Treatment of iridocyclitis

Any inflammatory eye disease is a serious problem that causes a lot of discomfort and discomfort. One such disease is iridocyclitis.

Usually it occurs in people between the ages of twenty and forty, rarely in children and the elderly.The reasons for which iridocyclitis can develop are many. Next, we will consider in detail not only them, but also the symptoms of this inflammatory disease, and also tell what is uveitis and iridocyclitis and how to deal with it correctly.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Iridocyclitis is an inflammatory process that takes place on the choroid of the anterior ophthalmic region. Sometimes it is also called anterior uveitis.Inflammation affects the iris and ciliary body.

This disease is typical for adults and can occur with relapses in the winter season. According to statistics, in women, iridocyclitis usually develops due to infection, and in men because of arthritis.Children's iridocyclitis is caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus.

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Iridocyclitis can lead to complications and decreased visual acuity.

With the flow of iridocyclitis is divided into three types:

  1. Acute iridocyclitis;
  2. Subacute iridocyclitis;
  3. Chronic recurrent iridocyclitis.

In addition, four types of iridocyclitis are distinguished depending on the nature of the inflammation:

  1. Exudative iridocyclitis;
  2. Fibrinous iridocyclitis;
  3. Serous iridocyclitis;
  4. Hemorrhagic iridocyclitis;
  5. Mixed iridocyclitis.

If granulomas appear on the iris and ciliary body, then this iridocyclitis is called granulomatous. In the case of non-granulomatous inflammation, fibrinous exudate is released.

Serous iridocyclitis


The causes of the appearance of iridocyclitis can be infectious and non-infectious.Sometimes even doctors can not name the exact cause of the development of this disease.

Often, iridocyclitis occurs as a result of physical or emotional overstrain, hypothermia, disruption in the endocrine system.

Inflammation, developed against a background of some common disease, is called endogenous iridocyclitis. The reasons for his appearance:

  • Bacterial, viral, infectious and fungal diseases(tuberculosis, influenza, herpes and so on).
  • Diseases of connective tissue of the body(arthritis, rheumatism and others).
  • Inflammatory processes affecting the sclerotic and corneous membranes, developed as a result of injuries, complications after operations.
  • Infections of the nasopharynx, nasal sinuses, dental tissue.
Irradiation of the eye


The main symptoms of iridocyclitis are:

  • Hypersensitivity to light, abundant lacrimation.
  • Redness of the eyelids, painful sensations when touching them.
  • Reduced vision, the appearance of "fog" before the eyes.
  • Narrowing and changing the shape of the pupil, it does not respond to light.
  • Changing the color of the iris.

At the doctor's appointment, other symptoms of this inflammatory disease can be found that can only be seen with a thorough examination:

  • Exudate appears on the cornea, lens and vitreous body.
  • With the pupil and the lens, spikes are formed.
  • Intraocular pressure then rises sharply, then falls sharply.
  • Vessels of the eyes are dilated.

If iridocyclitis has developed due to the influenza virus, the edges of the iris can be fused to the anterior wall of the lens. A rheumatic iridocyclitis accompanies pain in the eyes and hemorrhage.


This inflammatory disease is diagnosed on the basis of the presence of characteristic symptoms, the results of examination by an ophthalmologist (palpation, biomicroscopy) and laboratory tests.

So, when examining the eyes with a slit lamp, the ophthalmologist can see the accumulation of cells characteristic of the iridocyclitis and the cloudy moisture on the anterior chamber.

It is possible to diagnose iridocyclitis clearly if the doctor discovers purulent fluid accumulations of gray-yellow color in the anterior chamber of the eye, which look like a strip or crescent. And if in this place a blood vessel burst, then the color of pus turns red or dark orange.

The ophthalmologist, examining the iris, can see its smoothness, discoloration. The pupil of the affected eye is narrowed and does not react to light, and its shape changes.


Iridocyclitis requires long-term treatment (one to six months). There are two ways of treating this inflammatory disease:

  1. Removal of inflammation;
  2. Obstruction of the appearance of adhesions and scars.

It is necessary to prevent the appearance of scarring and adhesions, as they can lead to complications or loss of vision.

For the removal of inflammation usually prescribed hormonal drugs, for example, hydrocortisone. The medicine can be local or in the form of tablets. When iridotsiklite with purulent discharge is recommended to take antibiotics.

This figure schematically depicts the normal eye: the lens (1), the iris (2), the ciliary body (3), the cornea (4). The pupil (5) has a regular round shape. In severe iridocyclitis, the pupillary margin of the iris grows with the lens, and it itself is protruded into the anterior chamber of the eye (6). Irregular shape pupil

To prevent the appearance of adhesions and scarring, medications are prescribed that extend pupil, in conjunction with physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis with lidase or trypsin, heating and so Further.

Endogenous iridocyclitis is treated in a complex way, that is, it is necessary to eliminate both the underlying underlying disease and iridocyclitis itself.It should be noted that in winter this disease is treated more difficultly, therefore, experts recommend avoiding a prolonged stay in the cold, so as not to overcool.


Complications as a result of iridocyclitis may appear in twenty percent of cases. They are very dangerous both for the eyesight and for the health of the eyes as a whole.

Inflammation can go to the cornea, sclerotic membrane, posterior parts of the vessels, and also to the optic nerve. Iridocyclitis is also dangerous because it can lead to a fusion of the pupil, secondary glaucoma, retinal detachment, eye atrophy, abscess of the vitreous body and so on.


To prevent the occurrence of endogenous iridocyclitis, all chronic infections should be eliminated to the end, as well as examined and treated in a timely manner any diseases. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system, monitor the cleanliness and health of the oral cavity.

Chronic iridocyclitis is dangerous for its complications, so when the first symptoms of inflammation should consult a specialist.



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Iridocyclitis necessarily requires treatment. Its form can be established only by an ophthalmologist. Therefore, when you go to the doctor, the patient will receive proper treatment. The earlier the iridocyclitis is diagnosed, the faster it can be cured.

It must be remembered that iridocyclitis is dangerous for its relapse, so prevention is simply necessary. It will help to maintain immunity at the proper level. Otherwise, it can spread to the optic nerve, which will lead to its atrophy.

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