Hives: photos, symptoms and treatment in adults

What is it? Urticaria is one of the types of allergic reactions. The disease has an immunological nature, is not contagious, but is subject to mandatory treatment with folk remedies or pharmacological preparations.

For the emergence of clinical symptoms in adults and children, direct interaction with the allergen is necessary.

Approximately one in three people endure this disease once in a lifetime. It can be caused by the interaction of the human body with food, medicinal or chemical substances, insect bites. But such factors as sunlight, exposure to heat or cold, exercise, contact with plants and animals can also be the cause of the disease.

In this regard, it is important to know what the urticaria looks like (photo), the symptoms and treatment of this pathology should also be remembered by every adult.


Urticaria, like many other hypersensitivity reactions, is associated with congenital disturbances in the regulation of the immune system. In the patient's body, as a reaction to various negative factors, too many antibodies are formed. It is not always possible to establish that in a particular case it was the cause of hives.

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Often it arises from an insect bite or nettle burn. In addition, it can resume with penicillin or sulfonamides. Sometimes it manifests itself as a result of hormonal disorders or the intake of certain foods. Unusual reactions of the human body can be caused by physical irritants, for example, heat, cold.

Symptoms of urticaria

The main feature is the rapid development of the rash and its rapid disappearance after the appointment of an adequate treatment.

Symptoms of urticaria have several manifestations. It can be a rash, flaking plaques and blisters. They are the most common symptom of the disease - they really look like a nettle burn: bright pink, with uneven edges, dense, very itchy and hot to the touch. Because of this, the rash is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38 ° C.

The peculiarity of the ailment consists in the sudden appearance of symptoms and the same disappearance that leaves no traces. Usually blisters appear throughout the body - on the hands, feet, face, rarely - on the mucous membranes. This situation requires an immediate response, because due to swelling of the nasopharynx and larynx there is a threat of suffocation.

Whenacute formurticaria suddenly affects a person, while it exhibits urticaria rashes, very severe itching. Appearing blisters are pale pink, they have different sizes. At the same time, the blister is dull in the center, and at the edges it has a pink color. The shape of the blisters can be either rounded or completely uneven. In some cases, such blisters can merge into a single zone. Such a process for the patient is fraught with a general deterioration of his condition: there is a so-called nettle fever. In some cases, urticaria occurs after vaccinations, the administration of certain drugs, blood transfusions.

Whenchronic formailment in an adult periodically paroxysmal all symptoms occur and after a while pass. Such conditions can be repeated periodically for years. In addition, rashes on the skin are accompanied by simply unbearable itching, as well as general weakness of the body, headaches, nausea, neurotic conditions. To determine what to treat hives, first you need to establish its type, as well as the cause of the occurrence.


How urticaria looks like: photo

An allergic reaction can occur on the skin of the hands, feet, face and other parts of the body of an adult or child. To understand the symptoms of urticaria, you should know how it looks on the human body. For this we have selected the appropriate photos.

Manifestations in children

Symptoms of urticaria in children begin spontaneously, with intense itching of various parts of the body. And blisters that jump at the same time the disease can be not only on the body, but also on the mucous membrane of the eyes, gastrointestinal tract, lips. And usually keep from a few minutes to several hours.

The most dangerous for children of all the options is - Quincke's edema. If the child has swollen neck or face, or has difficulty in swallowing and breathing - immediately consult a doctor, or call an ambulance.

Stages of development of the disease

During the allergic form of the disease, it is customary to make 3 basic steps:

  1. Immunological. The beginning coincides with the contact of the body with an allergen or irritant. As it spreads with the bloodstream, the body produces and accumulates antibodies (sensitized lymphocytes).
  2. Pathochemical. There is a formation (in the case of the first exposure to an allergen) or isolation of ready (with relapse) mediators of allergy (biologically active substances), their interaction with an allergen.
  3. Pathophysiological. It is the response of organs and tissues to the formed mediators. After raising their level in the blood, clinical symptoms begin to appear.

Treatment of urticaria

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factor. In most cases, urticaria passes for several hours without any treatment. However, if the rash does not go away for several hours, you need to take antihistamines recommended by your doctor.

With the diagnosis of urticaria, treatment in adults is also in taking antihistamines. The most commonly used bronhal, terfenadine, astelong, teridine, telfast, lomilan, cetrine, zirtek, kestin and claritin. With the cholinergic type, M-cholinoblockers such as Belloid, Bellataminal and Bellaspone will be effective.

To treat a severe form of acute use of glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone), infusion therapy, hyposensitizing agents (10% calcium gluconate, 10% calcium chloride), antihistamines, gastric lavage, enterosorbents.

Symptomatic treatment is reduced to activities aimed at individual symptoms - itching, swelling. To measures aimed at reducing itching, include: hot shower, wiping the skin with a half-alcohol solution, table vinegar, diluted 2 times with water, fresh lemon juice, 1% solution dimedrol. In some cases there is an improvement after baths with nettle or alternating, taking powder or decoction of licorice root.

Hives on hand


From the standard diet, all products that cause allergic reactions are excluded: chicken, citrus fruits, chocolate, smoked products, eggs, canned goods, marinades and carbonated drinks.

Patients with acute and chronic edema are advised not to take alcohol. In any form of the disease, a large amount of liquid should be used to quickly remove toxins from the body.

In the diet includes a large number of foods that contain vitamin C (fruits and vegetables). It is also recommended to eat foods with a lot of quercetin, which acts as an antihistamine, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drug.

How to treat the disease with folk remedies?

Funds from the arsenal of traditional medicine, which could be recommended to patients with this diagnosis, no. In addition, many recommended ways to treat hives can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Conversations about the fact that some recipes helped someone are most often based on self-hypnosis.

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