Dislocation of the clavicle: symptoms and treatment

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  • 1Dislocation of the clavicle: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
    • 1.1What are clavicles
    • 1.2Symptoms of dislocation
    • 1.3How to provide first aid
    • 1.4Diagnostics
    • 1.5Dislocation of clavicle: treatment
    • 1.6Elastic bandages
    • 1.7Inelastic bandages
    • 1.8Surgical treatment
    • 1.9Rehabilitation
  • 2Dislocation of clavicle
    • 2.1Features of trauma
    • 2.2Symptoms of dislocation
    • 2.3Classification of colliquus dislocations
    • 2.4First Aid and Diagnosis
    • 2.5Features of dislocation treatment
    • 2.6Operative treatment of dislocation
    • 2.7Rehabilitation after trauma
  • 3Dislocation of clavicle
    • 3.1Mechanism of injury
    • 3.2Dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle
    • 3.3Elderly dislocations of the clavicle
  • 4Dislocation of the clavicle: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
    • 4.1Dislocation of clavicle (sternal end)
  • 5Signs, treatment and first aid with a clavicle dislocation
    • 5.1Symptomatology
    • 5.2First aid for the victim
    • 5.3Therapeutic events
  • 6Symptoms and treatment of clavicle dislocation
    • 6.1Types of damage
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Dislocation of the clavicle: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dislocation of the clavicle is a very common injury. The main thing is to be able to distinguish between the dislocation of the external and internal end of the bone.

Most often, such injuries occur as a result of falling on a withdrawn arm or on the shoulder.

There are cases of dislocation due to the compression of the area of ​​the shoulder in the longitudinal direction.

What are clavicles

The clavicle is a hollow hollow bone that forms part of the shoulder girdle. This component first enters the process of ossification during the intrauterine period. It performs many important functions:

  1. Support. Thanks to the muscles, the shoulder blades and upper limbs are attached to it.
  2. Protects the cavity through which the vital structures pass.
  3. It transfers impulses from the limb to the spine.
  4. However, its main task is to ensure the process of free movement of hands. And this is all due to the successful structure of the bone.

Symptoms of dislocation

Dislocation of the clavicle occurs as a result of indirect mechanical damage. Such an injury can happen during a fall or a blow to the upper body. There are cases when the clavicle turns out on its own.

Doctors subdivide the external and internal dislocation of the clavicle.

The main symptoms during an external dislocation are pain when trying to move a hand or shoulder and pain at the junction of the scapula and collarbone.

If injured, there may be swelling and deformity. The outer end of the bone protrudes slightly back and up.

Internal dislocation is characterized by severe pain in the area of ​​the collarbone with the sternum. Trauma will be accompanied by painful breathing, swelling of the soft tissues and deformation of the forelegs.

Pay attention to the most important sign of dislocation of the clavicle: if you press the protruding end of it, then it can easily be fixed. But after the cessation of the pressure, it will just as easily come to its original place.

In people with large excess weight, the collarbone trauma is less noticeable.

How to provide first aid

If you notice signs of dislocation of the clavicle, then try to give the injured patient first aid.

For this, take a bandage or a kerchief and hang a limb.

A bandage on the shoulder joint and a roller placed in the armpit area will help to gently lead the patient to the hospital ward.

To reduce swelling, apply a cold object to the damaged area. For this purpose, an ice pack or a frozen water bottle is perfect.


Doctors do not recommend taking pain medication before arriving at the hospital. This can lead to an incorrect diagnosis. Of course, in the case of a low pain threshold, an exception can be made.


Specialists strongly do not recommend trying to correct the dislocation itself, as there have been recorded cases of self-activity, which adversely affected the treatment of doctors.


In advance, find out the address of the emergency room and then go on the road.

Of course, you can diagnose the injury only due to external signs, such as pain, swelling and bone deformation.

But the doctor also needs to do an x-ray and perform a palpation to pinpoint the damaged area. In complex situations, computed tomography can be prescribed.

Dislocation of clavicle: treatment

This pathology can be cured by both conservative and operational methods. To fix the clavicle itself is a very simple and quick task. It is much more difficult to hold and fix it in the correct position.

Elastic bandages

The most common and simple way to solve the problem is the bandage on the shoulder joint. Before it is applied, the damaged area is treated with an anesthetic preparation - Procain - and the bone is inserted. The dressing is superimposed in this way:

1) Wrap the breast with a bandage two times.

2) Then the bandage should be moved diagonally across the chest, passing through the armpit area from the intact arm to the damaged one.

3) Now the bandage should be lowered to the elbow fold, moving along the back surface of the shoulder.

4) Bend the elbow and work with a bandage on the forearm of the injured arm. Move to the armpit of a healthy limb.

5) Move the bandage diagonally in the back area. Start with a healthy arm and go to the area of ​​the forearm damaged.

6) Now go around the shoulder strap and get a bandage under your elbow.

The last three stages are done several times to fix the hand as carefully as possible. Do not try to fix the dislocation yourself. Only an experienced doctor will be able to cope well with this task.

Inelastic bandages

Adjusting the shoulder dislocation is also not the most difficult task. A plaster cast will come to the aid, which will perfectly fix the hand. Can be used without surgery.

The type and term of wearing a bandage of any type is determined by a specialist. Itself is not allowed to remove it in any case. The average period of wearing is one to two months.

It is not necessary to be in the hospital at all.

Surgical treatment

Dislocation of the clavicle (the operation is done only as a last resort) is most often treated by conservative methods. Modern development of medicine allows using various methods of invasive therapy. Screws, buttons, knitting needles and other devices can be used to fix the clavicle.

Dislocation of the clavicle, accompanied by surgical treatment, can be cured due to metal needles.

This is one of the most inexpensive types of surgery. But this option is not the most effective, since the acromial process and the connecting ligaments do not coalesce.

In this case, a repeated operation is very often required.


The direction of shoulder dislocation and its subsequent fixation are carried out with the help of screws. In this case, the risk of a second operation is minimized. However, an excessively secure attachment can restrict the movement of the arm and shoulder girdle.


The most gentle method of fixation, including the effect of the spokes and screws, is the fastening with buttons. Thanks to this method, the patient's postoperative state is excellent. However sewing buttons can leave a trace.

To date, the most effective method of surgical treatment is plastic ligaments. The essence of the operation is to create synthetic ligaments, which replace damaged structures.

Before carrying out the operation, the doctor carries out a closed dislocation of the dislocation, and already during the surgical intervention the collarbone is mechanically attached.

After this procedure, impose a plaster or a tire, which is not removed within a month. Do not expect that after the full term, the injured limb will immediately recover completely.

This will happen only after one and a half to two months.

After the expiration of this period, it is necessary to conduct a repeated diagnosis, that is, to make a tomography and an X-ray. Only after the passage of such procedures is appointed a rehabilitation package of measures.

On reception at the doctor necessarily learn all details of your tram. After all, each case is individual. Terms of wearing dressings and rehabilitation period may be delayed, or, conversely, will pass faster. There are complications. So find out in advance what you can expect.


Find out the address of the emergency room closest to you and go for treatment. For speedy rehabilitation there is a special set of procedures. This includes massage, exercises and manual therapy. Such measures are appointed only by a specialist, based on the type of dislocation.

Do not delay the treatment, because a few weeks after getting the injury, the dislocation will be considered chronic and it will be much more difficult to treat it.

Too late treatment entails surgery. Older dislocations can not be treated conservatively.

In this case, the predictions for the operation can not be positive, even when using the latest techniques and expensive drugs.

A source: http://.ru/article/257517/vyivih-klyuchitsyi-prichinyi-simptomyi-diagnostika-i-lechenie

Dislocation of clavicle

This type of injury is not very common. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of this bone. It is very short and is attached to the bones on both sides with the help of ligaments.

But because of the location of the clavicle and the functions it performs, this dislocation is considered a dangerous trauma.

To treat often you have to use surgery, and rehabilitation lasts at least a month.

Features of trauma

Dislocation of the clavicle most often occurs with a fall on the shoulder or arm, a strong impact in the sternum or a sharp movement of the shoulder. This is a common trauma for volleyball players and other athletes.

Often such a trauma occurs in a newborn child. This happens with rapid or complicated birth.


Such a trauma for toddlers, unlike adults, is not considered difficult, since fixing the dislocation is easy even without plaster bandages.


This small bone is very important, so such a trauma can lead to serious complications: damage to muscles, ligaments, vessels or nerves. Clavier performs such functions:

  • connects the upper limbs with the bones of the trunk;
  • provides free movement of hands;
  • strengthens the thoracic part of the skeleton and connects the scapula with the sternum;
  • protects important internal organs, vessels and nerve fibers.

This bone is hollow, S-shaped. One end is bent back and joins the scapula - this is the acromial part of the clavicle.

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The other end is bent forward and connected to the breast bone, it is called sternal. On each side this bone is attached using two ligaments.

Most often there is a dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle.

Symptoms of dislocation

With an easy degree of injury, when one of the two ligaments that hold the collarbone is damaged, the patient may not even immediately consult a doctor.

He experiences mild pain, a slight restriction in the shoulder joint and a decrease in the strength of the hand. This is a so-called subluxation, but it is also dangerous. Untimely treatment can lead to complications.

And to treat such a chronic trauma can only be through surgical intervention.

Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor if after an injury such symptoms are observed:

  • severe pain, limitedness in the shoulder joint, or inability to move the hand;
  • numbness, decreased skin sensitivity;
  • severe swelling and redness of the skin;
  • deformation in the place where the clavicle joins with other bones.

Dislocation of the clavicle causes severe pain, redness and swelling of the tissues

Classification of colliquus dislocations

Depending on the place and severity of injury, several of its types are distinguished. There is a full and incomplete dislocation of the clavicle. In the case of subluxation, the symptoms are not as pronounced, but externally deformity is not very noticeable.

Full dislocation leads to damage to both ligaments and protrusion of the end of the clavicle.

When such a trauma occurs with a rupture of ligaments, the bone protrudes strongly, and if you pull your arm down, the protrusion becomes more noticeable.

If a dislocation occurs at the junction with the scapula, it is called acromial. And with trauma from the inside, they talk about sternal dislocation. They have some features.

  1. Dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle causes severe pain when trying to move the shoulder or even the arm. Therefore, it is sometimes confused with a shoulder injury. But dislocation of the clavicle is accompanied by a strong edema and a marked protrusion of the acromial end of the bone. He often protrudes up and back.
  2. Dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle is confused with anything it is impossible. It is characterized by deformation of the bone, sometimes even by a decrease in the length of the foreleg, pain during deep breathing, and severe swelling. The clavicle can move forward, upward or backward. Such a dislocation with the westernization of the bone inside is especially dangerous in that it can lead to damage to the internal organs and large vessels.

Dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle is characterized by protrusion of the bone upwards and backwards

First Aid and Diagnosis

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After getting injured, it is very important to deliver the victim as soon as possible to the doctor for diagnosis.

As a first aid, you can offer him painkillers inside, and apply a cold to the damaged area. It is also important to fix the limb from the side of the injury. She is hung on a bandage or a kerchief, placing a platen in her armpit.

In no case can you set your collarbone on your own, as this can lead to damage to vital organs.


In some cases, the diagnosis of dislocation of the clavicle causes difficulties. Some of its symptoms are similar to a closed fracture. The characteristic sign of a dislocation is the so-called "key effect".


When you press the protruding edge of the bone, it becomes in place, and after stopping the pressure again protrudes. But this method of diagnosis is rarely used, as it causes severe pain.

Features of dislocation treatment

Treatment begins only after an accurate diagnosis is made. Most often, this is the direction of the dislocation by the closed reposition method.

This procedure is very painful, therefore it undergoes local anesthesia. In the future, with an easy degree of injury, immobilization is sufficient, for example, using an eight-part bandage.

It fixes the hand in a certain position, passes through the foreleg and sternum.

Other types of herbs are also used: Dezo's bandage, thoracobrachial bandage, Volkovich's method. But in any case it is necessary to use pelotes - special inserts pressing on the place of dislocation, and a roller in the armpit.

In addition to the usual elastic bandages, in some cases, applying gypsum.

With an easy degree of dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle, the McConnell bandage can be used - fixing the bones with an elastic band-aid.

After correcting the dislocation, a bandage is applied using a pelote that presses into the injury site

Premises in the hospital are usually not required. To relieve pain and swelling in the early days apply cold compresses. On the appointment of a doctor with severe pain can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or analgesics.

But in many cases the direction of the dislocation causes difficulties. The problem is that the clavicle, especially in the area of ​​the acromioclavicular joint, is almost impossible to hold in the right position. Various bandages and tires help a little, therefore for this purpose operative intervention is used.

Operative treatment of dislocation

Operation is a common method of treating such a trauma. Most often, it is required for a dislocation of the thoracic end of the clavicle or for an old trauma. Operative treatment is also necessary when the conservative is ineffective.

During the operation, the torn ligaments are sewed together, and the bones are fixed with silk threads, lavsan ribbons, spokes or special metal structures. After this, the hand is fixed in the retracted position.

Such immobilization should last at least a month.

For surgical treatment, the following methods are used:

  • fixation with knitting needles is the simplest and cheapest, but ineffective method, since after it often there are relapses;
  • fixation with screws is more durable, but this leads to a limitation of the mobility of the hand;
  • The method of sewing buttons is devoid of these drawbacks, but traces remain of such fixatives;
  • The most effective treatment is considered plastic ligaments.

Operative treatment of dislocation of the clavicle is used for chronic trauma or in the complicated case, when the usual fixation is ineffective

Rehabilitation after trauma

Usually the workability after the dislocation is restored after, -2 months. It depends not only on the severity and nature of the injury, but also on the individual characteristics of the patient. Rehabilitation consists in performing special physical exercises.

It is necessary to restore the functions of the clavicle and arms. First, movements in the shoulder joint are prohibited. Full load on the limb is only allowed 2-3 months after the injury.

If the recommendations of the doctor are not observed, a second dislocation is possible, which is much more difficult to treat.


It is also very important to pay attention to nutrition, which must supply the body with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Especially you need calcium and collagen.


Helps to restore the functions of the clavicle carrying out various physiotherapy procedures. It can be electrophoresis, UHF, massage, manual therapy. With incomplete dislocation with their help you can quickly recover.

More serious injuries require at least 2 months of rehabilitation.

Dislocation of the clavicle is not such a simple injury, as it may seem. If the doctor does not contact the doctor in time, or if his recommendations are not observed, there may be a violation of the functions of the hand or damage to the nerves and blood vessels.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/bolezni/vyvih-klyuchicy

Dislocation of clavicle

Dislocation of clavicleoccur quite often and account for about 5% of the total number of dislocations.

Dislocation of the clavicle occurs as a result of an indirect trauma - a fall on the shoulder or a withdrawn arm.

Rarely, the cause of dislocation is a sharp contraction of the area of ​​the shoulder in the transverse direction. Dislocation of the clavicle can occur both in the acromial part, and in the place of its articulation with the sternum.

There is pain and swelling, an increase in the expanse of the clavicle at the site of the dislocation. Diagnosis is based on the results of a clinical examination and anamnesis of the lesion, radiography can additionally be performed.

The difficulty of treating the clavicle dislocation is the problematic retention of the clavicle in the correct position after its correction.

Dislocation of clavicleoccur quite often and account for about 5% of the total number of dislocations.

The clavicle is the only bone securing the bones of the upper limb with the bones of the trunk. Its sternal end of the clavicle is attached to the sternum.

The acromial end of the clavicle is connected to the acromial process of the scapula.

Mechanism of injury

Dislocation of the clavicle occurs as a result of an indirect trauma - a fall on the shoulder or a withdrawn arm. Rarely, the cause of dislocation is a sharp contraction of the area of ​​the shoulder in the transverse direction.

It can dislocate both the acromial and the sternal end of the clavicle. Dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle occurs about 5 times more often.

Dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle

The patient with a dislocation of the collarbone complains of pain in the area of ​​injury. There is a local edema of soft tissues. The acromial end of the clavicle protrudes upward and slightly posteriorly.

A symptom of the "key" appears: when pressing on the protruding end of the collarbone, it snaps into place, and when the pressure is stopped, it rises again.

Palpation of the injury site is painful, movements are limited.

The degree of protrusion of the acromial end of the clavicle depends on the severity of the lesion. There are incomplete (partial) and complete dislocations of the clavicle.


With complete dislocation, the coracoid-clavicular ligament, capsule and ligaments of the acromioclavicular joint are damaged.


With incomplete dislocations, the coracoid-clavicular ligament remains intact.

With incomplete dislocation of the clavicle protrusion is expressed slightly or moderately. If the patient's hand is pulled down, the clavicle along with the shoulder will move downwards and the extent of the collar bone extension will not change. With complete dislocation of the clavicle, stretching the patient's arm downward is accompanied by an increase in protrusion.

The diagnosis, as a rule, does not cause doubts. To confirm the diagnosis, X-rays are taken.

With incomplete dislocations of the clavicle, in some cases a comparative x-ray of both acromioclavicular articulations, sometimes with functional load (the patient takes a small cargo).

In traumatology, incomplete dislocation of the clavicle is treated conservatively in most cases. Immobilization of the acromioclavicular joint is performed for 2-3 weeks. In the subsequent appoint therapeutic physical education and physiotherapy: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, ozokeritotherapy, etc.

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At full dislocations the operation is shown, because the acromial end of the clavicle that can not be held in any way is very simply put on place, but, because of the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of this area, it is almost impossible to keep in the right position. During the operation, the clavicle is refilled and fixed with a lavsan ribbon or silk thread. In some operating procedures, an additional fixation with a spoke is used.

The sternum end of the clavicle can dislocate in three directions: up (suprahornal dislocation), back (retrosternal dislocation) and forward (anteroplegia). Often there is an anterior non-vertebral dislocation of the clavicle.

The patient complains of pain in the area of ​​the sternoclavicular joint. Visually determined edema and deformity.


In the anteromedial clavicle dislocation, protrusion is defined in the area of ​​injury, and with retrosternal - westing. Palpation is painful, movements are limited.


To clarify the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is performed.

With the dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle, the adjustment is carried out without much difficulty, however, it is not always possible to keep the collarbone in place.

There is a special conservative method of treatment, in which, after the correction, an eight-shaped gypsum dressing is applied. In most cases, surgical methods of treatment are used.

Lavasanoplasty is used to restore ligaments.

Elderly dislocations of the clavicle

If more than 3-4 weeks have passed since the dislocation of the sternal or acromial end of the clavicle, such a dislocation is considered old.

Incomplete chronic dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle can occur almost asymptomatically.

The only complaint of patients is sometimes the deformation of the acromial-clavicular junction.

At full chronic dislocations of the patient's collarbone, the pain in the area of ​​damage and the decrease in the strength of the hand are disturbed. The aged dislocations of the acromial and sternal end of the clavicle can be eliminated only by surgery.

A source: http://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/traumatology/clavicular-dislocation

Dislocation of the clavicle: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

ICD-10 code

S43.1. Dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint.


On the outside, the clavicle retains the acromioclavicular and coracoid-clavicular ligament.

Classification of dislocation of the clavicle (acromial end)

Depending on the severance of which ligament has occurred, distinguish between complete and incomplete dislocations. When a single acromioclavicular ligament is broken, the dislocation is considered incomplete, if both are ruptured, complete dislocation.

Symptoms of clavicle dislocation (acromial end)

Complaints of pain in the acromial joint zone, moderately limiting movements in the shoulder joint.

Diagnosis of clavicle dislocation (acromial end)

A characteristic mechanism of injury in history. The place of damage is marked by edema and deformity. Her severity depends on how dislocated: full or incomplete - we are dealing.

At full dislocations the acromial end will stand out considerably, its external surface is probed under the skin, and when the scapula moves with the scapula it remains motionless.

With incomplete dislocations, the clavicle retains its connection with the scapula through the coracoid-clavicular ligament and moves along with the scapula; the outer end of the clavicle can not be probed. Palpation in all cases is painful.

When pressing on the clavicle, the dislocation is easily eliminated, but it is necessary to stop the pressure - it reappears. This is the so-called "key symptom" - a reliable sign of the rupture of the acromioclavicular joint.

Laboratory and instrumental research

Radiography facilitates the diagnosis.

When reading the radiographs, attention should be paid not so much to the width of the joint space (its size it is variable, especially with incorrect styling), but rather the position of the lower edge of the clavicle and the acromial of the appendage. If they are on the same level, then the ligamentous apparatus is intact and there is no dislocation, and the displacement of the clavicle upward is a sign of pathology.

Treatment of dislocation of the clavicle (acromial end)

Distinguish conservative and operative ways of treatment of a dislocation of a clavicle (an acromial end).

Conservative treatment of clavicle dislocation (acromial end)

The direction of the dislocated acromial end of the clavicle presents no difficulties, however, it is rather difficult to keep it in the right position with conservative methods. For fixation use a variety of bandages, tires and apparatus, supplemented by a peloton, pressing on the acromial joint. Let's consider some of them.

Bandage of Volkowig. After anesthetic damage, 20-30 ml of a 1% procaine solution refills the clavicle.

On the acromial-clavic articulation area, a cotton-gauze pelote is applied, fixing it with a strip of adhesive plaster from the acromial process through the forehead posteriorly and downwards, then along the back surface of the shoulder, around the elbow joint and return along the front surface of the shoulder to the original point. The bandage is applied with the shoulder removed from the outside and back. In the axillary region, a small cushion is inserted, the arm is lowered and a kerchief is fixed.

Another way to fix the pelota is to apply a plaster bandage with the shoulder removed from the shoulder strap to the lower third of the shoulder along the outer surface.


Fixation is supported by a second strip, running perpendicular to the first (crosswise). The arm is lowered, which increases the tension of the patch and the retention of the clavicle.


And that and other plaster bandages it is expedient to reinforce the application of dezo bandages.

The cast is the most common method of fixation. Apply various modifications of thoracobrachial bandages, Deso's gypsum dressing and others, but with the obligatory use of peloids.

Term immobilization for all conservative methods is 4-6 weeks. In the future, rehabilitation treatment is shown.

Surgical treatment of clavicle dislocation (acromial end)

If the conservative treatment is unsuccessful and when chronic dislocations of the patients should be sent to a hospital for surgical treatment.

Its essence lies in the creation of an acromial-clavicular and beak-clavicular ligaments from autotkaines, allotkins or synthetic materials (silk, kapron, lavsan). The most frequently used operations are the method of Bohm, Bennel, Watkins-Kaplan.

After surgical intervention, a gypsum thoracobrachial bandage is applied for a period of 6 weeks.

Bribing the simplicity of the operation of restoring acromial-clavic joints with knitting needles, screws, by stitching and In other similar ways, without plasty of the coracoid-clavicular ligament, it should not be performed because of the large number relapses. The biliary-clavicular ligament is the main ligament responsible for retaining the clavicle.

Estimated period of incapacity for work

Workability is restored in 6-8 weeks.

Dislocation of clavicle (sternal end)

ICD-10 code

S43.2. Dislocation of the sternoclavicular joint.

Classification of dislocation of the clavicle (sternal end)

Depending on the displacement of the inner end of the clavicle, there are pre-hereditary, supragradinous and retrosternal dislocations. The last two are extremely rare.

What causes dislocation of the clavicle (sternal end)?

Dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle occurs as a result of an indirect mechanism of injury: excessive deviation of the shoulder and the forelegs posteriorly or anteriorly.

Symptoms of dislocation of the clavicle (sternal end)

The patient is concerned about pain in the sternoclavicular joint.

Diagnosis of dislocation of the clavicle (sternal end)

In the history - the corresponding injury. In the upper part of the sternum, protrusion is determined (excluding the retrosternal dislocation), which is displaced by the mixing and dilution of the shoulder and deep breathing. The tissues are edematous, painful on palpation. The forearm on the side of the injury is shortened.

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Laboratory and instrumental research

Obligatory radiography of both sternoclavicular articulations in a strictly symmetrical arrangement. In the dislocation, the sternal end of the clavicle moves upward and toward the midline of the body. In the picture, his shadow covers the vertebral shadow and is projected higher compared to the healthy side.

Treatment of dislocation of the clavicle (sternal end)

Surgical treatment of clavicle dislocation (sternal end)

The best anatomical and functional results are achieved in the surgical treatment of this lesion.

The most commonly performed operation is the method of Marxer. Fix the clavicle to the sternum with a U-shaped trans-osal suture. Apply a diverting splint or a thoracobrachial gypsum bandage for 3-4 weeks.

Estimated period of incapacity for work

Workability is restored after 6 weeks.

A source: http://ilive.com.ua/health/vyvih-klyuchicy-prichiny-simptomy-diagnostika-lechenie_110269i15958.html

Signs, treatment and first aid with a clavicle dislocation

Approximately 5% of all visits to the trauma center is associated with such a trauma as a clavicle dislocation (damage to the clavic joint). Usually, ligament rupture is the result of a fall on the shoulder or the withdrawn arm.

In some cases, trauma to the clavicle articulation is due to a sharp contraction of the forearm in transverse direction (for example, during an accident) and even spontaneously (without any indirect mechanical effects).

Dislocation of the clavicle is usually diagnosed if the lesion affects the acromial part or the area of ​​the key articulation of it with the sternum.

By the way, it is not uncommon for a trauma to be accompanied by a fracture of the clavicle, extensive damage to ligaments, nerves, blood vessels and soft tissues. Certain symptoms clearly indicate trauma. To confirm the diagnosis, radiography is performed.

However, it is worth saying that the difficulty of treatment lies in the problematic holding of the bone in the correct position after repositioning.


Any dislocation is characterized by the displacement of one bone relative to the other at the joint joint site or in the ligament area. Dislocation of the clavicle is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations in the region of the clavico-acromial joint (external clavic joint) of a moderately limited character;
  • edema formation;
  • change the contour of the shoulder from the injured side (there may be protrusion or sinking of the right or left clavicle, depending on which direction the bone is displaced);
  • pain when moving with the limb up;
  • dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle - with anterior over- and retrosternal types of pain felt with deep inspiration, visual shortening of the forelegs, deformation of soft tissues;
  • with a traumatic injury type, there is a possibility of damage to the blood vessels, which externally manifests itself in the characteristic changes in the color of the skin.

The accuracy of the diagnosis is established after examination of the victim and the results of the radiograph, where you can see the complete picture of the damage. Sometimes a patient may be referred to a CT scan.

By the way, visual "availability" plays a certain role in the examination of the victim.

For example, in obese people, the external signs of trauma (dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle and others) may be less noticeable.

First aid for the victim

Of course, you need to immediately deliver a person to the hospital, where he will receive proper medical care or call an ambulance at the scene. But even before that, you can ease his condition a little.

First aid for suspected damage to the ligaments of the clavicle joint involves the imposition of an immobilizing bandage.

To do this, you can use a strip of fabric, bandage or scarf. The arm is fixed bent at the elbow.

In the armpit, you should place a towel rolled by a roller to better hold the limb in one position.

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Strong pains will be quenched with pain medication, but do not overdo it, as this can affect the quality of diagnosis. To reduce puffiness, it is good to use cold (ice compress).

In no case should you try to direct the displaced bone yourself, because with an incompetent effect on key articulation can not only do this poorly, but also damage nearby structures, including causing fracture.

All other assistance is the prerogative of qualified doctors.

Therapeutic events

Treatment of dislocation of the clavicle will be based on the results of the examination, since different methods are used for different types of trauma. Applicable both conservative and surgical methods of treatment.

First you need to restore the correct position of the clavicle. This procedure is not very complicated. It is much more difficult to fix and hold this position.

Dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle, that is, from the outside, can be associated with a rupture of the acromioclavicular and coracovarien-clavicular ligaments, both one (incomplete dislocation) and both (complete).


After repositioning, a fixative bandage (thoracobrachial or gypsum Dezo), a tire, a bandage, a corset or special devices, with a pelot pressing on the key articulation is applied. The duration of the immobilizing period is up to, months.


After that, a course of physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy is prescribed.

But with surgery, there is a replacement or fixation of torn ligaments with synthetic materials, auto- or allotkins.

Further, a plaster cast is applied and a course of rehabilitation procedures is prescribed.

With proper treatment, a full restoration of the damaged ligaments occurs after, -2 months after the incident.

Dislocation of the thoracic end of the clavicle, especially over- and retrosternal, are rare. Here, the operative (surgical) method of trauma treatment is mainly used. After repositioning, the clavicle is fixed to the sternum with a U-shaped transossal suture.

Not rendered in time, qualified help to restore a damaged key junction can lead to undesirable consequences.

For example, an old dislocated clavicle will have to be treated only surgically. Similar medical actions will require a turning point.

And if you do not treat at all and wait for the pain to go away, and puffiness will subside, the following consequences will appear:

  • return pain during physical exertion;
  • decrease in the strength of the limb;
  • cosmetic defect due to protruding or hollow clavicle (visual asymmetry of the right and left side of the body);
  • deformation can lead to limited movements on the side of the damaged clavicle (sidetracking and lifting the arm upwards);
  • change of posture.

Fracture of the clavicle in turn is associated not simply with the displacement of the bone and the damage of the clavic joint, but, first of all, with damage to the bone element: the outer, inner or middle third.

The most common fractures are the middle third, since in this place the bone is thinner. Due to the appearance of fragments, there is a possibility of vascular damage.

Then, to confirm the diagnosis, a complex X-ray examination using contrast medium is performed.

Treatment of the fracture of the collarbone is traditional: a comparison of fragments, plaster bandage, a course of rehabilitation measures.

Dislocation of the clavicle in most cases a non-hazardous injury, after treatment, which recovery occurs relatively quickly. However, in order to continue to have full physical activity, it is not worth while to wait or to refuse therapy.

A source: http://bezperelomov.com/ruki/vyvix-klyuchicy.html

Symptoms and treatment of clavicle dislocation


  • Types of damage
  • Causes of damage
  • Signs of damage and possible complications
  • How to provide first aid?
  • How to treat a clavicular dislocation?

Dislocation of the clavicle is a damage, fraught with numerous complications, pathologies and jamming of blood vessels.

According to statistics, this injury is about 6% of other injuries of this kind. Exposed to it mostly men between the ages of 25 to 60 years.

Types of damage

According to the international classification, the clavicular dislocations are divided into several varieties, each of which has specific features. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle. It is the most common type of injury. It is characterized by deformation of the shoulder region, protrusion of the clavicle, restriction of the motor function of the shoulder joint.
  2. Dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle. Characterized by the westernization of soft tissues in the sternoclavicular joint, edema and profuse subcutaneous hemorrhage.
  3. Simultaneous clavicular dislocation. It represents damage to the sternal and acromial ends of this bone. This trauma is considered to be the most dangerous for the patient's health and is difficult to treat.

Doctors-trauma specialists distinguish various reasons, which can lead to dislocation of the clavicle. These factors include:

  1. Falling on the shoulder or upper limb.
  2. Strong blow inflicted in the area of ​​the clavicle.
  3. Clamping of the shoulder in the transverse direction of the frontal planes.
  4. A blow to the area of ​​the chest.

Specialists identified a group of people most susceptible to this type of injury. These include:

  1. Professional athletes.
  2. Gymnasts.
  3. People of advanced age.
  4. Patients suffering from osteochondrosis.
  5. Persons with weakened muscle and bone tissues.
  6. Ballet dancers.

The following symptoms are typical for this type of dislocation:

  • strong pain in the shoulder, as well as in the collarbone itself;
  • articular deformity;
  • swelling;
  • formation of a hematoma;
  • pain in the skin in the area of ​​the dislocation;
  • decreased sensitivity in the arm and forearm;
  • possible paralysis of the upper limb from the side of the damaged clavicle;
  • pain in the sternoclavicular joint;
  • protrusion of the clavicle;
  • displacement of the surfaces of nearby joints;
  • damage to the ligament apparatus, in most cases accompanied by ligament rupture;
  • displacement of the acromial end of the damaged clavicle back or up.

Since the clavicle performs articulatory and connective functions, any damage to it can lead to quite serious consequences. Among the most common of these is the following:

  1. Vascular disorders.
  2. Damage to nerve endings.
  3. Possible damage to the lymph nodes, veins and tendons.
  4. Severe muscular stretching.
  5. In particularly difficult cases, it is possible to limit the motor activity of the forearm and upper limb, up to complete paralysis.

Dislocation of the sternal end of the clavicle causes severe pain in deep breathing, as well as swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhage at the junction of the clavicle with the sternum.

Older dislocations are characterized by painful pains, poorly treatable, and often it is possible to cope with this problem only through surgical intervention. Therefore, if you have at least a few of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

If suspected of a clavicular dislocation, the victim should be given first aid. The success of further treatment will largely depend on its speed. Therefore, it is recommended that the following measures be taken as first aid:

  1. Urgently impose a tight bandage on the injured limb.
  2. Apply a cold compress to the site of the dislocation. This procedure will reduce pain, reduce puffiness and the degree of hemorrhage. This will ease the pain and slightly reduce swelling.
  3. In the area of ​​the axillary cavity put a tight roller (you can make it from any improvised material, for example, a piece of tissue).
  4. Before the adjustment of the dislocation, it is advisable not to eat anything, as this can provoke vomiting.
  5. With strong pain, the condition of the victim can be alleviated with the help of analgesics.

In no case should you try to correct the dislocation yourself. This procedure should be performed solely by the medic.

Do not forget that the clavicle is located above a number of vital organs.

After the procedures, the victim must be taken to the trauma department of the hospital.


Diagnosis of dislocations is performed by a trauma doctor on the basis of therapeutic medical examination, the study of symptoms and a general clinical picture.


Key sprains have quite specific manifestations. These include deformation of the clavicle.

Therefore, it is usually not difficult to determine the type of injury for a specialist.

However, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the degree and type of damage, the following diagnosis is performed:

  1. Method of palpation. When you click on the damaged clavicle, it returns to its original position, but then again falls forward. This manifestation of clavicular dislocations is commonly called a "key symptom".
  2. Radiography.
  3. MRI allows you to analyze the condition of not only the dislocated clavicle, but also nearby tissues and blood vessels.
  4. CT scan. This procedure allows you to determine the presence of a dislocation with a rupture of ligaments.
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging.

In most cases conservative treatment is used for clavicular dislocations. Therapy is as follows:

  1. The dislocation of a dislocated trauma specialist.
  2. The imposition of the so-called eight-shaped bandage.
  3. Immobilization of the damaged limb.
  4. Applying cold to the injury site within a few days after the injury.
  5. Admission of anesthetics recommended by the doctor.

In the course of this operation, the key articulation is fixed with the help of special spokes and plates, after which the limb is fixed by imposing a plaster bandage.

The process of rehabilitation after surgery lasts from 6 to 9 weeks. With conservative treatment, it is reduced to 4 weeks. For the speedy restoration of the patient's work capacity and in order to avoid possible complications, the following procedures are recommended:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Massages.
  3. Treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy).
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Acupuncture.
  6. Warming ointments and compresses.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient should minimize physical exertion, sleep well and eat well.

A special diet in this case is not required, but it is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods.

But fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products should make up most of the daily diet.

Key sprains represent a rather serious injury, which can cause a number of negative consequences and the development of concomitant diseases.

With timely treatment and compliance with medical recommendations, possible complications can easily be avoided. Forecast for this type of damage is very favorable.

A source: http://ortopedia03.ru/vyvihi/vyvix-klyuchicy.html