Pain in the knee when walking, descending and climbing the stairs


  • 1Pain in the knees when walking on the stairs: why does the knee ache during descent and ascent
    • 1.1Pain in the knee, varieties
    • 1.2Painful knee flexion
    • 1.3Sore knees when descending the stairs
  • 2Why does the knee ache when climbing or descending? Pain in the knee while walking the stairs - understand the causes
    • 2.1Causes and consequences
    • 2.2With malformations
    • 2.3Damage
    • 2.4Other reasons
    • 2.5Symptomatic problems
    • 2.6Who can grasp the pain in the knees while climbing and descending the stairs
    • 2.7First aid
    • 2.8How is the disease treated?
    • 2.9Treatment with folk remedies
    • 2.10What exercises should be performed
    • 2.11Massage Techniques
    • 2.12Prevention
    • 2.13Conclusion
  • 3Causes and treatment of pain in the knee when walking on the stairs
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 3.3Gonarthrosis
    • 3.4Bursitis
    • 3.5Inflammation of tendons in the knee
    • 3.6Injuries, tearing of the meniscus
    • 3.7Periarthritis
    • 3.8Infections in the knee joint
    • 3.9Gout
    • 3.10When should I see a doctor?
    • 3.11How to remove the pain yourself?
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Pain in the lap when walking on the stairs
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Synovitis
    • 4.3Arthritis
    • 4.4Bursitis
    • 4.5Diagnosis and treatment
    • 4.6Folk methods

Pain in the knees when walking on the stairs: why does the knee ache during descent and ascent

Very often people complain of sudden pain in the knee. Such pain mainly occurs when walking or when doing sports. Many people do not pay attention to such feelings, but over time, the pain can become chronic and cause a lot of inconvenience.

Knee joints account for a high degree of strain. The risk of pain in the knee at times increases in people who prefer an active lifestyle, professionally engaged in sports and performing heavy physical work.

Pain in the knee may indicate a serious illness. Even if the pain is not a consequence of an injury, it may be a consequence of the gradual deterioration of the cartilage and tendons.

Pain in the knee, varieties

If the joint functions normally, then the person does not feel discomfort when walking, running or climbing the stairs. However, with a malfunction, pain in the knee can also occur while walking.

Painful sensations in the joint can arise, both suddenly, and have a long-lasting character, turning into a chronic stage.

Often the cause of chronic pain in the knee may be the inflammatory processes that have arisen in it, or the earlier injuries.

Acute pain is the result of a trauma or an infectious disease of the joint.

The onset of pain in the knee joint when walking.

Injuries can lie in wait for every person, regardless of age and physical fitness. However, pain in the knee, are the cause of various diseases, for example, arthritis.

Arthritis is a joint disease caused by the inflammatory process in its various zones. This can be the main cause of discomfort when moving and reducing cartilage mobility. Inflammatory processes in the knee cap prevent normal movement.

The main signs of arthritis include:

  • swelling or redness of the patella;
  • the emergence of painful sensations;
  • local increase in temperature in the knee region.

If the pain is due to trauma, it can last from a few minutes to 2-3 days. The result of trauma, which led to spasms of blood vessels, can become numbness of the injured area. The skin becomes bluish.

Pain in the knee is the result of severe injuries, which include:

  1. dislocation of the knee joint;
  2. damage to ligaments and tendons involved in the maintenance of the patella;
  3. trauma to the meniscus;
  4. fractures and fissures of the tibia;
  5. great load on the knee joints.

Painful knee flexion

Pain in the joint is not only when walking, but also when flexing and bending the knee. The cause of this pain can be Ostuz-Schlatter disease.

This disease affects the tibia and is characterized by its osteochondropathy. The main cause of this disease is considered to be knee injuries.

However, there are cases when this disease occurs without a cause and at the same time had the same symptoms.

Regardless of the causes of the Ostug-Schlatter disease, the symptoms of the disease are manifested by growing pain in the knee during the movement, flexion and extension of the knee and climbing the stairs.

Usually, pain and discomfort accompany a person for a period of -3 weeks. However, in some cases, this disease takes on a chronic form. At the same time, pain can be relaxed for a while and then returned with the same intensity.


One of the causes of pain in the knee joint is another bursitis. The first symptoms of this disease are puffiness and difficulty of movement.


In the initial stage of the disease, you can do without medication. It will be enough to perform warm-up exercises and use painkillers for pain in the joints.

Sore knees when descending the stairs

Sometimes people notice the occurrence of discomfort and pain when squatting. The cause of this can be gonarthrosis.

This disease has an effect on the cartilage in the patella, so that it wears out more quickly.

Doctors distinguish several other causes that provoke pain in the knee when descending from the stairs or when lifting. Among them are:

  • defeat of joints by a viral infection;
  • seated work or limited movement;
  • excess body weight, which creates an excessive effect on the knee joints;
  • eating harmful products.

Increasing pain in the knee when walking on the stairs may indicate an exacerbation of any disease.

And if in the initial stage of the disease the pain in a state of rest passed quickly enough, then with the development of the disease, it will bother the person constantly and its intensity will increase.

A source:

Why does the knee ache when climbing or descending? Pain in the knee while walking the stairs - understand the causes

The knee joint is the junction of the bones: the femoral, tibial and patella.

The knee is an important link in the skeleton of the lower extremities,performing the role of support and movement of the human body.

Violation of his motor activity occurs as a result of painful sensations, which are a consequence of the painful processes that began in him.

In some cases, the pain manifests itself as a result of certain movements, when you need to go down or climb the stairs.

Causes and consequences

If the knee hurts when climbing the stairs or when going down, a natural question arises - why is this happening, what treatment is required? Below we will consider in more detail the causes of pain when walking on a descent or ascent.

Pain in the knee joint when walking on the stairs are observed in the following cases.

With malformations

With a congenital stiff knee joint, the patella is located high, there is an enlarged articular gap, an elongation posterior to the condyles of the femur.

Surgical treatment should be performed until the child reaches the age of 5 years.

Otherwise, deformation of the condyles of the femur will prevent successful treatment.


  1. Gunshot wounds to the knee
  2. When untimely care comes a large loss of blood, a shock, purulent complication, blood infection.

    With purulent complications, the joint cavity is filled with pus. Pyogenic, staphylococcal, streptococcal microflora is the cause of panartrite. Affect all anatomical joints - bones, cartilage, synovial membrane, ligaments. The surrounding tissues are putrefied.

  3. With bruises of the knee
  4. If you have a severe knee injury, a hemorrhage occurs in the subcutaneous tissues. The pain increases when trying to perform any movements with the foot.

    If a meniscus, ligaments, blood vessels is damaged during a bruise, the blood flows into the joint cavity. A swelling is formed around the joint, the joint itself becomes hot to the touch. It is impossible to move with the lower limb due to severe pain. Thus, a disease called hemarthrosis is manifested.

  5. Direct knee injury
  6. The articular cartilage is damaged. He crumples, which leads to disruption of his food and throat dystrophic changes, accompanied by loss of shine of the femur, its thinning, the formation of cracks in the stellate form. This is the manifestation of traumatic chondromalacia.

  7. Damage to the meniscus
  8. The symptom of damage is an audible crunch, accompanied by acute pain in the knee, loss of motor activity. After 2-3 hours there is swelling in the site of the injury, the temperature of the skin in the area of ​​damage rises, the skin color acquires a reddish hue.

    It is necessary to immediately seek medical help, undergo an X-ray and begin treatment in order to restore the motor activity more quickly. In the case of failure to take action, soreness turns into a chronic condition.

    Any careless foot movement leads to the repetition of all the symptoms, the appearance of painful sensations, as in the original case. Prolonged disregard for medical care leads to arthrosis.

    IMPORTANT.A great importance for the pain when walking on the stairs is attached because with such walking the load on the knee joint is manifested to a greater extent. This allows you to determine the disease in time.

  9. Osteochondropathy of the patella (Larsen-Johansson's disease)
  10. The emergence of the disease contributes to injury, infectious diseases.

    The following symptoms are typical for this disease:
  • mild pain in the patellar region;
  • climbing the stairs contribute to increased pain;
  • moderate swelling of the joint.

Later, seeking medical help promotes the development of arthrosis of the knee joint.

  • Koenig's Disease
  • Often the knee is injured as a result of various injuries. The disease is facilitated by the practice of a dispute, professional activity.

    As a result of aseptic necrosis, a small portion of the articular surface is rejected, with the formation of bone regenerate at this site.


    The detached necrotic bone-cartilage body, getting into the cavity of the knee joint, blocks it.


    In the initial stage of the disease, the pain is minor, of an episodic nature. The joint is slightly swollen. Progressing course of the disease leads to increased pain, muscle atrophy. The absence of treatment leads to deforming arthrosis.

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    Other reasons

    • One of the causes of pain in the knee, accompanying a person while walking on the stairs, is the excess weight of the body. Pain is the result of increased pressure on the joint. Its smooth surfaces are subjected to increased friction, destruction, distortion. The process of curvature, which destroys the external condyle of the femoral or tibia, promotes the emergence of the syndrome of X-shaped legs.
    • Excessive workload in sports, hard physical work contribute to the occurrence of pain.
    • Pain in the knee when walking on the stairs occurs during pregnancy due to the increasing weight of the fetus.
    • A decreased calcium content in the bone system during pregnancy causes the onset of pain.

    Symptomatic problems

    When the knee hurts when walking on the stairs, thenimportant in determining the causes of the disease is:

    1. the establishment of an epicenter of pain;
    2. description of the pain itself, the manifestation of which depends on the stage of the disease, the dynamics of painful processes.

    The beginning of the process of knee destruction is marked by three stages. Each stage is characterized by certain symptoms.

    The first stage

    • joint is mobile, but the feeling of discomfort is already noticeable;
    • morbidity manifests itself under excessive load;
    • at rest, pain does not appear;
    • there is no swelling of the skin.

    The second stage

    • markedly aggravation of the patient's condition;
    • stupid, pulling pain makes itself felt at rest;
    • stiffness during movement is noticeable;
    • the amplitude of movement of the joint is reduced;
    • a crunch in the knees;
    • swelling of the joint;
    • on the X-ray shows damage to the joint.

    At this stage, the process of muscle atrophy begins due to the fact that the diseased leg is not given a load.

    The third stage

    • the patient's condition deteriorates noticeably;
    • often excruciating pain;
    • greatly reduced the amplitude of motion of the joint;
    • greater swelling of the joint;
    • an active inflammatory process.

    Who can grasp the pain in the knees while climbing and descending the stairs

    Pain in the knee when walking down the stairs on a descent or ascent appears suddenly, from such pain no one is immune.The staircase is a kind of foot simulator.

    At the same time, it poses a danger to the knee.

    The leg can take the wrong position under the weight of a person, which leads to various injuries - sprains, dislocations, bruises, fractures.

    The most vulnerable to such injuries are people at risk. Who is it?

    • athletes;
    • persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
    • a person with poor eyesight, hearing;
    • children;
    • people with excessive body weight;
    • people of advanced age;
    • women over 50;
    • during pregnancy;
    • a person with a lack of calcium in the bones;
    • persons suffering from confusion, disorientation, loss of attention;
    • persons suffering from alcoholism.

    ATTENTION.To injuries can lead uncomfortable shoes, high-heeled shoes.

    First aid

    Qualified first aid provided for knee injuries is an important factor affecting further recovery.What do you need to do for this?

    1. Inspect trauma. This allows you to assess the severity of the damage and decide whether to call an ambulance or do it yourself.
    2. The patient is placed on a flat surface.
    3. The damaged limb is provided with a rest, with the use of elastic bandage.
    4. Place a pillow under the limb, a folded blanket.
    5. Reduce the pain will help the application of ice compress.
    6. Help the patient use a drug that reduces pain.
    7. Do not leave the patient, establish his relatives, report what happened.

    NEED TO KNOW.Do not apply warming compresses to knee joint injuries. This is contraindicated.

    How is the disease treated?

    Knee injuries are diverse.For each specific case, a specific method is chosen, a method of treatment.

    Before the treatment of the disease is carried out:

    • Diagnostics.
    • The patient is questioned, the nature of the pain, the duration of the trauma.
    • The presence of fluid in the joint is established.
    • With bruises helps the use of cold, pressing dressings. It is necessary to find the limb at rest. After a few days UHF is used, weak physical exercises are carried out.

    With hemarthrosis of the knee joint, blood is removed from the joint, 1-2% solution of novocaine is injected into the composition, gypsum bandage is applied for 8-11 days.
    Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are conducted:

    • UHF - the use of pulses of an electric field with a certain frequency of vibration, expressed in MHz.
    • Electrophoresis with novocaine, potassium iodide is used.
    • Physiotherapy.

    What is done with a traumatic synovitis?

    • fluid is removed from the joint;
    • application of 10% calcium chloride solution, dimedrol tablets to, 5 g three times during the day;
    • Novocaine is injected into the joint;
    • Pressing bandage on the injury site;
    • gypsum tire;
    • weak physical exercise with a gradual increase in load.

    Dislocation of lower leg

    • Immediately re-directed, using anesthesia for the patient;
    • use of plaster bandages for 7-9 weeks;
    • application of Volkov-Oganesyan's apparatus.

    In severe disruption of the knee joint, the problem is solved on the operating table.

    To restore the efficiency of the joint is used sanatorium-curative treatment, therapeutic gymnastics, herbal treatment.

    Medicamentous treatment is carried out by the following drugs:

    • Dona.
    • Teraflex.
    • Struktkm.
    • Chondroxide.
    • Chondrolon.
    • Diclofenac.
    • Rumalon.

    Preparations for treatment are issued in the form of ointments, gels, solutions for insertion into the joint.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    In the fight against the disease that affects the knees, people's remedies in the form of grasses are exchanged.

    1. Recipe for the treatment of arthritis (for oral administration).
    • Cranberry - 500gr.
    • Black radish peeled - 500gr.
    • Cognac - 500 ml.


    Grind the radish and stir the cran. Pour the cognac. Close the lid and put in a dark place for 11 days. After 11 days strain and put in a cool place.


    To eat on an empty stomach 16 minutes before breakfast for 1 tablespoon.

    It is forbidden to apply when:

    • low pressure;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • gastritis.
  • Prescription for arthritis compress
    • Honey - 1 tablespoon.
    • Dry mustard - 1 tablespoon.
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.


    Stir, put in a saucepan, boil. Put on a clean cloth.


    • Place the mixture on the epicenter of pain, cover with polyethylene, on top with a blanket.
    • To sustain about two hours.
    • The procedure is carried out 1 time in the daytime.

    What exercises should be performed

    IMPORTANT.In order to avoid muscle atrophy, gentle, light exercises are necessary. Physical activity is contraindicated in cases of meniscus injuries. All exercises can be performed after consulting a doctor.

    These exercises are simple, they can be performed by everyone.

    1. Stand up, leaning against the wall. Slowly, smoothly sink, pressing against the back of the wall. Monitor the manifestation of pain in the knee. Do squats 10 times.
    2. Sit on the floor, straightened leg. Alternately, slowly pull your foot to the torso.
    3. Lie on your back. Raise your legs. Lock them in one position. Perform turn movements 11-12 times.
    4. Lie on your back, raise your legs. Perform a slow "bike" movement.

    Massage Techniques

    Treatment of the knee should follow the principle - do not hurt.All massage procedures must be performed by a specialist.

    The main actions for massage are:

    • stroking;
    • trituration;
    • kneading.

    The duration of the massage should not exceed 26 minutes. If the massage is performed more than once in the daytime, then the duration of manipulation should not exceed 11 minutes.

    1. You can carry out the massage yourself in the case when the doctor is allowed to make sure that you perform the massage movements correctly.
    2. All movements should be done carefully, slowly.
    3. Exposure to massage movements is not only a painful place.
    4. How to perform massage movements solves the specialist, based on the severity of the disease of the joint.


    Pain in the knee of joy does not bring.In order to avoid pain, follow the following rules, recommendations, warnings.

    • From excess weight to pain one step.
    • You should adhere to the diet, do not overeat.
    • Walk more.
    • Precaution the joint from hypothermia, from strokes, do not overload it.
    • A bicycle is a friend of the joint. The main thing is not to overdo it.
    • Attend doctors annually.
    • Choose the right shoes. Not all is well that is cheap.
    • Keep track of the shoes. Trapped seats in certain parts of the shoe indicate a change in the gait - it means that somewhere in the joint articulation has changed.


    Anyone who wishes to have a knee in a healthy state should take care of it.Movement is life. Prolonging the life of joints, a person prolongs life to himself.


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    A source:

    Causes and treatment of pain in the knee when walking on the stairs

    To date, knee joint lesions occupy a leading position among other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    This is not surprising because the resulting spasms may appear as due to, for example, increased workload, andas a result of serious pathologies. Especially with this noticeable pain in the knee when walking on the stairs.

    To understand why the knee hurts when lifting, and what to do with this, we will discuss later in the article.


    The main factors when the knee aches while walking on the stairs will be:

    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • gonarthrosis;
    • bursitis;
    • inflammation of the tendon in the knee;
    • trauma, rupture of the meniscus;
    • periarthritis;
    • infections in the knee joint;
    • gout;

    Other factors include: osteochondropathy of the tibia, dissecting osteochondritis, obesity, old age, popliteal neoplasm or hernia, arthrosis, tendenitis, osteomyelitis.

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    It meansinflammatory reaction in the knee, mainly affects the peripheral small joints.

    The provoking factors are congenital defects, traumas, heredity, chronic autoimmune and viral pathologies, hepatitis B viruses, rubella, age over 45 years.

    Signs about the disease include soreness in the area, swelling, fever, redness, morning stiffness, sweating, general fatigue, weight loss.

    The nature of pain

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    Constant, intensive, characteristic defeat of both joints.


    Diagnosis and treatment


    To address it costs to the rheumatologist, arthrologist. The patient will be sent to the radiograph, MRI, ultrasound, arthroscopy, delivery of biochemical and general blood analysis.

    As a result, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will be prescribed: Ketonal, Meloksikam, Diclofenac, Naproxen, chondroprotectors Arthra, Structum, Chondroitin.

    Glucocorticosteroids Methylprednisolone, Flosteron, Diprospan are injected into the cavity of the articular tissue or around the affected area. Externally ointments: Virapine, Kapsoderma, Ketonal, Vipratox. Injection with hyaluronic acid preparations.

    Necessarily proper nutrition, magnet, laser, ozocerite, paraffinotherapy, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, mud therapy, massage, exercise therapy.


    Differentlydeforming arthrosis or osteoarthritiswill be another circumstance that causes pain in the knee joint.

    At a pathology the cartilaginous tissue is thinner, it is erased as though exposing a bone. Man is not something that can not descend from the flight of stairs, the whole walk causes him great pain.

    The causes of heredity heredity, hormonal use, excess weight, heavy physical exertion. Secondary gonarthrosis is due to injuries, arthritis, tumors.

    It is evidenced by puffiness, deformation of the place, stiffness in the morning hours. It is impossible to bend, unbend a leg, a crunch is heard.

    Then lameness develops.

    The nature of pain

    Strong, increases with movement, at night, ir radicates in calves.


    Diagnosis and treatment


    Rheumatologist will need X-rays, micro-resonance tomography, ultrasound, blood samples. Prescribed NSAIDs, corticosteroids hormones, chondroprotectors, externally ointments that feed the affected tissue.


    Food supplemented with products containing collagen, for example, gelatin or cold. If necessary, orthoses are worn. Magnet, laser therapy, UFO, electrophoresis with novocaine, massage, physiotherapy exercises.

    Pathology refers to the incurable, so all actions can be aimed only at improving the condition.

    If conservative treatment does not give a result, surgical methods are envisaged.


    Otherwiseinflammation in the synovial pouchprovokes pain in the knee while climbing the stairs, as well as descending down, any movement.

    The disease is localized in the popliteal part, or above it. The basis for the onset of the disease are injuries, infections, arthritis, excessive physical exertion.

    About the process says the redness of the site, swelling, an increase in the temperature of the hearth.

    There is a peculiar click.

    The nature of pain



    Diagnosis and treatment


    Required radiograph, MRI, arthroscopy, thermovision, ultrasound, as needed puncture synovial contents. The orthopedist, the surgeon is engaged in the given questions.

    Prescribes to the patient NSAID Indomethacin, Orthofen, Voltaren, if the process is caused by infection, then antibiotics tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins. Intraarticular injections are performed. Externally decongestant ointments.

    In some cases, the contents are pumped out in the hospital.

    A favorable outcome is provided by the shock-wave method and electrophonophoresis with hydrocortisone.

    Inflammation of tendons in the knee

    Frequent reasons for this will becomemicro trauma, autoimmune diseases, gonarthrosis. The disease manifests with spasms in the knee joint during walking, physical work. The skin from above can blush, there is a slight hyperemia, a limitation in mobility.

    The nature of pain

    Strong, subsides at rest.


    Diagnosis and treatment


    Traumatologist-orthopedist will give a direction to X-ray to make sure that there is no crack in the bone, rupture, MRI, ultrasound.

    Further complete immobilization of the limb, non-steroidal Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin, vitamin complexes is necessary.

    External cream reducing inflammatory reaction.

    Carried out magnetotherapy, laser therapy.

    Injuries, tearing of the meniscus

    Various kinds of traumadamage the joint, also isolated meniscopathy. Meniscus is a plate that is located between the articular tissues.

    Under adverse factors, it is damaged by manifesting itself with gem arthrosis, subcutaneous hemorrhages, redness, increased hearth temperature.

    Joint instability, falling out, loose during walking are felt. Clicks and crunches are clearly audible. The knee hurts when climbing the stairs, descending, squatting.

    Further, complete blocking of the joint, restriction of movement is possible.
    Stretching of tendons happens both in ordinary people, and in athletes.

    Occurs because of sudden movements, lifting weights. In this case, subcutaneous hematoma develops, swelling, it is painful to touch the damaged area.

    The nature of pain

    As a rule, one-sided, unbearable, cutting. It is localized outside or inside the rod segment.


    Diagnosis and treatment


    The victim undergoes tomography, X-ray, ultrasound, arthroscopy. The traumatologist will appoint NSAIDs Pyraxecam, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.

    Therapy is supplemented with chondroprotectors, means with hyaluronic acid. Physiotherapy: ultrasound, thermal procedures, Bernard's currents, electrophoresis, massage, therapeutic gymnastics.

    Then you should wear special orthopedic shoes, insteps.

    When conservative methods do not help the removal of the cartilaginous disc is supposed.


    Ailment entailsinflammation of the periarticular tissues. The process involves tendons, muscles, ligaments.

    Factors for such a great variety: hypothermia, long standing on the legs, trauma, hypodynamia, endocrine disorders, diabetes, obesity, hormonal failure in the body. Additional prepositions arthritis, arthrosis, atherosclerosis.

    On the periarthritis says the appearance of discomfort in the knee, especially manifested when toe-toe, long walks.

    Also kneeling and aching knees when walking down the stairs. There is a sensitivity in palpation.

    The nature of pain


    Sharp when the leg is bent and unbent. The aching, bursting at rest or changing the position of the body.


    Diagnosis and treatment


    The emerging signs require treatment to a rheumatologist, an arthrologist. He will appoint a computer tomography, micro-resonance study, ultrasound examination, radiography. Cure pathology will help anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Orthofen.

    Analgesics Solpadein, Tylenol. Intra-articular injections with hydrocortisone, prednisolone. Externally used ointments Kapskikam, Dolobien, Diklak, Fastumgel. A positive result is electrophoresis with novocaine, infrared irradiation, a magnet, a laser.

    During the rehabilitation of exercise therapy.

    It is possible to wear a bandage.

    Infections in the knee joint

    These includepathologies caused by viruses, Staphylococcus bacteria, streptococci, osteomyelitis. The latter provokes a destructive reaction in the bone material.

    Developing in the knee attracts the appearance of redness, swelling, an increase in the temperature of the hearth.

    In addition, general weakness, lethargy, chills, fever, worsening of appetite, painful ailments in the affected area are added.

    The nature of pain

    Intense, periodic exacerbations.


    Diagnosis and treatment


    If there are suspicions, you need to visit a therapist, you need a consultation of a rheumatologist, an infectious disease specialist. It is necessary to pass a general and biochemical sample of blood, urine, x-ray, MRI, ultrasound, KM.

    Infections are treated with antibiotics of the penicillin group, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, doxycyclines. Additionally vitamin complexes. It is possible to dissect purulent contents and remove it.

    The patient needs complete rest.


    The disease causesaccumulation of urinary crystals in the joint.

    Culprits are more often malnutrition, alcohol abuse, red meat, sugar diabetes, high blood pressure, heredity, chronic infections, sedentary image life.

    It is evidenced by the redness of the place, swelling, later limb deformity, lameness. The main feature of gout will be primarily pain.

    People who are prone to illness often describe it as unbearable, can not sleep peacefully at night.

    The nature of pain

    Sharp, sharp, paroxysmal.


    Diagnosis and treatment


    Rheumatologist will send the patient to MRI, KM, X-ray, ultrasound, the delivery of tests. After a full clinical picture, NSAIDs Kolhitsin, Naproksen, Ibuprofen are appointed. Electrophoresis electrophoresis, magnet. A prerequisite is proper nutrition, which excludes fatty, salty foods.

    When should I see a doctor?

    If you find yourself not passing pain in the knee, redness, swelling. In addition, added temperature, poor health, do not hesitate to check.

    Negligent attitude to health and ignoring the symptoms can lead to serious consequences in the future.

    How to remove the pain yourself?

    In a situation where circumstances do not allow you to go to the doctor on time to remove spasms, any non-steroid will help: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Tempalgin, Ketoprofen, Ketonal, Naise.

    If you hurt yourself to apply anti-edema ointments Voltaren gel, Fastum gel, Dolobien. When falling on the foot, apply a cold compress, fix the bruised part with an elastic bandage, avoid tight tightening.

    To improve blood circulation, it is recommended to massage, grind the area, only without excessive pressure on the zone.

    A good remedy are compresses with a warm solution of Dimexide.

    When an ailment is caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then the lining with cabbage leaves, raw potatoes have a positive effect. You can rub the horseradish root and attach to the place.

    With a strong burning sensation, the roots are replaced with fresh leaves. Gelatin is useful in such cases, it is taken inside and gelatinous bandages are made.

    An excellent remedy is an ointment based on turpentine, egg yolk, apple cider vinegar. All ingredients are actively mixed, the area is spread. Only the smell will be a minus, but there will be no trace of the indisposition.

    Summarizing, it should be noted that when the first manifestations of such symptoms should consult a doctor.

    Only having handed over all necessary analyzes and having found the primary source of a pathology it is possible to select competently and effectively a therapeutic scheme.

    Do not engage in self-medication, it is the specialist who knows how to treat this or that ill.
    Watch a video about a massage that can help in many cases

    How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

    • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
    • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
    • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

    A source:

    Pain in the lap when walking on the stairs

    • Causes
    • Diagnosis and treatment
    • Folk methods
    • on this topic

    Among all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the leading positions are occupied by knee joints. This is not surprising, since a lot of time people spend on the move.

    When a person moves - walks, runs or just sits, a lot of large and small joints are involved, and the legs also withstand weight load. In the absence of pathologies or injuries, joints do not cause any inconvenience to a person, but often pain and discomfort arise unexpectedly.

    Pain in the knee when walking on the stairs is a common symptom inherent in joint diseases and is manifested mainly in the early stages. Therefore, on time turning to a specialist, there are all chances to avoid further progression of pathology.

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    Overcoming the ladder march is always connected with the load on the knee joint, and pain sensations can be a sign of the following diseases:

    • injury, as a result of which the meniscus is damaged;
    • gonarthrosis;
    • bursitis;
    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • inflammation of the knee tendons;
    • gout;
    • rupture of ligaments;
    • synovitis;
    • arthritis;
    • infectious-inflammatory process.

    Over time, if the disease is not treated, other symptoms are added to the pain syndrome:

    • crunch when flexing and extending the leg;
    • swelling of the knee;
    • redness;
    • the skin over the sore spot becomes hot;
    • mobility worsens, it is difficult to move the foot.


    Pain in the knee when climbing the stairs can be a symptom of synovitis, which is an inflammatory process of the synovial membrane.

    Most often, this disease occurs in the knee joint, the cavity of which is filled with a liquid in a quantity much higher than normal.

    If the inflammation is due to trauma, only one knee hurts. Both joints are affected because of a metabolic disorder or due to an autoimmune reaction.


    In injuries and joint diseases, synovitis has an aseptic course, and is characterized by blunt knee pain and swelling caused by fluid accumulation.


    The motor function is limited, and it is difficult for the patient to climb the stairs.

    Overcoming staircase steps with a diseased knee is a difficult task

    If the diagnosis of synovitis is established, the amount of pathological fluid is insignificant, the treatment is performed on an outpatient basis.

    In the case of a large volume of fluid, therapeutic punctures are performed and physiotherapy procedures are performed - electrophoresis with novocaine and ultraviolet irradiation.

    In the persistent current, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone or electrophoresis with potassium iodide is used.

    If the synovitis takes a chronic form and is accompanied by irreversible changes in the joint membrane, prolonged and relapsing forms, surgical intervention is performed - complete or partial removal of synovial shell.


    If there is pain in the knee during descent from the stairs or when walking, the cause may be arthritis.

    This disease, in which the joint becomes inflamed, and the person experiences pain during various movements - flexion, extension and walking.

    Sometimes the knee blushes, the temperature rises locally, or fever occurs.

    If arthritis is not treated, all joint tissues are affected - bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments, soft tissues, synovial membrane and articular bag.

    The causes of arthritis include:

    Also read: ol in the knee joint when walking

    • hereditary factor;
    • excess weight;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • hypothermia;
    • susceptibility to injury (for example, athletes);
    • congenital dislocation of the hip;
    • infectious diseases (tuberculosis, gonorrhea);
    • malnutrition with a lack of sufficient vitamins and minerals;
    • alcoholism;
    • decreased immunity;
    • bites of poisonous insects.

    Symptoms of arthritis - pain, swelling and crunch when moving in the place where the inflammatory process began. Arthritis can be of several types:

    • reactive;
    • rheumatoid;
    • infectious.

    Treatment of arthritis is always complex, and includes the use of medications for pain relief and inflammation, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and massage.

    If the knee hurts when walking up the stairs due to arthritis, you need to contact the doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment. Arthritis is an insidious disease that gives various complications with irreversible consequences.

    He can go into a purulent stage or cause blood poisoning. As a precautionary measure, it is recommended to monitor the weight, wear comfortable shoes and do not overload the knees.


    If the knee hurts when climbing the stairs, this may be caused by bursitis - inflammation of the periarticular bag.

    The main sign of bursitis is pain in the affected area - above the knee or below it.

    The trigger mechanism for the development of the disease is various injuries, infections, playing sports in extreme conditions.

    Chronic bursitis is characterized by a slight swelling, joint movements remain free, and pain appears only during periods of exacerbations. Relapses can occur as a result of injuries and reduce immunity.

    The most common is the so-called prepatellar bursitis, when the external synovial bag is inflamed in the anterior part of the knee.

    The cause of this condition can be not only injuries, but also the deposition of salts due to impaired metabolism in the body - gouty arthritis.

    Infection of the contents of the bag cavity causes an increase in regional lymph nodes, a fever and an increase in the pain syndrome.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    To find out why there is pain when climbing and descending the stairs, you will need a doctor's consultation.

    Assist therapist, traumatologist or neurologist with the help of a referral. When decoding X-rays, it is clear what causes pain in the knees.


    If there are any doubts in the diagnosis, send to a magnetic resonance or computed tomography.


    For treatment, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, and in certain cases corticosteroid preparations are prescribed. The form of medications depends on the severity of the condition - pills, ointments, gels are used, and in complex cases it is necessary to do without injections.

    Folk methods

    When, climbing the stairs, a person experiences pain and discomfort, it is necessary to take action.

    In parallel with taking medications, which the doctor prescribed, you can apply and folk methods of treatment.

    From ordinary food products and useful plants, various compresses, ointments are prepared, and the use of certain dishes helps to restore cartilaginous tissues and joints.

    Here are some effective recipes:

    A well-conducted diagnosis is the key to successful treatment

    • tincture of iodine is the most accessible remedy, which is very easy to prepare by mixing alcohol and iodine in equal proportions. After a day, the solution can be used, rubbing into the skin over the affected joint. It is not recommended to bandage or apply a bandage;
    • from a potato it is possible to prepare two kinds of a medical mix for compresses: with kerosene and with horse-radish. Raw potatoes, along with peel, grate on a fine grater, and add one tablespoon of kerosene. The resulting mass is applied to the place where it hurts, for 15-20 minutes, then the skin needs to be wiped off and wrapped with a bandage or cloth. This lotion can be done every day for a week to improve blood circulation and reduce pain;
    • Potatoes with horseradish to mix, preliminary having wiped vegetables on a small grater. Kashitsu attach to the knees, covering the top with food film. Keep the compress 30-40 minutes. The mixture can be used for the second time, for this it must be transferred to a glass container and placed in a refrigerator. Before re-use, warm up in a water bath. The course of treatment is a week;
    • ointment from turpentine, apple cider vinegar and egg yolk. Ingredients are taken in an amount of 1 tbsp. L., one yolk will suffice. Mix everything, and spread on your knees, top with a cloth;
    • a pack of onions can be done at night, the recipe is rather simple - the bulb should be cut into two parts, in the middle of each one make an incision. Apply to the knee joint with a side with a cut so that the juice flows out, and be sure to fix;
    • cabbage leaf - a very effective remedy for pain in the knee of various origins. The main thing that the plant was fresh. Cabbage can be left overnight or make a compress during the day. For greater effect, the leaf can be oiled with honey, preferably floral. Properly fix on the leg, so as not to fall, food film or woolen shawl. The procedure can be repeated daily for a month;
    • compress from oatmeal do this: flakes cook for 5-7 minutes, adding a little water, so that the porridge turned dense. Cooled porridge spread on a cloth, and put to the knee at night, tying with a bandage. It should be remembered that the medicinal properties of cooked cereal do not last more than a day, so every time you need to cook fresh porridge.

    Cabbage and honey - natural healers for joints

    If you are concerned about pain in the knee, it is recommended to adjust the diet by including useful foods.

    It should be noted that if you have to constantly drink medications, then over time their effect is dulled, and side effects may occur.

    To reduce risks to a minimum, the following products will help:

    • turmeric is not only a delicious seasoning that gives any dish a beautiful yellow color, it has anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties;
    • fresh pineapple contains a significant amount of bromelain, an enzyme that accelerates the regeneration of tissues and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Bromelain is found in the stems and core of this exotic fruit, so it's better to drink freshly squeezed pineapple juice;
    • chicken eggs, fish, flax seeds and hemp, avocados are very useful for problems with joints, since they contain omega-3 fatty acid.

    To prevent the disease from turning into a chronic form and no longer returning, you need to enter a diet more products containing calcium, and minimize the use of harmful - tea, coffee, alcohol, sugar and salt.

    Maintaining normal body weight and wearing the right shoes is an excellent prevention of joint and bone diseases. To support the musculoskeletal system, you need to strengthen the muscular corset, paying special attention to the muscles of the legs.

    And for maximum effect - more walking, overcoming descents and ascents. Train in sports shoes with cushioning soles and be healthy!

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