Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in adults and children are often accompanied by the formation of thick, viscous sputum.
In this case, cough becomes unproductive, suffocating, painful. Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible to dispense with special expectorants. The accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the bronchi is dangerous because of the creation of favorable conditions for accession and reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
Therefore, in such a situation, only drugs that will dilute and excrete sputum from bronchial lumens will come to the rescue.
Why are expectorants needed?
Cough is a protective reflex that works when irritating the mucous membranes of the airways. But if absolutely normal reaction, then why should you take expectorant drugs? Let's try to understand.
In the body of a healthy person, the trachea and bronchi secrete a specific substance - tracheobronchial mucus. It neutralizes the negative impact of pathogenic microflora and viruses on the respiratory system, promotes excretion microparticles, irritating mucous respiratory organs and entering the body together with inhaled air. A person swallows about 100 ml of this secret a day.
When joining the infection, the volume of mucus produced increases, and can be up to 1.5 liters per day. Such sputum is the optimal habitat for pathogens. To get rid of its excessive accumulation, the cough reflex works.
Viscous and thick sputum can not leave the bronchi itself, which results in a sharp deterioration in the person's well-being. To excrete mucus and to facilitate breathing, special expectorants are prescribed.
Means that have the property of dilution and excrete sputum, are divided into antitussives, mucolytic and expectorant.
- Anti-cough and combination drugs. Such drugs are prescribed with an unproductive, painful cough.
- Expectorantsa. Appointed with productive cough, accompanied by the formation of a sparse and easily separated secret.
- Mucolytics. Such medications are indicated to patients with a productive cough, in which the sputum is thick and viscous, so it can not leave the bronchi itself.
Expectorants are divided into several types:
- Medications of reflex action. When they get on the stomach mucosa, the vomiting reflex is activated. But the patient does not feel the urge to vomit, but the peristalsis of the musculature of the bronchi improves, which results in an increase in the volume of mucus in the bronchi. Stimulation of expectoration and sputum production occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. Such effect is rendered, basically, by the chemist's preparations made on the basis of extracts of althaea, thyme, mother-and-stepmother, etc.
- Direct resorptive agents. These drugs are absorbed in the stomach and have an irritant effect on the bronchi, increasing the volume of fluid under the influence of which sputum is formed. Improving expectoration is facilitated by the accumulation of water in the sputum, which liquefies it.
Mucolytics, which dilute sputum, are divided into:
- agents that affect the elasticity and viscosity of mucus (ATSTS, etc.);
- drugs that promote the production of sputum (Ambroxol, Abrol, etc.);
- drugs that inhibit the production of sputum (glucocorticoid funds, Libexin Muko, etc.).
All medications should be prescribed only by the attending physician. It should be noted that mucolytics can not be used in combination with antitussive drugs. However, there are combined drugs that have both expectorant and antitussive effects.
Expectorants: List
The choice of expectorant drugs in modern pharmacy chains is quite wide. At the same time, many tools have proved to be highly effective, but it is worth remembering that this is a purely individual factor. Do not rely on advice from friends and acquaintances and assurances of advertising - you need to entrust the issue of choosing a drug doctor.
With special care approach to the choice of expectorants for the treatment of children and pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. Therefore, before buying, you should definitely study the instructions to the medicine, paying close attention to age limitations and other contraindications. Many drugs are allowed only in the second and third trimester, and strictly prohibited - in the first.
The following list describes the most effective and available expectorants.
- Bromhexine is a highly effective mucolytic agent successfully used in tracheobronchitis, spastic bronchitis, bronchiectasis. This drug is a synthetic analogue of vasicin, which liquefies and removes phlegm. When ingested, bromhexine is absorbed into the blood, where, under the influence of numerous chemical reactions, it is converted into ambroxol. The drug is released in the form of tablets and syrup for oral administration, as well as drops for inhalation. The medicine starts to be active only in a day after reception. It helps to reduce the secretion of mucus and leads to an increase in the intensity of the ciliated epithelium. The volume of sputum is increased, and its active excretion from the body begins. Side effects can be manifested through the development of dyspepsia and allergic reactions. Today, Bromhexine is already an outdated medicine, so doctors rarely prescribe it to patients.
- Ambroxol is a medicine that not only stimulates the excretion of phlegm, but also protects the respiratory organs from infection. This drug is widely used for the treatment of bronchial and lung diseases, because the components that make up it are vital for the human body. Ambroxol is one of the decay products of bromhexine and has similar properties. Thanks to taking the drug, inflammation is stopped, besides it has an antioxidant effect. The drug is used not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes before and after surgical interventions. For the treatment of productive cough in adults, tablets are prescribed. If the child is sick, the syrup is prescribed.
- Acetylcysteine, which is an active component of the drug ATSTS. This is a highly effective mucolytic agent that reduces the viscosity of phlegm and releases it freely from the respiratory tract. Often, ATSs and its analogs are prescribed for patients with respiratory infections of an infectious nature: tracheobronchitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. Acetylcysteine is widely used in the treatment of cold cough. He is also included in the scheme of therapy for severe diseases such as cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, etc. Acetylcysteine is an important therapeutic component, released in the form of powder and effervescent tablets. The drug can cause allergic reactions, bronchospasm, dyspnea.
- Carbocysteine is a medicine that reduces the viscosity of sputum and helps to remove it from the body. Mukolvan, Langes, and Carbocysteine are drugs that are often prescribed for the treatment of productive cough in children and adults. They repair the damaged mucous membranes of the bronchi and accelerate the process of regeneration of their cells. They do not lead to the development of bronchospasm, besides they are safer than ATSTS. Positive dynamics is observed the next day from the start of treatment. The mucus becomes less dense, and therefore it is easier to expectorate.
- Combined medications. Such medications are considered to be potent, so they are used as a last resort, and only on strict indications. The most effective and well-known representative of this group of drugs is the drug Ascoril. However, funds from this category, despite their effectiveness, have a lot of contraindications. In addition, they can cause a number of side effects, so take them with caution. There is another widespread drug - Kodelak Broncho. It is released in 3 forms: tablets, syrup, elixir. The syrup is prescribed, basically, to children, depending on the age category. He makes the phlegm less viscous, facilitates her departure, weakens the cough. In parallel, the medicine removes inflammatory processes.
Preparations on plant basis
In addition to the above-described syrups, tablets and mixtures for inhalation, there are also phytopreparations made from medicinal plants. Here are the most effective of them.
- Dr. Tays is a plantain syrup that exudes expectorant and has an effect. Can be used for any kind of cough. It has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antispasmodic properties. With it, you can fight with bacterial infection and irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat. In most cases, the drug is included in the treatment regimen as an adjuvant.
- Проспан, Гербион, Геделикс - medicinal syrups from a cough, made on the basis of ivy. They stop bronchospasm, relieve cough, dilute viscous sputum and promote its excretion. These medications can be taken with both productive and non-productive cough.
- Drugs based on the root of althea - a budget and effective option. The most famous of them is the drug Mukaltin. With its help, the activity of the ciliated epithelium is stimulated, the sputum from the bronchi is diluted and excreted.
- The so-called "thermopsis tablets" are also quite inexpensive and effective. They help make sputum more fluid and accelerate the process of its removal from the respiratory tract. Especially popular is the medicine Termopsol. Its main advantage is that it can be applied even for the treatment of babies. The effect of this drug is aimed at stimulating the respiratory centers of the brain, so that the bronchi begin to actively produce a secret that dilutes sputum. Thermopsol has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the tone of smooth bronchial muscles and detrimental effects on the pathogenic microflora.
To avoid the occurrence of unpleasant side effects, a particular medicine should be chosen not by the patient, but by a qualified specialist!
Folk expectorants
In parallel with pharmacotherapy, folk remedies for cough are widely used. Consider the most effective recipes.
- Warm milk. This product in a heated form has the property of diluting sputum. To achieve higher and faster results from therapy, a little honey, alkaline mineral water, butter, badger fat or soda can be added to the milk.
- Honey. For treatment you need to use only natural honey! Better - buckwheat or lime. This product has antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is so appreciated in folk medicine. You can take a teaspoon of honey every 2-3 hours, or add it to warm (but not hot!) Drinks: tea, compote, milk, cocoa, etc.
- Steam inhalations using herbal decoctions. The classic option - to breathe over boiled potatoes, covering his head with a towel. Such procedures facilitate breathing, dilute mucus and have a beneficial effect on irritated mucous throats.
Quite often, doctors themselves recommend that patients combine pharmacotherapy with folk remedies for coughing. If the situation is not too bad, and we are not talking about pneumonia or more serious respiratory diseases, such an integrated approach to treatment gives simply amazing results!
The patient manages to get rid of sputum as soon as possible without consequences for his health. But do not forget: if the condition does not improve, or there is a regressive dynamics, it is necessary Immediately abandon ongoing therapy and seek the advice of a competent doctor!
Contraindications and precautions
Despite the fact that the above expectorant drugs are highly effective, use them for self-treatment should be extremely cautious.
Before using the selected medicine, read the instructions to it in detail. Each and every drug has its own contraindications, application features, limitations and side effects. If a particular remedy does not suit you, you should stop taking it and contact your doctor.
With a damp cough, you can not combine antitussive and expectorant drugs. Their simultaneous application will lead to a "conflict" of their active substances, which may result in deterioration of well-being and the occurrence of adverse reactions.
If self-medication does not bring relief for 3-5 days after the beginning of taking the drug, you should definitely consult a doctor to avoid dangerous complications.

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