Products for vision

It is known that some products have a positive effect on visual acuity. And all thanks to the vitamins and trace elements contained in them.

In order for the eyes to be healthy, the food should be full and varied.Well, if the diet is rich in vegetables and fruits. Vegetable salads, freshly squeezed juices combined with a small amount of protein products, cereals and sour milk drinks are just what the eyes need.


  • 1Vitamins for eyesight
  • 2Products containing vitamins
  • 3What is and what not to eat
  • 4Potassium and Vitamins
    • 4.1Potassium
    • 4.2Vitamin A
    • 4.3Carotene
    • 4.4Vitamin C
    • 4.5Vitamin B1
  • 5Vitamin B2
  • 6Vitamin B6
  • 7Vitamin B12
  • 8How to safely consume vitamins
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Vitamins for eyesight

Doctors recommend drinking vitamins for eyesight with such diseases as myopia, hyperopia, cataract, glaucoma and so on.

at the initial stage of the disease, vitamins will help slow the progression of pathology.

Also, do not neglect the vitamins of those who are at risk - these are, for example, hypertensive people, diabetics, patients with atherosclerosis

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. For preventive purposes, vitamins are prescribed after forty years to prevent age-related changes in vision.Also, vitamin therapy is necessary for people who spend a lot of time at the computer.

Consider the most popular vitamins for vision:

  • Strix Forte. This drug belongs to the group of dietary supplements.It is prescribed for myopia, visual exertion, glaucoma, diabetic retinal lesions. Vitamins included in its composition, ensure the normal functioning of the retina:
    • Beta-carotene helps maintain visual acuity with prolonged exertion, improves twilight and color vision.
    • Anthocyans of blueberries are antioxidants that prevent the development of cataracts and vascular disorders.
    • Vitamins E and C provide eye nutrition due to the stabilization of the walls of the capillaries.
    • Lutein serves as a light filter, protecting the retina from damage by short-wave radiation.
    • Zinc and selenium support the normal activity of the muscular and neural tissues of the eyes.
Strix Forte is a dietary supplements
  • Blueberry Forte. Blueberry Forte is a bilberry extract.Pigments of berries are antioxidants, protect the vessels of the eyes, improve metabolic processes in tissues. Also, the drug contains vitamin C, B vitamins, zinc and rutin. Blueberry Forte is prescribed for cataracts, glaucoma, myopia.
Blueberry Forte protects the vessels of the eyes
  • Lutein Complex. The main active ingredient is lutein.It protects the eyes from age-related changes and the development of macular degeneration. Thanks to the leading vitamins E, copper, zinc, selenium, blueberry extract, metabolic processes are improved, the negative impact of free radicals is prevented.
Lutein Complex protects the eyes from age-related changes
  • Vitrum Vision.Vitamin preparation is used to treat and prevent myopia, improve twilight vision, reduce the risk of developing cataracts.It consists of vitamins C and E, lutein, zeaxanthin, copper and zinc.
Vitrum Vision treats myopia

Also there are vitamins for the eyes in the form of drops. They ensure fast delivery of active substances, therefore they are considered to be sufficiently effective.

Products containing vitamins

There are products that are very useful for the eyes. We will now consider this list:

  • Blueberry. It helps maintain visual acuity and reduce eye fatigue, thanks to its constituent vitamins B1 and C, as well as pigment lutein. It should be noted that berries well retain their properties, even frozen or in the form of jam.
  • Carrot. It contains many vitamins useful for the eyes. Thanks to beta-carotene, carrots help maintain visual acuity. From carrots you can prepare a salad by filling it with sour cream, or put it out with cream. This method of preparation improves the absorption of fat-soluble carotene.
  • Pumpkin. It includes lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamins C, A, B1, B2 and zinc. From a pumpkin you can prepare salads, soups, cereals, and even tasty and wholesome desserts.
  • Onion and garlic. They help to preserve or restore the clarity of vision due to the fact that they are rich in sulfur.
  • Spinach. Spinach contains lutein, which protects the eyes from cataracts.
  • Broccoli. It also contains lutein, zeaxanthin and carotene.
  • Fruit. The most useful are green and orange fruits, for example, kiwi, oranges, grapes, peaches.
  • A fish. Seafood is a source of omega-3. This fatty acid is necessary for good vision. There are a lot of omega-3s in salmon, sardine, herring and mackerel.
  • Cottage cheese. It contains vitamin B2, which stimulates and maintains the metabolism in the cornea and the lens, and vitamin B12 improves blood flow to the eyes.
  • Black chocolate. In the composition of black chocolate, there are flavonoids, which strengthen the cornea and protect the vessels.

What is and what not to eat

In order to maintain eye health, it is recommended to eat foods that contain carotenoids.They help improve the performance of the retina. Such products include carrots, pumpkin, vegetables and fruits of yellow, red, orange and green.

Also it is possible to include in the diet nutritional supplements with bilberry extract, beta-carotene and trace elements, which promote retinal nutrition and improve vision. Do not forget about the vitamins of group B. They, with regular consumption, improve the work of the optic nerve.

if you want your eyesight to be always good, exclude from your diet alcoholic beverages, canned food, coffee, refined sugar, smoked products.

Potassium and Vitamins

To restore vision it is recommended to combine potassium and the following groups of vitamins:

  1. A.
  2. IN 1.
  3. AT 2.
  4. AT 6.
  5. AT 12.
  6. FROM.


Potassium is irreplaceable for the eyes.It is a soft alkaline metal of a silvery white color. In our body, potassium is in cells.

with a lack of potassium in the body, violations in the work of skeletal and cardiac musculature, acute neuralgia develop.

The norm of potassium: 600-1700 milligrams per day for children, 1800-5000 milligrams per day for adults.

A lot of potassium contains apples, honey and apple cider vinegar. Slightly less in parsley, potatoes, celery, green onions, raisins, dried apricots, melons and oranges.

In order to provide the body with potassium enough to drink a glass of water, dissolving in it a teaspoon of honey and eat a serving of salad dressed with vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar. You can also bake or put out fruit with honey.

It should be remembered that the absorption of potassium facilitates vitamin B6, but hampers alcohol.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a group of chemically related substances, which includes carotenoids and retinoids. TOArthinoids are substances of plant origin, and retinoids are of animal origin. Vitamin A is highly soluble in oils, but poorly soluble in water.

Vitamin A is involved in the creation of the visual signal, with its deficiency, the wetting of the cornea is disrupted, vision deteriorates, immunity decreases.

Daily rate milligram.

Vitamin A can be found in the liver of cod, cheese, fish oil, egg yolks, cream and butter.


Carotene is a yellow-orange pigment, a vitamin A provitamin.He is involved in the production of vitamin A in the body. 6 micrograms of beta-carotene = 1 microgram of vitamin A.

The daily norm for an adult is 5 milligrams.

Carotene is rich in sea-buckthorn berries, carrots, sweet peppers, rosehips, mountain ash, green onions, parsley, apricots, spinach.

carrots are better absorbed together with fats, so before you eat carrots or drink carrot juice, it is recommended to eat a sandwich with butter.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble organic compound that enters the body with plant food.

In plants, vitamin C is contained in the form of ascorbic acid, sodium salts, calcium salts, or as isoascorbic acid.It plays a very important role in the body, since it regulates the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, oxidation-reduction processes, keeps capillary permeability at an appropriate level.

this vitamin is a fortifying and preventive agent. With its lack, hemorrhages and destruction of the eye tissues can occur.

It must be remembered that our body does not produce vitamin C, so it must act along with such products like rose hips, black currants, mountain ash, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, red pepper, potatoes.

Daily rate: 70-100 milligrams.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 or thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin and requires daily intake.It is replenished from products and from substances synthesized by the intestinal microflora. This vitamin is easily destroyed by contact with metals and cooking.

Daily rate: 15 milligrams.

Vitamin B1 is found in meat, kidneys, liver, potatoes, rye bread, barley, yeast, soybeans.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is an important water-soluble coenzyme for many biochemical processes.In its pure form it is represented by yellow-orange crystals with a bitter taste.

when there is a lack of vitamin in the body, hemorrhages in the tissues can occur due to rupture of small vessels.

B2 is a complex of drugs used in diseases of the optic nerve and retina, as well as to prevent the maturation of cataracts.

Daily rate: 5 milligrams.

You can get vitamin B2 from apples, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, meat, nuts, wheat grains, yeast.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin. He does not accumulate in the body, the poet must come from food. Vitamin B6 normalizes the work of the nervous system.With its lack, the eyes quickly become tired and overexert.

Daily rate: 2 milligrams.

A lot of this vitamin in cedar and walnuts, milk, egg yolk, fish, liver, yeast, wheat, cabbage.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is a group of biologically active substances that contain cobalt.This is the only water-soluble vitamin that can accumulate in the body, but is not very well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

This vitamin is involved in the formation of red blood cells.

vitamin B12 is found only in products of animal origin (milk, fish, cheese, liver, meat, cottage cheese, egg yolks) and is synthesized by the intestinal microflora. It is best absorbed with the beets.

Daily rate: 3 micrograms.

How to safely consume vitamins

There are several rules that you need to know in order to properly consume vitamins and foods containing them in its composition:

  1. Do not over-saturation with vitamins. Their excess can cause damage to the respiratory and liver organs, convulsions may occur and deposits of salts may appear.
  2. Vitamin A in tablets can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. In large doses, it causes chronic or acute poisoning.
  3. Less dangerous is the intake of vitamin C and B vitamins, because they are easily eliminated from the body.
  4. Vitamins B2 and C are rapidly destroyed by heating, dissolution in water and oxidation in air. Therefore, when cooking vegetables, it is better to pour them with boiling water, cover and let stand, and not cook.
  5. Fruits and vegetables should not be cooked in copper or iron utensils.
  6. It is better to choose fresh, unprocessed dairy products, vegetables, fruits, nuts and greens.



At the first signs of eye strain, visual impairment and other disorders, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to one's nutrition and provide the eyes with a full rest.

As an additional source of vitamins and trace elements, you can use pharmacy multivitamin preparations or products that are rich in them.But remember that in taking vitamins you need to know the measure.