Chest pain in the middle, with inspiration: causes


  • 1Pain in the chest in the middle and hard breathing, causes burning sensation when inhaling
    • 1.1Why does the chest hurt in the middle?
    • 1.2Pain during movement
    • 1.3Pain in inspiration
    • 1.4After smoking
    • 1.5With pressure
    • 1.6After vomiting
    • 1.7When you cough
    • 1.8Sharp
    • 1.9Strong
    • 1.10Aching
    • 1.11Pressing
    • 1.12: which means pain and burning in the chest in the middle
  • 2What does chest pain signal when inhaled?
  • 3Pain in the chest when inhaling (painful breathing, colitis): the reasons for what to do?
    • 3.1Classification of pain
    • 3.2Etiology of the phenomenon
    • 3.3Diseases of the lungs
    • 3.4The cardiovascular system
    • 3.5Pathology of the spine
    • 3.6Diseases from the digestive tract
    • 3.7Other reasons
    • 3.8When should I call an ambulance?
    • 3.9Diagnostic measures
    • 3.10Treatment and prevention
  • 4What are the pains in the chest in inspiration
    • 4.1Dry (fibrinous) pleurisy
    • 4.2Chest injuries
    • 4.3Lesions of the osteoarticular system
    • 4.4Myofascial pain
    • 4.5Neurogenic pain
  • 5Causes of discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the chest in the middle
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Possible reasons
    • 5.2Bronchopulmonary diseases
    • 5.3Heart pathologies
    • 5.4Osteochondrosis
    • 5.5Tumors of the mediastinum
    • 5.6If discomfort during inspiration
    • 5.7Conclusion

Pain in the chest in the middle and hard breathing, causes burning sensation when inhaling

Pain sensations behind the breastbone - a common sign of many pathological conditions. The clinical picture of each of the possible "hidden" diseases manifests itself as characteristic symptoms.

Pain in the chest in the middle should alert any person.

Patients with problems with the heart and blood vessels should immediately go to specialists for any manifestations of discomfort in the chest in order to avoid the most serious consequences.

Why does the chest hurt in the middle?

Do not ignore the symptoms that deliver even the slightest inconvenience.

A peculiarity of the painful feeling in the sternum is its irradiating character, which complicates the formulation of the exact diagnosis.

Constant pains in the chest in the middle serve as a motive for seeking help in order to exclude serious diseases of vital organs and systems.

Pain behind the sternum in the middle, giving in the back, along with shortness of breath, arrhythmia, low blood pressure can indicate thromboembolism of the arteries of the lung. Myocardial infarction has identical signs.

Disruption of the esophagus is manifested by pain in the chest in the middle when swallowing food.

The pain syndrome, the place of localization of which is concentrated in the chest and back, together with nausea, fever signals the development of cholecystitis.

Pain during movement

Sharp unpleasant sensations in the sternum during movement can speak about the pathology of the esophagus, sometimes about the presence of oncological diseases of the progressing stages.

Discomfort when moving on the right side reports problems with the spine in the form of scoliosis, spondylosis.

Pressing pain in the sternum in the middle, increasing with movement - a symptom of a possible heart attack.

Pain in inspiration

The intolerable sensations emanating from the solar plexus - intercostal neuralgia - are a sign of acute and chronic processes.

If it hurts in the middle of the chest due to running, inhaling, coughing, sneezing, you can talk about squeezing or irritating the nerve endings that go from the spine to the ribs. The causes of the disease are:

  1. Subcooling.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Incorrect work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Pleurisy.

After smoking

The thorax hurts after smoking for several reasons: pulmonary and extrapulmonary.

Pulmonary causes arise due to damage by tobacco smoke to lung tissue, manifestations of chronic bronchitis, asthma, lung oncology.

Extrapulmonary - indicate problems of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris), gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis), bones and joints.

With pressure

The mechanical effect on the chest is a good test of many diseases.

If you press a sore throat in the middle of the stronger and the attack revives again, these signs can signal the inflammation of the costal cartilaginous articulation.

In diabetes, the impact on the sternum leads to painful sensations due to the accumulation of uric acid.

After vomiting

Deterioration of the condition and sharp soreness after the vomiting are symptoms of a possible perforation (rupture) of the esophagus.

The unbearable pain is supplemented by burning, the patient has difficulty breathing, to perform the minimum in amplitude movements? This combination of circumstances requires immediate surgical intervention to eliminate the rupture and intoxication of the body.

When you cough

The oppressive feeling that presses in the sternum in the middle with a cough is an alarm bell. Lack of proper attention of specialists can lead to very sad consequences.

Clinical sensations behind the sternum when coughing are detected due to diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system.

There are a number of other reasons that cause this symptomatic picture:

  • injuries;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • inflammation of the trachea;
  • tuberculosis.

The painful condition of the chest is one of the symptoms with which patients turn to specialists very often.

With any feeling of discomfort of this nature, one should as soon as possible assess the seriousness of the situation, take the necessary measures to eliminate the pain syndrome and its underlying cause.

The nature of pain can tell a lot about the severity of pathological processes.


Sharp stabbing painful echoes behind the sternum appear due to an attack of angina pectoris. The pain between the chest in the middle is so strong that it is difficult for a person to move.

Nitroglycerin group drugs can alleviate the condition of the patient.

If the external symptoms of the disease are not expressed, but there is permanent pain behind the sternum - this indicates a pathological change in the heart muscle or the development of osteochondrosis.


The girdle of severe pain below the chest in the middle arises due to gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, pancreatic and oncology of the pancreas and stomach, a strong increase in the spleen.

A large role is played by the "reflected" pain syndrome.

This fact has been little studied, the statement of an exact diagnosis of such conditions is complicated by many aspects, and the treatment of irrational pain is ineffective.


Deepening aching pains result from heart and lung diseases. With ischemic illness during sneezing, coughing, soreness is temporary.

Cardialgia can act as a symptom of many pathological conditions. Her neurological causes deserve special attention.

Discomfort behind the breastbone occurs much more often in people who are exposed to constant stress and shocks.


Unpleasant sensations behind the sternum arise as a result of muscle spasm of the walls of the stomach. If you press in the sternum in the middle at a certain time, then you can assume the cause of the disease.

With a stomach ulcer, pain occurs after eating, accompanied by heartburn, vomiting. The presence of problems with the bile and bladder is described by similar symptoms.

Syndromes are temporarily blocked with special medications, but the disease requires treatment.

: which means pain and burning in the chest in the middle

Painful sensations behind the sternum can be caused by a large number of different diseases.

A clear differentiation of types of seizures or constant pain helps in a timely manner to diagnose pathological acute processes that can lead to death and disability.

The most dangerous of the underlying causes of neuralgia are a heart attack, thromboembolism, peritonitis.

The clinical picture of such serious conditions develops very quickly, the patient needs urgent hospitalization and surgical resolution of the problem.

Knowing the principles of functioning of the internal systems of the body can save your life and protect you from the negative consequences of the most unpleasant diagnoses.

Watch the video and be fully armed!

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What does chest pain signal when inhaled?

Pain in the chest with inspiration can be a signal of serious pathology in the body. This situation occurs at any age and is the basis for concern about one's own health. To determine the exact cause, you will have to undergo diagnostics and laboratory tests.


Painful sensations that occur with a deep breath can have different localization: on the right, left or in the middle of the sternum.

It is important to correctly describe to the doctor the area where the problem is felt. This will help in establishing the correct diagnosis.

The nature and intensity of pain manifests itself in different ways.


Sometimes it arises under the influence of physical exertion, with walking, movement of the trunk or very deep inspiration.


As a rule, pain is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • cough;
  • dyspnea.

A significant indicator for the doctor will be a precise definition of the nature of pain: nicking, sharp or pulling, permanent or appearing under certain actions.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

With heart diseases, pain is usually associated with inspiration in the chest on the left. It can be an attack of angina pectoris against a background of ischemic disease.

There is a spasm, squeezing the sternum and giving to the scapula, neck and hand. The situation is complicated by dizziness and heart palpitations.

Provoke angina exercise, stress, cold, windy weather.

Pericarditis is an inflammation of the cardiac membrane. Pathology occurs as a complication after infectious diseases. Because of the discomfort left in the chest, the patient tries not to take a deep breath, his breathing becomes superficial.

  • Pathology of the respiratory system

Diseases associated with respiratory organs are accompanied by severe exhausting cough, shortness of breath, weakness, lack of air.

Pain at inspiration in the chest in the middle is one of the signs of pneumonia, pleurisy or lung cancer. Pneumonia is the onset of a pathological inflammatory process in the lungs.

A common cause of malaise is the negative effect of fungi, viruses or microbes. Vulnerable people are vulnerable to the disease, especially those who have suffered from influenza, who have undergone hypothermia or severe stress.

For complex complex treatment patients are placed in a hospital.

Pleurisy is an inflammation of the lung membrane. Pathology occurs in several cases:

  • complication after pneumonia, infarction, pancreatitis;
  • infectious pleurisy cause fungi, parasites, bacteria (streptococcus, pneumococcus).
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Inflammation is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid between the layers of the pleura, coughing, burning in the chest.

The pain is sharp and sharp, it intensifies with a deep breath. For diagnosis, x-rays and a pleural biopsy are required.

Pulmonary embolism - pathology occurs when a thrombus is blocked by one or more arteries that supply the organ with blood. To block the blood flow can:

  • a clot of fat;
  • a blood clot;
  • tumor cells;
  • air.

Embolism is a dangerous disease that often leads to death, so you can not ignore symptoms such as lack of air, wheezing in the chest and pain with a deep breath.

Discomfort with deep breathing appears due to a tumor in the bronchi or lung. This disease is accompanied by a persistent cough and exit of sputum with blood. If there are such signs, you should not delay visiting the oncologist.

  • Chest injuries

Painful sensations in the chest - this is the result of muscle strain and physical strength after excessive physical exertion in the process of playing sports. Damage to the muscle tissue and a large accumulation of lactic acid creates discomfort with a deep breath.

In this situation, the best way out is to break in training and reduce their intensity.

Injuries or damage to the ribs occur in the home and in the workplace. They are accompanied by hematomas, swelling, discomfort during palpation and deep breathing. In case of serious injury, internal bleeding and rupture of the lung tissue should be ruled out.

Pain with a deep sigh, coughing or change of posture arises from pinching of the nerve roots. The attack can appear at any time, giving a piercing pain under the shoulder blade. Often this condition is written off for heart pathologies, without prescribing the necessary treatment.

Pain with intercostal neuralgia is acute or dull. It appears for no reason and lasts for a long time.

  • Pathology of the digestive system

Disorders in the work of the stomach, gallbladder and liver lead to the fact that a person feels a sharp pain with deep breathing. Localization of unpleasant sensations is observed on the right.

The cause of discomfort is:

  • increase in acid concentration in the stomach;
  • chronic liver disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • a stomach ulcer.

To determine the cause of the symptom, a comprehensive examination is carried out, including:

  • clinical and biochemical blood test;
  • radiography;
  • Fluorography;
  • MRI or computed tomography;
  • sputum samples;
  • electrocardiography.

Modern laboratory and diagnostic equipment allows to reveal with great accuracy the pathology in the thorax. Treatment depends on the diagnosis.

In case of lung diseases, the patient is prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • expectorant drugs;
  • inhalation;
  • physiotherapy.

The presence of a thrombus in the arteries will require the introduction of a coagulant. In inflammatory processes, corticosteroids and pain medications are prescribed.

Conservative treatment of pleurisy is carried out:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • warming therapy (mustard, thermal physiotherapy).

Fractures in the chest require wearing a fixative bandage until the bones coalesce. If the problem is related to vasospasm (angina pectoris), then the first step is blockade of the attack. After the doctor prescribes drugs that normalize the heart.

With intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis prescribe fortifying drugs and vitamins. Problems from the housing and communal services require, first of all, the observance of the diet.

There is pain in the chest accompanied by one of the symptoms or phenomena listed below, the situation calls for urgent medical attention:

  • the person loses consciousness;
  • severe pain does not stop for about half an hour;
  • there is pressure in the chest, there are difficulties with breathing, the pulse is accelerated;
  • there is severe shortness of breath when walking and a drop of blood when coughing;
  • discomfort from heartburn after each meal;
  • Sharp pain and burning sensation is given to the left shoulder and neck.

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Pain in the chest when inhaling (painful breathing, colitis): the reasons for what to do?

Pain in the chest when inhaling, or thoracalgia, is a fairly common complaint, each one to some extent encountered this. In its shape, the thorax resembles a truncated cone, squeezed from front to back; consists of ribs, sternum and spine.

The space of the chest is filled with mediastinum, respiratory organs, digestive and part of the endocrine system, the main blood and lymph vessels. From the inside, the whole cell is lined with a tissue (membrane), which covers the lungs (pleura).

The respiratory excursion of the lungs (respiration rate) is 14 movements per minute.

Classification of pain

Pain in the chest during inspiration is divided by localization, severity, intensity, duration, etc., they arise from the neck to the abdomen. It is most convenient to consider them by localization: right and left side, and also in the center - to narrow the search for the cause:

  1. In the middle - then we can assume defeat of the diaphragm, heart, esophagus and lungs.
  2. Right - the cause may be injuries of the ribs, krepature, CVD, GI organs, respiratory infections and oncology.
  3. Left - SSSZ, tumors and pleurisy, trauma, renal colic, inflammation of the pleura.

Etiology of the phenomenon

Why do pains arise? Common reasons:

  • lesions of the skin and subcutaneous fat;
  • lesions of the bone skeleton and its joints, muscles, fasciae and ligaments;
  • lesions of the peripheral nervous system of the spine.

Pathologies that are accompanied by thoracalgia:

  1. SSSZ - IHD, IM, aortic aneurysm, AH, lesions of cardiac valves, cardioneurosis, PE.
  2. Diseases of the pulmonary system - pneumonia, pleurisy, tracheitis, bronchitis, pulmonary form of tuberculosis, oncology.
  3. Pathology of the spine and cell frame - neuralgia of the ribs, osteochondrosis, Schmorl's hernia, kyphosis, Bechterew's disease, trauma.
  4. MBS - myofascial pain syndrome (up to 35% of all calls), osteoporosis, vertebral joint damage, spinal column stenosis.
  5. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, biliary dyskinesia, gastroesophageal reflux, pancreatitis, esophageal pathology).
  6. Neoplasms are extrathoracic and pulmonary.
  7. VSD.

Diseases of the lungs

Pain in the chest can be observed with the following lung diseases:

  1. Tuberculosis: pain in the chest during inspiration is always intensified, pallor, fatigue, weight loss, refusal to eat, sweating, fever, shortness of breath, coughing and hemoptysis; also has a chest pain cell.
  2. Pleurisy - develops for various reasons as an independent disease or a concomitant symptom. Cough is always dry, sharp burning pain on inspiration, cyanotic face, shortness of breath, chills.
  3. With lung tumors - constant pain in the chest during inspiration, coughing with blood, dyspnea, tachycardia, weight loss, pallor, in 60% there is a temperature.
  4. Pneumonia - subfebrile temperature, with a sharp increase in the evening, chills, night sweats and weakness, shortness of breath, wheezing at a distance, noise of friction of the leaflets of the inflamed pleura, auscultatory listen to wet and dry wheezing in the lungs, chest pain when breathing, wet cough with purulent sputum; when trying to turn into a healthy side, the pain is reinforced again due to the tension membrane.
  5. Pneumothorax - the pleural cavity always contains some fluid to lubricate the pleura. If air enters this cavity, then the excursion and expansion of the lungs are impossible, their collapse develops, and pain arises when breathing in the chest. It often develops during an accident, falling from a height, punctured wounds, there is also a spontaneous variant of development. Most common: difficulty in inhaling and acute pain syndrome, weakness, a feeling of pressure in the chest, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the face; a lethal outcome is possible from a lack of oxygen.
  6. Pulmonary embolism - PE - a blockage of the pulmonary artery by a thrombus. Often the cause is varicose veins. Against the background of full health suddenly there are incredible pains with inspiration, tachycardia, falling blood pressure, shortness of breath, cyanosis, sweating, bloody cough. The condition is very dangerous - in the absence of urgent medical assistance, death can occur within a few minutes.
  7. Dull pain behind the sternum during a cough is a sign of ARVI. Cough, articulation, temperature and other signs of a viral respiratory tract infection.

The cardiovascular system

Pathology of CCC:

  1. Pericarditis (inflammation of the cardiac sac). The pain in the chest during breathing is localized on the left side of the sternum and in its middle; often occurs after infection. The pains are not very sharp, but their tension strengthens; breathing is gentle, superficial, man is afraid move; pains go away, if only the patient leans forward, which serves as a forced pose patient. Weakness, dry cough, subfebrile condition, malaise, increased lying symptoms. The patient is subject to mandatory hospitalization.
  2. Angina pectoris. Characterized by the development of attacks of spasms of the coronary vessels. Pain syndrome is always sudden, violent, manifests itself under emotional or physical stress; he is so strong that it is impossible to breathe - the patient freezes and becomes stiff. The face pales, there is cyanosis n / g of the triangle, AH is noted, a feeling of squeezing and bursting in the chest, pain in the sternum; irradiation to the left half of the body; cold sticky sweat, nausea, fear of death. Duration of spasm - up to 15 minutes; it is stopped by nitroglycerin.
  3. Aneurysm of the aorta. Severe pain behind the sternum, radiates to the neck, back, stomach; the attack lasts up to several days. From the posture does not depend, patients note a constant sense of anxiety.
  4. Myocardial infarction - the formation of a portion of ischemia in the myocardium with acute hypoxia and necrosis of myocardial cells due to a violation of blood supply. Sensations resemble angina pectoris, but heavier, pulsating, after nitrates and at rest are not removed; localization behind the sternum, chest pain on the left.
  5. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium. Pain pulsating, persistent; malaise, fatigue, fever, tachycardia and respiratory pain. Can remind IM.
  6. Mitral valve prolapse. Mitral valve insufficiency is acquired, often develops after rheumatism; there may be pain in breathing in the chest, palpitations and dizziness; gradually leads to CH.
  7. Ischemic rupture of the heart arteries. It happens very rarely; deadly pathology. When there is a rupture of the coronary artery, there is a sudden severe pain of a ruptured character in the sternum with inspiration, with a return to the neck, back and stomach.
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Pathology of the spine

Pathology of the spine:

  1. Osteochondrosis. With displacement, deformation of the vertebrae, pain occurs when breathing. They can cause such pain that the patient has to be in the same pose.
  2. Edge chondritis (Titze syndrome) - inflammation of the cartilage of ribs at the edge of the sternum. Develops after injuries, strong strokes; dull pain in the chest during breathing, intensified at the depth of inspiration, with palpation, possibly a fever and cough.
  3. Bechterew's disease. In the ligaments of the spinal column calcium salts accumulate, they destroy the nerve endings; pain here for life, accompanied by shortness of breath.
  4. Disease of Sheyermann-Mau. 1 person from 100 is ill or sick; pathology begins in adolescence. It leads to the development of kyphosis. The pain is localized between the shoulder blades, appears on the inspiration.
  5. Osteoporosis - calcium deficiency in the bones; while osteoblasts do not absorb calcium, and it does not fit into the voids of the bones. The whole spine suffers, it warps, the posture is disturbed, there is a moderate pain when inhaling in the thoracic spine. Movement is limited due to the fact that pain intensifies with them. Also marked numbness of the limbs, painful asymmetric points during palpation.

Diseases from the digestive tract

Pain in the chest can occur if the following pathologies of the digestive tract develop:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The stomach throws its contents into the esophagus after eating. This is especially evident with the inclined, lying position. Almost always there is heartburn, it is accompanied by a sore throat, pain behind the breastbone and in the chest.
  2. Narrowing of the esophagus. You can get sick in your chest if you swallow. If pain persists over time, and no food passes, it is a symptom of esophageal cancer.
  3. Stomach ulcer. Pain during breathing can give back and sternum. When eating or taking antacids, the pain subsides.
  4. Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm. With the weakness of his ring, the upper abdomen shifts to the lower part of the chest after eating. In this case, there is a painful sigh and heartburn. They always grow when the patient lies.
  5. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Painful sensations have a strong sharp character, pain behind the breastbone is often present.
  6. Problems of the gallbladder. There may appear pain on the right in the hypochondrium and in the lower part of the breast on the right, most often they arise after a fat meal.

Other reasons

In addition to the above, pain can occur with the following conditions:

  1. Intercostal neuralgia. Appears in diseases of the spinal cord, inflammation of the intercostal nerves. Prolonged painful sensations during inspiration throughout the day, it becomes painful to breathe; pains increase with change of position, movements and inclinations to the sick side, with a touch, palpation, laughter, sneezing, with breathing. Muscles of the ribs are often swollen, enlarged, which makes nerves squeeze. The side is very sensitive when touched. Symptoms can permanently limit the mobility of the patient.
  2. MBS (myofascial pain syndrome). Pain only on inhalation, the muscles are spasmodic and painful at palpation.
  3. Fractures of the ribs. Increased pain when coughing and breathing; it is limited to a fracture site. With palpation, the place is painful.
  4. Chest injuries. Occur when falling from a height, accidents; with bruises develop edema of soft tissues, there are strong pains on inspiration. With bruises, x-rays must be prescribed to exclude fractures. With unilateral damage to the ribs, the affected side lags behind when breathing; at rest the pains disappear.
  5. Krepature. After strong physical exertion, muscle soreness may appear after a while. This is not a disease, although there is a pain symptom during inspiration.
  6. Shingles. Infectious disease. With her soreness in the chest appears a few days before the rash.
  7. Neoplasms. Lung cancer - acute persistent pain syndrome with breathing; a tumor of Pancost (cancer of the apex of the lung) - pain with it burning, with recoil in the upper limbs.

When should I call an ambulance?

An ambulance is needed if:

  • along with a pain in the chest there are: a feeling of pressure, compression under the sternum, shortness of breath and irradiation in the left arm, lower jaw and scapula;
  • present: nausea, dizziness, palpitations, gray skin, cold sweat, falling blood pressure, weak threadlike pulse, lack of air and loss of consciousness;
  • there is no improvement after taking nitroglycerin, and the duration of pain is more than 20 minutes. This may cause chills, cough with yellow-green mucus, swallowing disorders and persistent pain in the chest.

Diagnostic measures

For diagnostics can be assigned:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical blood test for markers of infarction;
  • bak-sowing and analysis of sputum, pleural effusion;
  • X-ray of the lungs and spine;
  • if there is a suspicion of an oncology - an MRI; CT, ECG;
  • dopplerography of vessels;
  • gastroscopy.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment depends on the pathology:

  • with PE, anticoagulants and thrombus removal are surgically prescribed;
  • with pneumonia, pleurisy, tracheitis - antibacterial therapy and symptomatic, analgesics, immunostimulants;
  • with costal chondritis - NSAIDs and physiotherapy;
  • with SSSZ - beta-blockers, analgesics, anticoagulants.

Pain in breathing can be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, if it does not pass, it is better to see a doctor. And as a preventive measure - a balanced diet, exercise and refusal from smoking and alcohol.


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What are the pains in the chest in inspiration

"When inhaling, the chest is hurting" is one of the frequent complaints of patients.

In order to determine the affected organ, it is necessary to clarify the localization of the pain syndrome, its intensity and the presence of irradiation.

In this case, it is possible to make a preliminary conclusion and confirm it with data from laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Pain in the chest with inspiration can indicate the pathologies of various structures:

  1. visceral and parietal pleura (serosa, which lining the lungs and walls of the chest cavity);
  2. muscles and fascia covering them;
  3. bone-cartilaginous formations;
  4. nerve roots.

The defeat of each element has its own characteristics, which allow them to be distinguished already at the stage of examination and palpation of the patient.

Dry (fibrinous) pleurisy

It is an inflammation of the pleura that results from the action of an infectious agent in the lungs. The most common reasons that cause this condition include:

  1. croupous pneumonia;
  2. tuberculosis;
  3. systemic connective tissue diseases;
  4. malignant neoplasms (bronchogenic carcinoma);

Depending on the prevalence of the process, dry pleurisy can be unilateral or bilateral. Pain on inspiration on the right or on the left occurs when the corresponding side is injured. Dry pleurisy will have a characteristic clinical picture:

  1. pain pricking or cutting;
  2. in addition to inhalation, the pain syndrome increases with coughing, straining and physical exertion;
  3. decreased respiratory movement on the affected side;
  4. is accompanied by general symptoms (low-grade fever up to 38OC, weakness, increased sweating).

In order to finally determine the presence of dry pleurisy, an additional instrumental study is needed.

When listening to the lungs with a phonendoscope, the noise of friction of the pleura is determined throughout the inhalation and exhalation.

X-ray examination does not have much significance in diagnosis, but it allows to determine the presence of pathological changes in the lungs.

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Chest injuries

Fractures of any elements that form the thorax (ribs, sternum, clavicles) cause severe pain in the chest when inhaled. As a rule, difficulties with diagnosis do not arise.

In the history of patients, there is a significant traumatic agent (fall, severe stroke, significant compression) acting on the chest. Exceptions are pathological fractures.

To confirm the presence of this injury, it is necessary to conduct a radiograph in two standard projections.

Lesions of the osteoarticular system

This is a large group of pathologies, which includes:

  1. faceted syndrome;
  2. costal-chest syndrome (bone-chondritis);
  3. ksifoidalgia (characteristic pain when inhaling in the chest in the middle);
  4. syndrome "sliding edge" (Cericax);
  5. sternocleidic hyperostosis;
  6. spondyloarthropathy.

The causes of these diseases have not been studied. Fortunately, they are rare enough, with the exception of rib-breast syndrome and spondyloarthropathy.

On average, in Russia, the frequency of occurrence of these two pathologies is about 4%, according to the data presented in the monograph of Professor N.V. Kornilov "Traumatology and Orthopedics".

Spondyloarthropathy develops against ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease). With this pathology, the joints fuse and lose their mobility.


Pain in the chest with a deep breath appears due to the limitation of movements in the sternoclavicular, clavicular-acromial, vertebral-intercellular and intervertebral joints.


A little bit about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant pain in your back and joints? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article - with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis, you are already familiar personally.

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Kostochondritis (costal-chest syndrome), in 90% of cases, according to the journal Neurology and Neurosurgery, provokes pain with inspiration in the chest to the left. As a rule, the cartilages of the second or fifth rib are affected.

It is important to note that pathology occurs in women, -3 times more often. As a rule, bone chondrite develops after 40 years.

Distinguishing sign of the disease - local soreness is determined in the place where the rib is attached to the sternum, without any visible changes over the cartilage.

Myofascial pain

The pathology of the muscles or their fascial membranes that cover the chest can cause pain when inhaled.

The mechanism of their occurrence is simple - due to insufficient relaxation of certain muscle groups, as a result of injuries or hypothermia, there is a prolonged persistent spasm.

Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of tissues develops, and lactic acid accumulates, which irritates the nerve receptors and forms certain trigger points (TT). Soreness in their probing is the absolute sign of myofascial pain syndrome.

Most often, the following muscles are affected in the chest area:

  1. small and large pectorals;
  2. front gear;
  3. front and posterior intercostal.

As a rule, complaints of the patient and physical examination are enough for the diagnosis. In some cases, the doctor may additionally appoint a patient to perform a myography, which will show an increase in the electrical activity of the muscles.

Neurogenic pain

The cause of pain syndrome is irritation of the nerve roots, spinal or intercostal nerves. The most common etiologic factors include:

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Causes of discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the chest in the middle

Unpleasant sensations in the chest area indicate a malfunction in health. The most safe cause of discomfort is intercostal neuralgia.

Also, chest discomfort is felt with cardiovascular problems, with beginning and prolonged pneumonia, with diseases of the esophagus of the digestive tract.

Discomfort in the chest area often indicates an osteochondrosis. The most serious diseases, accompanied by this symptom, are tumors of the mediastinal organs. All these diseases dictate the need for consultation with a specialist.

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Unpleasant sensations in the chest are perceived by patients in different ways. The same disease is expressed in different types of discomfort in different people. Symptoms of diseases of the chest include the following types of sensations:

  • squeezing;
  • a feeling of chest tightness;
  • burning;
  • It's a dull pain;
  • stitching sensation;
  • throbbing pain;
  • shooting seizures.

The discomfort in the chest is determined on the left side or on the right, under the ribbed ribs, from behind. Unpleasant sensation slowly amplifies or is immediately felt acute pain.

It is given to the left in the arm or in the region of the upper abdomen.

Discomfort is aggravated by physical work, sports, severe coughing, deep chest breathing, appears when you retreat from a prescribed diet.

Each type of discomfort in the chest corresponds to a certain disease. But the diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after examining a patient - X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, blood tests and so on.

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Possible reasons

The cause of discomfort in the chest is a disease. It will not pass independently: you need to be treated. The first step of treatment is to establish the cause of unpleasant sensations. The area under the ribs disturbs the patient with various pathologies.

Bronchopulmonary diseases

Diseases of the lungs and pleura give rise to pain and discomfort at the site of the lesion. Discomfort in the middle of the chest often means tracheitis or bronchitis. These pathologies appear as a consequence of transferred ARI and ARVI as complications.

Tracheitis and bronchitis are characterized by discomfort in the chest and pain behind the breastbone, in the upper part of the sternum or in the middle. At the beginning of the development of the disease, cough is dry. Gradually, there is a good discharge of phlegm. In this case, the pain behind the sternum passes.

Tracheitis and bronchitis should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. If a patient does not have enough immunity and the strength to cope with the disease, the doctor will prescribe supportive therapy, expectorant medications, vitamins. Sometimes you need an antibiotic.

What kind of antibiotic to take the patient, the doctor decides. The specialist should monitor the situation so that pneumonia does not start.

The patient feels an unpleasant sensation in the chest with pleurisy - this is an inflammation of the lung membrane. With it, there is a burning sensation in the chest, a cough.


Between the layers of the shell fluid accumulates.


Another cause of discomfort is pulmonary embolism. With it, a thrombus is formed in the artery, blocking the blood flow to the organ. This is a very dangerous disease. If the patient feels a shortage of air, wheezing, you need to call an ambulance.

Heart pathologies

When a person feels discomfort in the chest in the middle, the reasons can be covered in diseases of internal organs. One of the most dangerous causes of discomfort in the chest are cardiovascular diseases.

A stroke of angina is a common cause of discomfort in the chest. When a person feels the squeezing of the chest. It is accompanied by weakness, sometimes - with nausea.

An unpleasant sensation appears in a relaxed state or under physical stress. In this case, the pain syndrome is not always pronounced. In women, pain in a heart attack is not strong, but rather inconvenient.

Angina is successfully treated with common tablets, for example, nitroglycerin.

More severe cases are myocardial infarction, which is a consequence of coronary heart disease; vein thrombosis; aortic dissection. In this case, the patient feels no longer the discomfort of the chest, but the strongest pain.

Even the unbearable discomfort in the chest area indicates a serious illness. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. The doctor must determine the diagnosis and prescribe medications, drawing the patient's attention to the prescribed lifestyle, diet and so on.


Discomfort in the chest in the middle annoys the patient with osteochondrosis. To defeat the spine in the thoracic department lead:

  • sedentary work;
  • overweight;
  • infectious diseases;
  • curvature of the spine in childhood;
  • metabolic disease;
  • neglect of the need to engage in physical education.

The deformations of the intervertebral discs and their protrusions occur, the osteophytes grow.

All this leads to jamming of the nerve endings and vessels, which causes discomfort in the chest.Sometimes the patient says that he has "like a stake in his chest."

Also, a painful sensation is present between the ribs, sometimes giving to the liver, stomach and intestines. It is shrouded in character.

When osteochondrosis, you must visit a neurologist. The doctor will diagnose, prescribe physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy. You can not prescribe yourself a massage or manual therapy. Procedures have contraindications!

Tumors of the mediastinum

Mediastinum is the anatomical space between the ribs and the thoracic spine, between the sternum's upper arm and the diaphragm from below, with its sides bounded by the pleura. In this space there are:

  • thymus;
  • the main bronchi;
  • part of the aorta;
  • esophagus;
  • a heart;
  • part of the hollow vein;
  • The lymph nodes;
  • part of the vagus nerve;
  • part of the trachea;
  • sympathetic nerves;
  • pulmonary veins;
  • pericardium and others.

Tumors of the mediastinal organs are a dangerous disease, since even benign tumor formations in this space are difficult to remove surgically.

Malignant neoplasms are divided into the original and resulting as a result of metastasis. Often there are cases of pseudotumors.

These are aneurysms in the veins, enlarged lymph nodes due to other diseases (ex.

, tuberculosis), pericardial cysts, bronchogenic, enterogenic and other.


Tumors from the left side are difficult to recognize, because at first they give symptoms similar to the manifestation of angina pectoris.


The signs determining a specific type of tumor are:

  • itching of the skin and excessive sweating;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • decreased blood glucose;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • symptoms of myasthenia gravis.

If none of these signs in the patient is present, the source of pain should be sought in other pathologies.

Diseases of the esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas

Unpleasant sensations in the chest on the right can give GIT diseases.Burning in the chest is caused by acid reflux, which is better known as heartburn.

This process is explained by the reverse casting of stomach contents up into the esophagus. Similar sensations arise with a hernia of the esophageal aperture of the diaphragm.

In this case, after eating, the upper part of the stomach protrudes into the lower part of the thorax.

Failure of the contractions of the muscles of the esophagus and strong pressure on him of the food lump cause discomfort and pain at the bottom of the chest.

With a stomach ulcer, there is also a pain syndrome in the sternum region, which increases before a meal. After eating, the patient's condition improves.

Inflammation of the gallbladder is characterized by discomfort in the chest at the bottom right and pain in the abdomen at the top.

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If discomfort during inspiration

When inhaling, unpleasant sensations in the chest are felt with pulmonary diseases, with cardiovascular problems, with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The source of such sensations are sometimes chest traumas.

These include fracture of the ribs, bruising or rupture of soft tissues, cartilage trauma. The main sign of the injury is a sharp or dull pain when you turn your torso, an unpleasant sensation when you inhale. Other symptoms of the injury are edema, redness, bruises.

The diagnosis is made by a traumatologist after the radiography.

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What problems can be signaled by discomfort in the chest, see in this video:

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  1. Discomfort in the chest is expressed in a feeling of squeezing, squeezing, burning. In serious diseases, discomfort becomes pain.
  2. The cause of discomfort is intercostal neuralgia, cardiovascular disease, bronchial and lung problems, gastrointestinal disease, osteochondrosis. What exactly became the cause of unpleasant sensations in a particular case, you can find out only after examination in the clinic.
  3. Any discomfort in the body does not arise from scratch. The body gives us a sign about a malfunction in health. The answer to this sign should be an address to the doctor.
  4. Many diseases are easier to prevent than to cure later. Prevention of pathologies that cause discomfort in the chest, involves the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. It includes the right diet, physical activity, rejection of bad habits.

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