Inexpensive and effective ointments from hemorrhoids: a list of the best

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ointment from hemorrhoidsFrom a huge list of drugs that help fight this disease, patients often choose inexpensive but effective ointments from hemorrhoids.

This is due to the fact that topical preparations quickly act on the nodes, stop bleeding, remove other symptoms without affecting the digestive system.

In this article, we will try to find out which hemorrhoids ointment copes better with the manifestations of the disease, and also compare the prices, and consider the reviews on various drugs. This will help us determine an effective, and at the same time inexpensive means for fighting internal or external hemorrhoids.

What is part of ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids?

The composition of ointments has a wide variety of active substances:

  1. Hemostatic ointments, that is, stopping the blood, as well as diluting it and thereby preventing the formation of thrombi.
  2. There arephlebotonic drugs, whose action is aimed at reducing the size of the nodes.
  3. Otherhave anti-inflammatory effect or contain anesthetics, contributing to the elimination of pain syndrome.
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Ointments should be applied after defecation, as well as hygienic procedures in the form of an application. If there is internal hemorrhoids, you should lubricate the anus from the inside.

Pros of using ointments

Ointments and suppositories as a remedy for this ailment have a number of advantages. First of all, they are the following:

  1. Multifunctionality. Many effective ointments from hemorrhoids solve several problems at once: they reduce itching, swelling and soreness, stop bleeding, etc.
  2. Efficiency. They have a high permeability, that is, they penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis, which causes a rapid relief of the patient's condition.
  3. Convenience. The drugs are really very convenient and easy to apply, because they are ready to use, have a uniform texture that is easily distributed.

The use of ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids helps to relieve inflammation, pain, swelling, itching, stop bleeding and accelerate the regeneration of tissues. Especially their use in the early stages of the disease. Timely therapy in this case helps prevent further development of the disease.

The best ointment from hemorrhoids: reviews, prices

It is impossible to say exactly which ointment is better from hemorrhoids. But definitely, the main plus of the drug is the convenience of use. Importantly, the local effect of ointments, which contributes to the safety of the whole organism.

Below is a list of the names of the most popular drugs:

  1. Ointment Vishnevsky - 40 rubles.
  2. Heparin ointment - 70 rubles;
  3. Levomekol - 130.00 rub.
  4. Gepatrombin G - 171.00 rubles;
  5. Troxevasin - 182.00 rubles;
  6. Bezornil - 303.00 rubles;
  7. Aurobin - 319.00 rubles;
  8. Proctosan - 340.00 rubles;
  9. Posterizan - 354.00 rub;
  10. Proctosedil - 366.00 rubles;
  11. Relief - 450 rubles;

According to reviews, these are the most common ointments against hemorrhoids with good efficacy, and at an affordable price.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

One of the most inexpensive, but effective ointments used to treat hemorrhoids. The main active substance is the blood-clotting reducing agent - heparin. Due to this, it prevents thrombosis and improves blood flow, contributing to the reduction of inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

Heparin ointment is not exclusively hemorrhoid, this remedy is also successfully used in varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, in the treatment of bruises and bruises. The price is 70 rubles.


The drug is most effective in the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

It has a good venoprotective effect, it has a beneficial effect on small vessels, the walls of which become more durable and elastic. In addition, the remedy removes inflammation, swelling and itching, facilitates the act of defecation. Price of 182.00 руб.

Chinese ointment for hemorrhoids

The composition of the drug is musk. The main purpose of the Chinese ointment is to fight against inflammation, pain, and burning. In addition, the drug promotes the regeneration of tissues, stops bleeding, removes puffiness, and has an astringent effect.

The drug is suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women in the first stages of its development. The price is 600 rubles.

Hepatrombin G

Combined multicomponent drug of local action, intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Has a pronounced anticoagulant, anti-allergic and anti-exsudative effect. It has moderate anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates the regeneration of tissues, promotes their healing.

Stimulating metabolic processes, and improving blood circulation, the drug prevents the development of thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Due to its effectiveness, Gepatrombin G is often used to relieve exacerbations of hemorrhoids before preparing for a surgical operation, and also in the postoperative and recovery period. Price 171.00 rub

Ointment Vishnevsky with hemorrhoids

Ointment Vishnevsky has been used for many decades to treat a variety of diseases. It is allowed for use in women during pregnancy and lactation.

This ointment from hemorrhoids is the cheapest, but effective. Thanks to its birch tar, xerobes and castor oil, it removes inflammation, accelerates the regeneration process and improves the overall anal area. The price is 40 rubles.


It is a combined medicinal product that is used to treat cracks in the anus and treat hemorrhoids at various stages of the disease. This drug has a pronounced local anti-inflammatory and analgesic, wound-healing and antipruritic effect.

Thanks to the components of the drug it helps to speed up the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the anus, reduces edema and reduces the tendency to bleeding. It is usually used to treat hemorrhoids of the first, second stage. Price 340.00 rubles.


Bezornil can be prescribed at any stage of hemorrhoid development. The drug is used to treat cracks and anterior passage. In the presence of internal hemorrhoids, Bezornil should be injected into the anus with a special applicator.

With external nodes, the ointment is applied to the affected areas several times a day. The drug may provoke the development of allergic reactions. The price is 303.00 rub.

Fleming ointment

Representing a homeopathic remedy designed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, Fleming's ointment contains only natural ingredients.

If you are a pregnant woman, a child, a nursing mother or a person of advanced age who need treatment for hemorrhoids, feel free to advise them to use this gentle medicine. The price is 320 rubles.

Ointment from hemorrhoids Relief Ultra, Relief Advance

Popular ointments, which include shark liver oil. The therapeutic effect is most pronounced in the initial stages of hemorrhoids.

Ointment stimulates the body's internal reserves, has healing, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory action, relieves swelling and itching. The price is 405 rubles (Advance), 480 rubles (ultra).

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The main purpose of the drug is to improve blood circulation. If the ointment is used to treat hemorrhoids and apply to the rectal zone, the vessels of the small pelvis become stronger and "more enduring".

Hemorrhoids ointment for pregnant women

Ointment from hemorrhoids during pregnancy, and, of course, after giving birth and breastfeeding the baby should be chosen with special responsibility. The problem is that at this time the majority of women at risk of earning this unpleasant disease, or begin to suffer from an exacerbation of its symptoms and manifestations.

The following are the ointments that can be used during these periods:

  1. Troxevasin;
  2. Heparin ointment;
  3. Posterizan;
  4. Bezornil;
  5. Fleming's ointment;
  6. Levomekol;
  7. Ichthyol.
  8. A popular Relief ointment is used with caution, because there are risks.

First of all, the ointment from hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be based on the action of natural ingredients that are safe for the health of the mother, but also for the health of her baby. Before use, consult a specialist, and carefully read the instructions to the purchased product.

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