Nutrition for constipation in women

  • Main recommendations
  • Laxative products
  • Constipation-inducing products
  • Pregnancy-specific diet
  • Related videos

Constipation is a condition characterized by a stool delay of two days or more. Disease of the digestive system, bad habits, hormonal imbalance, nutritional errors, sedentary lifestyle - all this can lead to a problem.

It is worth noting that with constipation, the act of defecation can be daily, but it causes enormous discomfort, and stools are dense structures. The danger of stool delay is that putrefactive products begin to accumulate in the intestines, after which they enter the circulatory system, thereby causing toxic poisoning of the whole organism.

It can appear as a skin rash, headache and other. Constipation is atonic, arising from the deterioration of intestinal peristalsis and spastic, developing against a background of spasmodic contraction of the intestinal walls.

With atonic constipation, the food lump advances slowly through the intestines, which leads to stagnation. As a result, the feces are dehydrated and compacted, because of which it will be more difficult for them to evacuate. Patients begin to complain of a feeling of fullness of the intestine, aching pain, bloating.

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With regard to spastic constipation, in most cases, its appearance is associated with nervous overexertion, starvation or, conversely, overeating. Most patients are concerned with cramping pain in the left side of the abdomen. Spastic constipation is characterized by frequent, but not complete, emptying.

A diet with constipation in women helps to eliminate the very cause of this problem. To adjust the supply, it is better to consult a doctor. A specialist will prescribe a test and help you figure out what exactly caused the stool delay.

Basic recommendations

Of course, quickly get rid of constipation will help drugs, but they only eliminate the unpleasant symptom, but do not solve the very problem. Moreover, self-medication can further exacerbate the condition. The best way to solve the problem of constipation is recognized diet.

The goal of proper nutrition with constipation is to restore normal intestinal motility and achieve a timely body cleansing. In the diet recommended to enter products that have the laxative effect, and also drink a sufficient amount of liquid. If you drink a little, the stools are dehydrated and become dense.

For normal and full digestion, experts recommend consuming about 100 ml of water every hour.

Sufficient intake of natural water will help cope with constipation

Fiber can swell and stimulate the intestine only if there is a sufficient amount of liquid in the body. As a drink you can use weakly concentrated juices or mineral water without gas. Carbonated drinks, by contrast, have a binding effect and can cause flatulence.

Often the consumption of food in small portions will evenly load the intestines and prevent the development of stagnant phenomena. Fasting does not lead to anything good. In the end, you will eat more than you need, this will lead to stagnation of the food lump in the intestine.

The source of fiber is such products as:

  • root crops;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower;
  • leafy green vegetables.

Dried fruits have a laxative effect, so they can be used to make compotes and desserts. It is better to use figs, dried apricots and prunes.

Normalize the work of the intestines will help and dairy products

Oily and fried foods will heavily burden the work of the digestive tract, so it is better to abandon it. It is also better to exclude onion, garlic, radish, radish, coffee from the diet. These products include essential oils and other specific substances that have a negative effect on the functioning of the intestine.

With constipation, the intestine needs careful stimulation, so rough fiber does not need anything. The use of legumes and white cabbage should be controlled and it is better to cook before using them.

Did you know that such products as blueberries, rice, quince and dogwood, have a binding property? They should be avoided with constipation. Also, you need to discard products containing starch: mango, baking, puff pastry, pasta.

Consider some examples of drinks that are useful for drinking with constipation:

  • chamomile broth effectively fights with increased gas production. To prepare a medicinal drink, a spoonful of chamomile flowers is filled with a glass of boiling water. The solution should be infused for thirty minutes. The drug is filtered and consumed before eating half the glass;
  • infusion of red mountain ash normalizes bowel function;
  • a glass of warm water with a spoon of honey is recommended to drink before going to bed;
  • green tea with boiled milk and a pinch of salt.

Alcohol and carbonated drinks are prohibited for constipation.

Chronic constipation is most often associated with such reasons: a hard working schedule, frequent stressful situations, travel, frequent travel. The problem causes rapid fatigue, worsening of appetite, nausea, skin problems, sleep disturbance. That is why it is extremely important not to let the problem run its course, but "kill in the bud".

Atonic constipation

Specialists recommend eating foods that contain high amounts of fiber and fiber. The diet should also include enough fat. After awakening, experts recommend eating vegetable juices, a decoction of prunes, as well as plain water with the addition of honey or lemon.

For breakfast it is better to eat a small portion of fruit or vegetable salad. In the event that the problem has acquired a chronic form, it is recommended to conduct cabbage-apple diets. For dinner, it is better to eat boiled vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salad or boiled fish.

Freshly squeezed juices from carrots, beets and spinach help strengthen the walls of the large intestine and normalize peristalsis. Among the useful products with atopic constipation include bread, bran, cereals. But there are exceptions. It is better to avoid products containing fast carbohydrates, such as white flour.

Spastic constipation

A gentle diet is indicated. From the menu it is extremely important to exclude rough food, which can damage the walls of the intestine. It is better to give preference to plant foods rich in fiber. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten raw or boiled. Dishes try to eat in a puree. Fats, creams, oils - all this can reduce the spasm, which is the cause of constipation.

How to take vaseline oil for constipation?

It is strictly forbidden to take laxatives independently, especially regularly. Uncontrolled reception leads to the addiction of the body and in the future such funds will prove simply ineffective. In addition, the abuse of such drugs is fraught with oppression of the bowel function and the emergence of constant irritation.

To combat this problem, it is important not only to adjust the nutrition, but also to try to move more. It is best to choose the most delicate fruits and eat them without skin: peaches, plums, apricots. Meat and fish should be cooked steamed or baked.

Laxative products

Laxatives with a high fiber content have a laxative effect. It contains a large number of microelements, which are able to normalize peristalsis. Such products include cereals, vegetables, fruits, porridges. Vegetable oils and dairy products are also useful for the gastrointestinal tract.

Saturate the body with useful vitamins and eliminate constipation with such vegetables:

  • onion;
  • asparagus;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrots;
  • beet.

The greens help to cleanse the body of its life

Relieve the body of toxins and citrus toxins. Bananas, apples, berries, avocados - all these products have a laxative effect. Separately, I want to say about bran. They contain not only cellulose, but also vitamins of group B. One spoonful of a product three times a day for the beginning will be enough. Within two weeks, gradually increase the dosage, bringing to one tablespoon three times a day.

Bran for half an hour before meals pour boiling water. They can be added to salads, side dishes or even first courses. Spices and condiments will also help to eliminate constipation. Ginger and red pepper not only stimulate the work of the whole gastrointestinal tract, but also rid the body of carcinogenic substances.

Consider some recipes of dishes from constipation:

  • salad from beets, celery, radishes, white cabbage and turnips. All the ingredients are thoroughly crushed. In the salad, no refueling is necessary;
  • juice based on celery, beets and carrots. Use a laxative should be one glass three times a day;
  • kefir with butter. Kefir tones and stimulates the digestive tract. From constipation it is recommended to drink in small sips a tablespoon of yogurt mixed with two tablespoons of vegetable oil;Cucumber pickle. It should be infused for not more than one month. It is recommended to drink one glass three times a day.

Brine helps not only with hangovers, but also with constipation.

Constipation-inducing products

Products that cause stool retention cause increased gas production and discomfort in the intestine. They can disrupt the sensitivity of the stomach, provoke a failure of the hormonal background and even lead to toxic poisoning of the body.

The list of fastening products is headed by bananas. The structure of unripe fruit can include starch, so they are also prohibited. To digest the starchy compounds requires a large amount of time, because of which the act of defecation is difficult. Ripe foods, on the contrary, have a laxative effect.

Separately I would like to say about cottage cheese. This is a rather insidious product for constipation. On the one hand, it is rich in calcium and well absorbed by the stomach, but, on the other hand, its overabundance can lead to a disruption in the functioning of the large intestine.

Similar can be said about kefir, milk, yoghurt, cheese and yogurt. They contain a large amount of casein and there is no fiber at the same time. That's why constant consumption can lead to persistent constipation.

What about fast food? Such food contains a large number of empty calories, all kinds of dyes and additives, which is why it is banned. Semi-finished products and frozen food can cause constipation, so in your menu they should not be.

Other products also have fastening properties:

  • strong broths;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • pasta;
  • white bread;
  • semolina and rice;
  • red meat;
  • coffee and caffeine;
  • confectionery;
  • fresh pastries.

Diet for pregnant women

Stool retention in pregnant women can be associated with various causes: overeating, anxiety, squeezing the bowels with a growing uterus, hormonal changes, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Constipation in pregnant women most often occurs on the background of hormonal changes in the body

Increasing the level of progesterone during the carrying of the child relaxes the muscles of the intestine and breaks its motor skills. Often in the early stages, doctors prescribe iron and calcium to women, and their reception can also cause a delay in the stool. Constipation during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon. The putrefactive processes in the intestine negatively affect the health of the mother and baby.

Constant tension of abdominal muscles is fraught with the appearance of hemorrhoids and miscarriage.

For the normalization of the intestine, phytotherapy will help. You can independently prepare a collection of such plants:

  • chamomile;
  • lemon balm;
  • spraying;
  • clover;
  • tansy;
  • plantain;
  • dill;
  • cumin;
  • violet.

All components are taken in equal proportions. A tablespoon of dry raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water. To insist means it is necessary all the night long in a thermos. The next day it is recommended to drink in the morning before eating. Pregnant women can make salads from a wide variety of ingredients:

  • boiled beets, walnuts, greens, peas;
  • raw beets, carrots, raisins, greens, prunes;
  • white cabbage, tomato, cucumber, greens, apples and boiled beans.

The fresh woman's salad

will help to cope with constipation to a pregnant woman. The daily diet of a woman should consist of such products:

  • colored and Peking cabbage, as well as broccoli;
  • pumpkin, carrot, beetroot;
  • greens: dill, parsley, lettuce leaves;
  • sour-milk products;
  • freshly squeezed juices with pulp;
  • oatmeal porridge;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;Prunes and walnuts.

Whole milk, mushrooms, pickles, hard cheese, chocolate, boiled eggs and legumes will have to be discarded. Also, experts do not recommend boiling eggs, grapes, white cabbage, fatty meat and fish with constipation.

So, constipation is a common problem of our time. Eating dry, radical diets, overeating all increase the risk of stool delay. Remember that the best remedy for constipation is proper nutrition.

Drink plenty of natural water. Ten glasses of water a day will help to normalize the work not only of the digestive tract, but of the whole organism. Include in the diet of vegetables and fruits. It's tasty, and useful. To feel light, do not forget about a thorough chewing on food.