Keratopathy: types of disease and treatment

By keratopathy is meant a whole group of eye corneal diseases of a heterogeneous nature with a common denominator - all diseases occur in a common clinical picture, so ophthalmologists combined their.Irrespective of form, keratopathy is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the eyes and a sense of the presence of a foreign body, photophobia, hyperemia, painful sensations. To correctly diagnose, you need to collect a complete history, conduct a visual examination and examine the cornea through ophthalmoscopy. Treatment - etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classifications
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medicines
    • 7.2Surgery
    • 7.3Folk remedies
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

By keratopathy is understood a group of keratinopathies, which unites all the diseases of the cornea that are not inflammatory.These diseases are more characterized by a violation of metabolic processes in the structures themselves.

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According to the International Classification of Diseases, the corneal pathologies of non-infectious origin in most cases lead to blindness.

At the heart of keratopathy is the progression of dystrophic changes in the structures of the cornea, which leads to its further turbidity.By changing the transparency, the basic functions that this functional component of the eye is required to perform are violated.

Keratopathy is more often diagnosed in men.

Types and Classifications

Keratopathy is congenital and acquired - the second form is due to various causes. At the heart of the development of pathological processes, degenerative changes always take place in the cornea. Destroyed or severely damaged tissue of the cornea ceases to self-repair, gradually losing its original functions.

Hereditary form of pathology (its other name looks like Fuchs syndrome or endotenial corneal dystrophy) is characterized by damage to the endothelium - cells that are not capable of regeneration and division.In the zone of damage, vesicles or vesicles are formed with time, which later turn into vesilar infiltrates. Vision gradually deteriorates, the pathological process affects both eyes.

The manifestation of the heterocyclic Fuchs cyclite

Acquired keratopathies most often affect one eye, but in the absence of treatment can extend to the second.

Types of acquired disease:

  • bullous- the most common form, accompanied by the formation of serous vesicles on the cornea (vesicular infiltrates);
  • lipoid- in this case, the particles of fat are deposited on the endothelium (the lowest corneal layer);
  • ribbon-like- deposits of calcium salts are formed;
  • climatic (elastoid or drip)- develops in people living in the northern regions of the country.


Causes of bullous keratopathy:

  • operations (glaucoma, cataract);
  • lens implantation;
  • viral keratitis;
  • trauma to the cornea;
  • untreated chronic diseases, which often recur.
Keratitis is the cause of bullous keratopathy

The causes of keratopathy of various forms are different - the lipoid develops as a result of metabolic disorders, which leads to obesity, and bullous - trauma, eye diseases, and surgical interventions.

Lipoid pathology manifests itself during the work of fat metabolism processes, ribbon-like is the result of the actions of viral agents, mechanical and thermal injuries of the eye, joint pathology.They play a certain role in the development of dysplasia of the connective tissues of the body, problems with the exchange of calcium. Climatic keratopathy develops as a result of injuries of the cornea (foreign body, snow, ice), exposure to radioactive fields, low temperatures, high humidity.


The clinical picture of keratopathies from the form practically does not depend.The main manifestations of the disease:

  • a veil before my eyes, blurred vision;
  • feeling of resi;
  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • corneal opacity;
  • feeling of sand in the eye.
Symptom of keratopathy - clouding of the lens of the eye

The patient can only complain about some of these symptoms or all at once.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the symptoms of eye cancer.

Possible complications

Keratopathy is accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations and causes a gradual opacity of the cornea. If the disease is not treated, an eyeball is formed on the eye. In case of secondary infection, bullous keratopathy is complicated by ulceration of the cornea, purulent iridocyclitis, endophthalmitis.

Complication of keratopathy - endophthalmitis


In the early stages of the disease, a technique such as mirror microscopy is used to make a diagnosis. When the process progresses, the doctor usually resorts to biomicroscopy of the eye.

Conducting biomicroscopy of the eye


Any treatment regimen begins with etiotropic therapy.Methods of treating keratopathy are three: medicamentous, surgical, using folk remedies.


Pathogenetic treatment consists in the constant moistening of the cornea with artificial tear preparations and Special ointments (the main thing is that there are no defects on the cornea - otherwise these medications should be used not).Minor corneal defects are treated with Erythromycin ointment followed by application of a pressure bandage for a day, then the ointment is placed in the conjunctival sac for four days up to three times.

Erythromycin ointment

During the diagnosis, an infected corneal ulcer was found? In this case, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy with mydriatica.

If the lesions were provoked by ultraviolet light or a corneal burn, in this case it is prescribed application of M-cholinoblockers, adrenomimetics of indirect action, ointments with antibiotic for the local use.If the pain is very severe, an anesthetic drops for the eyes are prescribed. If the form of the disease is severe or moderate, then glucocorticosteroids or therapeutic contact lenses are used as medication. The swelling is stopped by drops of sodium chloride.


If there is a progression of visual acuity reduction, then the corneal replacement will be shown through donor implantation.Other methods of surgical treatment of pathology:

  • prosthetics of corneal cells;
  • implantation of intraocular lens;
  • laser treatment.
Implantation of intraocular lens

The most effective methods of treating keratopathy is corneal transplantation or prosthetics.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes will not allow you to cure keratopathy, but can be an effective addition to conservative therapy. Basic ways:

  • Decoction of sweet clover- 20 g of flowers per half a cup of water. Boil the mixture for a quarter of an hour, then cool, strain and make compresses. The number of lotions a day - three, you need to keep them for half an hour.

  • Grass Grass- Take a tablespoon of dried herb for a glass of boiling water. Boil, remove from heat, wrap and allow to stand for 40 minutes. Compresses are made with the resulting solution, it can be used for eye washing or instillation.
  • From the opacity of the cornea not bad helps Siberian fir- Bury drop by drop dropsy before going to sleep in each eye.

Folk remedies for keratopathy can be used, but they are not a panacea. Be sure to consult a doctor.


There are no specific preventive measures for keratopathy.The main thing that you should do is to monitor the hygiene of the eyes.For significant visual exertion, use moisturizing drops, perform special gymnastics (blinking, alternate direction of view into the distance and on a closely located object, rotation with the eye apples). Patients who take Cordarone or have a genetic predisposition to the development of keratopathy, it is necessary to undergo examinations twice a year from an ophthalmologist.



Keratopathy is a group of diseases characterized by pathological dystrophic changes in the cornea. Types of keratopathy are different, with timely treatment predictions for patients are favorable.The most effective therapeutic technique is surgical intervention.Progression of pathology can cause a complete loss of visual function and, accordingly, disability.