Alzan ointment for joints


  • 1Application of Alesan cream and gel for the treatment of joints
    • 1.1Components and action of cream
    • 1.2Indications for use
    • 1.3Gel with cooling-warming effect
    • 1.4Cautions for treatment
    • 1.5Mode of use and side effects
    • 1.6Overdose and combination with other medicines
    • 1.7Price and feedback
  • 2Alezan - an effective cream for joints
    • 2.1Forms of the preparation
    • 2.2At what diseases is applied?
    • 2.3Properties of the tool
    • 2.4Method of application and safety of cream
    • 2.5Feedback on the reception "Alezana"
  • 3"Alesan" is a cream for joints. Reviews of doctors and buyers
    • 3.1What is this series?
    • 3.2Shampoo
    • 3.3Cream with miramistine and ASD
    • 3.4Miramistin and its action
    • 3.5SDA
    • 3.6Where is it used?
    • 3.7Cream for joints
    • 3.8Where is this cream used?
    • 3.9What does this cream do?
    • 3.10Composition
    • 3.11Contraindications
  • 4Cream Alesan for joints - is the horse drug suitable for people?
    • 4.1Cream and ointment Alesan
    • 4.2Treatment of ailments
    • 4.3Composition and properties of the preparation
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Features of use and contraindications
    • 4.5Is it safe to use Alesan cream?
    • 4.6Reasons for the popularity of using cream
  • 5Alesan joint cream: reviews, user manual
    • 5.1What's in the cream
    • 5.2At what illnesses the cream is shown
    • 5.3How the Alesan Cream Works
    • 5.4Instructions for the use of gel
    • 5.5How to use the tool correctly
    • 5.6Reviews about cream Alezan

Application of Alesan cream and gel for the treatment of joints

Chondroprotective agent Alesan for joints is often called "horse ointment as it is designed to treat diseases of the locomotor system in horses.

However, thanks to its natural composition, which is safe for the human body components of natural origin, and the pronounced therapeutic effect of ointment has become popular and among people.

Alesan for a short time eliminates pain, crunch, inflammation and swelling in the joints, increasing their mobility and elasticity. The drug is simple to use and can be used at home, however, the patient should consult a doctor before.

Components and action of cream

Alesan is a natural preparation for external use, developed by specialists of the Russian research and development center "Agrovetzashchita". It is made in Sergiev Posad.

The medicine is sold in different dosage forms. For the treatment of people most often used Alesan in the form of gel and cream.

These products differ somewhat in composition and appearance, but they have a similar pharmacological effect.

Cream Alesan is made in the form of a homogeneous mass of a thick consistency of a yellowish-green color with a pleasant aroma of needles and herbs.

The drug is packaged in tubes of 100 ml, 250 ml and 500 ml.

Each tube is placed in a cardboard box, on the back of which there is an instruction for the use of the product.

When creating a cream, Alezan uses ingredients of natural origin that provide Chondroprotective, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the pathological process connective tissue. The composition of the drug includes:

  • chondroitin;
  • glucosamine;
  • phytocomplex from extracts of 13 curative plants (contains peppermint, chopped herb, wormwood bitter, St. John's wort, fennel, pine buds, licorice root, celandine, thyme, cumin, chamomile, marigold and dog rose);
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • mummy;
  • olive oil.

The drug also contains additional substances, which are presented as carbomer, sodium hydroxide, glycerol, water enriched with silver ions, propoxy paroxysilicic acid and methyl esters.

Indications for use

Cream form Alesan contributes to the rapid elimination of pain in joints and lower back, reduces swelling in the periarticular soft tissues, improves phosphor-calcium metabolism in the bones, stimulates the formation of synovial fluid and restores the cartilaginous pathological process surface. Complex action of the drug provides protection of joints from further destruction, increases their elasticity and mobility.

Cream Alezan is recommended for use with:

  • mono- and polyarthritis of different origin;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • gonarthrosis;
  • periarthrosis;
  • coxarthrosis;
  • synovitis;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • stretching muscles and ligaments;
  • injuries (including sports).

Gel with cooling-warming effect

In the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system in humans, you can also use the gel for Alesan joints, which has a cooling-warming effect.

This drug is characterized by analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous action.

The drug reduces the feeling of fatigue and tension in the muscles, restores blood circulation and motor function of the joints, eliminates the crunch inside them.

Used for pain in muscles and joints, a gel with a cooling-warming effect is a homogeneous mass of cream color with a pleasant menthol odor. Like Alesan cream, it is sold in tubes of 100 ml, 250 ml or 500 ml, placed individually in cardboard boxes.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is explained by the presence in its composition:

  • a plant complex, created on the basis of kapreya narrow-leaved, elecampane, esculosa, juniper, myrtle and sabelnik;
  • lavender, fir, eucalyptus, rosemary, clove and cedar essential oils;
  • camphor;
  • menthol;
  • turpentine;
  • red pepper oil;
  • mummy.

The auxiliary components of the agent include glycerin, 5-ureidogidantoin, carbomer, dimosulfoxide, chitosan ether, polyethylene glycol, methylisothiazolinone and methylchloroisothiazolinone.

Gel Alesan allows you to get a double effect: immediately after application cools, and after a few minutes - He warms up and relieves tension from joints and muscles, expands blood vessels and strengthens local circulation. This form of the drug is indicated for use when:

  • tendonitis;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • synovitis;
  • plexopathies;
  • myositis;
  • injuries and hematomas.

Cautions for treatment

Although Olezan's ointment and gel are natural products, it is necessary to solve the problem of their use in treating people with a doctor.

Do not forget that, like any other drug, Alesan has contraindications to the use, which the patient must be familiar with before starting therapy.

Situations in which a drug is prohibited to use are:

  • hypersensitivity to its components;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • a rash on the body.

Mode of use and side effects

Both Alesan dosage forms are intended for external application to the painful parts of the body. The drug is rapidly absorbed, does not cause discomfort and does not leave a greasy sheen on the surface of the skin.

The dosage of the medicine depends on the diagnosis given to the patient and is determined by the attending physician. To achieve a lasting result, use the drug for a long time (3-4 weeks). To enhance the effect, it can be used in combination with an occlusive dressing.

If necessary, 2 weeks after completion of the course, treatment with cream or gel can be repeated.


Alesan is well tolerated, and the likelihood of side effects from it is minimal.


In rare cases, the use of the drug may cause the development of local allergic reactions.

When they appear, the patient should stop treatment and ask the doctor to choose another medication for the joints.

Overdose and combination with other medicines

Overdose Alesan in external application is unlikely.

In case of accidental ingestion of a gel or cream into the digestive tract, the patient should drink, -3 L of a weak solution potassium permanganate and to carry out gastric lavage, and then take activated charcoal or another preparation with absorbent action. If you feel worse, the patient should immediately seek qualified medical help.

The drug interaction of Alesan with other drugs is unknown. To avoid undesirable drug combination, it is not recommended to apply horse cream at the same time with other external means for joints.

Price and feedback

Alesan refers to affordable drugs. The price of a tube with a cream of 100 ml is about 260 rubles. Approximately the same amount will have to pay for the packaging of the cooling-warming gel. A medical prescription for the purchase of a patient will not be required.

People who use Alesan in the treatment of pathologies of joints and muscles, leave him enthusiastic reviews.

Horse cream helps to quickly stop pain in the knee, back, neck and other areas of the body, relieves swelling and inflammation in a problematic place, restores the joints lost mobility. But how safe is it for humans to use this veterinary?

Left on medical forums, doctors' reviews contain a warning that Alesan's use of treatment of people is justified only in cases where getting rid of the disease with the help of other means is not succeeds.

It should also be taken into account that the dosage of components in cream and gel is calculated on animals. To a person such concentration of active substances can do much harm, therefore to apply Alezan it is necessary in a dose which the doctor will pick up.

A source:

Alezan - an effective cream for joints

"Alesan" is a drug that has been developed as a veterinary drug. The cream was intended for the treatment of horses, but eventually it was used for the therapy of people.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that the composition of the horse drug the same substances that are used in medicines for humans. The main difference between veterinary and pharmaceutical means is the concentration of active substances.

In this case, the Alezan joint cream consists mainly of components of natural origin, which makes its use as safe as possible.

The cream belongs to the group of chondroprotectors. These drugs contribute to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue, which has undergone degenerative-dystrophic changes. The processes of cartilage destruction are also restored.

Forms of the preparation

"Alezan" is produced in the form of cream and ointment. In composition, this is practically the same remedy, the main difference is in the consistency of the preparation.

Also in the line of products there is a shampoo "Alesan but its effect is slightly different from the forms of cream and ointment.

In any form, the drug has a positive effect, but the cream is considered a drug with a softer effect, compared with the gel. The effect of using a gel is usually more felt by the patient.

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In the line of products there is a cream and ointment of different action. Most often used cream 2-in-1, which has a cooling and heating effect alternately. But there are also such forms of "Alesan which act only for cooling or only for warming up.


Which means will suit better, depends on the individual characteristics of the disease. So, a gel with cooling effect is used for injuries. Usually injuries of the musculoskeletal system are accompanied by inflammation.


To the injured place is not aggravated, it can not be warmed.

At what diseases is applied?

Cream "Alesan" helps with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The drug has an effect on calcium metabolism in the body.

As a result, calcium deposits in joints reduce or completely eliminate swelling and pain, which accompany almost any defeat of the musculoskeletal system.

As a result, the patient feels better.

In addition, the gel improves lymph flow and circulation, which leads to the removal of swelling and improved nutrition of tissues that are damaged as a result of injuries or diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Gel 2-in-1 gives a positive result in such pathologies:

  • neuritis;
  • tendonitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • myositis;
  • some injuries (stretching, bruising, dislocation).

The gel can be used to eliminate pain in the muscles that arise after unusually high physical exertion. Gel "Alesan" helps to remove acid from muscle fibers.

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Gel "Alesan 2-in is used in such cases:

  • bruises, dislocations, sprains and other injuries;
  • non-nasal lymphodulitis;
  • neuritis;
  • synovitis;
  • plexite;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • tendonitis;
  • myositis;
  • radiculitis.

In case of pathological diseases that cause disorders in the work of muscles and ligaments, the gel can be used for preventive purposes. Periodic use of the remedy avoids the recurrence of diseases.

With severe hematomas, swelling (as a result of injuries and not only), rupture or stretching of the tendons, a gel with a cooling effect is helpful. It slows the circulation of lymphatic fluid and blood, which promotes rapid resorption of hematomas and reduces sweating.

To restore the mobility of joints, relax the muscles and relieve spasm, pain and improve blood circulation, a gel with a warming effect is better.

But it is worth remembering that in some cases it will only increase inflammation, in some it is more expedient to start treatment with a cooling gel, and continue heating.

An additional effect from the use of the drug is the improvement of tissue nutrition. This is especially important when additional connective tissue is needed.

Glucosamine as a part of the drug provides moisture of tissues, due to which their elasticity is increased, cartilage is restored if destructive processes began in it.

Also, glucosamine contributes to the production of collagen in the body.

Collagen increases the elasticity of all tissues, due to this joints are not subjected to destructive processes

The composition of the drug is chondroitin sulfate, which provides recovery of synovial fluid and improves the mobility of joints. Chondroitin sulfate also has the following effect:

  • activates the phosphorus-calcium exchange;
  • promotes the formation of new cells of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • provides regeneration of the articular surface;
  • inhibits destructive processes in osteoarthritis.

Properties of the tool

In addition to the main active components, the preparation contains herbal substances, which have an additional effect on the joints and ligaments. The auxiliary substances include:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • olive oil;
  • mummy;
  • polyethylene glycol stearate;
  • glycerol;
  • carbopol and others.

All these substances are of natural origin. There are no synthetic additives in the product. In addition, the composition contains water, which passes several stages of purification and is saturated with silver ions.

As a result of the use of Alezan cream, pains are removed after injuries of the musculoskeletal system and various diseases

Also, the agent has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue. Plant components in the composition of the drug - substances obtained from medicinal herbs - serve as an antiseptic, have a healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Properties of the drug, which increase its popularity:

  • removal of pain and elimination of swelling of the joints;
  • rapid absorption that facilitates use;
  • completely natural composition (including 13 medicinal plants);
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • nutrition of the joint and periarticular tissues;
  • Deep penetrating power, which increases the effectiveness of the agent.

Method of application and safety of cream

The cream is applied to dry skin in the area of ​​damage to the musculoskeletal system - rupture of ligaments, inflamed joints, etc. At the same time, there should be no damage to the skin in the area of ​​application - scratches, abrasions, etc.

For application, it is better to use a sponge or a thick cotton swab. Cream or gel should be carefully rubbed. The optimal frequency of application is 2-3 times a day, the duration of application is 1 month.


After this course, you need to take a break for at least 2 weeks. If you need a repeat course of treatment, only after 2 weeks you can return to the use of the drug.


Increase the effectiveness of the use of the tool can be wearing a bandage in the area of ​​joints and ligaments.

The main feature of the remedy is the absence of contraindications.

The only reason that can put the use of the tool is the individual intolerance of some components.

When you have an allergic reaction, you must immediately stop using the drug, it is advisable to see a doctor. With a pronounced reaction, this is necessary.

As a rule, doctors do not prescribe the drug to patients

The reason is that the product is designed for animals, so its official appointment to a person is a high risk. However, with a certain degree of trust between the doctor and the patient, it may be possible to consult on the advisability of using the drug for animals.

The use of the drug should be treated with caution because of the high concentration of active ingredients.

Uncontrolled intake of the joint cream can cause an overdose, in which there is an allergic reaction, irritation on the skin, and in some cases even a burn injury.

To avoid this, it is worth starting with a minimum dose and watching the body's reaction.

With careful use and lack of individual reaction to the components of the preparation, the "Alesan" ointment does not pose a danger to the human body.


The similarity of the drug with the means for people and its high efficiency makes the remedy very popular.


In addition, the product is maximally natural, which provides it with additional demand.

Feedback on the reception "Alezana"

Cream Alezan has already managed to try a fairly large number of people. Therefore, having studied the reviews about the tool, you can decide whether to use it or not.

Ольга, 39 years old
After the rupture of the ligaments my friend advised me the gel "Alesan". She already used it, and it helped a lot.

I used it only 5 days, but the result was just wonderful. Very swiftly passed, the pain stopped worrying. Before that, it was almost impossible to step on foot.

After using the gel, walking became much easier.

Владимир, 45 years old
A couple of times I put gel "Alesan" on my knee - I have arthritis.

I can not say that I was satisfied, the gel was very irritated, so I could not use it, although I decided to use it on the advice of a familiar doctor. He said that he helps many.

Анатолий, 51 years old
I use the cream "Alezan" regularly for 1 month with a break for 2. With my osteochondrosis helps to cope with the pain very noticeably. Previously, the movements were very much limited, now there are no problems. Very satisfied with the remedy.

A source:

"Alesan" is a cream for joints. Reviews of doctors and buyers

It is worth noting that recently many people began to purchase the drug "Alesan" (joint cream).

The doctors' comments regarding the work of this drug are quite positive, in connection with which many have turned to him their attention, but at the same time, very few people know that in fact this tool is produced not only in the form cream. The brand produces a large number of different means, allowing the most effective care for horses.

What is this series?

Caring for horses is a fairly responsible occupation, and it is important to choose only the right tools, the most common of which is "Alesan".

Cream for the joints, doctors' reviews about the effectiveness of using are mostly positive - this is not the whole assortment, there are a lot of useful shampoos and gels.

The composition of equine preparations has a sufficiently large number of similarities with similar medicinal means for people, and the only difference in this case is the dosage of various active substances. It is for this reason that some of these drugs are often used in the treatment of various diseases or functional disorders in humans. Such a means is the cream for joints produced under the brand "Alesan". The opinions of the doctors say that it also affects the people positively, and in this connection it is even periodically prescribed as a possible treatment for certain diseases.


The series includes special shampoos for washing horses, which have various problems with the skin or a lot of dandruff.

They are also ideal for washing the skin, which has been affected by all sorts of fungal infections and dermatitis.

The properties of this shampoo are due to the fact that it includes specialized extracts of medicinal plants, natural herbs, and also silver ions.

This detergent in its composition contains highly purified water, which is characterized by the absence of drying and irritating effects.

Shampoo perfectly cleanses all kinds of dirt, provides an improvement in the condition of the hair and skin, and also makes the hair silky, so that they will be well combed.

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Among other things, the composition of this shampoo perfectly airifies and deodorizes the hair.


Medicinal herbs included in this remedy completely eliminate dandruff, and also provide complete destruction of fungi and pathogenic bacteria, which contributes to normalization skin microflora.


Glycerin in its composition significantly increases the overall rate of metabolism in the tissues of the skin and hair follicles, which allows to stimulate faster healing and subsequent recovery of any damaged structures.

Cream with miramistine and ASD

The main product of the "Alesan" series is the joint cream.

The doctors' comments pay special attention to the product with miramistin and ASD, which is distinguished by pronounced antiseptic properties, and also promotes strengthening of local immunity and acceleration of various processes of regeneration and healing tissues. It is for this reason that this remedy is often used in the treatment of pathologies such as:

  • injuries;
  • injuries;
  • Wounds that can not heal for a long time after surgery;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • fistulas;
  • pressure sores;
  • burns and frostbite;
  • all kinds of abrasions;
  • Dermatitis, the cause of which is the activity of fungal and bacterial flora.

The instruction attached to the drug "Alesan" (joint cream) says that it is a combined remedy that is used only in the process of external treatment.

The components included in its composition are characterized by pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, and among other things, contribute to improving appetite and active recovery of various tissue structures.

Miramistin and its action

The instruction attached to the drug "Alesan" (joint cream) also notes separately and the fact that miramistin, which is a part of This drug is an antibacterial agent that has a harmful effect on various fungi and bacteria, including:

  • all kinds of streptococci;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • corynebacteria;
  • chlamydia;
  • yeast fungi;
  • fungi-actinomycetes;
  • dermatophytes.

Due to the extremely broad spectrum of antibacterial effects of this substance, the effect is so extensive that "Alesan" (joint cream) is different.

Experts say that in addition to its main effects, this tool prevents the infection of various wound surfaces, including also burns.

The application of this substance externally does not provide for its absorption into the systemic blood stream, while the ointment does not lead to the destruction of skin cells, dehydrating various dead tissue, but at the same time contributes to the creation of a dry crust, under which all sorts of processes of granulation and active regeneration tissues.


ASD stands for Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant. The composition of this tool includes ASD 2F and 3F, that is, fractions of this stimulator under numbers 2 and 3.

Using this element allows you to strengthen the antiseptic effect of the drug, eliminates all kinds of inflammatory reactions, and also has an effective stimulating effect on the cells of the local immunity.

Under the influence of this element, any purulent contents of wounds depart much faster, the overall process of healing and further restoration of normal tissue structure is also significant accelerated.

Among other things, it is worth noting the fact that in this case the effect of miramistine and ASD is significantly enhanced, which contains a "Alezan" (cream for joints), because It also includes sage extract, marigold and chamomile.

Where is it used?

A horse cream for joints "Alesan" is a remedy that is quite effectively used in the treatment of various pathological conditions in humans.

Thus, the cream, which contains ASD and miramistin, is actively used in the treatment of various traumatic wounds or injuries in the structure of muscles, joints and skin.

This cream stimulates healing and excludes the possibility of infection of the wound surface.

The use of this drug perfectly helps in the treatment of all kinds of scuffs, bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers, surgical wounds, frostbite and many other problems.

Cream for joints

Specialized cream for joints in its physico-chemical structure is a cream-gel, however in the majority of cases it is called only some specific title. The components that make up this preparation have chondro-stimulating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hondoprotective action.

Hondoprotective action in this case is to ensure the most effective protection of joint tissues from the negative impact of the surrounding environment, while chondro-stimulating is a constant increase in the processes of growth of cartilaginous tissue by improving the processes of metabolism and nutrition. Due to this application of this cream helps to prevent the possibility of degeneration of the joints, and completely stops any progression of the pathology.

Where is this cream used?

"Alesan" (a cream for joints for people) is actively used in the treatment of such pathologies as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • injuries of the joints;
  • shovel-shoulder polyarthritis;
  • softening of the patella.

What does this cream do?

With the help of this cream, metabolic processes in the cartilage of the joints are normalized, which significantly slows down the destruction of tissues with possible progressive dysfunction.

In the area where "Alesan" is used (joint cream, photo of which is given in the article), skin elasticity improves significantly, and also completely remove all kinds of painful sensations in osteoarthritis, joint injuries, shovel-brachial polyarthritis and osteochondrosis. In addition, the cream also provides effective removal of edema.


This agent helps to improve the production of hyaluronic acid and glycosaminoglycans, which are components of normal cartilage tissues.

This effect is provided by glucosamine, which includes "Alesan" (a cream for joints for people).


The doctors' comments indicate that due to the presence of this element, the work of enzymes that destructively affects the tissues of the articular cartilage is blocked.


In addition, the cream optimizes the calcification of the joint bones, promotes water retention, and maintains the elastic properties of the cartilage in a normal state.

The second active ingredient, which includes the drug "Alesan" (joint cream), is chondroitin sulfate, which has a positive effect on the processes of metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, as well as normalizes the formation of cartilage and bone tissue in the joint. Thus, chondroitin sulfate provides a complete stoppage of the progression of osteoarthritis, and also contributes to an increase of the total intra-articular fluid, as well as a decrease in soreness and a significant increase in the mobility of patients joints. It is this effect that distinguishes the cream for joints for horses "Alezan" (which is often used for people).


In case of use in the recommended dosages, the preparations exclude the possibility of any side effects.

People who have sensitive skin can experience a slight irritation after use, which is fast enough and completely without trace.

Preparations of the horse series include active components, actively used in modern medicines, originally intended for humans.

A source: http://.ru/article/215885/alezankrem-dlya-sustavov-otzyivyi-vrachey-i-pokupateley

Cream Alesan for joints - is the horse drug suitable for people?

Originally developed as a veterinary medicine, Alesan cream for joints is applicable for the treatment of diseases in horses.

In view of the fact that the basis of this drug is almost identical to human medicines, with a difference only in the concentration of active substances, it is very popular in humans.

Contributed to this and the safety of the means: finding in its composition a large number of natural components.

Cream and ointment Alesan

In therapy, ointment and cream are used most often. The difference between the preparations is insignificant and is more expressed in the structure of the consistency than the presence or absence of some components.

However, it should be noted thatthe cream acts more gently than the ointment, which has a strong warming, and then a cooling effect. Both drugs have a positive effect on calcium metabolism in the body.

Treatment of ailments

With the traumatization of joints, the development of acute and chronic ailments of the musculoskeletal system will help cream Alesan.

The drug will manifest itself well when diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis and osteoarthrosis, osteoarthritis, fibro-serous synovitis and tenosynovitis are diagnosed.

Alesan normalizes calcium deposits in the fibers of bone tissue, inhibits degeneration, helps reduce edema and pain.

It is able to provide additional supply of connective tissue.

The glucosamine hydrochloride contained in it will protect the cartilage structure from destruction, contribute to maintaining the elasticity of the matrix.

A component such as chondroitin sulfate will increase the production of intra-articular fluid, which in turn will reduce soreness and improve the mobility of the affected joints.

The characteristics of chondroitin sulfate include the following properties:

  • increase the ability to regenerate cartilage surfaces and the joint bag;
  • activation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • participation in the formation of the main substance of cartilaginous fibers and bone tissue;
  • inhibition of the progression of osteoarthritis.

Composition and properties of the preparation

Cream Alesan for joints includes such vegetable components as glycerin, olive and sea buckthorn oil, polyethylene glycol stearate, carbopol, mummies and others. Included in the composition and water with a high purification parameter, saturated with silver ions. The presence of fragrances and synthetic dyes in the cream is excluded.

The drug Alesan has a unique formula thatis intended to carry out an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the cartilage, who was injured. The cream will also affect the improvement of metabolic processes in it.

The complex of phytoextracts of medicinal plants included in the composition will have analgesic, healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

The main properties that the cream and Alesan ointment have for joints are as follows:

  • resolution of edema and pain in joints;
  • very fast soaking, leaving no oily traces;
  • the content of exclusively natural active substances, among which 13 medicinal plants;
  • nutrition of joint tissues and removal of inflammation;
  • possession of a deep penetrating ability.
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Features of use and contraindications

Cream in the joint area is recommended to rub with a dense tampon or sponge, carefully covering the dry intact skin in the field of cartilage.

Apply ointment 2-3 times a day for a month, after which you need a 2-week break. To achieve a consistently high and long lasting effect, you can wear an airtight bandage.

The cream is easily absorbed and does not spoil clothes.

Is it safe to use Alesan cream?

The use of funds that were originally developed for the treatment of animals is a matter for every person.

Many patients decide on its use, which provides the drug high demand. However, no doctor will risk officially recommend treatment with such a tool.

In a private conversation, the doctor can respond positively to the horse's ointment.


It should be understood thatthe concentration of components in Alesan is significant and, in the end, an overdose is possible. Follow this trouble can irritation of the skin surface, allergies and even burns.


In this regard, if a patient decides to use a similar drug, he should initially take care that the dose is applied in a minimal amount. After one day of application it will become clear whether the dose has been exceeded.

Reasons for the popularity of using cream

To fully assert that the horse's ointment for the joints of Alezan is too dangerous for the human body - it's still bust.

Some skeptics in their opinions proceed from the fact that the consumer simply falls for advertising tricks, is wasting his own finances, and does not get the desired effect as a result.

Other specialists say that Alesan ointment does give the result in view of the composition similar to human medicines.

To understand why people so readily believe in the healing power of a medicine for animals and completely ignore what is offered in pharmacies is very simple.

In fact, the answer lies in the fact that people recently prefer to buy the most natural funds.

Many believe that medicine for animals is exactly what they are.

A source:

Alesan joint cream: reviews, user manual

Those who have had to face joint diseases know well what discomfort, and sometimes even real pain is caused by permanent, pulling pains in the joints or piercing lumbago. Medical preparations from a pharmacy do not always successfully combat such an unpleasant symptom.

Because patients are constantly looking for new and new ways to help remove pain syndrome - preferably without side effects and with a minimum of contraindications, since most of the joint diseases are chronic and require a long treatment.

Cream Alezan is a rather unexpected solution to the problem, since initially this remedy was developed for the treatment of animals, or rather horses. But, nevertheless, as evidenced by the reviews of doctors, it is very effective in the case of violations of the functioning of the joints in humans.

What's in the cream

Alesan cream is made on the basis of natural ingredients, it contains vegetable oils and herbal extracts. The main components of the remedy:

  • Sea buckthorn oil;
  • Olive oil;
  • Mountain mummy;
  • Chondroitin;
  • Glucosamine;
  • Distilled water.

All these components in no way can harm people's health, because Alesan cream can be used to treat not only the joints of large livestock, but also humans. Healing properties of the cream are enhanced by extracts from such medicinal plants, which are also present in the composition of Alezan cream:

  1. Calendula.
  2. Rosehips.
  3. The kidneys are pine.
  4. Color of wormwood.
  5. Celandine.
  6. Chamomile.
  7. Seeds of dill and fennel.
  8. Liquorice root.
  9. Peppermint.
  10. Yarrow.
  11. Thyme.
  12. St. John's Wort.

A homogeneous, soft consistency of the product is provided by a carbolum - non-toxic, harmless polymer of acrylic acid.

Also included in the composition are propylene and methyl esters of steam-benzoic acid and sodium hydroxide.

In the veterinary pharmacy you can find not only Alesan cream, but also gel, ointment and cream-gel with a warming or cooling effect under the same name and with the same composition for the joints.

At what illnesses the cream is shown

Cream Alesan is used both for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of joints of acute or chronic nature, and various injuries. It is effective when:

  • Arthrosis and arthritis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Synovitis of infectious or traumatic origin - inflammation of the joint membrane;
  • Tendovaginitis - inflammation of the vaginal tunic sheath;
  • Sprains of ligaments or muscles;
  • Bruises and other sports injuries.

It can be used at any stage of the treatment: in the acute phase, as an adjuvant in complex therapy, or basic during the period of remission or recovery from illness.

How the Alesan Cream Works

Reviews about this tool are always positive, the remedy, even if not completely eliminates the pathology of symptoms, significantly reduces the manifestations of the main symptoms - pain, swelling, stiffness. Components of the cream contribute to inhibition of degenerative changes in the tissues of the joints.

The drug stops inflammation and stimulates the regeneration of joints and cartilage. In addition, the alazan cream promotes the accumulation and preservation in the tissues of calcium - an irreplaceable mineral for bones. This effect is provided by chondroitin and glucosamine, which are in the composition of the drug.

With regular use of the cream, the production of synovial fluid intensifies, and its quality improves. The cartilage receives more nutrients, regenerates faster, becomes elastic, and the muscular and connective tissues around the joint are firm and resilient.

Instructions for the use of gel

The gel has a lighter basis and consistency than the cream, because it is absorbed faster and penetrates the articular tissues better. There are three different types of gel with different effects and slightly different composition:

  • Warming;
  • Cooling;
  • Warming-cooling.

The latter form of the drug is effective for various injuries and associated diseases - dislocations, bruises, sprains, hematomas, myositis, tendinitis, tendovaginitis, synovitis. The main difference between gel and cream is the absence of fragrances, thickeners, colorants. Only natural ingredients are used:

  1. Mummy.
  2. Camphor oil.
  3. Menthol oil.
  4. Sabelnik.
  5. Horse chestnut.
  6. Blooming Sally.
  7. Chitosan.
  8. Distilled water.
  9. Essential oils of lavender, cloves, fir, cedar, rosemary, bitter pepper.

In the composition there are components of contrast action, it is due to this that a warming-cooling effect is achieved.

Cold receptors are affected by camphor and menthol.

A burning pepper and horse chestnut stimulate blood circulation, cause blood flow and accelerate metabolic processes, that is, warm up the tissues of the joints.

How to use the tool correctly

Both the cream and gel alazan are quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving a fat trace on its surface, and this means that neither clothes, nor bed linens will not be soiled, even if not superimposed over the bandage. When applied, the product does not cause any discomfort, no pain, no itching, no burning.

The cream is applied to clean, dry skin in the area of ​​the affected joint, slightly rubbing. You can use it two or three times a day, the course of treatment lasts up to one month. If one month after the start of therapy, not all the symptoms are gone, you need to take a break in two weeks and continue the treatment.

The drug has no contraindications, but can cause allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to the patient of one of its components. The drug is stored in a dark, cool place for a year and a half.

Reviews about cream Alezan

Better than any advertising and instructions for use about any medicinal product can tell the customer feedback.

Those who experienced it on themselves can tell in detail how the agent is actually applied, how it smells and acts, what the patient feels, what result was eventually achieved.

Marina, 27 years old: "I bought Alezan for my mother, who has been ill with arthritis for many years. Doubts were, despite the recommendations of good friends - after all, a remedy for animals. But this ointment Alesan really helped.


Enjoyed it by all rules: rubbed twice a day for a month in a row. And the result is still: the knee does not swell and does not hurt, only occasionally it grows noisy. Be sure to repeat the course of treatment and all recommend this remedy. "


Vladimir, 46 years old: "I never liked hospitals and doctors, and there is no possibility to spend all day sitting in line under the office. But the back with the age began to excruciate all more often, it was necessary to reflect on treatment.

This cream was advised to me at the work of my colleague, at first I laughed and even indignant - it came to this, people are already trying to sell "horse" medicines! But at the next attack I decided to try it - there is a cheap cream, there is nothing to lose. Mazala week - and really began to help! I can safely sleep and work, and if only blows in a draft or have to work at the dacha - I rub this cream immediately, I do not wait until it hurts. "

The facility is produced by Russia, because its cost is relatively low. Depending on the volume of packaging and the region of implementation, Alesan cream will cost from 150 to 700 rubles.

And in conclusion we offer a video in this article, with a detailed analysis of the mechanism of joint pain.

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