • Different length of limbs;
  • Great physical activity.
  • Be sure to read: yoga for cervical osteochondrosis

Diagnosis and treatment

There are only 2 types of scoliosis diagnosis, this is a standard examination in the orthopedic or instrumental, with the help of rays.

Standard examination by a specialist includes measuring the level of the shoulders, ribs and symmetry of the pelvis, the behavior of the spine in motion is observed, muscle strength and reflexes are checked.

The instrumental method is carried out with the help of special equipment:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a deep method of evaluation, shows how serious a trauma is, right down to the spinal cord;
  2. Roentgen of the spine, the degree and severity of the pathology is determined;
  3. CT scan. It is performed for the purpose of diagnosing the states of nerve endings and soft tissues near the vertebrae;
  4. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound), prescribe for suspected renal pathology;
  5. Rehabilitation for scoliosis, depends on the degree of disease, the nature of the manifestation and age of the patient. Specialists, taking into account all parameters, choose a conservative or surgical method.

A conservative method is understood as a set of exercises for scoliosis, massage procedures, swimming therapy and physiotherapy.

Before beginning any intervention, consultation with the attending physician is required for contraindications and revealing hidden pathologies.

Methods of treatment for the stages of the disease.

The initial stage requires the strengthening of the muscular corset to stabilize the spinal column.

The maximum effect is achieved with scoliosis of the thoracic spine, with the help of physical exercises, to strengthen the muscles body, relaxing massage, correcting the posture of swimming and several courses of physiotherapy with the use of special equipment.

The second stage, implies all the procedures claimed for the first stage, only when using an individual corrective corset, fixing the spine in the desired physiological position.

It is also used in exercises with spine scoliosis at home. The third stage requires all the actions of the first two stages, but differs in the duration of the treatment. At the fourth stage will not help the complex exercises lfk with scoliosis.

The type of treatment will be surgical intervention.

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/uprazhneniya/gimnastika-pri-skolioze-u-vzroslyh-i-detej.html

Therapeutic gymnastics in scoliosis

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. The disease develops while the spine is not yet formed, that is, in childhood and adolescence.

In the absence of adequate medical care, the ailment often progresses steadily, leading to a shift in the internal organs with subsequent disruption of respiratory and circulatory functions.

Diagnosed at an early stage, scoliosis is successfully treated, and the leading place in the therapy of this pathology is therapeutic exercise (LFK) and therapeutic gymnastics as its component.

It is this method of treatment that will be discussed in our article.

Stages of scoliosis

As it was said above, with scoliosis the spinal column deviates from the median axis to the side - to the right or to the left. The angle of deviation may be different, but the smaller it is, the greater the chance of getting rid of the curvature and restore the posture.

Depending on the magnitude of the angle of deviation of the spine from the median axis, there are 4 degrees of scoliosis:

  1. The deflection angle is practically not noticeable visually and is from 1 to 10 degrees. It is regarded by a number of doctors as a variant of the norm, easily adjusted with the help of exercise therapy.
  2. Angle of deviation of the spine from the median axis of the body is 11 to 25 degrees. This stage is important not to miss and start correcting in time with the help of exercises - if this is not done, it for a short time progresses to the next, which is almost impossible to cope with by exercise therapy.
  3. The angle of deflection is great - it ranges from 26 to 50 degrees. Poorly amenable to adjustment.
  4. The heaviest stage, the angle of deviation at which is more than 50 degrees. Therapeutic physical culture, and many other methods to fix it is impossible. The curvature is very noticeable to the naked eye.

What will help therapeutic gymnastics

The curvature of the spine in scoliosis is partly due to the imbalance of the muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine: some of them are those that are on the convex side curvatures - are in an increased tone, strained, and the corresponding muscle groups on the opposite side - where the spine is concave - are excessively relaxed, practically atrophied. LFK allows you to give the above muscles an asymmetric load, coaching ones and relaxing others. In addition, in the process of therapeutic gymnastics the muscular skeleton of the spine as a whole is strengthened, which means that the latter is reliably kept in the correct position.

In scoliosis, the exercise therapy is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • strengthen and promote the proper development of the musculoskeletal back apparatus;
  • to eliminate the imbalance of muscle tone and ligaments of the spine;
  • to correct the damaged posture, having reduced a corner of a curvature of a backbone;
  • as far as possible to relieve the spinal column.

As a result of all changes in the musculoskeletal system, the costal hump disappears, coordination of movements improves, the work of previously displaced or compressed internal organs, the tolerance of physical exertion is increased, immunity is strengthened, the appearance of the patient and his mood.

Rules of curative gymnastics

Classes of therapeutic exercise supplement the course of massage.

On the patient's PHC, the doctor is sent (since the overwhelming number of patients are children, it is usually a pediatrician).

The complex of exercises is selected for each patient individually, depending on the degree of curvature of the spine, age and general condition of the patient, the presence of certain scoliosis-induced changes (dyspnea, circulatory disorders, and other).

Classes are held in a spacious, well-ventilated room with a comfortable temperature and humidity. The patient is in clothing, not fettering movements. Exercises are carried out under the full control of the instructor, and in severe cases - and the doctor of exercise therapy.

At 1-2 degrees of scoliosis, medical gymnastics is the main method of correction of curvature, at 3-4 - auxiliary.

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In addition to therapeutic gymnastics, the patient can be prescribed such methods of conservative treatment as:

In addition, an excellent way to correct posture are regular swimming. Only this kind of sport provides a uniform load on the spine, muscles and ligaments of the back, which means that it is effective in scoliosis.

Correction of curvature by therapeutic gymnastics is possible only for patients of childhood and adolescence - for reaching patients 20 years of age, exercise therapy is considered inappropriate, because the spine is already fully is formed.

To therapeutic gymnastics had the desired effect, it must be done daily and for a long time.

Begin classes with simple exercises with a minimum load on the spine. Load gradually increase - to introduce into the complex exercises with a higher level of complexity.

Active spinal traction, for example, on the crossbar, is prohibited. Pull it can be extremely passive - with a support.

In case of back pain, dizziness, dyspnea, or other symptoms of worsening, the patient should tell the coach about this and possibly stop the activity for today.


All exercises performed with scoliosis are divided into 2 types: symmetrical and asymmetric.

Symmetrical provide a uniform load on the muscles of the back and are performed to strengthen the muscular-ligament corset of the spine.

Asymmetric purposefully affect certain muscle groups, relaxing one and training others.

With the help of these exercises, correction of the curvature of the spine is performed, which means that the posture improves. It is asymmetric exercises that can not be assigned to oneself independently, as they not only will not improve the patient's condition, but also contribute to the progression of scoliosis.

Exercises in the curvature of the spine can be performed while sitting, standing, lying on the back or on the stomach.

Most exercises should be repeated 5-15 times, depending on the degree of fitness.

As a rule, the gymnastics classes begin with 5-7 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 10-15.

So, for the treatment of scoliosis of 1-2 degree without complications, such exercises can be used:

  • to be like on all fours 2-3 minutes;
  • standing on all fours to straighten his left hand and pull it forward while lifting his right leg; freeze in this position for 5-7 seconds; perform the same exercise with other limbs;
  • standing on all fours to bend his back, lifting his head as high as possible; freeze in this position for 5-10 seconds;
  • standing on all fours arched back arched up, trying to reach one knee head, return to the starting position; repeat with another knee;
  • lie on his back, pull the left elbow to the right knee, then vice versa - the right elbow to the left knee;
  • lying on his back with arms extended along the trunk to raise his straight legs, tilt them to the right, then to the left; return to the starting position;
  • lie on your back, try to pull your heels down, and your head and hands - up; one extension for 10-15 seconds;
  • lie on your stomach, repeat the passive traction described in the previous paragraph;
  • lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, kick your legs as if you were riding a bicycle; one "race" to continue 30-45 seconds;
  • lying on his back to raise his straight legs and alternately cross them both in the horizontal and in the vertical plane; popular the name of this exercise is "scissors movement should be performed without stopping for 30-45 seconds, the number of repetitions - 2-3;
  • lie on your stomach, put your head on the back of your hands; Raise the head, shoulder girdle, upper and lower extremities with the help of which to move on the style of swimming in the breaststroke style;
  • lying on the abdomen to raise the head, shoulder girdle, arms and legs is similar to the previous exercise, but do not move them, and stand in this position for 30-40 seconds;
  • lying on your stomach perform an exercise "scissors
  • lying on his stomach leaned on his palms, alternately raise his straight leg as high as possible from the floor;
  • stand upright, do walking on the spot, trying to keep your back straight;
  • to stand upright, put your feet on the width of your shoulders, bend your arms in the elbow joints, put your fingers on the shoulder joints; to make circular movements from front to back and back;
  • stand upright, climb to your toes and pull straight arms upwards as far as possible, smoothly lower;
  • to become straight, straight arms to spread apart, turning palms up, climbing toe-toes, sit down, stand up, return to the starting position;
  • at the conclusion of a set of exercises to resemble a socks, raising their arms upright, or on their heels, with their hands behind their backs;
  • to resemble high lifting knees or cramping shins back.

What exercises are contraindicated

Some physical exercises and activities are categorically contraindicated in patients with scoliosis, since they contribute to an increase in spinal instability and the progression of the disease. These are:

  1. vis on the bar, exercises on the gymnastic wall (active spinal traction);
  2. elements of acrobatics - somersaults, pull-ups and others;
  3. force loads - exercises with a barbell, with weights;
  4. running for long distances;
  5. dance Sport;
  6. active sports (in the 1-2 stages of the disease the game of volleyball is allowed);
  7. squats on one leg and other asymmetric loads.


Scoliosis is a disease that is successfully amenable to correction in the early stages of development in children and adolescents.

The regular conduct of exercises in therapeutic gymnastics in conjunction with other methods of physiotherapy in the overwhelming most cases lead to a significant improvement in the patient's condition, and often to a complete recovery. Exercises for classes should be assigned exclusively by a specialist individually for each patient. Self-medication (in this situation - self-selection of exercises) will not only not promote recovery, but will worsen the patient's condition, causing the progression of scoliosis.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later. Parents are required from childhood:

  • to teach the child the rules of a healthy lifestyle;
  • follow his posture while walking and studying at his desk;
  • stimulate the child to engage in sports (in terms of scoliosis, the optimal type of exercise is swimming).

If you follow these recommendations, scoliosis will certainly bypass your child. If the curvature does appear, you should start correction of the posture with the help of exercise therapy as soon as possible. With this approach, you will achieve recovery in the shortest possible time.

A source: http://physiatrics.ru/10002539-lechebnaya-gimnastika-pri-skolioze/

How to choose a set of exercises for scoliosis?

Scoliosis or curvature of the spine sideways is a common phenomenon among children and adults.

Our organisms simply do not stand up to constant work at the computer, hours of school hours and universities and regular training (this applies to sports, movement in which asymmetrical).

Scoliosis can be both congenital and acquired. There are four degrees of curvature of the spine according to the severity of the disease, many different types of localization and form of curvature.

To put your back in order, you need to do special exercises for the treatment of scoliosis, as well as charging for the prevention of curvature of the spine.

True, a set of exercises for scoliosis should be selected individually.

You need to understand what kinds of diseases are observed in your child or you, and it is best to perform gymnastics under the supervision of a doctor.

Choosing a natural method of treatment, among which exercise therapy or exercises to correct scoliosis, swimming, special simulators and other means available, including at home, should be selected specialist.

Principles of back exercises in scoliosis

We need to make literate complexes: either symmetrical exercises for the first degree of scoliosis, or with the strain of one side and the relaxation of the other. And also it is necessary to try to exclude employment by asymmetric kinds of sports (tennis, badminton, bowling, etc.).

The heavier the degree of disease, the more difficult it is to correct the curvature of the spine and the more it will be required from adults and children.

Exercises from scoliosis designed for children and adolescents are more effective because their back has not lost its flexibility.

For adults, more time and effort will be needed to treat curvature.

The regularity of the exercises for scoliosis is, of course, the most important rule! Exercises are performed by the opposite bend limb.

With left-sided scoliosis - right arm or leg, with right-sided - left.

Exercises from scoliosis, where the movement goes down, you need to do on exhalation, movements up - on inspiration.

At severe degrees of curvature, the hanging on the Swedish wall or horizontal bar is contra-indicated.

At the first sessions of physiotherapy (LFK) there should be a doctor in order to check the correctness of the exercises for scoliosis.

Wrong movements can lead to a side effect. You need to know the forbidden exercises and their authorized analogs for each department of the spine.

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Features of exercises from scoliosis of various types

Factor: degree of curvature of the spine

At the first degree, relatively easy, you can perform all the medical exercises from scoliosis, effective exercises on fitbole for the prevention of curvature.

Symmetrical synchronous movements will help you to strengthen the muscular corset and stop the progress of the disease (however it concerns only the slightest degree of curvature) of the problem department of the spine.

Scoliosis of the 2nd degree requires obligatory observation of a specialist. At the smallest pains it is necessary to stop to do or make a complex and to change the program.

With scoliosis of 3rd and 4th degree, in absentia it is impossible to recommend the performance of scoliosis exercises. The work is very delicate and must be performed by the physicians.

Factor: form of curvature of the spine

There are three forms of curvature: C, S and Z-shaped scoliosis. The latter type is the most neglected, often in the detection of this form of curvature, doctors advise surgery.

It is important to be very careful when learning to do exercises with S-shaped scoliosis. There are a number of exercises for the back from scoliosis, which can not be performed.

In the complex, there should be no slopes, because when one of the two arcs is straightened, another one suffers. In addition, it is worth avoiding slopes back and deflections in the lower back. Do not recommend the movement of scissors, a bicycle, raising your legs from a prone position, raising your legs in the vise.

However, the selection of the complex for S-shaped scoliosis should be performed by a doctor, and only by a doctor!

A warm-up exercise for scoliosis of this type of scoliosis can be as follows: pulling the spine upward, dilating the hands to the sides, turning the neck.

The basic movements are carried out strictly on the floor.

Conducting therapy is regulated by the doctor, it is up to the expert to determine what exercises are right for you!

For C-shaped scoliosis, you need to take into account the direction in which the curvature has gone.

With right-sided scoliosis, the scoliosis exercise is performed with the left arm or leg, and with the left-hand scoliosis the right one.

In the vertical position, only with this form of scoliosis, it is possible to perform inclinations. In principle, the treatment of this form of scoliosis can be carried out in groups of exercise therapy, as well as at home.

Do not forget that the complex should also rely on the severity of the curvature, which was mentioned earlier.

Factor: localization of curvature of the spine

Scoliosis of the cervical spine is treated with a combination of various sports techniques. Especially shown swimming and exercise therapy, extremely showing exercises from yoga.

Exercises exercise should be performed neatly, the neck should remain straight, shoulders should be kept on the same level. Require the performance of exercises that the doctor appointed, with cervical scoliosis for children.

It is in childhood that there can be both a severe deterioration and the best treatment.

In chest scoliosis, exercise LFK consists of three parts: warm-up, basic and final. To treat the curvature of the thoracic department, special attention is paid to breathing.

The complex is performed mainly in the supine position and standing on all fours, classes on fitball are possible even at home.

Examples of exercises for breast scoliosis for children can be the following movements:

  1. lying on his back, inhaling his elbows, on exhalation we return to the opposite position;
  2. lying on his back, alternately bend his legs on exhalation;
  3. one more exercise from scoliosis - in the same position, the hand from the side of the curvature is removed to the side, and the other upwards, on the exhalation we drop our hands.

After consulting with a doctor, you can perform basic exercises yourself at home.

With lumbar scoliosis, exercises using special simulators, exercise therapy, and manual therapy are used. It is necessary to strengthen weak or atrophied muscles in the lumbar spine. Treatment should be done in a complex way.

As the specialist Dr. Bubnovsky points out, it is necessary to differentiate the methods, as well as the correction, depending on the intermediate results.

As an example, he cites the situation when the primary treatment of curvature in the lumbar region led to the appearance of thoracic scoliosis.

Successful correction of the scoliosis of this department led to a positive result.

Factor: concomitant diseases, kyphoscoliosis

Kifoscoliosis significantly complicates the treatment of curvature, as stoop is added to the lateral fold. Very often, kyphoscoliosis develops in adolescents against a background of active growth. When treating this disease, you need to consider what exactly you can not do with scoliosis and with kyphoscoliosis.

Experts advise in kyphoscoliosis to increase physical activity and exercise. With a difference in the length of the legs, you need to wear special shoes. Kifoscoliosis requires constant control over the posture and, possibly, the transition from bags to backpacks.

Exercises for kyphoscoliosis are appointed by the doctor, since only he will fully see the whole picture. In kyphoscoliosis, for example, the following movements can be performed:

  • in the position on all fours, alternately pull forward the opposite legs and stay in such a position;
  • in the supine position, rest on the floor with elbows and head, inhalation should be deflected, and on exhalation the patient descends.

Planning a charge for kyphoscoliosis, you need to consider the extent, shape and location of the disease.

Alternative load for the treatment and prevention of scoliosis

Along with exercise therapy, some experts advise additional types of exercise: exercises from yoga, swimming, Fitball exercises and other exercises that can be performed at home for adults and children.

When following such advice, it is worthwhile first to see if such exercises are appropriate in your case, whether they are combined with your kind of curvature. It is possible that the complex can be partially implemented. This problem is especially true for yoga.

If yoga movements are suitable for strengthening the muscular corset and preventing curvatures, then not every type of yoga will suit the curvature treatment.

The doctor, who is engaged in the treatment of scoliosis, advises, at the first stages, to consider programs, for example, from hatha yoga. However, it is worthwhile to understand that a specialist conducting classes should be aware of your problem.

He must understand both the whole essence of yoga, and the problems of curvature of the spine, and such a doctor - a therapist is not often found.

A special role in the treatment of scoliosis of the spine of varying degrees of severity is played by swimming. In the early stages of development, it can be quite effective. However, swimming is necessary, with the application of respiratory gymnastics.

With therapeutic swimming, the body's symmetry is restored and a natural straightening of the spine occurs. Medical swimming is performed no more than 2-3 times a week, the patient must swim about a kilometer in different styles.

Swimming is effective for scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis. A measure supplementing swimming can be special breathing exercises in the water.

This is done to restore the work of the heart and respiratory system in the complications of this disease.

Remember that whatever method (exercise therapy, swimming, yoga) you would not choose, you must first consult with your doctor, and then exercise regularly, because scoliosis and especially kifoskolioz - this is not a joke and not a whim of doctors, and a big threat to your health.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/lechenie/lfk/kompleks-uprazhneniy-pri-skolioze.html

LFK in scoliosis: what exercises to perform

Therapeutic gymnastics is the main method of treatment of scoliosis of I and II degrees

Lateral curvature of the spine is most often found in children older than 8 years, but the scoliosis of two initial degrees can develop and in the adult state due to some pathologies of the spine in the presence of aggravating states. Therefore, the topic of exercise therapy in scoliosis is of interest to adults not only regarding their children, but also themselves.

LFK and massage with scoliosis is a classic and the main pair of effective methods for treating spinal curvature in any plane. At the same time, it should immediately be clarified that improperly performing exercises and a poorly balanced complex is guaranteed to exacerbate the course of the disease.

Before performing the "liked" gymnastic complex LFK video in scoliosis, it should be approved by a doctor.

The rules of physiotherapy in scoliosis

For a while you will have to forget about the fun with the skipping rope

In order for LFK for scoliosis and kyphosis to bring the expected result - stably straightened vertebral pillar and returned its natural configuration of bends, it is required unconditionally to observe the following recommendations.

  1. You need to work every day. Adults need to level their spine in the morning and in the evening, and the children need one workout per day, which is better spent in the game form.
  2. For a time until a stable remission is achieved, it is necessary to forget about jumping exercises, jumps and jumps, pull-ups and symmetrical vises on two hands, running for long distances and training with weighted. It is strictly forbidden to pump the press and back, develop the flexibility of the spinal column. By the way, that's why children with a diagnosis of Scoliosis are given exemption from usual physical education lessons.
  3. Each training session must begin with the heating of the joints (see Fig. Articular warm-up: how to properly exercise a healing workout for the joints), ligaments and muscles, and finish with the final relaxation pose.
  4. During the exercises, you should follow the recommendations on breathing techniques. They will not only help the "suffering" of the scoliosis lobe. Respiratory exercises will work out the muscles that are difficult for most gymnastics exercises between ribs and interosseous muscle fibers of the thoracic, and with diaphragmatic respiration, and the lumbar region the spine.
  5. In a well-composed complex, the exercises alternate in a special way, so you can not change them in places.
  6. After straightening the spine, the treatment does not end. It will be necessary to consolidate the result achieved by a separate set of exercises, which will need to be done within 2-3 months.
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Concerning the "golden rule" of physical exercises - the gradual increase in the loads, - in Physiotherapy with scoliosis is the following nuances that are inherent in the treatment of only this pathology:

  • symmetrical movements, produced in different directions, are performed with a different number of repetitions in the cycle - 2-3 times in a row in the "therapeutic" side, and then 1 time in the "ordinary
  • special asymmetric exercises are still performed in two directions - in the beginning in a proportion of 3 (for the stricken) to 1 (for the healthy side);
  • a gradual increase in the number of repetitions of each, both asymmetric and symmetrical exercises, should be accompanied by a slow alignment of the above load balances on the patient and healthy side.

Complexes of physiotherapy in scoliosis

in this article is not published. It is much easier and quicker to get acquainted with the proposed selections of exercises LFK with scoliosis of 2 degrees can be on the photo with brief explanations.

And as it was indicated in the rules listed above, any exercise exercise should begin with the heating of the musculo-articular apparatus.

Warm-up for adults

Vortex warm-up of joints and tendons is borrowed from the practice of martial arts


  1. this warm-up is performed in the order indicated on the photo - from 1 to 5, that is, the order of warming up of the joints goes from bottom to top;
  2. the number of repetitions of each rotational movement - 8, 12 or 16;
  3. to exercise 2, you can add asymmetric simultaneous movements in the knees inward and outward;
  4. before circular movements in the shoulder joints (4), it is possible to warm up the wrist and elbow joints, performing rotations in them, putting their hands in the sides.

Warm up for children and adults

"Normal" warm-up of the joints is not interesting for children, especially for adolescents. We offer to perform as simple warm-up simple movements of yoga - the practice of "Salutation of the Sun which are collected in a sequential cycle.

Fantasize and beat each of the movements, and to begin with, perform it with the child. Such a small charge will not be superfluous to anyone. It is contraindicated except that people suffering from lumbar radiculitis, hernia and arthrosis of the joints of the limbs.

Playful names of asanas for children, will help to remember the cycle easier and carry out its oarsabout:

  • On the exhalation, we welcome morning (day, evening), characterized by combining palms.
  • Bending, inhale: "Hello heaven!".
  • Exhaling, we make a deep "bow" to the Earth.
  • On inhalation, we remove one foot back, and in a deep lung we see "Has Sun got up (is there in the sky)?".
  • We remove the supporting leg from the fall back, and exhaling, "grow into a high mountain full of treasures."
  • At the delay of breathing, from the lungs, we "press" our knees and chest to the floor, "listening to the flow of groundwater."
  • Breathing in the air, we lower our legs to the floor and bend in the lower back, taking the "Wise Snake" pose.
  • Doing exhalation becomes a "Rock".
  • Pulling one leg under him, in a position of deep lunge, we inhale and again "look at the Sun".
  • We pull the second leg under ourselves and from the sitting position bending, raise the buttocks upwards, fully straightening our legs and breathing out noisily, simulate the movement of the piston.
  • On exhalation, slowly unbend, while lifting your hands up and not bending your knees. We bend back, as far as possible. The body stretched "like a bowstring of a fighting bow" is ready to perform a complex of gymnastic exercises.
  • We put our hands together, make a small bow.

For adults, in order to be more interesting, we recommend doing this practice in conjunction with breathing in the chakras.

In the picture there are colored circles drawn in the localization corresponding to the projections of the chakras.

Try during the inspiration (exhalation) to imagine that in this place on the body (or from it), enters (leaves) the energy flow of the specified color.

Complex with thoracolumbar scoliosis

This selection of exercise therapy for right-sided thoracolumbar scoliosis is based on the fact that this pathology is inherent in children of secondary school age.

If you are looking for complex exercise therapy for kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine, then you can safely take these exercise, as right-handed teenagers are most often mixed diagnosis - kyphosis and right-sided scoliosis thoracolumbar section.

It is necessary to walk with your back forward with step-by-step steps, namely - first you need to make 3 steps from the right foot, and then 1 step to the left. Then it's worth turning 180 °.

Exercise is best performed under rhythmic music. The number of repetitions of the cycle is 3 + 1 - 6 times.

Pay attention - hands should work just like with normal walking, the leg should be placed on the toe, and the steps should be of medium size.

Putting your feet a little narrower than your shoulders, use your hands to grasp:

  1. Bend to the right (exhale).
  2. Without lifting your torso and uncoupling your arms, go to the incline position (inhale).
  3. Return to the right slope (exhalation).
  4. Take the initial position (inhalation).

Repeat 3 times, and then bend to the left side, raising your right arm up and staying in the slope for 3 seconds.

Change hands in places and make a slope with turns to the left, but 1 time.

Sags aside near the Swedish wall

Standing almost right next to the Swedish wall with your right hand and holding it with your right hand, you should hang left 3 times in a row. Then turn left and make one sagging to the right. Raise your free hand up.

If there is no Swedish wall, you can hold the handle of the door, locked.

Repeat cycle 2 times.

The photo shows similar options for this exercise.

From the initial position: the main stance - making an exhalation, you need to slowly and gradually lean forward, tilting each vertebrae in turn, starting with the cervical region. At the same time, the arms hang like whips and do not touch the floor. In the slope you need to relax for 2-3 seconds, and just as slowly go back, filling the air with the lungs.

This exercise is always done 3 times, and in the future the number of repetitions does not increase.

To finish the gymnastic complex is an exercise with relaxation of all muscles.

Extension of the spine lying on the floor

First you need to stretch the spine, stretching both hands and feet. The girl in the photo bent in the lower back.

It is not necessary to do this. We must try to ensure that all parts of the back touch the floor.

After stretching, you should throw your arms to the sides and down, and in this position, relax all the muscles of the body for 30-45 seconds.

How to balance the equalize the load on the left and right side of the body when a month of daily training has passed. To increase the load by the number of repetitions of each cycle is no longer necessary. If progress is made, then start doing the exercises in a ratio of 3 (sick) to 2 (healthy side).

After about a month, another set of exercises can be performed, the goal of which will be to consolidate the achieved success - to build muscle strength of the muscles of the back and the press.

Gymnastics with left-sided scoliosis in the lower back

The question about what is shown in exercise therapy in adult scoliosis of the 2nd degree is really of interest mainly to people of mature age, since in most cases such a diagnosis is put after 25-28 years.

By and large, the above exercises are suitable for exercise therapy in left-sided lumbar scoliosis. Just need to "reverse" the load balance in the other direction.

In addition, the adult body needs a large initial load, so it is worth starting with more repetitions of cycles.

For example, if it is written repeat the cycle 2 times, do 3 repetitions.

You can advise to include in the complex 2 additional exercises.

Do this exercise before the movements "Blowing ball"

Description of the exercise "Semicircles from the slope

  1. take the original position, as in the photo above;
  2. go to the right inclination (inhalation), then straighten (hold breath) and lean forward (exhale) - 3 times;
  3. make a semicircle in the left side - 1 time;
  4. repeat the cycle 3 times.

That exercise will have a greater effect if you perform it as follows:

  • Lie on your stomach, stretching your arms forward (inhale);
  • lift the body slightly, "bend" to the right, holding the raised chest parallel to the floor, and touch the right elbow of the right knee, bending the leg (exhalation) - 3 times;
  • return to the starting position (inhalation);
  • repeat the exercise to the left, but already as shown in the photo - 1 time;
  • do 3 cycles;
  • Do this exercise before Superman.

And in conclusion it is necessary to clarify that scoliosis of the II degree is quickly and successfully corrected by physical exercises.

The price of laziness and delay with treatment is the third degree of pathology, which one physical culture can not be corrected, but the sixth degree already requires complex and costly surgical correction.

A source: https://vash-ortoped.ru/lechenie/lechebnaya-fizkultura/lfk-pri-skolioze-736

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