Adenoid cough than cure

If worried about coughing in adenoids in children

Coughing with adenoids in children delivers a lot of discomfort and hassle to the children themselves and their parents, so it requires urgent treatment.

Sometimes with catarrhal diseases, the pediatrician can not prescribe the proper treatment. A prolonged runny nose and coughing of the baby continues, and the drugs prescribed by the doctor do not help. The pediatrician can not inspect the nasopharynx qualitatively, because he has a different specificity, he can only listen to the lungs and look at his throat superficially.

If the baby is often sick for a long time with colds, there is a high probability that these are the first signs of adenoids, that is, in the nasopharyngeal region there is a growth of the amygdala.Adenoid vegetation is a common disease that makes breathing difficult, reduces hearing and causes coughing. Such a disease can not be detected independently, it can only be done by an ENT doctor, having examined the nasopharyngeal tonsil of the child with the help of a special mirror.

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Degrees of complexity and symptoms of the disease

The disease is divided into 3 degrees of complexity:

  • 1 degree: small amount of adenoids, they are not greatly enlarged, children have no problems with breathing; violation of breathing occurs only in a horizontal position;
  • 2 degree: the average volume of lymphoid tissue, the child breathes through the mouth, breathing is disturbed;
  • 3 degree: a large volume of adenoids, children can not breathe, because of the adenoid formations, the movement of air is blocked.

Symptoms that occur in children with adenoids:

  1. The child has difficulty nasal breathing, but no runny nose. He breathes through his mouth, wheezes at night.
  2. The baby has a protracted runny nose and cough, they can not be cured. The child feels bad and becomes irritable, quickly tired and constantly wants to sleep.
  3. Decreased mental capacity, memory and mindfulness. There is a violation of the voice, frequent headaches and lack of appetite.

Signs of cough in adenoids

Often cough in adenoids occurs in children with acute and chronic respiratory illnesses. If the child has a long, painful and prolonged cough, this indicates that he has adenoids. The kid becomes restless, irritable, his sleep is disturbed.

Dry cough is accompanied by mucopurulent discharge. This is due to the fact that the accumulated sputum from the nasopharynx descend into the respiratory tract, so cause acute attacks of cough.

The main reason for this reflex cough in children is irritation of nerve endings in the mucous membranes of the pharynx.

Adenoid cough is very disturbing to children at night, wakes them up and does not allow them to fall asleep. This is due to the fact that the child is in a horizontal position, at which the posterior wall of the nasopharynx is strongly irritated.

If the cough torments the child for more than 2 weeks and at any time of the day, the baby should be shown to the otolaryngologist for timely diagnosis and successful treatment.

If this disease is detected at an early stage, the risk of surgery is reduced.

As a rule, dry cough occurs at 2 or 3 degrees of adenoids, when the disease is already started and gives serious complications.

Methods of cough treatment for adenoids

To date, treatment for adenoid cough in children is based on conservative methods, and there is also a method of surgical intervention. Methods of cough treatment depend on the patient's condition. With the first degree of adenoids, you can do without surgery.

With a mild form of inflammation of adenoids, cough in children can be cured with the help of pharmacy products. To restore the acid-base balance and strengthen the vascular walls, the child is recommended to exceed dosage of ascorbic acid, but only if your child does not have any allergic reactions to vitamin C.

Prescribed expectorant and antitussive drugs, such as Bromgeksin, ATSTS, Lazolvan, Rinofluimucil and many others. These drugs can ease breathing, calm the mucous membrane of the throat and bring out phlegm. They are made on the basis of natural plant components. Antihistamines help to relieve puffiness of the larynx. Drugs should be selected depending on the particular disease that causes cough, and it is important to take into account the age of the child. They must be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Every day before going to sleep, the patient needs to do dry inhalations using essential oils, such as eucalyptus, lavender, pine, cypress, mint, tea tree, fir or juniper. You should take the cloth, drip 2-3 drops of oil on it and give the child a breathe for 8-10 minutes. Effective inhalation of sea salt. It is necessary to heat the sea salt, add a couple of drops of pine or eucalyptus oil and let the patient breathe for 5-10 minutes.

You should wash your baby's nose regularly. This is done with the help of special medicinal broths and saline solutions. 3-4 times a day you need to conduct similar procedures. Regular washing of the nose will reduce the inflammatory process and eliminate the cough from the adenoids.

During illness, children should be given a fortified vitamin complex of drugs. With the help of the above methods, you can save the child from an adenoid cough.

With stage 2 or 3 adenoids, if simple methods do not help, surgery is required. Most often, surgery is resorted to at the last stage of adenoids - it all depends on the amount of adenoidal lesions. If the child suffocates, you need to prepare for surgery.

The operation is to remove the pharyngeal tonsil. The operation is performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia. It lasts not for long - just a couple of minutes, and the procedure of removal takes place in a few seconds. The doctor removes the adenoids with a ring-shaped knife.

This operation is simple, but this does not mean that it can not lead to complications. There may be negative consequences associated with anesthesia, damage to the sky, and bleeding. Adenotomy should not be carried out during the epidemic of influenza and after acute infectious diseases.

The child is restored after the operation quickly. The first 2 days after it, you can not eat hot and solid foods, and it is also advisable not to run. The child's condition improves immediately after removal of the adenoids. But there is no guarantee that the adenoids will no longer grow. This is due to the fact that the pharyngeal tonsil can not be completely removed, and the surgeons have nothing to do with it. Lymphoid tissue serves as the basis for the development of new tonsils.

In addition, allergic reactions also provoke the growth of adenoids. Most doctors do not recommend removing tonsils to children who are under 3 years of age. Based on the fact that they serve as a protective system for the child's body.

There is a hereditary hypothesis that if the adenoids were from one of the parents, then there is a high probability that they will grow even after the operation. Despite all the positive aspects of the operation, it is worthwhile to think several times before operating the baby.

Any operation is a risk, therefore it is necessary to consult with the doctor as it is better to enter. And only then choose a method of treatment. If there is a choice, it is better to cure the child in more conservative ways.

If the adenoids appeared a second time, parents should seriously think. To prevent this from happening, you should often walk with the baby in the fresh air. Try to protect the child from dust (do not make repairs in the room where he lives, clean the carpet from his room, often ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning). Monitor its nutrition: the baby should eat 3 times a day, and the food should be useful and tasty. It is necessary to do easy procedures of hardening. Then your child will be healthy!

Cough in adenoids: how to help a child?

Frequent development of colds in children can be a consequence of the formation in the nose of adenoids - enlarged nasal tonsils.Adenoiditis is a common disease that affects children under the age of 14 years. The disease entails many complications, among which it is worth noting and adenoid cough.As medical research shows, coughing with adenoids has no consequences, that is, despite cough seizures, there are no changes in the bronchi of the child, the inflammatory process is not observed.

What is the cause of this process?

In adenoids, coughing in children is directly caused by irritation of the nerve endings in the nasopharynx and pharynx. In this case, it is caused by reflex and is one of the symptoms of adenoid formation. Inexperienced doctors may not pay attention to the adenoid tissue, and treat coughing attacks as a manifestation of cold or viral diseases, prescribe their treatment. But it should be understood that cough with adenoids can be cured only by eliminating the inflammation of the adenoid tissue in the nasopharynx of the baby.

Recognize the development of adenoiditis can also be on such symptoms:

  • a child breathes not with his nose, but with his mouth, so he practically always opens it;
  • there is no discharge from the nose, but nasal breathing is difficult;
  • a protracted runny nose, which is difficult to treat.

The presence of these signs should cause concern among parents and serve as a reason for the visit to the otolaryngologist.

Treatment of cough in adenoids

Treatment of adenoids is an obligatory measure, as the proliferation of adenoid tissue becomes the cause superficial and abnormal breathing, as a result of which the child's thoracic cells. As you know, this process can cause such dangerous consequences as the development of anemia.

Adenoid type of face

Moreover, with constant oral breathing, the growth of the bones of the face and teeth is broken, and as a result, the adenoid type of face begins to form. For him, characteristic features are such as a half-open mouth, an elongated and dangling lower jaw, the upper incisors protrude considerably forward.

Having found out at the child characteristic signs of this disease, it is necessary to address to the otolaryngologist who will appoint or nominate correct treatment. In adenoids, coughing attacks, as a rule, occur at night, which is due to the long stay of the baby in the horizontal position, in which the nerve endings in the pharynx are more irritated and nasopharynx. Such a process is observed, beginning with the 2nd degree of adenoid development, and therefore, it already requires medical intervention. Specialists prescribe a cough regimen for adenoids in children:

  1. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and is a good prevention of adenoiditis

    Use of a large amount of vitamin C, aimed at normalizing the acid-base balance and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

  2. The use of mucolytic and antitussive agents.
  3. Carrying out inhalations with eucalyptus oil.
  4. Nasal instillation with vasoconstrictive drugs.
  5. The use of antihistamines to relieve swelling of the larynx.

At the time of treatment, parents should air a child's room, ensure good air humidity, walk a lot in the fresh air. Cough and adenoids in the child - signs that indicate the development of a serious disease, dangerous to the health of the baby, so you should not let it go. In severe cases, when adenoid tissue proliferation reaches grade 4, it is possible to get rid of the symptoms of the disease only by surgical intervention.

Cough in adenoids in children - treatment

The proliferation of the lymphatic tissue of the tonsils is called adenoids. Doctors usually note such a violation in children aged 3-7 years. It can become a consequence of a viral infection. Adenoids can be accompanied by a cough. It does not pose a danger and, with proper therapy, passes quickly. Therefore, moms are useful to know the ways of cough treatment in adenoids in children, because this phenomenon causes discomfort in the child.

What is the cure for adenoids?

It is important to remember that this symptom is divided into 2 and 3 stages of the disease. Therefore, an appeal to the doctor will be necessary in order not to start the situation. Cough usually manifests at night and has a reflex character. During sleep, the body is in a horizontal position and irritation of the nerve endings of the pharynx occurs. This is the cause of the symptom, which can lead to insomnia, irritability.

The prescribed therapy will depend on the condition of the child. If he does not complain of severe discomfort, then first try to do without medication. Regular walks are recommended, sufficient fluid intake. Suitable fruit drinks, compotes. With mild forms this is enough to eliminate coughing.

In more serious cases, the doctor will tell you how to treat a cough from adenoids in a child using drugs. The doctor can recommend to instill in a nose drops containing an antibiotic, antiseptic. It can be "Isofra "Miramistin". Also, vasoconstrictive agents drip into the nose, for example, "Nazivin". But remember, it's impossible to treat the disease yourself, as this can lead to deterioration of the baby's condition.

Treatment of dry cough with adenoids means taking antitussive drugs. You can choose "Sinekod". If the cough is wet, then mucolytics are needed. They include "Bronchipret ATSTS.

It is also useful to rinse the throat with saline. They can also flush the spout.

The following inhalations proved to be well established:

  • with the use of saline, Protargol, mineral water;
  • with the addition of essential oils of pine, eucalyptus;
  • it is possible to brew grass, for example, St. John's wort, a bud-ivy.

In the treatment of cough from adenoids, attention should be paid to strengthening immunity. For this purpose, ascorbic acid is prescribed.

We must abandon the acute products, as they irritate the pharynx and provoke a cough. It is worth using less allergens, such as honey, chocolate, citrus. In some situations, discomfort disappears only after removal of adenoids. The doctor must decide on the operation.

Cough in adenoids treatment and symptoms

The increase in adenoids is quite common for children from three to seven years old, which occurs due to the transfer of viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The appearance of adenoids interferes with normal breathing and promotes the appearance of snoring during sleep. Cough with inflamed adenoids is considered one of the rare signs of adenoiditis in adults.

Symptoms of coughing with inflammation of adenoids

Usually a slight cough in adenoids is associated with irritation of the endings of the nerves that are present in the nasopharynx. In connection with this, such a cough is considered to be caused by reflexes. It does not cause complications. A distinctive feature of this cough is that there are no changes in the bronchi and lungs. This fact is noted by doctors when listening to the patient. When the inflammation of the adenoids is eliminated, the cough reflex begins to decrease and, finally, completely disappears.

From all the above it follows that the successful outcome of the treatment of the disease almost always depends on the exact diagnosis of the doctor, as well as the correctness of the chosen method of treatment. After all, in some cases, some inexperienced doctors can diagnose the appearance of cough symptoms caused by other diseases, such as acute respiratory disease. ORZ has the same signs as the appearance of adenoids:

  • runny nose,
  • nasal congestion,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • cough.

On this basis, when coughing occurs with the listed symptoms, you should immediately turn to a good specialist to accurately identify the causes of the disease state. Because the cough reflex in adenoids has usually an easy form, but the disease itself can cause serious consequences. Frequent coughing should make everyone think.

Features of cough treatment caused by adenoids

Treatment of such a cough is the removal or reduction of what it is caused, that is, adenoids. And in this you can only help a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to resort to antibiotics in this situation. The cause of the disease can be viruses, which in themselves are insensitive to antibiotics of any type. Viral infections should be treated only with antiviral drugs, and by giving antibiotics, you only kill the body's defenses, which are based on beneficial microbes, in particular. And if cough is caused by adenoids, antibiotics especially will not help.

In general, remember that fighting a cough with antibiotics is like fighting a windmill with a spear. It's useless, and quite dangerous, in terms of side effects.

What is the treatment for coughing with adenoids? In the home, it is good to give the patient an abundant drink, especially warm, to drink it with fruit and juice. They will help to separate sputum and saturate the body with vitamins. Try in general to stuff the patient with all kinds of medications, if there is no urgent need for it. A little understanding of the topic, you will understand that the usual care for the treatment of the disease is much more effective than drugs.




Petrovich, you need to go to the doctor


You know, we also recently coughed for a long time (wet cough) 6 UHF sessions were done - it helped.

Memoirs of a Geisha

If coughing, when sleeping, it can change the pillow to synthetic.

Yulia Stasyuk

Too, the adenoids were removed until they were removed. Siron Licorice root in this case you need. It is possible to apply it for a long time. It (the Root exactly) and the blood cleans, as in adenoids it is very necessary.


delete ...

° Mary Christmas °

you need to go to the doctor

Angel in the flesh

until the inflammation of the adenoids passes cough to treat is useless, the mucus flows from the nose, resemble the physiotherapy, to the lorry,


If the cough is wet, it is unlikely to be from the adenoids. When adenoids cough is not wet. And coughing in the morning constantly, until the adenoids are removed. And you, apparently, passes in two weeks. Wet is when the sputum comes from below, from the bronchi. And dry, when something in the throat hinders, like mucus in adenoids, for example.


If there is a runny nose, then drop the Sinupret drops with the course, clean the nose with saline solution, warm your legs before going to bed, drink more. The throat should be rinsed (or sprinkled with a syringe decoction of chamomile, calendula. In general, the child should be under the supervision of an otolaryngologist and treated for its purpose. Physioprocedures help: FUS, electrophoresis, UHF.


Here is the reference:
"The nasopharyngeal tonsil, or adenoids, keeps the first line of defense against microbes - those that seek to enter the body with the air inhaled through the nose. On their way there is a kind of filter in the form of adenoids. There special cells are produced (lymphocytes), which neutralize microorganisms. To delete simply so in no event it is impossible neither adenoides, an appendix, nor other useful things. Inflamed amygdala is a serious source of infection. Therefore, neighboring organs and tissues are also in danger - microbes can easily move there. But you can not cut off the infection with a knife. It will still "come out" in another place: in the paranasal sinuses, in the ear, in the nose. "(
Coughing (nightly especially) can be pertussis, treatment is appropriate.
I am a supporter of safe methods of treatment - when treated, and do not maim anything. Adenoids do not need to be removed, there are modern methods of treatment - without a scalpel, without antibiotics and without dietary supplements - without side effects.
Read the site In the "Medicine of the Future" helped a lot, maybe next to you there is a similar center
In Moscow, it can be polyclinic number 100 (in Lefortovo, near the MPEI) or other addresses and phone numbers look on the site the manufacturer of equipment "IMEDIS" Although it is clear that the availability of the same equipment does not guarantee the same effectiveness.
First, you can ask the doctor on the phone what the results were for such cases.
Just do not get caught on the "diagnostics" hook in the headphones - they also call themselves bioresonance - there complete bullshit, invented for testing and vtyuhivaniya different dietary supplements, all these Oberons, Biolazy, Dety, Denasy ...
In general, always, before giving money for medical services, I advise you to find out who the particular doctor or medical center helped, and, most importantly, how, what side effects of the proposed treatment.

Adenoids - degrees, symptoms of the disease and treatment. Do you need surgery to remove adenoids for children?

When nasopharyngeal tonsils proliferate, ENT doctors diagnose: adenoids. Such a fate often overtakes young children - preschool children, students of lower grades. If the tonsils grow enough to significantly impede breathing, this is the 2nd degree of the disease, which requires conservative or surgical treatment.

What is adenoids of the 2nd degree in a child and an adult

Nasopharyngeal tonsil is a barrier for penetration into the body together with air of pathogenic microbes. It reacts to their attacks by increasing its size, and when the inflammation subsides, it regains its former shape. If this happens often, the tonsil can grow so much that speech and hearing disorders, bite and face defects, kidney diseases occur. Facts about the organ:

  1. It is formed in children approximately to one-year-old age.
  2. After 12 years, this body begins to decrease and by 16-17 years can completely atrophy.
  3. Cases of adenoids in the infant, adolescent and in an adult are rare.
  4. It is necessary to distinguish the hypertrophy of the amygdala from its purulent inflammation - adenoiditis, in which it swells, causing complications in the nose, hearing aids.
  5. Adenoiditis in children is similar to angina - inflammation of the tonsils. Like angina, it is fraught with dangerous consequences: lesions of the joints, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys.

There are adenoids behind the palate, in the upper part of the pharynx. There are three degrees of the disease:

  • 1 st degree - if the amygdala increases, it covers only 1/3 of the khuanas (internal holes in the nose). Breathing is difficult only during a night's sleep.
  • Pathology of the 2nd degree is diagnosed when the holes are blocked by 1/2, and it is difficult for children to breathe around the clock.
  • At the 3rd degree of vegetation (proliferation) are so large that the holes are closed by 2/3 or completely, and there are violations of breathing, hearing, speech.


There are signs on which it is possible to suspect the appearance of the pathology of the amygdala of the 2nd degree. Parents should alert such symptoms of adenoids in children:

  • the baby breathes with his mouth open, although he does not have a cold;
  • he falls asleep with difficulty, snores in a dream;
  • speaks nonsense, "with French pronon
  • often ill with laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis.

In the nose

Adenoids of the 2nd degree are manifested by frequent colds. In the confined space of the nasal cavity the pathogenic bacteria multiply rapidly, a hotbed of infection arises. Adenoids in the nose interfere with breathing, because it is constantly incorporated. Coryza becomes chronic. Because of breathing, snoring opens up the snoring, children are tormented by nightmarish dreams.


This symptom, as a rule, does not occur at the initial stage of the disease. Cough often appears with adenoids of the 2 nd degree. Its cause is a constant irritation of the nasal nerve receptors. Coughing should not be feared, since it does not cause pathology in the bronchi, lungs. As soon as the problem with the amygdala is eliminated, the cough goes by itself.

Adenoid face

Disease 2-nd degree can not be run, because children can even change the type of face. Since they have a chronically stuffy nose, they are forced to breathe through their mouths. And children are eating, trying to swallow food faster, to open their mouths and inhale a portion of air. The lower jaw is fixed in the lowered state, and the adenoid type of the face is formed. This is not only a cosmetic defect - narrowing nasal passages, deforming bite.


Often, the disease that has reached the 2 nd degree - a complication of infection: influenza, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, acute respiratory infections. The causes of the disease can be chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, allergic diseases. Enlarge tonsils can even banal hypothermia. Vegetation provokes endless colds, and because of them the hypertrophy of adenoids progresses. When this is joined by chronic adenoiditis, the vicious circle closes.

The risk factors at which adenoids of the second degree are formed are artificial feeding of infants, rickets, poor ecology. In the diagnosis of the disease, finger surgery of the tonsils, x-ray of the nasopharynx, was widely practiced before. Modern doctors prefer endoscopy, computer tomography, which gives the most complete information. Laboratory tests of mucus, blood, urine help to identify the type of infection and determine the final diagnosis.

Removal of adenoids

In the presence of adenoids of the 2nd degree, surgical treatment is indicated, if conservative treatment is ineffective, and the disease is complicated by snoring, otitis, worsening of hearing, formation of an adenoid face, enuresis. Remove adenoids more often to children 2-3, 5-6 or 9-10 years. Preliminarily eliminate all inflammation in the oral cavity. Babies are operated under anesthesia, older children under local anesthesia.

The classical method of tonsillectomy (adenotomy) - with the help of a ring-shaped scalpel. Less traumatic to get rid of them allows the use of an endoscope. Almost bloodlessly you can cut adenoids of the second degree by the method of cold-plasma adenotomy. Operations are popular with the help of a laser. Absence of bleeding, scarring, rapid healing is a clear advantage of the laser technique.

How to treat adenoids at home without surgery

Therapy of adenoids of the 2-nd degree is first tried to be performed by a non-surgical method - drugs and medical procedures. The main goal is to cleanse the nasopharynx, tonsil and eliminate inflammation. Cavities of the nose and pharynx are washed with seawater with Aqualor, solutions of Furacilin, Protargol or Miramistin, which have antiseptic effects.

If the nasal mucus is very thick, use diluting drugs Mukaltin, Linkas or Bronchicum. In addition, with adenoids of the second degree, anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic, immunomodulating, multivitamin preparations are prescribed. All of them have their age limits, so it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the treating doctor.

The diet should not have any potential allergens: any citrus, strawberry, chocolate, cocoa, nuts, seafood. Undesirable sweets, fresh pastries, semolina porridge. An optimal sleep and wakefulness is important. Very useful for hardening procedures, swimming in the pool, outdoor games. It is desirable to fix the results of treatment in a sanatorium.


In the treatment of adenoids that have grown to the 2-nd degree, the important role is played by vasoconstrictive drops: Galazoline, Naphthysine, Sanorin, Vibrocil, Xylen. Eliminating edema, they restore nasal breathing. Before instillation, children should vysmarkivatsya, and kids need to suck off mucus pear. These drops can not be used for longer than 4-5 days, otherwise the mucous membrane of the nose can atrophy.

After the vasoconstrictor drug instill antibiotic or antiseptic: Protargol, Albucid, Bioparox. With adenoids that have reached the 2 nd degree, adenoiditis is effective powerful Nazonax anti-inflammatory spray. From antiallergic drugs prescribe Diazolin, Claritin, Tavegil or Pipolphen. To strengthen immunity apply Interferon, Levamisol, Lactoglobulin, Imudon, multivitamin complexes Vitrum, Multi-Tabs, Jungle and others.

People's means

When treating adenoids that have already reached the 2nd degree, they wash their nose with calendula, sage, St. John's wort, oak bark, propolis. Fresh aloe juice is diluted: with water and buried in the nostrils. Decoction of pine buds used for inhalation. Reduce adenoids help fish oil, warm milk with honey. Even better - lightly melt on the stove and mix the cocoa, honey, interior fat, butter (all 200 g), and then stir the teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of warm milk and drink every day 3-4 times.


To cure adenoids, which have grown to the second degree, help instillation into the nose of the drug Edas or Lymphomyosot. For oral administration, granules of IOV-Kid are used, containing ingredients from thuja, barberry. They bring relief from the granule of Hamomilla from the chemist's daisy. Multicomponent drugs Adenosan, Adenopai, Aflubin, Euphorbium help to reduce adenoids.

Breathing exercises

If the adenoids have grown to the 2nd degree and develop in an acute form, it is recommended to perform Buteyko's gymnastics after recovery, and in case of a chronic illness - during periods between its exacerbations. Among the exercises - alternating breathing of one nostril, inflation of air balls, which produce a superficial type of breathing. For the prevention of adenoids developing up to the 2-nd degree, it is very important to teach children to breathe properly, temper them and timely eliminate foci of inflammation.

Video: Komarovsky on treatment of adenoids in children

Feedback on treatment

Maria, 27 years old: At us adenoids have grown already up to 2-nd degree. We rinse the nose with Acqualor, and then dig in the Protargol - it must be fresh! It is important not to give up treatment after the symptoms have disappeared.

Ekaterina, 24 years old: At the son adenoids have defined as illness of 2-nd degree, and we have dared to delete them. Since then - no colds, otitis, sinusitis. In vain were afraid!

Irina, 31: After the treatment, we started breathing exercises on Strelnikova. Defined her daughter to the dance, to the pool. The doctor said it helps a lot when the adenoids in children expand to the 2 nd degree.

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