Symptoms and treatment of hepatitis C with folk remedies, independently, at home

Hepatitis C is a serious illness.

With such a diagnosis it is necessary to observe the doctor.

But, if you are a staunch opponent of drug therapy, adopt proven folk methods.

content of the article:
  • Traditional recipes
    • Mummies
    • herb milk thistle
  • Other ways at home
    • Hellebore Caucasian
    • Black radish
  • Juice therapy
    • cabbage and beets
  • Physiotherapy and water

procedures Traditional recipes


origin of this natural substance( the beneficial propertiesmummy) is still not completely clear.

One hypothesis for a mummy is understood as fermented excrement of a bat eating insects, which, in turn, drink the medicinal nectar of mountain herbs.

This organo-mineral concentrate is indicated for a variety of diseases, including for hepatitis C.

The product regenerates liver cells, allowing it to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide:

  • so the respiratory quotient is equalized and the percentage of blood sugar is reduced.
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First recipe for

  1. Dilute 15 g of mummy in hot water( 500 ml).
  2. For the first time, accept 25 cap.(half an hour before a meal).
  3. For 7 days, add a single use to 60 drops.
  4. Next, drink a teaspoon of elixir, twice a day.

For the therapeutic period( 21 days), 60 g of mummies are consumed.

And what do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of the oak bark? What diseases it helps to get rid of is written in a useful article.

On the benefits of dried strawberries for human health is written on this page.

Second prescription

Dissolve 4 g of concentrate in warm milk, adding honey, grape or blueberry juice.

Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed, eating a raw egg( preferably home).

The course of treatment is thirty days .

The third recipe

  • In warm boiled water( 3 liters) throw three grams of mummy.
  • Drink 250 ml for 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

After 10 days, the medication is stopped for 5 days, then resumed until recovery.

Herb Thistle

This plant is considered one of the best natural liver doctors. In the course are rhizomes, leaves, seeds and oil( useful properties and contraindications).Of the latter, prepare a decoction, powder and tincture.

Seed broth

  1. Seeds( 3 tbsp.) Are ground in a coffee grinder.
  2. Dip them into boiling water( 500 ml) and do not remove from heat until the liquid has evaporated halfway.
  3. Filter and drink on a spoon 3 r.per day( after meals).

If one course( 30 days) is not enough, then after a short break the liver treatment is repeated by folk remedies.

The decoction can be intensified by simultaneous eating of seeds, increasing the number of "sessions":

  • per day - at least 12, according to art.spoonful per hour.

The course is designed for 21 days.

To exclude relapses, it is repeated after a two-week pause.

Decoction of chopped grass

  1. Stir in a boiling water( 250 ml) a teaspoon of raw material.
  2. Filter after a half-hour infusion.
  3. Drink 50 ml for 30 minutes before meals( 5 times a day).

The therapy cycle is 40 days, then interrupted for 14 days.

And what do you know about strawberries, the benefits and harms of which are described in the current article? Read the recommendations of traditional medicine.

How to take sprouted wheat with health benefits is written here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ produkty-pitaniya / grusha.html you can find out what benefit and harm the pear baked brings.

Treatment lasts for half a year and consists of 3 cycles of .

Tincture on vodka

Seeds( 50 g) are lowered into 0.5 liter decanter with vodka and left for two weeks.

Before use, the degree of drug is reduced by stirring 1/2 100 g of water. They drink 4 p.a day, half an hour before a meal.

The course of treatment lasts 60 days.

Natural honey

This doctor has also proven himself in the fight against chronic hepatitis. The product is saturated with microelements, which lack the weakened liver, and not only removes bile, but also inhibits the inflammation of the diseased organ.

When going to use honey( about medicinal properties and contraindications of lime is written here), it is necessary to pay attention to the volume of secreted gastric juice.

All those suffering from chronic hepatitis, drink a sweet solution of 3 r.a day, approximately, 1,5-3 hours before meals.

A tablespoon of honey is stirred in a glass with warm water and drunk immediately.

It is recommended course treatment in spring and autumn.

Course - 60 days.

Other methods at home

Herbal collection

For this you will need:

  • Brown hips( see the medical properties of this article).
  • The root of elecampane( which helps) high.
  • Roots and leaves of burdock( joint treatment).
  • Chamomile and sage.
  • Typical crock, tansy, wormwood, buckthorn, oak bark.
  • The horsetail of the field( see the photo and learn about the useful properties you can here) and the birdwalker.
  • Hypericum perforated and yarrow( photo and medical properties are described here).

You need 10 grams of each plant. Herbal mixture( 4 items of a spoon) is poured with a liter of boiling water.

Withstand for at least two hours under the lid( three can be).Drink 3 times a day for 100 ml.

Acne vulgaris

It is used as an adjuvant at the end of the main course of therapy.

Due to its virulence, hellebore( reviews of doctors for use and about contraindications read in this article) kills all bacteria, microbes and pathogenic fungi, penetrating into the blood, lymph and intercellular fluid.

The maximum daily dose is 0.02 grams.

For medical purposes, use a mustard spoon of raw , left overnight in 50 ml of boiled water. The therapeutic period takes at least a year:

  • during this time, any muck leaves the body.

The frostbite restores metabolism and uninterrupted liver function.

In order for the active components of hellebore to cleanse the liver more efficiently, its filtered infusion is drunk before bedtime.

Daisy perennial

The tablespoon of the plant is insisted in 1.5 liters of cooled boiled water, filtered and consumed half a cup three times a day.


Put 4 grams of leaves or seeds in a bowl with 1500 ml of water( useful properties of lyubistok as condiments).

After three hours, the liquid is filtered and drunk under Art.spoon 4 times a day.

Black radish

It is finely chopped, squeezing the juice. Liquid honey( 500 ml) is combined with a liter of black radish juice( use and harm) to take a couple of tablespoons, three times a day.

Radish in this recipe can be replaced with cranberries .

Corn stigmas

The plant( in the form of infusion and decoction) is shown with:

  • acute and chronic hepatitis,
  • cirrhosis,
  • cholecystitis,
  • inflamed gallbladder and other fungi.

The course is completed with the recovery of the patient.

Infusion is prepared from a handful of dry grass and 250 ml of boiling water.

Withstand for two hours.

  • for 3 tbsp.l.up to 5 times a day;
  • or three times, 80 ml each.

Decoction is made from 1 teaspoon of raw , dropped into 0.5 liters of boiling water.

On a water bath, corn stigmas( medicinal properties) are kept for about 30 minutes, removed from the fire and insisted for 60 minutes.

Drink 125 ml four times a day.

The treatment cycle continues until the disappearance of the anxiety symptomatology.

Juice therapy

Carrot juice

Carrot is considered the most useful product for our liver: it has a lot of vitamin A, delicately cleansing the weakened organ and restoring its destroyed tissues.

There is no need to worry about the possible jaundice of the skin:

  • this manifests a liver reaction to excess vitamin A.

It begins to be strenuously released from the poisonous substances, sending them into the blood along with a huge amount of bile.

Kidneys do not manage to excrete toxins, and the skin, yellowing from the increased load, comes to the aid of the urinary system.

Carrot juice( about the benefit and harm written here) is drunk in arbitrary doses and at any time of the day. Preferably, take it to an empty stomach.

Any unspoiled vegetables are suitable for squeezing juice.

If they contain pesticides, they will not fall into the juice, but remain in the cellulose. This is proved by the experiments of Dr. Norman Walker.

Cabbage and beetroot

Juices from these vegetables( about the benefit and harm of broccoli written here) for liver diseases are no less useful. But in order for their therapeutic properties to manifest themselves fully, the pressed juice is defended for 4 to 8 hours.

Carrot and cabbage fresh drink 250 ml to 3 times a day. Try to combine the power of two juices, beet and carrot, mixing them in a 1: 4 ratio.


The juice of this citrus also heals hepatic ailments.

In a glass with boiled water stir the juice of the fruit halves and a tablespoon of honey.

Medical gymnastics and water procedures

For hepatitis C and other liver diseases, drink clean water( a day from 2 to 3 liters) and do not forget about physical education.

  • Do curative gymnastics - wring from the wall and floor, rotate and tilt the body, march in place and gently massage the area of ​​the liver.
  • Take a relaxing bath:
    • in the phase of exacerbation of chronic hepatitis - every day.
  • Set enemas with chamomile broth:
    • they eliminate the yellow color of the skin.
  • Get up more often under a contrast shower:
    • 60 seconds under hot jet and 5 seconds under cold.
      Strip the water 10-15 times in one procedure.
It is not accepted to joke with hepatitis C, but if you are confident in your own abilities, even such a complex ailment can be defeated. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage and follow the advice of naturopathic doctors.

We suggest that you learn a few more video recipes for liver treatment that are not included in the article.

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