Effective eye drops from welding

Today, there are a number of "harmful" professional works, in the performance of which special care must be taken. This includes the work of a welder, in which you can injure the organs of vision. If you do not use special means for protection and look at flying sparks, then this is fraught with such complications as a burn of the mucous eye. Thus there is a number of unpleasant symptoms - pain, redness, burning. Help to overcome it can special drops.


  • 1Indications for use
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List of drugs
    • 3.1Painkillers
    • 3.2Antibiotics
    • 3.3Vasoconstrictive
    • 3.4Reducing drops
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Indications for use

The eyes are a vulnerable human organ that must be protected. If mistakes were made during welding, this affects the cornea of ​​the eye, causing a burn. As a result, this clinical picture is formed:

  • increased tear;
  • photophobia;
  • the opening of the eyes leads to severe pain;
  • redness;
  • puffiness and turbidity of the cornea.
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If there is a symptomatology present, then this is an occasion to purchase special eye drops.

Features of preparations

If you can not seek help from an ophthalmologist, then you can cope with the symptoms of eye damage during welding with eye drops. Today, several types of these drugs are produced:

  1. Vasoconstrictive. Due to these medications, you can completely completely get rid of the clinical picture that has arisen.
  2. Painkillers.Thanks to them you can freeze the pain syndrome, reduce itching and inflammation.
  3. Antibacterial.These drops reduce unpleasant manifestations due to the fact that they kill harmful bacteria that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process.

List of drugs


The first thing to do is to stop the eye pain caused by welding. To do this, use drops with a local anesthetic effect. The most effective are:

  1. Lidocaine. Apply 2% solution.
  2. Inokain. This drug can reduce the pain syndrome, while not causing irritation of the conjunctiva and the cornea, which can not be said about the previous medication.

The pain can be removed after 30 seconds after the application of the selected drug.

To relieve the pain in the eyes after welding, it is worth using these medicines only on the advice of a doctor. If you use drops uncontrolled often, it will lead to the development of erosion of the eye.


As soon as it was possible to stop the pain syndrome, it's worth taking care that the wound channels did not get infected. For this, it is necessary to use drops with antibacterial effect. Such preparations remain effective:

  1. Sulfacil sodium. Effective medication, which is often used in the presence of purulent discharge from the affected organ of vision.
  2. Zipromed. This medicine has a powerful antibacterial effect. It can be effectively used in the treatment of burns of the cornea and retina of the eye. Thus, it is possible to prevent the development of infection.
  3. Floxal. This remedy is one of the most advanced. Has a serious antibacterial effect for burns and infections of the internal surface of the mucosa.
  4. Normax. For this, the drug is characterized by all the same properties. He effectively copes with the bacterial environment, which struck the eye with a burn.
  5. Dexamethasone. It is a corticosteroid medication that perfectly corrects edema. Positive dynamics from these drops can be traced in 4-6 hours.

Drops with antibacterial effect have a quick positive result. This reduces swelling and inflammation, which rapidly develop in the cells of the cornea and the retina after getting a burn.


With the help of these drugs, you can stop the swelling of the cornea of ​​the optic, inflammation and redness.Very effective today are such drops as Vizin, Prokulin and Visoptin. They should be dripped 1 drop 3 times a day.

To have a noticeable positive effect, it is sufficient to use vasoconstrictive drops within 3 days.

Reducing drops

At the last stage of treatment, it is necessary to eliminate all the consequences of the resulting trauma. To do this, effectively use drops with a reducing effect.

Use drops for the treatment of a burn only if they are alternated. This will get the maximum and fast result.

Thus, in turn, you can use these drugs:

  1. Emoxipine. This drug has a tonic effect in relation to the vessels of the eyes. With the use of drops it is possible to dissolve the hemorrhage in the mucosa of the visual organ, and also to normalize the blood flow in the vessels.
  2. Derinath. This product is suitable for quickly and non-scarcely removing burns from welding. Due to the active components, it is possible to accelerate the restoration of damaged tissues.
  3. Vitasik. The effect of this drug is directed to the improved healing of the internal environment of the visual organ.

Use the funds need to consistently with an interval of 1 hour. This will optimally affect the area of ​​the lesion.

Recommendations for use

In order to obtain the maximum effect from the drops used, the following recommendations should be used:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Using bottled water, rinse the eyes thoroughly.
  3. Examine the mucous eyes in front of the mirror. If there are visible metal particles, then you can get rid of them with a sterile cotton swab. Do it gently, without exerting pressure on the eye.
  4. Wet a cotton swab in the water and apply for a couple of minutes to the eye.
  5. After the done activities, you can use the prescribed drops for the eyes.

Eye drops from allergies: list

All about the drug for treating Quinaks eyes will tell this article.

Eye drops due to eye fatigue from the computer and other irritants http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/effektivnye-kapli-ot-pokrasneniya-i-vospaleniya-glaz.html




The work of a welder is quite dangerous because one can get a burn of the mucous eye. If you do not start timely treatment, then it is fraught with various complications, including visual impairment. And although all the drugs are very effective, they should be used only after consulting a specialist, so as not to get the opposite effect.

Also, read about what drops are used to reduce intraocular pressure and with conjunctivitis.

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