Are they taking in the army with chronic tonsillitis

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Are "Golden Streptococcus" in the throat taken to the Army with Diagnosis?


Sergey Zhukov

So that's where the current serves. Well, who is not very golden, those in the Navy, who not only have throats in the infantry. And who and there and there are those in the Air Force

Mom Choli

cure and call.. What is the problem with current antibiotics to cure a banal infection?


temporarily not good! after treatment will be called!

Svetlana Petrova

Lord! Everyone wants to slough! Already done so 1 year. My brother with a bunch of diseases wanted to serve so much that he made one of his two medical books, a bunch of standards surrendered to be allowed to serve in the Airborne Forces, served two years and is proud of his whole life, and all just want to slaughter ...

Elena Berezovskaya

There is Staphylococcus aureus, not Streptococcus, and it is a normal inhabitant of the naso-oral cavity. People need treatment with treatment and when the number of bacteria colonies exceeds the norm.

Are they taking to the army with chronic sinusitis or not?

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Hello! My name is Dima, I'm 22 years old. I graduated from the university, and now, at the nearest appeal, I will have to come up with a summons for urgent service. Tell me, do you take into the army with chronic sinusitis or not?


Dear Dmitry! It is impossible to say unequivocally whether the army is taken with chronic sinusitis or not, as there are some nuances here.

Sinusitis in itself is not a disease, for which you will not be fit for urgent service in the army in general. However, until the disease is completely eliminated, you can get a respite for the time that will be needed to undergo treatment. Such a temporary release is given if the purulent sinusitis worsens at least twice a year, and at this time you need to undergo treatment.

The diagnosis alone is not enough to say whether they will take in the army with chronic sinusitis. The final decision of the commission in the military enlistment office is based on the principle of how much this disease disrupts the functionality of the body as a whole.

Depending on the results, you will be marked "B" or "B". The first option means that you are fit for service with few restrictions, that is, you will be taken to the army, but you are fit for service in a certain type of troops. With regard to the mark "B", then, having received it, you are recognized as being limitedly fit, and you are exempt from urgent service.

Therefore, you will first need to pass a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, and only by its results it will become clear whether they will take you into the army or not.

Are there people with chronic bronchitis in the army? how to treat?


Vladimir Sakhnenko

of course they take

Evlampius Prokhorov

in theory, no. Treat with badger fat and breathing exercises.

Kuzovlev Andrey Sergeevich

this is not a critical pathology, it is easy to get into OUR army and with bronchial asthma by mistake.


Bronchalis-Heel. Product: tablets № 50. Registration certificate: UA / 1932/01/01 of 04.10.2009
1 tablet contains: Atropa belladonna D4 - 30 mg, Lobaria pulmonaria D4 - 30 mg, Kalium stibyltartaricum D4 - 30 mg, KreosotumD5 - 30 mg, Cephaelis ipecacuanhaD4 - 30 mg, Lobelia inflata D4 - 30 mg, Hyoscyamus nigerD4 - 60 mg, Bryonia creticaD4 60 mg each. Excipients: magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate
acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by coughing (tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, influenza, bronchiectasis);
obstructive airway disease with spastic component, difficulty in sputum discharge;
bronchitis smoker.

Kostya Domanchuk

for the army I do not know, but I have a diagnosis (bronchitis with an asymmetric component), which has not bothered for four years already. I just gave up smoking by my own method and a year later forgot about the disease.

Whether take with a chronic ulcer 12p. guts in the army


Vasily Jurists

The disease of the ulcer of the bulb of the duodenum is regulated by Article 58 of the Schedule of Diseases; obliges medical specialists to make the conclusion on the category of the "B" type of suitability (limited in scope) - exemption from draft for military service in peacetime;
You are not entitled to call for military service in peacetime.

Nadezhda Kochergina

Look for in the list of diseases that give the right to postponement in the Internet ..

Simply grandfather

If in the course of the survey conducted in the direction of the draft commission this diagnosis is confirmed, then you will not serve.

Natalia Zaitseva

Most likely, you will put category B and serve in the army you will not.

Kolya Bodulenko

I had a duodenal ulcer. He was registered with a gastroenterologist from a young age. It is 18 years, the agenda comes, call in the VC for a medical commission. In the office, while examining honey. Cards write out a direction on a gastroscopy. I came to the hospital, I go into the office, I say "from the VC to the emergency service", and here is all the magic!!! After the examination, the doctor says that I am absolutely healthy in the obliteration of gastrointestinal medicine and I do not have any deviations! At first I was surprised, but did not argue, because he wanted to serve himself. Then everything became clear. Today, every second has deviations, and what now? Whom to serve? So that... how lucky =)

How can you cure chronic tonsillitis once and for all?

In order to have an idea of ​​how to cure chronic tonsillitis once and for all, it is necessary to understand what kind of disease it is, what it is caused and what measures should be taken. The disease is quite common and is an active inflammatory process that occurs in the tonsils located in the oropharynx.

The problem of chronic tonsillitis

In total, a person has 6 tonsils:

  • linguistic;
  • pharyngeal;
  • Pipe (two);
  • palatine (two).

When it comes to tonsillitis, there is inflammation of the tonsils. And the disease itself has two forms:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

People with all age categories are sick with tonsillitis, but children are most often affected by it. When penetrating the tonsils of bacterial infection, their protective properties decrease, while the tonsils significantly increase in size, indicating that they have an active inflammatory process.

Scheme of tonsillitisChronic tonsillitis is a certain danger for the body and affects it on the principle of a time bomb. The fact is that when the disease flows from the acute form to the chronic one, the body constantly has an infection, and this contributes to the gradual weakening of the immune system and the occurrence of respiratory infections.

Very often, with a significant increase in tonsils, the process of breathing, swallowing, and deformation of the voice can be disturbed. The disease in its nature and symptoms is very similar to angina. Although these two diseases have some differences.

The nature of the onset and course of tonsillitis

When an infection gets into the tonsils, the immune system immediately recognizes agents at the cellular level. Immune cells - macrophages, are sent to destroy the infection. But, unfortunately, the body can not cope with this is not always only because the lymphatic tissue in which this fight takes place is not enough time. Then acute tonsillitis begins to develop. The flow of the disease into a chronic form occurs, as a rule, after the transferred angina. At the same time, there is no slowing down of the inflammatory process, and the disease gradually turns into a chronic form.

Tonsillitis, both acute and chronic, during an exacerbation has a similar symptomatology. When examining the throat in almost every case, you can observe a pronounced increase in tonsils in size, looseness of the tissue, the appearance of pain during the swallowing movement, the accumulation of white deposits on tonsils in the form of curdled formations, the appearance of a specific odor from the mouth. Quite often, especially in children, lymph nodes on the neck increase.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Bed rest with tonsillitisIn order to get rid of tonsillitis once and for all, it is planned to carry out therapeutic measures aimed at this. It should be noted that this process is rather difficult.

The best option would be if you manage to cure the disease in an acute form, not allowing further progression of the disease and its flow into the chronic. Most often, the cause of angina is a beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection, which is a microorganism, The toxin, which results in the most unfavorable consequences.

Treatment of tonsillitis in almost every case involves the use of antibiotics. At the first signs of tonsillitis, such as the occurrence of pain in the throat, an increase in body temperature and the manifestation of general intoxication of the body, do not delay the visit to the doctor. And when receiving appointments should strictly adhere to the proposed scheme of treatment.

Conservative antibacterial treatment of angina involves the use of antibiotics of the penicillin group, as well as macrolides and cephalosporins. In addition, in parallel, the use of antiseptics with local effects in the form of candies, aerosols, rinses of the throat with medicinal herbs, soda and other similar solutions is prescribed.

Most often, patients are required to comply with bed rest.In order to neutralize the organism's intoxication into the treatment complex, it is necessary to include warm drink in the form of tea, milk and medicinal broths.

Benefits of warm tea with tonsillitisIn addition, diet therapy is recommended, which excludes irritating tonsils food and drinks. In order to bring down the temperature, when it exceeds 38 ° C, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Citramon and Nimesulide. When allergic reactions occur, antihistamines such as Suprastin, Lorano, Citrine, Loratadin and others can be prescribed.

Chronic tonsillitis is treated much longer than the ailment in acute form. The disease itself is characterized by a prolonged course with occasional exacerbations arising from time to time. The treatment process is carried out according to the developed tactics on the basis of the definition of the form and degree of neglect of the disease.

The whole oral cavity and nasopharynx with direct influence on the tonsils are affected. Such patients are recommended for a long time to adhere to the prescribed diet, as well as to organize and observe the correct daily routine. Very useful will be a trip to the sanatorium during remission.

Medical measures are carried out only during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Given that the tonsils are an organ that performs important functions, actively participating in the activity of the immune system, the operative method of solving the problem is resorted to in extremely rare cases. In chronic tonsillitis in case of an exacerbation, conservative treatment is used. Similarly, antibiotics are prescribed, removal of allergic organism, rinsing of the throat and washing of the nasopharyngeal area. As preparations of topical application, the appointment of immunostimulating and immunomodulating drugs is considered expedient.

Rinse mouth with tonsillitisWith their help, it is possible to produce more antibodies aimed at fighting the causative agent of the disease.

Remove the manifestations of allergies possible with a cleansing enema or laxatives, as well as by taking various sorts of sorbents. In this case, a doctor's consultation is mandatory.

Quite good was shown such manipulation, as washing of almond grooves with the subsequent introduction into them of medicines. This procedure should be performed by an otorhinolaryngologist, simply speaking an ENT doctor.

In addition, in order to achieve a faster result, physiotherapy methods have gained popularity, such as magnetic resonance therapy, laser exposure, UV irradiation, UHF and electrophoresis. A noticeable effect can be obtained by the action of Novocain blockade and the use of manual therapy.

Conclusion on the topic

Removal of tonsils is performed in those cases when these organs stop working or poorly fulfill their basic purpose.

The operation is performed in full not always, in some cases partial removal of tonsils is allowed. In addition to the usual operation, at the present stage, methods such as cryodestruction, correction by laser and ultrasound have become popular.

With success today, and used herbal products, quite well demonstrating its high efficiency. They are made with the help of the most modern technologies and on the basis of active natural components. As an example, a drug with the name "Tonzipret" can be cited. Its effect is based on the anti-inflammatory effect and the stimulation of immunity. The drug has antiseptic, antiviral and antioxidant effects. In this medium, the substances are combined in such a way that their joint application is much more effective than separately.

Completely cure tonsillitis is quite feasible, especially if you resort to the prevention of chronic tonsillitis in the early stages of the disease.

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